mui uc CttMtikHlii Tk SjirJutfitM Nsws an Lae Cmty tar, Whick Wr CHMlMattf Fefcmary 10, 1914. KuTerM Pctirii(irrVI,loai, lit ftnrliiRnfM, Oropinn, ioconl e;;ijiitcr umiornctol CoiiKreM ol March, l7l. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1915. VOL. XIV. NO. COUNT? NEWS Mr? m i mi m DATAPULTED LIGHT SETS B AON AF RE Lantern Tossed Into Loose Hny town of lone. wnon uniryman uroaKo , Through Floor. BouthoHHt of Springfield, tcnl acres In College Croat addition' to Eugeno nnd llvo lotB In tho Willamette addition to Portland, to Harney May, of Portland, and IJurnoy May, of Portland, and II. I). Plorco, of HarrlBburg, for n wheat ranch of 1153 acres In Morrow county, not far from tho ROLLS BACKWARD OUT OF BURNING LOFT fMghbprs Come to Assistance , oi i. cima ana construct ' Temporary Barn. Prizes Glvon for Plowing. , Tho plowing contest held at Dqxtcr Inst Thursday proved to bo ono of tho largest gatherings oi larmcrs and tiiclr families over held In that neighborhood. uy nctuui count tucro were 101 persons present, besides It. B. Coglon, county agriculturist, and Prof, H. T. French, of the Oregon Agricultural college mere were 10 contestants and tho winners were as follows: A quick back BonimorHault Tom Cruzan, first: William Cru- out of the buy lort saved I. CHne zan, second; Asa TlHon, third; of Prunovlllo from Injury If not Homer Shurlcy, fourth; Clare death when his barn was de- Williams, fifth; nnd Ira IIIkkIiis. atroyed by llro Friday night. A sixth. Each contestant turned lantern tossed Into tho nlr when a back furrow nnd mado from .Air. Cllno broke through tho eight to ten rounds. Professor lloor of his hay loft was the French judged the contest and causo or tno lire, two yarns made tiio awards and a silo wero totally destroyed Tho women of the neighbor and a quantity of hay and grain hood provided a splendid basket was lost, but all stock was ro- dinner at noon. This waB spread moved safely. Tno insurance is along tue road near the field $250. where tho contest was held. The Air. CHim hail returned at women seemed to take as much about I) o'clock from delivering Interest In tho contest as the milk In Springfield, and wont to nicn did and nil wcit; Interested tho barn to attend to ono of spectators, rroressor frencn thucows. As he wont to tho loft addressed the assemblage on for hay, ho placed his lantern In bou Fertility," during the day. a clear space just as lie had bo DEFER SELECTION OF GRADE TEACHERS EARLY RESIDENT GALLED By DEATH Mrs. Ammitha Abeene Came to Oregon In 1871 and to Spring field in 1890 Body is Taken to uaxiano, uregon. fore many times, and turned to nick, up some looso hay. As ho stepped forward, a board broke, aiiowmg one leg to urop tnrougn The Board of Education met tlie lloor. On tllO Otlier end Of Frldav ftvenlnir for tiin minion the same board was the lantern, of ronsMnrin fnrMmr tim nut. ...1.11. 1 t...l --------- w wmw wMiwBUH iiwuiB Kiruy tor or wring tenchers for the tho vibration of the bdard, and grades in tho Springfield schools 0 ther broke Or exploded When hut illrl nnt f-nmnlnt la wnrlr It struck tho floor near tho loose An adjourned meeting will be hay. In a twlnk ng the hay was held Friday evening of this week Hiiro unu iur. umiu ruauzuu iwaito eontinnn the work. predicament. Throwing. himself, uacKwaru no urew tno imprison ed leg out of tho hole, and turn bled down the chute to tho lloor below. NEW FRONT FOR THE BIGELOW MARKET Springfield Wins First Ball Game A wide screened front was There was n ladder there," substituted today for the foldlnc ho sayB, "but 1 didn't wait for doors In tho front part of tho that." store next tho News office just Boforo nearby neighbors aiv occupied by tne Jilgelow meat rived tho barn was In flames, mantet. and nothing- could bo done to save tho hay and grain in the building. in an adjoining barn wore a number of horses and a auuntl ty.or Harness and other supplies All these were removed In ample time to proveut their destruc tlon.. Fortunately for Mr. CHne, Ins son, Fred, had turned all the cows out to pasture a short time beforo tho Arc. Tho cow bam, in which the flro started, was built less than, a year ago. A now silo adjacent to tho barn was also destroyed. Mrs. Ammitha Abeene, a res-. Won't of Oregon since 1871. died shortly after noon Friday, April y, 1015, at her home here, aged over 09 years. She had been sick for some little tune, but showed rcmnrkablo vitality. Tho funeral services were held at Walker's chapel here Saturday afternoon at 1:30, Rev. E. C. WIgmorc officiating, and the body was taken Sunday morn ing to Oakland, Oregon, lor In terment in the Odd Fellows cemetery beside tho body of her uuBband. Ammitha Flesh er was born In Iroquois county, Ulnois, Septem ber 13, 1845, and was married to Joseph Abeene March 8, 1865. They came west to California in 1870 and to Oregon in 1871. Mr. Abeene died at Oakland, Oregon, Djecember 10, 1895. To this union were born ten children. of whom nine survive. Therol are: Sadie A. Webb, Trent; W. II. Abceno of Roseburg, T. E. Abeene, Springfield; Anna S. McPherson, Springfield; Joseph A. Abeene, London, Oregon; John Abceno, Oakland, Oregon; Vomer Abeene, Oakland, Ore gon, Mollle A. Seavey, Spring field and Phocba J. Roberts, of Springfield. There arc several grandchildren. Mrs. Abceno and family came to Springfield in October, 1900, and have lived here over since. She united with tho Christian church in 1873. PLAN RECEPTION FOR J. BRUCE EVANS In a whirlwind finish tho local baseball team defeated tho Go shen team hero Sunday, after noon by tho score of 11 to 8. iTho score had stood 0 to 1 in fnvor of the visitors until the end of the seventh inning, when tno locals mt tneir striae, ana won out, Uotn Mugill and Mnntn onnilf fni finrlinrflnlfl When Mr. Cllno returned from nnd McPherson pitched. Gilbert a joint committee or young people from the various young people's organizations of the city Is making arrangements for a reception to bo given next Fri day ovenlng to J. Bruce Evans, who conducted evangelistic meetings nero early In the year, and has just closed a series at Junction City. The details for the reception have riot yet been wonted out. 1 JUST A CASE OF "WHY." Why do you continue to reside in this pommunlty? Why do you want to see the community prosper? Why do you want to see some of Europes g'oid flow Into the pockets of your neighbors, or Into your own? , ' Why do you want to sec bumper crops? Why . do you want to see local industries hum ming? . . Why do you want to see, everybody working, and earning money? Why do you want to , see new blood come "in, new works so up, new mouths 'to feed, and plenty of money for tho feeding? Why do you want to see the schools continued, tho churches supported, and public improvements In augurated from year to year? Why do you want to see a thriving, growing, pros perous, happy community, anyway? Why do you want to see all of these things? Isn't It, as a matter of fact, because they, con tribute to YOUR OWN PROSPERITY? And If that IS TRUE, just be honest with yourself and ask yourself a few more "whys." For instance: Why don't you keep your money at home? Why do you send away for goods when you know you can buy them just as economically at home? Why do you send your money away for the enrich ment of outsiders when you know It contributes just that much toward the impoverishment of your own town, of your own community, of YOURSELF? Why do you send your money to some city million aire, where It goes to swell his enormous bank account, or to buy a thousand dollar coat for his wife, or a new affinity for himself? Why do you send your money away and deprive our local churches and other worthy Institutions of support, when you know at least a portion of that money goes to swell the rampant vice of a big city? Why do you seek to throttle the prosperity of your own home by sending your hard earned dollars away to strangers who consider you but "another sucker hooked?" t . " Why decrease the circulation of money at;nome, indthreby'deprecifttW thaiue :ofYOUR.OWNPil6S-. PERITY? ' - - Why write your name in history as a knocker, a killer, a destroyer, as a local blight? Why kick, your self down hill, anyway? The blindest man on earth is the fellow who robs himself, who destroys his own community, who seeks to cover our fair countryside with the cobwebs of com mercial stagnation. How is YOUR sight, brother? BUSINESS SHOWS 4 61 In S TRENGTH In Mains Alone Do Reports Indicate any Decided lusi ness Stagnation. ' FACTORIES REPORT AN u INCREASE IN ORDERS Comptroller of the Currency, Re ceives Reports from All Sections of Country. his mUk route Saturday morn ihg ho found a dozen of hla neighbors there rapidly convert ing nn old shed into an accept ublo cow barn. nnd King wero tho battery for uosnen. Tho Springfield lads have been out only a short time, but nro hoping to put out a team that will f'lvn n nrinfl nnonmif tt i. worK msonors on Koaas. Beif The unoui) Is as follows: Lane county prisoners may Wade McPherson. nitcher: Geo. bo worked upon the highways Magill, catcher; Ray Mulligan, this snrlnsr and summor if tho firat hiiRn? T5rnoi- Noof Rnnnnri plans of tho county court work base; Ernest Reed, short stop; out satisfactory. Arrange- Vernor Meats, third base; Max infants are being made by the Green, center field; Joss Ments, couri to scnu a low or tuem at Melt Hold; Earl Elliton, right field, prcsont in Jail to work on ono Frank Mulllcan was umniro In oi tne county rocit crusners lor yesterday's game, a low unys, ana ir results ob- Sont to Jail for Larceny. Three of the six men nrested several days aco by Sheriff. James C. Parker and Demitv Sheriff George Croner on the road between Goshen and Cres well, charged with stealinc a quanity of tobacco, were senten ced by Judge J. G. Wells, of tho Eugene justice court, to serve rfu days each in the countv lail on tho charge of simple larceny, The other three men, against whom there was no evidence, were discharged from custody. RECORD CROP IN PROSPECT tallied are satisfactory mora will bo sent. Only mon hold for mis demeanors will bo given tho op portunity of working outside. MANY GO FROM HERE TO MISSIONARY CONFERENCE Washington, April 8. Winter wheat came through the freez ing months In excellent shaps, growing on the greatest acreage ever planted in tlie historv of the country. Tho crop reporting uoarn, uasmg its estimate on the April condition and the area planted last fall, placed the pros pective crop production at 619, 000,000 bushels. That is 39,000, 000 bushels moro than was in dicated by the condition nt that FRUIT INSPECTOR GIVES INSTRUCTION Springfield Farm in Deal. Ono of tho largest real estate sions of tho missionary confer A number of Sprlncflold poo-! time In Dnnomhor ' pie wont to Ilarrlsburcr Frldavi . and Saturday to attend tho ses- Receive Concrete Mixer. deals of tho present year in Eu- enco in session there. Miss Grace , contract for lavhic a half mile of ""'"V uuiiouuiuiHVBu vmin, u lyuuiiini UMBHluiuuy SluOWnilC alOUC tllO Brnttlllll last week nnd tho deed filed for from Africa', and MIbs Laura , Smith, Hadlov and Scott m'on rJcord with county clerk. A lot Hefty, formerly of Cottage jarties on east Main street this ' ",u " " u morning received a "Little Won &UMU, ii. uun in two aiiuuivn Ul viuuti, luiumiuil UJIO UUIUUI'Ullce the city, several lots in Portland and made most intercstliic talks. and a farm .near Sprlngflold' Among those who went from woro traded lor a large wheat Springfield wero Mrs. J. T. largo part of tho cradlim dono i.ow.. ... vtuvu w.ti.i iiiu iiiumvi .'no. JV, YV, ,311111,11, iUl B, n lien II V, (huj'uiuub uu uuuii mnu ui vuu JuiiHsuuny, mra, x. ,j, JMCUraciC transaction aro valued at $37,- on, Mrs. S. W. Crnumor, Mrs, W. 000 or a total of $74,000, II. Pollard, Dorris Slices, Chlolo In tho deal James S. PJWooley, Avis Thomnson. Grace tier" concroto mixer. Tliov ox pect to begin pouring the con crete tomorrow. Tliov have a Firemen Will Elect Officers. An adjourned mcetinc of tho IttAllf 11111 Withers trades a lot CO by 100 Tho.mas, Leota McCrackei), Jtytr be held at tho city tomorrow foot in dimensions in Eugene, toe and Jean Fischer, LUcile .ovoninK for tho nurnoso of PinPt- an 80-acro farm two milps smith and Ethol KIngwolI, ling officers. C. E. Stewart of Cottage Grove, county fruit inspector, gave a demonstration Saturday afternoon in the orchard at the .corner of Fifth and B streets un der the auspices of the Spring field grange and the department of agriculture of the public schools. Mr. Stewart talked on "Fruit Pests" and from the or chard he secured a number of different pests.. He described the ravages of the pests and told what treatment to use and when. Mr. Stewart was thq guest of tho local grange at dinner. Nearly all of the pupils of the eighth grade attended the lec ture and demonstration, togeth er with a large number of local people and farmers from sur rounding country. The schools will continue to use this orchard for demonstration purposes. Ice Macine for New Shop. Messrs. Swarts and Wash- burno returned from Portland last Friday after purchasing tho equipment for a now and up-to-date butcher shop which they expect to open in tho Harry Hill building in about two weeks, They are installing a refrigerat ing system, so they will nofuoed Ice chests for keeping tho meat fresh. Council Meets Tonight. Tiio .Town Council moots in its regular monthly session at tno city hall tonight, None but routlno matters are expected to come up. Lad Dies at Fall Creek. Dannie, tho 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dean, died at Fall Creek Monday, April 5, 1915, after an illness of but three weeks. The funeral was held Wednesday with Interment at the Natron cemetery. Dannie was the oldest son, and leaves besides his parents, five sisters and two brothers, and his is the first death in tlie family. He was a very cheerful little fellow, and well liked by his playmates. He was taken sick while at school, and as he was being taken home he bade his mates goodbye, tell ing tuem he would not come back again. . i, , Delegates are Selected. The Rebekah lodge at its ses sion last Monday named three delegates to tho crand lodco. I which is to meet at Newport,! beglnnlg May 19. Those named aro Mrs, Georgia Hayden, Mrs. Rosa Ronno and Mrs. Leo W. Clark, who is district deputy president. Mabel Duryea, Ester Brattaln, Alberta Brattaln, Ruth Parsons, anu Anna indwell walked from Springfield to Camp Creek and oacit Saturday over tho hills. They reached Camp Creek at noon in tlmo for dinner with friends, and returned the same day, covering 23 miles on the trip, TJiey got loads of wild flowers. Clackamas County improv ments in sight total $771,000. Sllverton Appeal "Wo need institutions to employ laborers wo already have, a great deal moro than wo need moro labor ers." , State Highway commission have decided to build. the mile of road at Mitchell Point, Hood River, to cost $50,000. Washington. April 8. Busi ness conditions throughout the country are Knowing marked improvement In almost all lmeis, according to reporta from nat ional bank examiners made pub lic tonight by the treasury de partment. Eighty of the 90 ex aminers in the United State re port a permanent improvement In business, and Maine "is said to bo the only state where reI depression exists. The reports are announced to be the result of careful observa tion and supplemental to the regular reports on business con ditions made each month to the controller of the currency. "Pronounced hopefulness is prevalent in nearly every dis trict," the announcement says. Agricultural conditions axe generally excellent, and com mercial lines, with compara tively few exceptions, are en larging their activities, mainly tnrougn an increased demand; but in, some cases preparation for;- activity is expected Xb df velop with the coming of good, weather. Manufacturing is on the increase , and ,tbose Jadtts tries .ItaYiftg orders 'for aMirijac -from', f wsteftoottitrMBf eok;K to ship. "Further orders have been placed for cars and rails by them and some large contracts have heen made for structural iron for large buildings in different portions of the country."- The statement attributes re pression to unusual conditions, but says that business here has been stabilized through the ap plication of economy. "The south," it continues, "is showing marked improvement. The sale of cotton is active at advancing prices, with the re sult that all business in that section is feeling a steady and pronounced improvement. The prospects for large, crops gener ally are excellent, and there will be greater diversification. The states adjoining the Missouri river and the Mississippi river above St. Louis enjoyed excep tional prosperity during tlie last season and the present pros spects are that the coming spa son will yield even better results. "The western states and the Pacific states are showing a general improvement. The lum ber industry is slowly recover ing in these states, and the number of tourists exceed ex pectations. Mining is resuming on a larger scale, and the crop conditions are excellent. "The New Enrfand and mid dle Atlantic states, and portions '- of tho central west, although,' generally reporting an infprovei ment seem to feel the past de ' prcssion to the greatest extent Farmers, however, generally have had satisfactory results. There is improvement, however, in most lines. Tho bond market has become active on a higher level. Savings bank deposits" are increasing and generally banks have an abundance of money. Tho tendancy has been for all to curtail needless ox ponse, and as a rule, there is a lessened demand for money. "The reports from New York and other largo cities shows the trend of business conditions, outside of farming communities: "New York: There has been no time in the last threo years that merchants and manufact urers were suoh sninll borrow ers, indicating, that their prflacift capital is sufficient for their (Continued on Paa 4)