The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, February 11, 1915, Image 4

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    1 -
X, '
During February we will continue
to sell our mens and boys overcoats
at ' one-half price. Mens and boys
suits at one-third less. This is your
opportunity to save money. We do
not reserve any suits or overcoats; 1
anything in these lines go at the
prices stated.
Specials in Ladies and
Childrens Shoes
$3.50 Ladies' Tan Button Shoes ; $2.95
$4.00 Ladies Tan Button Shoes -S3.iS
Childrens Tan Button Shoes at 15 per cent Less
These are all good models, but we are overstocked and
must reduce the lines.
REVIVAL MEETINGS his audience. Is men, All his In-
DRAW TO A CLOSE vltatlonB am directed to tho
(Continued from Pngo 1.) NlUttfO momborH 0t hlK crowd.
Tho mootlnga "will cloao Sun-
elated the efforts, o! BructSW tmorn,n f" V?"
i ..... J ... Tlirrnnf lllltnn llltMI Itl IT 1111(1 Ml".
women of tho: town have: npproJ
has won such n place In thqi 1fVnn8l w,n d? ,,,a, I'f t
hearts of tho people In bo short' ( roS8 1,1 .our.cUy n' Uuil tim 1,1
n tlmo aa lma this ovnngetlat.
Tho first aervlco that
Evans spoko ho announced hid'
policy In these words, "Most
Just Arrived The new spring and summer samples
of A. E. Anderson & Co. Tailored Clothes.
The tailoring you need.
ovangellsts when thoy go Into n
community sail into ovory per
son and everything thoy seo and
skin them from hell to break
fast, hammer tho town ofllclals,
belittle tho ministry, denounce
tho members of tho churches,
unearth scandal and make chaos
out of everything in general. 1
will not do that wlUlo I urn In
town. I preach n positive gos
pel. I won't talk much on brim
stone or sulpher and I won't
sic 'a half dozen old sisters on a
fellow and. drag him out. Every
man or woman who comes
(down that aislo will como with
his eyes open and because ho
: wants to come."
It must bo said that Evans has
stuck to that policy absolutely,
j ITo has been unscathlng when
talking about sin. He has been
I fearless as a lion when standing
I for what ho thought to be right.
I He has appealed in a largo way
to men. A great proportion of
the ovening ho snonltB in Oregon
...It.... ltn tinea nnillllinlnil
I'll. I . ii. i..
mcouuga uoiorc. no win ionium
thoro thrco weeks nnd then
open at Creswoli In great union
campaign. From thoro ho goes
to Junction City and then to
Cottago Grove for a similar!
enmpign. The evangelist and
his helpers will be in Grants
Pass and Corvallls before they
rest for tho summer.
Invltntious lire coming to the
evangelist for meetings next
Tho music hns bgon conduct
ed throughout under the able
direction of Prof. Harold Hum
bert. Ho has won a largo place
In the hearts of tho pcoplo of
February Announcement
i I. i hi i i i
A1J Lace and Embroidery Reduced
Wo have Just rocolvod a
now shlpmont of Wool
Qoods, sultnblo for spring
Stilts, Skirts and Drosses.
Pricod at from SOc t0
SI, .25 t"
Cleverly made and trimmed
from slioor voiles, lawns,
and dlmltios. Priced ex
tra opoclol $1,25 an('
I Notice Is hereby glvon to the owners
,of property llablo for tho Improve
iinent or North Sixth street from North
1 "G" uorth 522.CC feet that on tho Sth
day of February. 1915, the common
council passed Ordinance No. 414 lovy
Ing nn assessment for tho Improve
ment of said street by Kradlncaand
surfacing with crushed rock, and the
said assessment was ontorod upon tho
Jl. E. Church, corner Second !
and B streets. J. T Moore, pas- j
tor, Phone 117W. Noxt Sunday: I
9:30 Sunday school.
Morning worship, union ser
vice at the tabomuclo, corner of
Main and Mill.
3:00 i. m. Junior League.
G:30 P. M. Epworth League.
Home coming. A great sorvico
assured. All aro Invited.
7:30 Song and sermon. All
are Invited.
church will be resumed, Tho I
. .. i
fullest and heartiest co-opera
Hon of all is assured.
Spring Wtyh 'Arrb
Mens Corduroy Pants Reduced
Wo aro offering our antlro lino of Mon'o and Boys' Cordu
roy Panto at a groat saving. Slzoo run from 29 to 48
waist measure. Mado In full pog nnd half peg stylos with
or without cuffs.. About 100 pairs In stock.. Make cholco
of your slzo at
$4,00 Corduroys S2.98 I $3-00 Corducoyo JR2.25
$3.50 Corduroys 2.62 ' ?2-25 Corduroys $1.69
Fifth &
Cox & C OX
W. S. Dodd has just returned
from a very profitable sojourn
at Corvallls where he attended
the Farmers' Short Course.
Rev. E. C. Tuppet of the Eu
gene Bible school preached to a
good attendance at. the school
lipuse Sunday.
i c r ri .. Docket of Town Lions on tho 10th day
home of Mrs. Harry Withers on 'of February. 1915. By Tho terms of
February 4 and a splendid time
Mae Smith and Rose
was enjoyed. The day was spent
in sewing and social chat. Din
ner, the main feature, was ser
ved at one o'clock. Those pres
ent were: Mesdames Mary Mc
Pherson, Edna Carpenter, Mar
garet Carpenter, Margaret Gor-
Vt; nn.i Mr t t wuhpr nf ' rie, Sarah Stevens, Rae Stevens,
- - -. , , , . Hester Armltage, Ethel Armit
TSugene, spent several days vis- f. ' , tli.
iting relatives in this vicinity last r ' " ' " " '
a firs. .TpnnfittA Wltliprs TAPtin
lVi there; Messrs J. R. McPher-
son. Pari Ramenter. J. P. With-
Kaldorof Marcola spent the erg pajjj withers, Harry With-week-end
with Miss Smith s par- prg Magtep wuhers and
ehts, Mr. and Mrs. G. W Smith. Wayne Amltage Little Miss
Rev. E. C. Tupper and Miss porothy Withers and Mildred
Pina Benedict took dinner at E. Carpenter. This club has met
S. Harding's Sunday. m continuously for eight years and
Roy Palmer and sons returned seVeral of the charter members j
last iuonaay irom aiuomia are stni its most ardent support
whore they had spent several ers The gentlemen are not reg
inonths. uiar atendans their presence,
Mrs.' J. A. Clearwater was in- at this meting being due to the
disposed for several days but is condition of the weather mak
improved at the present writing. ing lt impossible for them to
E. D. Chase and Alvie McPher- Work at home,
son are going to Eastern Oregon
to look up homesteads, when
spring opens.
J. R. Stevens and sons have
taken a 'contract to cut several
hundred cords of wood for G. W.'
anh.John Smith.
Our school, which is under the
able supervision of Miss Pina 1
Benedict, will, be Standardized
next Friday. j
Joe Sylvester is putting in his poR SALESeeonfl hanfl Wflfr
assure time trapping. ' ; cream se arator and low.
Miss Hazel Lathrop spent j gee p, Morrison. 3-4
"Tuesday and Wednesday at the
home of her brother, J. B. Lath-; TWO FINE LOTS in Laurel-
Classifiqd Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, fcEto.
FOR SALE Red clover seed.
Tested. 15c per lb. Write P.
O. Box 56, 'or phone 28F2,
Springfield, Ore. 4-5
rpp, of - the McKenzie Stock
, The Mt Vernpn Glee Club, un
tler the direction of E. S. Hard
ing, made their initial appear-!
ance on Saturday evening at the
Mt. Vernon school house in the
role of negro minstrels. The
;program was well rendered and
made quite a hit with the aud-
v '.ienee. Immediately, following I
, ibe program a basket social was
held and the baskets were soon
sold. The neat sum of $36 was
Qleared which will be applied to
building a horse shed on the
school grounds. This will fill a
Ipug felt, want and will be very
much apreclated by patrons of
the district.
' The Eighth Annual Anniver
sary mQqingpf J;he Mt. Vernon
',ThJnbJo society was held at the
hurst, Portland, to Exchange
for Springfield property. T.
S. Sparkman, owner, 1862
KIncald street, Eugene. 3-4
FOR SALE Two U. S. Separa
tors as good as new. A bar
gain. Springfield Creamery,
Edwards & Brattain
For Farm and City Property
Exchanges a Specialty
Springfield - Oregon
Phone 30
lOfflce In the I; O. 0. P. Building:
tno Charter Uio Bald assessment Is
now duo and must bo paid on or before
tho 3rd day of March. 1015, or tho
property will bo sold for tho payment
thereof, provided, howover, It shall bo
lawful for tho owner of any property
so assessed for such Improvement In
tho sum of twenty-flvo dollars or nioro,
at any time within ton days nfter tho
first publication of this notice, which
ten days will expire on tho 22nd day
of February. 1915, to fllo with, the
Town Recorder a written application
to pay tho said assessment in tcti an
nual installments, In accordance .with
the Bancroft Act.
The ownership, description of prop
erty and amount of assessment. are
as follows: '
Name Description Amount
Block 103, Springfield Investment
& Power Co.'s Addition.
Robert nnd L. J. Sldwell, Lots .
11 and 12 $100.83
Henry Vollstead, lota 13 and 14 7.47
M. G, Evans, Lot 15 3.74
School IJIst. No. 19. Lots G. 7, 8,
9, and 10; also Lot 9'of Clark
& Washburne's AddlUon 202.61
Block 110. S. P. I. &'P. Co.'s Add'
Heirs of Wm. J.' Luther, Lota 1, .
2, 3, 4. nnd E. 1-2 Of 5 97,30
M. WWobber, E 1-2 Lot 14 and
Lot 15 0,23
Hattlo E. Mulligan, Lots 1C, 17,
and. 18 , 10S.S0
2ark & Washburne's Adjlltlo
O. ffi&Roberts,- Beginning ut a
pplnt on the S. line of Lot 10
2 .ft. east of the Southwest
i corner of said lot, run North
C7.C4 feet to a point C7.G4 feet
from the North Boundary of
said lot; thence East 1G0
feet; thence South G7.C4 feet;
thence West 1G0 feet to place
of-beginning 52.G5
Allison B. Richardson. Begin
at a point 2 feet East of the
Northwest corner of Lot 10,
run East 160 feet; thenco
South G7.G4 feot; thenco West
160 feet; thence North 67.G4
feet to place of beginning. . . ,
Edward Soleim. Begin 58 feet
West from tho Southeast cor
ner of lot 8; run West 132
feet; thence North 60 feet;
thenco East 132 feet; thonco
South 60 feet to placo of bo- ,
ginning .. 5
Olo Solcim. Begin nt a point
in the South boundary of Lot
7, 58 feot West of the South-
east corner of said lot, run
thenco West 131 feet; thonco
north 67 feet; thonco "West
1 foot; thenco North 1.28
feot; thence East 132 feet;
thenco South 68.28 feet, to
place of 'beginning
Nick Anderson. Begin at u
point in the North boundary
of Lot 7 and 58 feot from tho .
Northeast corner of said lot;
and run thenco West 132 '
feot; thenco South 67 feet;
thence East 132 feot; thenco ,
North 07 feet to place of be- ' ,
ginning 52.15
Nick Anderson, Begin at a
point In tho North boundary J
of Lot 8, and 58 feet Woat of $
tho Northeast corner of trnld
lot and run thenco West 132 1
feot; thence South 61.28 feet;
thence East 132 Feet; thenco
North 61,28 feot to place of
beginning ,
Date of first publication
11, 1915.
Town Rocordor,
78, U. 1). A. M. V. Ancientd
"Accopted Scottish Rite UriR
, .versa! and Symbolic Hroe,
Masond meets Friday b,ven'
rinirfln-.W. Ci. V. Imll VII.,
" r'in'gr bfothora welcotn'o. "A
A.ffplinspn, ,L. E. Durrlfcr
. Secretary. ' W.yM
Are mado in 17, 19, 21 and 23
jewel and range in
Price from $12.25, to $60
More Hamilton watches are used
on the railroads of America than
any othor watch. Don't buy a
watch until you seo the Hamil
ton. You can't beat a Hamilton
for the money
D. VV. ROOF, Jeweler & Optician
Successor to Calkins & Son.
General Dray ago Businoss,
Pianos Moved.
Phone 30
Springfield, Ore.
Home Products
Do not go out of town for any
thing In the line of bread, pies,
caltes, cookies, etc., when you
can obtain tho best right at
Springfield Bakery
S. Young, Prop.
rsion Fares
to the
California Expositions
Round trip tickets, permitting stop-overs nt nil
points In either direction, to tho Panama Pa
cific International Exposition, San Francisco,
Feb. 20 to Dec. 4th, nnd to tho Panama Cali
fornia Exposition, San Diego, open all year,
will be placed on sale
February 15 to November 30
Via tho
. f
Scenic S hast 3 Route
Three Fine Trains Dally.
Shasta Limited: Extra Faro, First Class equipment only.
Leaves Portland 3:50 p. m. A High Class Train.
San Francisco Exproas: Observation Car, Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars, Chair Cars and Diner.
California Express: Standard and Tourist, Sleeping Cars,
Chair Cars and Diner.
Full particular!), fnroB, free literature on tho Exposition, train Bchctl
ulea, etc., from nenrost Agent of tho
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Orogon.
PHONES: Office, 3; Reoldence, 111-J
Over Commercial Bank,
Springfield, Orogon.
I'hono 1221
831 Willamette St. Eugene, Oreoon
Dr. Eugene Kesfcer
Otllco liKStovouu-Porklns Dlock
Fltonca; IteBldonco 01 -Olllco
GAS ROOM HEATERS aro. inexpensive to buycheap to' oporato. They are
their cost over and over again in the colds, .sore throats and othor ailmonts
thoy prevent.
For Fall and Spring Heating thoy are ideal. Usoful during tho coldor months
for auxiliary purposes to help out tho regular stoves or fumacos-to warm
rooms quickly in tho morning. V . . ,
Seo them at the Ga3 office, 957 Willamette Streot, or Follman-Nowland Co.,
625-49 Willamette Street, Eugene.
4 't