Yo . U, ? 9& v ftttfewiiiit AftiU News 4 Lrm Ctmity Star, Wktek Wwi CelWatd Ftirr ft, 1914. VOL.XIV MO. zY , Kutwi fstiriuryaMOalnlBrifliiiilletcl, littgMU u cond o;M,mitcf iiiulritclui cuiiBrctsof MarelitlMO. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1915. i.mw ir, i. aji j 1 1 I ElfflE ASKS FOR U GO-OPERATION $1350 Noodod to Koop County Representative nt Pnnnma Fair for Summer. COMMITTEE WILL CONFER jVVITH EUGENE MEN TODAY SprlngO'eld Will Aok Assurance That Whole County Will Bo Promoted. A loiter was received Satur day by tho Springfield Develop ment leaguo from tlio Eugene Commercial club, asking that tho commercial Interests of thlB community join with tho Eu gene club In raising $1300 for tho purpose of keeping n Lane county representative at tlio San Francisco exposition for tho ten months It la open. Dr. Itichniond, presldont of tho Development league, took the matter up with a number of citizens, and It wnB suggested that a committee go to Eugene and talk over tho subject with the Eugene club. That Spring field should make Borne showing at the exposition wo? conceded, and tho opinions expressed were Unit co-operation with Eugene would bo desirable If thero wero assurances tho whole county and all of the communitieswere represented. To talk over, this matter, a committee was named by Dr. Richmond after he had consulted with a number of business men, and the following will go to Eugene this after noon: Mayor C. L. Scott, Dr. J. 10. Richmond, 0. 13. Kcssoy, Welby Stevens, E. E. Keppner, and W. A. Dill. In its letter to tho local club, the Eugene organization stated that all counties except Lane of the eight which have joined in the "Willamette valley exhibit, will have a representative qn duty to emphasize the county exhibit. In nil tho other coun ties tho county court has sup plied the funds for tho salary of such a man, but the Lane coun ty court has not done bo. If tlio county is to havo a man there it must bo by private sub scriptions. Tlio meeting this afternoon will bo for the pur pose of considering how to hiIbo tills money. , , It is estimated that the cost will' bo ?135 a 'month' for each of tho ten months of the. fair. Junction City Timos Sold. . V Geo. II. Baxter has sold tho Junction City Times to Wm, C. i?ary, formerly of Stayton, Ore., "but recently, of Orland, Calif,, the noy proprietor getting out Ids first Issuo yesterday. No announcement is made by Mr. Baxter as to his Intentions, how ever tho Bulletin predicts that ho vlll not long romaln out of tlio newspaper game. Ho gave tho Junction City people a good paper and they in turn gavo him good patronage. RABIES CAUSES DEATH IN WIDE OREGON TERRITORY Salem, Ore., Fob. 0. That death to man and beast is fol lowing In tho wako of attacks by mad coyotes in central and eastern, Orogon Is tho substauco gf many Jotters being received by Governor Withycojnbo from residents of those portions ? of ? V IT Bargain Offer Tlio offer Is ex plained In detnil . olsowltoro in this pnpor, Read It on PAQE 4 tho state. Rabies is so preval ent that travel on foot and' even on horseback Ib declared to bo perilous Tho governor received a let ter today from Dry Lake, a small village In south central Orogon, In which is was assert ed thnt a dog, which had been bitten by a mnd coyote, had In turn bitten his owner, a boy, and 12 other persons. "The boy is dead and doubtless other deaths will follow," says tho let ter. Stock men report consid erable losses. Tlio correspond ents ask for Immediate stato aid in exterminating coyotes. ROBERT BURNS 7 LODGE INSTITUED American Masonic Federation Members Enjoy Banquet md VIsIt-pfHlEh .Officials .o.Uhe Order in Oregon. With an open meeting, tho first of Its kind ever hold In the history of Masonry in tho Uni ted States, Robert Burns lodge No. 78, .American Masonic Fed eration, was duly instituted In Springfield Saturday evening. Grand lodge officials from Port land conducted the ceremonies, and, tho new order starts with 40 charter members here. Tho Portland ignitarles in charge wore as follows: S. H. Haines, provincial grand master; Harry Kolly, provincial grand piaster, sub,; L-. A. dVvIb, provincial grand master deputy, P. N. Gil bert, provincial grand senior yarden; eorgo Sv Brcitling, provincial ram) junior warden; P. A. Johnson", grand chaplain; P. Mclntyre, "grand treasurer; E. M. Serin, grand secretary; P. F. Johnson, G. D.; E. F. Cooper, G. I. D.; R. E; Mclntyre, grand master of ceremonies; Wi S. Walker, G. S. S.; P. J. Blank, G. J, S.; R. Dillon, G. I. G.; G. M. Parsons, S. M. D.; G. B. M. Sum morvillo, S. M. organizer. Tho Springfield officers in stalled wero: L. E. Durrin, R, W. M.; J. A. Mayo, W. sub- mas ter; M. H. Ilclmus, M.'D. M; E. C. Martin, W. S. W.; Edward Solehn, W. J. W.; Thomas B. Harris, chaplain ;L. K. Page, tresuror; P. A. Johnson, secre tary; C. M. Dorrlty, senior dea con; J. O. Parker, junior deacon ; J. E. Stnnlger, orator; W. A. Brassfiold, almoner; E. E. Mor rison, S. M. D.; C. A. I-Ioag, mar shal;. Melvin Fonwick, senior, stoward; F. A. Rankin, junior steward; George II. Barnard, In ner guard; Charloa J. IIngwoli, tiler. ' ; At tho close of the cerqmon les, S, H, Haines, provincial grand master and installing oif flcor, gavo a talk on Masonry, l.Thl8waB.foHQved by-aWrie ban- Anniversary- 5, P. PUCES ORDER FOR MILES 30,000 Tons of Steel but Small Part of $30,000,000 Order of Ameri- can Railroads Chicago, Feb. 6. Nearly $30 000,000 worth of orders have been placed by American rail roads with makers of equipment during tlio last 30 days. Besides these big contracts, tho Rus sian and French governments havo ordered enough rolling stock from domestic producers" to insure activity in locomotive works and factories for the next six months. A partial list of orders pend ing and confirmed by American and foreign lines is announced as follows: Russian government Fifteen thousand cars from builders, de livered nt Seattle, $12,000,000. Frenclf government Bald win locomotives, $200,000. Chilean government Two hundred and fifty care from a Pittsburg maker, $250,000. Pennsylvania Railroad Fif teen thousand care, $12,000,000. Burlington Railroad Fifty locomotives, 1500 cars and 30, 000 tons of steel rails, $3,000, 000. Illinois Centval Railroad 6neL thousand refrigerator care from the American Car & Foundry Company and 75 loco motives from the American Lo comotive Company, $3,750,000. Erie Railroad rTwenty-two thousand tons of steel rails front Carncgio Steel Company, 6000 from Illinois Steel Company and 2000 tons from several small concerns, $1,000,000. Southern Pacific Railroad Thirty thousand tons of steel quet served by the ladies. Toasts were responded to by Mr. Sum inervlllo, Mr, Breltling, Rev. J. T. Moore and Rev. E. C. Wig- niore. Tho session was most har monious nnd enthusiastic, the social features being conducive of much pleasure to all. Tho now lodge will meet each Fri day evening. Mrs. Cooper accompanied, her huBband from Portland, arid she complimented the ladles who served very highly. Peddlers, License Up for Discussion Whether or not to change the present peddlers' license of $5 per week will bo discussed at the regular monthly meeting of tho town council tonight. The council considered the matter at a session two weeks ago, and deferred action until this time in order that merchants might at tend and express their views. COGLON TO BE AT GRANGE MEETING R. G. Coglon, county agricul turist, will attend the meeting of the Springfield grange next Saturday afternoon, and will bo on tho program at tlio open mooting from 1:30 to 3:30. Thp public Is. Invited to attend the afternoon mooting. OF STEEL RAILS rails from the Tennessee Cpal & Irqri Comyiny, $900,000.. Pennsylvania Tank Car Co. One hundred tank cars from the Omaha Car'Works, $800,000. Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Railway Fifteen pasenger cars Swift & Co. Five hundred and fifty cars from Haskell & BaVker, $500,000. Mather Stockcar Company Five hundred cattle cars from Hajskell & Barker, $500,000. hlcago & Northwestern Rail road Twenty-seven thousand toils of steel rails, $800,000. Boston & Maine Railroad Fifteen thousand tons of steel rails from the Lackawarina Stel company, $450,000. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Seventy-five thousand tons of steel rails from Carnegie, 50,000 from the Chicago Mills Steel Corporation,, ,and 12,000 from others, $725,000. Serbian government Seven locomotives from the American Car & Foundry company, $200, 0OQ. Hrhe Siamese government- is contracting for American cars. The Santa Fe, New York Central, New Haven, Chatta nooga, Nashville & St Louis, and other roads ar said to have placed orders aggregating $25,- oVri.ooo. (The 30,000 tons of rails for the Southern Pacific company would lay about 200 miles of track with 90-pound steel.) Driveway Bulit to Booth-Kelly Yard A 16-foot plank driveway to tho Booth-Kelly yards, extend ing south from the end of the pavement on Fifth street was completed Saturday, and is now being used while the Southern Pacific company is macadamiz ing their portion of Seventh street. Tlio new driveway crosses tho railroad near, the fuel oil tank, and is much safer than the crossing east of the depot, where cars frequently obstruct the view. Historical Quarterly Out. The September number of the Quarterly of tho Oregon His torical Society for September, 1914, has been placed upon our desk. Its contents are of un usual historical interest and in clude; "Tho 'Bargain of 1814' ap tho Origin of tho Wilmot Pro viso' by Clark E. Persinger, Professor of American History in tho University of Nebraska; Review of "An Almanac of 1870," by Rev. J. Nellsoiv Barry, of Spokane, Wash.; Diary of Samuel Royal Thurston, an Ore gon pioneer of 1847, who was tho first delegate in Congress from Oregoii Tcvrltory; letter from Dr. John McLoughlln, Fort Vancouver, March 1, 1.832; letter from J. M. Peck, Rock Spring, 111., March 10,1852, throwing ad ditlonal light upon tho early life of Jesse Applegatc, a pioneer of 1843, und of the most remark able men that ever made Oregon1 his adopted state. A list of the members of tho Oregon Con stitutional Convention, held in Salem August 17-Soptcmber 18, 1957, with a lot of details con cerning them compiled by George II. Hines, now published for the first time. All numbers of the Quarterly, of which Prof. F. O. Young, of the University of Oregon is the editor, arc valuable for refer ence. Becomes a Pharmacist. Francis Lamberty received notice yesterday morning that he had successfully passed his examinations, and in a few days will receive his diploma as a registered pharmac'st. He took the examination for assistant pharmacist last October, and was successful, and in January took the senior exams. He has been pursuing his studies while a clerk in Ketels drug store, for merly Middleton's. TONIGHT S THEMES Evangelist Bruce Evans Draws Such Crowds That Many Lie ten from Sidewajk Outside . .Overflow Meetings tfejd. The largest crowd that has y etnhertL Evans vatt&eUaber-. nacle was assembled last night. The place was packed with a seething mass of humanity. Some held others on their laps, the platform was lined with people, the aisles were crowded, many stood on the sidewalks, hundreds were turned away and a large overflow meeting, ad dressed by the pastors, was held in one of the nearby churches. The Tabernacle was filled long before the hour to begin, for some had brought their luncheons and had stayed from the afternoon meeting. As soon as the 'Evangelist came down the aisle a storm of applause rang out. The music, under the direction of Mr. Humbert, was by far the best that the choir has given. It seems at times that the roof would have to give way. Perhaps the favorite song of the meeting is the one writ ten by Evans called "Anchor Secure." The Evangelist always presldee at the piano when the crowds sing his song. He has the faculty of putting in three or four times as many notes as are there. Professor Humbert sang as one of his solos the beautiful song, "Tho Ninety and Nine." Mr. Evans took for his subject last night the story of Samson and ho held, his great crowd spellbound for an hour or more. He jerked off his collar, took off TGGGGGGGFG.JsfiE qbeau- ff his coat, rolled up his sleeves and went through Ids address as a man would play football. Thero were a great number who came from all parts of the building last night. Some of tho prominent men and women of the town havo taken their stand for the better life in the cam paign. Tpnjght Evans will talk on Amusements Danclp;, Card playing and the Theatre. Pre parations for an overflow' meet ing will be. made. CARD i DANG N FIVE IMPORTANT MEASURES PASSED Legislature Has Yet to Make Re cord for Efficiency Says Rep Eaton FALSE - ECONOMY IDEA . CAINS SOME FOOTBALL" " House Wisely Refrains rf rem1 Cumbering Ballot, With R- ,- f erred Meaeuree."-. .s k . .r ,'-f Salem, Ore., Feb. 3. (Speckl Correspondence to the Lane County News.) We are now well .on the second half of the seslon. Less than half a dozen bills of importance have been passed by the Legislature and if . a record of accomplishment, is to be made, it must be made in the remaining 17 days. The Legis lature has passed twenty-three bills. Of these, five may be con sidered important. These are the Senate bill abolishing the office of State Immigration A.gent, effecting a saving of $50,- 000, and the House Bills abol ishing the State census, prohib iting signs along the state high ways, a permanent registration bill, and the bfir to prohibit fish ing with, nets at or near Wil lamette Falls. The Legislature at present is suffering under two disadvant ages; one is the usual one of a' great mass of bills, and the other a' false Idea of economy; - ThV dldvant'ef t-agreAt mass of bills has always been one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of the Legislative ses sion. Members seem to feel that their usefulness will be deter mined by the number of bills that they present, rather than the quality of their bills or their attention to those jiresented1 by others. However, I am glad to say that this year fewer bills have been presented than in the last session, and several mem bers have had the good judg ment not to introduce a single measure. If the number is not materially Increased, we shall be able, within another week, to devise a plan which Avill make it possible lor us to consider leglslatlou of real importance. The responsibility for the major ity of unimportant measures may fairly be chraged to the lawyers of the House, who easily lead in the number'' and unim portance of " measures intro duced. iV 14 The attitude of the member ship of the House toward ..ap propriations seems' to be a little more reasonable thart in the early part of the session, when bills were passed upsetting tho policies established by former Legislatures, and making it necessary for the introduction of a number of new bills upon subjects that never should hayo been disturbed. Tho tentative decision of tho Ways and Means committee to do away with tho Stato Industrial school for girls lias met with such vigorous public protest that it seems like-' ly -now that the committee will reverse itself and como to a sen sible and considerate conclu sion on this matter. The amount necesary for the protection and care of the unfortunate and helpless wards of the, sate should1 not be'made tlio political ' foot-ball used by members who, Continued on Pago Four -' ,