Si (10 f' t j r 4. tt .a iff 7 V from you, of ypur doctor will bring oyr;, m4 enger to your door in a "twinkliri$;",; W will fill your prescription and have it back to you in "double quick time." Iot a cent extra hkrge. ' ' j t w NEVER SUBSTITUTE Tales of the Town A nov j. eery b. -Co)gnto'H Pocry's. Colguto soap Talcums lCc at Mrs. J. T. Moore 1b quite 111 with nn attack of bronchitis. R II. Wutko made a hurried liiiHlucBB trip to Lebanon Tues day. Ortloy WMson or Kail Creole, waa in town on business Tues day. M. E. Castle loft Wednesday morning for Noli, where ho has employment. George Lamar of Wcndllng Ib visiting relatives and friends in Springfield and Eugene. John Gilfroy a business inun of CreBwell was in Springfield on Jnisiness Sunday and Mon day. ' f ' F, D. Wutko and family mado a very pleasant trip by auto to Junction City Sunday! They re port the roads as being fine. ft ... Jfh and Mrs. Chafc 'Smith' made a trip to Marcola horse back Sunday, spending the day with Airs. Smith's parents Mr.' and. Mrs. Joe Vognl. The Lane County court has urranged to rcplank the Spring field bridge, placing new plank ing lengthwise ii f the bridge on top of the present decking. 9 Capt. Dodd returned Monday nlglit from a trip of several weeks to California points. He found the weather there rather disagreeable, and Is glad to bo bade in old Oregon, ""Word comes from Sliedd that a daughter5 was born February 9 to.iMr. and Mrs. W M. Deals, Jr. formerly of Springfield. Mr. Deals is a brother of D. S. Deals,, assistant cashier of tha' First National bank hero. Hear tho now Edison Disc Phonographs at Pccry's. Sco J. P. Fry, Notary Public Fire Insurauco and Real Estate. I do all kinds of altering and repairing. JcnkhiB, tho Cleaner. mm. ruui iong ib suucrmg with a severe cold which has af fected her eyes. o A. L. Wilber of Albany was calling on the business men of Springfield TucBday. Air. and Mis. Tom Ohlson and children visited Sunday with Mr. OhlBon'B parents west of Eu gene. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kennedy of Lcaburg, were In Springfield Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ali Montgomery. b. M. McLaughlin, assistant master mechanic of the South ern Pacific; was- In Springfield Tuosday on an inspection trip. p m m v..M.r.-and.Mrs.'F. B. Chase re turned home from California yesterday n.ftcr locating their, son Merle at Oakdale for his' ! health. For your money'-s worth and then some, In leather and workmanship, try Hall, the Shoe Doctor, on, those old kicks. Fifth and Main street ' Miss Leora Phllllppl of Early, Oregon, who Is .attending the 0. A. CJ., spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs..Mary Maglll and fam ily and with Mrs. , Sam Rich-. mond.' Mrs". Aldred 'Beaver has ar rived to bo with her husband, one of 'the members of the newly organised firm of Beaver-Hern-don, ,and they liavo taken up their roBldchce-'Ju the Guy No ble hotisd at'Slx'th and E 'streets. s"iW Y Tueday, Thur&dayand, -lA clean, fresli gt6clcof Kar1- dertttnd field seeds af'tHe1 Spring field Feed Co. mm The family of Ira Young has moved Into tho Benson house on west Main street. Change of program at tho Dell Sunday, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. a L. Gilstrap and Mr. Martin of Eugene were In Springfield on business Tuesday. Mrs. Joe Jones was taken to the Springfield hospital Wednes day for an operation. Ladles free matinee to see second number of the Master Key, Saturday, 2 p. m. Roy Addington of the Rlgdon ranch above Oakrldge was in Springfield on business today. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Ro- bcrson of Pleasant Hill vistcd Mrs. Van Valzah Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vongetz of Port land are visiting Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery. They formerly resided here. I ... I Mr. and Mrs. John Lamberty and daughter Charlotte, of Eu gene spent Sunday with relatives in Springfield. ... Mrs. Fred Martin of Vancou ver, 13. C, came in Sunday eve ning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Washburne. Born On Thursday, Febru ary 11, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. William Stark of Ninth and B streets, a son, weight 9 1-2 lb. . ' . n OUR SECOND aturdaV Special Bargains I Toilet Paper Good Quality 7 Rolls for . . . . SEE OUR WINDOW. 25c WHIPS Reg. Me Reg. 10c 05c 3C 15c luc 40c 20c 10c I 50c 2Gc 15c i 60c ?2.50 for SI. 85 SEE OUR WINDOW. 20c 40c COLORADO WOVEN . WIRE FENCING OISUMCC MTWltW iNCMt JJji 10 BARS A7 IN p ' fc tljl J 8 BARS 32 m :! 7 Tl T8AR 26 II u ,,8. JlJ J i I I Ll'U r ft Let Us Figure with You Before r Buying Mrs. R, L. Jones of Stewart's addition, was operated on at the Springfield hospital Monday, arid is .now well on the road to recovery, AAA VALUABLE COUPON. Cut this out. Bring this coupon, to our store, make a cash purchase of 25 cents or more and receive $1.00 worth (10) Fidelity Trading Stamps Free, in addition to regular stamps. This Coupon Not Good After February 20.. Beaver-Herndon Hardware Co. A Word totho Public. (H- men have received a special dis pensation of power or intelli gence that enables them to do miraculous things with one's HeetU: at prices that , are equally ' . -j jr..-' V7-, . ' -The 'fcreat turn or me ueniai E. E. Morrison yesterday com- ' , pfcted the 'fltti'ng up of the bro-i ' m fi i v t rne 'great xum ul me uouuii kerage ofllce which he has open-. , , . tl-. n n, x , "profess oh 'has always been to ed In the rear of the Commercial , 1 . . , , , , State" Bank building. Grocery Helps or Jtlousekeep ers: flThis is MORE than a jgrocery store. We guard you against experimenting in grocery buy ing we plan to be a help in selecting f oodsuffs. And trad ing here costs no niore than in an ordinary grocery store. k ; Try Us. LARIMER'S V ;G. N. England, brother Of Foreman England at the Bbotli Kelly mill, Is here from Minnea polis for a visit.. He has visited also at Seattle, and may decide toiocate in tho West. William Smeed of Walterville is preparing to clear 30 acres of-hiB land for use this year, and for this purpose has bought three tons of powder from E. E. Morrison. , -Rev. Edgar Burton of Corval jis came in Tuesday evening to attend the evangelistic meetings and visit his old friends, Rev. C. F, Elsenmenger. He delivered the address at tho tabernacle yesterday and returned homo in the evening. Tho Springfield School . board this week received three Inter nalonal dictionaries for tho use of tho High cshool. Under the tsta,te laws, high schools liave1 to havo a pertain number of bpoks in order to draw public money, j and it was to meet this require ment that the books were pur- ; chased. The Five Hundred club was entertained , Wednesday after noon by Mrs. O. E. Swarts and Miss Edna Swarts. Tho guests of tho club were Mrs. B. A. Washburne, Mrs. Martin (Van couver, B. C.) Mrs. L. M, Beebo, Mrs. W. ij. McCulloch, Mrs. L. A. ,Bass, Mrs, F, PerkinB. Mrs, Frank DePuo won tho honors. Tho hostesses served a dainty throe course lunoheon, ;n which tho Valentino motif prevailed. Bandon An engineer has' ar rived Mnd' Vills don begin pn tho 0,w jetty. '.. v North Plaint Haulonbeclc mllliand planer have been' -leased lid-will be operated. It,, may appear ,to, some who reau.m tne puojic press cne greai During the Evans campaign claim of the so-called "painless various lines of church work at dentists" that these particular j the Bantist church were sus pended and all energy was turn ed to the special meetings. As Mr. Evans closes his work here on Sunday morning the church, will again take up its regular work on Sunday, evening. -Plans are being carried out to make the Sunday evening service & rally service. Special music is being prepared and inspiring addresses will be made. J. H. Irish of Eugene, one of the lead ing Baptist laymen of the state, and others, will speak. It is hoped that all who are interest ed In the church will be present Don't jniss the inspiration and be among those mustering to nsh the work with new vim. miniinize the pain associated with' dental operations and science has from time to time broilght forth drugs and com binations of drugs that have aided mightily in this work. Very recently Dr. Buckly of -Chicago perfected a preparation, which is beihgpiit on the inkrket liy a relfaDle drug firm, hich enables the dentist to practically eliminate the pain of preparflig eavetles fo filling but the use of this is not confined to a select; few, as one might judge from some dentists' ads, but will be found along with all the other proven drugs On the medicine shelf of every progressive den tist. There is not to my knowledge any agreement as to prices be tween any of the dentists of Eu gene1 or Springfield and the word's "Dental trust" are form ed of air as thin and fully as hot as "Painless Dentistry." I do my work conscientiously and welU painlessly when possi ble and as nearly painless as pos sible at all times and my fees are just to my patient and myself. No patient ever returned to me with any wprk that had not given perfect satisfaction that it was ,not changed or settled to their satisfaction. I have never asked that Springfield people give up their Eugene dentist who has done their work satisfactorily for many years but I do ask that Springfield people shall not be fooled, by clover advertising, in to going to Eugene in tho hope of receiving better service or val ue in dontfstry. It can't be DID. DR. J. E. RICHMOND. Pd. Adv. BAPTISTS MUSTERING i We will divide our profits FOR THE YEAR'S WORK with you. When you need flour, buy of us and you will be sure of Quality and save money at the !&me time. Cupid Hard- wheat $1.85, Johnson's Best, the "China Pheasant" brand $1.75. Special prices on quantities. "We carry a full line of all kinds of Feeds, .Flour, Hay, Stock Food, and Poultry Supplies, Come in and get. our prices. Springfield Feed Company. 6 Per Cent, MONEY 6 Per Cent MONEY 6 Per-C'ent (Lo&M-may be.obtalaed fotaay paf poee on acceptable Real Estate secar lty"; liberal privileges; coiTespoadeace solicited. f A. a AGENCY COMPANY 758 Gas, Electric Bldg., Denver, Colorado. v ., .Douglas county game pro tectors oppose freak legislation. Drain co-operative canrieryf to raise $25,000 for a canneryl f . THE MASTER KEY UNLOCKS THE DOOR TO EVERY THRILL OF HUMAN EXISTENCE. Is love the greatest thing in the world? Can fear blast happiness and wreck lives? ter Key See it every Saturday after noon and evening at the Bell theatre. Ladies free matinee, 2 p.m.,' Saturday, Feb. 13. Because you did not see the first number of the .Master Key 1& BroqkJ.ngs-T-Iti .rajpolrtetT the Brookin gs tLu mbjpr J5:jhvAH , erect a $2,006,,000 dock. V , After years of hatred is revenge is no reason why you should not sweet? I see the second one. A synopsis Is greed a vital passion? , !of the first two reels will be giv Is remorse our worst punish- en on large posters in front of ment? jthe Bell Saturday. These questions are all an-. Ladies free matinee Saturday swered in the story of the "Mas-' at 2 p. m. YOU GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY Will it help you? If not why not? I pay cash for Fresh Staple Groceries and sell as near cost as good groceries cap bo sold, If not, why not? I am still saving my 1014 pustpmers money in 1915. They smile. So can you. If not, why not? In 1916 all smile together at Laverfs cash grocery. My motto; Quicjc sales, small profit, one Price to; all. On G street between Sixth and Seventh, E. W. LAVERT - Proprietor a