j . ... I t4 'i Jim J - - CotinlR the Sprinrffltld Kiws anil Lm Caaty Star, Wklch Wtrc CtMelMttHl Fekrary If, 1914, KnUriMt fofcrimrf !il,IM.tst KprltisntiJd. Oregon. M cond -oUMlmsttiir miJcf otrii t'oiiarco(Mircii,lb7D, SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1915 VOL. XIV. MO. 9. New LANE COUNTY BELIEVES IN SINGLE LEGISLATIVE HOUSE M. Fonvlck, Momber of the Log lolnturo, Gives His Impres sion of Rocoht Session. BUSINESS, WATCHWORD ALL ALONG THE LINE Sonnto Critlclood for Attitude on Anti-Lobby "MoimTro Pnsood by Houso. Dy M. FBNWICK very often has not Uio timo or opportunity to do this, jib hlij attontlon must, If ho does his duty py his conotltuontb, bo con Htiuitly on tho business of tho houso vhoro ho holds member ship. At tho scission juot closed tho uvcrugo membor worked 10 hours and very often much longer. Then, the worst feature of the two-houpo organization Is the fact UuiL one house passes uum erous bills and withholds theni from tho other houso until on tho ovo of adjournment and then rushes them In to bo passcdJ upon m n row Hours, witn no time for consideration, when all Is excitement and turmoil, and many bills that would be of EMPLOYERS FIRS! 10 BE OUT OF JO Prosldont Sproule of the South ern Pacific Tells Real Rea son of Unemployment. WORK FOR LABOR ONLY WHEN EMPLOYERS BUSY Business of tho Nation Bewil dered by Attacks of Plat form Performers. Chicago, Feb. 25. The coun- I wish to say that I was most groat benefit to tho people arc, try is In the midst of a period favorably Impressed with tho snowed under on the old adage, personnel oftho House of Re- and not by any means a bad one, bers was composed oflSTAOIN Svhon in doubt vote no. Also, prcscntatives. 'It did seem as if, when overything is in a whirl Is this body of GO members was a mighty fine time to pass tho composed of persons who were bill that contains a beautiful determined to do all In their i Joker that often makes trouble power to better conditions thru- and causes people to lose confl out tho slate, not only In a finan- denco in tho legislature as a cial way, but from a moral and jbody. educational standpoint as well. There woro no political nlays made that did not moot with tho disapproval of tho membership, and every attempt In this direc tion was invariably called down by some member In such man ner that attempts in this direc tion soon ceased. i Business and business meth ods -wore the watchword all along tho line. Wo had trouble with tho Senate for tho reason that they seemed to think? that ilio Houso of Representatives wcro a lot of weaklings men tally and wero Incompetent to cither orlginato or pass, a law that would fill tho bill unless this groat body of mental celebrities, i comonly known as tho Oregon Senate In their Infinite wisdom Had overhauled tho whole bill had revised and ro-rcvlsed It and tacked on numerous amend monts and showed their superior wisdom in law-making affairs, Or, as in the caso of tho Anti lobly bill, passed early in tho scs slon, put it to sleep along tho In definite postponement route, unci turned a hordo of lobbyists with nil kinds of edged tools, ns it wero, to influonco tho law making powers to enact laws for the special Interests and nothing for tho people. This may bo good politics, but it is a very poor, state of affairs for tho best interests of tho peoplo, or tho state as a whole. But I don't wish to be under stood as finding fault with any individual of whom this body was composed, but I do really think that, as a body thoy over rated themselves, and under fated Bomo less pretentious bodies. It is also my humblo opinion that tho peoplo would have better laws and less ox ponso if ono or tho other of ho houses woro abolished, for tho reason that tho houso that orig inates a bill has in tho commit tee and on tho floor thrashed out ovory principle to tho minutest detail with tho maker of tho bill, vho gives a (Mailed statement of tho reasonB for presenting tho Bamo and why tho Samo should becomo a law. But when the bill goes to tho other houso for its approval or rejection tho mombors there, never having given tho question a thought, very often dofeat a measure of great merit. Tho maker of tho bill has not the right to make any statement on tho floor, as to tho bill, but can pnly go before tho committee having tho bill in charge and make a statement In skeleton form, as it woro,' and Fry Buys tho Cafotoria. J. P. Fry completed a deal on Saturday whereby ho purchases from Green & Morris the cafe teria and restaurant in tho Fry RankinTniildlng. Ho has leased tho business to Mrs. Minnie A. Hefner of Brownsville. . Mrs. Gertrudo Brlgham Dies. Mrs. Gertrude Brlgham, wife of Edward Brlgham, died at tho family homo on A street be tween Fifth and Sixth at 10 o'clock Sunday evening, Febru ary 28, 1915, aged 37 years. Tho funeral services will bo held at Walker's chapel nt 2 o'clock -on Tuesday afternoon, and inter ment will be made at tho Laurel Hill cemetery. Rey. Eisenmenger Resigns as Pastor Rev. C. F. Eisenmenger sur prised his congregation at the Baptist church yesterday by of fering Ids resignation and then preaching his farewell sermon. Rev. and Mrs. Eisenmonccr came to Springfield from tho east seven months ago, and found a firm place in tho hearts of their people hero. All their relatives live in tho east, and when tho Invitation recently came to return to Williamsport, Pennsylvania, tho call could not bo resisted. They expect to leavo Springfield tho last of this week or the first of next. Creamery Contract To be Let Tuesday W. N. Long, who with his as sociate, Mr. Cross of Eugene, nro to erect a concrete building for tho Springfield creamery, ex pects to lot tho contract tomor row. Plans for tho building woro completed sonic little time ago, and figures asked. It is expected that the building will bo completed and turned over to tho croamory company by April first. School Rally at Jasper Ono hundred and UO peoplo attended tho standard school rally Avhlch was held at Jasper Thursday evening. Tho program given by tho school was highly pleasing to tho audience. It was followed by very Instructive addresses by supervisor a. i. O'lteiuy, Prof., French, of th 0. A. C. and Mr. Coglbn, county agriculturist. of unemployment and ' distress tho like of which the nation nev er saw before, William Sproule, president of the Pacific system of tho Southern Pacific com pany declared hero tonight in an address at the annual dinner of the Traflic Club. He attri" bated this condition to what he said was a long continued clam or against all sorts of public businesses and predicted its end 011I3 when returning prosperity for employers should spell pros perlty for the employed. Begin ning by outlining difficulties faced by transportation business which, he said, "had lost its mo mentum," he broadened to tho state of business generally, and took vigorous exception to any suggestion that business condi tions would be better if business men believed they would be bet ter ' - . , , j "The booster lifts nothing higher than the level of his own teeth," declared the railway ex ecutive. "The trumpeter of prosperity beguiles only his own ears. Prosperity is real, or it does not exist. We do not have to look for it; It comes to us. It grows within our sight like a plant coming to flower.. It comes to us when tho employer re sumes employment, and it wil not come to us until the people generally, whether their capac ity bo large or small, whether they work with their muscles or their minds (and all work re quires mind) discover that their condition Improves only as their employer is prosperous. "It is the habit of the time to speak of unemployment as if it related only to those who work for a specific hourly, weekly or monthly wage. It is thought of chiefly as relating to those en gaged .in minor places or in the humbler duties of life. "The facts run- quite to the contrary. It is the employer who is first out of employment As a natural sequence he is fol: lowed by the employe. "Unemployment begins only when tho employer himself is unemployed. When the employ or Is prosperous and his energies aro properly omployed, employes have abundant employment, and they also prosper. "But why is this period of un employment? It is because all business is bewildered and un certain. A long period of mis representation, misunderstand ings, and pettifogging has so misled the public mind that, throughout' tho country, ovory prosperous business, indeed ev ery organization, prosperous or not, which is big enough to at tract the public platform per former flnds that it exists In an atmosphere of attack. lttieal economists, Business is filled to satiety with economio theories, , "Wh'en men ask for work they are handed an epigram. "But tho sad fact Is, tho more political theories aro proposed, tho poorer becomo the peoplo. I urge the prosperity of the average man. "To secure that prosperity, I urge the imperative necessity of taking business out of an atmos phere of attack into the old fashioned go-ahead atmosphere of business initiative and Ameri can enterprise. I urge relief from tlie fads, fancies, and isms which have filled the streets with unemployment and put away the dinner pall Of the worklngman empty upon the shelf of the Im poverished home. I urge the restoration of confidence in the fact that American businessmen are the peers of any in the world. Finally, I urge that the public Interest in transportation Is that it shall be prosperous in order that it may be a successful, en ergetic aid to all the business it is designed to serve." That the president and many governors are "anxious stu'dents offthe needs of our time," Mr. Sproule said, was "happy aug ury and patriotic assurance that th present is a passing phase." A letter from James J. Hill said that legislation of the last two years which he termed the most important in commercial and financial affairs since the Civil war, has so distracted busi ness that not the best informed legislator nor the ablest lawyer cap give any more than a hint what the effects of these regula tions will be on business. Mr. Hill did not offer an opin- io.njas to the ultimate effect of. tins legislation but said wnetner it be good or bad, the adaption of the country's business to the newcondltions; would produce a trial period, extremely critical for every kind of activity. FATHER WRITES SLOGAN SON DONATES POSTER 1915 Rom FetiVl Receives Werk 9t Art from Famous Oregn Boy. SPRIHEU) MAN m A MADSTONE Remembers that His Mother Several Times Cured Per sons Bitten by D.ogs. Portland's 1915 Roso Festival has a unique poster tho most artistic ever used and It Is the .work of an Oregon boy, Fred Q. Cooper, now one of tho world's "foremost artists. His father, J. C. Cooper, of McMinnvllle, Oregon, wrote tho winning slogan, "The Whole World Knows the Portland Rose." At his father's personal request young Cooper donated tho poster to Incorpor ate tho slogan. PorUand has co operated with, Seattle, Tacoma, Walla Walla and Spokane in securing con ventions that will bring more than 250,000 visitors to Washington and Oregon. Finds Springfield Is a Busy Place say that on many areas 50 per cent of the grazing value of the range is destroyed by their work. This destruction is brought about in three ways: First, by the actualifood which they con- sume or store away, which con sists of the roots of various grasses and forage plants. In one store-room alone over 1,000 were found. Second, the mounds of earth thrown out by the go pher cover considerable forage. This mayappear of small con- STONE STICKS TO WOUND' UNTIL FULL OF POISON Cousin Traveled forVThlrty Hours to Reach the Riggs Home for Treatment. The recent flassfoge of a town ordinance requiring that dogs be kept off the streets, on ac count Of the possible danger of rabies, reminded Thurman RIggs of a madstoas .lie now has, received from his mother,, and a gift to her from her grandfather. This stone is said to have the property of absorb ing from the human system the poison of snakes or of the bite of a mad dog. RIggs relates that on a num ber of occasions he had seen his mother use, the stone, and al ways successfully.' When the stone is applied to the wound, it clings firmly to the flesh until it is saturated with the poison, and then it drops off. If placed in sweet milk the poison 'is re moved and the stone can be used again. A cousin of Riggs once rode for 30" hours to reach Mrs. RIggs after he had' been bitten by a mad dog. The stone s-asrapplied .-ave timesjjef orirall , the poison Was removed. "Many1 people do not believe the madstone has this 'power," said RIggs, but I have seen1 niy mother use this stone nianv " Z. T. Kintzley, formerly a resi dent of Springfield, but for the past year or more -a resident of Lents, a suburb of Portland, is here for a week or ten days to look after property interests Mr. Kintzley declares business in Springfield is much better than it Is in Portland, and he thinks the operation of the mill has a lot to do with the busy aspect of this town. Trades for' Idaho Farm. T. 13. Ryan of West Springfield laBt week traded his tract of 2 acres for a farm of 120 acres in Idaho. He left this morning for his new home, but Mrs. Ryan will remain In Eugene for a time before going on to Idaho, FOREST NEWS The district forester at Port land, Oregon, announces that a report has recently been com-j pleted upon a study made last summer and fall to determine tho amount of damage done by rodents, notably the pocket go pher. The study was made by the Biological Survey, and tho area chosen for the investigation. was upon tho Ochoco National 'orest in central Oregon. Tho facts brought out by the study are somewhat startling. It has been known to tho For est Service for some years that certain areas had the appear ance of being overgrazed, but t was not until a more intensive study of tho range was made that suspicion turned toward tho pocket gopher so frequently seen in these localities. As a re sult, of the study of tho ways of these little animals, it is safe to sequence, but each mound will average a square foot in size. On tImeS( and sne always cured u'er IOUnU an Innfionf ' The stone is about two inches one area tnere was average of 8,800 mounds to the acre. This means that one fourth of each acre was ren dered valueless. Third,, their system of burrowing countless runways fairly undermines the ground, Increases the friability pf the soil, destroys the root sys tems of the plants above, and when stock in bands passes over the ground, it is as badly torn up as if it had been plowed. After having ascertained these facts, the agent of the Biological Survey set about a method of combating the pests. Pieces of sweet potato, seasoned with a preparation of sugar and stry chnine, were placed in the go pher runways by means of a long pointed stick. In going in diameter and is porus, much after the structure of a sponge. Seventh Street Is , " Again Being Used After being closed for nearly a month while being macadam ized, Seventh street was thrown. open to travel this afterhoon,,af ter the city had given its portion of the street a final rolling.' w The Southern Pacific com pany first macadamized the por-tion-of the street extending from the station to the edge of the right of way, including in tho itnnrnvfliriPTif- 1sn tho enncii In over the area a second time, ltfront of thft f. llmifift nm1 was found that from 95 to 100 uw mv. .UUU1115 uaw vnvai. ui uiu jig tcui ui fcujijiiuio verOfjpnnj. . , "f ThOSe rpho H nnmnWurf vAa poisoned the first round that survived .the first dose of poison would soon throw up fresh mounds and could be easily detected and poisoned on the Second round. PLAN TO START REBUILDING ROAD cadaniifcitig of its portion "of the street a week or more ago, but let it stand for a week to settle. While the improvements were being made the railroad com pany handled local freight "at the Morrison warehouse. 1 ... The completion of the Wil lamette river wagon road will be commenced by May 1, weather permitting, and a force of fifty or sixty men will be placed at work at that time, according to Thomas O. Russell, assistant Southern Pacific engineer, who returned this week from a trip north. This is the work that the Southern Pacific company was required to do by tho( circuit court, following the $100,000 damage suit filed by Lane county. 1 ' ',"". ii'tq; '';.;: .' . . HilLUne will-operate gas-jjlecr tric cars on. Portland-Rainier lino; ' ' ' Will Use Big Engines. -Beginning this week ' the Southern Pacific expects to in troduce a new type of monster locomotive on several of its overland trains through the Wil lamette valley. These engines are larger than any ever used on the Southern Pacific. They weigh 105 tons, or fifteen tons more than the heaviest engine now in use on the Southern Pacific. One of the big "Mika does" as they are called.was run over the line a few days ago to determine whether or not it will take - the turns satisfactorily. The; bjg locomotives, will jnrob ably '.bG'firsfc, used, on tho "San Francisco express. ' "