The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, February 18, 1915, Image 4

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During February we will continue
to sell our mens and boys overcoats
at one-half price. Mens and boys
suits at one-third less. This is your
opportunity to save money. We do
not reserve any suits or overcoats;
anything in these lines go at the
prices stated.
Specials in Ladies and
Childrens Shoes
3.50 Ladies' Tan Button Shoes $2-95
$4.00 Ladies' Tan Button Shoes .$3.1,5
Childrens Tan Button Shoes at 15 per cent Less
These are all good models, but wo are overstocked and
must reduce the lines.
Just Arrived The new spring and summer samples
of A. E. Anderson & Co. Tailored Clothes.
The tailoring you need.
North Western Inventors
Tho following imtenta wero
just Issued to North western
clients reported by ;D. Swift &
Co., Patont LawyersWnshlng
ton, D. C, who will furnish cop
ies of nuy patent forjtcm conts
aploco to our readers.
itiano Charles Ktrchnor,
Sugar, Centrifugal Bugar ma
chine. Wash. Robert E. Morltz, Se
attle, Cycloharmonogrnph.
Ore. Willie E. Nowsom, Port
land, Kettle cover; Robert Rea,
Portland, Drier.
Notice la hereby given tfmt the uii-
tioraigneti nununisirntrlx or tho estate
ot J. C. Braltnln deceased, has lllod
her annual account ot tho adminis
tration ot said estnto with tho County
Clerk or Lnuo County, Oregon, which
said account Is duly verified and con
tains a detailed statement of tho
monoy rccolvod and expended by snld
administratrix, from whom received
and to whom paid, and rofors to tho
vouchers for payments and shows tho
money remaining unexnonded or an-
preprinted and tho County Court has
appointed Friday, tho 2Cui day of Keh-
imary. 1315, at 10 o'clock A. M. of
said day as tho time for tho hcnrlnK
, of objections to such tlnal account and
' ho settlement thereof. All heirs, cred
itors or persons Interested In said
estate aro hereby notlflod to file their
objections to said final account or nnv
hlteru (hereof specifying tho particulars
I in tiut-u uujucuous wim mo county
;i.icrK oi tano v;ouniy, urcgon on or
I before tho day appointed for tho hear
ilng and settlement ot said final
Administratrix of tho cstato of J. C.
Iirattnin, deceased.
(Continued from Pbro 1.)
tion ami 'Hating, tho percentage
of unputoiitcti agricultural laud
within tho National forests,
never largo, has boon reduced
to a very small amount.
Portland East Sldo lluslness
Men's club will erect a two-story
One Industry that Is being!
promoted Creation of eight 1
now circuit judges at $'1,000 ft
year salary.
Tho Bluo Sky Law Is con-
domed by all mining sections of
Oregon. Mlno products foil off
$200,000 in 1014..
, .
Froo Methodist Church.
Knlilmth School at 10 n. m.
Preaching services at 11 a.m. j
Evening Services 7 :30 p. m.
Children's meeting at 3 p. m.
Midweek prayer meeting on
Thursday nt 7:30 p. m.
A cordial invitation is extend
ed to all.
a delicious cafeteria luncheon
was served in the club banquet
room. At the hour of 11, Jack
Rodman in the banquet room
and Col. C. C. Hammond in the
hall, proposed the toast to the
Mrs. B. A. Washburne enter
tained at cards Monday after
noon in honor of her daughter,
Mrsw. F. Martin of Vancouver,
B.'cV Following the session of
cards; at which Mrs. W. C. Reb-
han .won the honors, a beauti- absent brothers,
ful gold hat pin, the hostess!
served a dainty two-course ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent of
luncheon. .The guests of the af- Eugene entertained at their
ternoon werewMrs. Martin, Mrs. home there on Tuesday evening
John Bergard of Portland, sis- in honor of the birthday annl
ter, of, the hostess; Mrs. J. L. versary of Mrs. I. D. Larimer of
Clark,' Mrs. Howard Woods, Mrs. Springfield. Springfield guests
Carl Fischer, Mrs. L. A. Bass, arrived in time for an elaborate
Mrs. Dr. Kester, Mrs. W. C. Reb- ly appointed dinner, and whist
han, Mrs. Frank DePue, Mrs. furnished the pastime of the
Elizabeth Stewart, Mrs. M. M. evening. The guests were Mr.
Peery, Mrs. Edesse Cox, Mrs. and Mrs I. D. Larimer, Mr. and
G: E. Swarts, Miss Edna Swarts, Mrs. Clark Wheaton, Mr. and
Mrs. William L. McCulloch, Mrs. Mrs. J. J. Bryan and Mr. and
J.: J. Bryan, Mrs. Jesse Seavey, Mrs. Bert Vincent.
Mrs. J. W. Machen, Mrs. Milton
Bally. j The Modern Woodmen and
Royal Neighbors of Springfield
tfA new club entered the so- are planning on having an un
cial -life of Springfield Tuesday usual pleasant time next Satur-
evenmg when the Progressive day evening when they will en
Five Hundred club was organiz- tertain the members of the Eu-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. grene Woodmen and Royal
jj. iu. Drum. Mrs. Drum was Neighbor lodges with a big sup
elected president and Gilbert per and musical program.
Davis secretary-treasurer. The
next meeting February 24, will SEED POTATOES FOR SALE.
be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j
George Catching. The member- I am shipping in two carloads
ship of the new club consists of of Wesco Burbank seed pota-
the following: Mr. and Mrs. A. S. toes. I will guarantee to buy all
I)rum, Mr. and Airs. George potatoes raised from this stock
Catching, Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Fry, in 1915. See E. E. Morrison,
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Davis, Mr. next door to the post oillce.
Mrs. Al. Montgomery, Mr.
J. E. Edwards, Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. Durrin, Mr. and Mrs.
"William Donaldson, Mrs. Zella
Gantrell and Mrs. Jessie New
man, v ,
The regular monthly social
and business meeting of the
Epworth league will be held at
th'e Methodist church tomorrow
Notice Is hereby given to tho owners
or property liable for tho Imnrovo.
ment ot North Sixth street from North
"Q" north 522.56 foot that on tho Sth
day of February, 1015, tho common
council passed Ordlnanco No, 414 levy
ing un assessment for tho Improve
ment or saiu street oy j grading and
surfacing with crushod rock, and tho
said assessment was cntorod upon tho
Docket of Town Lions on tho 10th day
ot February, 1915. By tho terms of
me cuarter uto said assessment Is
now duo and must bo paid on or before
tho 3rd day of March. 1D1G. or tho
property will ho sold for tho payment
mereoi, provided, However, it shall bo
lawful for the owner of any property
so assessed ror sucn improvement In
the sum ot twenty-five dollars or more,
,at any time within ten days aftor tho
urst publication ot this notice, which
ten days will expire on tho 22nd day
oi tenruary, i9i&, to fllo wltni'the
Town Recorder a written application
4 .... . - I I . t .
iui pay iuu sam assessment, in iorv an
nual installments, in accordance-with
tho Bancroft Act. -r
The Qwnorshlp, description ot prop
erty and amount of assessment are
as follows: ' -. i
Name Description Amount
Block 109, Springfield Investment
& Power Co.'s Addition.
Ilobert and L. J, Sidwell, Lots
11 and 12 . ?1Q0.S8
Henry Vollstead, lots 13 and 14 7.47
M. G. Evans, Lot 15 3.74
.and Mrs
jA number of Springfield peo
ple were quests of the Eugene
lqpge of Elks at their social
gathering in Eugene last Friday
evening. Dancing prevailed at
the armory building, and there
were eleven tables for whist at
the club parlors, Mrs, I. D. Lar
imer won first honors-arid Mrs.
J; L. Clark second. iBpth
members of the Whist club.
SjPjHngfleld.'Following the cards
The Bell theatre Is giving free
admission tickets to pupils up
to and including the eighth
grade for proficiency in school
work. A general average of 80
per cent gains the pupil one free
ticket to Saturday matinee each
month; 85 per cent, two each
month; 90 per cent, three each
month; 95 per cent, four each
month; also pupil must not be
either absent nor tardy during
the previous month. All adults
admitted to these matinees, on
Saturday at 2 p. m. regular ad
mission 10 .cents. All children,
Includine eighth grade .nunllB.
not AoldingJthesefA'ItewardS' of
We print butter wrappers!1
School Dist. No. 19, Lots C, 7, 8,
j. ana lo; also Lot 9 of Clark
& Washburno's Addition .... 202.01
Block 110, S. P. I. & P. Co.'s Addi.
Heirs of Wm. J. Luther,. Lots 1,
2. 3, 4. and EX 1-2 of 5 97.
JL W. Webber, E 1-2 Lot 14 and
Lot 15 c.:
Hattle E. Mulligan, Lota 1C. 17.
and 18 , 105.80
Clark & washburne s Addition
C. L. Roberts, Beginning at a
point on the S. lino of Lot 10
2 ft. east of the Southwest
corner of said lot, run North
C7.C4 feet to a point .07.04 foet
from the North Boundary ot
said lot; thence East 100
feet; thence South 67.04 feet:
thence West 160 feet to place
of beginning 52.05
Allison B. Richardson. Begin
at a point 2 feet East of the
Northwest corner ot Lot 10,
run East 1G0 foet; thenco
South 07.64 feot; thenco West
100 feet; thence North 07,04
foot to place of beginning, . . .
Edward Solelm. Begin 58 feet
West from tho Southeast cor
ner of lot 8; run West 132
feet; thenco North 60 feot;
thence East 132 feet; thence
South 00 feet to place ot be
ginning 52.15
Ole Solelm. Begin at a point
in tho South boundary ot Lot
7, 58 feet West of tho South
east corner of said lot, run .
thence West 131 feot; thence ;jL.
north 07 feet: thenco XVnat. . ,
1 font? tliAnrn NnrHi 1 R
feot: thennn Rant 132 font-
thence' South 68,28 feet, to
place of beginning '53.15
mck Anderson. Begin at a
point in tho North boundary
of Lot 7 and 58 feet from tho
Northeast corner of said lot;
and run thence West 132
feet; thenco South 07 feot; j
tlwnce East 132 feet; thence (.
North 67 feet to place of bo- .
ginning 52.15
Nick Anderson. Begin at a "
point In tho North boundary-;. ,.
of Lot 8, and 58 feot West of '
tho Northeast corner of nald' 'j
lot and run thenco West 132, ''
feet; thence South 01.28 foet; ;
thence East 132 Feet; thenco', Vt
North 61.28 feet to place of. -;"
beginning , 53,15
Date of first publication February
11, 1915. , ;
Town Recorder.
78, A. ,M. P., Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rlfo'llnl;
versal and Symbolic' Freb
Masons moots Frldayi cfyoh;)
ing in W. O. W. halli VJsif;
ing brothors wolcnmnSlk -
P. A, Johnson, L, E. Diirrln,,,,.,
Secretary. Ky M.
Church of Chrrat.
Bible School, 9:45 n. m., com
munion and sermon at 11 a. m
Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p.
m song sorvlco and sermon at
7:30 p. m., prayer meeting every
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Baptist Church.
Sunday Sabbath school at
10 a', m.; preaching service at
11 a- m.;B. Y. P. U. at 0:30 p. m.
Preaching service at 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday, Prayer meeting at
7:30 p. m. Thursday, Choir re
hearsal at 8 p. m.
Methodist Church.
Corner Second and B streets
James T. Moore, pastor, phone
117-W. For next Sunday:10
A. M. Sunday school.
A rally of all tho Sunday
school forces Sunday a. m. We
want to pass the record of tho
240 Jn attendance.
11 A. M. Sermon, A large
number is to be received. Come
to be baptised. You will do well
to come early to get a seat.
3:00 P. M. Junior League.
All the children aro urged to bo
present at this hour. Miss
Rhodes, Superintendent.
G:30 Epworth League. This
Is an hour pulsating with en
thusiasm and spiritual life. Wel
come all.
7 :30 Song and Sermon. Our
constant effort will be to make
this the crowning service of the
day. Come and get the uplift
for the week.
Wednesday at 7 p. m. Mid
week prayer meeting. Our mot
to: '100 regularly In attendance.'
The last meeting the best to
date. The next must be better.
Wednesday, 8 p. m. Choir prac
iThe Author of
"The Human
Family Deline
ated as It Is,
and Not as It
Who lectures horo Tuesday night litis been likened unto tho
Lightning Calculator in mathematics because of his SHORT
,in his peculiar mannor ho displays wonderful manifes
tations of his knowledge of the Art.
His lectures nro scientific, instructive and edifying, not
only enabling "MAN to KNOW THYSELF" but to
An irroparablo loss when a life Is fitted fpr an unstiitablo
Tuesday Eve., Feb. 23, 8 P. M.
In Stevens-Perkins Building
Admission 25c Reserved Seats 50c
Excursion Fares
to tho
California Expositions
Round trip tickets, permitting stop-overs at all
points in cither direction, to tho Panama Pa
cific International Exposition, San Francisco,
Feb. 20 to Dec. 4th, and to tho Panama Cali
fornia Exposition, San Diego, open all year,
will bo placed on sale
February 15 to November 30
: - Via the
Scenic Shasta Route
Three Fine Trains Daily.
Shasta Limited: Extra Faro, First Class equipment only.
Leaves Portland 3:50 p. m. A High Class Train.
San Francisco Express: Observation Car, Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars, Chair Cars and Dlnor.
California Expross: Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars,
Chair Cars and Dlnor.
Full particulars, faros, frco literature on tho Exposition, train schod
ulcfl, etc., from nearest Agent of tho
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
The Springfield Creamery
GHAS. BARKMAN, Proprietor
Try it and be convinced that it pays to patronize
home industries.
GAS ROOM HEATERS aro inexpensive to buy -cheap to operate. Thoy are
their cost over and ovor. again In tho colds,, soro throats and. other ailmonts
For Fall and Spring Heating they aro ideal. Useful during tho colder months
for auxiliary purposes to help out the regular sovo3 or furnacosrtoyya'.m
rooms quickly in tho morning. ' r '
Seo them at the, Gas offico, 957 Willamotto Stroet, or Fellman-Newland Co.l
625-49 Willamette Street, Eugene. -