1 - . . .r. . ... . - mA.. umes Every drop a paffunuxl tear of joy from the enehantee) gardoni on iKo divine Mediterranean whoro Woom through' out the seasons all the flowers that yield their sumptuous breath to the thought and will of man. We have your favorite odor (Sco Our Window.) I Tales of the Town A now Colgato soap at Peery's. Hear the now Edison Disc , Phonographs at Peery's. r Shoes Dyed Como to Palnco Club Shining Parlors. tho . Mrs. N. A. Ashworth Is re ported to bo qulto sick. For a good shine for ladles or gonts come to tho Pulaco Club. Thoso shoes! Don't thoy need repairing? Tako 'cm to i lull, tho Shoo Doctor. .Mrs. G. 13. Hill who was op crated on at tho Mercy hospital two weeks ago, was brought to her home hero Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cox went to Stayton yesterday morning up on receipt of word of tho serious illness of Mr. Cox' mother, o The Springfield garage has In stalled a water tap In the front of tho building, and now can supply water, air and gasoline from the sidewalk. 4 Otto Nelson arrived a few days ago from North Yakima, Washington, for a visit with his sister, Mrs. W. II. McOIlvray, and brother, Arno Nelson. Eleanor E. Elliott, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Elliott of Fall Creek, was brought to Springfield Tuesday to have a broken collar bono set. Fresh Garden Seeds at tho Feed Store. Also Fertilizers for Hoot Crops and Foliage Crops, Spray Material etc. Wo. Invito Inspection, and our prices aro tho best. ; - E. E. Morrison, local repre sentative of tho West Coast Co operative association, Tuesday shipped nearly 3000 pounds of this spring's clip of mohair. He oIbo received two more carloads of seed potatoes. r a --Ladles of tho M. E. church "will hold an Easter salo of Food and fancy work at tho Harry Hill building formerly occupied, by Moo tho Tailor, Saturday Aprll'3. All :jadies asked to con tribute to tho sale. Colgate's Talcums lGd at Peery's. For a good shine come to tho Palace Club. E. E. Morrison received a car load of cement today. Savo 1-3 by buying Rcxall School Tablots at Peery s. J. Conrad of Cedar Flat was in Springfield Wednesday on a business trip. Born On Wednesday, March 3t, 1015, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Stewart, a son. You can't go wrong when you patronize Hall, the Shoo Doctor. He carries tho goods to back htm. April 1st Is tho beginning of tho biggest harness stock reduc tion salo over held In Springfield. Wolf & Miller. ' Born On Tuesday. March 30, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry L Chase of Prunevillo, a daugh ter, weight G 3-4 pounds. o No, I haven't moved. Tho building did, about 20 feet. Still doing satisfactory work in tho samo old shop. Hall, the Shoo Doctor. 9 Tho Oregon Power Co., at Its local plant, has just turned out 27 brackets for the new street lights which tho company Is In stalling at Brownsville. SOCIAL NOTES ! r TTT The Ekkledan society, Mr, Scott's Sunday school class of the M. B, church, will hold their regular monthly social In the church parlors Friday evening, April 2. All members are re quested to bo present und friends aro cordially Invited. Entertaining Committee. Tho Emnnon club met yester day afternoon at tho homo of Mrs, Vln Williams for the usual round of sewing and social con verse. Tho next meeting will bo held at the home of Mrs. Val entine. Monday evening was enter tainment night at the Rebekah lmlsrn. and I hnftn trmmhorfl whrvsn names began with C or D were the order. A very pleasing prq- tho hosts. Thero were some In- 8m was rendered after which LUICSLIIIK KUL'BBIUK K K 1 1 1 till O.I1U A. . , . . w . , Joyable dancing-parties at their hall Tuesday evenhig. Tho G. T. club will enjoy one of their social gatherings at the home of Miss Olive Smith, this evening. Tho Gleaners meet today with Mrs, William Donaldson for the usual weekly socio,! time. The Ladles Aid of tho Christian church and 'the Gleaners are planning to have a food sale at Nice & Miller's on Saturday. Pine Circle No. 46, Women of Woodcraft, with a number of invited guests met last nlgbt at the W. 0. W. hall to celebrate the eighteenth anniversary of C. W. Halght Alpha, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs leave today for where thoy will spend the sum mer with their daughter, and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Browning. a Lillian Gorrle. cltv treasurer. last week received $1268.09 from tho county treasurer as a sec ond turn-over of taxes for 1915. This Is In addition to the $500 received a few weeks ago. O 9 f W. P. Burnett, brother of Mrs. S. H. Baker, who has beon visit ing in Springfield for the past month or moro, lert tins morn inc for his home in Los Angeles. He -will spend a short time at tho fair in San Francisco wuue on his way. dainty luncheon. Mrs. D. W. Roof entertained Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mrs, Stltes, Mrs. Cecil Calk Ins, and Mrs. E, F. Bean. Needle work was tho order of the after noon. Tho hostess served a dainty repast Members of tho Ekklcscans class eavo a sumriso nartv on Tuesday evening In honor of the birthday anniversary of Cecil Hayse at his home at the west end of Main street. There were 32 of the young people there, and they had a very enjoyable time with games and music. Thoy presented the guest of honor with a handsome Bible as a birthday remembrance. The Reapers of America are Recitation planning for another of their en- 'Recitation The rest of the evening was spent in games and other amusements. Altogether it was a very enjoy able affair. Following is the pro gram: Opening song, written by Mrs. Ruddimen, sung by members. Recitation Mrs. HortOn Song Mr. Brummette Recitation Ellen Tomseth Recitation Florence Klzer Song Mrs. Tomseth Reading Mrs. Townsend Recitation. .Marjorie Ruddlman Instrumental Duet Miss Shaub and Mr. Townsend. Recitation Mrs. Klzer Song Flaud Townsend Recitation . . . Alfred Townsend Song , Five Ladies Instrumental . . Daisy Tomseth Recitation ...... Viola Nelson Song by Children . Roscoe Perkins Johnnie Tomseth Hear tho Domestic Quartet at the Bell tonight w Wo.arc compelled to reduce our stock. Wolf & Miller. o You get Fidelity stamps at tho Harbit Millinery store. Mat Lux of Bandon arrived Tuesday and has gone to work for Chris Lybarger at his lunch counter. Dale Mummey, local manger for the Oregon Power Co., went to Coburg this morning on busi ness for the company. . Do your cooking, baking, roasting, toasting and ironing tho year around on a Now Per fection wick blue flame oil stove. Sold by, Hayden & Metcalf. Grocery Buying Doesn't Require the time and thought and attention that it used to, Nowadays, at this modern store, We take care of the "worry part" of your grocery buying we stand be- tween you and impure foods and un-,' , desirable goods, and the cbst is no more than for inferior goods. , Get the Habit of Trading. Here, I - Limner i S Early chickens bring good money- Get your supplies at the Feed Store. We are carrying extra lines this year and are go ing to sell them cheaper. a Clark's Jewell Oil Stoves forun less oil because they have a high wick feed which puts the Blue Flame nearer your cooking utensil. Beaver-Herndon Hdw. Co. , Minor repairs are being made to pump No. 2, of tho Springfield water system, at the plant of the Oregon Powor Co. The pump will be In commission again by tomorrow night. Tho fire siren was tested out at noon Tuesday after, the in stallation of a new valve. Now tho blasts giving the ward In which tho fire is located, can be given distinctly. n ? a The motor truck used In haul lug lumber from the Booth' I Kelly mill to the Orbgon Electric jat Eugene, was off Wednesday on account or tho lack of cars Hauling was resumed this morn F. A, Perln of Springfield and W. F, Humphrey of Eugene have taken over the' Savoy theatre In Eugene from E. L. Campbell, who has become postmaster of Eugene. Messrs, Perln and Humphrey contemplate tho pur chase of tho theatre. "Cupid Flour Is tho "Best" hanlwhoat on tho markot. $1.75 or $0.80 bbl. Johnson's Best a hardwheat blond of Superior quality at $1.G5 or $C40 bbl. Our "Cash" guarantee with each sack, Springfield Feed Company, "Joan of Arc," a ilve-redl pic ture from tho World Film cor poration, drew a capacity house at the Boll theatre Tuesday eve ning. Efforts were made to have the film retained for another day so that moro of the school children might seo It. Tho last: scones, of the burning of Joan of Arc at the stake were par tlclarly well staged. Now Is the time to get your sweat pads cheap. Wolf & Miller. o o o The 12-year-old son of J. F. Dean of Pengra Is reported very low. o " The Sell is getting an ex cellent program for Sunday and Monday. a Collars, whips, robes, horse blankets. Everything goes at Wolf & Miller's. Mrs. Mary Buchanan under went an operation'at the Spring- field hospital Wednesday. Wanted 90 young men to .bring their sweethearts to our Soda Fountain on Easter Sun day. Ketels Drug Store. New Perfection Oil Cook Stove Is the best, simple ni con struction.- always ready. For sale by Hayden & Metcalf. Mrs. I. W. Smith of Lowell, who has been at the Springfield hospital for the past two weeks, leaves today for her home. Persons owing the Spring' field Feed Co., for longer than 30 days are requested to call and balance up. We need our money. Surprise your wife with a New Perfection oil stove and she will certainly appreciate your thouchtfulness. Hayden & Metcalf, the home furnishers. Mrs. Omar Cox and Mrs, A. T. Drum who underwent serious operations at the - Springfield hospital last Monday, are pro gressing niceiy towara recovery. The Ladies of the G. A. R. will serve dinner to a limited num ber of the teachers who come to attend the institute Saturday. They wil serve at one of the rooms In the Lincoln building, where the Institute is to be held. Chris Lybarger moved his family yesterday to apartments in the building at Fourth and Main; and will shortly have his dining room enlarged and tables Installed. F. A. SIkes, representipg the Farmers union of America, is in Springfield this afternoon visit ing his cousin, Thomas Sikes. Meetings of farmers are to be held this comlng'week at a num ber of places west of Eugo.no, whero tho farmers are organiz ing tovtako advantage of tho co operative terminal warehouse being established in Portland. T H E H A R D W A R E S T O R E Fine Program Saturday at the Belt. . HEARST SELIG PICTORIAL NEWS Educational. WOOD CARVING AND TURN . .ING AT ST. CLAUDE. THE JERBOA. HIS UNKNOWN GIRL 2 reel Vitaeranh feature. HEART OF CONY JIM, The Domestic Quartette will 'g SPEC! A 4 Saturday Only urn All Aluminum Casteroles Regular Price $2.00 Saturday $1.25 Sherwin-William Paint Until Further Notice $1.95 per Gallon Beaver Herndon Hardware Co. H T H E Y E L L O W F R O N T A HCAftTY'VCLaeMe e euerfeo: Youve torj . tTH& RAKCHMAN GREETS THE 60QD JUBSEfl ,s, COMPARE a little chewtfB "Right-Cut,'5" the Real Tok bacco Chew, with a big chew of your old kind, and see if you don't iiKe it Detter. . You take only about-half as manv chews and it satisfies you better. "Right-Gut" is pure, sappy tobacco sea soned and sweetened just enough. Take a very small cfaew less tbaa onc-qmrter the old S2ZG. It will be ffloe Mtislyis tfeoa tt noufcbful of ordinary tobacco. Just atfefele ea it uatH yea fisd the ttrragth chew that suits yen. TbcIc R away. Then let it rest. See horr eaaili- imd evenlv the imI' tobacco taste comes, bow it sctisfies wttiieet Jrktdtagliew much less you have to (pit. how few chew you take to be tobacco satisfied. That's trhy it is Tie Tototet Cico. That's vrhy it costs less in the end. It Is a mir cbcw, cat Cna and abort ibred to that yon mm't fcsve to Crind oa it with your tctth. CHcdioi oa otduury candied tobacco ctafcn 70a t pit too much. Tfcs u.tr c( pare rich tobacco does Dot need to be corned an with boUmm and, EcortiC tocse bow tie silt briojj out the rich lohicco tut la "Kikt-Cot." One small chew takes the place of two big chews of the old kind. ' WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY SO Urloi SQuaro. New York, . QUY FROM DEALER OR SEND IQSSTAMPSTQUsJ S. D. Garner of Camp Creek was in town Wednesday. W 91 N Mrs. C. A. S warts of Donna is visiting relatives in Springfield. a st Mrs. N. A. Ashworth. who has been very ill, is reported as im proving. . m m m See our Clark's Jewell Blue Flame Oil Stoves. They burn less oil. Beaver-Henrdon Hdw. Co. o Lovi Revere suffered a stroke of paralysis Sunday evening, but is improving nicely at this time. v Mrs. L. M. Beebo was initiated into Evangeline chapter, Order of Eastern Star, at Eugene, at a recent meeting of the order. W 9 Fresh milk delivered night and morning from Prunevillo Dairy. Any one wishing miiK call 34F3. Wo have our own milk. lGtf mm Married By County Judge. H. L. Bown, on Wednesday, March 31, 1915, Homer G. bYasier ana Miss Georgia Butler , both of Marcola. w Mrs. C. A. Swarts came down from Donna Tuesday with her mother Mrs. Qeorge Schigner, and sister, Gertrude Schigner, of Goodland, Kansas, wno nave been visiting her for the past month. They have been on the: coast for three montKs, and re turn to the snows ef Kassa with regret. 1 . We print bvitei Vrappers. ,! S. H. BOWER Lawyer. , Phone 1221 S31 Willamette St Eugene, 6reiir HERBERT E. WALKER NOTARY PUBLIC Office In City Hall, Springfield, Or. W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office Phone 2; Residence 67-J Wt Main St. O. R. Gullion, M. D. Practice Limited tl Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate Nurse Attending 308, White Temple,TEugie. Patronize tlome Industry'. '. Ask yoyRfurnlture dealer for those folafng; clothes rack's made by the Springfield Planing Mill company.