The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 19??-1914, July 12, 1907, Image 7

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Tm Falling
Thus cried the hair. And a
kind neighbor camo to the res
cue with a bottle 6t Aycr'a
Hair Vigor. The hair was
saved! In gratitude, It grew
long and heavy, and with all
the deep, rich color of early
life. Sold In all parts of the
world for sixty years.
" Abooi wjt rr o I toit nsarlr til of my
nlr followltuf an allaek of mU: I u
advlied br nl.nrl 10 ui Aytr'i HalrVlsnr,
Xde by. 0. Ayar Oe Iwaii, Mm.
Alto Mannraelurert of
."Are you certain you can cook well?"
"Madam. I worked two renm far
tbo cront tonor, Albortl. At tbo lat
dinner bo cavo r waa applnuded nftor
each ctturw, nhd at tbo cud of tho
dinner I wa recalleil tbreo tlmea,"-
Trannlatcd for Tnlea from Fllcgondo
Wlio Child.
"nut, Tommy," auld hla mother,
"didn't yotirooiipelcnco tcil you you
worn dolnjc wronjtV
"YM'in," replied Tommy, "but I
don't bellovo everything I bear." Phil,
dolphin Proa.
HrulMl Crlllel.m.
"So you havo been to tbo muslcalc.
Don't you admlro Mls Kaddy'a execu
tion)" f
"No, madam; I am nppoicd In all Ita
Rbapca to capital puuUhmcnt' Haiti
uioro American.
TIia lnlr l)rnTbfifiW.
Irst fllrl You know tbo older ono
crows tbo creator, i tbluk, U a worn
flit'a capacity to full In love.
Second Girl Hut tbo fewer tbo men.
Dotrolt Freo Presa.
Tlie Ore Imuranca acrnt wai ruDDlnt
for the ofllco. of tax nnitor.
"Such n thlnic m that would never do I
It la coutrary to public policy 1" exclaim
ed the taxpayer.
And hl defeat wa oyerivhelmlnt.
Coaldn't 'Touch Jllm.
"I tell you, lr, you're n llarl"
"Blrl If I were a JlKhtlnR man I'd
knock you down for that."
"I'll bet you $10 I can prove It"
"8lr, I or never
pbla Proas.
Mother I'm ashamed to think you
cnu't do better In nchool. Why cau't
you lead your class?
Wllllo Say, ma, you told mo you
didn't want mo over to bo conceited,
air I notlco when n boy loads tbo clam
ho always jjota conceited. Philadel
phia Press.
A loud laugh, nn over-vlvaclous man
ner betray n lack of hrecdlns. Copy ths
tlllnc uf form, tbo quirt pa lie, which
Is tho creat chirm of Kncllih women,
whlln a vivacity somewhat under re
straint adds that which la winning and
plquanto In thn maimer of our own coun
trywomen. To an Italian, charged In n London
court with druttkcmieM, the maglstrnto
raid: "Itnllnns don't often get drunk.
Don't t English ways."
Itusslnn odlccrs In camp receive money
to pay for their inenls, but In many caccs
they keop this for other purposes, nnd
cat with tho common soldiers.
Ambassador Whltelaw Held has given
$500 for the endowment of n bed for
American sailors In tho Union Jack Club,
London. v
Wlicncvcr a sore rcfusca to heal it fa because the blood fa not pure and
healthy, na it should be, but fa Infected with poisonous germs or some old
blood taint which has corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most
usually afflicted with old sores nro persons who havo reached or passed mid
dle life, Thoa'itnlity of the blood and strength of the system have naturally
bcrnin to decline, nnd the poisonous ircnna which have accumulated because
of a sluggish nnd inactive condition of
which nas imiicrio uccn neiu m ciicci:, now lorce nn outlet on the lace, arms,
legs or other part of the body, The place grows red. and angry, festers and
cats into the surrounding tissue until it becomes a chronic and stubborn
ulecr. fed and kept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated.
Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stubborn, non-healing sore.
The very fact that It resists ordinary remedies and treatments is good reason
for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers fa back of every
old sore, nnd especially is this true if the trouble is nn inherited one.
Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, can
1 1 wa. affllotod with a sore onmr f onny Pendent good neither will itocnr.
fiioo or Sour yoarV Biandiuir" lff the sore with caustic plasters or the
was n email pimpio t first but it sunrcon'a knife make n lastinir cure. If
Kttefn. evcrV particle of the dlsiasedSTVveS
Blarmed nbout .it and consulted taken away another sore would come, be
fZ&JtXink cause the trouble is in the blood, and the
&dnoru4iS The cure must come by a thorough cleans-
SoWPiuV0oyRSd"2aUh f5omdthS lttZ of the blood. In S. S. S. wifl be found
ptfoot of B. Srs., and tbero ha. not n remedy for sores and ulcers of every kind.
Sntf or'o'fft0' tUo "or8 Blnco It fa ""equalled blood purifier one that
P THoa.OWJSN. goes directly into the circulation and
West Union, Ohio. promptly cleanses it of all poisons and
Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, all pain and inflammation
leaves, tho nlace scabs over, nnd when 8. S. S. has purified the blood tlia
Bore ls.permanentiy curca, , o. a. is
Write for our special book
Capital I'kxIiIimiiiI, I
n.u.l ....-1.1 . I- .illl - lt-.n I
In wny couuIAm, tbougb or 1st years,
espcclnllr In Did United Btctos, H 1mI
vnjmni jiuniaiiinnni is mill "irnciwets
boon inida hitman. riM Vi .
wen mmin Inifnntion poulblo. Tliati
crontiou or the Ifrcncli Ilovolut on, tho
culllotliio, .till uncd by mi wun-
trios, mid tbo old Mocutloiior's x deal
out ju.tlco In llruiMWlck.
Tbo most bitmuno molbod of execu -
tlon, tbo clcctrlo clinlr, I tiicd only
In tbo Unltpd atatcs. Wnnln oroploys
1 - ....
mo Rarrotp, or Irort collar, wlilcli u
tllini until im -.iMlrn .frn..t... ,
dentin flti.1 In lrnln tl.n! i nf
prisoners nro struck off with tbo sword. , ttooiKm-It. Wbllo tblj la tbo first Ira
Tbo Btilllotlno la used In Havarla and portant Fedoral commission which MIm
Ho alum i and Ittusta destroys bor
criminal by sliootlnu, bansln?, and
1 wllb tbo executioner's sword. Tbo raN
i lows la tbo omclal tncana of admlnlntcr-
1 Injc death In Great Urltaln; Auttrln
bnv adopted tbo aomo means: but Chi
J noeo criminal nro billed by tbo aword.
Tbo aontlmcntal and lovcatck yontb
flood jfazliiR at tbo round, romantic
I moon.
-yeV bo confided, "tbo Idol of my
I heart roldea on yon bill, Tonight I
laball teroimdo tho cynoiuro of uiy nf
fevtloni aa collanta wcro wont to do
when knighthood was In llowcr. Now,
what Instrument do you tbluk would
,ho most "PProprlato i"
."WH" replied his practical chum,
wcro fu 1 "bould aerenndo-her
with a phonograph.'
"What? A phonograph? Why, a
phonograph Is nothing like tu romantic
aa a guitar."
"Ye, old chop, but you can start a
phonograph and then run to tbo tall
tlmbora beforo tbo shooting begins."
Too Mnrh KsoreUs.
Hop LI had bought a cheap but
"warranted" clock. At tbo end of a
week .bo returned to tbo shop from
which ho bad procured his tlmo-plccc.
with no expression on bla face, but
with evident bewilderment of n;lud.
"Sbo go, click, chick J click, clack I nil
light, trco day," bo announced to tbo
young woman wbo waited on him. "I
wind all light, sameo you any. Ncx
day sbo go click, click clack I click I
click! clack I
"I shako her up 60 1 down sol
lound aol no good. Bbo atop click
stop clack only go when I slnkc.
"I say giro mo ono less slake, more
click. ,clack 1"
Oat Service.
The boarder who was a month behind
with tbo landlady was surprised at the
slxo of the heap of mashed potatoes on
the plato tho girl had brought him.
lie was even mors surprised when h
found a folded paper In tbo center of tbo
Hut bo didn't open It IIo knew what
It was.
Carefully wiping It with bis napkin, be
put It In bis vest pocket and went ahead
calmly with bis dinner.
You can't disconcert an experienced
World's ComI Cqnanrapfloa.
Tbo i total consumption of coal In tbo
world Is considerably over fifty thou
sand tons nns hour. Of thin great
great quantity about twelve thousand
five hundred tons la rrqu.rW to beat ad ho d eks o
tho boilers of stationary, marlno and'L ' '
railroad engines. Tho production of
pig Iron consumes over five thousand
tona an hour. Tbo-nverago hourly con
sumption of coal In households lt con
sidered to bo about ten thousand tons.
Where Iuafi In tin Virtue.
A well-known motor-engineering firm
In tbo Midlands at ono tlmo held tho
'agency of n certain American car, but
owing to stross of business did -not sell
many. A telegram camo ona day.
"Hopo you uro pushing our cars."
Promptly camo the answer back: "Yes,
wo arc, up every hill." Tho agency has
t)cen removed. Judy.
Uncle Allen,
"Give somo men ropo enough," moral
Ixed Uncle Allen Sparks, "and they'll
bang a jury."
the system, or some hereditary taint '
taints, It gets down to tho very bottom of
the troublo and forces out every trace of im
purity and makes a complete and lasting
cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of ths
blood so that instead of feeding the diseased
parts with impurities, it nourishes the
Irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood.
r eaie as u uj. ciuaa urus piurea.
le on sores and ulcers and any other medical advict I
. charge for the book or advice. " " I
hItm owhmI ammImimm.
"!.ek..Tr?'h...ol, i "."' ...
Mis. Oorlrudo Hocks, of Now York,
. . ,..,.,,.., T, .,.
"yVi ', . . ""7 ' ,
t,)0 c'v 0 "Mlldn, ms Boo to
1 "I1IBma m-Ug.e Ho lioiuln. food
flH(1 """dwincnU of laborer In ho
1 CBna' "no 'r,'' Wrttd ns twin
0,18 of tho important commissions
r "wnrded to a woman by tbo kot-
A IMlin UflflMHtAWM fl", f V ft I HA 1 1ft a fill
nwv... .ny
appointment, and tbo errand baa tba
IMIICtlon fllld support Of I'rostdciit
" nou,,iio na irnvoicu iroin
ono oud of tbo country to tbo other In
tbo Interest of Wclfaro work,
"Welfaro Work for Government Km
ployca" Is tbe latest departuro in i&o
work of tbo Civic Federation, and for
this purposo a national committee, of
which Secretary Toft Is chairman, has
Just been created. John C W. Beck'
bam. Governor of Kentucky, Is first vlco
chairman; George W. Guthrie, Mayor
of Pittsburg, second vlco chalnuun;
William H.Wlllcox, poBtmastor of Now
York, third vlco chairman, and Miss
Hecks, secretary.
Miss Hecks, who la a southern girl,
having gono to New York from Ten
ncssce, Is not at all dismayed by tbo
Immensity, of her commission, for It Is
In tbo lino of work In which flho has
been engaged for a number of years.
Tbo entlro planning of operations after
arriving on tho Isthmus Is left with
Tbe Tlmo When this Earth Will Be
Kallj- I'copled.
Professor Itnvensteln of tho Royal
Geographical Society estimates that
tho fcrtllo lands of tbe globe amount
Fixing 207 persons to tbo square milo
for fertile lands, ten for steppes and
ono for deserts ns tho greatest popula
tion that, tho earth could properly
nourish, tho professor arrives at tho
conclusion that when tbo number of
Inhabitants reaches about 0,000,000.
000 the earth will bo peopled to Its full
capacity. At present It contains some
what moro than one-quarter of that
If tbo rate of Increase shown by tho
latest census statistics should bo uni
formly maintained, Professor Raven-
stein shows that tho globe would bo
fully peopled about tho- year 2072.
New York Tribune. ,
l,uokuu Great t llnll.
Connected with tbo Mohammedan
mosque at Lucknow, India, Is tho larg
est room in tbe world without col
umns, being 102 feet long, 54 feet wldo
nnd 63 feet high. It wav built during
tho great famlno. In 178-1 to supply
work for a starving people. It is n
solid mass of concrete of slmplo form
and Btlll simpler construction. In its
orcctlon n mold or framework of tim
ber and brick several feet In thickness
was ilrst made, which was thon filled
with concrete Th,o concreto was al
lowed nbout n year to sot nud dry,
when tho mold va8 removed. Al
though tho building has been standlug
so long, It is said to show no Bigns of
decay or deterioration.
Bacon Tho author of that new novel
has a wonderful Imagination...
Kgbort Why, have you read tho
"No, but ho said that 10,000 copies of
tho volumo had been sold." Yonkora
F'na. ou5 W mm
PBt iniddlo ago, and It Is that o may
Find out tho secret hopo of Rny man
U allowed ot tho last to go quickly.
W f
lcffglhe tbo life of the
wagon saves horse
power, tlma and tcni
per. Best lubricant la
the world contains
powdered mica
which ,
a smooth,
hard coating on axle, ami
reduces friction.
If you want your outfit
to last and earn money
wbllo it lasts greaxo
the axles with Mica
Axlo Greoso.
STA8AR0 m. CCSrPWff wt
Nfrcr Had One.
Cltlman Well, well, looking for an
other cook, eh?
Subbubs Why. no. I can't aar
Cltlman What? You Just said' you
HuomiiM i aiu not. i saia i was
looking for n cook. The others wo'vo
had wcro not Philadelphia Press.
Itenrlbreablnir Alternative.
"Ardtuk, it was a shame to set) that
little pony of yours. It had been In tbe
family ever since It wa a colt."
I know It Tbrogglns. It almost broke
my heart to part with Grp. but mr af
fairs had become so dcaperate that I
either had to sell him or eat blm and
I can't stand for horse meat unleso I
think it's beet"
CITO at. Vitus' Tnre ana n N err mis T,Mte
II I O trranotlr currd hr Dr. Kllcut'a (Jrrat
S.rr. &torr. Hond fur fHKK J trial boltl. nd
Ifnppenlnir of "ins Unexpected.
"Do you ever Issue accident policies to
baseball umpires?" anxiously Inquired the
caller. ,
"To be-sure we do," answered tbe man
inside the railing, his faee expanding
with a large and genial smile. "Just
make ont your "
"That's all I wanted to know." Inter
rupted the other. ' "A company that will
do that can't get my application. Good
day 1"
War He Liked Flak.
. Hacon Did I understand you to say
that you like fish better than chicken?
Egbert Yes; you see, n rish will lay
a great many more eggs than a hen,
and won't cackle about It Yonkers
Mothers trill And Mrs. Wlnalowa Boothia r
BTrupueiKiiremear meior meircauarea
luring tbe teething period.
"Harold, papa says you mustn't come
to see me any more."
"Why not, Dora?"
"He says you don.'t seem to have any
"Great Scott 1 I'll show him! Will
you marry me, Dora?" ,
,'Ycs, Harold." Chicago Tribune.
Athletic niinilrr.
Frosh 1 Why did Cornell lose the
Frosh 2 Tho fastest debater hrnfcn
training by eating pie, and It hurt his
wind so he couldn't talk ns much nr
as loud as the rest. Cornell Widow?
Shake Into four hocs
Allcn'i Foot-Earn. A powder. It make tight
or new alioea feel cur. It U & certain pumlnr
westing, callous ana hot, tired, aching feet.
Bold by all Bniprliti. 1'rire 25c Triafpack
age mailed FKKK. Addreai AllcnB. Olmsted,
UBoy, Now York.
World' Talleat Tree.
Tho highest tree In the world Is said
to be an Australian gum tree of the
species Eucalyptus remans which
stands In tho Cape Otway range. It is
no less than 415 feet high. Gum trees
grow rapidly. Thero is one in Florida,
which is reported to havo shot up 40
foot In four years, and another in
Guatemala which grew 120 feet In
twelve years.
Something? to lie Explained.
Gayboy No, dear, you oro mistaken
about my having had too much (to
drink last night.
Sirs, Gayboy Then,, for mercy
sake, why did you take 'off yqur shoes
to go upstairs after I had gono down,
and let you In myself? New Orleans
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought has horno tho slgria
turo of Ghas. IT. Flotchcr, and has been inado under his
personal supervision, for over 30 years. Allow no ona
to docolvo you Jn this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-a8.grood',, aro hut Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Bxporienco against Experiment.
f Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
Roric, Drops and Soothlmr Syrups, It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Karcotio
substance. Its ago is its g-uarantco. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fovorlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It rollovcs Toothing; Troubles, cures Constipation
and Platuloncv. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates tho
Stomach and Uowcls, giving healthy ami natural sleep.
Tjio Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Tbe Kind You Haya Always BougM
Sears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
THtcnTvm u) tict. wtwvonKcrrr.
rire Hnrnlnir Sua HMittireA. Tmm,
The Chequers Inn, OsmothcriVy, fa a
relic of' tbo old coaching days, but It I
now famed for its lire, which has nev
er been out for mora ttiaa 100 years'
and oyer which griddle cakes are
This huge flro Is kept continually
burning by peat or turf' from tb York
shire moors. An excellent tea it pro
vided for visitors, tbo chief dainty
being tho griddlo cakes. Tbo peat
glows like red embers on a red tiled
floor, the griddlo being suspended from
a bar above, tho whole looking 1ot
quaint and picturesque. Tbo exterior
of tho inn is most unpretentious and
Old World looking, as it nestles alotw
on tho Yorkshire wolds.
"Sir, I am hero to ask you to con
tribute something toward stilling tbe
cries of fatherless and motherless chil
dren. I "
"Why, sure, I'll contribute. I'm glad
you came to me. Here's "
"Thank you, sir."
"Here's an order on my druggist for
a doiuo ol Booming sirup." Houston
Hoon for thai Friend.
"You'll havo to excuse tbo disorder
here," said the flat dweller, "all these
bundles are our summer clothes that
we had to take out of tbe hall closet-
Hurciy, you uon t need summer
clothes this weather," said bis friend.
"No, but we bad to put up a cot ia
the closet for a friend who spent last
night, with us." Philadelphia Preso.
A ru anuetMd cor t or H itm. Cooaki
I DiMUm per, I nd I srerllon. W 1 ml Trouble
Pvikn HrwimTC nt. Ktcu raw.
A Olrli School ol the hfgbett elu. Collegi
tie department. Mnilc. Art. Elocution. Qjm
nulum. FslI term open September IS.
Before Golngr Chcwhcrc
DR. B. C WR4GHT, ,
342H WaiMngton St. Portlnd. Orcsen
Tba skin can be stimu
lated by bathing the
face twice a day with a hot solution of
"20-MULE-TEAM" BORAX; one tea
spoonful toapint of water (see cut), then
batho or sponge for nvo
or ten minutes with clear
cold water until lbs
skin is in a flno
healthy glow; dry
with a soft towel.
AU 4aalen.Utte pkn
B.mnla and twokiet, ooa
talalnff Talnbl rdp
atul Uair. torle. PAClTlQ
Meni ctth In yoar pocket, becsnse com
forttblfr cows .rocaa more milk, more cream
and more monrr. Ask for Ltllj'a Heat Fly
Killer: It cotlr and doea more. Sold
bj dealers. Qt., 33 eta.; gala.. tl.OO. Mado
br Cbaa. II. Ullr Co., Beattle. Tortlaod,
San Franclaco.
Signature of
Banking by Mall
Oa wrings deports et c. 'dollsr
or more, compounded twlca
every year. It is jurt m e7
,lo open a Savings Acconht with
us by Mail m ii you lived next
door. Bend for our free book
let, "Banking by Mail." and
learn full particulars. Address
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sis.
Write Us
Portland OresjM
Hi ii
U Gfcstf h Cm fcfcM h IM EmI
C. Gee Wo
1 Tba WII-Kbcws
Root and Herb
Has nuda Ufa ttudr ef roots and herbs, and In IM
study dlseorered and Is eltlne to ths world bis
dsriul remedies.
No Mercury, Poisons or Drncs Used Hs Cores
Without Operation, or Without tba AM
ol KoHe.
Ho parsntoes 10 Cure Catarrh, Antaim, LT.
Throat. Rheumatism, Nerroosness. Netrouc DeW
lrr. Stomach. Urer. KIdner TrosUesr !o LM
Manhood. Female Weakneaa and All PrtTo !
a nimn rt a iinrrk osttl..
Just Received troa PeUnr. Chtaa Sale, Sure
and Reliable.
nar, ive awp nAMCFRnus.
U you cannot call, write or sympton blank and circa
lar. Inclose 4 cents In sumps,
162J First St.. Cor. Morrison.
Port Una, Ore eon ,
Please Mention This Pacer.
Does not enlarge the Instrument or
ehange itjle ol case; mechanism all below
keyboard; operates piano action abstract
direct, arid preclaoly as regular piano keys
do, securing the tame expression as the
artist can by hand; can be entirely removed
lrom tbe piano in fire mlnutes's time, and
that without tho use oi a screw driver. ,
Write for Free Booklet
NOTICE The fallowing announcements aro
lrom leading burinesi men and firms, and aro
well worthy your careful reading. The Hat
may oontaln,ut the proposition you aro look,
lag lor. '
The only tracts on the market where you can
contract to sU your crop. Ten trains n day,
Abundance ol water, Price SlW.oo per acre'
easy payments come in or write for partlcu
Spokane, Washington.
UQ Stevens
P. N.U.
No. 28 07
TTTHKK writing to advertisers fileaoe
saeatloB this vapor.