Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, July 18, 1901, Image 5

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    t u,.
-Corner Grocery
. tM
, I
every Thing in the grocery line.
"Vy-y IS .
prOdtJCC Taken In , Exchange.
!unst!on City, Orcscn.
. '; , !..,- , ' r, ''.CI
, ,v . It t
hct! tin jtuh rale?' come, 'i 1 )
aill euro ) brniHtfc, tut, burns ttrtii
Mircni'h ( dtnsdt'ji In liort 6Mvt, b
writ n (lie, diurrliot'ii, drsefitfry ami
i'.ux, ih It trisil.
Y oat Rut nsiy 'uv mUh J'ou wJhh.
Comor II'11, Junction City, Oregon
lei for ,.fy at Cascade tirux store.
Sii:u'l.t4u!ric. ; Ktla'elntftore.
(i. ?.fJ.;ir?H.a K'ftl4itfl; rruttil
Vk-hvat t" 'mv, .t .
i Ork'fs t:ik!ti lor l:u!iV aiiil gents,
unit at !i;Hufi'it.
1 T'to Wt'vlly. Ori'jotilao 'mil tho Ht!..
ixtx f;r it year.
Trc.i oriTT;;c5 enJ lemons for a!a
at CacaJj itnij stare.- 'v '
Wi- lnivo'V.ftf.:r IUrln of Ht'Hltli
and Won-IiT nil. .Mt i:i t.rn i'i llti.i,.
,. B..)rrt---i)tri1;iv. Jll.v 125, l!.Ml, to tho
wifti wt C. 'i- iiavrar, n li h-ui1 boy.
hfrttli).Vi!li!i'ti4 I'aint (iHlit.V P!
twmlKTwl .i..i)4 utter juiio ia foip4tii,
MiiHor A Dill. "
Mi!lirn Hp., lmvc just p.)t in Uno l!t
iu iIpu all' r,vliTri.'H, in boxen. I noy
v.!i (niiii Aib.inv'tutt ri) .wry cliuire,
iJolm T. WilliitniH win taken to llitf
Ji('!.;i!::tl !(. C.it'l.i:llni Moilii.lV, It ia in
be 1i.'i!k''.I t!i'.;f..!in will won Itj wvll mul
i .i'-K itiiii'ii hit i
a Its
'..mjv itn.l ll'.'l lhw,
Vi'nitT(!:y fur an mi.
In tlio Mi ty bit.;r.
p ') nt. M. II. Vburcli
!. 1 ,it .10 ti. in. : CbtLln-n'i;
i. 1 1 ;i. in. A iri t i tiiiH
! I
J.i. s,
iMii.i M.i
of ll;irri.;'ii!r,
limti.y w; 1 j
, f,il'o;il! '. f
f r utt Co,;).: it 1 1 h IVu .c'liui ac 8
i. in.'; fcabj-vt, '-Xiiny'-.iiOiiM." .:
W. J. S;iin(,;nw, - Junctinu'ii wiilo
ftwakfl t-n;i ii . li-i't for Tortla-.n! Hun-
d iy wit 1.1 ;!" ln'it-l (if cntib', 10) li'UH mill
J,'i) liiiivi of n ' I t'n a c(ill day win;!)
William is nor liomlivl for IVl'tind with
Ht'ick of poiiic Id'ml. 1
It. l C.-iM well, of Everett, Wwli'.,ono
of .buietloii' i f:t'.vl(llii most renpteti'il
eitizeiiH, ji rrivv I it) town, t hnrl;vy. Hi'
. w iUreiiKiin until st'ter luu vest, irul n
tiio'tuin'iiMinM try Ida luck in tbo uiouu
Uius Heuklii;', the elusive tlur. .
An nil-day pt'ivico at Kiver View en
the L'oth of ,lnly'. SnblMth'SOhool' Bi-T'
vices, Cbil I'cn'n 1 . t y hm-vI-'oh, jiri-nrli-inar.
j;riii' yniir b:ckclM, well (ilk:il,
iiml tvniu' j? ve I ;ir''lo u;v it nil. A
gOIIl l t liUU
J. II.
Ir, Lowp, Knuenij'B well-known opt
elan, will bo Hi Junction ct the Hither
Hotel next week, on Friday, July 19
If you want jerfcct emrevily
Ittcd to your eves, at'' ft reasonable
l-rlco, nco 1dm.
W, L. Wrliflit has a nosy stock of wnll
rsper tt the latent and rretlient desiiiiM
Nov in tlu tlmn to reinwr vour )ioun.
J, 11". Miller will bo Lhd it) have vou call
hh! K,theie tm fuumt: insrttcr
whrtt ymir UKii, yon hiimiM 1m; aldo to
idiooxe Honiethin to KoSt from ainon ho
.o jw flMi? Have you th hook that
h minted by llio jjovimmmnt? H yon
hiive, every Wedn'-dny, it Moilit A
iltiidinrj tnarket, yoncin set freh flf-b,
direct from nrt!ftnd. on fee frefih'fitl
tnon, h-dibot and Hintdt ; 6V.t' to 10 cents
a fHie.iKl. .
-ltT Wrijrl.t, fin S, 1'. br-krni.
h t f tko!i In id litre to tle)(;'d
HtutimHttA hitiitei la j'jrsi"t)d, -fl pd
i i'tt'iay, July 1 id si(H iid i-jiyi-i
V ;( 4 Mloi.!ii i!Kt t! 1V Me w;l.
! i, HiU.. r f tbo-15. ii. T, nnd t'. 15
If, J.'5.'". -The KiiKtdwim Jb"iew
;.i'iik in hh tvrn of Lester Wright.
' T hero in nothing now tbnt can be pan
in fnvorof the"Uambh r" bicycle. It
I H9 liven on . tho market twenty-two
years nnii during I1 of that time bii
Ihmjii tbo fiivonto with bicycle ridot k
Tho new l'.tOI ltumbler "Siw
iul" i fonror tlviJ jioundu lighter than
nnv Kanibler ever oeforw turned out
sud tig tnia b Htel and trkill can make
Wiem. Cjdl at U'ritflit' furniture istore
Notice fa hereby given that the foliow
jug warrntitu will b paid on jirem ntii
tinn fit iny ofljee on und af'nr Je'y S,
1 H)l (interest will cea on Jn'y S, r.Kji):
All ' I.nn6 Coiintv witrrnntif from r-'tiw-tercl
nttmWr SmSm to fw-iS, Uitli iuciu
8fVe. . . . :...,.,, .v, .-"
, Dated liugene, July fi.
?'-. A. S. TATri-'i-KON'. .
:" County Truflhurerr
Med, fU4 n. m., Untidily, July 1 1, 1WJ,
K.elyn L, JSun ,ti, after Jinx'-iin b!
f"", uj;-J 21 ycsfB 4 month and .19
Iii the de.nth, Kvilyn Barton Junc
ii City loH-oneti iui iiKftexernpljiry
nii ladieM, i-Mio wax ft tltrvotit Clirifi'
o, h iiieoilter f tho M. K, chiireh and
: M lioirof th'tt ebnrch ; Uhtnm.
of Uiu Kpw'frih lyeaai'P, ''hrintlan
d-avor and KcIh l;ah. wbii l, latter
" conducted tli burial.
"1 In funeral took tiluee from tho M.
I, elnirch. Monday afternoon, at l
o'clock, Itev, J. 11. Kkidmore, pantor,
tiaying me mm ami out connoting wontu
bejorw conmgnin'4 all that wia niortal of
tids nniverially ludoved mm to it
ettfrnal rentinut tilac. Mlll(iiied Are
They Who Die in the Ixird" was the
text d ttio mitihder remark, and be
trovcd coneim-ively that the hleewd
Ktato began at lhw very moment (lint the
oul Iki'I the body. Itev. Skidmore held
up to itt view of tbo concrreittUon tbo
liible which .. IHongcd to Mit- ifcrton,
when alive, and on the fly lent. Tirinted
in lari lcttr bv her own hand, were
tiH-Hrj word: "ilion, toil, fcwut Me."
ximeroU't jit:tsa tbroiijjiioiit; the
I5o' k wete tind'o cored, and l!ev. Hkid-
rnorefriHike -A the marvelous inmfthtof
nitt art. voMi7. At . the cloao of lii re
m.irka ihcfij v an H:;ircely n dry eye in
the Imnve."' 'It meat bare been a telling
strain ufn o mentbera of the choir.
v.ro furfwtmeo t.e vocal muic on tlda
oeeauirtn, Wli mt v tiimuht ot liow
often tne 'eweet ye'ce of the departed
oiw bad tnin;;ld with their own in airig:-
praic to thu AJost l!ih yet never
aj itni.
TI, interment toox place in the Odd
Feliowa cemetery.
Card of Thank. s t
To tho very many friends of our be
loved Kvelyn, who ao kindly contributed
in nuking hc-r last hours ploaaant and
who no kindly awsietcsd in taking car of
her, and to the many friends of June
tioti and Itonsburg, who ) kindly fur
nihcd the many .beautiful flowers, we
winh to extend our most heartfelt tbanka
and gratitude.
Mna. E. Faiitos
and family.
C.J. J'DOt, liKXKI'.AL Ar.KNT,
TourcASo, Oai:;,ox.
All Dfjctors have trh;d to curn cr.t"rrh
by the no of jjowdiTM, acid ywt, in
haV.'r and drojta in panto form, 'lluir
iKiwdera dry oji tho miunioiiB meiri
bruiie,c(iii8ing them to crack o;.cn and
bleed.. The Jjowerful afidH u?-5 in tb
ifd'aiers have entirely eivien aw av the
name membranea that their ir'.il.erjt
have aimed to core, w hile j.a-te and
ointinenta canr.ot reach the dirt an'.
An old and eXjer'i(snued oraetitioner
w ho has fur many years made a clo-e
atndy and necialty of the treatment of
catarrh, ba at Iait terfecU?l ft treat
ment which when faithfully uaed,not
only relieves at once, but permanently
cures catarrh, by removing the cau"e,
rtofiping the dhwliarges, and i-arinz all
inflammation. It is the only remedy
known to fcience that actually reacbe
the afllicted parts. Thin wonderful
remedy U known aa "ftnufllcs tint titiar
anteeif Catarrh Cure" and ia Bold at the
extremely low price of one dollar, each
par-kag containing internal ana exter
nal mcdicim; suificient for a fail month's
treatment and everything rieceasary to
its perfect ure.
."Fnulllea" is, the only pel feet catarrh
enro ever rnado and is now rccotrnized as
the only nafo and poioiive cure for that
annoying and disi.'0tin- disease. It
cures all iiitlammation qnickly and per
manently and Ik aluo wonderfully (fiiic.k
o relieve bay f.ver or cold in the head
Catarah when neg!cted otten leads to
ponaun-iption "rtnullleH"-. will save you
if yott ncu it at once. It i no ordinary
remedy, but . a complete treatment
w hich is tionitiveW guaranteed to cure
catarrh in any form or stage if used ac
cording to the direction which accom
pany each package-. Don't d day, but
pond for it at once, and write full partic
ular! as to your condition, and you wid
a t . 1'
reeww special aiivicc irom uieocov-
ererof this wonderful remedy regarding
yonr case without cont U you beyond
ihe reuul.tr price of ' "Snut'.Ies the
(ittarante'd Catarrh Cure."
Sent prepaid to any address in the
United blatt-8 or Cnmula on r.cdpt of
f.ntf dollar. A.ldresB Dei.f . K'i22. J'.dwin
H. fiilcs & Com pan v, 23 JO ft ud 2332
Market M-.Thiladtdphia.
f trawberrics received fkwh ErEny
dav rttC. T. Ilouttan'c l'ot Ofece Grocery.
The O. U. A N. Co., in conn-vtion
with die Oregoa Shott Line atid 1'nioa
rnclrte, offers thp tincH wf?rvier and ft?t-
Ht time to Salt I nko, Denver. Knnmia
City, Omaha, H. I'linl, M. !uiia, Chi
e:tio and nil poinfxi'n. Thrive trainc
daily fiMoi I'v.rt l.uai, with ehylce of many
difleivnk- roiitef. Paiuto and touHht
sleeporx, library, dln'ng. ivnd chair earn
on ni trtdiis. , . .
, Write . 1. Crniif, 0. V. A. O. T. &
N. Co , rortland,'- Oregour for purticu
lara.'. , -. ' r ','"' , ,
; ,x , " ' ' " "
cr.or r.Eror.T. . ,
The United Ftate Weather Bureau re
jKrts the conditions of crops io Oregon,
which in part, says: "
Tho week bus been dry, pxeept in the
)uthern and eastern portions of the
Stato, w here Friday and Saturday a few
amall showers occurred.
Haying is ncaring completion and the
crop, as a whole, i an average one ami
ban been ieettre I in excellent condition.
The H-c.ond crop of alfalfa is making gat
ifjfiu tt ry pronress. .Cutworms bTivesiji
pea red in the clover lie! is in Clackamas,
Marion. 'Linn and Ctsrry counties, but
they tiro nit nearly w numerous as they
were In rt year. The ranges are -Jrying
up, Hi i;t uenal at this sa?o'n of' the
jear, but sto.-k coiiti'tues in excellent
condition. The harvest of fall sow n
griiu if becoming iv-ner.d. Wht iit, at?,
rye and burl.'y in the Vt i'huiietttt va!k-v
c'ii,tir.ue doing well. The heads ars
largo and well lilh d with plump In-rrief.
tl ;nro oieraliy free irom l:ce and
makkig aatitjfactorv Trowre.
I'roilaet ol IlrltUh Vmviorr Tli4 I
SnIJ to lie I'ruof Agaiutt
, Uni'ltlor.
The Best
fhciwin W.Uiams I'int Tcfitsasl.igh
as any paint on the market. .
Men's and ooy's fu it-, latest at jle,
just received, at if. II. Friendly', iiu-gvne.
t rT:T."Trrj"'r?;,i,1.r'1 i "
n'this' roa invent orfinprOTej t.'o pvlt
CfVEaT.ffi;CE.KAR(. C0P1fn.CHTorDES;'.i1 i
t PROIECTlOil. Bnd morlc', ftIit"U.ii,orlhot.c.
for lr9 examination Rmi 8lri-e. e
j Pstcct lw7Crt. WAS H ! N GTO N, O.C.
'-;'.- . ii , . -.;'... .......
If so, inYestlato tho
iLAs f' w U
That wo c:irry tho best
"obtainabla Wldte Lead.
Cud Llnsoed Oil? ;, '
The Picnr While Lead
Pure Bailed Unscod OH
'ec:ui toUy ' qtiott you a better
price ou. the above than y on can
purchase' thom in Portland and
pay freight. .. :
Afk its for prices. Wo at o ever
ready to tiillc w ith you on
For years the Pilkington glass works
in Lancashire, Engiahd, have been con
ducting: txperiments designed to pro
duce fireproof nrd burglarproof glass,
and for the first time these experi
ments were crowned with success. To
the molten glass a wire netting was
added, and the composition resulting
resisted all inroads of fire or other
violent agencies. Doors of this ma
terial have proved unbreakable, and
even when subjected to 2.50i) degree
Fahrenheit remained unaffected, while
ordinary doors grew red hot. The new
-composition is expected to be a great
commercial success. ;
fNO. Ever-Mu-g Held makts the Wst
bo made. Na'.ther Second tjurdity mate
i workmen,-ailovtd in, the ltviii fbojis, ,
Aie! bark of best material r,d beat workmpiisiiip are abilitv,
knowledge and experience gained through years of inventing,
designing, ex,H-nmeuting. . . .:, .
of its kind lk:it can'
rials nor peeotni
t 1
Weatherly Creamery Co.,:
Junction City End Portland, . Soli Agents fsr Orcjdn
Write to Weatherly Creamery Co.,' Portland, for complete catalogue
dealer for
I! tl
Cream of
a, vr?
M 1 "I
Mixed. Paints,
I MueS!cr. &
- a
; C' rower ic tlih In Gotknm.
Knv York coroners, with their staffs,
are expensive luxuries. Their depart
ment for .the city costs the taxpayers
tuoro than $150,000 a year.
; Aneleut I.tncnore.
'All tho pi-incca of the Caucasus claim
direct descent from King David, ac
cording, to tho Vienna Dseue Freie
I'resse, and some of them baso thdr
descent from Noah. ,
; '"
Lively Thetttrieal Season, rromlned.
The Missouri hens laid more eggs
than the hens of any other state dur
ing tho last j'ear, says the Chicago
Record. Barnstorming actors no
travel through the state at their own
d& 'yvy'Ti'y'l,'-iy vw penny au hour.
Toj'tnaltcrs in Saxony cam a
"? .OT,l il
: 03 -
Eugene, Oregon
u r. 1 vt, . v. ... i . r. ' " - . . .
.' . . ALSO THE ..
Celebrated Petaluma Incubat
J J, V V J Sk
J Griffin Hardware Co.; .S3'