J 1 ' f ' " , fill T 'HI, .1 ' HVio : : : rrr. ... . ,n i 1 -r- . f 1 TW1 snn at HnTF? I f Liven. THAT PfMMPTW f THCWCM. TM 3 Ol Vfi- Ji JLi "if y i CHfw orliitlonri to t)8 Ih that thin lnWrAnnf' nf fitwnlly lncrcHHCB. M tYoii will recognize that UjIh is ft good reason, bccauuo'. back of tho InereaiuJ of prescription work Ih tho'lncreaso of tfoiMjdenco on tho part of physicians and tho general public, qajyldunco coiiioh from knowledge and more and moro tuinnlii urn lutlf nlllfr nil Mm limn llmi nn I. II. . ........ SlJ " viiimno viiu lllliu iimi wu uiu ll UVltllIl BUI V" icuior wo moBi ronnuio character. Trlcca uro nteo JtiHt.ttB reaaonable aa the Horvlco Is fine. NEVER SUBSTITUTE 1 I c. A. Mead 1b In Seattle on Talesof the Town ; $ -Tho big sale Is still going on at'AVolf & AHUer'B. v u 0. It. IlaBtingB of Thurston was in Springfield on business SnCurday. J Canmllim Field Peas, and bcou barley at the Sprlngflcld Feed Co. 1. Ernest Tyler und family leave this week for Pomeroy, Wash ington, to reside. Leather Is high but wc are selling harness cheaper than ever. Wolf & Miller. It Is a duty you owe your self to havo your shoes repaired by JInll, the Shoe Doctor. Mrs. Al Montgomery spent the business. Ground bono and oyster shell. M. C. Dressier & Son.' a W. II. McGilvray went to Uoseburg today on business. . Hear Dufour In pouplar songs at tho Bell Monday ovo. Now is tho time to get your sweat pads cheap. Wolf & Miller. Mrs. Percy Tyson Is confined to her home with an attack of jrheumatlBm. Buy your hay, feed nhd flour at the Feed Store. We sell it cheaper. II. W. Rcnnc returned last week from St. Helens, where he had been employed for (some time. Now is the time to get that week-end with her daughter oiu bur cleaned ana repaired or Mrs, Herbert Smecd, at Walter- ;avc a now one inauu at jen vlllo. 04 If. J. Co of tho Booth-Kelly ofllco force here, went to Coburg Saturday on business for the company. i Ppurlng of concrete on the new Budd McPherson building wlllibcgin tomorrow. The forma J" -r arciaii in piaco. ii tt V kins, Fourth Streeu m 00 Married in Eugene, Sunday, April 11, 191C, Arthur Ishmael of Cottage Grove, and Mrs, Lau ra J. Smith of Thurston. They will make their home In Eugene. 00 Mrs. J. F. Dean of Fall Creek and daughter Myrtle wero In J Springfield today on business. ITMinv tm in Mnrnnln Hiln nftnr- II W Wnllrnt nnil finnrtrn Pnr. i ,.ii. l . ...... .v. iiuuii w VIOIl. 111UUUD. IkiiiB returned to Portland yes terday to continue their duties oh tho Jury in the federal court. 0 0 0 Wm. Dufour, the songster, Tho 5-reel feature, "The Great Stroke," will be shown at the Bell Tuesday evening. First show starts at 7:15; second one will sing at tho Bell Monday eve- jnt 8:30. You should be present nlng such songs as "Within the nt the opening to enjoy the show Law," "Michigan," and others. 0 t. Mrs. A. II. Collins came In last If you pay more than tho cvonlng from oakdale, Cnllfor pric.o of a New Perfection OH ;nu to visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. stovo you pay too much. If you R Durrhl aml Mr nnU Mrs j R pay less you got less. Hayden&iStanI Mr ColUnB is em. iAIetcalf, tho Homo Furnishers. ;i)loycu on the Wniamettc-Pacinc at Acme. Parties wishing to contribute clothing to the Asoclated Char- C, P. Poole, formerly editor of the Lane County Stnr, now an undertaker at Ilarrlsburg, was In Siirlnirflnld Kjitnrtlnv nftcr- noon having made the trip up'Itles will please ask their gro on his motorcycle. eery dellverymen to take tlio supplies to E. -E. Morrison's, ' -Fresh Garden Seeds at the hereH1 , be laken caroof( Feed Store. Also Fertilizers for Ti,x rxmnmr .Root Crops and Foliage Crops, Spray Material etc. We invite Inspection,, and, our prices aro tho best. 00 II. M. Stewart, Bf A.ash JENNIE FENWICK, Pres. Associated Charities. Mrs. Emma Ilagsdale, for merly teacher of the school at Thurston and her sister, Miss burno and C. E. Swarts, tho only i Myrtle Green, wero In Spring Shrlners residing In Springfield, I field Saturday evening on their attended the banquet given by .way to Oakridgo to visit anoth tho Shrlners in Eugene last FrI- er sister, Mrs. Landis, whose day evening. They report a most husband Is in the forest service enjoyable time. there. SPRING SUITS Wo have a fine nssortnjp.nt of Spring Suits, including tho latest Tartan stripes, Overplalds and Glenlnauardts, just In from Tho House of Kuppenhelmor. Priced from $16.50 To $25i00 Your Inspection is Invited. mmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmmmfmmmKmmmmm 6t Mrs. IH 'WJlffatni. After contest of nimble fingers; m which Mrt. Va'fentlne ws Mr . Khd Mrs. "J C. Multeh en- tertained tlw Whist cUb ThUri! day night. AfUr. sficnding day nlbht Aft,r, spending, a pleasant evening al the game tho hostess served a two course luncheon. The club members receiving prizes wero Mrs. A. Middloton, first prizo; and Mrs. 13. A. WaBhbumo, consolation prlzo. Tho guest prizes wero won by Mrs.II. Sangatho and Mi's. F. DePuc. The club mem bers present wore: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Machcn, Mr. and Mrs. A. MIddlcton, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Larimer, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bryah, Mrs. B. A. Washburne. Tho guests wero Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Pecry, Mr. and Mrs. v . iM- Pue, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rcbham, Mr. and Mrs. H, Sangathe, and Mr. J. F.Kctels. Tho members of the Prlscilla club of Springfield mot at the homo of Mrs. IS. O. Browning on Illlyard street, Eugene, last Friday afternoon. Tho Invited guests were Mrs. H. 0. Bowcn, Mrs. M. E. Browning of Eugene; Mrs. P. L. Drury, Mrs. J. W. Cof fin, Mrs. P. A. Wooley, Mrs. N. W. Emery, Miss Chlole Wooley, Mrs J. T. Moore of Sprlngflcld. Tho afternoon was delightfully spent with fancy work; inter spersed with singing and piano selections. Later in the after noon Mrs. Borwning served a most delicious three-course Inchcon, using in all the service the handsome handpainted china which sho has herself decorated. A very enjoyable social fol lowed the business meeting of the Berean class at the Christian church Friday evening. Punch and wafers were served during the course of the evening, and the fifty members of the class and their guests had a very jolly time. Tho losing side in a cook book contest recently held in the Emanon club, under the leader ship of Mrs. Marvin Drury, Fri day afternoon entertained tho members of Mrs. E. E. Morri son's winning side at the homo igTHC DWAYMAH ASSURES THE &O0B JUB&E. p Awarded a very valuable cook book for being the cleverest, a novel kitchen utensil contest waft held, and tho gem of a" prize fell to Mrs. Silas Gay. A delicious chicken pie dinner was served. The "guests" were Mrs. E. E. Morrison,. Mrs. II. E Wal ker, Mrs. Geo. Catching, Mrs. W. A. Dill, Mrs. I. C. Sutton, Mrs. Cableel, Mrs. A. Valentine, Mr. Henry McCullum, Mrs. Ernest Tyler, Mrs. S. Gay and Miss Ger trude Williams. The "cooks" were Mrs. Marvin Drury, Mrs, Jtohn Sparks, Mrs. VIn Williams, Miss Edna Swarts, Miss Ethel Conley, Miss Vinle McPherson, Mrs. L. A. Bass, Mrs. J. E. Ed wards and Mrs. .1. Jackson. The Progressive Twenty-two held a most interesting social session at the home of Mrs. L. B. Durrin, Friday evening. The club decided to serve the ban pu'et for the Development League on Tuesday, April 20. Mrs. M. M. Lord of Seattle, was a guest of the club, and the following members were pres ent: Mrs. Mabel Gay, Mrs. W. F. Walker, Mrs. S. Richmond, Mrs. J. P. Fry, Mrs. . William Donaldson, Mrs. H. E. Walker, Mrs. Milton Bally, Mrs. H. W. Renne, Mrs. J. E. Staniger, Mrs. L. W. Clark, Mrs. M. L. France, Mrs. C. M. Dorrity, Mrs. Jessie Newman, Miss Alice Kester. At the close of the business session the hostess served a most appe tizing luncheon. Mrs. J. P. Fry was the charm ing hostess of the Needlecraft Thursday afternoon. Lilacs and apple blossoms made the rooms redolent of Spring and a dainty luncheon served to regale the guests. Members of the craft . .i on . . .,a present were Mrs. Carl Fischer, founty 241,780. Planted in the Mrs. Milton Bally, Mrs. Robert. s.ZfJ?JXl''1A f nf iha Drury, Mrs. R. L. Kirk, Mrs. L. ' "?nlZi fn,f ffi A. Bass! Mrs. Pearl Walker, Mrs. pme. Protection fund as fol- r.atnhlntr Hnnctn nf ttin fliih WlIQCtttS, were Mrs. Frank Lenhart, Mrs. 1 A little o "Kight-Gut," the J- Meal lobaCcQ Chew, gives you the tobacco comfort you are entitled to. Satisfies you better than any of the old, kind. Richer, finer flavor. Lasts longer.' Pure, rich, sappy tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough. Take a very email chew lew tfeaa ese-qtHKter tb old tizc. It trill be sere aatifria tiua a mouthful of ordHwry t&baceo. Jutt Bibble oh it until yea tad i the lre4h ehew that MtSta you. Tttek it ewar. Thea let it ret. See bow eaiily aad evealr the real t&baeco tatte eomet, how It &athe without risdta, hew muck ieu yon bare to (pit, how few chews yoa t&e te be tobacco Mti6e4. That'c why it h Tig t Ttiteee Ckeu. That's why it east Im ia the esd. It fi rewjf efecw, ct ae tad thert thred toAtjm ma't Imtb to Srlad oa k wh rear tttlk. Cimiiat ea ordiauy frjini tbto ankes yea tpk too math. The ti el pare rih tobseco dke ba( seed to be cortred tin with moUim. cad Sconce. Nuice bow lk uk brial trot the rich tobtcu UKC in"Kitt-Ci(. One small clicw takes the place of two big ' chews of the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY 1 SO Union Souare. New York (BUY FROM DEALER OR SEND IQSTAMPSTOUS M. M.,Lord (Seattle), Mrs. MontKomery. Al. City Attorney J. H. Bower is In Portland on business. We have Chick Food and Grit. M. C. Bressler &.Son. Let this soak in. Save your money by letting Hall repair those old shoes. I ., --tlTresh .milk ,delivered.,night and morning irom i'ruueviiip Sam Beissell of Waltervillo Dairy. Any one wishing milk was In Sprlngflcld Saturday. The Brilliant Vacuum Cleaner for sale $19.50, or for rent $1.25 per day. See Dale Mummey. 14 o e call 34F3. -hnilk. 258: In state, 5425 $5425 "Cougars, 24; in state, state : : 4350 "Wolves in the County, 4; in state, 31 620 10,0.80 W.C. ,.u:.ti,i. ris'- -T.'Hi' GX5LUMN. "Votes for Women" Victories. Six states will vote upon the woman suffrage question at the We have our own 15tf Rev. Davis and Hugh Hampton "Ptgejieral .elfcUon-West Vir f,..v.n r,.,cr guiia, New York, Massachusetts, nartv this niornlne cointr four New Jersey, Iowa and South Da- MIrkps Mvrtlft nnil T.nov C.n- X nZ. e nr,, KOta. 1 he legislature 01 ATKan- j ui live iiiuca Ll Will 1UUIUUC HUCIC , , , . . . ..v, ,J penhaver spent tho week-end ; they will camp for a week or ten . sas vfot,ed,to submit such amend .... t.. e ?ie 1 f I . 1 monr linr tnnsmiirn n5 rhf mv UL ItlU 11U1I1U UL1UI. UUU (In VS S T i ... I ' ueorge uuumr at yveuuung. Persons owing tho Spring field Feed Co., for longer than 30 days are requested to call and tT? 1 " . ; r : . . . modern, up-to-date market, lDak' IlnL?. n A BIGELOW '0ne "ouse uas PaBSed a woman ft v C. E. Sales, Toggery Harmon Green, formerly one of tho proprietors of the Elite cafeteria hero, arrived from Portland Saturday night on a business trip. Surprise your wife with a Now Perfection oil stove and she will certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness. Hayden & Mctcalf, the home furnishers. 0 Early chickens bring good monoy- Get your supplies at the Feed Store. We aro carrying extra lines this year and are go ing to sell them cheaper. ' J. W. Coffin returned Sunday evening from Portland where he had visited for a few- days with relatives and had attended tho funeral of his nephew, J. J. Shipley, formerly postmaster there and at tho time of his death a deputy assessor. He had been ill with Brlght's disease for twp months. Charles Rlvett last week had a stairway constructed In tho rear of his building, occupied by M. C. Bressler & Son, so that tho second story can be used as a display room for merchandise. At present It is being utilized simply as a storage room and it could bo reached only by a freight elevator. Mr. and Mrs. Jesso Scavey. Mrs. Welby Stevens and Tom Abeeno went to Oakland, Ore gon, tSunday morning to attend tho funeral there of Mrs. Am mitha Abeeno, who dlqd hero on Friday. They returned that ovo nirig, tho Seavoys and Mrs. Stev ens comtng from Goshen by au tomobile with Mr. Stevens. i ment, but inasmuch as the law provides that only three "consti- I am now located in my new I lueuo"Tlt Tw quarters next to the News of- PeoPle e -J? u t itu were already three others it my old customed and oTose ' cannot be voted upon at the next In Pennsylvania, Iowa, North suffrage measure. Of the first 3imt p r wiru nf tho QnrW-1 two this Is the second legislature sSJ.IVMflSS'WS. nf tiin TTnivpraHv of Orpeon ifc Is more than likely that the wenUo SwS Hmno on thegSi: Vlo of these states will vote uslaw Saturday mornine for a uPon this quesUon next Novem- CAME WARDEN TAKING .BiSp5&a?Bi?th!S? CENSUS OF LANE FISH ?nedSH5lft?ac" UUU in J-O uua uccfi lavuisure. Game Warden E. C. Hills of Eugene addresses the following communication to the fishermen of Lane County: "To induce ,the Game Com mission to give us more fish to Prohibition Advance. Six months ago there Avere nine prohibition states. Today there are 19 provided the gov ernor of Utah signs the bill just IU KIVO UO 111UH5 IU , , ,,, 1tr,l Av. tr.. ..l..l. T 1.1 1I1. 11-1. rtl. IJUbSCU uy IJIC ICfilDlttlUlC. " ijiaiit. i duuuiu uivu a iiou ui 11011 - . n, -1 aa caught in various streams of u"6?00!1 Lane county. Please send me a list each month of your catch. I wish to make Lane County the ideal fishing streams of the state. "Last year report during April, May and June was 124,823, and July report 8,478. Total 133,301. List of fish planted in Lane Classified Ads For Sale, Rent, Wanted Etc. WANTED Boarders and room ers at the Elite Hotel. FOR SALE Eggs Irom fancy bred Partridge Wyandot,ts $1.00 per 15 at the house, 6th , and D streets Springfield, Or. Phone 108 R Wi L. Dunkp 1 R. O. A. hall for rent. Well ven tilated and lighted, clean and warm. Kitchen and dining room attached. Rates reason able. Apply to Fred Watke, Gilbert Davis or W. A. Hall. FOR SALE 17-ft. new boat. Call at Springfield Planing Mill or Phone 130W3. 9tf. -ROOM HOUSE and lot for sale or rent. Modern conven iences. Easy terms. Call at News office FOUND On Main street last Wednesday evening, oblong agate cuff button. Bring mate and pay for this notice and get your property. Mrs. R. G. Van Valzah. .tl lower house of Vermont has passed a prohibition referendum , bill, ' South Carolina, tird ofitf . unsatisfactory dispeiisry :law; Kf has referred the question of state-wide prohibition to the people, vote to be taken Septem ber 14. Montana has submitted a statutory law to be voted upon in 1916. In eight other legislatures state-wide prohibition measures have been introduced, namely, t New York, DelawareNew Mexi- g. cb, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wiscon sin. States planning for cam paigns next year aro California, Florida, Kentucky, Nebraska, Texas. Wyoming. Texas enters a campaign this year under the in less than half a year! Ar kansas, Iowa and Idaho were all lnnde drv last month bv leeisla- itivn fliinr.tnient. the law to eo Initiative, the question to be into effect January 1, rJiq. voted upon uy tne people nexc South Dakota's legislature has November. submitted the question to popu-1 lar vote at the next election. The We print butter wrappers. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, ni they cannot icach the Ulioovi portion of tha ear. Tberu Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is uy consiiiuuonai rcineuio. ueawess is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mu cous lining- of the Eustachian Tube. When this tuba Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or ttnporfeot hcarlnc, and when It Is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can bo taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever: nlno cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give' One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by cattirrh) that oannot be' cured by Kail's CaUrrh Cure. Send for circulars, free, F.'J. ?HEN'KV CO.. Tqledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, TC& Tako llall'o family Tills for constipation. This Will Whet Your Appetite This store is filled with the choicest groceries money can buy with groceries entirely free from all adulterations with groceries of tho mQSt absolute and unquestioned pur ity with groceries that build up the system and instill that remarkable energy which Insures success in life. NICE & MILLER nnnn-sita Commercial State Bank F.icno 0 wrr