The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, March 22, 1915, Image 3

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The Wonderful
It colors old and now straw hats.
" t Any one can use It.
vta have It In the following colors:
Jot Mack Vlolot.
Burnt Htrnw. Corlim.
Lavoiulur. Yellow.
Sajio Groon. Urown.
Cnutlnul Hod. Navy Blue.
Cadet Bluo .
: Tales of the Town J
Harness oiled in first class
Hlmpo by Wolf & Miller.
Canadian Field Peas, and
need hurley at the Springfield
Feed Co.
Orson Vaughn suffered a se
vere homorrluiKo of thu nose
this morning. Mrs. Vln Williams, undcr-
, wont an operation Friday for the
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Drury removal of her tonsils.
wont to Wnllervlllo Friday for a 1
few days visit. I E. Greathouse, who haB been
working on the Coos Bay rall-
- Got the habit of going to road, came In Thursday.
Mall tho Shoo Doctor for n llrst-l ... .,",
i Iiihh roimlr lob Hard times will not hit you
repair joo. ,Bo hard If you let Hall Uio Shoe
Grant Battles and James Hart Doctor repair your old shoes,
of Waltervlllo aro In Springfield' , ... n tV,1K(n .
irwiiiv on lnmlnoHfl . i v Carney of Thurston at-
loday on DUBinoss. tended the Reapers of America
J. P. Fry has decided to close
the dining rqom. of tho Elite ho
tel for tho present.
. .
Mrs. W. I. Smith of Landax
was operated on at tho Spring
Held hospital Saturday.
Wllmot brothers moved their
houscholdgoods from Clover
dalo to Springfield Saturday.
.Mr. andMrs. y. F. G ...strap of
Hugetie were pleasant callers at
the News olllce Saturday after
noon. -
Teddy ,flarber pf . Wcndllng
was brought Xq, tho Springfield
hospital. las.t week to have his
tonsils removed.
Clttfe f?(&TkfcCuWocsh has
been quite sick for a few days
with attacks of croup.
Mrs. Essie Knight was operat
ed on: at, the Springfield hospital
last Tuesday and Is now well
on tho way to recovery.
Good reliable firo Insurance.
No assessments; no membership
fee. Pay.onco qnd you aro done.
II. E. Walker at tho City Hall.
.. ,..
Frank Fox and wife of Port
land were In Springfield Sunday
and Monday o"n business. They
were registered at tho Hotel
Springfield, j a
J. P. Fry has completed- tho
changes at his garago on, Sixth
street, "and tho building now
houses ds, machine and that of
Dr. Morterisen.
II. M. Murray of. Portland,
boiler .Inspector for tho board of
are underwriters,. Inspected mo
boilers , at tho Oregon
plant yesterday,
. ,,a, i ,
Francis Lambgrty, . , pharma
cist at t.ho "Kegels drug storo, was
ublo to bo down town last
Thursday, for tho first time af
ter an Illness of two weeks,
t '
, Surprise your wife with a
Now Perfection oil stovo and
she will certainly appreciate
your thoughtfulness. Hayden
& Metcalf, tho homo furnishers,
i .
,Ed. Whltsott and.wlfo of Port
land woro.rogl8tored.nt tho Hotel
Sprlngflold . Saturday. Mrs.
Whltsott returned to Portland
Sunday. Mr, Whltsott Is In tho
employ of tho S. P. Co.
Rovt and Mrs. O. F. Elson- fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsllpn
inongor left .Frltlftfy night, for at tho Orpgon Agricultural col
tljiolr former hQino In pQprisyl- logo. This is the first Viat!pnal"
vanla, fgolng by,- way of San, to outer Q, A. G., and tho meet
Francisco. Rov. Mr. Elsenmen- Jpg ,.F;;lday .n'sW tw, fljCftt
ger and' wife made a host of session of his college fraternity
Orionds while thoy wore con- that Superintendent Kirk had
neatod with tho Baptist churoh
Liquid Magician
All things In Leather repair
ed by Wolf & Miller.
-You get Fidelity stamps at
tho Harblt Millinery store.
Buy your hay, feed and Hour
at thu Feed Store. We sell It
Horn On Tuesday, March 16,
1915, to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bcr
ger, a son,
surprise party Friday evening.
Miss Vln McPhcrson wont to
Ashland Saturday morning to
visit' her sister, who Is 111 there.
Tho Brilliant Vacuum
Cleaner for sale $19.50, or. for
rent $1.25 per day. See Dale
Mummcy. 14
Mrs. Mary A'dy and-daughter
Marian of Eugeno spen, Friday
and Saturday as the guests of
Mrs. R. L. Kirk.
Mrs. Godman went to 'Fisch
er's camp near Marcola Friday
for a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. C. T. Wilson. .
Mrs. Alex McKenzle ex
pecteu" home tomorrow from a
visit with her sister, "Mrs. C. A.
Arehart, at Monmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. C, .Wolf mo
tored .up from Albany Sunday
to visit Mrs. Wolf's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. S. Walker.
J. B. Green, who had been
serving on tho Lane county jury,
has resumed, his beat as night
watchman for tho town.
J. L., Clark .and E."E, Morrison
went to Salem Saturday to at
tend a meeting of the Oregon
Hop Growers' association.
famuli lnlllr dnllvnrAil nielli:
and morning from PrunoviUo
Dairy. Any one wishing milk
call 43F3. we nave our owp
milk. 15tf
Mrs. C. E. Hill, who wa? oper
ated on at tho Mordy Jrosijltal,
Eugeno, last Friday, Ib reported
as progressing nicely toward re
covery. .
. The now and larger t,urn,tablo
at Wqndltng was completed on
Saturday and the outfit cars .of
tho bridge crow wore brought
down that afternoon.
Do your cooking, baking,
roasting, toasting and, ironing
the year around on a Now Per
fection wick blue flnmo oil stove.
Sold by Hayden & Metcalf.
Mr. and Mrs.Georgo Catch
ing, Miss Gertrude Williams and
Miss Eva Ohlson madp an auto
mobile trip to Coburg and to
Junction City Sunday afternoon.
ft, L.'Klrk wont to Corvallis
Pridav to attend tho installa
tion of a chapter of the national
attended - In - 13 years. Ho ro-
turned Saturday noon.
.A. fiM&UXoh .mwSfi $ b'uslneW
trip to MapMon Friday.
J, B. Vallace pen Sunday
with Ills sister In Coburg.
ilobert D. Fox of Oregon City
is In Springfield looking for a lo
cation. M -,
, E. E. Morrison is paying 30
cents a pound for Mohair. It
I do all kinds of altering
and repairing, Jenkins, tho
Mrs. I. W. Smith of near Lo
well was operated on at the lo
cal hospital Saturday.
; C. E. Winter of Goshen ,Is
quite sick with an attack of in-
flamatory rheumatism.
JMrs. Mary E. .Buchanan. Is
very sick at Ihc. home of her
niece, Mrs. John Sparks.
Mr. and Mrs. Itay .Emerson
visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed Beck
In Eugeno Saturday and Sun
day. Attorney and Mrs. J.F. Brum
baugh of Eugene spent Sunday,
tho guests of Supt. and Mrs. R.
L. Kirk.
A $ spent In repair work oh
those old shoes with Hall the
Shoo Doctor is $$$ or $$$$ saved
on a new pair.
Now Perfection Oil Cook
Stove is tho best, simple ni con
struction, always- ready. For
sale by Hayden & Metcalf.
-Two Incubators for sale
cheap at the Feed Store. 1 Mc
Clanahan and 1 Improved Reli
able. Will sacrifice for cash.
Mrs. It. E. Davis, who was op
crated on at the Springfield hos
pital a week or ten days ago,
was able to go to her home last
Three wagon loads of young
people, together with an auto
mobile load, went to Creswell on
Friday evening to attend the
Evans revival there.
Parties wishing to contribute
clothing to the Asociated Char
ities will please ask their gro
cery dellvorymen to take the
supplies to E. E. Morrison's,
where they will be taken care of.
Pres. Associated Charities.
. . "
No Room For Them in College
The National Wholesale Li
quor Dealers' Assoclatlpn has
been, offering to supply editorial
matter to college papers. A cer
tain state university reports that
an. article was submited labeled
"Editorial No. 1," with the word
that other editorials would fol
low. The student editor prompt
ly rejected . tho contribution In
language, It js said, impossible
of more than one Interpretation.
Hard Pressed.
The latest move of the liquor
men is a search for physicians
who aro willing to come forward
In the defense of alcohol. To
this end tho secretary of the
Wholesale Llqudr .Dealers' As
sociation, Is sending out letters
to the. medical iratenity m tins
and other countries. Thlshand
picklng among the doctors will.
no.uQuot, prove somewnai dis
appointing tg the "trade."
. Tax Rate Decreasing.
That prohibition reduces the
tax rate, is shown by the situa
tion in Rockford, Illinois, which
ha'B been ,dry for .several years.
Last year was lower
than that pf any other city in the
state pf tho same size, except
Jacksonville, .also a dry city.
This year it is still loweiw-do-
splto the. fact that. Rockford
spent more In publc Improve
ments in 1914 than In any pre
vious year. When taxable prop
erty t increases, as it does under
prohibition, regime, the tax rate
naturally decreases.
Wo print butter wrappers.
'Deafness Cannot Bo Cured
by looitl npnlicatlont, na they cannot ranch
Uiu (llii'dced portion ot tho tar. There Is
quly one way to euro tlrafncii, and that In
by comtllutlonel rinudli. DealnrH la
cuuiod by an Inltatned condition ot th mu
cous llntne ot the Eustachian 'Tube. Wlun
Ihla tubu la Inilumcd you have' a' tumbling;
eound or Impcrfi'ct htnrlnir, and when tt la
entirely cloaed, Dcnfr.i'ie fa the result, and
unksa the Innammatlon can be taken out
nnd this tulio restored to It normal condl
lion, hvarlne will bo destroyed forever; nlno
casss out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which la nothing but an Inflamed condition
of the inuooue surfaces.' '
Wo'wjll nlve One Hundred Pollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by cutarrh) that
cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure.
Cend for circulars, free.
, . V. J, CIIKNKY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
BoW bytifaruirjlclayltei u h: .iou.
Take Hall's Family 1'llla for constipation.
V .. i ... .
fbo members of the jtttnayVo.uld not be pereuacd to. unfold
ciaB wiin. their teacher Mr.
Stroud went t9..i.runevlll Wed
nesday. They secured a number
of .flowers, planjis and .twigs
which will bo used Jn special
Tho Oregon Trail walking clr
cloa group o'f girls under, the
leadership of Mac Lyon, 'path .
finder, went to Eugene Thurs
day afternoon.
, The basket ball baskets have
been placed on the tenuis court
recently and the game. Ip 'the
opn air Is becoming very fnterr
natlntf. Iliirlntr Mst wnolr anrl
on . the Irls, will 'play. -'onho
grouhd from two to three nights jpollard visited, the- various lifgh
a week. j school classes Friday afternoon.
The Juniors held a ,mect(ng' The Student .Body voted
Monday evening. No one Knows Thursday to secure a hall and
.what happened at this meeting bat for the Oregon Trail Indoor
Gut of the
"Your name?" asked the tea
cher, registering a new pupil.
"And what Is your first
"Brown." . ,
"Oh, haven't you got itiat
wrong? I thing Arthur must bo
your first name, and Brown your
family name. Isn't that right?"
But the small pupil was. not
persuaded. A day or two later
he announced:
"Teacher, mother says j3rown
Is my first name. She says I got
that name when I was .born and
she didn't name me Arthur till
three months later!" Every
body's. They Are Sometimes Painful
Helen's father was a. physician
andshe had always been -interested
to hear him and her uncle
"talk medicine."
'I wish you would go with me
to Doctor Wilson's," her father
said one day to her uncle. "He
has an informal gathering. I
shall go about seven o'clock."
"O, father," said Helen, "what
Is an Informal gathering? Is it
anything that has to be lanced?"
Dear Old Lady (with a. view to
a little moral teaching) Now
do either of you little boys say
naughty words?"
Elder Brother Well, mum, I
ain't-much of a 'and, at it my-
(Continued from Pago 1.)
at their favorite pastime. Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton were the
guests of the club, and the prize
awarded to visitors fell to Mrs.
Wheaton. The trophy for club
members was awarded to. Mrs. 1.
D. Larimer,, and the other prize
was withheld on account of a
tie. The hostess served delicious
refreshments at the close of the
Mrs. R. L. Kirk entertained
chapter H., P. E, 0. of Eugene
at her pleasant home at Seventh
and F streets this afternoon.
The subject for the afternoon's
discussion was "Great Women
of Our Time Jane Addams."
Members of the local lodge,
Modern Woodmen of -Americau
and of the Hoyal Neighbors are
going to Eugene tonight to at
tend the meeting of the order
there. A banquet is an added
Guaranteed 22-K
Starting Saturday, March 20, I will jmakje 100 gojd
crowns for $3 each. Your dentist is charging you $5
to $10 for the same. Make your dollars buy you twice
or three times what they are now doing. Call and have
your teeth examined and make appointment for work.
mi JLa;
717 , Willameite St., Eugene.
...... . .. i.. .
thjNc secrets to the news re
porter. t, A number of .high tKikool tu
iets went to Creswell in. a body
frrjday night to attend the Evans
meetings there.
, kr. Kirk's division qt Uiiit
eriry society will give a.prograin
next J'rlday evening. Every, oho
is. Invited to attend these pro
grames. .juirepipr ai....j.. .unary-, was a
Igb; school
visitor Wednesday
L ikrectors Thos, Sikes and j5r.
Joke Bdok
self, but young Bill here Is a
treat. Cuss for the lady, Bill.
"Mr. Biggins has no sense of
humor," said the comical chap.
"He never laughs." ?
- "Perhaps," said Miss Cayen
ne, "he lias the delicate, sense of
humor that enables a person to
know when not to laugh."
Washington Star.
Carrying a Joke Too Far
"What do you think of . the
jokes. Bill brought over from
England ?" .
"I think they were pretty far
fetched." Princeton Tiger.
Double Trouble - -
"We've got a great.road now'
.said an. .enthusiastic Western
railroader to his friend. "We.'.ve
got it double-tracked clear
through to Chicago."
, "H'm," said the, friend. "1
dont see what you want of a
double track. You can't keep
your trains on one."
"Mis' Rogers," said Belle, wip
ing her hands.on her.apron.Jiyo
jist got to git rid o' that trifling
Jim Johnson, or I leave yoh."
"mat's the trouble, Belle?"
"Why, that colored trash is
stealin' from me same as if I was
white !" Everybody's
Washington Legislature en
acts law requiring certificate of
public necessity and conven
ience to be issued by Public Util
ity Commission before fran
chises are "granted.
Portland banks gained a mil
lion in deposits since Dec. 31.
Hasselo Street Congregation
al church, Portland, sold for
$13,500 for Chyropractic college.
Pelican Bay sawmills on Kla
math Lake start up April 1.
Oregon City is. fighting for a
pew bridge across the Willam
ette, Taxpayers are thankful the
legislature reduced appropria
tions below 1915.
. First live pays tax collections
)n Lane County $24,407 as
against $44,001 first five days
last year.
Scheen-Blair Co. Portland,
are buildintr a road and putting
' on crew of 40 men in their Jack
son County granite quarry.
! Malheur Worshani &Herrick
have bought Flynn sawmill to
j cut mining timbers.
Governor Withycombe is
up the retrenchment
mm 1 i fskT'jf
II ill I II 111.. J . .
arm an
iWai'er Voftrd'dromww.two and
reliKyJiaIry oi a.tkinL ,v.
. Lakeyort kaa a 'gravity water
systemirom Ctoac LKe.
Kftstern Oregon , expects big
grain and fruit cro. ,
Ashland hi substantial lin
provmenta under way,
Nlbfey-Minnaugh sawmlll,f,at
Wallowa, Is running with full
crew. . ,r. u4
Astoria orders, .three districts
of streets hard-surfaced. ,
Eugeno Is. conducting survey
of home industries.
, II. M. Peery .reports lie h making
many friend through the QUICK .ben
efit Ttbieh Springfield people retcivo
from the. .simple, mixture of buekthprn
bark, glycerine, etc., known a Adler-1
lea. This remedy became .famous by
curing app,cDlciti3 and it is the, 'most
thorough bowel cleanser known, acting
on BOTH the lower, and upper bowel.
JUST ONE DOSE of Adler-I,lca jic;
lieres constipation and ftsa on the
tomach- almoat-lMilEDTATEtiY. .
Springfield Garage
Main, bet Fourth and Fifth, thone 11
Veterinary, Surgeon
and Dentist
Office: Warnock's Feed Barn
Phones: Office 504
13 tf .... -MOO I 1
J. F. Titus. M. D.
Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon
Obstretrics and Diseases of Children.
Res. Phone 61. Office Phone 629
Residence 283; West 9th
.pffice 938 Will. Street,.
Euche, - - Oregon.
O. R. Guliion, M. D.
v Practice Limited ti.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
.Graduate Nurse Attending
QfijJVVhife, XemplertEugepe.
Edwards & Brattam
For Farm and City Property
Exchanges a Specialty
Springfield - Oregon
Phone 30
Successor to Calkins & Son.
General Drayage Business,
Pianos Moved.
Phon.e.70. - .- Springfield, Oregon.
PHONES: Office, 3; Residence, 111-J
Over Commercial Bank,
Springfield, Oregon. s
Office In the I. O. O. F. Building
Phoixe 33