The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, February 11, 1915, Image 2

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2 0,5, , , 7i.x
Editor and Manager
Pawtshlng Association. a
Acommittee of the Springfield' Development Lenguo
BoeriboVer an hour Monday afternoon conferring with a com
mittee of the Eugene Commercial club on the subject of
Joining with Eugene in maintaining a representative of Lane
County at the Panama exposition for the next ten months
'to answer questions, about this county.. All the other of the
eight counties in the Willamette Valley joint exhibit havo ar
ranged through public funds, to keep such representatives
at the fair all the time. Lane County did not make such
arrangements, and it is' now left to private Initiative to pro
vide for this representation.
The Eugene Commercial club did not feel like assuming
the whole cost of keeping a man at San Francisco estimated
to be $1350 for the ten months of the fair, and accordingly
addressed letters to all commercial organizations of the coun
ty asking co-operation. The Springfield Development League
was the first one to respond, asking the Eugene club for a
conference on the subject. In times past it had appeared
that Eugene had presented her advertising to the disadvant
age of Springfield, and it was accordingly thought wise to
go carefully into details and learn what the returns would
be before promising any assistance.
Springfield is interested in the well-being of the county.
Springfield wants to get all the advertising out of the Expo
sition that it is possible to get How to get this advertising
was the problem and so the conference was asked. Spring
field wanted to know what Eugene would do in return for
Springfield's contribution.
At the conference the proof of the official Willamette
valley map was shown. On this map the name of one town
is in just the same type as that of another, and there is no
. thing to indicate that there is any difference in size or com
mercial importance. It was furthermore stated that no indi
vidual promotion work was to be allowed in the Willamette
Valley exhibit. The whole valley goes in together, and each
individual article shown will be labeled: "Grown in the Will
.amette Valley, Oregon, by " with name and post office.
While the committee from Springfield had no authority
to bind the League, or any other commercial organization,
its members expressed the belief that Eugene offered a fair
proposition, and the name of the man suggested for the place
gave promise of a fair hearing for the whole county, and for
every community in the county.
The matter of joining with Eugene in the raising of this
fund will be taken up in the League very soon and decided,
so that it will be possible to get the Lane County man, if
there is to be one, on the ground.
Whether' Springfield goes into this plan or not and it
would :seem that she should the commercial organizations
should provide some means of advertising the town among '
those who are coming west. There are dozens o'f- cities by the
name of Springfield, known to thousands and thousands of
people. The.;ery name "Springfield" will be familiar to many
and will accordingly attract their attention. To capitalize
this interest should be the purpose of a carefully planned cam
paign. Many of the residents of the other Springfields will
Btop off to see their own town's namesake here in the west. '
The only problem is to get our name before them, together
with something about ourselves that will attract attention.
Lane County, as a large part of the Willamette Valley,
will have deep interest in seeing that all visitors learn all
they pan about our resources. It is no more than fair that
Springfield should join in spreading this information by the
means of a well informed representative to be present at the
Oregon building, to answer- questions of those attracted by
the Willamette Valley exhibit.
In addition to this, Springfield ought to outline an ad
vertising campaign that will interest travelers to the west,
and those expecting to come to the west, so that they will
stop off for a personal inspection. Caring for them after
they get here ought also to be Included in the plans for'ad
vanpement of the town for the coming year.
'Springfield has;, profited In the past by the general ad
vertising for Lane county gotten put by other organizations.
Now she should get under the burden and, while advancing
her own interests, help in promoting the welfare of the whole
. county.
Salem, Ore'., Feb. 10. (Special
Correspondence to The Lane
County News.) This is the 31st
day of the legislative session.
The business In the House has
been slightly advanced since the
adjournment Friday, but new
matters presented, together
with bills coming from the Sen
ate, have made it necessary to
begin the night sessions, so that
a special session has been called
tonight for the purpose of con
slderine; Senate bills. The Sen-
of the delay of the House in con
sidering bills- that havo come
fromUhe State Senate.
Yesterday the House spent
from nine o'clock in the morn
ing uhtll six o'clock in the even
ing on six measures. Five hours
of this tjme was'spent on the bill
ratifying the lease made to
Jason Moore for the Summer
and Albert Lakes. This very
important mater probably would
have been disposed of in half an
hour's time had not those who
wpre in charge of matters In
sisted that the bill be rushed
through. A motion made early
in the day to make the bill a
special order for the next day
at ten o'clock would have saved
sary ror a rair investigation.
While the House passed a rule
that ))o appropriation bills
should jbe intWMhked; a4r,tho
MqtHHhM&aUttlB ap
parent that they.-will be Intro-duccd-iip
to the-3Gth day of-tho
bcssIoh. IIowovc, a number of
the moro important appropria
tion measures have been pre
sented to tho IIoubc and havo
boon disposed of, and the Ways
and Means Committee havo
been earliest in their' efforts to
advance the work. Too mAny
licensures )iayc been referred to
thcnunml "the committee -on
clalms.tihd other House cqmmlt
tecs could well havo assisted
them in their work, but tho rule
to refer everything bearing on
appropriations to this commit
tee, has overloaded', them while
other equally able committees
have had nothing to do.
The committee on Ways and
Means has been most indust
rious although the amount of
business which It has consider
t "
jild' beef horn 0j 'PeVc'hft 3rd
lftyb'krfiah Old percent', Mkml
rury. teacher! 4th :Cedar
Wat, .801nqr.llcejt.;r-'WaUGr-
jallo 4 per flcnt, JJcsfilo Fountain,
Jeachor. . , f
5th Grado 1st Rush iBland,
Cloy Sloat, teacher and Thura
ton Margaret Farrell, teacher,
tied with 100 per cent; 2nd
oorhorn 90.2; 3rd Natron 00
nor cent; 4th Springfield 97.3
t . mm i ' . 111 A 1
per com; tun iiiuKioyvwo vi
pir cent, Maud Rllyeu, teacher.
, Gth Grado lHt-7 Dcorhorn
100 por cont; 2nd -Thurston 09
per cont; 3rd Marcola 08.4 por
(font; 4th Const Fork. 90.3 por
cont'; 5th Enterprise, Venetl
Whlto, teacher, 95 per cent.
7th Grade Cedar Flat, Lea
burg, Mary Wrlght'tea'chor, Nat
ron, Donna, Homer GiiBtln tea
cher, and Wcndliug, J. C. Roll
tcachor, tied with 100 per cent:
2nd Mt. Vornon 99 percont,
ed has been approximated by tho J!na ?e,d,ct l'
Judiciary and Revision of Laws
Committees. These latter two
committees havo considered al
most as many bills as the forty
other committees combined.
Marcola 98 per cent; 4th Coast
Fork; 5th Enterprise 95 per
cent. 'V-
Those wfiq received perfect
grades aro: Marcola Neva
Most of these bills are not im- Workman, Sherman Maple, Stel
portant and should not have,11 Sltick Penrl Low,ft. Whlt
been presented. Tho great ma-!8eU' A1,co Schwlnd, Oden Mon
jority of them are from lawyer Mabcl Sm,th 1,1,1 Temple
members of the House who in-, nmn Rosn Emmons, Cathcrlno
vnrinhiv insist nn tninnnrinir 'Broaden, Otto Lydy, Herbert
with laws already on the statute ! Frcdcnberg, Walter Pnschelkc,
books. The trouble about most Edmon Hennis, Martha Andreas,
of these bills is that tho less Alma Purcoll, Agnes Uriggs, Net
important they are, tho moro tie Dlal Cleona Fischer. Law
time is generally consumed in reuco Baxter, Ancil Page, Leon
discussing them, and as a con- ard Brlggs, Mao Queen, Anna
sequence they deprive the HousTT"Blakley, Cecil Evans, Rhe Row
of the time that ought to be ItlIlU Joe Queen, Ruby Churchill,
spent in a thorough discussion Pearl Findiey, Goldlo Gentry,
of the more important measures, kuitii, ,DlaJ, Laurence Young,
This Is the disadvantage which 'Hardy, Queen, Curtis Blakloy,
tho Leeislature exneriences: 'Howard Warririgton, , Robert
which after all, is a small evil Neff, Earl Frazure, Elma Miller,
compared with the constant J Maudio Dial, Ethel Nell, Vaudio
changing of the State laws. 1 , Southerland, Arthur Marcum,
Aside from the ratification Of Gladys Van Orden, Elsie Whit
96-223 33
the lease on the southern Ore
gon lakes, yesterday's session1
was notable for the somewhat
heated and extended debate oW
Maple, and Helen Templeman.
. .Springfield Section A Ora
Chase Edna Moe, Borghlld 01-
the support for the Girls Indust son, Charles Peterson, Lavon
rial school. A number of menvi Russell, Carl Bauer, Sylvia Strii-
bers talked very feelingly on bin, Doris Lybarger, Helen Stev
this matter but the speqeh which .ns, Albert Russclf, Lowell Slkes,
was most effective was that. of iMadallne TIbbetts, Roscoc Per
Miss Marian Towne, of Jackson,! kins, Wilbur Hayden, Hugh KIz
county whose position wasjer, Letha Goble, Vemlta Morri
strongly affirmed by the HousoJsqn, Ellen Tomseth, Blanche
When, after her .remarks,, th,oLThorpp; Sep, B Hazel BraUain
Ways and Means Committee Lewis Gibbs', Feme Travis. Floyd
was instructed to prepare a hi! Campbell, Tom Mathews, Wll-
proyidjng for the amount asked ljanrNiekUm, Merrit McPherson,
for the support of the Girls Inr . Goldie Walker, Minn Bauer, Hel
dustrial School. The bill was, j en Bower, Evelyn Miller, Velma
prepared oyer night and prer iGore, Gretchen Herrick, Doris
sented this morning, and will Smith, Mabel Aldridgti, Mabel
undoubtedly pass when It comes
to a vote.
The Governor has signed 9
Senate bills and 27 House bills!
Of these 36, the most important
are Senate bills No. 9 by Mr.
Dimlck, abolishing the office of.
State Immigration Agent and
the House bills by Dr. Smith and
McPherson, Flaud Townsend,
Vesta LeRuef Mary Parsons, Will
McCulloch, Emma Travis, Ray
Weber, Henry Tomseth, Mildred
Miller, Genevieve Copenhaven.
Supervisor Q!Rellly has had to
makaa few changes in the dates
of trie series of standardization
ralies which will begin with Don-
one by Mr. Huston preserving !n'a.on-next Wednesday. Tho Fall
uie scenic attractions or thp ' creek rally has been changed to
Oregon State highways. Both 'Frldav evenlnir Feb. 1 2th. Tho
Houses have been rather slow In, .Yarnellto Saturday evening Feb.
trait Incy f Vi aCm mAnmiWnVi'Kn J 1, I . v w
getting their measures'up to the
Governor but he will be very
busy from now on, as severai
hundred bills are headed hid'l
Show Fine Pictures. '
The Bell theatre is now get
ting the very best pictures to
be had from three different exchanges.
Sunday and Monday nroexam
the House probably four hours Is made up of licensed pictures'
time, because the information
which a few desired to get, could
have been acquired without tak
ing tho time of the whole House
for it. The final result was that
the lease was ratified by an
overwhelming vote. The ex
perience with this measure Il
lustrates what has happened a
number of times during the ses
sion and that Is, that any at
tempt to. railroad a measure
through - will invariably take
such as Vitagraph, Biograph,
Essanay, Edison, Kalem, etc.
Tuesday and Wednesday all
Pathe including- Perils of Paul
ine, Patlie Weekly, or Pathe
News as it is now called, ono
educational film and one good
Thursday and Friday, select
ednJnlvefsal program.
Saturday, Master Key, two
reels; one educational, one com-'
dy, bnO ih'ls'cella'neous subject;
13. Springfield to Friday even
ng Feb; 19th. Pleasant Hill to
Thursday Feb. 18th arid Trent
to Friday Feb. 19th.
Notice Is horcfoy given that tho un
dersigned ndmlnlutratrlx of tho eatuto
of J. C. Urattaln deceased, lias tiled
her annuul account of the adminis
tration of said estato with tlio County
Clerk of Lano County, Oregon, which
said account Is duly vorlfled and con
tains a detailed statement of the
money received und expended by said
administratrix, from whom rocolvod
and to whom paid, and rofors to the
vouchors for paylnonts and shows tho
money romulnlntf unexpended or ap
propriated and tho County Court hue
appointed Friday, tho 20th day of Volt
ruary, 1915, nt 10 o'clock A. M. of
said day as tho time for tho hearing
of .objections to such final account and
tho settlement thereof, AH heirs, cred
itors or porsons. interested In said
estate aro hereby notified to fllo tholr
objections to said final account or any
Item thereof specifying tho particulars
of such objections with I ho County
Cleric of Lane County, Orocon on or
before tho day appointed for tho hear
ing and settlement of said final
account. . - .
Administratrix, .pf-jtliq .estate, of J, CU
Urattaln, deceased
' Rop6rt 'of tho condition 'of tho Flrtt National
Hank or SprJnKfleJd, In tho State of Oregon, at t)io
closo of business December 31, ll)M, condensed
from report to tho Comptroller or tho currency;
Loan 8 and discounts '. . . 2r,?,V'r
U. S. and other Bonds and Warrants. , 2L.81.Q.0L
Banking houao, real estato, furniture
and fixtures iS'iSo So
Cash and duo from banks
Capital Block .?,. ..v .1 2M60.00
Surplus and.' Proflis . . . v.. . ......
GlroulRtion , .SfMS
Deposits ; H3,l4.10
The Best Grocerie
For Less Money
The Fifth Street Grocery
Thos. Sikcs, Prop. Phono 22
Your Banking Business
Transacted here aids In the
growth and development of this
community as all of our loan
able funds aro safely dlstrlbut- , r
' 'l bd to people living in Springfield
" 1 and vicinity assisting them In
' . .4,J In their varlous..Industrle8. Our
' policy Is liberal. We want your
Commercial State Bank
Capital $30,000.00
Sll It Is Due
To active selling of
good good that our
stock is kept fresh
and clean. Try us.
Miller & Mosier
The Springfield Cfeamery
CHAS. BARKMAN, Proprietor
Try it and be convinced that it pays to patronize
home industries.
Established 1883
Capital and Surplus $300,000.00
Interests on Savings Accounts a nd Time Certificates
Harness, Laprobes, Horse
Blankets, Whips, Gloves, Har
ness and Shoo repairing. Spring-
fleldABetweon 3rd and Main.'
Wi Ciye ,FJd.Qlty. Trading
Office Phone 02; Residence 67-J
West Main St.
gfflw-.SLty.JjsIl, Sprlnflflsld,, OreJ
-rite' MMHfiMffiHV 'ft!4:'