The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, March 04, 1915, Image 3

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ftfPfr MEBfl jf
fc? f In, quality ttftftlt eWtacfi
" , of today Any AVer tyefpretfirWlcl 1 9
: UoslgiiB, including imparl of a wldo variety of tlntslft
bIzob, wcaveB and wolghtH. f ,1
If y,ou ;llko ulco writing napern- or. if you want 1 ;
ROinotliing "different" you will And hero Jimt what .
you,dc8lro. . . ,
Wo carry a full lino of Eaton-Crano'u Celebrated
f s
t!. Writing Papers.
Tales of the Town
. jjA-now Colgate soap at
V V w
-All thiiiRB In Leather repair
ed by wolf & Miller.
1" f
-Hear tho now Edison
Phonographs at Pcery's.
4-You get Fidelity stamps at
ma-; iiarbit aiiumcry more.
-I do all Muds of altering
and repairing. Jenkins, the
C. 13. McFarland of Lowell
was In Springfield on business
-!-Our lloor covering depart
niont Is complete. Ilayden &
MotcaJf. 9-tw-tf
Tom Abono and his mother
moved Tuesday from Sixth and
A streets to Mill and D.
Melvhr Layton Is painting
signs oil the windows of Morri
sons real estate oruce.
.f ...
Bornto Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Montgomery, on C between 5
and G streets, March 3, 1915, a
daughter; - ' .
Letters advertised In tho Lane
County" News have been claimed
by Addressees at Vlda and at
Junction City.
The regular monthly dinner of
thq G. A. 11. and Ladles of tho
G. A. R, will bo given at tho post
hall tomorrow at noon.
Members of the Reapers of
America will enjoy a smoker af
ter tho regular .meeting Friday
evening. Seven candidates are
to bo initiated at that time.
. ...
those old shoes to see if they
need repairing? Look at them
NOW. Hall the shoo doctor can
flx them as good aB now, Fifth
anil-Main' street.
Colgate's Talcums ICo at
Mrs. J. J. Bryan Is quite sick
with an attack of the grip.
Tiio uraonam residence on
south Mill street is being re
Tho town council will meet
in its regular monthly session on
Monday evening. .
B. II. G. Klstnor of Seattle,
was a business caller in Spring
fleuld Tuesday and Wednesday.
W. C. Scavoy and Monroe
Hill of Donna attended the W.
0. W. meeting in Springfield on
S. M. Vinson was down from
Vlda Tuesday evening to attend
tho meeting of tho Woodmen of
the World.
W TT llnniiinn flita wnnlr trail.
ills residence on Willamette
Heights to J. B. Bell for a ranch
near Goshen.
Good reliable fire Insurance.
No assessments; no membership
f co. Pay once and you are done.
H. E. Wallter at the City Hall.
If you need ,a 3 Inch wagon
tho Beaver-Herndon ,Hwdware
Co., have a second hand one for
$20.00. Tho Yellow Front.IIard-ware.
Joy Walker returned, Monday
evening from a week's visit with
friends In Orogon City and Port
land. He also visited his sister,
Mrs. 0. C. Wplf, at, Albany.
G. II. Earl of Marcola, in
charge of the Southern Pacific
mill properties there, is In
Springfield inspecting yard
stock which tho Booth-Kelly
company Is getlng out for use
of tho railroad at Sacramento,
West Oakland and uosevllle.
. a
-Springfield Flour Mill has
cracked com for chickens
The 7ricllla'club M te4
aiitlv eritertainted at the hotoe
otorsi J. Mi Wfthfoty;6W 'Friday
tiueniuun. r mnvjt wvm wu me
piatimeiv The JtftTWd' gtietUr
were'MrM. Geor0 Balriies. Mr.
Alex McKenzloMra. J. C. Rdeae;
and Mrs. Carl Fischer. A most
delicious and dainty twd courso
luncheon was served. All de
clared Mrs. Wlthrow a most
charming hostess.
Mrs. B. A. Washburno gave
a very enjoyable dinner Tuesday-
evening in honor or tho birthday
Covers were laid for eight, and
room Wednesday dven'lng. The
affair" wa intended a a wel
come' to ihw youKfgJ fpeopl whiaf
na4i recently jometf tne cwurcii.
The Gleaners are' holding their
regular mectmg this afternoon
at .the homo of Mm. Itobert L.
Charles Scott's class at the
Methodist church will glVo a so
cial at tno cnurcn tomorrow
evening. All members of the
class arc! urged to bo present.
The Emanon club held its us
ual ui-wcekly session wednesr
inery Opening
Opening on Saturday, "March' 8th. Titmfc will be f hitiWmmI
by Vivian and Wlnoj.rIIaynes. Mim ytrUn ki one of Ku
gene's bcgtyloHns and Miee Winnie 3f ja brWMant pianiet,
Mrs. N. J. HARBIT S&SS&fr
a lllOSt dellKlltfUl four COUrBO dav nffnrnnnn at. iha hotriA of
umncr was served, arter wnicn,Mrs. P. M. McPherson. In the
tho Ku6sts passed tho evening
hours at Five Hundred. Those
at dinner were Mr. and Mrs.
Washburno, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
SwarlB, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
The Reapers .of America are
planning for another of their
enjoyable Invitation dances for
'PllfiaTnir Aimnttltr fflln1l CI
The Borcan class of Uic
Christian church held Its usual
business session at the class
northwestern part of town.
Three new members were added
at this meeting.
. . .
The North End Social club
gave a surprise party for Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Bally Wednes
day evening, barely escaping be
ing themselves the victims of a
surprise. Mr. Bally had the auto
out ready for an evening spin
when lie received a timely warn
ing of Intended company. Re
freshments followed an evening
of Karnes and music.
Mrs. Tom Ohlsen Is quite 111 at
her homo on C street.
Harness oiled in first class
Bhape by Wolf & Miller.
rSec J. P. Fry, Notary Public
Fire Insurance and Real Estate.
The school children and a
number of the parents enjoyed
Save 1-3 by buying Rexall the. illustrated lecture, "Our
School Tablets at Peery's. (Schools for Social Advance,"
... rgivenpyur. nouge at me scnooi
C. B. McFarland of Lowell was auditorium Thursday afternoon.
11 Springfield on business Wed-1 Prizes for the bird houses
ucsday. (built by the school children were
awarueu as ronows:
Wild's Linoleum In stock, I First grade First prize, Har-
3-0 and 12 ft. widths. Ilayden & olq.Taylor; second prize, Thom-
Metcalf the home furnishers, as Johnson; third prize, James
9-tw-tf Crenshaw.
! Second and third crades
Saturday Specials
$1.00 Values
Saturday 65c
leg. Sale
No. 1 Improved $2.25 SI. 85
No. 2 Improved $2.90 $2.30
Beaver Herndon
Hardware Co.
Beaver-Herndon Hardware
Co., have a bargain in a second
hand Oliver Gang Plow.
Yellow Front Hardware.
First prize, Philip Rice; second
nrizS, Ercle Forrester; third
The prize-,' Vernon Grey,
i ourin an luin craues r irsi
nrize. Kenneth' "Bettis: second
Mrs. George Settles of June- nrize. LenMrU'IborO: third prize.
Hon City, formerly of Spring-, wiriton Cole,
field, is visiting at tho home of j Sixth and seventh grades
Her daughter, Mrs. J. P. John-. First prize, Henry Cole; second
son, on E between G and 7 J prize, Carrie Ditto; third prize,
streets. JohnWassani.
1 Eighth grade First prize, Ho-
J Mrs. H. C. Barkman received, hnrPnole: second nrize. Ruth
few days ago a large .box :xf Moore , third;., prize, .Sylvania
particularly large and beautiful Harnis - -m
violets from her daughter Helen,
who Is teaching school at Myr
tle Creek, Douglas county.
, Mr. and Mrs. Hurd gave an
old fashioned dance at their
home Friday night.
' "Miihlfi ' Rnlsston snent the
There will be services at the Veek-end with Mrs. Polll in Eu-
Farm Loans at Lowest Rates.
Our Eastern Connections will !
furnish, through us, farm loanc)
at seven per cent, up to seven
years. Liberal repayment priv
ileges. Prompt service. See us
first. It always saves money.
Send us description and market
value of your land.
Peterson-Skotheim & Co.,
Register Building, Eugene, Ore.
Legislature estimated to have
reduced appropriations $700,000
to $2,000;000 below 1913.
Portland Imperial Hotel dm-
lag room to be enlarged.
Miss Irma Barkmaiureturnedichoapor than wheat. For good
Sunday from Salem, tyhero she hard wheat blond flour that will
spent tho past 40 days as a 1)r0duco more good bread per
Sh spent a week with friends
in Corvallls wlillo on her way
saok for less money than any on
tho market.' Noxall will do
Grocery Buying
Doesn't Require
the time and thought and attention
that it used to.
Nowadays, at this modern store.
' , ..we take care of the "worry- part", of
your grocery buying we stand be
tween yound impure foods and un
desirable goods, and the cost1 is no;:
more than for inferior goods.
Get the Habit of Tra'dirig1
;. Here. 1
1 U'll
Howard Simmons left the first
of the week for Hartline, Wash.
Saturday Program 'at the. Bell.
''French Villages in
West Africa," Educational.
"Venofnous Serpents," Educa
tional. "Rlddlo of the Green Umbrella'
two-reel feature.
VSnakoville's Most Popular
Lady," Comedy. '
Baptist church both morning
and evening each Sunday. Dr.
Ford of Eugene will preach. In
the morning and Walter Bailey
will conduct the evening service.
Everybody Is cordially Invited $
attend both Of the services.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Conley
are moving today to a ranch
near Waltervlllc. Mr. Conley,
who Is ticket agent at the S. P.
Co.'s east side depot In Portland,
has been given a year's leave of
absence on account of ill health.
Mrs. Conley is a Bister of Mrs.
$ilas Gay.
-'Under the auspices of the In
ternational Bible Students'1 as
sociation, J. W- Adams will
speak at Frank's hall, East 9th
street, Eugene, Saturday and
Sunday at 7;30 p. m. All Bible
students and thoso interested in
the truth of God's word are cor
dially invited to be present at' the
meetings. Seats free. No col
lections. ...
" Mrs. Nellie Erb of Red Wing,
(Minnesota, arrived in Springfield
Tuesday to visit until Friday at
tho home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H.
Baker. Mrs. Erb was an old
time friend of tlio.Bakers years
ago in Minnesota. She is on her j
way homo, having visited the
DIqjto. and I other California FOR SALE Eggs from fancy
Seventy-five per cent of the1
western railroad companies
would be bankrupt today had it
not been for increased econo
mles'and betterments.
Department of tho Interior
U. S. Land Onice at Itoseburg, Ore
con. February 19. 1915.
Notice ia hereby given that Mary
Cole, as heir and administratrix of the
Estate of Columbus Cole, deceased, of
Marcola, Oregon, who, on Febrnary 6,
1915, made application to purchase un
der Sec. 5 of Act of Mar. 3, 1887, for
the Hse- and .b'enefif of the heirs and
assigns of Columbus Colo, deceased.
No. 09990. for Lot 2 of Section 19,
Towufshi&f'lCS. Range 1W... Willamette
Senecal 1 Meridian, has filed notice of intention
W O r.Mnl T-.-. A.tnMl.i; Altm
to the land above described, before I.
P. Hewitt, U. S. Commissioner, at his
office, at Eugene. Oregon, on the 6th
day of April, 1915. ;
Claimant names as witnesses: I
Norman It. Workman, of Marcola.
Oregon; G. M. Apger, of Marcola, Ore
gon; E. C.ltowland. of Marcola, .Ore
gon; J. S. Churchill, of Marcola, Ore
gon. J. M. UPTON
t-a-w-M 29 Register.
We Sell the Hamilton
i- Springfield, Ore.
Repairing a Specialty" ''j'
PHONES; Office, 3; Residence, 111-J
Over Commercial Bank, e,
SpringfiiW, Oregon.
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Eti.
MOUTH ROCK cockerels for
sale. Inquire of H. E. Walker
at thClty haljU 9 tt
FOR SALE Full blooded white
Wyandotte Roosters from
prize winning strain. E. P.
Lyon. Route 1, Springfield tf
'The funeral services of Mrs.
Gertrude Brlgham who died at
her home on A street Sunday
night, wore held at the Walker
chapel at 2 o'clock Tuesday af
ternoon, Tho services were con
ducted by Mrs; Truman, tho first
reader of tho Christian Science
cburch of Eugene, of which Mrs,
Brlgham was a member, In-
i torment was made at tho L'aurel
Grovo demetory.
Thursday and Friday Program,
' ' at the Bell, , . , ,,,
"Hearts of Gold.'logwph.
MTho Crooks"rLpbin, , , ,"
"Rto and ;tlid 'r Thorn MtoA
reel VHagraph featu'reT "
bred Partridge Wyandotts
$150 per 15 at the house, Cth
apd D streets Springfield, Ore.
Phone 10S JjJunlap.
' lorth's on" residence or business
property. You can repajj
ldfensillko rent. Call or write
for"-' particulars. Peterson
Skotheim & Co., Register
FOrTsALE l-7ft. . Jiew boat.
.. Call at. Springfield -Planing
Mii or, Pbpn,oi3.ow3- otf.
WANTED. TO vBUYirTr'.Catt,e for
... 'ffcrqs, ;phonij.
Department oi the Iaterior,
U. S. Land"OUlcd at Roseburg, Ore
gon, March 2,. 1915. '
Notice is hereby given that George
William Foster; of Vlda, Oregon, who,
on October 16, 1911, made Homestead
Entry. Serial No. 07594. for the TV
e NWtf and NWU of SWtf of Sec
tion 20, Township 16 South, Range 2,
East, and on March 4. 1914, made Ad
ditional Homestead' Entry, Serial No.
09380 for the NEV4 of NWol section
Edwards & Brattaift
For Farm and City Property
Exchanges a Specialty
Springfield -, Oregon
.Phone 30 ,
Dr. N. W. EMERY-
Offlcc,lri tile . 6.. O F.!Bulk&f;,
Phono 1221 . i
20. Township 16 S. Range 2 E Wil-831 Willamette St. Eugene, Ortfn
lamctte Meridian, has filed notice "f '
intention to make Final Three-year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before I. P. Howltt,
U. S. Commissioner, at his. office at
Eugene, Oregon, on the 14th day of
April, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses
Luvern Chlison, of Vlda. Oregon,
Donjamin Mluney. of Vlda, Oregon.
Frank Minney, of Vlda, Orogon.
William Foster, of Vida, Oregon.
tApr.S Register
Department of the Interior
U, S. Land Qfflco at Roseburg, Ore
gon, March 3, 1915,
Notice Is hereby given that Coy Els
ton, of Vida, Oregon, who, on April
30, 1912, made Homestead Entry,
Serial No. 07934, for Lot 4 'of See, 34,
Tp. 16 S, R 3 E, and N of NEW- of.
Section 3, Township 17 S, Ttange 3 E.,
Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice
of Intention to mako Final Three-year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above desorlbod, before Stacy M. Rus
sell. Clerk of Lane County, at his oHice-
at Eugene, Oregon, on the ICth day of
April, 1915. ,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank B. Mason, of Vida, Oregon.
Janies Neal. of Vida, Oregon.?'.-
tfoe Weakfleld, of Vida, Qr.eon,
weue joiiy. oi viua, ure&wu.
UptS Register.,
Dr. Eugene KcsteF
Office in Stevons-Perklns Block
Phones: Residence 91 . '
Office 82 .
Home Products
Do not go out of town for any
thing in the line of breadj pips;
cakes, cookies, etc., w)ien. you
can obtain the best right at.
home. i j'
Springfield Bakerjj
S. Young, Propv
78, A. M. F Ancient and
Accepted Scottish III to. Uni
versal and Symbolic !i Free
7iBg in W, O. W. iMtll. Visit
' N Jg, brothers welcome. V "
Pt A. Johnson. X. E. Durrln . ,
tetecretKry. ' R. W. M.
We print butter, wrappers
lJnone a; won uo inc xest;,