The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, March 04, 1915, Image 1

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    Ore. lliHtoriftl Soc. x '
.: v ' ' Ctiwiitf TJm KrLtfl.U Nws am Iie Ctmity Star, Which Wirr CtftttlMattf Fefcnury 10, 1914.
VOL. XIV. NO. 1&
Kiitrl rfebriim ill, I tK.1, nt HprhijrfltM, Orejfnn.M
p;M,iiillcr uiKior notof ConijrcmolMroli,lliJJ.
Officers Elected to Carry on tho
Work of "Developing
LiwgueDlvlded into ,"flwo Teams
, id'Memjjora'hlp Contest
'A , , Is Now Undor-W.ay
With tho election of officers
at Its mooting TucBdny evening
tho Springfield Dovolopmont
entered upon tho Bccond year
of Its oxlstonco under very ntm
piciouH circumstances. Presi
dent J. II Richmond, In review
ing tho pnBt year's work, called
especial attention to tho "Mill
Day" coloration, held under tho
auspices of tho le'aguo on Aug
ust 29. attracting state-wide at
tention. Encouraged by tho successes
of fth'o year past, and behoving
.that tho usefulness of tho
'JLeaguo could bo extended, a
tmcinborshIp contest was deckled
inpon ,f or tho presont month. y.
P. Walker suggested the plan,
which was warmly .seconded by
Tom Slkcs, and as a result these
two wcro named captains of the
itwo teams. Tho contest Is to
lend with tho April meeting,' and.
itho losers aro to provide a dinner
Jfor.tho winners.
:; THerq was very littlo contest
fin the election, and officers wore
chosen as follows:
President, Dr. J. E. Richmond ;
vice-president, J. E. Edwards;
secretary-treasurer, D. S. Deals;
recording secretary, W. A. Dill;
' .trustees, .L. ;K. Pjigo and P. B.
T President Richmond's review
ipf tho year was as follows:
To tho Olliccrn nnd Members of I ho
ijprlinjflolii Dovolopnicfyt Lcnguo:
Wo ro Just complotlwr tho 11 rat
yoar'a jvorK of a organization, ami
Hi In well nt litis tlma to look back
joyor our actlylUaa of tho tout twelve
ijiiontlia nml with Judgments rlponotl
. ?liy oxporlonco contjldor If.tlio roHiilta
liavo JuBtlnoil tho offorU wo liuvo
nmdo; If tho cntuo lms boon worth tho
candlo. Ami ylth tills vlow of tho
tpnst lot ub Judgo of tho future whether
tit will bo mora profitable to shut up
'shop and savo tho candle's cost trust
IriR to n Bllont prayor that somothlnR
jgood will fnll to pur lot or coutlntlo tq
(llay tho.guiuo w,nBferoB8lvoly as clr--'cuutBtnnccs
.will jpormlt; going out
after tUio filings .wo want; xuccivlng
,our-vJcj.QrJo8 Avltliout olntlon
f nd uccoplliiK our fnlluros with cour
go. Unmoved by tho criticism of
fjhoso who Htund Idly by, nnd, novor
having attempted nny largo work,
huvc novor fnllod.
Tho first official act of tho League
tjvniFtho orectlon of a flag staff on tho
fhlll south of town, when ontHutablo
'Occasions tho Stars and Stripes wavo
I kpv)r ,Uo city and proclaim to tho
poopla for miles around that horo is
n city law-abiding and patriotic.
Probably tho crowning oyont of tho
., .yoar's' work was tho monster colubra.
(Ion that was prepared and oxocutod
,ln honor of tho opening of Dooth
Kolly's -saw mill that had risen in
Bplondor from tho ashos of Us moro
. .humblo predecQssor, TJils event ad
vortlsod our city all ovor tho state
, .,tnnd( brought 8,ovoral lmndred poophj
, Into iho town; nmonK thorn sovpral
inon promlnont In tho hirgo commor'
ja. nptlvltlOB of tlo country. In this
demonstration wo wore matorlally aid
pd financially and othorwlso by many
.cltlzons whp woro not mombora of tho.
organization, It all took a grent doal I
xf,jW.qrk,but was in most of its foaturqs
such a marked succoss that wo felt i
repaid .many i fold. I
The Loaguo lis lako'n up innnjninat?'
. tors of truiiBpprtatlou.wltU the railroad
.companies; somo JiaVb bbrne fruit arid
Bomo liavo not, as yot. '
M. J. Ducyon and Luko L. pood
rich of Eugene will Be the
Principal Speakers Over 50
Tlckoto Sold.
Over GO tlckctB havo bcon'sold
to mombora of ,tho Duslnoss
Mon's Club who will attend one
of vtho club'B ban'quctB at ,tlic
club rooms tonight. This Is tho
fourth or fifth .event of tho kind
slnco the club was organized a
littlo over a year ago, and gives
promiso of being oven more suc
cessful than Its predecessors at
which nover less than 40 attend
ed. M. J. Durycn, secretary of the
Eugene Commercial club, and L.
L. Goodrich, cashier of the First
National bank of Eugene will bo
tho principal speakers, although
Toastmastcr J. L. Clark Is ex
pected to call on local members
also. A. Norman, general man
ager of the Oregon Power com
pany had accepted an invitation,
but later found that he could not
bo here.
Arrangements for tho banquet
havo been In charge of J. L.
Clark, I. D. Larimer .and J. W.
tho few, bb Is always the case, oxcopt
In thnos of special excltomont
Vo have ajcub-rpom for, our meet
ings which glvca un a doflnlto horau
and though It leave much to be do
sired wo .roust remember that the
watch-word of our organization has
o,vpr ben to Jtcop ,whln pur means
and.malBtatn a credit for .the,. League
such as we as individuals want for
Consldorod as a whole there is no
doubt that our activities In this year,
when thoro has been no general nctiv
)ty, aro sunlclpnt reason for Out con
tinned existence and tho coming year
gives promiso of grotor opportunities
fropt which we, working In unison,
may gain much.
So lot us Join hands and do our tost
and pralso or'blamo that folio wa4tlmt
is just tho eamo.
,Poijson' checks arriving m the
mall ! this morning bear printed
on tho onvelop a statemont that;
ppstmnstors are not allowed to
lollvor tho check unless the pen"
sloner appear in person or by
duly authorized agent, nnd pro
sent his pension certificate, the1
number on which must corres
pond with tho number qh tho
penstqn chccki EnvoJopcs vlth
u transparent ".window" are
used so, that thoinamo and num
ber on tho check can been seen.
Howard Woods Exonerated.
Tho Lane County grand Jiury
on Tuesday relumed "not a
true bill" In tho case of Howard
Woods, clmrjied with transport
ing WQmen from one city to an
othor for Immoral purposes.
Itpad of tho offer
hi tho Monday Is
sue Itjs worth
your -yhile if you
Coorge Perkins Will Erect Con
crete Structure for Messrs.
Long and Cross,
Building to Be Ready for Occu-
pancy by April 15.
' bor
on tho .Ground'
- . j.
VV. ii. utmg unu J. pjtjrimm
vcHtordav forenoon siencd urila
r T T 1 T '"T' r
contract with George Perkins
for the erection of a one-story
concrete building on Main Btreet
to bo leased for a term of years
by the Springfield Creamery
company, and before night a
large quantity of lumber for the
concreto forms hnd been deliv
ered. Excavation for tho foun
dations will begin today, and the
erection of tho forms will prob
ably be under way by the first,
of next week.
The building is to be the full
slzo of the lot, 33 by 1Q0 feet,
and Is to be built of reinforced
concrete, with white cement
front. There Is to be a store,
room IS by 50 and an office for"
the creamery 12 by 20 in the.
front part of the building. A
jvpod .floor will bo laid In thjs
part, but the creamery proper
will havo concrete floor. At the
rear of tho building vyill be .a
raised platf onn to make unlosd-1
ing of iiilikconvehlentr -Aroom?
will ,qlso be t provided for cold'
storage of cream, fee cream and
It had been hoped to have the
building done by April 1, but the
contractor has been given until
April 15 to have the structure
toady for occupancy. :
Tho west wall of the Thomp
son & Richardson blacksmith
shop is so close to the line that
is will be torn out and the wall
on that side will be made a party
The reopening of tho Coast
Rango Lumbor company's mill
at Mabel and tho re-employment
of 200 men this month, was an
nounced by H. T. Gatke, man
ager qf that plant, who was in
Eugene yesterday afternoon on
hls'way home from Portland. He
also, announced now orders ob
tained by. this mill, one of which
ho says totals a million and a
quarter feet of lumber to local
brokers. Tho lumber situation
appears to be. better, ho states.
Tho big plant at Mabel, on tho
Mohawk river, twopty miles
from Eugene, was closed down
tho first qf the year, with the
announcement that it would not
bo reopened until tho lumber
market materially improved.
Tho planing mill was not stop
ped, but 200 men wero taken out
-fl 11. II Jl A -All 1 L
or uio mm anu om oi uio umoer.
uivy win uu uutu iu lunuu mi
work about March 15, according
to Mr. Gatke.
Whilo the mill has been closed
extensive improvoinents havo
hoon.made. Tho old bjurnor 001x7
Veyor systom has beqn roplaced
With a niqro modern ;iong link"
Heavier. steel has been
Springfield Installation Will Be
Model for tho State Says
Will describe plants
,a in lecture tonjght
Steam Power No ; More Expen-
sive Than WatoVpower, in
J the Lohg Run.
v w. ii
Crawford, manager of
the Portland office of Chas. C.
Moore & Co., engineers of San
iFrancisco, was in Springfield
this morning Inspecting the
plants of tho Dooth-Kelly Lum-
ber company and of the Oregon
Power company, and securing
from W. L. McCulloch, chief en
gineer in charge of tho plant
here data in regard to the power
plant, its equipment and output.
Mr. Crawford is to address stu
dents of the Oregon Agricultur
al college in the engineering de
partment, this evening and he
wanted to have late information.
"The power plant and sawmill
here, with their exchange of fuel
for power, It seems to me is an
Ideal situation,' said Mr. Craw
ford, 'hese plants, here are so
modem and so admirably fitted
together that I believe they will,
serve as a model for many
plants. In Oregon, ,1am going t9.
describe this' installation here in
a'-taiic which I shaUgjvejtonlgbt,
:tm 'eWeeriRgt uitKKti Cor-
Mr. Crawford went on to state
the efficiency of the steam pow
erer electrical plants and said
that the Portland Railway, Light
& Power company, which has
large power plants with both
steam and wafer power, has
found that the steam plants are
slightly less oxpensicc to operate
than the water power plants.
The hydro-electric plants have
to be located at a considerable
distance from the places in
which the power is to be used,
necessitating expensive trans
mission lines. Interest on the in
vestment and upkeep of the long
lines equals or exceeds the cost
of fuel.
Mr. Moore, head of. Mr. Craw
ford's company, .is the president
df the Panama Exposition.
placed on the trackings about
the mill and other remodeling
- This mill is one of the. most
modern in the state, being some
what similiar to tho model mill
of tho Booth-Kelly company at
Springfield. It is almost entire
ly electrically operated, and the
lumber Is handled by an electric
overhead monorail system.
The Fischer Lumber company
with a mill at Marcola on tho
Mohawk river, only a few miles
from the Mabel mill, this week
obtained the contract to furnish
310,000 feet of lumber for tho
Salt Lake baseball park, to be
constructed at once for the new
league team.
This company is also making
improvements, Including ' the
constriction of now office bulld-
inK8 Guard
,R. C. Rasmjjssoii conducting
creamery at The Dalles for 3
years, opens creamery at Pen
dleton. , ,
., Emerson- Hardwood-. Co., of
ittrtianu. receiving cargoes.ipKa
froni' Orient for manufacture ;im J
to flnislhing materials. j
Roundup of Seven Camps Set
for Saturday Evening, March
13, In Springfield. -Will Bring
Lunch Baskets.
A Roundup of the Woodmen i
of the World of the eastern part
of Lane county will be held in
Springfield on Saturday even
ing, March 13. Delegates are
expected to attend from Walter
viile, Jasper, Pall Creek, Coburg,
and Pleasant Hill, and meet in
the hall of the Springfield Camp.
Basket lunches will be brought
and enjoyed at the proper time
in the evening.
Springfield camp held a very
enjoyable session Tuesday even
ing, when a hat was awarded to
James Laxton for attendance.
The camp has seven applications
County Assessor B. F. Keeney
announces that E. E. Morrison
has been appointed deputy as3
sessor for the town of Spring
field. Mr. Morrison will begin
the work of Valuing property
here within a week or two.
Southern .Pacjfic jRprpjsIuQe
4Scenery in ;lts Buildipjr kat
Coast wonder spots fn' rdiaature
that is the main exhibit of the
Southern Pacific Company
which 1915 visitors to the Manama-Pacific
International expo
sition will see in the company's
own building on the expositiqn
grounds at San Francjsca. The
entire exhibit will be enclosed
in a miniature woodland with
trails leading among real trees
and foliage; with wild flowers
growing on native, soil, and tho
horticultural beauties of Cali
fornia and other coast states
blossoming in -full bloom, ac
cording to season.
Passing from the foyer into
the central part of the building
the 'visitor will find himself step
ping into a different world. The
entrance leads through the heart
of a California big tree, jut as.
theroad passes through the
famous "Wawona" in the Mari
posa Big Tree grove. Here and
there are the views of the hest
known scenic features reached
by the company's lines. Moss
brae Falls, near Shasta Springs,
with her glistening waters, is.
just before the entrance, while
Yosemite Valley is seen in the
distance on the right and Lake
Tahoe on the left. As the trails
are followed through the wood
land other scenes come in .view.
There is Crater Lake, Ore., re
produced with a faithfulness
even exacting tho identical color
of tho water. Again there is
Just As Easy
To sell that old
. stove, or that har
ness, or anything
else you don't
need. Just put a
"Want Adv." in
The Lane Coupty
News at '5c a line.
"ilt,will)doithevW.ork. .
Retained by School Board at
the Head of the Springfield
School System.
Board will Complete HiringlW
Teachers for' Next Yoanatl
Its April Meeting. ,
R. L. Kirk, for nearly three
years now superintendent of the
Springfield Public schools, was
re-elected to the position for an
other year by the jchpol board,
at its regular monthly meeting
Monday evening. -Mr. Kirk
came to Springfield irom Salem,
and in the three years he 'has
been in charge of the schools
has brought them to a high state
of efficiency. Domestic science
and manual training have been
introduced into the schools, and
the pupils are making excellent
At an adjourned meeting last
evening the board reapointed P.
M. Stroud as principal of ' the
High school. This will mke Mr.
Stroud's tliird year in the local
The: board will take up at- its
April meetiHg, the first Monday
in the montk, the matter'of the
appointment of teachers .for" the
different vocational courses, for
tie High school asi-forftW
r grade-schools.- r-A ' v -V- -
Mount Shasta, with her tower
ing snow-clad peak; Lake Tahoe
and a picturesque view of the ,
Santa Clara Valley andiLick Ob
servatory. There is Midway
Point on the Monterey Penin
sula; the Santa Barbara Mis
sion; Catalina Island; the River
side Orange district; Palm Can
yon; the headgates of the
Truckee Carson Irrigation pro
ject, Nevada; the RoosevelttDam
and Cliff Dwellings, Arizpnaj.lhe
famous old Alamo of San An
tonio and a Louisiana plantation
on Bayou Toqhe.
An idea of . the pains takenjby
the company to accentuate tthe
local cplor qf each, view may-he
gained from the fact that it has
obtained, ter carload of
soil, shrubbery, qtc., frqm.each'
district represented in the,, .ex
hibit. Por example, San tatQlare
county sent several ears .qfityees
and, foliage; Arizona, several
cars of cactus .and. other plants.
The whole is intended to give
the exposition visitor a faithful
idea of the scenic and ot;her
features to be found on the Pa
cific Coast to show (he inan
Who thinks of Europe in con
templating a journey or vacation
that he is missing something
REAL when ,he fails to see
America first.
Mr. and airs, John Hammitt
of Portland are here visiting
Mr. .Warner made a trip to
Marcola Saturday on business.
James Turner of Marcola,
spent Sunday in Dohpa visiting
his slater Mrs. ,1-1. W. Gustiu,
Rev. B. B, Paul preached an
excellent s?rmo?i here Spnday
morning on "The Kingdom."
Grangers should remember
tjie grange next Saturday.
Hjghway frpm'Gold Beach to
Gnts Pass, is, projected. . r
, Jrhere aloitilaifow officials
Infh wHn rirVivitlilnirliut labor to
ra.ise!jtaxes and'burderi industry
ft M