The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 19??-1914, July 12, 1907, Image 1

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    TT T Tj" SVu,"y
JJmrif ft Minrr ti, idol, ni nnili)j(1U, DrtKM o m
oilfW nwiUr undo W of OfffiftW'nf .ftUftli i, ftjit,
:VOL. VI. frO. 24.
-1 .
if, ..-..I ). .,....- ii I. ti iipi.irf .;x.,,,,,x, ..,.,, , , ,.... ....... t . . ... r'. y .. .., - i'i.i t i -' ' i ,' '.,
- " ii ..., . mm 4i ,m . i...PI'H ' . . ii mi, - ,., . j. , I, . , i4,.,. ,. ,, a i, , ,, A, , . ; i . , i , .1, n.ri, i.i ,,. ,t
I . ; : :
jThe Stoire ' " ; ,
H 'B.. A 3 ' IF3'?
i naxs uoing
The. Business
mw irw i im i hIim r winr uu uii n imrrrr ii imiiii mn v j-rvrr- i it-- "t" "i 1 T " "
Jliulicnt in qiijtfiiy and iWoat in prices '
tfoo t!im before buvjng clsowhero
r Y
Lotus lawns 25in wido ficyil
I'rjnlcdtLawns - lOr
Plain wl)ito lawn 10c
riripcd and dotted Swisslflc
3i)M) j(infih(-d.duclc lfic
Copf'jfhj 1907 l7
El" -...p.
Apparel .'
Outijig Puits for nion, tho
Hurt, SdiniTner jrarks
mnko at
ahd up. Boys mits in all
colors from $1.50 up.
Hampton Bros.
Fotin Guilty Of Selling
Liquor Under Local
Y , Option Law
Tlio cltizdrtfl of Mprlnnflold -oro
Winoivlml Hiirprixed Mondnv vt)ei
it wan lonrnud thrt Frod iotnloy
Ijtiij huon nrroswd for soiling liquor
"Jood roBoit, a building whioii
coiijtiod for ft Bnloon prior to tho
i'ii)f ihU efft'cl of tho" UkuK
Jptioti law. Sincu this time tin
ptiico Unh horn conducted (is 11 cijim
and floft drink cjtablljihmoiit ly
rcmie' grandfather, Mf. Cituw.
Wiltor. Yuudk Lotnley hud been
tending bariiinco tho saloons olOfc'tKJ
md MonJuy wna nrrct-ted on tin
clmrgo of gnlling liquor in violnt
in of tho local .option law t"
OhoMjr Wnlkof, a younp tnnn "H
'or in tho wiburb of Sprjndflld,
Clio Imd br-cn nctin-,' n h p 8pottr
nnd luiio claimed lrtj had drank hi
iiu bar fd'nln.i purclniBod a half
nint bottle of whiekey from Li'mji-y.
which was introduced in court.
Tho unm of Kmilo Ettor who t riixf
Wfd ncpda.v ulJcrnoon on tho- pntm
churtjo una by tho punw withosHcf
and also "intromicud in court 11
half nin. boillo of whiskey n
vidt'iice. Hotli rjiPt'K worn trird
liffori a jury and bo'b found guUly
Lcniolov Wa fitifd $2fU and lSmil
I ISttor, it( boiny hi yccOnd ofTen
.under tho local optjdn Iftw ivnn
sentenced io2o days imprtfottuu'nt
and a fine of 2(R). Hi, tlironjth
hiH atUirnov, filfd notice of appunl
to tha circuit court.
DiitTlcst Attorney Skipwortl
appe-aroil for thoftato in both cawK,
-whilo J. Pipes appeared for
Lutnlcy and Oeo. Pipes "for Mr.
Ktlor., Lemloy, though his attr
liiiy, fded notice of appeal and hit
Ciifu will come np in tho next term
of tho. circuit court. .
We issitively will not be undersold by any drug
store In the county. Do 'we make gofrd? We submit
a few sample pzjees during our .Cut Price Cash Sale
and asK you to judge for yourself. .
Fears Soup-
Thed lord's Black Draiiiglit
Piiilchams Compound
Pink Tills
St. Patricks Pills
Doanes Kidney Pills ,
Entliymol Tooth Paste .
regular 20c special at 12c
25c special at 13c
$1.00 special at 68c
, 50c special at 34c
, ' 25c special at 12c
, , ;50o special at 37c
- 25c special at 15c
, The confidence of tho. community and the knowledge
that you can and always will get a $qu1are deal here, I con
sider my best business asset. YouVs for a Bigger, Better
I .-! " "' 1 " ' "I"' - I ..Mini., j I, -
mw wta mm www i ww wmi ' wMwwawWWiiiilMip,( imwmitmnnww in r- 11 n iw mnn n m uiu
A Portland Veddin(
ytyvnufib, July 0. On loct
Suturdayj evening at llio home of
.Mr miiii' iMrtj.. w, Wf gheH9inan
15. Tiylor street, Portland, oC
CMrScLa very prdtty ,but eimp.lo
woddina when tneir daughter
Ifejiicown Khltod in mifrrnigo to
rir,'Aflur K. Turner, 01 Spriiijj-
liold, Tho lecorritiuri(i of tho'houpo
wero lovoly, tho parlors being a
owbrif Or'-gim grajioand ?yingt',
wjitlo Ua tUntng roonl was decked
in a profusion of pink and white
roH'8. 1 Promptly, at' ii)he o'clock
Mies Lulu Martin iiejjan the strain
of tho Kuddjng,tnarch at which the
uruom, oeficei ueu thu ctatrway, ac
compiinjed bv tho ojljuiatitig niin
inpsr,' Rpv. E. S. AiuokjuyMf the
Vim OhrimianChurohof l'ortland.
Thoyi'wuro folloired nreaently by
tho l)r'idtt, on tho arm of her father;
whon all advanced to thoccntor of
tho room, whfre a very impreH6iv'e
ceremony wm performed in the
pretfehcuW nbut thirty- five frieiidM
and jolatlver. lminediutelv'afteK
light refreKhmqnls were Herved, the
brides mother buhiR acBisted by
Sirs. Kfileila Gebhart and Mihs
Minnie McMahon. lit tlie ticram
ble for the brides boquet, Miiis
Minnio McMoliort made tlio Im-ky
catch. Many beautiful and valuu
bie pu!!ent4 wre niade to tho new
umrrioif eouplo by thu attending'
gOfest?, th(b bwng Mr. and Mrp. A.
U. Kepner, fttr. anil Alrs.L. B. Row
land, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Iloland,
Mr. rtnd Mrs. 15, V Jjoore, Mr. uod
Mrs. R JBi K'nhler, Mr. and" Mr.;
11. Gord-.n-' Mr. 'ami Mra. V. G
Ohei-cmnn, 11 r Hetlio 'M, Tumor,
Mra. li. MulCinnoy. Mrs. liatella
(Jfliliari, the Misses Lulu Martin, Green,' Lift and Zelina Ed
wards, Minnie and Pearl MyMahun.
Mary Moore, Wondo aod Dora
1,rlb'-U) t''i'4???r,jf Xuirnynjljdrnttr,
Mt'rle.nnd Dale Chehsmrtn. .
The j'oncfg couploiull forKeasioo
to ?pend a f-w weeks and will then
make their liomu in Springthdd
where the grooiu is a practicing
. byKician. , , .
Jf The Salem Stntfcsman Itl oppoo
gblrig for their defeat' lit Spfihg
Hold one week aho I.iPt Siirld,ivhiHl
ampDen orroruania noes; the following to ay:
.Twirlinri for the Visitors
G) - Standing of tho Clubs
m Won. hott V. C
m Kuaane. ....... 3 0 1.000
gj SprijigCelct...., 1 2
()fY Wf
"Tlio baSO ball- gamo' played at
jflprfngfiehr Sundnv A lietwoorT' th
Onco nio'ro 'tho "Oolts' defeated
tho "Blue," thiktimeJn a sec r6 of
;i to 1, thus they retain their 1Q0U
percentage. The gamp was played
im the local grounds and our "boys
wore confident of winning but'luck
was against them aa usual. -This
time tho (Ujfeat Was not due to bad
decieiona of the umpire nor to the
fust company they were in, but- be
cause of too cohth' errors that werp
made. Wlth Uho exception of a
few efrOrs tho contVs.t was one ' of
tho prettiest exhibitions that has
been witnessed this season. The
yamu wae ,a pitchers battle from
6tart to iiriish, only Mireo hits being
maue ay eacn learn ounng me
game. Campbell, who pitched Jor
thn Maroons last reason hut win
jiaB recently been with Multnoinnh
at Portland, was in the Jsox for the
'Coft." Ho had a good assort
ment for the boyft and plenty of
wpeeil and succeeded in gutting cur
boys on nine strikeouts, whilo
iluri. who occupied .lie tnotintl fur
tlie "Blues," pitobwl the same good.
n teady game that is his cutom and
cot ten of tho visitors on three and
The next game to be pl.ayjed on
llio local diamond wi'l bu Sunday,
July 14, between UoPeburg and
tho 'Blues. The ecure of Sunday's
game i3 as follows: ' . ,
i Eugene
Ilobbs, 3b.......5t .a. .fee, .3X43.
Hiiwams, 3V.,-'.y3 'i. .
Saunders, ih ,,4 i t 8
loshbergcr, cf.13 r o o
Inovnn, If o vo o-
Whiteakcr, s$ . ,3 0,1
Harper, rf...... 3 o 6
Campbell, p... 4 o ,o- 2
IFnirniount niriy jtA alem an'd a
"cold deck." aggregrttiorf hullftur
I from Eugone. but wearing thejprctty
, blue 8Uil$ of Sid tnith1 Spn'rig-
fiojd ninif, rraultcd In a acorp of 0
to 0 In favor of Springfield."
Tho Statf'ffinan must nrtvi been
mtainformad orwould noLhavo mada
buoh a school t'oV cry' The truth
of the. matter was, tho Kajnnount's
wero eutirely out 0 thefr claFf.
When they yorno to SpringfiehL
they mustcrfmepfepalretl rto" mett
onb of tho bJesaggr?ga lions id tho
Stato and no "cold deok" propst
gition, but simply an holiest flea)
with fraces., Sjinngfield'alwaya
plays a pat hand and to beat such
a bunch as was sent out from tho
Capital City, iL is not necessary t.0
draw cards oV run In a "cold deck?',
A good town wilt always enpporta
cood ball team and it matters not
'from what part nf the globe, tho.
players, como from - Po tliey nrf
Bi'gned and are supported."'1 Sid
Smith's leam( belongs in Spring-
iji'eld and tiie sporting editor' of tho
Statesman should take their defeat
like a true sport. '
Smith, 2b .
Harms, cf. ...... 1
King, e;t ;3
Humphrey, lf, .3
iii.i mi iia -T 1 ...... Hunl, p
fviiiixitiu r 1...:.. e
Welch Buys Willamette
Valley Co. Frnnchiso
A deed was filed for record Wed'
naclfir tn ti'liW.K tlm Wi M.i r.i..f in
J H1..7VIH , ( 11 .'11.11 wfy it iiiiuitu,iu 1. y.
I Valley companv sells to A. Welch Ia.n 'P"""
! its electri- railroad franchise, thej , 4
Springfield electric railroad frnn.'S i
' rtlnuii oil v i K , UHn , t..i A.iitliinnlB '
iftr rights of way. ties, tools, inipk
jmenls and machinery for said
I ulfvtrio railroad, and in fiict all its
1 holdings in oiinfctiou
i cloctric railroad. Tho consideration
j in the deed is giyen at $19,(510.90.
This bit of news will bo-no great
surprise to the people in the Willn
! ru'etto Vallov and especially Spnng
1 fif Id, for it has been n question in
I ho mind of nearly every citlzon
I whether this company really, in
tends to build their lino from
! Eugepo up tho Moltinzio, Nothin g
I has been dolio to show that th'ey
I meant business and the citizen's
! hnvo long sinco lost all confidence
in, them. What ehVot this deal
.. .II ..... l !.... 1.... ..... I
I twu ii(iv u unit tvuuiY jui. (1 wy ;
! would 00 willing to wager n "littlo "
! that wo will not see eleotrio cars '
runnlna between Spripcfiold and
Eugene within tho next two years.
o ?
6 o
9 9
..33 3 ,-3 27 Iff 4
ab' R H
o '
o .
o "
o ,
o t
J. V
Has Hesincdy ( ,
. The N"ewa has been, informed that
Itev. Sale, tho pastor of the S'pring
fipjd Baptist chuich has resigned,
his resignation to takto effect about
October 1st. Jlr. Salo has 'been
verj successful in his work ln?rfi:'
and has made many friends, both
1 -.
ih and out of the ch'urch. He. h'i's
wtirkfedyti-itTi untirinn0 effort for tin
upoutldnig of the? churchy and,.
though' at times v as;nb doubt
fdttnd it "rather discouraging, hb 13-
ono.that never complains but goe
into his work with a determination
to accomplish his point and ;ha&
inado a clean record as a. sincero.jv
and honest worker for .his Master?
lrs." Salo h)i. als, occupiedru.
prominent place in dhurch work5
and inarlo a host of close 'friends
who will b6 sorrow to learn that
she must so soon depart from this
lieif.'iaml .Mrs: Sale, will letvo
liere'' for LoulsVilh. Ky., whero
they' expectMo enter- tlio Baptist
.1 i
uieoiogici seminary. , ,
Two Snaps
:5 ao'res of ''hoise sandy river
bottom ground about one1 fourth
mile frotk sti-el wagon bridge. $10U.
10 per iiore if taken at once. vAJso
a irrtod new 6-room cottage un n
Total...... .30 1 3.37
Runs and Hits by Innings .
Iiuireiic ' 1 o o 2 o o.q o ax
Hits , ,1 o 0 o o 1 o o i 3-j chorea 00 loot lot, one and a pair
Springfield ,.poooi 000 o r blocks from, thar posUoffice S50.00-,
. Hits'. ...,... .,o 0 0 o r o 1 01-3 if taken at once. See J. J. Bryan.,,
E. 1 . ... . ...,.-,,., ; n (iru,jll
Dedication L !
The now M. E. church which was
recently built ftt Marcola was dedi
cated last, Sunday, free from debt.
Presiding Eldr Wire con
ducted bot.h morning nnd' evening
Riit'vicus. Ho kaid that it was the
ilrijt time ill his life that ho Jiad h
evfer helped dedioato a now hduso
if Q6d that was on,tiroly freo from f;
debt and was vOry liberal in his
praise for those whhad taken such '.
an aotive part in tho building of
the new houso and especially Itov. !
ii, r. . .. II. Li .......
i. v l eruins., a;r. i-urmna woiu
to Mtucola less than a year ago i
.1 .1 1 1- i .LI. .1 I
wuuu uiuv ijiiu no rvxpeuiuoio pniuu
to worship. Fie saw thii need of a
Ohuich and set nbout to raise tho
money, in u short time he had
tho building nndqr copstruction.
Today it stands ,. completed, free
froin debt and . f ho pmlo of tho'
town, ilio ur-Uuy eervicys, ootn
nioriiiug and evening, woro largely
;S nr BiBII. K IBM BUfl i3 1 .
3i -'
On Vool-Suitings,
On AVool Waiting?
. On Dresa tilksx
On, Wash Dress Goods -On
Wash Waistings
On Ladios Skirts j f ' .
Oil Ladios Linqn Suils . v v
Qn Ladies Ginpham PoUicoats
Men's,' Women's, OhildnuVs while canvas hoes
-MenV," Woman's Children's tan shoos
Men's and children's straw and, crash ,hat3