The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, April 05, 1915, Image 3

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We tako pleaseure In announcing that "6ur Soda Fountain"
Ih now open for bUHlijcM, and that we promise the samo
courteous tretitmont and quality goodB that have mado mi
iBfldl ctiHtomorVor Ub In the past.
v,f ,.v
"Lcava your thirst at our fountain"
: Tales of the Town
Dr. and Mrs. J. It. IJarr mot
ored to Junction City Sunday,
Now Is the time to get your
sweat pads cheap. Wolf & Millar.
Charles Lyons of Walton was
In Springfield last week on busi
ness. Canadian Field Peas, and
seed barley at the Springfield
Feed Co.
Two Incubators for salo
Robert D. Fox of Oregon City
Is in Springfield looking for a lo
cation. Mrs. A. T. Drum, who was op
erated on at the Springfield hos
pital a week ago, is getting on
A. S. Walker suffered another
attack of his maludy Sunday,
but was some Improved this
Mr. and Mrs, StroudLoug of
Camp Creek and daughter, Mrs. I
Frank Morrell wore in' Spring-'
field Friday.
Fred Watko, Jr. student at
MU Angel acadeipy, Is spending I
the "Easter vacation with nis
parents hero.
0 tt
i-To enjoy a feature film you
should sco the beglning. First
show starts at the Bell at 7:1G,
second one at 8:30.
Fresh milk delivered night
and morning from Pruuovillo
Dairy. Any one wishing milk
call 31F3. We have our own;
mine. ion
ft o
lBf irrnnnos Hartlott came In
f rom.Monmouth Friday to spend I
the Easter vacation at tho homo I
of' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Bartlett.
Cal Burns and Earl Moore
left Saturday for Jasper where
they have accepted positions in
the Griffin logging camps, re
cently opened.
Tho Now Perfection Blue
Flame oil stoves nro as nearly
perfect as human skill and mod
ern machinery can make them.
Sold by Hayden & Metcalf.
-"Jess of tho Mountain Coun
try," the feature to be shown at
the Bell Tuesday evening, Is by
the same company that pro
duced Joan of , Arc This In
sures Its quality.
Fresh Garden Seeds at tho
Fecd'Storo. Also Fertilizers for
Hoot Crops and Foliage Crops,.
Spray Material etc. Wo invito
inspection, and our prices, are
the beat.
Mrs, .Teanotte Richardson re
turned homo Saturday from
Cottage Grove whore sho had
boon visiting with her son, A. J.
Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong
came homo with her and stayed
Until Sunday.
t , , . ' ti
Mr.-and Mrs. Aldrcd Beaver
have moved to tho Churchill
place at the west end of tho riv
er bridge, and this week Mr.
and Mrs, Walter Horndon will
occupy a tout house on tho
samo place for tho summer,
ft ! ft
Roy Irwin, formerly a resident
of Springfield, was hero last
week. Ho is employed In a saw
mill on tho Columbia river, and
sayB tho mills along tho river aro
working on short hours and In
some instances are closing down
entirely, ' .
Leather is high but wo are
soiling harness cheaper than
over. Wolf & Miller.
Shoes Dyed Come to tho
Palaco Club Shining Parlors.
Mrs. Marvin Drury Is nulto 111
witu an attack or tonsllitis.
Buy your hay, feed and flour
at tho Feed Store. We sell It
Mr. and Mrs. George Spores
wero In from Ilayden Bridge on
J. P. Fry opened the dining
room of the Elite hotel again
last week.
"Jess of the Mountain Coun
try," a big feature at the Bell
Tuesday ovenlng .
Oliver Johnson made a trip to
Creswell Friday to look after
his property there.
The Brilliant Vacuum
Cleaner for sale $19.50, or for
rent $1.25 per, day. Seo Dale
Mummey. 14
Pouring of concrete for the
foundation of tho Budd McPher-
son building on Main street was
begun this morning.'
Mrs. Minnie Bevlns of Marcola
visited Mrs; M. U Franco Wed
nesday while on her way to San
Francisco for medical treatment
Mrs. Mary Buchanan, who un
derwent an operation at the
Springfield hospital last week,
left the hospital for her home
Miss Reed, tho nurse who had
been staying at the EsteJia Mar
tin homo, now has rooms with,
Mrs. Susan Gilo on north Mill
Miss Luclle Cononhavor. who
In nrtmiiifnir tlin Normnl snhnol
at Monmouth, arrived Friday to
spend tho vacation period with
her people hero.
If you pay more than the
price of a Now Perfection Oil
stove you pay too much. If you
pay less you get less. Hayden &
Metcalf, the Homo Furnishers.
ft ft w
Mrs. Alice Holcomb and, her
daughter Edith, former residents
of Springfield, arriveu irom
Mfitlford Frldav to visit Mrs.
Holcomb's daughter, Mrs. Cocil
Tho Hayden Bridge Thimble
club met last Thursday at the
homo of Mrs. R. S. Wynd for Its
afternoon or sewing ana social
onjoymfent. There wero about
twenty present.
Joseph Hill last week bought
the interest of hjs partner, J. II.
Morton In tho Palace billiard
hall and will 'henceforth Con
duct tho business. Mr. Morton
expects to leave shortly for his
ranch In eastern Oregon,
ft ft ft
Parties wishing to contrlbuto
clothing to the Asociated Char
ities will please ask their gro
cery delivorymon to tako tho
supplies to E. E. Morrison's,
whoro they will bo taken cave of.
Pres. Associated Charities,
The local lodgo of United Ar
tisans will have an Interesting
program and luncheon at tho
mooting Wednesday ovenlng, at
which time Dr. Eskelman of
Portland will bo present. Every
member Is urged to attend and
bring a friond or two and onjoy
tho meeting. It will bo an even
ing df sociability.
""Try your dlnriar at tlia Wit:
For a good ghlne coma to
the Palaca Club.
, m e
The big aak Is still going on
at Wolf & Miller',
i .
We are compelled to reduce
our utock.. Wolf & Miller,
You get Fidelity stamps at
tho Ilarblt Millinery store. .
Sherman Spong of Marcola
was In Springfield Saturday.
Roofing of the now creamery
building was completed today.
For a good shino for ladles
or gents come to tho Palace
Mrs. J. A. Johnston of Alton,
Kansas, Is visiting with Mrs.
John Sparks.
Harness and strap work
wont last long. Come early and
get first choice. Wolf & Miller.
A. L. Churchill, formerly in
business hero, but now engaged
in farming on Camp Creek, was
In town today.
J. E. Bartlett left today for
m t . . . , .
luiiiui, uiwi w o-na uumap, xvuss Alice nesier i corder was suddenly "arrested"
a position as salesman for the and Miss Florence Coffin. ,IDy two officers of the Camp and
' ! Mrs. RudfHman's Riindav' A. JL S 1 - 1 A. f 1. 1
-Umv f thn flmn tn mf that
old suit cleaned and repaired or
- " " ' O - " - - ;
have a new one made at Jen
kins, Fourth Street. m
Wouldn't you like to seo
your feet smile and feel glad?
Then tako your shoes to HaH,
tho Shoe Doctor for repairing.
fee. Pay once and you aro done,
II. E. Walker at the City Hall.
Mrs. R. S. Wynd of Hayden
Bridge fell and severely sprained
her arm Sunday. She was ex
pecting to come to town today
to consult a physician.
Mrs. Heffner and family mov
ed her family here from Browns
ville last week, and has taken
tho Kepner house on C street
between Fifth and Sixth.
Early chickens bring good
money- Get your supplies at the
Feed Store. We are carrying
.extra lines this year and arc go
ing .to sell them cheaper.
A new disease "fan-tods!"
Did you ever have them? Well
they are an awful thing and
come from NOT having your
shoes repaired by Hall the Shoe
Grandma Miller leaves tomor
row morning for an extended
trln that will take her over a
wide stretch of territory In the
next few months. Sho goes
first to San Francisco to attend
tho fair for a time, nnd will then
go to Chrysler and Aultsville, in
the province of Ontario, Canada.
From there she will return to
nolnts in British Columbia be
fore returning to her home here.
Mighty Arches Mark Huge Court of the Universe.
4 ' " '''..
Arch of Rising Sun, Court of Uie
000 by COO feet, with a companion nrch,
the east ami west, is loci reec in iicigiiu
The Ekk!eJan claaa of die
Methodist Sunday school hekl
IU business session and social
at tho church Friday' evening.
The division of the class constat
ing of Kale Lansberry, Cecil
Hayso, Fern Sldwell and Olive
Smith, had charge of the plans
for entertainment. Games were
provided and light refreshments
were served
Tho North End Social club
gave a surprise April Fool party
In honor of Mrs. V. G, Campbell
Thursday evening. A most en
joyable time was had and at a
late hour refreshments were
Thc G. T. club held Its session
Thursday evening at the home
01 UJtve bmitn. Uames ana
fancy work made the evening
uuur ku an uu wuuy. mi
Grace Male -was a guest of the
club, and the following members
were present: Miss Myrtle
Copenhaver, Miss Lacy Copcn-
haver, Miss Jessie Walker, Miss
Grace Walker, Miss Sarah Mar-,
tin. Miss Edna Swarts, Mies Ve-
I ' " .
au , u f w u..'u
Oi.llUUi li Lil ill. iJ, JlUlkU
spent a very enjoyable evening scrved To she
at the home of their teacher, was "surprIsed expressing
Friday, April 2. The evening it mildI ter luncheon, aoml
was spent in games and music jUrae was a , con.
and at half past ten a dainty' versRtIon nd mualc Thoge
three course luncheon was ser- enjoying the evening's pleasures
ved. Those who enjoyed Mrs. weJr: and Mrsf PM Gos.
Ruddiman's hospitality .'were: o1ni. Mr. anA , pnhrt r,,
?ao? W' Lu?le Smith, Mary
Clark, Grace Nlckum, Peart. ton, Mrs. Morelock, Mrs. Ina
Snook, Doris Lybarger, Mar-,cliue and chidren and Misses
?nTn , ; 'Tv'Sailie Lambert, Gene Lambert,
Vtola Day and Helen McKlbben. jLcttie mi and Margaret Gossler
Mary Chase and Chlora Master
son. Mrs
Zella Cantrell entertain-1
cd Thursday evening at her
home at Sixth and C streets, giv-
ing a handkerchief shower for
'Miss Bessie Martin, who was
leaving that evening for Port-
land, to be married.. The guests
of the evening were: Miss Mar-
tin, Mrs. M. L. France, Mrs.
Barnes, Mrs. Silas Gay, Mrs. I.
V. .Jackson, Mrs. Cantrell, Mrs.
Allen,-Mise Vena Barbre, Miss
Veda Barbre, Gladys Withrow.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured 1
by local opplIcBiIohi. thr cannot Much 1
lh dluniril Dortlon of the car. Thtr la
only one war to cure drafnru, and that la
by cumtltutlonal remedlee. Deafnts la
nuifil by an Inflamed condition of he mu
iiiii llr.lnr of the Uuitachian Tube. When
hla tube la Inflamnl you have a rumbllnc
ound or Imperf.ct liearlnr. and trhen It la
nllrely cloifd. I-nfm la tbe reeult, and
unlc the Inflamrnctloh can be taken out
and thli tubo rnorl to ita normal condI
tlon. bearing trill be destroyed forever: nine
r,h',chh0hulri'X ,nna3,e
caeea out or ten are caused tr caiarrn
id condition
We will alve Une Hundred Dollare for any
caie of Drafnexe Ccaueed by catarrh) that
cannot bt cunl by Haifa Cats-rrh Cuie.
Bend for circular, free.
F. J. IHEEV A CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
B61d by nruKifi"'". 75c.
Take Hall'a family I'ille for eonitlsatlon.
The Albany council is plan
ing to pave twelve blocks on
three streets.
Universe, rouamn-raclflc International Exposition, Son Francisco. This Is the grand central ceert g i 3
the Arch of the Setting Sun, at tho west portal. Kach arch; with Its sculptured groupay aymboHeal ( thd
, r ' 1
Druce Barnes, Ethel Contey,
Grace Collins, Tiny Collins, and
Alice Stanlger.
Last Friday night the mem
bers of the Loyal Women's
class and of the Loyal Men's
class of the Christian Sunday
school hekl their business meet
ing at the church. After the
business session, Mrs. Fergu
son's class gave an Interesting
program of recitations and
music. Then lunch was served
to a large number and a good
time enjoyed by all.
Last Thursday evening after
their regular meeting, the mem
bers of Mistletoe Camp, No.
.4878, Royal Neighbors of Amer-
fca, treated their Recorder, Mrs
Izora. fio!et to a tirnrl
party in honor of her birthday
anniversary, unknown to her,
arrangements bad been made
and guests summoned. At the
'close of the meeting the
members deftly managed to
keep her employed at her desk,
whHe others spread the tables,
1 -V KA T A XCl,J kUV
J"? JKjau.pi, tne iDie, wnere
Mn and M Fred R, RumcU,
The Idilio club gave a program,
dance, ladles' choice, in lieu, o
i the reirular dance, last Satim
evening. Gladvs Roberts anc
Mrs. 'Wilson of Eueene were
guests of the club,
Miss Bessie Martin, for twe
years night operator at the Jocal
telephone office, and George
Westerburg, formerly of Fal'
Creek, were married in Portlanc"
last Friday. They will reside at
Burbank, Washington, where
Mr. Westerburg is In the emr
ploy of a lumber company.
Roseburg Postoffice moves
HU-" new fliu.uuu uunuiuy.
Oregon has had boosting
enough it is time to go to work.
Ryan & Allen, owning saw
mills at Hession, Wash., and
Sheridan, Ore., have taken over
the plant at Sara, Wash.
Persons owing the Spring
field Feed Co., for longer than
30 days are requested to call and
balance up. We need our money.
Patronize Home Industry.
Aelr vnnr fnrnlfiirfi rlfinlfir
for those foldiner. clothes racks.
made by the Springfield Planing I
i'rn-w ' v
good tyoQwrnoN to
It, htvrptitlnt ii bimihk f M,
oil Matter the imp! Mix twe C
Nft Aifter-l'kii; 4i1m inm N tfkmu
ThM reMdy bttn limw fey tnH
8jn(lieltl Md mtim m MJTM iUm
vwet anil lower liBWk o 'tfcrwhy
tfint ONK DOae rKVH tow rtmSSt
gas on tiitf rtomaei in1 eaMitlw stl
wort IMMEDIATELY. We jiie iriUy
Klad wo nro 8frSs8M ngmt IwA'il-Icr-J'ka.
M. K, 1'cery, tlmgM. r
Springfield Garage
Mate, bot fourth and yifth. Phoae'll
Veterinary,? Surgeon "
and Dentiat
Office: Warnsek's Fed Barn V
Phnes: Office 94 .
RMlcfence 1122-J 1
J. F. Titus, IV! . Dj.
Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeen '
Obstretrtes and DUmam of Cfalldres
Res. Phone 61. Office Phone 629
Residence 283; West 9th
Office 938 Will. Street, .
Eugene, - - Oregon.
Edwards & Brattait
For Farm and City Property '
Exchanges a Specialty
Springfield - Oregon
Phone 30
PHONES:OWce, 3; Residence, lltAJ
Over Commercial Bank,
Springfield, Oregon. . u
We print butter wrappers.
Lawyer. :
Pboae 1221 " J
831 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon
Office In City Hall, Springfield, Ore.
office Phone 62
Residence 67-J
West Main St.
.. ', ' "-v'
1 n