The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, February 15, 1915, Image 1

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CMitUtiiR Tkt SprlifaA Kews anil Lane Ceaaty Jkar, Which Were CeaeelWatwi February 19, 1914,
Kiilored rbrnry iil, 100.1. ntBiirlncnoM, Oregon, ncond.
ciAJitcr unfar uotol conreo( March, isft.
' Ma-'
City Puto Crow of Men to Work
on Seotlon from Main to
8. P. Right of Way.
Earth Used to Fill .Alley and
Appronohoo to the Sec-ond-Stroot
A crow of ton men under di
rection of Frank Powers begun
-work this morning grading that
portion of Seventh street be
tween Main street and the S. P.
right of way. Five men -wont to
work Saturday to get out rock
at tho city quarry for the Im
provement of the street.
Tho street Is to bo graded to
Hs full width between curbs,
but the macadamized portion
will bo but 18 feet wldo.
Tho surplus earth now being
removed is being used to fill in
tho alley along tho railroad
right' of way between Sixth and
Fifth street. .This alley will bo
used considerably when tho now
croainery buld(ng Is erected.
Moro of the dirt will bo used
as back filling In the approaches
to tho concrete brldgo over tho
mill race at Second street.
Tho Southern Pacific com
jpany complotpd tho macadam
izing of Its' portion of tho street
Saturday, building a lino ma
cadam surfaco from tho edgo
of tho right of way to the depot,
with macadamized platforms
opposite tho freight house and
also along tho track where
goods are unloaded directly to
wagon's from, tho cars.
Illinois Comparisons Show Wot
Towns Havo Higher Rates.
i Portland,, 15, A speclnl to
tho Oregonian says: Statistics
gathered In tho principal cities
w6f Illinois outside of Chicago,
A (show 'that tho tax rato In tho
"dry" cities Is lower than that
; In tho "wot" ones. Jacksonville,
a dry town, has a rato of 4.04,
and tho rate in Rockford, tho
largest dry city In tho state Is
4.51. Decatur, which has Just
become dry, has a rate of 0.82
and Bloomington, also ono of
tho now dry cities, has a rate of
Of tho wet cities, Springfield
has a rato of 0.14, Peofla 5.59,
Quincy 5.03, Lincoln 0.12, Dan
ville, 5.10, .Toilet 7.80, Lasallo,
,0.79, Mollno, 7.12 and Ottawa
0.92. EdwardsvIUo leads with
8.05. In Chicago, which Is de
cidedly wot, 19 taxing bodies are
at work and tho rato cannot now
bo estimated, but It is known
that, as usual, it will bo high.
Marcola Team in Springfield.
, Th'q girls basket ball ieam of
Marcola was in Springfield Sat
urday botweon trains being on
their way homo from Coburg,
where Friday night they played
a game of baskot ball with tho
girls team of Coburg. Tho homo
team wjnnlng with a score of
24 to 20. Tho Marcola girls will
play Santa Clara Saturday, Feb
ruary' 20 ami with tho Irving
team February 27. Thoso in tho
team from Marcola were ; '
Laura Spohn, Lottie McMurry,
Pearl Walker, Elya Titus, Alslo
Rogers, Mario Dlckert and Mine
Ross, coach.
Postpone Brotherhood Banquet
Tho rogular monthly meeting
and banquet of tho Methodist
brotherhood, which was sched
uled for tonight, has been post
poned for ono week. The meet
ing Is called for 0:30 promptly,
February 22.
Tho Chaso School under the
direction o Miss Kate Boiler,
will have a rally Thursday eve
ning, February 18, commencing
at 7:30. There will bo a school
program, tho presentation of tho
standardization banner by Supt.
E. J. Moore, an Illustrated lec
ture by Professor Sweetsor and
an address by Prof. WIgmore,
of tho University of Oregon and
tho Eugene Ulblo university re
An old fashioned spelling bee
was one of the features of tho
open session of the Springfield
grango Saturday, and it was so
much fun that It will be repeated
at intervals of a month. "Hot
Beds and Kitchen Gardens,"
was tho subject for discussion.
Tho public generally Is Invited
to' attend the open sessions of
tho grange.
New-Made Friends of Evangelist
J. Bruco Evans Reluctant to
Havo Him Go.
Reluctant to let him go,
scores of Springfield people lin
gered at tho tabernacle Sunday
afternoon until Evangelist J.
Bruco Evans was compelled to
take a car for Eugene to make
his appointment at Oregon City
that evening. And then a dozen
or moro went to Eugene to bid
him a farewell when his train
pulled out for the north at 2:30.
Tho meeting Sunday morning
brought to a close, a very suc
cessful three weeks .meeting, in
which a largo number of con
verts were made. The number
is not given out. In fact Evans
declined oven to count the cards
that had been signed, saying ho
sought to lead men aright, and
not to make a record for con
verting numbers. Throughout
tho meotlngs ho appealed espe
cially to men, urging the Chris
tian life as a desirable thing, but
not tho easy thing. "A man's
sized job," ho called it, and hp
declined to allow individual beg
ging in the meetings. lie pre
ferred to present his message,
and leave action entirely to tho
volition of his hearers.
Ho made a largo number of
personal friends, and they wero
reluctant to boo him go. Tho
greater part of tho audlenco that
filled the tabornaclo Sunday
morning pressed forward to give
him a parting handclasp,
Singing under tho direction
of Harold Humbert tpok on an
added vim for tho final service.
All tho Springfield pastors
mot classes of converts at their
, churches Sunday afternoon, At
tho Methodist ohuroh Sunday
' evening 32 now' members were
Jreqolved, and n'oxtlSunday as
many moro aro expected, Tlfo
Concrete Building Planned for Main
Street Near Sixth Begin Work
About March 1
Messrs. W. N. Long of the
firm of Flcgal & Long, and his
associate, Mr. Cross of Eugene,
owners of the lot on Main street
next tho Thompson & Richard
son blacksmith shop, will erect
at once a one-story concrete
building for the use of the
Springfield Creamery during a
term of years.
Announcement of this was
made this morning by II. C.
Barkman, manager of the local
creamery, and confirmed by Mr.
Mr. Long stated that he will
begin at once on the plans for
tho new structure. It will be 33
by 100 feet in dimensions, cov
ering the whole lot where Fle-
jgle & Long have tiling stored at
this time. Tho building is to
have concrete walls and floors,
and will be arranged to suit the
convenience of Mr. Barkman's
Baptist and Christian churches
will receive their new members
at a later date.
After a series of meetings at
Oregon jCity, Evans will, return
for meetings at Creswell, Junc
tion City, and Cottage Grove.
Supervisor A. I. O'Reilly and
a number of educators of note,
will bo In Springfield Friday eve
ning to address a school rally,
which will bo held at the Lincoln
building at S o'clock. The pa
trons of the schools are urged to
attend. The program will be
published in The News Thurs
day. Ed Wells, living north of town
just outside tho corporation, has
a Jersey ,cow 15 years old of
which he is justly proud. The
past four weeks Mr. and Mrs.
Wells have kept an account of
the amount of butter sold, and
In that time just 41 pounds have
been marketed, besides that
used at home and also tho milk
consumed. This Is tho first
time any record has been kept
of butter sold by Mr. Wells.
Nearly 300 Patrons View Ex
hibit of Work and Hear Talks
by Educators.
Nearliy 300 patrons of the
West Springfield school attend
ed the standardization rally held
at the school last Friday evening
when School Superintendent E.
J. Mooro delivered tho "Stand
ard" pennant. EvangellBt J.
Bruco Evans gave a splendid
talk on education, and his as
sistant, Harold Humbert, gavo
a reading Talks wore made by
Prof. A. S,. Sweotser of the Uni
versity of Oregon and by W, A.
. On the upper floor the pupils
'Just how the building is to
hi divided has not been deter
mined. There is to be an office
Injthe front portion, and prob
ably a store room fronting 10
feet on the street and extending
back half tho length of the
building. Provision will be
made for a cold storage plant,
and space left for additional ma
chinery which is to be installed.
An elevated
platform for the
convenience of
cream patrons,
will be placed at tho rear of the
Long expects construc
tion work to start about March
l,and believes about a month
will bo consumed in the work.
,,v,The Springfield creamery has
built up a fine business in the
fe 4' years it has been in exist
ence, and has the enviable repu
tation of supplying all of the
creamery butter sold in the lo
cal market
made a display of the wojpjfc,hey
"are doing in the sx:hoo d
there afso a dainty lunSheoh
was oaryed, '
Yherpuplla'jof thi5e4. gave
a long program in a splendid
manner, and reflected the hard
training they have been given
by the teachers: Mrs. Genevieve
Beaman, Miss Dove McGee, Miss
Myrtle Copenhaver and Mrs.
Minnie Kahler.
' At a special meeting of the
Springfield school board Friday
evening, the proposition of J. J.
Bryan to give free Saturday
matinee tickets to students in
the grades who attained a cer
tain standard set by the schools,
was accepted. The board took
cognizance of the class of films
being shown here, and of the
special educational value of
many of the subjects.
The board considered at
length the matter of requiring
a breakage fee of 50 cents from
students registered in the phy
sics, botany, physical geography
domestic science and manual
training courses, the unforfeited
portion of the fee to be returned
at the end of the school term.
(Continued on Pago 3.)
A reduction from $5 to $3.50
a ton In freight rates on rough
green lumber from tho Willam
ette valley saw mills to inter
mediate points in California
will take place on May'l, accord
ing to word received today from
Washington by the Booth-Kelly
Lumber company of Eugene.
This Is tho effect of a ruling by
the Interstate commerce com
mission In denying the Southern
Pacific company exemption
from tho fourth section of tho
interstate laws.
Tho reduction which amounts
to thirty per cent, marks a vict
ory III a fight made by the Wil
lamette valley lumbermen cov
ering nearly a year and will be
a great benefit to the lumber
men of the valley, after the lum
ber business opens up again as
is expected. The reduction of
the rate, as a matter of fact,
is considered will be an Import
ant factor in bringing about Im
proved market conditions.
The case was heard uefore
Commissioner Thurtcll, of the
Interstate Commerce Commis
sion in San Francisco, On Sept
ember 17, 1914. The case in
volves the long and short haul
clause, which is embodied In
the "fourth section." The rail
roads asked to be permitted to
charge a higher rate from Wil
lamette valsy points to inter
mediate points in California
than to San Francisco direct.
In other words the railroad is
now charging $3.50 a ton on
rough green lumber into San
Francisco, but It is charging $5
a ton on the same commodity
billed from the Willamette val
ley to points between Eugene
and San Francisco.
'This will open to us a large
territory in California that will
be very important as business
picks up," A. C. Dixon, manager
of- the Booth-Kelly company
stated today after he read the
telegram from Washington.
- form k mm
Entertain J. Bruce Evans at Din
ner Over Thirty .Members
When Officers are Selected. . .
Native Pennsylvanians to the
number of 34, and as many more
friends and Pennsylvanians-by-decent,
attended a dinner given
Saturday in the Reapers Hall;
and the natives of the Keystone
state subsequently perfected or
ganisation for the purpose of m
cheasing the fellowship of -the
Oregon residents hailing from"
the Atlantic seaboard. J. Bruce'
Evans, the evangelist who has
just closed a series of meetings
here, was the guest of honor.
A splendid chicken dinner was
served by the ladies. Music and
reminiscences filled in the hour
before dinner,
The election resulted in the
selection of the following of
ficers: President, Rev. C. F.
Eisenmenger; secretary, Mrs.
Lucy Cranmer; treasurer, Bruce
Following aro the members
of the society: J. B. Male, Rev.
C. F, Eisenrilenger, Mrs. C. F.
Eisenmenger, J. P. Vaughn, M.
M. Male, EdnaPlatt, Kate Lans
bery, Ruth Lansbery, Hugh
Lansbery, T. J. McCracken, Le-
ota McCracken, Winona Piatt,
Mrs. Mary Piatt, S. W. Cranmer,
Lansbery, William . T. Rouse,
Charles W. Piatt, Ida Piatt, Sam
H. Richmond, Mrs, Viola Spaun,
Mrs. Mary Kellogg, Mrs. Blanche
Flegal, L, E. Flegal, Louis Mc
Cracken, Bruco E. Lansbery, U.
G. McElhaney, J. Bruce Evans,
John F. Shaffer, William Glenn,
William Lansbery, Emma LI.
Vaughn, Orson Vaughn, Paul
Lansbery, W. J. Yale,
Tho names of some 80 former
Pennsylvania people had been
obtained, but all could not attend
the meeting :, Saturday. Other
meetings ylU bo held from time
to time.
Development League Will Ce
Into Details of Plan ?or
Man at Frisco.
- i '
Nominations to Be Reopened,'
Preparing for Election on
Tuesday, March 9.. ,
An adjourned meeting of the
Springfield Development League
will be held at the League rooms
Tuesday evening, February 16,
for the purpose of discussing the
report of a committee that inter
viewed the Eugene Commercial
club on the subject of contribu
tions for the keeping of a Lane
county representative at the
Panama exposition. The com
mittee found that the plans for
the Willamette valley exhibit do
not contemplate the advancing
of any one district or town more
than" another, but is intended to
show the resources of the valley
as a whole. This, together with
assurances of the Eugene com
mittee that each -town in the
county is to receive the same
treatment, influenced the com
mittee to, look, -with some favor
upon the request tftat Spring
field join with Eugene and the
rest of the county in raising tlie
$130 required, to kaepainan
at the raTr for theten months kifc
is open. The League ,wilL,apt
on this report tomorrow night.
The League will also receive
a report from W- A. D.H1, who
was appointed at the. last meet
ing to investigate various filans
for securing publicity, and give
an estimate of cost of each. ,
Nominations preparatory to
the annual election of" March,. 2,
will , re-opened so some va
cancies can be filled. , : ,
Salem, Ore., Feb. 9. iTheSu
preme Court held that the initi
ative law which was adoptedby
the people "at the general elec
tion in 1910 did not take effect
till it was proclaimed by the
Governor on December 3, 1910,
and that it was not retroactive,
but applies only to officers elecc
ed subsequent to Its adoption,
and that the County Judges who
were elected to office' at the 1910
election do not hold office for
six years, as provided in the in
itiative measure.
Bown Assumes the Office.,
By this decision, Harry Bown,
who was elected county judge to
succeed Judge Thompson at the
November election, becomes
county judge of Lane county,
and was so notified at his farm
home north of Eugene Tuesday.
Mr. Bown dropped tho plow
handles, went to Eugene, took
the oath of office and became
Lane county's judge last Wed
nesday morning. Among the
first to congratulate Judge
Bown was the retiring judge
who said:
T wish first to thank my many
good friends for their loyal sup
port and extend my .appreciation
for the many favors extended.
The people of Lane county are
fortunate in having elected a
man of the integrity arid ability
of Harry Bown. He, has my-
most sincere, congratulations.