Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, July 18, 1901, Image 6

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Kay Graham, the 14-year-oUl sou of
Z. A. Graham of Washington, lud.,
is by far the youngest member of the
Indiana Trap Shooters League, and la
considered the best wing shot of his
age lu the United States. Previous to
last Christmas morning he had never
tired off a shotgun. Ou that day his
father made hhu a present of a tle
double-barreled gun, ami within
week the boy had developed Into a
remarkably successful hunter. The
local gun club became Interested In
the boy, and a few months ago elected
him a member of that organisation
Since then he has been practicing with
them regularly, and. with the excep
tion of John L. Winston, who holds
the State champloushlp, Is the best
Wis H45?
shot In the club. He was taken to
Bedford, where he participated In the
fifth annual tournament of the Indiana
League, and surprised everyone by
breaking fourteen clay pigeons out of
fifteen. He was elected chairman of
the league's executive committee. The
league will in a short time Issue a chal
lenge to any one of young Graham's
Age to meet him In a 100-blrd contest
The challenge will be confined to the
United States.
Frans O. Helsten, of Larlum. Mich.,
has obtained a patent on the saw-oiling
device shown Jn the illustration. It is
well known that In sawing heavy sticks
of timber the saw is apt to bind In the
crease, and the purpose of this Inven
tion is to keep the blade oiled. In order
that it may pass freely through the
cut The tip of the nozile extends down
through the handle on either side of t
the blade and there Is a spring-controlled
piston Inside the reservoir which
forces the oil through the openings as ;
often as the piston Is' pressed by the
flftger. The length of the piston stroke
Is regulated by raising or lowering the
screw cap at the top of the piston. Pro-
vision can be made for automatic feed
from the oij chamber, making It un
necessary to use the piston regularly,
the size of the orifice in this case being
regulated by partially closing the hole
with the tip of the piston.
Her Frugality.
A well-known English woman who is
famous for her taste In dress was re
cently asked by a young aspirant not
very well acquainted with her Ixmdon
how much pin money was required by
a womnn who "went about a good deal,
but wasn't really extravagant. She replied;-,
"If you're very careful you can man
age to dress on $2,000 a year," ami after
a slight pause she added, with modest
"I used to somehow, when Bobble and
I were first married and hadn't six
pence." New Zealand Landscapes.
Almost every New Zealander lives
within sight of the mountains or fcie
ocean, or both. Its landscapes show
long ranges and solitary giants tipped
with Alpine glow; there are waterfalls
everywhere, some of them among the
finest in the world; luxuriant country
Hide, golden farms, lakes, geysers, vol
canoes, forests with miles of pink,,
white and red-flowering trees In sprlug,
and there are fiords of the sea thread
ing their way around the feet of moun
tains crowned with glaciers and per
petual snow. The scenery is a synop
sis of the best in Norway, Switzerland.
Italy and England.
ArtUt Who IMeconnt I Ilooth, Barrett
an I Klchurl .Man.Bold.
"Yes, sir," said the old man, uneaten
tattously annexing a prune while the
groceryman'a back was turned. "You
fellers kin talk all yer wanter about
llooth'n Harret an' John L. Sullivan an'
Richard Manstteld, but I ain't never
hearu that any of 'em ever played
more'u one part lu th' same show.
I'shaw! AnylHHly kin do that, but
when It comes down to doln' five or six
parts, 1 call that actln'. lt think the
greates' actor I ever seed was with th
last 'Uncle Tom's Cabin troupe that
came through here. IauiI, but It was a
Hue show! Two Tncld Toms,' two
Topsles,' two 'lawyer Marksea.' tw
everything. Fust I sml of th feller he
was henttu' the snare drum in the street
parade an' leadlu them Cublan blood
hounds at th' same time. That night
he took tickets at th door, an' when
the curtalu went up I seed that he was
actln the part of 'St. Clair. Later on
In th' play he acted one of th' 'Lawyer
Marksea,' then came out as that quaker
chap, an' 'tween acts derned If he
lldu't do an acrobatic specialty thet
win tlue. Gosh, but he wua sweatln'
when th ecurtalu went down, aud I
thought he'd le near dead, but dog
goned If he wasn't at the door sellln'
pictures of 'Little Kvy as we went out
I happeucd to lie down town late that
night, aud who should I see golu 'long
th street but that actor. He was
whcclln' the trunks down to the depot.
Now. sirs, he's what 1 call a great
actor!" Kansas City Independent
Faceted King Kdwerd Commoilor
of the Yacht Fqnadrnn.
The Marquis of Ormonde is now the
commodore of the Itoyal Yacht Squad
ron, succeeding Klug Edward In that
position. The Duke of Ieeds has been
made vice-commodore.
Lord Ormonde Is one of the most no
table men In the Irish peerage. He Is
the hereditary chief butler of Ireland
and vice-admiral of Lelnster. Born at
Kilkenny Cast le on Oct. 5, 1814. he sue
coded the secon 1 marquis, his father,
in the great estates of the marqulsate
In 1854. He was educated at Harrow
and Joined the First Life Guards In
1WI3. retiring with the rank of captain
ten years later. The marquis has al
ways been devoted to the pastime of
yachting and Is himself an excellent
sailor. Ills marchioness Is the daugh
ter of the first Duke of Westminster,
Deficient in Dead Languages.
Cardinal Pedro Goncalez was a pious
man who believed in the gospel of
peace. He noticed one day that a
priest In his traiu carried a short sword
ander his cloak. The cardinal reproved
him. saying that a cleric should not
carry arms.
"True," answered the priest humbly,
"but I carry the weapon only to defend
myself should I be attacked by a dog."
"In that case," said the cardinal.
"and If I saw a dog running toward
me, I should begin to recite the Gospel
of John."
"That," returned the priest, "would
be a wise thing, indeed, but may It not
be that there are some dogs that do not
understand Latin?" Youth'B Com
The lowest 1'rlce.
A cheap-Jack butcher brought his cart
to a standstill in Petticoat lane. A
miserable old woman eyed closely the
heap of bones and gristle which was
referred toby the butcher as Joints and
steaks. She was evidently very poor
Indeed, as she hesitated to pay 3d for a
scaleful of "selected bits."
"'Ere.'ave'emfor tuppence," growled
the butcher. ;
"Too much," said the woman.
" 'Ave 'em at a penny."
Still the woman hesitated.
There was a look of pity, mixed with
disgust, on his face as he yelled:
"Still too much? 'Ere, 'ang It! I'll
turn me back while you sneak 'em'."
London Spare Moments,
Japanese University for Women.
The Japanese university In Toklo, ex
clusively for women, Is approaching
completion, and will be opened some
time this year. Three rich Japanese
men have given enough to Insure the
completion of the buildings.
"Dog on It," a boy says, when Invit
ed to a party, "i hate to be Introduced,"
Ud a MUUk.
PaticntPoctcr, would you mind
stopping at the drug store and pay.
ing (or this prescription, i m stiors
of chang.
Doctor (hurridly writing anomer
prescription) -Kxcuse me. I made a
mistake. You don't need any nerve
When you take Grove's TeteleM Chill Tonlo,
tcaue (he formula Is plainly printed n every
bottle bowln thet 11 li iHni'iy Iron end Qui.
utu la ft teatoloM form. Mo Curt. Vt fay. wo.
Th Sur's the Thlnj.
Mustache cups?" said the clerk in
the chinaware department. lea,
sir. Here's pretty ucsign. vup
and saucer, one forty-nine."
"But," said Mr. l'orque l'aeque,
'that ain't the saucer that goes with
n ...
"Not much it ain't. There
no mustache guard, on it."
Do You Keep Horses,
Or cattle, sheep or pigs? If o you
want good fences. .Snd for free book
and Pictures tellinir about the best
and cheaiiest fences on earth. Tort
land Anchor Fence Co.. mooiai
. aa . a
street, Portland, Oregon.
A Vsln Hops.
Flushing Didn't you join another
Don't Worry club last week, Harriet?
Mrs. Flushing Yes; I hoiw you
don't object to my U-longing to two
Don't Worry clubs, Henry.
Flushing (abjectly) -Oh, no, liar-
rit; but 1 had hoped that they would
keep you from worrying me some
what! CollUHIIIJil
saved niv Ufa three yrar au. Mm Thw.
ItossiK. Maple utrrvt, Norwich, h. .,
ten. 17, luiiu.
Social Training.
M iss Gotrichk wick Please,
Sir, is
this a training school?
Principal It is.
"Please, Sir,. I wish to learn how to
eat olives.1
Pife PmuiMntlx (or4. Vo flts nm-ntm-
I I V f!T nrvt l .mof lr. Klln.'.llrwt Hn
m. Pa. a. It auie.U4-.M aRaeuriuiwHieaw.r
Not Cold Blooded.
Gotliamite I supiiose you may
think we New Yorkers are rather
severe on your rsoeton gins wncu we
sjMnk of their cold bloodcdm?
llutil.tic ?iotataIl;o many of
your fellows have been frozen out by
them you know.
Serin.' S dct.
"Nature is puinu.in the world with
generous coats oi green, remarked
Mrs. llrlk tiel'l, as she sat on her tiorch
and wittched the rain falling ou the
graH and young leaved trees.
"And using watercolors, added Mr.
Natural csute
Juryman Yes, we brought in a
verdict of death from natural causes.
Reporter Hut an iron beam fell on
hint from the fourth floor!
Juryman Of course. asn't that
natural? You wouldn't expect it to
fall up on the eighth floor, would
you 7 that's wnere lie ougni to nave
been at work instead of down in the
Rtvolufioa of WaUh Wheels.
The main wheel of a watch makes
1,400 revolutons in a year; the second
or center wheel, 8,700; the third
w heel, 70,080; the fourth wheel, 625,
G00; and the fifth or scape wheel,
Tim Kind Vnn llavo AlwttVH
,VV- y.A - . v .;.v.l.-:.iA. .XV '..Ai;t . .1.,.,.,,
ture of CUas. II. Fletcher, and haH been made under his
Seconal supervision for over 30 years. Allow wo ono
deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
JuMt-as-croocl" are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nop other jiarcotlo
substance. Its nre in it guarantee. It destroys Vorm
and allays Peverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teethinfr Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and llowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
' The Children's Panacea The Mother's Irlcnd.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tm acHTOua eoMMNT, tt hummv arnctr, nw vona oitv.
1,1 Rma l uuh jru. Tutu Oo. VM I 1
' V'l m "ll SlJL' !?"' um 1
Horrlbis Combination,
"What a saving of time, and other
things there would be," remarked the
observer of events and things, "if a
man couU take his first ocean voyage
and his first smoke at the same time,"
This sifhsre U oa every hoy of the laaulae
Laxative Brorao-Quinine tuu
the remedy (bat rare m eli t stay
Ms Stopped NU Psptr.
"Sir!" exclaimed the oldest citlxen
as he walked into the business ofllce
of the daily paper, "I ee in your
sheet of Unlay, air, an article to which
I take exceptions, and I want my
paper stopped, sir! And when James
F. Anderson says stop, sir, he means
stop, sir!"
"Phil," wearily murmured the cir
culation manager, "go out and tell
Hob t' stop th press an' lock up o'l
man Anderson has quit us!"
Her Lack.
The Illinois woman who called her
husband a jackass and then got mad
because lie called her his better half
docs not seem to know such a thing
as justice.
Where do You
Sell Your Hides? Tnre.
We alwaye pay (be Htstowt Prle.
Chas L. Maatlok A Co
75 Front St., cor. Oak, Portland, Or.
Our 1901 Vehicle Book
Our 1901 Implement Catalogue
end roar name end P. O. adareae and we
will mall one or both, ae tfnetred, tree of alt
Mitchell, lewis & Staver Co.,
1-ortlamd, oa.
rtrtrt and Tailor t
Chamber of Commerce,
w .je ee v,e-HVT.1' "l
llou?ht lias borno the filinia-
Signature of
"Iff wife bad pimples en kr faee, tout
ha bee iHMtt taklne CANl.'AKICTS anil Uiey
have all diaetipeered. I bad (Minn troubled
with euatiiatioa Ur torn time, but sfter UK
Iiir the firm t'eeoeret have had so trouble
with lets alimanl, We eennot etweS too high
I of cnrut " rmu Wirmili,
ft Uarmaatown Ave., I'feUtdtlpala, Fa.
flMMnt Pelatam. I'ooni. Te (inn. Pe
wewl, 4er . WMkttii, ut Orie. Ms, Ma, We.
) Mt4f t.MM. Ml, Mml, Urn Iwt. Ml
M.Tfl.R 1 fl n'14 " fi'fn1 tT ell drttf
IU'IIAU 4)MtiiVtaKTiaMillaMkr
on tMA mavwstst. sewAiii of ruTATtONS.
3M0W1N4 rUlt IINK Of (iADtlt NTS AND HAT A
U beet time to euro rUrrh,
hroncblli. ana caiiumtlon.
Our remedy I. f urentMl, U
r, u. ni via.
W. H. SMITH 1 CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
With one Unr Rliln and Uwerlnt Pefle.
Loichloas Root
Genoa DHvo Wheal
Light Draft
J. A. FREEMAN, Gen'l Agt.
SOOC Wmf Si., rwYwte, Or.
Complete Stock of Water A.Wood Extra.
SncurM tetent lor Inrvnlloai
In the I nllml State ami foreign
comilrl. t. Ali negotlatee mar.
kte atoU defend patent inrva
tlant. No better term or laellltle
then we offer oblalnabla nr
where. Payment of our feae
mey be dfirr4 till patniit If
allowed. Write for pamphlet.
The Wonder of the Age
Tliesreat Alrhlp. MS fet Ions sl
hleh.nowbaUitlnKataaii Kriiuil.fo, Call
lornle. will wake ft Brt eojrag.etKiut Sp.
temlx-r IMh. KVKHV 0 should hare a
fw hit AH EH. They are now a-lllng at 1U
a ihare, and will he worth II) a.ier the
hip ha mede hnr ftrt voye. Send onler
for itock with check or money or.lr to :al.
Arlal Nat leetlon t:.. cere of Columbian
Bankinf Co., Man KrenoUco, Cel.
Hotel FIbw&B
Opens for ieaon June 2D, 1901,
Col. 1. T. Harvey, Manager
;.rivssJ .
Mont beautKut and perfectly equipped inn.
mr roort. Kvery eonvenlnn and oomtort.
Free tiiia from hotel to snrl. Mathinir, nnhlnir,
dancliiK, bowllnir. A iplii(lld hotel with
lofoly urroumilim. Under new manairamnt
tbli year. For rati-t end rn.iervetloui a4dreu
HOTEL FLAVEL, Hrnvml, Orav
BIB Mmrumm Bldg., Portland, Of.
Springtime Resolutions
Zccioy Cur
Sure relief fiom liquor, opium and tobaooo
bend lor partiouiari to
Keoley Instiiuts,
Moved to 41A Williams
Ave., JKn.t Hide.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrlton Btreat,
Can give yon the best bargains In
Buggies, Plows, Boilers anl Kiumes,
Windmills ami 1'utnp" and. General
Machinery. Bee us before buying
M. P. X, U. Jte. Sf-lS01.
lyUKN wrltlne; t advertisers pleat
1 1 neiiuun title
I IdLeTl a1-ttfl jViraK.
ToiMAa asewisie
I , ,' - V M ' V