The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 19??-1914, July 12, 1907, Image 4

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    . V
Ms -
A weekly Xauipapr Publhhcu every lrlly
"nno Year
Six Months .
Three Mouths
. jr"AdvcrUHiBrtcturnlhcU onprtlM
Man. j
ItlDAY.JUIA 12, 1007
Dies From Cancer
Losing Both Eyes
Part of Face
Died at his homo in our cityi
Friday evaning at 11 o'clock, Wm.
.H, Fletcher, aped sixty fivo vear.8,
, Rafter an illness of ovor seventeen
: yenrs, caused hy canrer of the oye.
' Deceased was born in Knox
countv, Ohio, December 20, 1842
'where he lived with his parent
until 1S4U whn thtt tamtiy ion lor
Missouri, where thoy remained
until 1851 when they decided to
.emigrate west, crossing Uip plains
"by ox team. They spent six
months in crossing tho plains but
finally Iandd at Van Couver after
Ja long and tiresome jonrnov. Mr.
Thomas J. Fletchpr, father of the
"deceased, then derided to make
this their campintr place and with
his family remained there for
twenty years. From thpro tho
family moved to Independence
where the deceased went, into busi
ness for himself, runninc at differ
ent times a liverv rmrn. hotel, and
meat market. He next mnved to
Pilot "Rock and endued in farm
ing and was later married 'to
Elisabeth R. Keeney in 1874. In
January 1907, he. with his family,
moved to SprinefiVld and though
lie'waR bedfast from his lonu sick
ness, his wife with the. assistance
"of his brnthpr A. J. Fletcher, run
the Elk restaurant.
The deceased was a long and
patient suffper. The first appear
ance of the cancer that finally
resulted in his death was first
Sunday's Game
The next hall pnnlo to bo plnyfftt'
at Association Park is scheduled
for Sunday, .Inly 14, between the
Rosoburg Models and tho Spring
fiold Hluoe. This game should be
one of the best played on the loon I
diamond this year as tho 'Models"
woro defeated by tho Kurcuo "Colts"
in a scoro of 4 to 3 nndtlio'Mlhies"
Sworo also defeated by the "Col"
G-0 and S-'J. ir coinpiirntivo scores
count for anything thi name
should bo a close one. Doth teams
will probably bo strengthened ami
the contest will bo a good one.
So far the attendance at all local
games have been very satisfactory
to Manager Smith hut the expense
of getting this team from such a
distance requires a Rood many 25
cent admissions," so bear this in
mind and every body, turn out and
help swell the crowd and encourago
tho homo' team
. At 10 o'clock a. m. tli business
ljien will piny a friendly jratne
with the mill men. Everybody
should see tlis game. Admission
wili bo only 1U cents.
' v , Reward Offered ,
--$20 rinvurd fof iufnrtr.utloh
loading to the arrest and conviction
of any party or, parties (Waning or
destroying auv nf tho advertising
signs of "Deeds Ad System".
These siuns were plaued on the
cojinty" hiRh'vays by permission Vf
tho county court.
J. M. Deed",
$ t27 tSugone; Ore.
NofToK Koit IUIll.ioTtOX '
ItfimrtiiiOtitnf llm tnletlqh
Unit ouieo at Itiwoliunr. Oro., July ai
N'uliro l hvitliv Ktvrrt thai Andrew Uonmni
ot IV1I rrtMsk, Oregon, li it A nifil uollreot his
Inlpnllffii lu uUke tlual nvu-yW proof tuaup
port of his clultit. vUi HoiiimipkiI Ptitry Sh.
H. K. Kt S. K. U. ffftlnii 11. tmvnthln It S .rmit I
1 W., m) HmUnUl vrant will iuni Hfoiu
W. V. rnUi., Uliltrd SIMM l,oimillniH!r, hi
hmonn-ints l.'iiu'Ciic, Oitroii. ou TtiCMUy, Wp
wmlicrai. Itw, .
iittiiamr inc.muouitii? wimcinpj io urow
J-htxTonUutiotm rtUlmiro iiHtn h)hI culllvntloii
vim; Mnrllu Otihui. nr Jhmk
Hvro. or JMn)r Orouun: ,K0wnl iiutimm
Kiufrtic. on
ot Jftipfr.Un-goii.
llfcXJAMtN J i:t)l)Y,
nw""','il''t Iho Interior.
Ijmtt (5mrt? Itorcbuiv.Ore., Jnlv S. iwt.
"otiro re hereby Ktvon tlmt lU r Tute-ot
Mil, OrtKon, hnn IIIihI untie nf hi Intention
to nmke flnnl flviyenr imW In miinnrt ol liu
cIMra, Til; llnrnetAnil Tiitry No. mntto
Jnlr 14. l'.nw. lor IoIh 1. 2. S. 4. ktictton i.'. tarn
AJnunllJ All jri&ftAtf M It i b nciwjc .1 , n . mii .uihi owe. wim'
I mltMpner. nt Jilii oltleo at Kimcne, Oreiion, on
1 I Viuln.Uay,lH5iitemHcr2. WW. i
fn ; no nninrs the iouhwiiik rltueei to jirovo I
lUv , tUs eontlnumm rrjlih-i ro nnoii iut eiilllVHtlnn '
oi ine mini, vh: t. it, .iiHoun. m vuih, ureRnn;
11. K, Mlnnfy. of Vlit, Ort'iron: S V. McCoiUkh,
of VJdu, OrtKOii; Ctmrlcy in-own, o( ViU. Orc
gun. hcj.mi. u MUM.
Towa aHd City Property
Sale Reasonable
333 acres valley and first bot
tnm; ov-r 10Q acres in cultivation;
150 fruit trees; barn 50x5t'; 5-roora
houSf, an ideal dairy ranch. Price
$25 per acre; half down, halarjco to
suit. purchaser it taken soon
137 acres, f 100 in cultiVati6hj
good orchard,' large barn, fnirtlwelN
mg; lo ucr"s hup timber, balance
pasture. Price $45 .or aero.
12 .acres two miles from town;
good free soil; suitablo for. fruit or
Ranch of ovor 250 acrs,goou
Douse ol eight rooms.
wind mill and tank, water piped
to barn; considered the best farm
m tho valloy.
50 acres two miles from town;
the best of soil for all kinds pf fruit
or vegetables. $75 per acre; terms
Houso of S rooins wood house,
chicken lnuise and other, ou$ build
ings; 2 acr-s of ground; adjoining
town; snap at $1,500.
Willio Cotton, rialniiff,
Tliomns O. Collonk Dofeiulant. .
To Tliomns O. Cotton, the nbovo
luimi'il defuniluiit;
OREGON: You urn hereby ron Hired to
npieur anil answer tho com plaint flletl
auninxt vou In tho above ontitleil suit.
I i-.ll.Ir. .,.,.! ,... .I. .!...
large barn, I llrjit pnliliratlon of this Bulntnoimantl if
binall bouse ot o rooms; o
lots. Price $550
These are only a few of the bar
gaitjs 1 have listed,
ft 24 .1. .i. RROWNINO.
noticed seventeen years ago. . Qver Springfield Hardware S"tore.
joiverviiiii'i: ! uiiub i" mh hoi i
. ..... .1 .'
growth The hpst nnvmcinns wpre !
emnloved nnd his entire farm of
Mashed His Finger
nex. the teven-year olu son
i....... ,.i (w ,i. i
tlio plaintiff wilt oray fur & decieo of tho
fliiiil Court tliftsolvinc tlio nuirriauo con
tntct now ex 1st i n j; octweoh plui ntilT ami
defetiilnnt, utnl for the euro unit custody
of tliiwanl Cotton, a hpy iuven yeom
old, the only ifHiie of suiil niarrmyo, and
tor hurcoHla nnd dinl)iiineninnl8 heroin,
and W nticli other nnd further telief as
the Court may deem equltublo and juat
iiiithn promises.
This jiummonB Is published bv order
pf too lion. I. T. Harrin, jmlKo of tlio
above entitled Court, wbit b order was
made unit iiuieit lliii .'otli Hay ol Alay,
lf07, and caiil order diieclcd that thin
Hhould 1X3 published oneu a week, for BiJc
Riicceflsivu weeks, in the tiprSiiKlleld
Tho dato of tho first publication is
May 31, 1907. i- ,
L. M. Travis, '
Attorney for rittjiitirr.
Fruit Jars, Jar RubBers, Paraiine Wax,
. Jelly Glasses, Cherry Fitters
Measuring Glasses; Glass Dippers
Just sufch things as you need for putting up Fruits
"eevpral hundred nems was spent in 'Chan. Rivett met with an accident'
Three years Wednedy, that may cause the lossi IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LANE
Franco to0f ,he 4itlle fineer on his right! COUNTY. STATE OP OUKuON.
hand. While xMr. Rivett wao . i. mer of the adoption of lien
i u.. i. i... i lamiri.-ljarrison I'casley..
trying to find relief.
acp he went In han
see a specialist but was given no
h"pe, as his case was thpn pro
nounced ineurahlp. Less than two
tyears ago he took to his bed where
he since remained, constantly
prnyintr that dpalh would tnkp him j
awav and thus'pnd his sufferine.
His first, eve cme out eichl years in a pully and badly mashed, j UniriHouCortiw, nnd respectfully bIiows
of a hay fork, the littlo fellow tookiofnald Court:-
a notion, that he wanted to help Your petitioner, .;. C. Corsaw, pctl
the horsfe pull tho load. Ho took ! " 1 Honorabln Court for an order
hold of the rope and-almost beforo!"' Ll" " 1 !S" c.18;
he knew it, his finger -was caught nime of mild that of liunmmin
ago and the second one within the
past vear. The entire nnner nart
of hi faco 'was pntirply . eone.
From the time that he came tn
SprineReld last .Tnnuarv hp had
snfiered no pain whatever from hi
iffliolinn hut laved nnd slpnt npsrlv
Vtt il. : t? ii l . i
ririii- ii.ini. v'nl
'till the time
Dissolution Notice
The firm of 0. W Johns.ori &
V. T. Wilmntl diKKdlvpd rmrtrx-r.
. Years he had nrayed to dio and his ..8hip on July 8, l'J07. Alldccounts
only words b-erei "Oh. what a lone. due thu above firm are now payable
to O. W. johnson and also all bills
The Sad was at once brought to
! the following facts :-
town to the doctor and his wound
was dressed hut it is
he may have to lose the finyor
Will the time
rough, wearv. road.
ever come'
r. Fletflipr was a kind and
: loving husband and a devoted
"father. Ho was a man of sfrnne
convictions nnd cenornus" imnnlspa
and never fnreot the hosnitahlp
wavs of the pioneer. He had born
,ndvprsitv bravelv and er.jovpd
. prosppri-v qniptlv. He had fillpd
the various relations of life, s nn.
hnoband. father, hrnthpr, friend.
vand filled thpm well. He united
with thp Chriatinn chnrrh about
four ypnrs aeo nnd had since heen
a (rue follower of his Master,
The funpral 'sprvirps wpr con
ductfd hv Rpv. W. C. Sal. Satur
day aftprnoon nt 3 o'clock, from the
undprtakine parlors of Win. F.
Walker, and the jntrment was
the I 0. O. F. cemetprv.
' That your petitioner is nn. inhabitant
r.t C.,i....ii..i.l T un. r,....,i'.. ri...A..
frarfrd thftUi,,i,i that he is i 7 years old and Ih hiiIII-
cientiy ahlo to rare for and oducato tho
said child, havinu hud the cam and cus
tody of bun for ttpw.uhls of fourteen
vears. The said Benjamin II. Peasley
haviir been horn, in the Hale of Wis
ponsin on or nbont Jho ith day of No
vell her, A. I). 181K), and voldntiirtly
Kiveii into the control and earn of ',ynt(r
petitioner and wife (whcHS bow tleadh
when tlio said elijlil xvns about two years
Paul BetteHieim Company
that have been contracted by thof aye and lias been mippoi tod nnd cared
lirm will be paid by O. W. John
son. The dissolution of nartner
ship is by mutal concent nnd the
retiring member of tho firm will h"01" hy J'0"r petitioner, which Iiuh iieen
.not resume any resposibility for ! r'Z..!s. !"?,' I"
lor as a son . uy your 'petitioner ever
.since; that the mother qf nald child is
ricrfd and that, the whe'reahonta of the
father is unknown, but when Inst heard
urther payment of same.
W.-.L. WiJmot.
ft 24
O. W. Johnson.
Leased Etter Building
The news has lwn reliablo in
formed that Mr Pan Bettelheiui
"has leased the old post office build
inc from Emil Ettcr for a term
of fivo years with the privilege of
five more, years. The building
"will bo greatly rpmndeled,, The
old part will bo moved 40 feet to
. the rear and, tho new part will be.
.Jjullt 40 x 35, making tho entire
Juiilding !)5 feet long nnd to this
will be added a lb foot warehouse,
A modern up-to-dnte plate glass
' front will also he put in. Work
will he commenced ht once so as to
be completed nnd ready to move
into by tho time Mr Bettelheim's
lease expires in the building he
how occupies.
Oregon, JtlcIiHriTlllIcint
UratUIn, ol SprlriKlfclil,
AnvanH iilMiiiif.Aiii .
Temperance Bailey
Rev. E. F. Zlmmormnn. n'ctirip
(.' " Wpe'rititendeht of tho nti-Saloori
' Loacue. will dilivernn nddrees at
iJLhe M. E. church Sunday'. 9veHing, IZXtllomW
' July 14. A cordial-invitation is wjuiy.isor.
r, finjoueu to mu puDiio. , j
Last Friday eveninu the Fra
terual Brotherhood had installation
of officers and a general gbod time
at their hall in Springfield. A
larce delegation of brethei.i from
Eugene lodge was; in attendance
and were made welcome. Mr. Bar
ker, of Eugene'lodge, done the in
stulling'aftor which all participated
in refreshments which had heen
prepaired lor tho occqsion, .,
The officers are: President, F.
Titus; Vice President, Mrs Peter
Hansen; Sect, Peter Hansen;
Chaplin. Mrs.Cliappell; Arms',
Mrs.. Korn; bargent, E, J Titus;
In. Don Keeper, Joseph CliappoU;
Uuter Door Keeper, Mr. Korn.
UnltKd Hlaten Und Onice,
i Kosebur, Oregou, April iotli.1907,
hollce licrcby plvtn tljat In romnlldnco
with the nrovlcloiw of llitfact nf (.nnirrL-mi -nr
June a, 1R7K. entllltU "An net (nr the Mis of
timber lanil tn tl e HtuUy) ol California, Oregon,
. i l: i nun null iibbuiimtiuii
icnuefi to an t)io 1'iijIc
blilloi Statu fjinil Olirtu.
uiirjt, Oickoii, Miiy 21t
Itrrll irv." ah r-
o Idiid'titii en hr act ol
TIIIAlltlft Trntipr
of Whlten'Mn,' enmity ol Uinc, b't fe ol Oregon,
jut tills day fllcl In tliU olllwliln worntiito
mCiitNo.T'JTl.lortlwiiurcliaseor the H. U of
1. 'IiM.olH'. w. H; au. W. S lit
N. W . Jf.of Sjictlou No. 12.1n Towiulilp No. 17
ontli Kanfeo vo i, went, S. M., and Mil oll'or
prool to (.lipyr; tht tlio land BtiKhtu more
valuable (or Iti timber or ttune tjjln lor" Krt
oultural purponcd, and to cutaWVli'lti'r vlalm
to laid land bciora W. W, Cat ilia, V H Com,
niUslouer, at lila oltlce In Kiinenc, Oieuon, on
Jloiiday. the Uth day ol July. 1U07? '
She names nt tvltnue:.,(le(irce Mft'ix'an.of
Woltervlllr.OreKOn.yeme ITattj, offa h V Creek,
cinan. ot Jlawg On'U-on. I'd
e rem
oiror. bcloro nald 10th day
Seujauln h. VMyXi
the stale of Montana, nnd that it Ih fit
'and proper that audi adoption should
take place and that miid child bus no
KiiHMlan'or nejet of kin in the state.
Now, therefoie, we pray tjiat tlio lion
orable Court wit, order tliit( u copy nf
I Ills petition, with order thVnion, bo
ptibliHli0d uneo oacn week for three hoc
tfescive weeks in a netynpajier rjf uoneral
cireiilation In this county, according to
law, nnd tho Court apibint ii day for
hearinL' on this ietition,nnd Unit at Ha id
Iiearlng tio Court will order and decreo'
thai tu all Jenl intents and puriioncH
the said lionlmnin It. I'e;tiley tin adopt.
ed 'ah the hoii and'helrof thl petitioner,
nun mat. ins iiaiuo 00 (iiiaugeu to lien
jainin IlairiHon Corsaw.
J. O. COltSAW.
County op Laxij.(
A. J. Oi Corsaw, belrlu first sworn, on
biitb depoHo and say that ium'thopo-
'if..', .1... t..... .,f ' -1 11 .
tie foregoiiui'is Q mXSSr. ISiJIO
J. C. COKSaW, 10 CommlMloncr nthtiolllcliiBiiiron,()re)(6n,
MtiiiHcriDCd nno sworn to-oeioro 1110
Notice to Builders !
J, It. Cliezem, contractor and !
builder, guarantees satisfaction.
Collects when Job is complete.
Plans furnished on application or
will build to your own ideas.
Springfiold, Ore.
Contracting and Building
It. C. Morgan will furnish
material 0111 job according to ape
cificatioils, aptl. do iwork jn ri soh-
stantial nnd .workmanship1, hko
manner. build with
plans which ho will gladly help you
to arrange.
Eugene Steam Laundry
Wo have beon doing tho laundry
work of Springfield for so long; a
tithe that wo need no introduction
to tlio public. Our work is guaran
teed to give satisfaction in every
respect. WorK wJH be gathered
up around town Mondays tof each
week and delivered on Thursday
without additional charge to libt
price. ., McCullum & Prior aro
Springfield agents and work left at
tljeir shop will rcceivo prompt
attention. If you wish your
laundry called for "leavo word at
their barber shop or 'phono to
Black 1381, Eugene. "
or tliecVery Best and Safest
Call on
We represent four of tin- best c j.iupaiii-H, n tineiv tho
Liverpool and London and Globe, Hamburg-Bremen, Fire Associ
ation of Pliiladelpbia, Northern Assurance Co. of London
All Bilt-cdKi. coinpmiles whuHO iK'li.les urn tool as uuhl toin mid wortli
iw i-eiiis 011 tne dollar
vNotlco U lierew elveu that In coinillnncd
UU tho provUtoim ol Hit net ot l.'onKn'as ol
Juheil, lt;n, entitled "An act (nr tho nlru(
llnilrtir liilula in tho Htiitcx of Callforuln, OrKOti,
Novailtt anit Winli Million Ti rrltory", ik ex--
0 J.llllcl Olilll'H uy uci 01
('iirtc'il to all tho I'uhi
Attcnat I. Ib'Ji.
tinier u
pf Cimp (J.-oeir, county ol Lane, Htataot Oregon
nil iiiMiiay iiien in inmoiuco III
iu aworn ;tc.
of tha N. K. li
A of Hfctlou No, I, hi
111 cut ho. full, for tha inirciiunu ul thn S'
oi . js. Del"!.' jit
JI. .und will oll'ur nroof tit Khmv lim't tlin lirml
ixiuKhtlmimievnliiiiUlcfor-IU tlinlieror itnno
Any and alrnerKOm rfulniltfr nrli'nraAU
BhovtMlet.erllH(l lamia aro nnucntci! to llle their
thiH Sth (lnv of Jnlv. 1(107. '
wkaiJ A.K. Mli-lvRV,
Notary Ifuhjic foe Oregon.
In 1 he County Court of T.ario County; hi
nnil for tho State of Orenii. v
At thiH time, nn the 8th day of July,
A. 1). 1007, thiH mutter cotriinir on to ho
heard on the petition of J. CCon-aw
for tho adoption of Uonjnniln IlarriHon
1'eaHlpy nnd tho' chatijiii of, his nmno
to Iteiijuinlu Ilarrlpnu Cornaw, it la or
dered that on tho lid day of Koptember,
A, D. 1107, at 10 o'clock (ii.thn forenoon
nt tho court hound In KiiKene, Oregon, .
b'nand (he same ior'.'l)y set as thp
time and place ly'Jienr eutd petition, nnd '
that eald petition, together .with this'
order, bo piuultdiod In . the Hjiringlelil
aowa, a nowspiiprtr 01 (.'Hni'mi.uiroiua
tjon published, hi Lann county, for tlirog
piceoBIvp vCeV8ji.n,il that V, .UTUus
bo nnonle,(.ri&ftiieVt frletfd5r feua'flirdrl
ad litem of noli( child to give oij with
hold epneot to Hald'ndoptlon.
: ' G. It. CilUISMAN.
2i-21 ' - ' County Judge.
en HAturilay, tlio ai ilay of AiiL-nnt 1007.
Ilonnnletim wllnc(.o; IIiikIi J.NVitliitt, of
t:inp Crtvlt, Ori'iiim, AimtmniK Wutfnor, ol
C'mnji t'rwk, Oreison. wiiimm o. ,Mnrtn, of
l;iuciH',-Oifoii,Cuiollic L. iturtln,'o(Kiii:env,
. Any himI nil ncreona rlnlmlnu ndvcnMi- ilm
nhuv np'tidrlhcrl IaikIs uro reipieitcil tiilllutlmlr
elalnu.tu nun olllco on or hvforu Raid 'Jlth day
01 Augum I'jui,
Jlcnjnmlu It. KJily,
We Keep everythinrj in the balfery line. Pies
CaKes, CooHies, Dourjhnuts, Bread, Buns,
etc. Orders taUen for CaKes. Your patroi
arje solicited. Ice Cream and Sodas.
M itchell & Youn kb r, P r o h s
mm nun 1
,. , " , 1 80 rodH to tlie plnct of hcjtinnliif Jn epi
GuiiH, hicycles, tiinhrelliip and 1 1,,,I1S 16 i7, S2i m T. 1'. 10 S. H. U
ftirnituro. Call. lit the W'cIIh blllld. rv,'M r",ltlnlu (ill nnd live eiulil'H,
Cpdar Posts
F(qr )irtioiila,racal)jdri orvirlto to
Paul Beffel'iieiin Company
Springfield, Ora
ing on East Slain atreot.
I. IJ, George,
. "y .
Administrators irale Of Real
Nolle Ir hnroby itiveiuthat by vniiio
of 1111 order of the County Court of Lmio
0'iiiiity, Oreumi, in thu miutor of thu
ohtnto of Albeit A. Mounts, decnuHod.
limy undo' unci nitmcd ,f nu:ord on 'the
fiilidayjf Juno, 1U07, thu undoihilfifod
will on Monday, the Ifith of Jul v. HKf;,
at (ho Ijonr of one o'cloek p. m. nlFiir for
Utili uttfliii tri ifniiii f II... t 1..
.',i,i i nHii-n ui j.iiwii uoiiiiiy, ureiiii,
mid will sell at pfihllo aimtlon to lliii
hlKlieht hidilerloreiiBh In hiiinl tlio fol
IcvhiK described rol property holonu
HUf to mild estnto, towit:
All thuiluht, title mid iutorcHt which
thn unid Albert A, Jlounts had at the
time ol hi,? death in nnd to thuolhiwlnir
demirtlieil real pioperty an tindlvlijeil
41111 biilf intoreHt In mid to tho lunil 1
eoinmenctiiK ut Not h-15upt corner of tho
jo union 01 inn j. ii, aoiiimyortli dmialion
hind ehilm ruiiiilni; South, fo rods, thonco
WoHt 20 ioiIm, thonco fTprtli KO ioiIh,
lliuiico hat2()rotlHloiluu(loheliiniiir,
contulnlmtlO nciert more or lens in hiinu
County, OreKon, holim in nectlon 'M T.
1. 10S. K. 5 West, alHo nn 'jhmlivhlcd
one half lntoreBtln mid to the hold litigifi.
Iilni! at a point 80 rodn Wowtofiho North
IviiHt oorner of thej. I. Soiitliwotli do
nation land Halm running Soulh 120
rods, thence WWl to tho gtinter of fhtS
County road, thence South nlm II' Ihn
l onter of tho Co,iuity road 40 rodn or lo
aeien tnnio nr lenH In I.iinn Coiftilv Oiu
uoii alio nn iiudivldml one third intercut
In and to 1 lit) litiiiHbeulimfhif at the
North KiiMt :oiiyVn( thu D.inlul Smith
donation hind eliiltn No. (II in Section
20 T. J. 16 a. It. ft WijHt or tho Willa
mette MeiiilfiiiiMinl running tlfuiieoWofit
17 .02 ehmiiH to thu . O. l.einloy dona
tlon hind ehilm Noilficjitiiin 70(11. thmicn
North l.tti chuliiH to' tho North Wont
coiner of Hild ehilm, .tlmncu liitKt to n
point due Nnrllt of ihA boiiinnlni; !'iif
nnd Ihence Snulh to the (ltri:o buiiliinlii
wiiitnlntnir :ifi.08 hcVdh, mort or Icwi Id
I.111111 County, Oregon, ' ,
. , , ) I'. lrU
AdmiillHtratnr ofllho estato of Albeit
A. Mount, di'ccifflud.
f I'P N"i th JuiHt corner, of t ho land owned
by Tliiiodo;q' Jacobuon, thonco jVoBt' 4!l
rout), thonco North 100 rods, thonco liust
KOTIUB l'Olt I'lJIlMC'TlhS , . -
. llnlttfil Mtali-n Unil Olllrfi,"
. ., . . ItijMeburK, OrOKOU, Mil? ',
ftpllco An lir-rcliy itlveil tluil In riiintllntiri
with inf iirovlnliiitN of tilt ui't nf Coiiurem nf
J111111 it, 1MM, POMtJoit "An iil't for tho nolo of
Uiiilicrlitniln hi tlioHiiitiWi.,illfiit,liiii.OreKni'
jscvmln iiiul UiiHlilnutnii 'I'trtllory," im (JXf
tenilcil lo nil tlioi P11W q-Limit UtttteH liy uctof
AiiKiuHJuw,! ' .-
JT.' .. .. ,0'"1 llrnnSiintye'r' . .
1)1 it. 1. I). Nn I. H,,rln,rllr.,l ouillllv ll tolllfi
Htutu'of orvKnii. In thin piilce nil Jnnfmry :i. Joo7
IilHHwnriliilaiciili'iit No, Kwl, fur tho piiralittHB
in uiun.' w'4 oi 1
I t llUH.MV, I . (if HiwI(,im in In 'l",,wllllln
Itl.Huiltfi nf Itiilfub U'faiii -W'. M.. Ore.,
trill 111
Vr iitnjif to allow Unit tliu hw noiiplit
in llioriiiviilllulili, nr liu lli,il,., iiliiiiit limn (tit
iiKrii'iiipirai fiiiriiiweH. niiiltiiOHpibimiililKcliiiiii
in kiiiii (anil iifioru'W; w. 0alkluj V. a, C01
Moncrr4t hi niiicu at icnRonb, Ortiioii, oil
". iiiv ioiii uiiy Ul lllKIIHli IWI. i
Hm tlittiU'M im ivItiiiltfHi,., Ilit.f fjlmnti. nf
KHnriMKllBiit, Oreiioii. iioy lrort; of Hiirlimlli'til.
OfCKdu, John Hnorfa, nf HpriiiKiltfi I, 'Jrenni
on rrw
",.iny nun 11
'.oil. Hill, llll I'L-lnlinn t'lllllllllllf IHlVLTVUIl IIIV
lllinVfi'llNnrrlluAil IhihIh hm n,n n.tft. ,il tn lllu lltmr
tliilm jn thin oIIIlu uu nr Hvforu nIrMrtl day oC
llulijuinlii 1. 1'ilily,