Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, July 18, 1901, Image 1

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    A A f O
v . , ? 1 A. A A A A) ..M . A A A
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I ft I 1
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tllll III
f. 4 f ; : J I 1 I i P J
a 1S
H i
The House
Furniture,v;Stovesf- " .
Tinware H Crockery
In fact, everything
to furnish a house.
Ninth St
All 'Kinds of Lumber cn Hand Bough and
Dressed. Long Timbers a Specialty.
A level road; No hills, ;
MORTON BROS., estrup, or.
German Syrup is tho apodal prescrip
tion of Dr. A. Koschoe, a a'k'kiitotl Ger
man Physician, and is acknowledged to
l)o one of tho most fortunate discoveries
in medicine. It quickly cures Coughs,
Colds am all Lung troubles of tho se
verest nature, removing, as it does, tho
cause of the affliction and leaving tho
iarts in n stroncr anil healthy condition.
It is not nn experimental medicine, but
boa etiud tho U'Ht ul your, piin poliH
fuelion in every caso, which its rapidly
incrutiBinn; Bala every nonnon coniirms.
Two million bottlcB sold annually. Iio
ncIico's (icrmnn Syrup was introduced
in the United States in 180S, and i now
Hold in every town imd villugu in tho
civilized, world. Threw doses will re
lieve any ordinary conh. J'rizo 75 its.
For Bfilo by, Mueller & Hill. Get Green's
Prize- Almarmc.
Oil DUeovored hi-Junction City At
Milliorn Ihm, wl crftitla sold by tho
gallon.' ! . s . ,
, . OF . .
Men's & Boys'
BY JULY 5,1901,
Must be sold by that date.
We are goin to remodel our
store this summer. Call at once
for bargains.
rf-'tt EL, $ if.jQ jTk V-7
A faniiliur name for the Chicago, Mil
waukco & St. Paul Railway, knon uU
over tho Union as the Jreat ItiuHvay
running tho "Pioneer limited" train
every .lay and night between St. Pan
and Chicngo, and Omaha and Chienvo.
"Tito euly porfvict traipgin the world."
Understand : Conjiectiona are made
with All Traiipcoritu.cntal Lines, ani
ing to passengers tho beat service known.
Luxunoua coaches, electric lights, steam
heat, ul a verity equaled by no other
line. ' .
"Seo tliat your ticket reads via "The
Milmaukeo" when going to any point in
the United States or Canada. All
ticket agents eell their,
For full rate, pamphlets or other in
foi mation, addrees, f
J. W.Casrv, C. J. Ennv,
Trav. Pans. Agt., General Agent.
Portland, Or. Portland, Or.
II. Lindor is erecting a l?n,Q additien
to tho Jowelry etoro ol F. A. Craiu.
Ed itcrial Correspondence.!
Eloquent oratory, witty', j-pecches and
f tie piring music marked the opening ms.
-Iof I tbo National Editrml A Rsocia
tion convention atthw Tjmp!acf Mumc
of the Pan-American Jixpotfitfon, It
was a notaUo gathering ol tiir'wspaper
men and women that occupleil the
beautifully decorated Imildiug, when
Prcident F; P. lkiliio,,o( Cleburne,
T ?x., called the meeting to order.
, Every nook and cranny of tl;u big
building; wH tilled with editors and
iltcir families. Every Stato in the
Union was represented. lat t! ere wa
no political Htrifis or bickri;.f. Sec
tional dilferenei'B did not diuturb the
ereiuty of the cccasion. ln , wkcl
harmony the' central tliought that actu
ates all citizens ootid vent irt tl inspir
ing words, "'My Country, 'Tia if Thee."
: Py th very nature of the Jy portion
the Temple of Slusic Is detttinesl to bold
within its wails inary gatherings of
distinguished jeople. Beford Iho ,eix
months of the Exposition are ever pub
lic officials from every Amerieau repub
lic will havo graced the platform.
In ill there wore about 7iQ delegates,
representing 10,000 daily and weekly
newspapers In the Ucited State.
Big Kill Bolton, owner of the Live
Stock Iniretor,' a weekly jajer t-f
Woilward, Okiaboma, was probably the
largest ilelept at the cotivenv'on. lie
is about 5 fuet 8 inches tail fetid weighs
S25 jKmnds, Ha never m'8se amven
tion, and alw ays itinii ts on buving bis
riglits. . ' .
Will bright fsktes overheud and coo!
breizes blowing t:r vliltlnt'ilUors
an outing, Tuesdiiy, June ll,ibiwnibe
river and around t!e Falls, jMnrlixwi
Eapidtrnd Gorgi as the gu i-.s of the
loiernatlor.al Navigation Conipsnt, tho
Niagara Falls' Park" & 'tvcr Railway
t;mi)!.,uiy r.i.d th Ug .'
Hotel at 10 oVij.T. w .. .it .,i:v
trai:portel to the ds'i'ka "i Uh; Ist.-rnt-
tional Navigation Company, at &c UkI'
of Ferry street. There wc boaided the
company's handsome paswnger eteamer
America, and at J(J:.'!0 o'clock started
down the river. Tne run to Slater's
Point was made in quick time, and aas
a most delightful trip.
"Bill" Dolton, of Oklahoma, was a
A passenger whose good nature pervaded
the entire boat and was wafted in sound
waves for miles over Lake Erie's piacul
surface. P.ill admits weighing between
300 and 400. His friends bint that be
tips the beam at 430. Ilia weight is only
exceeded by his love for fun, and bis
girth is only fiurpasned by bis wit and
originality. When bo first went aboard
the (steamer bo waa Indiscreet enough to
hit down on one of the oidinary steamer
chairs. Crash it went under him, and
when Bill gathered himself together and
regained bis feet, he said: "Humph 1 I
wish I brought my old olfico chair
along." Finally bo found a seat capable
of sustaining his weight, and' for Iho rest
of the afternoon be was the center of an
interested crowd, which lie Lept iu per
petual laughter with bis droll stories.
At Slater's Point tho party, about 200
in number, disembarked from the
steamer ami got on. tho cars of the Ni
agara Falls Railway Company and were
taken through tho historic ' village of
Chippawa, the wooded Dufferin .slunds
and thenco to tho DulTerin cafe, oppo
site tl.u great Horseshoe Falls, where
wo lunched and gazed upon the won
ders of tho great cataract. . ..
After lunch we 'departed for Queens
ton, and from there we crossed the river
to LewiMton, boarded cars of the Gorge
road and took the magnificent ride
through the gorge, thence to the Ameri
can Fulls, thenco across the river to
Canada, thence returning to Water's
Point. ., ,
One thousand editors and tho ladies of
the patty surrounded the banquet board
in tho great dining-room of Statler's
Hotel on the night of June 13, and heard
Secretary "of State John Hay paint a
glow ing word picturo of tho spirit of the
Exposition, At 0:30 o'clock, tho boui
fixed for the banquet, the f."t!i Regi
ment Bind struck up Bonus's "Spirit of
Liberty" march, whose magical f nl in
epiring strains rmidis everybody's Mood
tingla. A Southern editor remarked;
"Had those airs been played fifty years
ago there wouldn't have been any war,"
The dinner was given by the Exposi
tion Company to tbd National Editorial
Association, and from the moment of lis
Inception nntil John Hay, Secretary of
StUf flatbed upou the astonished
vision of the guests, it was a succession
of surprises. ' ',.,' ' ;
On Friday, June 11, occurred the elec
tion of officers of the National Editorial
Asfoiiat'uun and right here Is where
Oregon sbons. Albert Tozier, of Port
land, who for many years has been spc
rttary of the Oregon Press Association,
was elected Pre Meat by an overwhelm
ing; majority. It turas a happy victory
for os, aul from the amount of cheering
done one must naturally concluda that
it was satisfactory to all.
The next placa of meeting will be Hot
Springs, Ark. Thus closed the Sixteenth
annual meeting of the N. E. A.
Sunday, Jua'j lfl, oar party, through
thn efforts of Mrs. Wealberred and the
courtesy of II. A. Charlton, General
Passenger Agent of the Grand Trank,
went on an excursion to Toronto, Can
ada. This was one of the features of
our trip and tha visit io that beautiful
historic ciiy is onu long to bo remem
bered. Monday rnorninz, at 7 .o'clock, we
were once more on tho road, on th New
York Central, th-. f mr-trauk Mne, bound
fr New York City-.
. The bigh-arted K'jueral pascng?r
agents of the great railroad.) uf the coun
try did their part ly bringing tho edi
tors and their families l the vry gates
of the Espf'-ilion. Much ere !,t i due
A. D Ch uHo-.i, of the Nori!i.)rn PacI5c,
an.lC. J. EJ V. "t the Chi-Mgo, Mir
v;m!, e J; Si. F..n!, over w iiiili lin-. s the
Oregon, V.'a.iiiii,"t hi nod Ma!io cVls:-KuU-s
went.' Tnere is no better e';ul;id
roal iu the country iban the Northern
Pacific, and its rock ballasted oad-bed
la dust less and a pleasure to ride over.
Tho Pan-Americau is "a thtng of
beauty." It is all Amerieau; its especial
value will lie in its substantial proofs of
the high civili.ation, rich resources and
of the progress in all fields on the West
ern Hemisphere in the present, with in
dications of tremendous possibilities for
tho future. It is the first great public
event of the 20th century.
The beauty of tho Rainbow City, a
term applied to the cusimbliv on the
Exposition grounds, on account of the
color effects emplojed in accentuating
Wo carry
r'SFffiSrS SiaajhtDa
Loggers si.v.onpssaws
HAND '. . : .
Feet of Dry Lumber
which ho will dispose of at reasonable
price. Long timbers a specialty. Best
lumber oil the market.
Good Iload.
firVill be delivered promptly at any
part of the county.
tho modernized Spanish .-Et"na'-an-e
architectural feature, has never been
equaled. The electrical display is tho '
most complete ever made t!t nearr.'!..i
to the 'Exposition grounds- of the gr-at
plants which haro harnesxc 1 Nia-ira
and put its tremendous power to com
mercial use;, making this po-nib!e. A
steel electric tower, an tiectric fountain'
and the Court of Fountains also farnifd
opportunities for extraordinary oablyr
displays of electrical wonder-?. .Aloi-t
S00,0t3. ittcandescent lau ps an 1 10)
searchiiKbts are ntted in the illumina
tion. Advantage is alio taken of the
numerous towers, turrets and dom .-s to
produce a starry effect, s
Sculpture is used in the adornment of
thCoartof Fountains, the Triumphal
Bridge, the Esplanade, the Plaza, tha
Electric Tower, the Bridge of the Three
Americas, entrances to buildings, ami
in many other ways, there being upward
of 125 original groups of statuary, by
Karl Bitter and other sculptors of world
reputfl. Over 5O0 piece? are used. "
The Exposition giounds are 5n the
northern part of Buffalo, adjacent ly
the large and beautiful Delaware Park.
They are about one mile in length from
north to south, and half a mile wide.
There are 350 acres, including" 133 acre?
of improved park lands and lakes. It
is estimated that the total cost of the
Exposition, exclusive of exhibits, but
incluJidg the Midway, will be about
The centerpiece of the Exposition is
nr. e'.uctric tow-jr 40 feet bigli,up:i
arid about which is an electrical
display surp.issing any ever yet at
tempted. More than 4J.0CX) lamps and
searchlight with a 3) inch projector,
capable of casting rays for a distance of,
fifty mile, arj u-.ed in the illumina
tion of this tower, '
. The mol in Fernbie beings in the
Vfirjil are there i-":ren:i; f.-i.m Djrpep
ti.t and Li-r Coniplvnt. More t'f wt
7r-er- s.i.t. .A tl:.i lu ia tlv, Vr. ',-!
Slates ar" f.i'licted witii tl,f-e two oih-i-Hses
and their effects: such as Smr
Stomach, Sick Headache, iiabitnal Cos-'
tiveness, Palpitation of tlie Heart,
Heartburn, Watrr-brash, Gnawing and
Burning Pains at the Pit of tho Stom
ach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and
Disagreeable Tasts in the Mouth, Com
ins: up of Food fter Eating, etc. Go to
Mueller &' Hill's and get a bottle of,
Aotjnst Flower for 75 cents. Two doses
mil icuuiu .vu. iij ii vsbvii vjui a
Prize Almanac. '
As Dr. Lowe, the optician will not be
back till fall, be snre and see him bis
next day here, which will be Jnly 10.
For sale A brand new 1901 Rambler
"Soecial." Never been out of the store.
It is a HO wheel for M0. Ladies' oc
kents. Inquire at the I-glletim ofiice. '
o Full Ulno of"
Va ens, Jchn Decrc Piows
Wr a tJoddtinartors for. . . .
and all Winds of
Legging Sapfiics
'The Burlington Route
for Buffalo.
t.fi ' 50 YEARS' 'i
'h:,' 's Designs ?
Anrono S(nrtlii(! s skotrh n3 rtenpriplinn m
ln!i!kly lutiwriiiin t.t opimon free whether v
j;vantl.'in t vr.vhalily vi,UMi!(iblo. Ooiiixiimliii.
tUnva slrict'.vc.iiitl.loiitlal. Ilniiolxx h mi I'hIoi.Uj
tnt tnte. lMont e3icy lor seourhiR f utt nla.
rntiMit,4 tultun thrjuuli Muiiu A Co. rccelTft
;'-uloJfc, wittumtolinrae, Jatbo
A hatirtsotneTy lllnstrntnd WBPklr. I.nrnevt clft
tc'.nt.ion of any koioiiuUo journal. 'l'i-rni, 4
Twir : four nioi'ths, (1. dold lij all Ticws(!ek;rs.
BUfiSiCo.8" Key York
jjjascU UiJlce, F St, Wbtuutou, 1). ft