The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 19??-1914, July 12, 1907, Image 3

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Govtrnment Will Not Materially
SlrtnQtliin ficlllc Flest.
Rumor of Such Movement Game From
Naval Expert Only Two Ships
Ordered to Pacific.
Washington, July 4. Tho govern
ment In not going to throw fuel on tho
anti-American flamos now burning in
Jnpnn by ordering 10 battlsahlps from
tho Atlantic to tho Paclflo, ns had boon
loportcd In somo dispatches. Astlst
nnt Secretary Newberry of tho Navy de
partment said today that no largo
inovemont of warships from tho Atlan
tic to tho 1'hcIUo whs contemplated.
The Washington and Tonncusoo, now
In Jlordwiux, aro under ordors to Join
tho Paclflo squadron later on, but aaldo
from that no general movorncnt la eon
tomplatcd. Ills statement la subetan
tinted by an official announcement
mado today at Oyster Day.
It la polntod put In diplomatic circles
that thu Jatmntso govcrnmont dot not
countenance tho anll-Amerlcan nulla
tlon that la fn progroes In that country,
and UiIh government, ns euch, enter
tains tho most frlondly fooling or
Japan. It tlioroforo being mutually
understood that tho rolatlona of tho two
governments aro most nmleablo, Uioro
'could bo no reason for now moving 10
battleships to tho Pacific.
Botno naval exports who can went
war ovory tlmo thoymoll firecrackers
aro responsible for sensational roiorts
Hint huvo boon In oliculatlon, but thoio
exports uro not speaking by authority.
Thero la to bo no gonoral change In tho
stations f our warships. Ultimately
tho raciflc fleet will bo strengthened,
as It needs to bo, but thero la no inten
tion of unnwecaatlly ojpoalng tho At
lantlo coatit with Ha many great cities
tit u tlmo whon It la boilevod thero la
no dnngor of WHr on tho Pacific.
Secretary Speaks on Saving Land for
Public Good.
llolona, Mont., July 4, -Secretary of
-tho Interior Garfield, accompanied by
Senators CarUv and Dixon, Gilford
Plnchot, chulf of tho reclamation bu
reau, and a hoit of admlnlsl ration offi
clals, nrrlvel yesterday. Tho vteltota
completed an Inspection of tho Hunlloy
.nnd Uuford projecta, apd after deliver
ing n Fourth of July oration at Mtstou
la will visit Bt. Marya and other Mon
tana proJcctH. Mr. Garfield delivered
an address horo hint night.
Mi. Garflold apoko at tho auditor
turn, urging tho pcoplu of tho etoto to
co-opcrato with tho government In its
oflorts to snvo tho natural resources of
tho state for tho public ami from fall
ing Into blinds of prlvnto interests,
'which, ho raid, waa dono with tho ro
aourcoa of tho East.
Mr. Garflold and party left this
morning lor Misroula. A levlow nt
Tort Uairlson In hie honor and in that
of llrlgadtcr Genotnl McCuskov, com
jnandinK tho department of Dakota,
was given.
Telegrams Not Delayed.
New York, July 4. Colonol It. C.
dowry, prcsldont and general manager
of the Western Union Telegraph com
pany, today sent tho following to tho
company's gonoral superintendents at
How York, Chicago, Atlanta and San
Franclscoi "Tho notico to accept busl
ines for San FranolBCoand Oakland sub
ject to delay lu hereby withdrawn.
. Oonoral Sunorlntondcnt Jaynes r(
that tho ImalnotM ut Ban Frnnolscl -a
Oakland Ih moving without delay; that
10 out of 13 branch oillcos lmvo been
Cable Line In Operation.
San FranolHCO, July 4. -Tho Califor
nia etn-ct eablo lino was put In opera
tlon yesterday for tho first tlmo slnco
tho carmon struck, Tho cars wero
manned by nonunion men who woro
broko in last wook. After a quint wook
In tho strlko eovcral cars word stoned
last night In various parte of tho city
41,000 strlko benefit was distributed tc
tho striking carmon, and Treasurer
blowing reported tho union's treasury
in good condition.
Big Lumber Yards Burm
Denver, July 4. Fire which was dis
covered In tho Hardwood Lumber com-.,
pany's yards in this city at 1:45 this
morning did nearly 150,000 damage bo
Joro brought under control. Tho yards
aro a thickly populated portion of tho
oltyjhnd it was only by hard work that
tho flame woro Jkept from spreading.
As it was,' nearly all tho wlndowB In
tho residences for a radius of 100 yards
woro broken by tho extreme boat.
Offers Drago Doctrine,
Tho Haguo, July '4 .Joseph II.
Choato, Unltod States dologato, yester
day presented a dofinlto draft of his
proposition regarding tho collection of
debts, ombodylng tho principles also
mado public, M. Bourgeois, Fronoh,
prosldont of the arbitration commltteo,
reoolvod Mr. Choato's proposition and
ordorod It to bo prlntod nnd distributed
to nil tho dologates boforo being read
to tho eubcommlttoo oh arbitration.
Earthquake In the Alps.
Romo, July 4, -Slight oarthquako
ehooks woro folt today at Tolmowo,
Sandanlolo and Amaro, near uuem,
capital of the province of that namo,
Tolmezxo Is in the Alps.
Damonttratlen of flew Both Coasts
Can Be Protected.
-.. .....,. .-
Toklo Coming of fleet regarded :
Jnnpporluiioj better bo deferrod,
Loudon Heavy debt of Japan i
conildcred a bar to conflict, but i
United States Ih making an onomy i
of Ihftt couhtry.
Uorlln Japan bol loved to be pro !
paring to fight United States for
maitory of the raclllo, regardless of
Ban Francisco incidents.
The Hngiie Fleet may causo pop
ular oxcltoment which Washington
govorntnunt may not bo ablo to con :
Paris Unltod States and Japan
not bollnvod to bo near conflict, but
fleet will forco Japan's baud if Jap :
arioso liavo BggroMlvo designs,
t '
Oyster Hay, N. Y July 0. Tlio slg
nlflcanco of Hear Admiral Urownson'a
addition to tho romcwhat meager in
formation which has como from presi
dent Itoosovolt regarding the contem
plated two-ocean inanouvpis of tho At
lantic battleship fleet is regarded horo
as bavins bum overlooked in tho com
mcnt, expert and otherwise, which has
since boon Indulged In on both conti
nents, Admiral Ilrownson camo to Oyster
Day Friday to take lunch with tho
tirosldont. professing ontlro Ignorance
of tho maneuver plans, When ho loft
Bngarnoro Hill to take the train lor
Washington, tho admiral had ono
thought which ho wUhod emphasized
that it wua desirable and important to
demonstrate to tho world how quickly
tho American navy could transfer its
fighting strength from ono ocean to tho
other, This waa distinctly an addition
to tho president's previous statement
issued through Secretary Loob, whoroln
tho object of tho maneuvers was said to
be an oxcrolso movement for tho benefit
of tho navy, to perfect 1U training in
fleet oxerclM on an extended scalo, tho
purpose and effect of tho plan being for
tho benoflt of the navy alono.
In everything that has como from tho
president regarding tho movement, it
lias boon Indicated that tho fleet, wher
ever it may go, Is to 1m brought back to
tho Atlantic, nnd that tho return is to
h as groat n demonstration of speed as
tho outward ourney.
Japanese Admiral Says American Ma
rines Would Desert.
Toklo, July0. The Ilochl this morn
ing prints nn interview with Admiral
Sakamoto, in which the admiral la
quoted as follows:
"Should hostilities break out be
tween Japan and 'America, the rosult
would bo iudcclslvo, owing to a want
of Imfes of operations. Even should the
Washington government decide on a
war, it Is doubtful it tho Americans
serving In tbo navy aro sufllclontly
patriotic to fight.
"Amorlcan naval officers arc brilliant
figures at balls and social gatherings,
but they aro very doflolont in profes
sional training and practlco. It Is too
much to expect a burning patriotism
in tho American naval service in caso
of war with Japan. It is very likoly
that most of the crows would desert
and leavo tho ships."
Wisconsin Railroad Commtaslonaivos
Peremptory Order
Madison, . Wis., July Oi Tho Wis
consin Railroad commission issuod an
order today requiring tho Groat North
ern and tho Eastern Railway companies
of Minnesota, and tho Chicago, St, Paul
Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad com
pany to opon their big grain' olovntois
at Superior to tho ueo of tho general
If tho order stands and Is not over
turned by Uio courts, it will, it is bo
llovod, re-establish tho grain business
in Superior on the basis of two years
ago, whon tho. railroad companies, In
order to get around the Wisconsin
grain Inspection law, leased their lo
vators to prlvato parties, thus practi
cally closing them to tho public uso
and putting tho Independent grain
dealers out of business.
Schmltz Asks for His Pay.
San Francisco, July 0. - Mayor
Schmltz yesterday soi't n formal de
mand upon Auditor Norton for his full
salary and for "the $300 contingent
fund allowod the mayor's ofllco, for Ju
ly. Tho lottor containod a warning
against paying these or any other sums
upon tho order of James L. Gallagher.
Tho auditor was notified that ho would
bo hold personally responsible. Audit
or Norton has decided that his only safo
course is to rofuso to pay demands un
less thoy bear tho signatures of both
BchmlU and Gallagher.
Plan to Find South Pole.
London, July 0, To oontinuo tho ox
ploratory work of tho discovery expedi
tion in tho Antarctic, a party baa boon
organized by Lieutenant Shaokleton,
who was a member of Captain Scott's
crew, and will shortly start for tho Far
South, Lieutenant Shaokleton has se
cured an idoal vobho! for his purpose,
Shu is tho Enduranco and spont many
seasons in tho North Atlantio In scaroh
of seals. She is now bolng refitted for
tho two years' voyage
Lebreton May Succeed Schmltz.
San Franolsoo, Inly 0, -District At
tornoy Langdon, it ia said, has deoldcd
to advocate tho selection of W. J, Le
broton to succeed Eugeno E. Schmltz as
Boon as tho latter Is sentenoed by Judge
Dunn, Mr, Loureton Is a bankor and
philanthropist. He has been active in
previous non-partisan political move
Aekl Saya America fa at vHmi-r,m
Strengthen Pacific rlt
Washington, July' f?, "No, tho Jap
anono would not regard It as an tin
friendly act If the American government
tho saw fit to Incroaos her naval repre
Rontatlun in her territorial water upon,
tho Pacific coast, or oven if ehosont ad
ditions! men-of-war to the Asiatic sta
tion, She would not look upon It as a
raenaco or regard It wlth'rogret."
Those were tho words of viscount
Aoki, tho Japanese ambassador to the
United Statos, whose attention was
called to the publlihod reports that the
gODoml board of tho navy had recom
mended to the president that tho bat
tleships of tho American fleet bo sent
around to tho Pacific ?oast. At the
earno tlmo tho ambassador expressed a
great doal of Interest In tho stories
printed and risked if thoy woro true.
Ho disliked, ho aaiu, to appear in the
public prints, when thero waa no reason
for It, but lie felt at perfect liberty to
say what ho Old on tills subject.
Will Issue New Small Bills.
Washington, July 4. Tho Treasury
department Monday began carrying
Into oITect the provisions oi tho A lunch
act, which confers upon tho secretary
of tho treasury authority to issue all
necessary quantities of small bills to
meet tho business needs oi the country.
Tho largo denominations of gold certifi
cates aro being replaced by new 1 10
certificates, which will be Issued from
the sublrcasury. Small sliver certifi
cates In large quantities will be issued
at onco, as will a now series of United
States to notes.
Not One Penny of Graft.
Washington, July 3. "After inves
tigating ovory chargo which has been
brought to my attention, whether ap
parently woll founded or not, I have
been unablo to find a alnglo penny of
graft going to any one in connection
with tho Isthmian canal work." This
statement was mado by Secretary Taft
today whon his attention waas called to
tbo statements that special accountants
had boon tent to tho Isthmus to exam-
Ino tho books of Uio disbursing officers
of Uio commission.
Irrigation Work Delayed.
Washington, July fl. Owing to un
usual severe weathor, which rondorod
it imposslblo to carry on work cf exca
vation for n considerable portion of tho
past winter, tho secretary of the In
terior has grunted nn extension of two
months' time to the following contrac
tors, In which to complete tbolr con
tracts on main laterals of tho Okan
ogan irrigation project In Washington
John S. aud S. Petersoon, Frank E
Jones aud Edmund Kail, all local resi
Enter Suits to Recover.
Washington, July 3. By direction
of Attorney Genoral Bonaparte, Unltod
States nttornoys in various districts
throughout tho country will institute at
tho earliest possibla dates cults against
a largo number of railroads to recover
penalties for violations of tho safety
appliance law. Among tho railroads
to be mado defendants aro tho Rock Is
land, Great Northern and tho Pacific
Coast railway company and tho Wash
Ington & Columbia Rivor railroad.
Secretary Adjusts Land Claims.
Washington, July 2. Tho secretary
of tho Intorior has approvod Oregon re
linquishments Nos. 24 and 20, La
Grande, ombraolng tho claims of 40, set
tlers, etc., and covering 7,017 acres,
and Oregon rellnqulehmont 25, Tbo
Dalles, embracing the' claims of 23 set
tlers, etc., and covering 2,821 acres,
This is part of an adjustment of claims
growing out of a conflict with tbo
Northern Pacific grant.
Postal Changes In Northwest.
Washington, July 2. Rural freo de
livery carrlors havo boon appointed as
loliowa: Oregon Parkers, route 1,
Percy J. Dickson carrier, Joseph O.
Anderson substitute. Washington
North Yakima, routo 3, Frod B. Dyo
carrier, Kobort Burdill substltuo;
Rochester, routo 2, Emma Manners car
rier, Allen K. James substitute. Tho
postoffico at Arctic, Chehalis county,
Wash., will be discontinued July 31.
Appointments by President.
Oystor Bay, N. Y., President Rooso-
velt has announced theso appointments:
Phillip M. Brown, secretary of embas
sy, at Constantinople: Potor Augustus
Jay, secrotary of embassy, at Toklo,
Tho prcsldont signed the application of
Medical Inspector Prosley M. Rixey,
to bo advanced to tho rank of medical
director. Dr, Rlxoy now holds the
position of surgeon genoral of tho navy.
Civil Service Examiners.
Washington, July 0. Olvil service
examinations will bo held this fall for
positions in tho departmental sorvice
in Washington, at Uio following places
in Oregon: Portland, Eugeno, Bakor
Oity and Astoria, September 11 and
OotoborllO. Idaho Boise" Soptember
11 and October lj Moscow, September
11 and October 10; Pocatello, Octobor
More Time Allowed Bidders.
Washington, July 4. Acting Beoro
tary Newberry yesterday announoed
that the time allowed for the presenta
tion of bds for torpedo boat destroyers
would be extended to September 8 next.
Siift IMrffX Rata Law Agalnet the Wg
Express Campanles.
Washington, Julp 2, One o'f the
roott Important cases yet filed with the
Interstate Commerce commission undr
the now railroad rate Jaw was today
presented by the American Bankers' as
sedation, which alleges that tho ex
press companies through their power
and facilities as common carriers, are
usurping tho prerogative of tbo banking
associations and at tho earno time em
nlovlnz the canltal of tbo banks fn the
conduct of their business.
It is alleged that Uio exchange busi
ness of the express companies and the
relations which they have with tbe rail
road companies enable them to serious
ly discriminate against rceularcommcr-
cial operations of banking Institutions.
The complaint Is directed against the
Adams, United States, American, Paci
fic, Wol la-Far go, Southorn and Great
Northern express companies.
American Flour In China.
Washington, July iJ. Vice Consul
A. W. Pontius, of Niuchwang, China,
reports somo interesting figures in re
ference to American shipments of flour
to that port during 1906. He says:
"An increatoof nearly $200,000 was
shown in comparison with the figures
of tho preceding years. The imports of
American flour during the year were
30,414,000 pounds, valued at $712,050
in American gold. In addition to the
foregoing figures, Amorlcan flonr to
Uio amount of $1,330 waa imported
from Shanghai. During 1007 the di
rect imports of American flour will
most likoly be larger than tbote oi tbe
preceding year.
Nebraska In Commission.
Washington, July 5. Tho Navy de
partment is informed that tho new bat
tleship Nebraska was placed in com
mission today at the Bremerton naval
station on Pugct sound, making the
only battleship in active service in the
Paclctl waters. Lieutenant Conse is
acting as commander of Uio ship tem
porarily and has with him only a skele
ton crew. Tho Nebraska must remain
at tbo Bremerton yard for somo time
yet, and in Uio meantime Captain Reg
inald Nicholeon, who is to be perman
ently in command of the ship, will
gather up a crew for her in Uio East.
Carriers Get Higher (Pay.
Washington, July 3. On July 108
letter carriers of Portland then receiv
ing $1,000 were promoted to $1,100
under Uio new law, and ono carrier at
$000 promoted to $800. Tho promo
tions are based on growth of popula
tion. Promotions may bo made in other
Oregon cities as follows: $850 to $900;
$600 to $800; $,1000 to $1,100. Al
bany, Uireo from $850 to $900; Astoria,
fivo from $850 to $900; Baker City, two
from $850 to $900 and ono from $000
to $600; Eugene, three from $850 to
$000; Pendleton, three from $850 to
$900; Tho Dalles, two from $850 to
Can't Fix Evacuation Date.
Washington, July 4. Secretary Taft
threw somo additional light upon his
plan regarding tho American ovacuation
of Cuba yesterday by sending the fol
lowing cablegram to Governor Magoou
at Havana: "I am in receipt of a tele
gram from General Loynoz Castillo as
to eomothlng I havo had with referenco
to tlio restoration of Cuba to tho repub
lic. Tho plan for tho revolution of tho
govornnicnt.of tho island upon Uio per
son to bo Bolocted by a fair election, as
outlined in my lottor to you, has not
been changed in tho slightest."
Contracts tor Big Ships.
Washington July 4. Boforo leaving
for tho West, Secretary Metcalf an
nounced his decision in respect to im
portant matters. In one' of theee ho
places contracts for tho construction of
the two Amorlcan "Dreadnaught'1 bat
tleships, the interesting point of his
decision bolng the rejection of the Navy
department's plans and tho acceptance
of the mora progressive ideas of the
prlvato shipbuilding firms, involving
the uso of steam turbines.
No Discontent on Isthmus.
Washington, July 4. What would
appear to bo conoluslvo condtradlctlon
of tho reports recently published in
this countrv to tho effect Uiat the army
officers engagod in tho work of con
structing tho Panama canal are en
deavoring to bolittlo the task is con
tained in tho cablegram received at the
War departmont yesterday from Pana
ma: "Everything going woll and har
moniously. Report of dissatisfaction
absolutely falso. Goethale."
Transfer of Naval Officers.
Washington, July 2. Lieutenant G.
T. Pottingill, U. S. navy, baa been or
dorod to Pugot spund navy yard or
duty. .Assistant Paymaster W, J. Hlhe,
U. 8. navy, has been detaohod from
duty on Uio Princeton and will proceed
to tho navy yard at Pugot sound for du
ty as assistant to tho general storekeep
er of that yard,
To Rout Fractious Indians.
Washington, July 0, The secretary
of the interior has made a request that
Uio attorney gonoral authorise the or
ganization of a posse by the United
States marshal for Arizona, to assist In
the removal o( disorderly Indians from
the Indian reservation at Fort McDow
ell, to be used it found expedient. '
Japansa Catiwl Is AJt lnv4gatfac;
RefWta! of Ltefts.
' Ha Francisco, July 3, In nspomM
to an Inquiry, the Jo-paneae consul to
day informed the Assoc (td Press that
no decision has yet been teaclmlas to
whether suit shall be brought in Ote
courts to reeover In behalf of Japan
resldenui of nan Francisco who sartem
loss In the wrecking May 23 of a Jas-
anK restaurant aad bathhouse on Fo4-
som street by a mob. Th msUer was
described aa being at tbe pretest time
in hum quo.
It waa nid bv'a representative ot the
consul general that the consulate Is not
awaiting instructions from Toklo.
It was further Mid that the consulate
was investigating the complaint of
local Japanese that their race is being
discriminated against by tbe board of
police commissioners in refusing to
grant them liquor licenses, Intelligence'
office licenses and licenses for simitar
municipal privileges. The reply of
tho board is that it is acting under an
ordinance which forbids the issuance
of liquor licenses to any save citizens
of this country and persons who have
declared their intention of becoming
citizens, and in 'accordance with the
rules of the board that tho-otber licens
es named shall not be granted to for
eigners until American residents have
more fully recovered from Uio business
shock of last year's earthquake.
Tbe consulate looks with suspicion
on this defense, but wishes to be un
derstood as desirous of investigating
further before making any definite re
commendation to the Tokib govern
Conflicting Claims In Strike of Tele
graph Operators.
San Francisco, July 3. "The strike
is over," said Superintendent Storror,
of tho Postal Telegraph company.
"The strike Is over," said Mr.
O'Brien, of the Western Union office,
in the ferry building.
"The strike has just begun," said
President Small, ot the Commercial
Telegraphers' union.
These threo laconic statements ade
quately describe the attltnde of the op
posing parties' and give a hint as to
their future action. Although the
officials of, both companies here in San
Francisco arc but subordinates and
could not of their own volition take
any steps towards a settlement, it is
not thought likely that any such steps
will be taken while tho local officials
report that they are handling the busi
ness without unreasonable delay. '
The operators on the other hand, Etato
that they will carry on the fight, even
though the companies find a man for
every key, and thoy declare they are
prepared to stay out six months if nec-
eseary. Their leaders, however, say
that they expect to win, in much lese
time, and Mr. Small yesterday prophe
sied that tho '.'lightning would strike
soon in an unexpected place," but did
not explain his remark..
Oil King Surrenders to Orders of
Federal Court.
Cleveland, O., July 3. John D.
Rockefeller has decided to give himself
up and testify before Judge. Landis in
tho Federal court in Chicago. It was
learned tonight upon trustworthy in
formation .that Uio oil king had reached
an understanding with Uio government
officers through his counsel and that he
hereafter will not be. molested by Unit
ed States marshals.
According to Uio present program.
Mr. Rockefeller will arrive in Cleveland
on the Fourth to spend tho summer, at
his summer home, Forest Hill. No
government officers will meet him to
eerve summons for his appearance in
tho Chicago court. Instead, service
will be obtained upon tho oil king's
counsel, who havo promised to have
Air. Kocketeller testify in tbo (Standard
Oil cases before Judge Landis in tho
United States court in Chicago July 6,
or whenever bis testimony is desired.
It further waa learned that the gov
ernment baa cent eubpenas for Mr
Rockefeller to United Statos marshals
in districts where they thought he
might be or might visit.
Both Must Share Loss.
San Franolsco, July 3. Another one
of tbo important legal points developed
by the lato earthquake was fettled to
day. when Judge Scawell decided that
contractors and property owners wore
put upon a level by the act of God and
neither could recover from tbo other in
cases of misfortunes resulting from the
quaking earth crust. The court held
that both parties must stand equally
whatever less results to buildings under
construction the property owner that
portion already erected and tbe con
tractor the cost of material used. .
Reno Operators on Strike.
Reno, Nov., July 3. As a result of
action of Superintendent A, N. May in
dismissing two operators in tho Reno
Western Union office, four other oper
ators havo quit work, and Manager
Brown states that he will not be sur
prised If a general walkout results from
tho dissatisfaction felt among tho em
ployes on account of the striko in San
Francieco. One result of Uio shortage
of men is that business with tho Salt
Lake office is six hours behind.
Trust In Umbrella Frames.
Philadelphia, July 3, An indict
ment was roturned by the United States
grand jury here today against tbo so
called umbrella framo trust. The in
dictment contains three counts arid
charges the National Umbiella Framo
company of this city, the Newark Rivet
Works and the Newark Tube & Metal
Works with a conspiracy to form a
eoeablnaUon in restraint of trade
tori briwtHM fs Pftstiftf ft
Claim fs Masfe That. Savfrtg EtTert 1
Will Mara Than Pay Ctt
Tiltebarsr. July JL That U eoet e
production of steel may be reduced a
few cents a ton, millions of dollars are
to be spent in new machinery at the
plants of tbe United States Steel cor
poration, and about 100 engines are to
bd relegated practJeally to the scrap
heap. This step will probably fake
two or throe years to complete, but It
Is assured by the experiments that hare
been carried on at the Edgar Thompson
plant of the corporation at Kraddoek,
where the experiments have been akg
tbe lines of abolishing coat in Savor oi
gas as fuel and tssing tbe gati that blows
froa the blast furnaces.
The experiments at the Ed oar Thomp
son plant, It is said, has determined
the policy of the steel corporation for
all their works, and gas engines will be
immediately installed as fast as they
can be builtatall the plants. At Gary,
I ml., where a new plant is being bailt,
20 cr more of the new engines will be
Installed to furnish power and to
blow" tbe furnaces. These engines
are said to cost about $150,000, and the
cost for engines alone at this plant wl 1
be about $3,000,000. Besides this out
lay there will be a great expenditure
for the vast system of monster pipes for
carrying tbe gas from the blast raraaeesl
and lor Its parihcatloa before It ean be
seed in the engines.
Balance at End of Fiscal Year Waa
S87.00O.00O One of Largest.
Washington. July 2. So far as work
ing purposes are concerned the fiscal
year of the government ended June 30
with a surplus oi substantially 87,-
fWl OHO Ana rf ftia lnfaAaf nof halanaa
ever shown. In tho fiscal year 1902
there was a surplus of $91,287,275, bat
that was the largest since 1890.
While the official figures for the fiscal
year will not bo annonheced for a few
days yot, the figures now available are
approximately correct. They show that
in the year just oloeed tbe income from
tbe various sources of revenue waa
$665,300,134 and expenditures $578,
370,709, ae compared with receipts of
$394,454,121 for the lat fiscal year
and expenditures of $508,784,799, the
surplus in that year being $25,669,322
There has been a tremendous Increase
in the receipts in the year just closed,
while tbe expenditures have been only
about $10,000,000 in excess of last year.
The largest increase in receipts has
been from customs, although internal
revenue has shown a big gain. Tho
receipts of this fiscal year in customs
were $333,230,120 and in internal rev
enue $270,309,388.
Their Heroic Work Prevents Break
ing of Big Dam.
Laramie, Wyo., July 2. How the
breaking of the Wheatland dam, im
pounding the largest artificial body of
water in Wyoming, was prevented by
the heroic efforts of four women is
modestly told in a letter from Miss
Knight, addressed to her mother.
Miss Knight, who is visiting Miss
Helon McGlll, at McGill, with her
hostess and Mrs M. J. Reed and daugh
ter, was riding by the reservoir when
she noticed a leak in tbe dam. The
women notified Mrs. Reed's husband,
who is in chargo of the reservoir, and
he started for Wheat field to summon
Mrs. Reed and the three girls spent
the entire night filling the crevice with
bay and dirt, using eleven loads of hey.
When Reed returned in the morning
they were almost exhausted, but had
succeeded in keeping the break from
enlarging to Uio danger pcint.
Texas' Resort Is Burned.
Mineral Wolls, Tex., July 2, Min
eral Wolls, with nearly 10,000 visitors
from all over the South, was threatened
with total destruction by fir o last night.
Tho fire started in tho skating rink of
tho Palace Amusement company, a new
$5,000 structure. From there the fire
spread to tho Mineral Wells sanitari
um, a four story brick, filled with pa
tients. These were all moved out and
no loss "of life is reported. The Mineral
Wells bathhouse, was totally destroyed,
as woro the Lithia pavilion and a part
of tho Wann hotel.
Coldest June On Record.
Washington, July 2. Tho weather
bureau announced that the month just
cloeed was tbo coolest June on record
in Washington, D. C, in the last 75
years, and that the same is probably
truo ot New England, tho Middle At
lantic states and tho Lower Lako region.
In other parts ot tho United States th$
temperatures woro also lower Uian usu
al. The bureaus' official statement
says, in explanation, that It was caused
by atmospheric pressure.
Close Havana Clar Facorles.
Havana, July 2. The cigarmakera
who are on strike, not having replied
to the ultimatum nt tho manufacturers
to submit their differences to arbitra
tion, the manufacturers announce their
intention to close all their plants indefinitely,
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