- Colossal Colonnades of ihe Greco-Roman Wings to Palace of Fine Ads. Curving 1.100 feet around the follagcd shores of the Fine Arts lagoon, Pam-ma-ract3c International Exposition, these mighty pillars are reflected, mlrror Hfce, In the Umpid waters of the lagoon, affording one of the prettiest views at San Francisco's great Exposition. ATTRACTIVE BOOK ON THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION AND PANAMA CANAL MAILED FREE. A HANDSOME book of slxtr Paces, profusely Illustrated In colors and ctrlnz de tailed descriptions of the Fanama-PacMc International Exposition to be held In San Francisco from Feb. 30 to Dec 4. ISIS, and of the Panama canal and canal region, will be mailed by the Kxposltion free of charge, to all Inquirers. The booklet is Intended for prospective visitors and will also contain Information concern-lag-'the mat engineering feat which the Exposition is to celebrate. Write to tha Manager. Bureau of Publication. Panama-Pacific -International Exposition. Exposi tion Building. San Francisco, for booklet. -"jM - Low Railroad Rates and Privileges of Routing Never Before Possible Are Included In the Many Inducements to Visit America's Great Panama Canal Celebration. $50,000,000 Invested; 80,000 Exhibitors Represented. 5.T Is estimated by the tralllc experts of the great transcontinental railways that the travel movement westward during the present year, with the great world's Exposition at San Francisco as the goal, will be the great est In all history. There are but few persons anywhere who have not felt the longing to visit California some time, nnd with the attraction of the world's greatest and possibly Its last universal Exposition to draw them west ward those who go traveling. In 1015 will "see America first," with San Fran cisco sfs an objective. Some Indication of the Interest tnkpn In the Panama-Pacific International 'Exposition Is found In the pre-Exposltlon attendance, the greatest In the entire 'history of expositions, amounting to an average of 10.000 persons a day. These visltprs carried away with them to all parts of the country and of the world accounts of the beauties And the marvels they had seen.- and as a result the remark has become, common throughout the United States and abroad, "it's :not n case of 'Can I afford to visit the Exposition?' but 'Can 1 afford to MISS It?; " The Panama-Pacific International Exposition has more foreign national pavilions than any exposition ever held this In spite of the European war. Xo exposition ever was situated as this one is where.such a large' number ot the scenic wonders of the world can be visited at no Increaso of cost while n route, going and coming, and it is the only great International Exposition 'to be ready on time! The rates agreed upon by the great transportation companies, of approximately one-half fare for the round trip, with a ninety day limit, have never been equaled. Certainly not In this generation, and probably not for generations to come, -will eucb an opportunity bo offered to combine In one trip visits to the scenic wppder 6pots of the continent, with the educatlou and entertainment to be had -in the dazzling wonderland that has, risen on tbg shore of the Pacific, TEACHERS GATHER IN LOCAL INSTITUTE Conthiwed from jfego JL) small part of the sum total of our education. The greater part of It we get the greater part of our education from our Inter course with our ellow.men. The community Influence is a great factor; "Parent Teacher associations offer , a splendid, means for in creasing the . efficiency, of the schools in training, the young people, The schools alone can not do it.; the home must co-operate," t -,, . I. C. Gates, Veneta, will erect a business building. The Christian church at Mar shfleld will build addition -25 by 62 feet. pacific Telephone Co., added '44,900 stations during past year. Portland Gas Co., shows in creased earnings over 1913 of only $0671. Attorney, General Brown holds that jitnpx busses .are cdmmon carriers, APPOMATOX (Continued from Page 2) ! t . MI 1 imr unown n tn Army ot Northern v u it u ntAvr Vtritlnla. V. 8. QUANT. I.leutrnnnt On'nernl. Grunt decided to wait nt Furtnyllln for n response to this now historic prelude to great surrender. ,' About midnight the response wns brought to thoalecplng coininnndcr on the couch vrhcro Lbtf had inln the night before: April 7, lSWi. Lieutenant General V. t. Grant! ' Thoiifth not entertaining tlio opinion you express on tho hotwdesisncas of further ro- alstctictt on the part of the Army ot North ern Virginia. I reciprocate your dcslro to nvold useless effusion of blood nnd there fore, osk th terms you will offer on con dition ot Its surrender. K. 12. I.P.B. General. Grant's Plea For Pence.-. u Grant ngntn wroto to Leo tho morn ing of the Sih. I.eo was the, general In chief of nil the Cou federate nnntos nnd not merely head of tho Army of Northern Virginia. This second,, noto enntnlmnl tho kernel of tho terms. which, because of tholr liberality, led tn n hnnnv ranc Install! .. ii April 8. ISCS. General It. E. Lee: . Your note or last . evcnliiK mjreply to mine or name date, ncltlrn; thoijpon dltlon on which I will ncecpt tho nur remler of tlio Army of Northern! ,Vlr Klnla Is Just received. Id reply Jvbu!d say that poicp being mi Brent " de sire thero Is but ono condition l.would Insist upon namely, that the tuen.nml officers surrviiduUd t.hall "bo disqualified for taking up arms ngntn against, tho gov e-nmcnt of the rnltcd States untlUhirop trH exchanged. 1 will meet ou . nt nn, point agreeable to you for thojwrposo of nrranalHS definitely tho terms. v. a. ariANT. Lieutenant General Grant marched nil day vlthlN In fantry ndrnnco which -was ln"ftouch. with Leo's rear guard nnd lodsted nt the headquarters of Meade, theTcora mandcr of -the Army of tho Potomac, In a farmhouse. About midnight ho was aroused to read Leo's second, let ter; ' i April 8,jlSS. Lieutenant General U. 8. Grant: ? I received at a late hour your noto'of to day. In mine of yesterday I did not nt'end to prepose the surrender ot tho Armir of Northern Virginia, but to ask thaiterms of your proposition. To bo frank, I do not think tho emergency has nrisen to call tor tho surrender ot this army; but. as the restoration of peaco should be tha sole object of all, I dcslro to know whether your proposals would I cud to that end. I cannot, therefore, meet you with a view to surrender tho Army of Northern Virginia, but as far as your proposal may affect tho Confederate states forces under my command nnd tend to tho restoraUon of peace I' should bo pleased to meet you at 19 a. m..' tomor row on the old stage road to Richmond, between the picket lines ot the two ar mies. R. E. LEE. General. Surrender seemed postponed Indefi nitely. Leo hoped to embrace lit nn Interview n larger question than tho moro surrender of 10,000 armed 'men. That was his lighting force. !llow would be receive tbla repelling third message from Grant? April 9.'!l." General R. B. Lee: Your note of yesterday Is r'ecetvlcd. I liavo no authority to treat on the subject ot peace. The meeting proposed for 10 u. m. today could lead to, no (rood. I will state,' howovcr, general, that I am equally anxious for peace with yourself, and the wliolo north en tertains the same feeling: Tho terms upon which peace can be had nre well under stood. By the south laying down their arms they will hasten that most desira ble event. . U. 8. QUANT, Lieutenant General. Sheridan's line Gives WayM.. The south had again aijd, asahi? Jected peace ;on the terms of vlayins down their arms." and how was Leo Orsmt, Leo and McLean house, copyright by Review ot Reviews company. APIUL 0, 1805, AT APPOMATTOX. (Right) Lieutenant General U. 8. Ornnt. U. 8. A. (Left) General R. B. Lee, C. 8. A. (Top) Grant writing tha Uruu. CDwlow) .McLean house, where tlio sur render took place. to eer nsiao rue eaict7 Dispositions for contlnulug the conflict had gone on In isplto of tho parley, and In tho hours when Grant was perusing Leo's second letter eight miles away from Appomut tox Leo. with his marshals, was pre paring to hew u gap through the cav alry cordon which SSboiidnn had drawn across tho western front Ilefor wilting his second noto to Grant Leo had Iqnrned that rations which ho depended upon for his men had Jjuoii.cnpturol. and yet ho ordered his generals to move out at 1 o'clock tho morning of "April 0 through tho federal lino. Ills own cavalry chfof, Fitzhugh Leo, was to bring up the ln&t troopers from tho rear guard and lako the advance, Gordou's corpi, with thir ty cannon, to support the attack. Longstreet's corps, acting ns rear guard, would stand to arm and repel 1 1 r ntlKiiiiml fnllnnrlnf. .in .fin .... nlMTft) nnd. nt ohc dectarett hlHwtt ready te talk lurrviider, m follawii! April , IMS. MeuUnnnt General U. fl. (IrmUt 1 received your noto of this mrrnlfi en the picket line, whither 1 had tome to meet you nnd Ascertain definitely what torms wero embraced In your propositi ot yes terday with reference, to tha surrender of this army, t now nU nn Interview In Accordance with the Offer contained In your Icttar of ytitordny for that purpose, U. i:. L13H, Oencnil. Tli Is vrniK written nt 0 a. hl, nt whlqli hour (about) himlert soiindctl halt on tho Inst chnrgc of the Fcdcrntit against tho Army or Northern Virginia. Grnnt received It nt ll:W, the long; delay be ing esplnlut'd In his reply us follows: April 0, 1S6J. Oeneml H. 1 I.ee, Coinmnndhift G. a A.I Your note ot this ditto Is but this mo ment. MitO m., received, In conse quence of my tmvlni itasoed from tho lllchmond nnd I.ynchlmrit road to the Furmvlllo nnd l'nchburff rond I nm, at this writing. About four miles west or Walker's churct nnd will push forward to the front for the purpose or meetlnir you. Notice sent to mo on this road, where you wish the Intcrvlow to tke plnee, will meet ma. Von" respectfully, your obedient serv nnt. U. 8. OHANT, IJnitonnnt General. Halted by n Whito Flaj. Although Gordon had reported his cors "fought to tt fnuxlo." his 2,000 veterans, with nn equal ' number of ritRhitgh Leo's, threw Sheridan's lino back In confusion. The grace wns hrlof. Tor rk'ial Infiiuti'y, inarohlng to tha sound of Gonlon'M guns, cntuo on nt double quick, white mid colored suldlers, In imllol columns, on tho satuo road. These were Ortl'n men, nnd while directing the niovemeiits nt tho frout Onl ta mot by n "whito Hag" asking for n cessation ot hostili ties. Onl sounded the bugle cull to "halt" The white ling was n carrying out of the order of Lot. When be heard that Grant was on tho other front ho rode back to ApixHunttox. Ilrst fending n message to Meade. In his rear, and to the Federal commander In front for n truce, pending his meeting with Grout Thero Grant's nld fouud him. ffn company with tho nld,. Colonel llabcock, Leo sought n suitable seclu sion for a conference nnd found It nt tho McLean house. Grnut was con ducted thero nt 1 o'clock, nnd tho con trast between, tho chief porsouages In the great surrender group was nt once brought out. Lee nnd his oinccrs had fenred tho capltiro of their bnggngo nnd on the Sth hnd donned their best nud richest npparcl nnd uccouicrmontH. Grnnt was weary nud confronted Lee In tho simple dress of tho runrch nud field. "Our Countrymen Again." For once Grunt dropped tho rolo ot the "silent man." no began tho con versation by recalling tho days of Mexico, whon ho had first mot Lee. After somo tlmo passed In reminis cences Lee broko In. "I suppose. Gen eral Grant, that tho object of our meeting Is fully understood. I would Tho movo was delayed from two to threo hours. Gordon met Federal cav alry on the routo west of Appomattox Court House. The guns opened, and Lec'a troopers charged nnd quickly dis lodged Sheridan's line. Dut Gordon reported Federal Infantry In sight lee Seeks Oat Grant. Leo now passed some tlmo In debate whether to carry out his purposo of meeting Grant, ns promised. Ho set out Anally without ordering cessation of hostilities. At the Federal picket line, some miles In the rear, ho was met by Grant's third letter (given suggest thnt you commit to writing the terms you havo proposed." "Very well," said Grant; "I will write tnvm onu jn n maniroiu orour book ho then wroto In part us follows: Appomattox Court Ilnuso, Va., April 'J, J855. Genoral R. 13, Lee: i I)i nccordtmco with tlio tmbstauce of my letter to you of tho Sth Instant I proppso to 'receive the nurrenilor of tho Army of Northern Virginia on tho following terms--to wit: 'fii oflicors to nlvo tliclr Individual paroles not to talco up arms against tho government of tlio United State until properly exchanged, and each company or regimental commander sign n like parole, for tlio men of their com mands. Tills done, each offloor and man will bo allowed to return to lils homo. . v. fl. anAST, Lieutenant dcnoral. Leo deliberately read tlio document throughout, making brief CQinmentH, and then Grant's secretary qoplcd.lt' with Ink borrowed from Leo's 'secre tary. Leo's acceptnnco wits wrjttpn, With tho saino Confctjorato JpU, ju I 1am MflKt A 0Q DAY RUN (THE AUTOMOBIUaT EXULTS WITH THE GOOD JUDOI- YES, a smaU chew of "Rtahf: Gut" satisfies. It's the Real Tobacco Ckcw. The right blend of rich, sappy to baccoseasoned and sweetened just enough. That's why it gives you the tobacco comfort and solace that you like so well. mm tobacco tato comci, much less vou havo ha tobacco nullified. That's why it Is Tk Ittal Totet9 Chew. That's why It coits less In tho end. Itlsftwulrthtw, eat fin nj thntt tbrtd "nihil yxi wmt't b" Is SriiHl on ll with your tnta, Gibullad oa ordlasry culll lubicoo uuku yuu spit too raueb. - . Th Utia rlrur.. rich tnb.tm dnri nnt licorics. Nolle how Ibo sll brlot out lk rlcb tabacca Uits in "ItUlil.Cul." One small chew takes the place of two his chews of the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY BO Union Square. Nov York (BUY FROM DEALER 0RSEND 10 S5TAMP5 TO'Clsj I News From Springfield High School ; Misses Minnie and Nclllo Beaver, Btudcnts of Wlllametto university, nnd Miss Opal llul vcrson of this city, visited the High school Thursdny after noon. , Miss Eva Janues of Goshen Is visiting the High school today. (two The Student Body voted to support the High School Annual in a meeting held Wednesday afternoon. Walter Balloy will edit this year's paper. P P w Orson Vaughn and Norton Pencra went to Eugene Thurs day afternoon to listen to the dehate between Bandon and Sa lem Iligll schools. . m Supt. It. L. Kirk gave tho American History class a very interesting description of the battlegrounds and battlo of apon oorrowcrt rcaentl pnpor. uccnuso thero wns no other nt hnnd. Tho re lease of tho horses of I.eo'a men "to work their little farms" wns nn nftcr thought and inn do verlmlly-nt n hint from T.ce. who nlso nftkeri Mr ration for tho tlmo being. Tho outposts wore quickly notified, nnd Federal gtina bo- ' gnn firing salutes In honor of victory. 1 which drnnt Immediately checked In 'order to nvohl tindno humiliation of I Leo's men, "The wnr Js over." said ho. "TIipv nre our countrymen ngoln." Classified Ads For Sale, Bent, Wanted, Etc. WANTED Boarders and room ers at the Elite Hotel. FOUND At Reaper's hall, an umbrella. Owner may havo same by paying for this no tice. 14tf FOR SALE Eggs from fancy bred. Partridge Wyandotts $1.00 per 15 at the liouso, Oth and D streets Springfield, Oro. Phono 108 It W. L. Dunlap. R. O. A. hall for rent. Well ven tilated and lighted, clean and warm. Kitchen and dining rooni attached. Rates reason able. Apply to Fred Watko, Gilbert Davis or W. A. JIall. We Print Butler Vjrappers Telephone Us A. The Lane Gojftnty NejL. Phone 2 "WITH THE reau tobacco I V Toko a very small chew less than tmo-qunrtcr tho , old oUo. It will bo moro satl(ylni than n mouthful ol ordinary lolnoco. Just nibble on it until you hnd tlio strength clictv that suit you. Tuck It sway. Then let it rest. Sco how easily end evenly tha real how It satisfies without grinding, how to snlt. how few chews vou tsko to nrd tn ti rattrvd n wllh malUM sX Chlckamaugua last Friday after noon. Mr. Kirk had tho pleasure of visiting tho old battlefield a number of years ago and at this session of tho history class ho (had a number of lead bullets that Iliad been shot from tho guns of .the Union and Confederate torces and picked up by him while thero. Tho Senior class held a meet ing Thursday evening. A niim- ! ber of committees wero appoint ed to innlco preparations ror tlio commencement exercises. C. W. Cook and his son Wil fred graded the tennis court on Saturday. This will mako tho work much lighter for tho stu dents, siuco most of tho grass and sod haB been removed. The Annual staff held a meet ing Friday evening. Advorti3od Letotrs. Mr. C. L. Mason. Mr. O. It. Haugann. Mr. Win. Haggard. Mrs. Joseph Column. One cent duo on all advertised letters. IIAItltY M. STEWART, Postmaster. Wallowa will vote on building a city hall. FOR SALE 17-ft. new boat.' Call at Sprlngilold Planing Mill or Phono 130W3. 9tf. 6-ROOM HOUSE nnd lot for sale or rent. -Modern conven iences. Easy terms. Call at News office Wasco county largo Industrial Is building a barn on tho poor farm. Tho "morals court" once vot ed down sought to bo revived at Portland. , x Portland Tho now Couch school has a roof-garden and swlming ta.nlt. Medford Fund of $1000 rais ed to operate cannery. Department of Public Works at Portland has stopped all lay ing of "asphaltlc conoreto pave ment" until it can bo tested. L. M. LaRuo of Salem will movo stop-ladder factory to Eu gene. V r7 Your Order Today i- -