The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, April 01, 1915, Image 2

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    The state highway commission this week elected H. I. Cantlne
of PortWmd, to the.pqeltloa. of state highway engineer, vice Mayor
Bowfey, removed for InsiMrkiatlon.
Ctr and Manager
Guns ef the: allied Aeetiln the Dardanelles cannot demolish
higRprlces 6f iNk in tWBigle as tkeyild six cent breld.
Industry Is about to mobilize tho army of unemployed and
attack tho intrenchments of Gen. Dull Times.
Publkhcd SreryMowlay and Thursday by the Latie County Po
lishing Association,"
0e. Year . .11.69 Six Months - - .75 J Throo Months
: " ' 'Advertising Rates Furnished on Application,
In tho minds of several English statesmen every uoutral port
leads to Germany.
If Vera Cruz la not careful it will contract American habits.
We Shall Be Glad
lAn'cl Remember to Get a
Business men who have a knowledge of town building and a
sincere desire to build the town in which they live arc the useful
citlzenB of their community. They are the men who know that
town building means bigger business. They are the men who
know that. big businesses do not exist in little and undeveloped
There are-a number of ways to contribute to the building of
sL city and community in general. Money and effort spent in that
"ivsty are not expenses,, they are investments. The man who is not
public spirited enough to know that he is building his business
when he is building the community in which he lives is spoiling
valuable space in the community.
One of the ways to build and develop the community is to
build good newspapers. The live man is easily detected by his
attitude to his home paper. It he Is proud of the progressive home
paper, that is a good sign that he is a good citizen. The newspaper
man is often too modest to tell the people that good citizenship
depends largely on loyalty to the paper which the "newspaper man
Is publishing-but it is part of the building of the newspaper to get
the people back of it and in that light, the newspaper publisher is
doing the community good when he.does so where it is necesary.
There is nothing that succeeds like success and people like a suc
cessful man hi any line of business..
The way to build a newspaper is to use it. Very few men
want to have a poor newspaper to read, but some of them want
. ether people to make a good paper for them to read. It Is often
that the business men in the community do not know how tp use
a newspaper. They cannot see what use it is to them in building
their business. It is then up to the newspaper man to teach them.
It is a difficult job to teach some people, but that Is what makes
the newspaper business like other businesses in which labor is re-
quired to make it go.
The main support of the newspaper is the advertising. The
business man can use advertising space and make it earn him
money if he knows-how. Intelligent and legitimate advertising is
an investment that fs hard to beat. The right kind of newspaper
advertising takes the place of the catalogue that has proven the
curse of the country. The business man who honestly tries to sell
'.ourpeople goods can beat the mail order houses in values and in
selling plan. To dp so requires newspaper space.
There is manifestation of considerable enthusiasm for civic
improvement in surrounding towns, says the Telegram: In Van
couver and Oregon City it has developed to something vigorous;
and more notably from Oregon City the movement is pushing
further afield. The people of that town solicit the people of other
towns to join with them in a campaign for physical betterment.
They want to begin with the cleanup stage and make things look
better for the townsmen and for those who may visit the various
The value of such campaign, if sucessfully conducted, cannot
be easily estimated. And where the towns and cities affected are
located on lines of travel that are interstate, the worth of the im
provement will be an asset to the state as well as to the locality.
In the smaller towns and cities tidiness and adornment should
show about the front door, namely, about the railroad stations at
which visitors arrive and depart and through or past which travel
ers journey. Let any person who travels in a strange country en
counter a succession of well-kept station grounds and surround
ings, with flbwers and neat walks, and with well-maintained and
cleanly streets in sight, and invariably there is praise for that par
ticular section. The more extensive the section, the more earnest
.the .praise and, the stronger the impression of thrift and prosperity
.cux which it is based.
In this sense there is state -development In the small town Im
provement. The reputation of the entire commonwealth ,is en
hanced. It is just this condition that . stands as one of the chief
.reasons fdr the widespread and enviable fame of Southern Califor
nia. Every little city and town has a care -for Its appearance, as
it will Impress the outsider; and the popular Interest in this is so
deep rooted that the railroads cannot do other than co-operate,
As local pride spreads ,It becomes sectional pride. Everybody
knojvs the yalue of a tidy and attractive town; and everybody in
sists that impressed upon the visitor. The more of that
sort of thing we have in Oregon, the better it will be for the state.
Judging by the comunications in the Eugene papers,, the only
bad things chargeable to dogs running at large is the destruction
of lawns. We could stand that all right, but what moved the
Fathers of Springfield to action was the fear that the rabies, so
prevalent in eastern Oregon, might be brought over the mountains
to the valley. An ounce of prevention is worth considerable.
Japan has handed China an ultimatum. But unless orientals
have diplomatic customs of their own an ultimatum does not pre
', elude possibilities c a long and not unfriendly discussion.
' With two buildings under way In the same block, and the
'building season not even well uiuler way, Springfield can look for
fkrd to a prosperous, year for 19115.
, Perhaps the income tax wiH show whether the farmers or the
1 spectators got most of the profits in wheat
vndcubtedly the example of .Jpjtm Lind.was lost on Gen.
Garfanz., V ' !.'."'"
StopOvor for Springfield.
Out of the
Thought of a Botter Way.
In oldon times the beadlo was
armed with a small wooden-m'al-let
with which ho was commis
sioned to tap, gently but flrmly,
the heads of sleepers in church.
In the old town of Kilbarchan
once lived and preached a min
ister whose pulpit ministrations
were devoid of all eloquence or
force. Naturally, he was- an
noyed every Sunday by the sight
of several of his parishioners,
who slept throughout the ser
mon, unlet among tnese was
Johnny Plane Johnny had
been greatly "touched" by the
old beadle's mallet several times,
but one Sunday the minister was
exasperated at tne sight or the
man soundly sleeping almost be
fore tho sermon had begun.
"Andra," he called out to tho
beadle, "gang round to the wast
loft and rap Johnny Plane. Gio
the lazy loon a guid stiff rap on
the heid he deserves t."
The beadle obeyed instruc
tions, with the result that live
ly light ensued between him.' and
the erstwhile sleeper. Meeting
Andra in the vestry after tho
service, the minister said:
"If the loon sleeps next Sun
day, just you gang up and rap
him back to reason; and mind
It's a knock avI some FORCE
in't he needs."
"Na. na, sir," was the beadle's
canny reply, "I'll no disturb him
again. It Johnny's to be kept
f rae sleepin' In church, minister,
ye maun just pit the force Into
yer sermon."
M. Ci C.
Would Soon Catch It.
Tommy had been playing
truant from school and had, pas
sed a long, beautiful day fishing.
On his way back he met ohe.of
his young cronies, who accosted
him with the usual question,
"Catch anything?"
At this Tommy, in all the con
sciousness of guilt, quickly re
sponded: "Nope ain't been home yet."
The chief of the clan Mcin
tosh once had a dispute with a
cabman about his fare.
"Do you know who I am?"
Indignantly exclaimed the High
lander. "I am the Mcintosh.",,
"I don't care If you are the
umbrella,", replied the cabby,
"I'll have my rights." M. C. C.
Wolfer Brothers Are Placed in
Jail One Disarmed at Point
of Gun.
John Wolfer, Jake Wolfer and
Cecil Wolfer, three brothers re
siding on the Mohawk river,
near Spores Biding, were arrest
ed Monday afternoon by Con
stable L. E. Thompson of this
place and Deputy Sheriff Geo.
Croner on a charge of burglary.
They were given a hearing that
afternon in Justice Mullen's
'court and were bound over to
the grand jury. They were taken
to Eugene that night and lodged
in the county jail.
A jar of blackberries, left half
eaten along, the path gave the
j officers a clew that led thed to
the home of the Wolfers.
j One of the three men was dis
armed by Deputy Sheriff George
, Croner at the point of a gun, as
rhe attempted to escape from the
I rear of the house while Con
stable Thompson, of Springfield,
went to the front of the house.
The man came running out of
the rear door with a loaded shot
gun in his hands. ' He submitted
to arrest without protest,
The men are charged with
burglary of the Andrew Fisher
residence Saturday night. A
quanity of jewelry and clothing
alleged to have been stolen was
found in the house of tho three
men, according to the officers
who obtained a search warrant
in the Springfield justice court.
McCoy Frank Linn will build
a round S5000 barn.
Siuslaw will get $ 112,600 from
Congress for harbor work. fj
South Portland gets a 3-story
brick building. j;
Joke Book
Hint as to Improvement.
"Father," said tho small boy,
"is there really a Santa Glaus?"
"Why, I beliovo so, my son."
"Dut as a boy grows older
doesn't a boy's own father como
to the front and choose tho gifts
"I shouldn't bo surprised If
that wore tho caso."
"Well, 1 hopo it Is. I havon't
said much about it, but after
thinking over the presents I'vo
been getting for two or threo
Chrisunascs past ru rather cut
out Santa Ciaus and take my
chances with you." Washing
ton Star.
Not Vet.
Tommy yelled at the ton of
his voice for two hours and then
stopped. "Well," said his mother
are you going to bo good'
Have you finished crying?"
"No," said Tommy. "I have
not finished ; I'm only resting."
Tho Domestic Machine.
Mr. Meek was laboriously
I hooking up the back of his wife's
levelling dress just as tho clock
,wns striking their dinner hour
and their dinner guests were
ringing the door boll. Mr. Meek
breathed hard; his forehead was
;damp and his hands shook.
"I do wish some ono would
invent a machine to do this kind
of work!" he muttered, miser
ably. "Wuhy, they havo!" replied
his wife, brightly, as sbo applied
some powder nonchalantly to
her nose. "They have, and you
are it." Youth's Companion.
Scotch Wit and Humor.
"An Old Scotchwoman who
had made a great deal of money
by selling whisky was visited
when on her deathbed by her
"And o Molly" said tho niln
Istor, "you tell me that you have
all this money.""
"Indeed, minister, I have," re
plied Molly.
"And you tell me, too," con
tinued tho minister, "that you
made all tills money by filling
the noggin."
"Na, na, mlnlster'sald the dy
ing woman. "I dldna tell ye that.
I made the maist qf it by NOT
filling the noggin."
PHONES: Office, 3; Residence, 111-J
Over Commercial Bank,
Springfield, Oregon.
Office in the I. 0, O. F. Building
Edwards & Brattaii
ForFarm and City Property
Exchange a Specialty
Phone 30
Successor to Calkins & Son.
General Drayage Business,
Pianos Moved.
Phone 70 - Springfield, Oregon.
Dsn stn?y
Home Products
Do not go out of town for any
thing In tho line of bread, pies
cakes, cookies, etc., when, yov
can obtain the best rjght a
Springfield Bakery
S. Young, Prop
We print butter wrappers.
To look after your tax mnttors.
Bring tax stntomcnt if you' havo drio;
otherwise notify uo early and wo will
secure a stntomont for you.
The Best
For Less
The Fifth Street Grocery
Thos. Sikes, Prop. Phone 22
Pay Your Taxes Here
Wo are . a depository for
County funds and arc authoriz-
ed to receive monoy in payment
x of taxes. Ono half may bo paid .
on or before April 1st Bring In
your tax statements if you havo
them, and If not nnk ua, and wo
. will get them for you. No extra
Commercial State Bank
Capital $30,000.00
The Springfield Creamery
CHAS. BA1KMAN, Proprietor
Try it and be convinced that it pays to patronize
home industries.
Established 1883
Capital and Surplus ..... $300,000.00
Interests on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates -
: Blue Printing and Maps
i Phone 955, tugene.
J Work Called for and Deliverotl.
We Sell the Hamilton
0. .W, HOOF, Jewel&r & Optician
Springfield, Ore.
Repairing a Specialty
Ed Do m pier
I havo bought out tho Parson
blacksmith shop back of the old
Post office.
78, A. M. P., Ancient anil
Acqoptod Scottish III to Uni
versal and, pymhollc Frea
Masons moots Friday even
ing In W, 0. W. hall. Visit
lng brothors welcome. .
P. A. Johnson, h, B. Durrln,
Secrotary. II. y, M.