The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, February 15, 1915, Image 2

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    HnnMus' iw.v tjhsjs -'ww -, . imam
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WfyHII ill, mmiln lilmil
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E&tor and Manser
r. At 'IBU
' ' a
Published Every Monday and Thursday by the Lane County
Publishing Association.
0e Year - $1.69 Six Moatka .75 Throo Months .60
Advertising rates furnished on application.
, And Ra-mamber to Get a Stop-Over for Springfield.
Because my interests are here.
tfecaVse I waht -
to see the goods I am buying;
Because 1 want to get wh,at I buy when I pay
for it.
Because my money is part of the local circulat
ing medium.
Because I behove in transacting business with
my friends.
Became .my money can go into every channel
of local trade.
Because my home merchant will take care of
mo when I run short .of cash.
Because ,the merchant I buy from pays, his
share of the city pnd state taxes.
Because the community that is good enough
for me to live iii Is good enough for me to l(uy in.
Because the home merchant I buy frpin stands
back of the goods, thus always giving value re
ceived, Because the dollar sent away seldom returns,
while the money spent at home is apt to leave a
scrap at every door.
Because some part of every dollar I spdnd at
home stays at lxome and helps work for the wel
fare of the city and state.
Because the merchant I buy from helps support
our poor and needy, our schools, our churches,
our lodges and our homes.
Because in buying here I am building the city
for my own future welfare in my home city,
where I live, and where I enjoy all its benefits.
We paid a visit to Corvallis and Albany last week when we
observed a few things wherein our town compares very well
indeed with the others, and some respects in which they are
suitable examples for us. When it comes to streets, Spring
field has the cities outdistanced. In both Corvallis and Al
bany the paved streets, were good, and the unpayed streets
"were lakes of mud. Both cities have their business streets
paved in compact formation, as is the case in Springfield, but
they lack the fine macadamized residence streets that we liave
here. Lawns and parkings in both cities are better kept
than they are here in Springfield.
Corvallis has seven miles of pavement, a large part of which
is on the residence streets in the vicinity of the Agricultural
college. There outlying streets are paved to but a width of
20 feet, with correspondingly wider parkings. The cost is
materially less than for the wider pavements, and the service
is adequate. In fact, the narrower streets discourage speed
ing on account of the lack of passing room. Albany's paved
streets are wide and well cleaned.
Business blocks of Springfield compare well in modern
appearance with those of either of the middle valley cities al
though not so large. Public buildings of the other cities are
superior to those of Springfleldv Both Corvallis and Albany
have fine high school buildings, that of Albany being parti
cularly fine. These buildings occupy th,e centers of largo
blocks, and the lawns about them are beautifully gre.ep.. Cor
vallis has a good brick city hall, though, not of modern Resign.
Albany has no city hall, but has recently acquired a bqck ,0
land opposite the court house, and hi time will erect a suitable
building for the use of the municipality.
These cities are two Or three times the size of Springfield,
but this city in no way suffers in ,cotnparisgin with them.
The market reports from the stockyards of Portland and
Seattle show there has been an excessive nuinber o,f hogs
marketed since January 1. This is due, n,o do.ubt, to ,th,e hfft
price of wheat.
The same condition prevailed during 1907.
It will be remembered that a number o,f buyers weiit
East to secure brood sows the n,ex,t year and not only pad
.excessive prices for them but a .heavy transportation charge
as well.
The same condition will soon prevail in the Pacific North
west if the fanners do not provide sqmc'nteans of retaining a
reasonable supply of brood sows.
Too many farmers depend on wheat ajpnc as a hog f,qed.
There is no reason why every farmer cannot raise his own
hog feed such as alfalfa, corn, peas, etc. He1 shoujd con
duct his business so he may buy wheat for feed when th,o
market justifies, but to depend on it almost so.lely is sheer folly.
Retain the brood sows even if it becomes necessary to
borrow the money to do sot Oregon-Washingtpn-Idaho
:'' ' President Wilson objected to having his gramlson named
Woodrcw, saying it would be better for him to develop his
own personality. Then they named the youngster Francis,
after his father, which leads to a natural wonder as to what
bpinion Woodrpw has of his son-in-law.
The street cleaning department .spoiled pne perfectly good
joke Saturday. We had expected to advertise fpr some seed
to start a market' garden' along- Main street curbs, but that is
jnow out of the' question.
A. .0. Saencer, Spring at Th DhUm, Points to fc.unta .tf
LegWatlc-rt Laid on Carriers and Cites Their import
ance In Making Prosperity.
occasion to commend ttio
pcoplo of Tho Ualloa for tholr fnlr
treatment or tho O. V. It. & ?f. Com
pany In tholr doaltnes with It. A. C
Spencer, general attorney, anld this
was a rofroshlnc chnnRo from tho
nttltudo towards tho railroads, In his
address doHvorod before Tho Uallua
Business Men's Association at tho
Hotel Dalles on tlo night or January
23. A banquet yrtva scrvod to tho' rail
way olticluls at that Unto and was at
tended largely by heads of dopiirt
mcnts and others front tho I'orUnml
headquarters. Mr. Spencer said:
"For several years pnBt this com
pany and overy other railroad in tho
country has been flayed and oppressed
with unjust and burdonsomo leclsla
tlon until an almost ihtoloratilo con
dition has resulted, not only to tho
misfortune and loss of tho railroad,
but of tho public. Samuel O, Dunn,
In his work entitled 'Tho American
Transportation Question,' reports: 'In
1909 41 State Legislatures passed 66
provisions, and In tho spring of 1911
40 Stnto Legislatures passed 276 pro
visions affecting railways. Wh.en It
Is considered that Congress anil Ute
Legislatures had oassed 800 provi
sions affecting railways in tho flvo
years 190M90S, inclusive, and that
numerous such laws have been passed
since, ono is disposed to wdnder If
there can bo many subjects Vertaln
Ing to transportation left for tho law
makers to deal with I'
"This harrowlne assault has con
tinued; rates havo been cut, legislative
regulations and bunions imposed, ana
taxes increased until railway credit!
has been almost destroyed. Dul tho !
end of tho typo of the legiBlutor re
sponsible for this sort of thing in hero.
The railroads havo carried tholr cause
to tho court of last resort, tho court
of public opinion tho people and in
recent elections in tins ami outer
stntes the people havo declared In no
uncortain torms that those groat prop
erties are to bo no longor unjustly!
assailed or unreasonably burdened,
that considerations working to tho I
welfare of tho railroad companlos op-
crate equally to tho bonoflt of tho com
munity at large, and that railroad do!-,
lars, whether secured from Abroad or ,
at home, are to receive thu samo pro
tection under tho law as tho posses
sions of the most humblo citizen. I
"When, nfter two hearings before
tho interstate Commerce Commission,!
tho plea of the Eastern roads fori
living freight rates was declined, the
roads tottering on the verge of bank- j
ruptcy made their third appeal, and
it was supported by public sentiment
Jrora the country at largo so general,
so positive and so cortnin that tho 1
Commission respected it and granted t
tho application.
"Today In Congress tho railroads
are asking for fair treatment In the
matter at .railway mall pay. That they"
are not receiving fair consideration
tor services rendered the Government
for tho transportation of mail is gen
erally recognized, and yet tho Govern
ment continues to appropriate tho
services and facilities of tho railroad
companies, itself determining the com
Dehslon to be paid, preparing its own
plans and specifications for facilities !
and service, and Itself fixing the pen-;
alties to be suffered by the railroad i
companies If its own demands so mado )
are not compiled with. No fair man
will deny that It tho Intnrstato Com
Imorco Communion Is quulltlod to fix n
'fair freight rato fpr Individual shippers
i It ran and should apply tho same yard
Intlck and tho sama consideration of
justlco nod fair dealing in iixiug ratua
of scrvlco for tho United Slates ,Uov
eminent, anil It should bo called upon
as tho arbiter In tills matter It Con
grosa and tho raltrondii cannot ngreu,
and nubllo sentiment will sou to It that
this groat Injustice Is prosontly cor
"During tho yenra to which I havo
referred whlla this hostllo legislation
has been In progress tho railroads of
tho country, atid particularly In tho
states of Oregon and Washington,
havo expended largo sums of monoy
in new construction and betterments.
Krom tho year 1905 to 1914, Inclusive,
this company in Uio tnreo states of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho has
oxpended In the development of this
property 93,249,000, and during the
tamo porlod Itn total not Income hat
boon $32,270,000. tho oxcess or uh
cx,rcudlturoa over Us Income will In
observed to bo $05,974,000. Tho ftgurvi
discloco nn expenditure of J9.SOO.000 a
year, and during tho samo period our
competitors, tho mil lines in urcgou
and Washington and tha Milwaukee m
Washington, havo mado expenditures
on approximately as largo n scaio.
"That these expenditures havo boon
.10 small fa-tor In tho prosperous or
that these r-tntos huvo enjoyed in re
cent yearn will not bo questioned, und
tho people row tiro becoming resiles
und Impatient In tho hope Hint expen
ditures by the railroads In a largo way
may again commence. Uut let mo itav,
and say to you seriously, aa tlilnklng
men, that such trcmumloua expendi
tures t-nnnot bo continued Indefinitely.
Krpemiitures beyond tho necestitloa
of the country and boynnd Its abliltv
to support and sustain tho public util
ity should not be expected or requested
but tho people should not bo dlscour
egod, but, on tho contrary, they sluniiU
hecomo more active In thu duv'3iii
meut of tholr country and Its ia
i.rurros. "Wo think that Oregon, with itn SO.
000 square mllos of territory, Is n pro
ductive stale, and, compared with
some olhorn. It is. Uut what aro its
posdipllltles? From tho year book of
tho Ocr-artmont of Agriculture of 1311
wo llnd that Belgium, with only 11,373
UQUare miles of area, produced In
wheat, ontu, barley and ryo a total of
82,300,000 bushels, whlla Oregon pro
duced in tho same year 33,478,000
bushels. In potatoes, Ilclgtum pro
duced 90,358,000 bushels In 1909, while
Oregon In 1911 produced 0,980,000
bushels. In 1841 Dr. Atkinson, tho
missionary from Oregon City, ad
vanced to the settlers in Wasco
County tho theory that wheat sould
be raised upon their hills. The cattlo
men opposed him, but today Wasco
County and Eastern Orccon take an
entirely 'different view of tho matter.
Today wo aro sondling among the far
mors of Eastern Oregon and Washing
ton Fa an or Smith as an apostle,
preaching the doctrine of corn-growing.
Hardly a resident would consid
er Farmer Smith's appeal seriously at
first, but by continued effort ho is mak
ing tho poplo succeed In coni-growlng
In splto of thomoolvcs, and as your
silos multiply you will look at the
matter differently." Oregonlan.
Out of the Joke Book
A Bargain Hunter
A pleasant-looking Irishwo
man walked into a store and
asked the price of the collars
she had seen displayed in the
"Two for a quarter," said the
"How much would that be for
' "Thirteen cents."
She'po'ndered. Then, with her
forefinger she seenled to be
making invisible calculations on
the sle.eve of her coat.
"That," she said, "would make
the ,otjher collar twilve 'cintp,
wouldn't it? Just give me that
Not for Donald.
Sandy and Donald were dis
cussing the. domestic Infelicities
of a mutual friend.
"Ay, ay," said Sandy. "Jamies
Thompson has a sair time wi'
that wife o' his. They say
they're quarreling."
"What els.c can ye expect?''
was Donald's scornful retort.
"The puir 'reckless creature
tuarit after cpurtin' for only
ppve;i years, tyah, he had no
ennuce to lien the woman In
sich a short time. When I was
coortln' I coorted for 20 years!"
This little dialogue topk place
on a mil way journey, und in the
further corner of the compart
ment sat an Englishman, listen
ing and much amused,
"And may I ask," ho inquired,
"connubial bliss followed thlp
long courtship?"
"I tell ye I coorted for 2,0
year," lie said, "and in that time
I kent what woman was, and so
Woman-DId you know that
your dog killed my cat?
Man Oh, yes, but I've put a
muzzle on him so hp can't do
A Dakota Romance.
,He Now that ypu have ob
tained your divorce, we can be
married at once, can't we?
She Married at onqe! Indeed,
w6 won't be married at once, I
can Just tell you that. For the
first time in three years I am a
fr,ee wman free as a bird
'and I am going to enjoy that
freedom for a little while. It's
"My goodness! How long?"
"W,eji, two or three hours,
A Faux Pas.
They had Just renewed their
acquaintance after five years.
".Upon my word, Miss Weath
erby," he said frankly, "I should
hardly have knovn you, you
naye aitereu s,o
"For the better or for the
worse?" she asked, with an
arch look.
"Ah, my dear girl," he said
gallantly, "you could only
change for the better!"
Trouble Enough.
Junior -J hear BrJggs got into
a lot of trouble with that girl lie
was going with,
Soph Yes? How's that?
Junior He married her.
First Lawyer Old Bullion's
heirs are.n't going to contest the
Secpnd Lawyer Well, they're
a fine bunch of hogs. I hppo th'
money chokes 'em.
Change Without Variety.
Boarder lier's a nickel I
fo(Uhd in the hash.
" Landlady Yes. I put it there.
You've been comntalhhig, I un
derstand, about lack of change
in your meals.
V M A. .t . . Z . JL.
. TJnnorf nf Mm emulltlon of tllO Flint National
Bank or Sprlngiloldt in tho State of Oregon, lit tho
closo of hiiBlnoflH December 3 J, conclonBcd
from report to tho Comptroller of the Ourronoy.
niCSOUllOKS. ,
LoruiB and UlHcounttt SHIIE'i!;
U. S. and other Honda and Warrants. . 21,810.01
BankhtK houao, real CBtnto, funilturo
and llxturoB jgj'SS
CiiBh and duo from banks ao.BO.JJ
, $177,300.89
Capital Btock $ 2S'2no22
Surplus and Profits ?,'2H
Circulation S'????!
Doposlts 143,114.10
The Best Groceries
For Less Money
The Fifth Street Grocery
Thos. Sikcs, Prop. Phone 22
Your Banking Business
Transacted here aids in the
growth and development of this
. community as all',pf our loan- ,
able funds aro safely distribut
ed to pcoplo living in Springfield
and vicinity assisting theih in
in their various industries; Our ,
policy Is liberal. Wo want your
Commercial State Bank
Capital $30,000.00
It Is Due
To active selling of
good good that our
ijock is kept freh
and clean. Try tit.
Miller & Moficr
The $priigf ield Creamery
CHAS. BAHKNAN, Proprietor
Try it and bo convinced that it pays ,t9 patronize
home industries.
ITsiabllshed 1883
Capital And Surplus $300,000,00 '.
Interests on Savings Accounts a ud Time Certificates
Harnoss, Laprobes, Horse
Blankets, Whips, Glovoo, Har
ness and Shoe repairing. Spring-
field, Between 3rd and Main. '
We Glyo Fidollty Trnding
Offlco Pjiono 62; Residence ,67-J
Wpst Main 8t. .
Q(lce IA Cfr Hall, Sprlngfltld, Ore,