r i ' t T A ' k. ..J... V.. '.US -..i-.m ublHiHK.JLi -t'Tt, . i THE .-IPRi&HPUVf : pg fi- m "t: jt m r . , i'L: .1 , Hi . . 1FT wk -4 I' MMMMMnMHHHlHMMj WILL BUHJoliafBSpkl OjKUtSmzT &yBftB"B! "j" ' "1 January Bargains ' tfel f DAYS AT COST l numm.. I r- h j firri u Specials Hoavy floocod undorwoar for ladios. Vosls 25 els Hoavy FJoocod Union suits. -,50 cts. Missos and Ohildronn suits. 50 eta. Hoavy Fleeced Hoso per pair 25 cts. Hoavy TVool Hoso per pqfir 25 cts. Alt wool waistingl per yard 25 cis 50 in. all wool dres3 goods $1.50 per yd. for $1 O.j- ct. outing flannel por yd. for -.5 cts. Q ct. calico por ynra for , 5 cts, Childrons coats $1.50 to $5.00. v Mons suits $0.00 to 2000.. Largo assortment mon'rf overcoats. Ask to see our new lino hats. Our shoo dopt.. is vory strong. Hamilton Bros; 3. M. RUSSELL, Manager Dr. J. 13. Loiborg, who recently bought n tract' of 1,200 acres nbdtit threb miles abovo Lcaburg, on the opposite eido of tho rlvor, is having preliminary iplans drawn for houso that eclipses anything of the kind ever scon in thip seotlon. The house is to ho of the type known among architects as the mlesim brngalow. ,It wil be of a single story, but surrounded by spacious verandas. The house, proper, will he 123x01 feet on tho ground. There will bo a large Jball 12 feet wido and 73 feel long running through tho contral part of house. Thero will bo soverul large tiro placed, but those will bo more for ornamont thari for actual heating,as tho owner has;, taken out, a privato water right ifhd will p.ut in a pri vate plant and will heat and light tho hcuso by oleotricity, developed by tho power gonorated. There will bo a privato system of ukon-1 tsd December visional commie Governor Cham A . ... . j'lho nretMte at the Alrfska position was se by the Oregon eion appointed beralin for tbaBurpose, The ground jnsen is one of the most bcaUtiftmnd advantageous plots on the edition grounds. It is two acre J extent and com mands an ajbetructed view of Lako Washinwn on which the grounds bdrdej Standing at the intersection olYukon avenue and another bntalewd running at right ancles with I tho building will face the .Forfry building and a circle thaltwilfeurround one of thr principal battstands. A pennant bearing .the tfrd "Orcgonj" which was planted by President Wen- rung of the emmission, now'wavee proudly overjthe .site, which will' practically bebng to Oregon until It water works to supply, tho houso, after the worn's fair closes. stables and outbuildings and also for fire protection. Tho house will bo handsomely finished in natural wood. Largd plato clans windows i was clufl to rtcoi Do You Need Plumbing, Wo aro' in tho plumbing and tinning business and hato a' well equipped tupply and repair ohop. Our buslncstJ Is inoronMng daily which is dao to tho quality of tark that wo are tiirnlng out. Wo guar antee all our Work to gfvo perfect BatlBfactlon and you will" fine? our prices reasonable. If you desire first-class work" call on us. Oflioo on Main street betweon Fifth and' Bjxtb , H. h; HALL. No Diphtheria. Tho report that thero nro eovorrtl cases of diphtheria in Springfield tt iargoly exaggerated and according to tho reporta"from ouf local phy slcians is entirely faloo, As ru ported thero aro at least thrco cases but froJi a porsonal Interview with bur doctors we learn that there is not a single case. Thero iB.ro nick rises among mcmbefa of thoHebef t family as hap b'ee'n ropored by a number of odr gossipera and there i8 a quMtlonv'if tho littlo ijoy whi died lasttfe'ejc was afflicted wi(h 'diphtheria. 'Thore is no.ciise fpr alarm say 6hf phyeiolanB.' as thofo la not & sinlo case in town, nor h,as been thtd Winter. AiadlUIiU. Last Sunday, noarly tlii wholo loronoon, p. crowd of boy pranging in ago front eight to fifteen years "wero playing marbles, ('( on tho graveled bed of tho railroad noar the Main street orosain 'and ono passing coiiid not help but notico .the languago that wns u'sed by thoso littlo boys. Tho hablfi of in dulging iu I'tho uso of prbfane or pressions, No youth over raised himself iu tho estimation df saint or sinner bv tho uso 'pf foul laiiguagei Purity of thought and Bpcech afo valuable virtues. The habit wilKgrow upon ydu until you cannot overthrow it. 'Try and ho a gcntloman in actions, in speech and in thought while at your play and when tyou Imvo grtiwn to man hood you Will bo an examplo for other boys to follow. ed by the commiB- sion to rccosmena to mc lorm coruiii? seesioilof the legislature an annrunriationlof at least $150,000 .... " -: . . j . . . will give sunhght to tho imnicnso for Oregon's participation, ritty rooms, some of which are 25 feet square. Altogether it is an in novation for this part of the coun- try and means that a capitalist j will locate there who can pull a string pretty hard for a railroad up that beautiful valley. Dr. Leiberg will put in a, private ferry across tho rivom:iUwiirhsye1'otbH' con- voniencra some of tho ranchers up 1 that way do not now enjoy. Ho Is Ja retired ohyficinn und is very much inteipstfd in tho develop ment of our lumber interests. For bomo time h has been occupying the residence of Dr. J. B. Willough by, but is out of town for a few daye. Register. ' I obscono latigfrago is ono of the most nonsensical habits a humai being ever acquired Had the mothers of those bbyq, hoard tho vile and indecent ullortijnces that camo from .their sons lip thoro would havo 'been much shedding of tears. . jttyys you Bhoiullflaviifyour tnotherSlba agony of HsWnlng to buoli 'ox- Our ' Match Factory. Tho Springfield match factory is now running tull time and is find ing great demand for their product. Tho n.utcl? has been christened tho "Vesuvius" and on each package Tb printed "Vesuvius," a , Matchless Match, made by tho Springfield Match Co. , ' This littlo industry; hough yet in Its infancy, means' moro for Springflold perhaps, than any of us reallzo. Mr. Duffy; w'ho is man agor and part owner in tho fuctoryi has proven' his ability aa a mechanic in his ll.ho and is pulling out a quality 'of goods that will bo iri great demand, as there' aro none superior Tho match iS even, well cut, uniform in site and leuro firo. It is in fact a product that will soil on eight. Sovoral shipments have been made and Id&t Saturday Mr. Bottelheltn, the sales agent, received an ordof.for fifty cKbpb. Lan County levy 14 ftills. ThoJano courity tax lovVfor tho year 1007 has been fixed by tho county ommieslbriers at li mills, divided' into different funds as fol- jlowsi School, 3.4 mills; 6tate, 8.1 mills) road, 1 mill) county, goherul, 6.44 rtllls; libratf , .03 of mill. Tho .14 mill tax will raisb the Bum or qio,uoo. un an ass1 valuation of $10,107,000 tho frihds bolncc divided a's ..follows: School $52,689'l3p; statO48,04,0.70; rad $16,407" cotintyi genoralOOlBOOSt library) $029.82. , ' Base Ball at Coburg. Tho thriving little saw mill towi. of Coburg aro organizing abuse ball team and will try, duringhe com inu suason, to win the statu cham pionship. Whether bueccssfal or not the Springfield fans are count ing on witnessing sdiiic fast ball between our sister townand promise to do Homo loud rooting for tho Coburg aggregation. It is reported that ovt-r $400 has ' bt;en raised amongtthe citizens towards build ing grounds and maintaining the team. It iu hoped that the players will appreciate what their town does for them und that tho season will close as it starts, "yith a good feulin'toward all. Wo sympathise with the manager for' wo know from experience the trials that ho will havo to endure. Wo wish our neighbors success and hope they Will win every gume. . V f4 f Will Suo for Damages. A News reporter waB reliably in formed tills week by one of the west side oitizens, that suit Would bo staVtcd against tho Southern thousand dollirs of the appropria tion will be"ied fur the erection of a harid8oaie:puilding. The com mieslon will recommend thai a col lective and competitive exhibit be made. This! means that all of Oregon's exhibits at tho exposition will be displayed in her building a,tid,that eW Will take advantage' of tlieexhiwtxulo that will permit such collective displays to be en tercd for awards. Tnis plan, wrucb was first carried out at tho Lg.wis and Clark exposition, makes it pos Bible for the. visitor to view a.11 o the exhibits from his home state without visiting eight or ten large buildings. ? It was suggested by the commis sion that the Washington tstfite building, which is now aBsigned.'ft site near the main entrance, be placed on a sightly plot to trie right of th Oregon building. A's California is located on the left of the Orecon. buildine, this would mako the structures of Washington Oregon and California near each other and in tho ordcr'in which the states are on tho map? This mat ter will be taken Up with the Washington cpho mission when it is appointed, as it will have tho ques tion to decide;; It is thought by the Oregon commission that hav ing tho three buildings of the Pacific coast states clti&e together will ex cite more friendly rivalry and thus make1 the respective exhibits much hotter. V-'1 Tho members of tho commission stato that Oregon -will make larcer and better exhibit at the Alaska-Yukoh'Paciffo exposition thau it has evfef dorip kt any pre vidUs world'fl.fair President Web rung a66art:f Jthat Oregon gives the other states, of the'U'aoifio north PaoiilobompanyfortlhmagesicauBed west fair warning that it intends by the rcceni high 'water. It ia olainied that tho wljtor was ntat as high by two feet as ' it was a few years ago and yet it came id houses that wore at least a fdot abovo high wator mark at tho tinib of tho last floodi Tho damages claimed were caused by the high grado. that runs from the west bank of the river to Sprlngfiofd Junction, Tho (grado was builC'BO that the water has no outlet except under this' two.,ohort trestles and necessarily it Is "forced to remain only as it passed out through too regular channel, "it is thought that if suit is started agaiiibt the bompany that -tho.;juat-ter Will lie settled satlsfaotoryjto both the company and tho oltlons. to como to Seattle iiV 1009 to carry off every award possible. Following are the names of the Oregon commission: W. H; Wen rung, president) m!D. Vlsdom secretary: Henry E. Ree3 E, W Rowe and Ji O. Booth. Tho latter was unable, to ho piresorlt on ao count of priyate business. Agfalft in Operation) Thd old mill whistlo distlirbed orftr to make room fer Spring Cis HIRING THE NEXT 30 DAYS 3L ' We will sell the following Geois at Cost. Suits and Men's and Boys Overcoat. , Men's and Boys wool sweaters Ladies dressikirts and waists Ladies outing flannel skirts and heavy wrappers. , All winter -..dress goods And wrappings". Ladies and Children's Caps Ml Holiday Goods mast go Regardless 'sf cost Don't Fail fio Tafie Advantage of This Sale: -hese ard not shelf worn good Buitiswand up-to-date NEW STORX men, for Us operation means several hundred dollars day, distributed among our citizens. a The Booth-Kelly mill is greae industry ad Js .wholly respeneihl for Springfield'i rapid growth, f i company is xnjmmx, iuu umiusc curaed and abused by the unreas onable and weak minded, but aftef . .w a. - all wo couldoioto witheut ih J. Wreuwnly means of ssppert dl twxHnirda 01 onr cuuens, uinwuj or indirectly, get their livelihood Wo have no right to censure this m ... com Dan v tor wnat inev ao mai does not quite meet with our ap proval but should stand by them throuch thick and thin for what they have done for us. At Eiitcm Theatre. "Yon YoHsonu will, be the offer inc at the Eugenctheatre for Wed' 'hesday night, JaBuary 16, 1907- It is announced that Kennedy and Willard have fnund a clever deli neator of the'noted stage character "Yon Yonson" ii George Tbomp Ion) a yauttg Swedish singing ami dancing -romedjan. Mr. Thomp." adh: it is said, Wears with iflucfa' grace the mantle of excellency vwhich Qua Heege achieved in th Wle. Thompson comes from Sweden and .Was educated in. the Bbade of the- mighty Ku.llagnarstropp which rears its gigantic head within sight of the town of HeUinborg on the pfecid waters of the Creaundt Mr. Ti'iompsun worked his wayinthe theatrical profeBaion throUgS"- his early connection with "the Itdyal Opera House in Stockholm. Later he became'' a yarned memser of Kna Oacar'distock companyl.'1 Mr; Thomnsoh.was seen by Managers Kennedy and Willard and 'they offered hini- inducements tcTplay the Btellar Yole in vYon YolsBon" which he is dbinit with marked SUCCbBfl. " 'X 1 St' tiei& Steatt Latrndry We have heen tioing the laundry work Of Springfield for so '.long a time thai we nned no introduction to the ptiblio. Our work is ttiiaran teed to giveeatisfaction 'ri every respect. 6rk will be. fathered n n ntntiKd thwn MondaVstof each week and delivered on Thursday withoUt additional charge to list Mail Car si 1 raotiV and .maiL oar of hbouixl overland train was lly destroyed by. fir at on City early yestfef day mew , sand iissaiJ the whole, to wa .narrowly ofcaped destrHction. Tv firo originated in the loaomotive - "Mneil bv a liehted ' lanisrn. The . oil in the engine was warm when .' A . . v j tiiA irpsR on wit) lurneu in on .i. . .- i T fill. .urvu VHIHMI'. V"U , - B " f" ovexitbe lantern, ienil:nz if; caua-cr ing an explosion. In a.second the entire engine and baggage car was - enveloped in flames . and were ' soon destroyed. It was only through v the prompt response of .the tocal i nre .department in$s? largo uu -tanks were saved aitd perhaps the whole town. It is not known what . the loss of mail will he-rjfet.the loes v io the-erigine add mail rar will be close to $25,fi00. There -are threeJaete in "Yori : XOUfOn. IUB OWC9U1DU 'VUUJOUY drama. w.The first act skows a iunc- foion point onthtf Northern Pacific railway withythelocat tayern on . one sideuo trfb-8trt. In this act - the charactera nr the- story are jjuiokly intP'duced 'and the lum- oermen'Vquartotte is njade' known. The eecb&d act unfolds ie Minnesota -Vuriibef'bkmp in 'iriid-Jwiiiter. It ia fa tbisct the 'jfteat log-jam sceqe is 'shoWn which is said to be one of the mo novelbenea ever put in -a play dealing with American life. WlleV HuratlhreyS" ' returned Monday, fromPortlanil'wWe he 4 has been working in the )a&t shops s for the V8t two weeks. "When he leii'nere enrea weens jur iion- burfr,4tHwaB with the uhtlerrtanding: that -W was to haVte'-'the same wagejfiathe'was getting at Spring- field 'But on arriving 4 kef agent of the S?P. informed him that the -wages were only half of what Kb had been drawing &b Wiley did rwnan in that bjtfLrg long but " Iwrohs inetroDblls; He either . ..V.. rt ,,!, a. , TJ Agent omiti ur returu w iuuuuu the noac'eful Blumbera of many1 price. Innis'tjb Culp jlr Spring Monday 4nbrning the first tithe in j field local agenda and work left at over a week, but it was a welcome noise, for all Springfield is hlad to ' attention, IP NwIsh Your the mill running lull blast laundry callBdIbr leVff. W()rd St nire Th'a effects of iifolos- Weir DSro o'r phone' in their shoo -Will retieive-nromp see once ing ia soon felt by our Ubsiheiii Blaek l381i KugeW. in the neargture. y.l a. Uo Mr!. 53 acre farm 3 m'ilee east of .Qpringueiuj an improvea. a gooa place at !),uu. , i-t acre piaca uu -tuuuij xuu orth of school houeeyfor $300. , . House and one-!half blook ih, 'prlngWW,' east.B'Btreetl This a home. ipOther J, Bi Ihnhi. AfMkti mace wunusiauityou. eet to look at It if OU want ThlfllstVeMp.tOto, fnwri hWft&foWaieV