ouncemmt Wo lake liWeiireJu anil Ififtftfct) Oufs4i3otntIln" la now open for IhibIiiohh, mid that wo promise the same. I I courteous troatmont and quality goods thahovomi iBfled ctiHtomcra for uB In tho palt. t i'U . ado at- "Leave y.our;,rtur at. our fountain" 4 ) w N SUBSTITUTE Tales of the Town A now Colgato soap at I'cory s. . Stilt at It. Hall tho Shoo Doctor, Fifth and Main. 0 4 Hoar tho now JjJdlson rhonographa at Peory's. Disc A. L. Wllbor of Albany whb In Springfield on business Mdnduy. Alonzo Ilay of Doxtor wus In Sprlngllold Tuesday and Wcd ncHday. Cecil Wilmot Ib nsBlstiiiK In tho C. It. Mend cigar atoro for tho present. P, A. Wooloy Ib confined to his homo on East Main street with a very lnnto back. Lenthcr Ib high but wo nre Helling lmrncBH cheaper than ever. Wolf & Miller. Tho 8-year-old aon of Thomas Solclm was operated on this week for the removal of tonsils and ndnolds. Mrs. Ada Barr and son return ed to Junction City this morn ing after spending several days in Springfield. . Mrs. Omar Cox, who, was opcr" atcd flpon at the Springffeld'li pltnlon days ago, is ablo to bo tnlccn homo today. Mrs. Otto Brabham and fam ily are spending n couple of weeks in Santa Clara, whore Mr. Brabham Is at work. -If you pay moro than tho I Colgate's Talcums lGc at Peory's. Chicken dinner Sunday at tho Elite hotel, 3Gc. Nothing to say too busy. Hall, tho Shoo Doctor. The big sale Is still going on at Wolf & Miller's. Grandma Abccne Is lying' very low at her homo on Mill street. Mrs. W. L. McCulloch and son Robert aro both quite ill with an attack of tohBllitis. Lumber for tho remodelliiK of Cliff Lybarger'B lunch room was delivered this morning. Hoy Jenkins Is constructing a cleaning room in his establish ment on Fourth street near Main. r Good reliable fire insurance. No assessments; no membership fee. Pay onco and you arc done. H. E. Walker at tho City Hall. -Tho willing Workers of the Christian church will give a Food saio Saturday in tlic Harry Hill building corner Fourth and Main streets. . . . . A special meeting of the lire department will bq held at the town hall Tuesday evening, April 13. All members are ur gently requested to be present. Norwood Cox received word from his father at Stayton this morning that his 1. i ' mif SOCIAL Ljfi 111 .Jl.lT.u I. NOTES illM Ktlen Tomth elbfl- jKl hw eleventh Wrthtky on Bftt- truay afternoon, aithouKh liw Dirtiiday not being till Sunday, April 4, Games Vdre played after which a luncheon was ser ved, Easier novelties were car ded out in the decorations. Those present woro: Helen Per; In, Charlotte Stewart, Genoviovp Copenhaver, Florence Klzer, Crystal Bryan, Alene Larimer, Letha Goble, Gladys NystrOm, Ruth Sales, Jtfarceda Sales, Var nlta Morrison. Alice Tomseth. Abby Tomseth, Golden Nelson, Johnnie Tomseth. Tho Progressive Five Hundred club hold Its pleasing evening at tho favorite game With Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Durrln Wednesday evening. Members present were Mr. and Mrs. George Catching, Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Will- lam Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Durrln, Mrs. Zella Cantrell, Mrs. Jessie Newman, Mr. A. T. Drum. After a pleasant evening at the card tables, the hostess served a delicious luncheon. The Needlecraft met this af- tcrnon with Mrs. J. P. Fry at her rooms in the Elite hotel. j A special meeting of the Ema-1 on olsb wiM t&held tomorrow afternoon ttfa horn of rMst V. WHMams, whm the lowers In recent content, over the selling ui tuuR imoM, wiu provKie en tertainment1 and a banquet for me winners. Mrs. Howard Woods entertain el tho Five Hundred club Wed nseday afternoon with a dainty mnciieon. me members or the club present were Mrs. M. M Peery, Mrs. R, P. Mortensen Mrs. F. A. DePue, Mrs. Dr. Kes- ter, Mrs. C. E. Whcaton. Mrs. H, A. Whitney, Mrs. C. E Swarts, Mrs. Yf. C. Rebhan, Miss Edna swarts, Mrs. Edesse Cox, Mrs, Carl Fischer, Mrs. Milton Bally, Guests of the hostess and club were Mrs. L. M. Beebe. Mrs. I. D. Larimer, Mrs. L. L. Woods (Eugene), and Mrs. B. A. Wash- burnc. The Progressive Twenty-Two will hold a social session Friday evening at the Home of Mrs. L E; Durrln, at Sixth and B Sts. Mrs. J. J. Bryan, Mrs. Charles Egglmann and Sirs. Aldred Beaver of Springfield attended .the meeting of the Elkette club in Eugene Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Beaver tied with Mrs. Poole of Eugene for the whist prize. A dainty cafeteria luncheon was served the guests. Now is the time to get your sweat pads cheap. Wolf & Miller. ' POP V. R. Rogers of Marcola was operated on at the Springfield hospital Tuesday. p p p S. S. Moody, RAILROAD WORLD SPECULATES (Continued from Page 1.) 000 recently voted at Grants Pass. n T-TnrHnhiirir' The line as projected runs In merchant, is a guest today at the a generaly southwesterly direc home of Dr. R. P. Mortensen. p Grandma Bryan, who has been quite' sick this winter, was able to be out in the yard today. p The Brilliant Vacuum Cleaner for sale $19.50, or for rent ?1.25 per day. See Dale Mummey. 14 OP The 13-year-old daughter of Roy Palmer was operated on at the Springfield hospital this-afternoon for appendictis. P P V Hon, through Josephine County 45 miles to the state line and thence in the same direction through, Dl Norte County, Cal ifornia 2b miles to a connection With the Crfescent City & Smith River Railway, which is under option to the promoters for $209,000. This line is 10 miles long; making the total length of the lineal miles. RIghte-of-way have been se cured for about fifty miles of the line. NO terminals have been pro Mrs. J. L. Clark went to Port-'f". naV,eschevnt ffiS w,i offWnnn f . those owned by the Crescent vTsR heVhusban'd who to thetf JJ iuiuuhai waici iiuiitugc win uc Mrs. Gus Redman and daugh-jbe constructed. 1 011. business, ter Ada of near Goshen, were in Springfield this morning on a shopping trip. p p' Mrs. P. J. Brattain and her People have that flies are not so daughter Hazel returned last i bad after all. Having done that, KILLING THE FLY EARLY SAVES GRIEF LATER ON "Overcome the feeling some lirlnn nf n Mnw Pnrfnntlnn All hna lionn miff n 111 ihn nnof I Btovo ypu pay too much. If you jweok Is somewhat improved to- pay 10B8 you get less. Hayuen & .day. Aietcalf, tho Homo Furnishers. Thursday from a visit of a few grandmother, days in Portland. Robert Wllllan of Waltervllle spent Tuesday evening In town. "Bob" was among tho number who wero Initiated into the Woodmen of tho World on that evening. brEshelman, supreme phy sician of tho United. Artisans, met with tho local assembly In an open meeting last evening. After, a short address by tho doctor refreshments wore; serv-. ed. Games and a general good tlmo passed away tho ovening. Mr. and Mrs. Masterson under- 1 went an operation this week for Tho infant child of Mr. and the removal of her tonsils. Mrs. William Young, who live on ! , ' . . . D street near Eighth, Is quite 111 ? TuBSing of the Spring wlth pneumonia. The father. : fleld, feerd stre. returned Wed who is working on tho railroad nesday Brownsvi lo, where near Gardiner, came home last "c imu "-b week. convince them that a flyless town Is; possible. ''Many persons do not really The 8-year-old daughter of think flies are very nasty. They T H E H A R D W A R E S T O R E Another Saturday SPECIAL Aluminum Percolator REGULAR $1.75 THIS ONE ft f r LESS DAY'S JK In THAN SALE. .... r " 7 COST While in the store ask to see the New Clark's Jewel Oil Stovef or cooking. They burn less oil and do better work Beaver Herndbn Hardware Co. w I T H T H E Y E L L O W F R O N T WANTED! Horses, Mares and Mules Will be in the following towns at Livery Barns: COMSTOCK MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1915 COTTAGE GROVE TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1915 SPRINGFIELD, . . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1915 EUGENE s THURS DAY, t APRIL 15, 1915 ST. PAUL FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1915 DAYTON SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1915 For the purpose of buying Horses, Mares and Mules. Horses must be from 5 to 19 years okl, 15Vi to 16 hands high; heavy, boned chunky kjind; weight 1200 to 1500 pounds; any color expect gray or spotted ones. No light boned, thin or leggy horses wanted. Read thus well and bring only the kind wanted, as I come to buy, not to loot. Mules must be fat, 15-1 to 16 hands high; 5 to 10 years okl. No grays wanted. C. C. WIS E Cupid Flour Is tho "Best" hardwheat on the market. $1,75 or $0.80 bbl. Johnson's Best a hardwheat blend of Superior quality at $1.65 or $6.40 bbl. Our "CaBh" guarantee with each sack; Springfield Feed Company. Grocery Buying Doesn't Require the time and thought and attention . that it used to. Nowadays, at this modem store, , we take care' of the "worry part" of your grocery buying we stand be- tween you and impure foods and un desirable goods, and the cost is no more than for inferior goods. , " " V u - Get the Habit of Trading Here, Larimers day. R P P --Fresh milk, delivered night and morning from Prunevillo Dalryi Any one wishing- milk call 34F3. Wo have our own milk. 1 15tf ''" Mr, and Mrs. A. P. McKenzie moved .yesterday to the1 house on D street between Sixth and SeventhTecently vacated by Dr. I , j Framing of tho forma for the ( concrete building ' being erected ;by Budd McPherson was begun ,this morning, and the concrete will soon bo going into placo. p Surprise your wife with a New Perfection oil stove and she will certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness. Hayden & Metcalf, tho home furnishers. J, W. Baker received word this morning that his daughter, Miss Elsie Baker, is very sick at Marshfiold. Sho is expected In Springfield as soon as she can bo moved, City Recorder II, E. Walkor, who Is serving on the jury in the fcdral court in Portland, enmo home Wednesday morning and will bo horo for the rest of the week. He muBt report for duty again Monday. p Attorney A. A, Tussing of Brownsville was in Springfield this morning on his way to Eu gene on business. He.had wlt,b, him papers for filng oh Svhlch there had been placed $Q3'lh, revenue stamps. fish them out of milk and gravy, but they eat the gravy and drink the milk. Convince them that the fly is deadly. "ReriYerriber the motto: 'Co operative good will.' You can chase the same fly all summer but'ybti have to catch it only once. Better, let it catch itself. Begin early; one pair in April may mean millions of flies In July:"" "Suggestions, for conducting successful campaigns against the fly" have just been issued by the University of Oregon and. may, b had free upon applica tion -to the extension division. The 'necessity of organization Is first st forth, and a typical efficient organization is describ ed. Publicity ideas and general methods of. campaign procedure are out-lined. Ideas for educat ing tho citizenry to fly perils are given. The suggestions take up 1800'words. Save 1-3 by buying Rexall School Tablets at Peery's. p Tlio Reapers of America held one of their very enjoyable dances at their hall Tuesday ovening, This Will Whet Your Appetite This store is filled with the choicest groceries money can. buy with groceries entirely free from all adulterations with groceries of the most absolute and unquestioned pur ity with groceries that build up the system and instill that remarkable energy which insures success in life; NICE & MILLER Opposite Commercial State Bank Phone 9 The Greatest Optical Improvement in Years l MOlCSjf W SCREWS ' t ''iAoon tm th .r.v .SVji-'-'iUX A Rlm.leos glass, mounting inadGvWlth lonse rigidly fastened' to Hiatal with Lease Solder. No loosp lensa if you wear the Sol der on mountings. , , .CjlOUl aiiti ' :'"irauieeu. m poof OPTICIAN Statement of the Ownership, Manage-. ment, Circulation, Etc., Re-. j quired by the Act 0 - August 24,. 1912. Of The-Lane County News, published semi-weekly at Springfield, Oreon, tor April 1. 1915; Editor, 'W. A. Dili. Sprtegfield, Ore. Managteg Editor, W. A. Dill, Spring- field Oregon. ., , Business maneger, W. A. Dill, Sprleg field; -Oregon. ' Publisher, Lano County Publishing Association, Springfield, Oregon. Owners: (It a corporation, give Its name and the names an.d addressee of stockholders Jbdldfng 1 per cent or more of total amount of stock; It not a corporation, give names and ad dresses of individual owners.) Lane County Publishing Association, a corporation. J. P. Smith, J. H. Dower, IU W, Smith. M. Fenwick, Charles L. Scott, W. H. Ppllard, R. U Kirk, D. E. Lansbery, E. E. Brattain, J. B. Green, John Mason, Dr. J. E. Richmond, Jennie W. Dill, W. A. Dill, Margaret Herd, all of Springfield, Ore. gon. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other se curities: Charles L. Scott. Average numbor of copies of each is sue of this publication sold or dis tributed through tho malls or other wise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the dato shown above, (This Information Is re quired from daily newspapers only.) W. A. DILL, Editor and Manager, Sworji,to and .subscribed before me thts 5th day of April, 1915. , TltAVIS, ' ' ',JNo1aryPubUc for Oregon. (My commission 10th, 1916.) expiree Nevesabec; NOTICE FOR PimCWATIOi V, , Department of the Iaterier V. S. Land Office at Reeefeurg, Ore sob, March 3, 1915. Net-ice is hereby given that' Coy KSs toa, of Vlda, Oregon, -who, oa Actfi 39, 1912, made Homestead Battr Serll No. 07984, for Lot 4 of ge. 34, Tp.15 S, R 3-E, u4N!(et NBi aC, Sectta I, Towaakip 17 8, Range 3 X, Willamette Meridian, has UN settee of intention to make Final Three-year , Froef, to establish claim te the bod above described, before Stacy M. Raa sell, Clerk of Lane County, at his oMee at Eugene, Oregon, on the 16 tX day eC Aprn, 1915. Claimant names as witneeeea: Frank B. Mason, of Vlda, Oregoa. James Neal, of Vlda, Oregon. Joe Weakfleld, of Vlda, Oregon. Belle Jolly, of Vlda, Oregon. J. M. UPTON tApr8 1 Register- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore gon, March 2, 1915. Notice is hereby given that George William Foster, of Vlda, Oregon, who on October 16, 1911, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 07594, for the W of NWU atsd NW?4 of SWVi of Sec tion 20, Township 1G South, Range 2,. East, and on March 4, 1914, made Ad ditional Homestead Entry, Serial No. , 09380 for the NEV4 of NWtf of Section 20, Township 10 S, Range 2 E Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mako Final Three-year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before I, P, Hewitt. U, S. Cemmlsaloner, at his office at , Eugene, Oregon, on the 14th day of April. 1915. Claimant names as witnesses , Luvern ChllsoR, of Vlda, Oregon. t- ' Benjamin Mlnney, or vjaa, uregon; Frank Minney, of Vida, Oregon. . ,., William Foster, of Vida, Oregon. , ' ' J. M. UPTONi1 44 tApr.8 Regiaten., ' f We print hutt'or wrapiers.-