The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, February 08, 1915, Image 3

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    2 v M
M ni'eimrAtloil for relliovtne
fains gratm Hlaliis, mfrfew,,lni,ruil;V1to., frohMMlfc good
Price SO Cents
Remember wo deliver .
' Phono 31.
Tales of
J. 13. KobcrtBon of Donna was
ln:Sprlhgflbld on business today.
I do all kinds of altering
and repairing. Jenkins, the
Ccorgo M. Miller, booster for
Florence mid the Lnno county
coast, was In Springfield Friday
on business.
Sam Young of Seattle Ib visit
ing at the homo of bin parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Young of tho
Springfield bakery.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Jenkins and
daughter Elaine, and William
nillor spent Sunday with W. L.
McFarland and family.
I. V. Jackson, local manager
for tho Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph' company, visited on
Sunday with friends at Enid.
; Mrs. Clay Parker and
Nichols of Kelly, on tho
rldgo branch, were In Spring
field today on a shopping trip.
w Wanted Several carloads
of seed potatoes! either Ameri
can Wonder, Burbank, or any
good small variety,
. f t ir r . ir
NL. Craighead was operated on
Friday morning at tho Spring
field hospital for an apendtcular
ubcess. JIo 's now resting
For your money's worth
and then somcL In leather 'and
workmanship, try liall, tho Shoo
Doctor, on Uiobo old kicks. Fifth
and Main streets.
Charles E. Sates left Sunday
for Billings, Montana, on a busi
ness trip of several days. E. C.
Martin' Is In charge of tho store
during Mr. Sales' absence.
Mrs. W. H. Pollard was oper
ated on at.the'Sprlngflcld'hoB
pltal Friday morning for an af
feljtloivvqf the right Jw.bone.
She -was able to return homo
;Rev. N. A. Carter of Creswell
w'fts in Springfield last Friday to
arrangeSvftb Bruce Evans for a
series of ovnngellstlc meetings
w'lch aro to be held at that
placo beginning about March 7.
Rev, J. W. Kinman of Mabel
was in Springfield Saturday to
have a fibroid tumor removed
from his right hand, Tho affec
tion was caused by a bruise in
flicted on his hand several years
hs ore 7 SSH
Will it help you? If not why not? I pay cash for Fresh
Staple Groceries and sell as near cost as good grocorles
can bo sold. If not, why not? I am still saving my 1914
customers money in 1915. They smile. So can you. If
not, why not? In 191G nil smile togethor at Lavert's cash
grocery. My motto:' Quick BaleB, small profit, one Prlco
to all. On G street between Sixth and Seventh.
E. W, LAVERT - . : Proprietor
If 111
Ink MtaliiB. iierrv"uiultta frtilH
the Town
Phil Johnson Is very ill
an attack of tohisllltis.
Mr. Swafford of Donna was
in town on business this morn
ing. .
Wanted Several carloads
of Bccd potatoes, cither Ameri
can Wonder, Burlmnk, or any
good small variety. E. E. Mor
rison. 2-3
0. G. Stevens last week sold
to II. 0. Ilnugen of Toledo, Orc-:
go i), a fluo tract of 19 acres
near tho Chase garden, west of
Sprlngflold for $G0OO.
' Anna Buckley of Eugene, de
puty organizer for the American,
Yeomen, was In Springfield last
week working on tho organiza
tion of a lodge of that order here
A. D. Moe, who has conduct-'
ed a tailoring business in this
city for a number of years, on
last Monday moved his stock to
Eugene. Ho will continue to re
side In Springfield, however.
, . i
Mrs-. William Rouse Is now;
convalescing nicely from her
recent operation at tho Spring-!
field hospital. She Is. especially
grateful to Mrs, Baker and to
Nurso Miller for their many
modern Sulphur Spray. A dry
compound that dissolves quick
ly In cold water. 100 pounds
goes as far as 50 gallons of Lime
Sulphur. Costs less. Does bet
ter work. Springfield Feed Co.
Springfield Flour Mill has
cracked corn for phlckens
cheapor than wheat For good
hard wheat blend flour that will
produce mor,o godd bread per
sack for less, money than any on
the : market. ftbxall will do
W,.A- pUjedltdr of the, News,
accompanied by Mrs, Dill, .went
tp .Cbrvailis Saturday morning
. to attend, a .meeting of thp. Will
amette Valley Editorial assocl
tlon and 'to visit tho Agricul
tural college.. They also visited
friends in Albany 'before 're-(
Evangelists Evans and Hum
bert, and Revs. Moore and fam
ily, Elsonmengor, Ethel and
Crater of Creswell, were guests
of tho G, A. R. and Circle at tho
regular monthly dinner Friday
afternoon. Members of tho G.
A, R. and circle attended the
afternoon meeting In a body.
J.JfyMMiiVi.9rttJff m
c'rett wftiU around fata, krt a,tfc,
Laurel Grove cemetery.
J. J, Bryan of the Bell theatre
went to Portland Sunday bit ii
siiorf. buelneee trip. , , , ,
v Tile little -ailkl" 'dtmt. An
MraMUlMgh Roney dr Gdekeri','
Is quite flick with the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Frazler pf
Camp Creek aro visiting at the
hdme of Mr. and Mrs...E. ,EV
Mrs. Emily Stevens had betin
confined to her bed for the past
week on account of an affection
of the middle car.
D. S. Bcals and family moved
Friday from Sixth and E streets
to tho John Mathews house at
Tenth and C streets.
Born On Saturday, Febru
ary C; 1015, to Mr. and Mrs. R.
Tnatciior of Monawk, a son,
weight 9 1-2 pounds.
William Campbell has moved
his wdtch repair shop to a loca
tion In the west room of tho
Odd Follows building.
-Wanted Several carloads
of seed potatoes, cither Ameri
can Wonder, Burbank, or any
good small variety. E. E. Mor
rison. 2-3
Prof, and Mrs. N. A. Baker of
Mareola came down Friday fo'r
a week-end visit at the home of
Mrs. Baker's aunt, Mrs. James
E. E. Morrison and J. L. Clark
went to Salem Saturday to at
tend a meeting of the directors
of the Oregon, Hop Growers' as
sociation. .
Miss Alice McCornack of
Mareola is attending the Oregon.
Agricultural college, entering
for the second semester 'which
begins today.
C, Arnel of Mareola was In
Springfield Friday on his way
home after a visit of several
weeks in California,- Ho had li
so stopped at, Yoncalla to visit a
The Idlllo club gave, the, sec
ond of its dancing parties at the
Reapers' hall Saturday .evening, J,
Mr, and Mrs. Williams were pa
tron and patroness of.the even
John Mathews, a Bawfilerf for
tho Booth-Kelly company, last
week moved his household
goods to the ranch he recenUy'
purchased on Maple creek, a
tributary of Lake Tslltcoos, on
the Oregon coast. He is going
Into the dairy business.
Thomas Slices, the' Fifth
street groceryman, mdVefl his
family last Thursday from the
house on north Fifth street, to
'the residence on A between
Fifth and Sixth recently vacated
by the Green and Mbrris fami
lies. When the merchants, have
any thing good they advertise,
why not a dentist? I have a
method whereby,! can preparo
cavities for fillings, PAINLESS.
I also do painless extracting. I
do not belong to the so called
dental trust which tho following
prices will show.
Good plates $5.00. Crowns,
(gold or porcelain) $300 to
$5.00. Enamel fillings $1.00.
Amalgam fillings 50 cents to $1.
All work guaranteed.
York's Dental Parlors, Eugene.
Smaller profits, quick sales;
our prices talk and the Quality
of our oods is tho best. Buy
your flour of us and save money
Cupid flour is first grade hard
wheat patent and colls at tho
same prlco as Valloy flours
$1,75. Johnson's Best is a
blended flour of tho finest qua!-
lty-Mt's tho "China Pherisant"
brand and sells at $1,70, or $1.05
jiv barrel lots. Sprlngflpld Feed
Company. . , ",:
.iv ! -tJ - .,....,i:.n
Ml Grace Emery and M1m
ftaH-gttrR Gorrie visited the high
eckool Thursday.
rIW. BtftoUd' iMtlttkd tome
bruits FMiy nfay by the Do-
w!elKs Science girls. The last
report l to the effect that Mr. body to the Evans tabernacle.
Strdud is slowly recovering. The basket ball game be
Horbert Hansen yktt ill Frl- tween the Junior and the Fresh-
day mornlng and Was unable to
attend his classes.
rAn enthusiastic rally was held
in'thd assembly hall Tuesday
mdi'ftlrig'-ln honor" of tho twenty!
liew Freshmen students JuSt en -
tcrihg tho school.
Evangelist J. Bruce Evans
spoko to the high school Stu
dent Body and its Instructors
Tuesday of last week. Singing !
A Bit Unruly.
"Is that bull over In Mr. Lath-
rop's pasture good-natured?"
inquired the new schoolmistress,
with Borne apprehension in her
voice. "I asked because I want -
ed to cross the pasture last
night, and I was afraid he might
be ugiy."
Mr. Peaslee surveyed the
young lady with kindly eyes, and
hesitated before he replied.
w-weil, he conceded, at
length, "it might be a mite risky
you with that red sweater on,
and all to undertake to cross
that pasture' when he's right
hartdy. He might take a notion
to chase you and then again ho
i am i one 10 sianuer any oi
my neighbors' property," he
w&t o apologetically, "but I'd
know as Lathrop can blame -me
if I don't any more'n recite facts
IT 1 I. 1 . 1 . 1 n
to you. I ain't glvin any opin-
fnW v' itnrlnrcf on,1 I'm net
t'ellln you what's happened, and
lettin' you make up your own
mind to suit yourself. :
"When Lathron fust cot that
animal, he had a Swede workin'
f,orWiW,,,ind lie had the care of ,
thtfbull 'bout all theHlme While
hoi.stayed here. That Swede
was a kind of stupid critter, and
I euess he cot careless. 'T anv
rate, one 'day we heard a bellerin
goin on up there In the pasture,
andttiie Swede hollenln' at the
ton of his voice, sd we all 'crab
bed nltcbforks and nut up there
pis hard as we could pelt, and we
dldn.t.a.ny more n. get there in
time, as 'twas.
'After we men there was
fivefof us, with pitchforks had.
braikkd; thdibull away from the
man, we got him the man, I
mean over the, and kind
er went over him for Injuries. .He
had "one broken arm and two
. 1 x
Out of the Joke Book
was .trod up consid'able. And'TW LOTS in Laurel
while, we was sortin him over, hurst. Portland, to Exchange
it took ith.ree men. to keep thei
bull from gettin' over the fence.
and havin' another go at him.
"And ever since that time,''
concluded Mr, Peaslee, judicial-
1X'.:'A,V?,.S?rt Lhad m7 ?"bt?l
uuout uiat annum, in met, i
can't help thinkin' that he's a
kmd of unruly beast."
r' The Work Cure.
"Little Miss" was waiting for
John to come and spade her
flower bqd early one beautiful J
spring morning. .After waiting
r2la" , Pauenc sne; sne
ui:&au net uwu ofmuiiig, 111 .'
most determined and- provoked
It was not long before old
John appeared, with an amused
smile on his old black face, and
his tattered hat in.hand bowing
and apologizing most humbly.
Work of School Children
, Continued from Pago 2
one my sisters The other was;1,
my' brother's. They lived in a
bowl. Wo feed them once a
day. Onco my brother put three
marbles into the bowl. They
are dead now. L think it got too
warm for thorn.
. ... Inga Solelm
: Grade 2 Ago 8.
I have a pet chicken it it black
and white. It Is one year old.
It lays eggs every day. When I
go out of doors, may chicken
walks right up to me. It ran
away, oiio day I could find It any
where?' . , .;tv
-51':' Claude Pratt
Grado.-A Age 8.
KYaiigW&iV'um&rt enter'
tained the student lth several
''e&Tg 'mfpii-y Nhi
Kvans. '
Friday evening almot one
hundred students went' lti a
men, Sophomore and Senior
teams, Friday, resulted In a
score of 45 to 27 In the favor of-
the Juniors.
The game between the Senior
, and Freshmen girls and the
Junior and Sophomore girls
the same evening resulted in a
victory for the Seniors and
Freshmen. The score was 10
to 5.
In reply to Little Mlse' Inquiries
as to what had made him late,
he said:
Well, LItle Miss, it's jes' this
wayi Ez I waz comin by Miss
1 Harney's, she said, 'John, can
'you come in and fix this flower
.bed fur me?' And I Jes' went in
and resisted her a minute, and
come right on. And, Little Miss,
as I gets in sight, and sees you
a-spadin' and a-rakln', I says to
myself, 'John, ei mo' high'
bawned ladles struck a hones'
sweat, they wouldn't be so much
of this heah nervous perspira
tion. They sholy wouldn't.' "
Parties wishing to contribute
elothintr to the Asociated Char-
.itie3 will please ask thcJr
, . 1 v.
deUverymen to take the
supplies to E. E. Morrison's
' where they will be taken care of.
Pres. Associated Charities.
Classified Ads.
for Sals. Rent, Wants 1, Etc.
FOR SALE Second hand wag
on, cream separator and plow.
See E. E. Morrison. 3-4
FOR SALE One McClanahan
arid one" Reliance" ihciibaCor;
6 Barred Rock hens and 3
Barred Ro?k roosters. Call
at Cafeteria.
FOUND Left in Dr. Richmond's
office in September, purse con
taining keys and coin. Owner
may have same by paying for
this notice.
ior bpringneia property, t.
S. Sparkman, owner, 1862
Kincaid street, Eugene. 3-4
lost On B
small hlack
or Ninth street,
small black purse containing
small amount of money and
keys. Reward. Return to this
FOUND On Main street, a
ring. Apply to Chief of Po-,
jce staniger. 72
. r. :
Found A key on Main and 4th
streets, call at News office.
FOR SALE 20 5 acre, good
buildings. Pricie right, with
terms, one-fourth mile from
town. Address C. care News,
R. O. A. hall for rent. Well ven
tilated and lighted, clean and
warm. Kitchen and dining
room attached. Rates reason
able. Apply to Fred Watke,
Gilbert Davis or W. A. Hall.
Jeweler -Optician
Fin Watch Repairing n Bjieclalty
M. M. Peory reports ho Is nmkinp
many frlomls through tho QUICK hen
oflt which Springfield people receive
from the simple mixture of buckthorn
lark, jjb'eerine, etc,, hnuwn us Adlos-i
kn. This remedy hocamo fnmoua by
curing apportdicitls and it i tho most
'horouRh hpw'el cleanser known,, acting
n BOTH tlio lower and' upper bowel.
JUST, ONE POSE ,of '.Adler-ldfn to
lioves constipation and (as. ori the
spinach almost 1MMKDTATEIA'.' '
- Haw'B$Thkbi M V
Reward for ny cum of Catarrh
that cannot b atfijjtir HJPa
Catarrh Cure.
Mm ptrttt t hmtoTAbh in n mmmm
? r nctiGn a AmiiKlny M t rty
out nr oMIc atloiM made tay M$ -m.
Cur In tkm irArnmttrl
ncttme itciUy upo (h m4 mm
cou xurftcf at iKa ynm. TMIMMf
knt -It. I'tW it crA mt btt. mm
by all DthmMs.
Taka Haifa ramllr rilla for raMtiiaa.
J -f'K
Dr. N. W. EMEIY.
Office in the I. O. O. F. BuUdteg
Dr. Eugehe Kestet
OfRce ta Stevess-FerklM Metk
Ptoses; Keekleace 91
Offtce 82
Harness, Laprobac, Hors
Blankets, Whips, Cloves, Har
ness and Shoe repairing. Spring
field, Between 3rd and Main.
We Give Fidelity Trading
Home Products
Do not go out of town for any
thing in the line of bread, pies,
cakes, cookies, etc., when you
can obtain the best right at
Springfield Bakery
S. Young, Prop.
Phone 1221
31 Willamette St. Eugene, Ore gen
Office Phone 62; Residence 67-J
West Main St.
Offtce In City Hall, Springfield, Or.
" J- See '
Edwards & Brat tadn
For if arm and City Property
Exchanges a Specialty
Springfield - Orefon
Phone 30
Office Ninth and Petri St. Telepbonft&S
Suite 2. Phone SSS, EUGENE, ORB
Residence over Dodge's Store
Springfield Garage
Main, bet Fourth and Fifth, PhoBS.IS
Merchant Tailor
Cir. 4th Ml Hail Sprifis!d,9rrv
Veterinary, Surgeos
and Dentiet
Office: Warnock'e Feed Barn
Phones: Office 904
Residence 11 22-J 1
J. F. Titus, M. D.
Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon
Obstretrlca and Dlseasos of Children
Res. Phone 61. Office Phone G2&
" 'Residence 283; West 9tk
Office 938 Will. Street.
Eugene, - - Oregonv
O. R. Gullion, M.D
Practice Limited tl
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Graduate Nurse Attending
306, White Temple, Eugene.
FounutrKey to roll top desk; in
quire. at News.Qfflce.
. v, ","