I NEVER iTITUTE Special For Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday Gliocoldfe Peanut Cluster 30c per Pound AT Tha T'ALES OF THE ...TOWN... N. P. Jensen was a Sunday visitor with friends at Prlceuoro. Airs. Hose Ilarblt was called to Weiuillng Sunday. She ex pects to bo away two weeks. e Mrs. yiola Spaun of Hayden Drldgo was In Springfield Satur day w attend the Pennsylvania dfnner. m m ' Mrs. Win. Coffer and Mrs- N. J; Ilarblt spent Sunday with Mrs. Andy Coffer at Wcndllng. They also attended the revival services bcihjg conducted by Dr. Abbet. .r IJor your money's worth and then some, in leather and workmanship, try Hall, the Shoo Doctor, on those old Icicles. Fifth and Maui streets. THJS COUPON ' 15 GOOD FOR 10q. to 60c Ilr PRfcSENJED AT GROCERS FEBRUARY 15th 13 2011), 1915 FOltoreW COFFEE 45c Coffee flciuUr - T ratal U prle .40 rlco 1 to TINO .40 2 " " .08 " " 1,00 Croceri will collect tlio Wumbr ol Tim tn tl ln WE REPEEM THEM HnJ l our lollcitor Wfc ar exclusive dealers in I. D. Larimer - ' Than a Diary Kep n Kodak re cord of the good times now and throughout the yenr. wnmng up a diary is a bother making Kodak records a contin ued delight. Switches made from comb ings. Mrs. J. D. So wash. M5t4 Naomi ilarblt Is visiting her jsister Mrs. H. K. Hockett, at Gcr- vnls this week. Claude Washburne came over from Junction City Saturday night and spent Sunday with his parents. Mrs. U. II. Park who was op erated on at the Springfield hospital a month ago was down town Sunday. m m Ladles buy your hats and trimmings at tlio Ilarblt mlllin cry storo where you got the "Fi delity" Trading stamps. Mrs. F. It. Russell, who was operated on at the Springfield iiioppuui two wckb ago, uus re I turned to her home, and is im i it . i . . . proving slowly. Mrs. Beatrice Crouch la mov ing her millinery storo today from Fifth street between Main and A to the Kepncr building oil Main between Third and Fourth. The time of prayer meeting at the M. E. church has been changed from Thursday evening to Wednesday, front 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Choir practice will be held Immediately following. Mrs. N. j. Ilarblt and two trimmers will go to Portland Tuesday to attend the millinery opening. Mrs. Harblt says the opening lasts four veeks tills season, which Is a great accom modation to milliners. SPRA - SULPHUR The modern Sulphur, Spray. A dry compound tjiat dlsaolv.es quick ly in cold water. 100 pounds goes as far as 50 gallons of Lime Sulphur. Costs less. Dqes bet ter worjk. Springfield Feetd Co. 45c Quality Sn.rl.l ..1. n.le. ' with coupon .36 .05 .70 d;ffrnc from u or lUyrymn this city of Folgers goods The Grocer MiM Ad. iUdmftn I iiutiii? At ttw Bucket store temporarfly, ' k ,Q. L. HL4mon .of LtbAiiOR .w in gpriagfleld laiuriky on buAiaMi. Mr, Morris is sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs, M. M. Peery. A. J. Henderson went to Mbn roo tide morning for a visit of a day or two. Georgo Thompson has return ed Jto Palmer, Oregon, where ho has employment in a store. G. E. Drooklns of Hubbard visited friends in Springfield last week, returning home Saturday. mm pari B. Nappor of Veneta, Ore gon, spent Saturday night and Sunday with frldnds in Spring- neid. . ' Mrs. XI. N. flriffln and daugh ter Laurel and Miss Grace Col lins left Friday for Fall creek to visit friends and relatives. Alex. McKcnzIc, manger of the Hampton store, was seized with a clilll Friday forenoon, and had to bo taken to his rooms. He was some better this morning. 0 Mrs, A. D. Iluddiman has a beautiful Christmas cactus In full bloom at her homc on B street it has about 150 blos soms at a time. mm Miss Lucllo Johnson of Port land, who Is visting Mrs. Lydla Moore, went to Coburg Satur day to visit her mother and sis ter, Miss Helen Johnson. George Kreutz left this morn ing for Suver, Polk county, to visit his father, who is quite ill. Tlio elder Mr. Kreutz lacks but a few weeks of being 92 years of age. mom Via Williams was operated on at the Eugene hospital Friday for appendicitis. He is now well on the road to recovery, despite the fact that his case was a ser ious one.. The Booth-Kelly Co. has had the space north of the retail yard cleared of the fragments left from the iirea that were main tained there while the refuse burner was being repaired last December. f Springfield Flour Mill has cracked corn for chickens cheaper Uian wheat. For good hard wheat blend flour that will prpdu.ee rnprp good bread per sack for less money than any on the market. Noxall will do that. Lumber Is being hauled to day to the river bridge, on which a now decking is to be placed. It was expected that the crew would lj.o here this morning to begin placing the plarilcB, but they did not show up. Flogal & Long have completed tlio metal frames of seven sky lights for the Eugene armory. They have the contract to supply all the sheet metal work for this building, and have the work well under way oven if the construc tion of the building proper has not yet begun. t The Marcola lqdge., Mpdern WoQdmen.of America aniiounqo a dancing party to be given in their hall on Monday evening, February 22. Supper will b,o fur nished by the order. The com-1 mltteo in charge, consists of L. f funeral services were conducted M. Duquid, W. L. Duncan, E. H.jnt Walker's chapel Sunday af- "" "1W XJU,a- 1UU illum f is tp ue on masque, m m m Smaller profits, quick sales; our prices talk and the Quality of our gopds in the best. Buy your flour of us and davo money Cupid flour Is first grado hard wheat patent and sells at tho snmo price as Valley flours $1.85. Johnson's Best Is a blended flour of the finest qual ity it's tho "China PheaBant" brand and sells at $1.75 or $1.70 . in barrel lots. S'pdhgfleld'Feednloi)t;yas,niade In tho Ml, Ver Company. , non .qemetciy. SOCIAL NOTES The whist club hekl lis usual flon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macheh. when a Retire Jolned In passing the evening at tiiHr favorite game. Mrs. J. J. Bryan was awarded the major trtfpliy, and C. E. Wheaton the minor. At the close of the even- ing the hostess served a dainty UIY(V-WVUD IUUWIWH, iUV guc'sts of Mr. and Mrs. Machen were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Waphburn, Mrs. Fred Martin (Vancouver, B. C,,) Mr. and Mrs. Jess Seavey, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Larimer, Mr. and Airs. L. M. Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. W. U McCulloUjgh, Mr. and Sirs. C. E. Wheaton,' Mrs. Am brose Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bryan and Mrs. J. C. Mullen. The Progressive Twenty-two hekl a very enoyable session at the home of Mrs. William Don aldson Friday evening. Games and conversation filling the evening hours, and at a late hour the hostess served a dainty luncheon. The next meeting will bo held March 12, at the home cf Mrs. Chas. Dorrlty. The tin wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davis, who live on North Fifth street, was appropriately celebrated Satur- -SCHOOL BOARD ACTS (Continued from Paso JL) The board decided the plan should be adopted, but deferred the taking effect of the ruling until the opening of the 1915-1G sessions next September. The board also directed the superintendent to ascertain what other schools are doing in the matter of limiting the ex penses of graduating classes. The superintendent reported the school rally which is to be held here next Friday evening. Icrt Itagan is tearing down the-jpartly burned building on the Luce Land Company proper ty. Opposite the News officp. Mrs. Luella Demerest of Cres- well, sister of Mrs. H. W Renue of Springfield, was operated on at the Mercy hospital, Eugene, yesterday. The United Artisans will give a chicken supper Wednesday evening ' to all memberst and their families. A fine time is oxpected. f Mrs. Thomas Applegate, mo ther of Mrs. Beatrice Crouch, left' Saturday for her home at Yonfcalla after being here for tw.o weeks under a doctor's care. f Mr. Rose, who is visiting his sister, Mrs. William Donaldson, spent Friday and Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Wagner at Junc tion City. The charred remnants of the Perin stock Of merchandise were removed the last of the week to a store room near the Springfield hotel, to be held as evidence in connection with the settjement of the insurance. Died On Friday morning, February i2, 191.5, at tie home of her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Lo ved, four miles northeast of Springfield, Mrs. Rebecca Cun ningham, aged 73 years. The mngliam, aged 73 years. The , , , 1 uuui w, mm mituiuuiii whb mauo In tlio Laurel Hill ceme tery. Bled 0)i Friday' morning, February 12, 1915, at tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. E. O. Eln er, at Thurston, Carl Alber,t PInsdorf, aged 89 years. The funeral services were conducted at Walker's chapel, Spi'higfietcJ, at 10 o'clock Saturday morning ny uev. j. t, Moore, anu inter day evening by a gathering of a monfeerof frtenrtho spent the evening In a unrM wiv. Val- entlnes formed the basis of the decorations. A most appetizing luncheon was served. A pretty affair was given last Saturday evcnIng at the homc 1 T A1..T1I Ui. air, UUU JllYil iUUiMIViHUH, of Douglas Gardens, in honor of Mr. McPijcrson's birthday. The decorations were confined to a color scheme of pink and white. Refreshments were served by Mrs. McPherson and Mrs. Clair Baker. A party of young people attended from Eugene. Infor mal dancing was the feature .of entertainment. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Alva Mc Phcron, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Stev ens, Miss Ella Phillips, Mies Mabel and Miss Grace Duck worth, Miss Winona McHenery, Miss Violet Clark, Miss Edna Purdy, Miss Christina Saul, Miss Agnes Stevens, Miss Gladys Withrow, Miss Alta Wilcox, Miss Gladys Clark, Messrs Hugh Smith, Chancey Macliln, Edison Stevens, Paul McHenery, Har vey Clark, John Stevens, Noise Smith, Earl Stewart, Clyde In son and R. E. Buckc. Mrs. Thompson of Shidd Is visiting the family of Fred Hin son ofSpringfield. The Lincoln school garden plot was plowed Saturday and is being prepared for planting. Jess, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. George Larisori living on West E street is laid up with a badly cut foot. Roy Frost made a trip to Jun ction City and Harrisburg Thur sday of last week returning Sat urday. "Jack" rode the Junc tion W. O. W. goat Friday even ing which he claims was some "stunt" W: J. Pengra living on the old Harlow place two miles west of Springfield, is doing quite a lot of improving on his farm, hav ing but recently put up a new wind mill for pumping water. He Is now grubbing out some of the old and profitless trees. Mr. Pen gra claims to have the largest cherry tree in the state a Royal Anne. The tree measures nearly 10 feet in circumference and the linibs have a spread of about GO feet. ALFALFA HAY We will unload a car of Calif. Alfalfa hay thfi last of this week. Those who get their hay at the car will save $1 a ton. Same price as last car. It Springfield Feed Co. To Whom it May Concern. This is to certify that Nellie iMabey has left my bed and board and I will not be responsi ble for any bills or debts con tracted by her ED. MABEY. Classified Ads For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc. FOR SALE Red clover aeed. tested. 15c per lb. Write p. O. Box GO, or phone 28F3, Springfield, Ore. 5.6 TORSETwoU. sriepara tors as good as new. A bar gain, Springfield Creamery. 4-tf. FOR SALE Full blooded white Wyandotte Roosters from prize winning strain. E. P. Lyon. Route 1, Springflold tf i OCAL DRUGGIST SAYS TAKE ONLY ONE DOSE Ve v;nu to fcU tliofo in Sprlupfinl't iiifferliif from Rtouinoli or lmwcl trou Mo tlmt wp lire njients for thp simple mivturo of lmtjtthprn ImrU, (slyroriup. ct., knowh n .illor-Mn, tlio romotl vhifli )(;(sm?ip fuuioua liy cvring iciuicitii, TJi$ s ,)io tmp3t. tU''rcual bpwpl pldnnser hndwn nntl JUST ONf ROSJi relieves 'saur Mftmwh, g on the toron?h smktwahon Hlmost iSfMEdlA-rEiAYoiifwill U mi Mlm t.t ilioi QUICK Mthii g MVfctt 1 liu, IS. M, l'cery; flxuggtat. that oftnnst Jf &ujnl hj lUM'a CftUrrh Curt, We, th lihn rrfcrfy hofcftrubw'ln nil tiwitmtw tramMCtlofM an4 flMnclaHy aWe to earry out any obllfnttoiw wuuta by hi Arm. hatzonaL bank of MH'4 Cfrt! CVfe J .! JSStb. actiftff itrteur wmmn h Mm mm .iM coo atfftc-p.ef.thri artftf. TmMpmmA ent frre. fjke TS cm per b(K MR by aw tnwt. ' ' . ' n'v Takt MslFa Fntnlljr rltl for contl(i, J. H. ROWER Lavyyr. PJjon,e 831 Willamette St. JEufene, OrcM Dr. Eugen Ktter Ofllce In gtev.eu-Pertlf JBHck PHYSICIAN 9c 5URGEOM Phosea: Resldeace 11' OMce 83 PARRISH & $ON, 8ucceMr to Calkin A Sen. , General Dray age Business, Piano MeveJ. r Phone 30 Sprtag4et, One. Home product po not go out of town for any thing in the line of br.ead, pies, cakes, cookies, etc., whea'yo can obtain the best right at home. Springfield Bakery S. Yohng, Prop1. CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS Dontisti?3r DR. J. E. RICHMOND PHONES: Office, 3; Residence, 1t1-J Oyer Commercial Bank, Springfield, Oregon. See Edwards & Brattain For Farm and City Property '' Exchanges a Specialty Springfield" - Oregon Phone 30 Dr. N. W. EMERY DENTIST" TELEPHONE 6 Ofllce in the J. O. O. F. BulkUsg SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Office Ninth nd I'e&rl Sw. Telepnooe S6S 0R. M.Y. SHAFFER, B.Y.S. VETERINARY SURGEON ANB DENTIST Suite 2. Phone S88, EUGENE, ORK Residence over Dodge's Store The Springfield Garage H. SANDGATHE Proprietor 1 Main, bet Fourth and Fifth. Phone U SPRINGFIELD - OREGON A. D. MOE Mercfiant TaKor Cir. 4th ami Mail SiritgffcftOrt . P. H. EAGAIsf Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Office: Warnock's Feed Barn ' Phones: Office 904 Residence 1122-j'l EUGENE - - OREGON J. F. Titus, M. D. Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Obstretrics and Diseases of Children. Res. Phone $1. Office Phone 62Q. Residence 283; West 9th. ' t Offico 938 Will. Street Eugene, - - Oregon. O. R. GuIHon, M. D. Practice Limited tl' Eye, Ear, Ncse and Throat. Graduate Nurse Attending 306, White Temple, Eugene, R. O. A. hall for rent. "Well ven tilated a,id lighted, clean and warm, Kltohen and dining room, attached. Rates reason able. Apply to Ijed Watke, Gilbert Davis or W. A. Hall.