The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, March 01, 1915, Image 4

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Can go to the Wonderful
$50,000,000.00 Panama
Exposition as our guests.
Fori Can Enter Contest
How You Can Win
Call at our office and Miss Wing,
contest manager, will explain to you
the particulars. Contest open to
anyone; simply a matter of devoting
a few minutes a day to win this
glorious trip. Write us or phone
for particulars.
Eugene's Popular Store
MoMoran & Washburne Store
"Pregressiveaess Wins"
Band Concert itf
Springfield High
f trJ
Following la the program of
tho concort which Is to bo glvon
by tho Corvallis High School
baud nt tho SnrlnKfleld Utah
school on Tuesday evening.
March 2. 1015:
March, Now Colonial.
Overture, "Sans Soucl . .Kaulft
Popular Two-stop, "By tho
Beautiful Sea" ...... .Morris
Saxophone Solo ...... Selected
Karl Glos.
Popular Two-atop, Tlppcrrary.
Characteristic, "Heap Big
Injun" Sawvor
Selection, "Three Merry
(K) Nights Strauss
March, National Emblem.
Violin Solo Selected
ohr teftmR to play bn'thelrdarge
llo'or after practicing on such a
small one.
Hlh Jinks"
"High JlnUB" will bo tho at
traction at tho Kugono Thoatre
for Tuesday evening March 2.
Tho ploeo, which was produced
under tho porsonal direction of
Arthur Ilannuoratoln, is describ
ed as a musical Jollity, with
books and lyrics by Otto Hauor
bach and Rudolph Frlml, auth
ors of "Tho Flrofly" and
"Naughty Murlotta."
"High Jinks" ran for tho en
tire year at tho Casino Theatre,
Now York. Tho muslo is said
to bo far above tho Amorlcan
standard and fully half a (logon
of tho production's songs havo
boon whistled, hummed and
sung hero for many months. Tho
cast which will present "High
Jinks" is said to bo practically
the samo as that which was seen
A t
m 7
it i n , i ii h
Laurotico Sklpton
Mnrrli. "Pnlntlmiio '
Overture, "Lutsniol".Kclar-nelaSllt.tho Casino. Tho charges aro
orenade, "La Palo- I minor- ones, tuo leaning part
Si Ml 'I' tC-
Spanish Sorenade,
ma," Yradlor
I Popular Two-step. Tango Toklo
Wella and Botsford.
I Cornet and Saxophone Duet,
Mlsorcro from II Trovatoro.
E. A. Moses and Karl Glos
: Ilumoresquo, "What's tho Mat
: tor with. Father?"
Medley Overture, "Operatic
Mingle," Arr. by Borry
: March, 'National Cadots."
I Mr. E. A, Moses, director.
News From Springfield High School
'1 Miss Newton was ill Monday
and unable to hear any of the
classes under her charge. Miss
.Rhodes took charge of a number
of the classes during the day.
Marvin Chase of Pruneville
-was a high, school visitor Wed
nesday afternoon.
The Student Body association,
field a meeting Wednesday and
.building here, Tuesday evening,
1 March 2.
, Blanche Brown was absent
i from school Wednesday and
, Thursday on account of illness.
: Beginning with last Monday
Mr. Kirk has been in his office at
f 8:0 in the morning. The sten
ographers in turn have a morn
ing a week when they take let-
Is assumed by Stella Mayhow,
who is well known to local,
theatro-goors. Sho Is assisted
by Evigeno (j'Rourko, Bllllo Tay
lor, Philip Ryloy, Emma Francis.
Adele Ardaley. Paul Porcasi,
Irene Duke, Ada Mcado. Ber
nard Gorcey. Cecilia Hoffman,
Dorothy Wado, Dot Allen, Aug
ustus Sehulu.
"High Jinks" has a dozen or
more tuneful numbers. The
main theme of the music la con-
ihand them back to Mr. Kirk tho gained in tho song, "Something
isaniP. finv in writtnn form" 'Seems Tlncte-Ingllng;" tho mol-
Fay Goblo was ill Thursday ihlch 18 5mi
and unable to attend school. ! f?l j" 2?r ?u? am!
Bert, a representative of m nfft nf nnnriv ,,n tm ,mm.
the Corvallis High School, and
manager of the band was at the
high school Friday afternoon
making arrangements for' tho
i coming concert,
i The teams going to Pleasant
Hill Friday evening were unfor
tunately defeated. They wore
planning, however, on a voctor
ious same here with tho samo
bors. In addition to tho prin
cipals there Is a chorus of sixty
srIs' ' J
I Proud of Tholr Capacity.
Apropos of West Vlrlglna's
dryness, . Mayor Rockwell, of
Pleasant Farms said:
"On acount of Its high Sum-
ASIC the man who chews
"Right-Cut"--it is the only
Real Tobacco Chew.
The only chew that is cut just
rightthat gives you the full,
fine, rich flavor of mellow, sappy to
baccoseasoned and sweetened just
enough. Lasts you longer, too.
TaUe o very unnll chcw-lcsi titan oneijusrlor Ilia
old ile. It will bo tnoro eatUfylnf! than mouthAil
ol ordinary tobacco. Juit nibble on it until you find
the iircnglli chew that tulti you. Tuck It away.
I lien lei II rct. S.. I.......,...!!.. ... .. '
tobacco laito comes, how it tatlifics without firlndlntf, how
much leu you havo to plt, how few chewi you take to
be tobacco wtl.ficd. That' why It h Tht Ktal Totacn
I K ft hall. I. ... ft 1 I .. t
iiiat irnjr 11 coil ICII in 1110 cnu.
It It a rttdr htr, et Una an J thnrt thtnl 10 (hit nw nmt'i bur
to triad on il with yonr tetiti, CJrlaJlni cm oidloarv canJUd luiMeeo
nuXat vou tnil tun muth.
Tht lu yl pun, f ltd lohcca dot o netd In bo eovtnd n nidi malitua ml
Keoric. Kolt. bow lb. ..It Uf lot. cut iht rich tQbMtVu.'ili Rhltht"cSt"
One small chew takes Jhc place of two bin
chews of the old kind. '
tiO Union Sfjunrc, Now York
'drinks through straws.
'This sight nmused thorn, and,
whon tho waiter camo for their
order, tho older Graftohlan said:
"VVo'ro from Grafton. Bring
us two buckets of beer and two
gas pipes." St. Louis Globo-Domocrat.
Corvailis High S.chool Military Band, Which Appears at the Springfield High School Tuesday Evening, March 2.
mer temperature the consump- Grafton, spent their summer vn
tion of beer in this state from cation In New York. Their first
June to September used to be evening in Now York was devot-
renmrkable. Thorn wore snmn eu to root gardening. On a COOl
teams will havo a chance to face
our teams at close range next
Friday and no doubt they will
realize, too, what it meant for
after some discussion decided to tens in shorthand from Mr. teams next Friday evening. The
extend an invitation to tht Cor- Kirk's dictation. At their regu- home teams have been handi
vallfs .High School Band boys to lar typwriting periods they capped this year since they have
give a concert in the high school transcribe these letters and been compelled to play in a very
, ' small hall. But the visiting
. . . A 111 1 1 i '
i Stella Mayhsvv, Leading Role in "Hih Jinks" at the Eugene
Theatre, Tuesday, march 2.
ill-advised West Virginians who
were even proud of it.
roof garden, under tho shining
stars, they saw on every side
"Two such men, residents of I wcll-dresed people drinking Iced
Roguo River Public Sorvlco
Corporation naka, franclso at
Dupnrtmont ot tho Interior
U. 3. Lnml OllK'o nt ItoHuliurg, Oro
Koti. Fohnmry 10, 101C.
Notlco In hereby rIvcii Unit Mary
Cola, ns heir and iulinlnlnlratrx of tho
EUito ot ColutulniH Colo, doccunod, of
Mnrcoln, Oregon, who, on February C,
1IM5. made ntipllrntlon to purehaao tin
lor See. S ot Act of Mar. 3, 18S7, for
i lie uho aud honofU of the holra nnd
nHBhjiis of Ooluinlius Colo, ileconood,
No. 0S91)0, for Lot 2 ot Section 19,
TowiiBhlp 108, Hnngo IW., Wlllnmotto
Meridian, lin.ii fllod notlco of Intention
to mnlcu FliuU Proof, to ostabllBh claim
to tho land above doBcrlbod, before I.
I'. Hewitt, V. H. CommlBBlonur, nt his
olllco, nt Kugene, OrcKon, on tho Cth
day of April, 1910.
Claimant iiamoH un witnossea:
Nonuaii It. Worlunnn, of Marcoln.
Oregon; O. M. Apgor, of Marcola, Ore
gon; E. C. Ilowland, or Mnrcoln, Ore
gon ; j. a. unurciiiii, ot jvinrcoin, uro-
J. M. Ul'TON
t-a-w-M 29 Iteglator.
educed Rate for New Subscriptions
The Lane County News wants to add 300 subscribers to its list in Lane
county, and as an inducement will receive NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS (not
renewals) at $1 a year, 104 issues, payable "two-bits" monthly if you wish
The Lane County Nows is a strictly local pappr.
It attempts to cover "only the news of interest to
Springfield and vicinity, but it covers 'this fully. .It
stands for the best development of this community.
You should bo a reader regularly. Write for a sample,
or, better still, call at the' office and get acquainted.
Call phone 2 and a representative will call to toll you
about the paper.
$1.50 Usual price, special offer
ton ew subscribers, reduced to ... .
Mail This Coupon or Just Phone 2
To The Lane County News:
Please send' me a free sample copy of.
your paper.
Name , '. . ' . ........
Special for Present Subscribers
You havo been reading this papor for a consider
able timo now, and wo take it you aro ploased with the
way it presents the news of Springfield.
If you feel sufficiently satisfied with tho papor to
rocommond it to a noighbor and soctiro his subscrip
tion, The NeWp will bo pleased to allow you a commis
sion of 50 cents on your own renewal, making tho price
for your own papor for a year a dollar, just the samo as
that of tho now subscriber.
Last Novombor tho Nows gavo yoq an opportunity
to get your paper ronewed at a roducod rata; nov it ; is
making an offor diroctly to thooo who aro not now aGbr
scribers. $
Tho roduced rate for ronowals is conditioned 'en
tirely upon the bringing In of a now subscriber at tho
same timo.
One New Subtcriber, for One
Uttml Price, $1.60
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k .,..'.