The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 19??-1914, January 11, 1907, Image 2

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I. M. BtCBC.rubHhr
BMnm 'MHf
la a Cttuitustd Form for
lasy leaders,
Both Heutetef Conjtrwt
Hiuine Alter nenaayt.
WnshitiBton. Jnrt. 3.i-Defense of thn
dlsclmrgoof U.gwd'compinloaottho Llft'lllfe WaStll AStlH
Twenty-win uviantry, members of
which vcro guilty o( tho BrViwnavlllo
shooting, was tnndo in tho sennto today
by Culberson, ofiTesns, who thus pre
sented tho unusunl spectacle ofji Joulh
City if fanamai
A Resume ef the Lett Important but
Net Lett Interesting Eventt
of the Put Week.
Ilarrimnnl 8 seriously ill at his homo
In Now xork.
It scorns likely that Senator Bailey,
ot Toxas, will notb o ro-olcctcd.
Dr. uuiseppo rotacci has boon ap
pointed tho popo'a privato physician.
The pope may order tho French clergy
to abandon churches and seek redress
at election.
It looks as If Congressman Dixon, of
Montana, will bo chosen as Clark's sue
ocssor in tho senate
is ro-
Raisull, the Moroccan bandit
ported to havo been beaten in
and is now a fugctivo.
Tho cold snap throughout the North
west is causing suffering in those, com
munities which aio short of fuel.
A man refused a loan by a Philadel
phia bank blew up tho bank with .the
cashier and himself and wounded six
Tho Interstate Commcrco commis
sion is inquiring into tho cnuao of tho
recent railroad wreck in tho suburb of
"Washington, D. C.
Kino buildings were w locked and the
machinery in a mine at Lowell, Am
destroyed by an explosion of dynamite
in a powdor house. Several persons
were injured.
Japaneso laborers mobbed a white
man in California.
Railway employes threaten to tio up
all roads In tho United States, Canada
and Mexico.
Oklahoma towns aro suffering from
want of fuel. In soino places even the
price of corncobs is prohibitir.
Secretary Hitchcock has ordered all
fences on public domain torn down.
Prosecution will follow refusal.
William C. Sellick, a Providence, It.
I., clergyman, says tho biblo is not an
inspired writing and is full of errors.
Representative Jones will endeavor
to secure survey of a number of Wash
ington streams by government engi
neers. F. J. Ileney has tendered his resig
nation to thtj attorney general, lie
will devote liis entire timo to the cases
, em Democratic senator as clMthptontot
a Republican president. Fomker bo-
gan n reply, but was not able to toilsM vmmI Sailed From 8?
icon nccounoi n soro throat and
December at for Ancoiin
Isthmus of I'nnamM
"7 byfRS
ncruie In Butinett May Necaitltata
itslBlon.MM. 8. A proposition
jcrTuso iKwRi clerks' salaries, ntul
iroiKvjeil nlmitdotitncitt of tho
stamp" on loUcnTaro discussed
t Assistant Postmaster Oencml
Hitchcock In his annual 'report Just
tuntlo public, nirts of tlio.TC'jKirt given
out in ndvnnoo twvo
bundled by tho AmocIii
report shows tnu
flsml year Ofi.OOO
..- .1 i
Trains Collide In Kansas and 33
Are Killed,
cured nn adjournment until Monday of
tho debate on his resolution instructing
tho military committeo to inquire into
wo u.w.uw.n. ureir. ijugu uucreu Fmnci8c0 Q41 JftnuL'
an nmondmont limiting tho i inquiry -to dispatch to tho Gill from JB
incftliv miration as to thn nr.v.idnni'a WJ?" that 0. mcssago
authority to dischargo them. ("ifiht from Wnddoll Ileal
Culberson said great injustice had 40jnlles north ofJHereJsuyliat tho
been dono tho people of Urowiuvnio. 'lMeltMafjfinaHOity otnimnw
Tho conduct of tho necro bo dlers had i . ffigf . . I . ..
io ;..:..!.... ii i...i w wrecKcu niui unit nioi
on August 4, tho day before tho "shoot- 110 l1"8 ward nro
mg up" ot tho town, n crimiunl assault navo erisue(i. xuo messa
had been committed bv
- , ' i - ' 1 VI IAV
soldiers on Uio wifo or n rcputablo cit- tlshoro tMy provisioned.
oeniployos, n
mnu iiml'iMliiit i
oThPeTdf nil eln
bo led to
The president has offered Philip B.
Stewart, of Colorado Springs, Uio po
sition of commissioner of tho general
land office, to bo vacated March 4 by
Commissioner Richards.
Recent heavy rains have caused
enormous avalanches of mud to start
from the top of Mount Vesuvius. Many
this crimo. Culberson defended Cap
tain McDonald, of tho Texas Rangers,
to whom Foraker lwd referred, because
of Major Blockson's reference to him
na a man who was "so bravo that ho
would not hesitato to charge hell with
a bucket of water."
Senator Kelson introduced a bill 4o
prohibit tho salo of land on which nro
situated beds of coal, lignite, nsphalt,
petroleum and natural gas in tho gov
ernment domain until such deposits
navo been exhausted rrovision is
made for leasing for terms not exceed
ing ono j-far for Uio purnoso of having
them explored. Persons making ex
plorations and discoveries aro to bo
given the preference in tho right to
leaso and work tho deposits.
Senator Piles today introduced a bill
authorizing the appointment of nn ud
ditionnl judgo for tho Ninth judicial
district, another authorizing tho ap
pointment of an additional customs ap
praiser for Pugot sound and a third ex
tending tho privileges of immediate
transportation on dutiable goods at
Port Townsend. lie also offered an
amendment to tho pending child labor
Tho senate then went into executive
session and at 2:55 p. m. adjourned un
til Monday.
Washington, Jan. 3. Representative
Morrell, of Pennsylvania, introduced n
resolution today for an investigation by
congress of recent railroad' wrecks.
Tho resolution states that Uio wrecks
are supposed to bo due to overwork of
employes,' and authorizes the speaker to
name a committee of five congressmen
who shall bavo full power to subpoena
witnesses and require corporations to
furnish records and all information
Tho City of Panama left SI Fran
cisco on December 31 for Ailn, on
tho isthmus of Panama.
Two of Uio lifo mfta were
Waddell bench and two n fo
farther south. All were
Friday, January 4.
Washington, Jan. 4. Tho "omnibus
claims bill," carrying an appropriation
for claims under tho Bowman end
Tucker acts, was befirj tho houso today
and was discussed foi five hours.
Speaker Cannon announced tho ap
pointment of Representati-o Engel-
marked "City of Panama."
tnlned stores such as nro th
boats which put off from
ships. One of Uio rafts con
box of crackers and a cask of w
tho boats were also found
boathooks. Two of tho raf
lashed togethor with ropes
Terrific storms havo been ragig and
it is uccmcu impossiulo that nii
which may bo afloat can surl o tho
storm. Tho impression prevail that
every ono.or tho 00 passengers
members of the crow who
Francisco has perished. .
It is believed that tho City
ma encountered a sovero storm
after leaving San Francisco
she put out to sea. Returning
to snore to continuo hor trin
south, alio met with nnotherltorm,
which rendered horholnless. Whether
she was torn to nieces bv tho cile or
driven on tho rockB Ib not known.
Below Uaddoll bench wrecktco is
drifting ashore in vast quantities.
Ranchers are patrolling tho fsliffo.
wntching for bodies which mayf-drift
upon tbo bench.
San Francisco local mnrinors Irefoeo
to bclievo that the City of Panama has
been wrecked. They boliovo shot Is in
distress in tho storm and tliat her life
boats wore washed overboard.
Kind at
y con-
t into
noil a
r. In
its and
lid 50
t San
aJl that
farms are being laid waste and tho loss : br8tf ot California, for a place on tho
of life may bo heavy. Six bodies havo i committee on minus and mining, vico
already been found.
Congress will authorize a new Burvey
of Tillamook bay.
Domestic Fruits Apples, "common to
choice, 6075c per box; 'choice to
fancy, $I2.50; pears, $11.50; cran
berries, $11.5012 per barrel; per
simmons, $1.50 per box.
Vegetables Turnips, 90c$l per
sack; carrots, 80c$l per sack; beets,
$1.251.50 per sack; horseradish, 0
10c per pound; sweet potatoes, 2$
2 c per pound; cabbage, lj2c per,
pound; cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen;
celery, $3.754.25 per crate; lettuce,
head, 30c per dozen; onions, 1012c
per dozen; boll peppers, 8c; pump
kins, 2c per pound; squash, 2o per
Onions 75c$l per hundred.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, fancy,
$11.30; common, 7585c.
Wheat Club, 65GCc; bluestem,
68c; valley, 60c; red, 03c.
Oats No. 1 white, $2520; gray,
Barley Feed, $21.6022 per ton;
brewing, $22.50; rolled, $2324.
Rye $1.401.45 per cwt.
Corn Whole, $26; cracked, $27 per
ton. I
Hay Timothy, No. 1, $1314per'
ton; Eastern Oregon timoUiy, $1410;
clover, $88.50; cheat, $7.508.60;
grain hay, $7.508.50; alfalfa, $11.50;
vetch hay, $88.50.
Butter Fancy creamery, 32U35c.
Butter Fat First grade cream, 33c
per pound; second grade cream, 2o less
per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 3032o per
Poultry Average old hens, 1314o
per pound; mixed chickens, 1213c;
spring, 1416c; old roosters, fl10c;
dressed chickens, 14 15c; turkoys,
live, 1718cj turkeys, dressed, choice,
2022c; geese, livo, 1213c; ducks,
Veal Dressed, 69c per pound.
Beef Dressed bulls, 1 2o per
pound; cows, 45o; country steers,
Mutton Dressed, fancy, 80o per
pound; ordinary, 07c.
Pork Dressed, C8o per pound.
Hops ll14c per pound, according
to quality.
. Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
1318c per pound, according to shrink
age; valley, 2023c, according to fine
bM mohair, choice, 2628o.
J. N. Williamson, of Oregon, removed
The speaker based this action on the
ground that Mr. Williamson had failed
thus far to attend a Binglo session of
the 59th congress. Ho has been con
victed of participation in land frauds
in Oregon.
Japanese Reds Cannot Long Maintain
Anarchist Paper.
San Francisco, Jan. 4. Tho caso of
T. Takeuchi, of Berkeley, publisher of
tho Revolution, will bo reported to the
government at Tokio by Japanese Con
sul General Uyeno.
"Wo will mako a report of tho Ta
keuchi incident to Tokio," Baid Secre
tary Oyama, of the Japanese consulate
yesterday. "Wo can take no action in
the matter here. It is in tho hands of
tho local authorities, but wo will report
the matter to our government and send
a Copy of tho Revolution to Tokio. I(
think there will be no second issue of
t o publication. It is a publication
that must cost some money to get out,
and tho half dozen or so young men
who are associated with Takeuchi in
the publication cannot bo very flush of
United States Commissioner of Im
migration Hart II. North has been
quietly gathering evidence against
Takeuchi. Ho will forward tho re
sults of his investigations to Washing
ton: If arrests are to bo mado ordors
will bo sent to North.
Government Will Appeal. 1
Washington, Jan. 5. Tho recent de
cisions by Judgo Evans in tho Federal
court nt Louisville nnd by Judge Sic
Call in tho Federal court at Memphis,
declaring unconstitutional tho employ
era' liability act passed at tho ltt-t res
sion of congress, were brought to Presi
dent Roosevelt's attention today, and
tho announcement was mado nt tho
Whito House that tho president will
direct that an appeal bo taken. The
president is greatly interested in this
act and earnestly recommended to con
gress that it be passed.
Many Victims Aro Durned to Allies
Most of tho Deid Wero Mex
ican Liboren.
july been
vsrt. Uio
oso of tho
were In
otn! tuimbot
(Mist masters
wna nearly
icrsoimel of ikwI-
litsscs nggrogiiteil 205,288.
Wl... . I.. 1.. ....Inilln.i,tli It. 41m
.iti.nn rmi. -..,J ToPOkn. Jtll. 3. tOtlf WllllO lIU'll
porter and nlmut 30 Moxl
ont tlsml year thus far Indicate that tho lhorow ott tholr llvw, ami 05
XXufiA & JVoWo railul aillld, h,ul;on four
nl appropriations required of congress ' wl kml' knii., at 0:10
rAUlll I suHielent XnMng
lliOHorueo. .... I ..i i.... .... ni.i,, i i.m h.,
ml... .1 jinttil.llul.iMl iiTlllllU l'bl.ll WIIIVIIK' (MIM 4.1 linwi
uniform rent for xwtolllio Uues, ollin
lnating entirely tho dissimilarity of
charges heretofore prevailing. Tho
nito is nuulo according to u carefully
graduated scale, and ruim from 10
.1.. .i..lnM ttt uiittill fnnrrli otrtwa
.ii.i'i I., i n... v,, Vnrt- tlio furwiml ir of train iNo. 21), west
rtv niil.M. Mr. ilitdiraek n.ixirts Unit wuinl, nnd burning a
n. nf HivHiinllv iHiuinned autoniobllrs P""?''
,.w - -- - . ,
in tho collection service nas proven so
Tliev met on n nharn curvo with fearful
iniict. Adding to tho horror of tho
coIIIhIou, tiro from tho lump In tho
enrs and from tho locomotive wns com-
niunicntod to tho splintered wreckngo
irii, and Kpmid rapidly, consuiniiig llvo of
Hiiciessful in Bnltlmoro that the do
IKirtment is now planning torn similar
collection service in soveral other cit
ies. "It Is bolloved Hint in largo cities
automobiles can advantageously lx)
substitutitl to a considerable extent
for the liorso carls now employed so
generally in collecting malls. By the
uso of "automobiles u much speedier
collection service om bo organized
without added exjenso. Unquestion
ably tho motor vehicles can Iw mmlo an
iniportant factor in tho postal service
as it already is in other business en
Thousands of Foreigners Driven to
Our Shores by Unrest.
Washington, Jim. 8. Tho fiscal year
numlicr of tho
All but three of thoso who
jierishwl nro thought to have been Mox-
lorn laborers, who were on thole way
from Columbus Junction, O., to Alex loo.
Tho olIlcialH of tho company place tho I
blnnio on John Lynes, tho lU-ycnr olil
telegraph ojwnitor at Volliunl, who fail
ed to stop train No. 29 at his station
after rceolvlng'orderH to hold it thero
until No. 30 had pnMcd.
By tho light of tho flaming wreckage,
passengers who wero uninjured worked
heroically to ivo those who wero pin
nod taut beneath tho inns of splintered
timlmrs and twisted iron.
SliortsRo Oonventlon 8ayt
Hnt Not PwlDiltd Duly.
Clilmgo, Jan. 7. According to n
stnleiueiit mado today at tlio Nnlloiml
Reciprocal Uomumigo eonvonlloii by
Victor II. Heekiimn, smetary of tho
Paelllo Cst I.UiiilH.'rinen'H nnsoolntloil,
tho lumbermen of tho Northwest pro
ikiko to apply for receivers for tlio
Northern l'uolllo nnd (Went Nor I horn
railways, on the griniml llu.t they huvd
falleil to perform their duly nn puhllu
curriers, and will (lion bring dniiiiigo
suits by whtilesale, which may exceed
$10,000 In tho (igKri'KOlo. Tho ninven
tlon al-o itptMilnjed n coiuinltteo (o cull
on Presldenl K(KWovelt nnd request him
to send n special uutisago to iMiigress
urging tho passage of a rculprocnl do
mnrmgo law. '
It was charged by Mr. Becknmn that
tho Nprlhorn IMelllo and (Ireat North
cm had been guilty of "disciplining"
shlp)MrH who wero active In tho agita
tion for reciprocal domtirnigi'. ntul lluil
In three eases theso roads hmt vohuc
leered to show tho shlpxrH "what a
mil car shortage meant." with tho re
sult that tho men thiii "shown" had
been forced to go absolutely without
"Our presentcnrshortiigo," continued
Mr. llecktiuiu, "has Innttsl thirteen
months, and some of nur people nro gty
Ing out of biwlnoe nut volunturlty,
but by aid of the sheriff. Wo ask font
receiver for tiioro romU on tho grouinl
that they have not fulfilled their duties
as public curriers."
Mr. Beckmaii will show President
Roosevelt 1,000 photographs which ho
lms taken all over tho Pacific North
west llhistmtlvo of tho car hhortngo.
lie will show lumber piles in tho statu
o' Wiwhlngton ggnKtliig 800,000,000
feet, awaiting transportation; photo
graphs of 110 sawmills and slilnglo
mills, which ho declare cloned down
mid are facing bankruptcy becauso of
limblllty to secure cars.
All Black Regiments Will Soon Do on
Duty In Philippines.
Wiifhingtoii, Jan. 7. Tho Ninth ntul
Tenth cavalry and tho Twciity-ilfth In
fantry, including all tho negro soldiers
In tho regular army in thii country.
Burton Agrees That Jotty Work Shall
Not Bo Interrupted.
Washington, Jan. 3. After a confer
ence today with Chairman lliirtdn. of
tho river and hnrlior committee, Senat- havo been ordered to prepare forsorvlco
or Fulton expresced the opinion that .l" the l'hlplppliies, and will fall at-
Oregon will bo generously (Unit with in different times between March 0 and
ino only otlicr
nni n .liini. HO. 1 lion. nrfvliiriMl ii n
cord eclipsing all former tlgures on tho tho river and linrlxir bill now in process J'o 0 of this year.
subject of immigration, according to
the annual report ot Fnmk Sargent,
commissioner general of Immigration.
During that period, tho report says,
tho population of tlio United States
was increased by the admission of 1,
100,735 immigrant aliens and 05,018
non-immigrant aliens entered at its
ports, making tho total iidmiFsions 1,
100,353. Tho increuso over last year's
recoid of 1,059,755 was 100,598.
During tbo fiscal year 1005 the de
wirlment rejected 11,480 aliens, and
of formulation. Ho is rtitisfied that regiinont composed or negrK'H
tho bill will provide for Uio completion Twenty.fourth infantry Is now
of tho south ji-tty at tho mouth of tho
Columbia river, for which engineers
recommend nn appropriation of 12,450,
000. Ono million dollars w ill bo ap
propriated in ciihIi and a continuing
contract will ho nuthorized for tho Nil
ance, so that tho work inav lie nresfed
to wirly completion mid without unnoo- and Eighth
esmry delay. 1 1 hirteenth,
service in tho Philippine, Other
troop ordered to the i'hillpplne nm
tho Sixth nivnlry ami tho Elglitvnth,
Twentyslxth, Tnenty-nliith and Thlr
t let It itifuiitry. Tho troops which will
lw relievtHl by the sending of these now
regiments will lx tint Fourth, HoveiitK
cavalry, ami tho Ninth,
Fifteenth, Sixteenth anil
durinc tho oust year 12.432 of tho 1m- canal, though It will probably appro-
migrant aliens that is, those who in- priuto less than tho f750.0()0 asked for
tended settling in tlio United States. I by tho engineers. If this Item should
formerly obtained tlio greater part of
our foreign txipuiation, ami which nro
inluibited by races nearly akin to our
own, have supplied us with smaller
numbers during tho past year than dur
ing 1905 Ireland, 17,950; England,
16,218; Sweden, 3,281 ; Gormany, 3,
010; Denmark, 1,229, and Scotland,
1,111 lcs. On tho other hand, tho
four most considerable gains ure:
it.. i,. rir.1i. ltnuuin .m ma-
California Legislature. Will go to Work ' f ' ' nllli Tlirklv. B' lflB '
At Onco on tho Matter. Tj10 iimigration from Austrlu-Hun-
San Francisco. Jan. 5. Immediately gary nmountcd to 205.128; Italy, in-
after tlio legislature convenes next eluding Sicily and Sardinia, 273,120;
Monday the first step will be taken to Russia and Finland, 215,005; China,
remodel the insurance laws of Califor- 1,644; Jajuiu, 13,835, and tho West
nia. Indies, 13 050.
Ono feature of tho now insurance Tho commissioner again recommends
laws will bo a provision compelling penalties on steamship companies for
foreign insurance companies to main- bringing aliens utllicted with dimger-
tain very substantial deposits in Cali- ous or Ioathsomo diseases. The presi-
fornia banks as a guarantee of their dent's suggestion for closing tho Mexi-
good faith in dealing with policy hold- can border to all aliens except citizens
ers. The attempt to pass such a law of Mexico is also urged. During tho
will meet wiui strong opposition and a early purl of tlio year, tlio rojiort says
small army of insurance lobbyists is tho "white slave ' tramc was
Without excention." tho report con- bo cut materially. Senator Fulton will
tinues, "tho countries from which wo co-opoiiito with Senator Piles, of Wash
Tho house committee is apparently . Nineteenth Infantry.
inclined to deal fairly with tho Collin " was stated by Major (lenernl Ikdl.
en lei oi Mall, Mint tlio negro .regiments
nro being out to tho Philippines he
cuuso it is their turn to go and not Ihj-
ington, and there is a very fair prosjioct
that the amount recommended can lie
secured by a senuto amendment.
cause of nny desire to get them out of
tlio United Stntcs at this time.
Parts of Men, Wo.ncn and Children
in Ono Mibs.
Washington, Jan. 3. Innn endeavor
to identify tlio mangled 1km!ch of tho
victims of tho Terra Cottn wreck of
Sunday night, a grewsomo discovery
was mado at tho morgue Unlay. What
wus supposed to lw Uio mangled body of
a man attired in u suit of "peppor ami
salt, proved to lie the romulns of sever
al of the unfortunates who died in tho
Sunday wreck.
Tlio morgue master had ull thn pile
of htimnn llcsh und articles which had
been gathered at tho wreck removed to
tho "dead room" today In an offort to
establish Identity. When ho delved
into it, he found a pieco of a lmby's
skull, a mnn'H foot badly crushed and
cxten- encu','' in a shoo, tho hand of a woman
Testify They Filed on Land Because
Thy Dot N onay For It.
Omaha, Jan. 7. Tho mot Important,
evidence brought out nt tho land trial
today was that of Harry A. Cloud, a full
blood Ogaliilla Indian, a gnuluiito of
Carlisle Indian school nnd u grand
nephew of the famous Hloux chief, Red
Cloud, Ills evidence was to the offect
that ho hml been solicited to mako it
tiling by W. C. Sinuot, and that ho
made tho filing for tho Mtxllsettes at,
Riishvlllo, in eoiiHideratifi of 25.
The other six witnesses tKloy wero
Indians. Their testimony was of u,
similar diameter, and in effect that tho
only reason they made tlio filings- was
in consideration of (lie $25 which was
promised and paid them and which
they understood was given them from
tho Modisettes.
expected in Sucmmento
An effort will also bo mado to re
quire all insuranco companies doing
business in California to make full
statements as to tho securities they
hold and to require Uiat thoy purchase ,
first-class securities.
sively revived. Many of tho girls and
women imported for immoral purposes
wero brought through Mexico and se
cured a right to citizenship by marry
ing Chinese born in this country.
United States it Third.
Washington, Jan. 8. A statement
issued today by tho bureau of statistics
of tho department of Coiiimorco and
Labor announces that tlio country
eight years ago
Frozen to Death on Road.
Ogden, Utnh.'Jun. 4. Tho body
ininenn Uiggio, of this ijity, who was
evidently frozen to death,, was found
near tho trucks of tho Southern Pacific
early this morning by a section man be
tween Tonno and Cobre, near tho Nova-da-TJtuh
lino. Caggio was employed at
a pumping station west of Toano and
liad Btarlou to walk to Cobro. Beforo
ho could reach his destination bo was
ovoicomo by tho extremo cold weather
which prevailed in that section.
Miners Strike for Eight-hour Day.
Gmss Vnlloy, Cnl., Jan. 4. Six
hundred npd fifty miners went on
strlko yesterday. Every nnion miner,
wiUi tho exception of 50, who are em
ployod in four of tlio smaller mines,
has gonp out. They demand nn eight
hour day. A peaceful sottlemont is
Nebraska War on Lobbyists.
Lincoln, Nob., Jan. 6. Georgo
Sheldon, in his inaugural address as
govenorr urged that the lobby bo ban
ished from tho state house, and insist
1 ed that tho legislature enact a law mak
ing it illegal to givo or accept railroad
passes in this stato. In tho houso of
representatives Representative Whito
liam offered a resolution which pro
vides that "if any lobbyist shows on
tho floor of tho house whilo this body
is in session tho sorgeant-at-nrma is in
structed to eject him, forcibly if neces
sary." Tho resolution was adopted.
Booming Seatlln Fair
Now York, Jan. 5. Governor Hog-
gatt, of Alaska, torritory; Watson O.
Squire, ox-United States senat ir from
Washington: Ira A. Nadeau, executive Guifesior, who has proclaimed himself
officer of tho Seattlo chamber of com- president. At Sun Marcos und Colon,
morco; Harry Whito, ox-mayor of in tho dopartinont of Usnltun, a group
Seattlo, and now of Los Angoles; Prof, of men of n mutinous clmracUr en
Edmond 8. Meany, University of gaged tho govornmont forces, who do
Washington, nnd Arthur B. Carlo, of feated them, killing ono, wounding
Baettlo, aro hero in tho interest of the threo and capturing 1 1.
Alaska-Yukon-Paciflo exposition to bo
and a portion of a human face, also
fingeis, toos and other part of women's
and children's bodies and those, of men,
all ground into tho black coal dust nml
with pieces of garments mixed into tho
Utah Officials Pay Faro
Salt Lnko City, Jan. 3. A party of
Utali state oflicials who arrived today
from Los Angoles on a delayed train
ovor tho Salt Lake routn hint mi imiiuitfit
rariKS mini in tlio viuuo ot maniiiac- oxporienco January 1, when tho antl-
tures entering tlio world's International pass law went into offect, and tlio train
commerce, tlio amount of its exports conductors refused to honor tlio coinpli-
for the past year having aggregated mentnry transportation on which they
more than $700,000,000. Tlio exports began their journey from Los Angoles.
havo never ovon approximated these All wore compelled to go down into
figures boforo und tho vnhto of Amer- tlioir pockets and dig up full regular
lean trado in tlio forojgn market-, tlio faro for tho dlstanco trnvoled after tho
report adds, is twice as great now us oxpiration of tho old year. Tho govern-
Will Hunt Revolutionists.
Panama, Jan, 8, Tlio government
of San Salvador bus informed tlio Hon
duras government that It is mobilizing
It army to destroy tlio groups of revo
lutionists headed by General Dlouisic
hold in Seattlo In 1900.
Allow No Laws Against Japanese.
Honolulu, Jan, 6. It Is boliovod
hero that tjio Federal government is
preparing to tako stops to prevent tho
passago by tho terrritorlal legislature
of any measures to discriminate
against tho Japanese.
I ' Give Tahiti to Great Brlmln
Molbourno, Jan, 8. According tp,
tho Ago, missionaries in thn 1'ncifio
islands declare that Franco bus ceded
Tahiti to Great Britain in consideration
of territorial concessions in Burma or
further India (Indo-Chlna). Premier
Deakiu tayn ho is without, information
on tho subject.
or was in tlio party.
Administration Not Hostile
Washington, Jan. 3. As ho loft tho
Whito Houso today, Senator Fulton was
questioned about tlio Jiipaiioso question
and said: "An issuo could bo mado of
tun question, but it will probably not
bo done, Peoplo out on tho coast nro
beginning to understand tho attitudo of
tho administration bettor. Thoy do not
now fear that tlio administration will
id. i.vtl-.. iio-in to tlioir feolinps
and rccognizo that certain stops must
bo tkuon in diplomacy,"
Grazing on Oregon Rssnrvot
Washington, Jan. 3. During tho
soason of 1007 thn I'orest servico will
pormit tho grazing nf 220,000 sheep orul
10,250 horses and cattle in tho Eastern
division of tho Bluo mountain forest ro
sorvo, and 240.000 sheep nml 28.000
nnrsos ami catuo in tlio Western
Dakota Town Ctlot for Coal.
Washington, Jan. 7. A toleurain re
ceived at tlio Interstate Cominorco com
mission today from Granville, N. 1).,
Indicates that tlio fuel conditions thero
nro serious becauso of lack of cars. Tho
commission has communicated with
President Hill of the Greut Northern,
asking If relief could not bo afforded.
It is wild at tlio comiiihsion tlmt
slnro tho action takon several weeks
ago asking tlio railroads to afford all
posnihln aid to tho communities need
ing fuel, conditions havo materially
improved and further relief Is expected.
Hearings In Chicago Nnxt.'
Washington, Jun. 7. All tho member-'
of tlio Interstate Commerce com
mission with the exception of Mr.
Cockrell will asHcmblo in Chicago this)
week, where soveral important ques
tions nro assigned for hearing. Tobiy
tlio commission will hear a complaint,
involving tho question of f 2 terminal
charges at tho Hloek yards. On Tues
day tho commission will continuo tho
Invest igation into tlio coalition of tho
Ihirrlmiin railroads.
City of Panama Saf'o
Moxlco City, Jan. 7. According to a
tolegram from Mnzatliin, sent to tlio
Associated Press, tho. steamer City of
Panama, bound from San Francisco to
Panama arrived nt that port at 0 p. m.
last night. Sho oxporienced a rough
trip but sustalnod only slight damago.
All on board woro safo. '
Japanese Hqusdron Delayed
Tokio. Jon. 7 It is reported tluib
Uio departure of tho training squadron
of crulsors for Honolulu and tho Pa.
dl- clflo coaHt will today bo olllolally post
poned for a wook or ton days.