Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, July 11, 1901, Image 8

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    Our Washington J
Washi.smtos, July 5, 1901.
Gen. Miles has an idea that it would
Iv wise to withdraw tho most of our
troops from Cuba now, instead of wait
ing uuiil tho Cuban government is es
tablished, and ho has olMially recom
mended to Secretary Root that 50 per
mit of the 5000 a meriean troops uow in
Cuba bo ordered home, and tho work
they ore doing be turned over to tho
Cubans. He thinks it an excellent op
portunity to test the capacity of the
Cubans to govern themselves ia a small
waythe preservation ot peace, protec
tion of property, etc. But it is under
stood that Secretary Root is opposed to
nny further reduction ol our troops on
the island until the Cubans have their
government established.
In a large room of the Smithsonian
Institute a permanent exhibition will
shortly be thrown open, under the name
of the "Children's Museum." The ceil
ings are hung with artificial wild vines,
among which are swung uiauy cages of
live singing birds, and the exhibits,
meteorites, insects (dead and alive),
models of diamonds, gold nuggets and
all the commoner minerals, small ani
mals, and many other things with which
children are BUtBciently interested in,
being specially arranged for the compre
hension of children. The idea of a mu
seum especially for the amusement, and
incidentally for the education of chil
dren, came to Prof. S. P. Langley a year
ortwoag:, and he has since been ar
ranging to put it into practical effect.
The method of exhibition itn't the only
unique feature of the new museum. It
has, so far as known, been the invaria
ble custom in every museum in the
world to label all exhibits with their
technical names, which are puwling to
the average well-informed adult, and
absolutely meaningless to a child. In
this museum everything is labeled with
its common name, and in addition,
where possible, a short lact relating
The additional claims against China,
put in by Germany ,and several other
powers, which were at first so puzzling
to this government, are now known to
iiiltC lATdl J.'lUHl"i'i J fevw .......
the powers should be heartily ashamed,
iiy some error in figuring, China agreed
to pay a total indemnity which exceeded
the aggregate demand of all the powers
by $25,-130-000. As soon as tbat became
i. iiown, Germany put in a claim for
Vl'i,000,(KJ3 more and Japan for $5,000,
L'CO, and other powers annoui.ee their
intention to do tho same. This govern
ment proposed that the excesa be de-
ii. ieted from the total indemnity to be
paid by China, but from the manner
in which the proposal was received, it is
certain that it will nut be accepted, and
that the rnajr:tyof the powers are de
termined to squeeze the last dollar pos
sible out of China.
Secretary Hitchcock believes in adopt
inn good ideas wherever found. An in
vestigation having shown him that Ger
many had been successfully renewing
its forests, he submitted a plan for the
establishment of a bureau in the De
partment of the f rterior for the restora
tion of American forests by a similar
plan, and it was promptly approved by
the President and the other members of
the Cabinet, and the forefctry bureau
will soon be iu operation.
The receipts of the government for the
fiscal year ju-t closed exceeded its ex
penditures by $";,000,u00, which was
about $3,000,000 less than th surplus of
the pr'vi ;U8 fiscal year. There will be
no such surplus for the fiscal year be
ginning today, as the act of thi latl
Congrats reducing war laxei went into
o iect on the 1st iist., and that will re
duce the revenues of the government to
tho extent of between 'fuJtty and fifty
million dollars.
C. J. Eddy, Gbn'khal Aoji.vt,
PoiitlaM), Qmvjins.
pnvthi)g yon Invent ortmproYG; elso Kili
S i-f.OiECTION. Send model, clx-tcli, or photo.
i for fr?o examination ami advice.
WG.A.8NQW& GO. i
l Vkteat Lawyers. WASH i NGTON, D.C. i
mem a W m ri r4h d i
Miss Amelia May went to Portland
on the 3d hist.
Master Elmer Porter is in Portland
for ft short visit.
lliratn Williams returned from the
Sound country last week.
Mr. M. E. llenrn and wife visited
with friends Here Sunday.
Win. Wassom.ono of our progressive
farmers, was in town on business Friday.
Miss La Velle Hays, of Portland, is
visiting with Miss Cecil Rampv of this
J. R. Cartwright and family re
turned from their outing much bene
fited. Mrs. George Brandenburg is tn at
tendance upon the M. K. camp-meeting
at Can by.
L. P. Forest, a prominent log con
tractor of the upper river, was hero on
business Monday.
Mr. Thurston Porter lost ono of his
fine driving horses last week, i buppoeed
to be the result of poison.
Misses Mamie ami Ninnie Torter
were in Eugene the Fourth, guests of
their uncle, 11. E. Morris.
Miss Gertie Rriggs has returned
from n six months visit with her sister,
Mrs. L. E. Raker, at Pendleton.
Misses Lota Atford.Tena Roach and
Gertie Kriggs had a pleasant drive to
Coburg Sunday. X' w's teamster.
The Spaulding drive of 8,000,000
feet of logs tills tho river here now. The
fmr will pass here Saturday or Sunday.
-ffm. Cunningham and wife, of
Roice Citv.are here the guest of his
father, l'.illy has no enemies here
abouts. The delay in moving the Laws mill
to this city wan occasioned btf the sick
ness of the contractor. They have
commenced work now.
Mr. E. J. Hearn succeeded last
week in carrying away one of Alsea's
brightest girls as a bride. They are at
home to friends seven days each week.
The Warner home, in tho foothills
ten miles east of here, was destroyed by
fire on last Saturday. Rut little of their
household goods were saved. The loss
is partly covered by insurance.
The Odd Fellows have purchased
the twit-storied brick situated on the
northeast corner of Smith and Second
streets. They are giving it a drew of
paint, and other improvements w ill fol
low. Sheridan Wheaton of bite purchased
three acres of land within the corporate
limits of tho city from Mrs. E. E. Max
son. He lias a neat residence well under
way, and will have a pleasant suburban
Mr. Jamc Douglas, with his estim
able wife, arrived hero Saturday from
Baker City, where they were married
Iitft week . That their greatest troubles
may be little ones is the wish of a host
of friends.
S. A. Lardis, representin,' the Ore
gon School Supply house, of Albany,
was hustling business hero .Monday and
Tuesday. Mr. Landis was engineer
aboard the first locomotive to arrive
here and the only man in the employ of
Ren Holladay at that limn who coiil.i
cheek Ren in his tyrranical abqse. Mr.
Landis is h'gh-grade metal, and at the
same time square.
-Win. Wetzler is haying this week.
Mr. Harris has returned from Astoria.
Miss Cora Harris is home from As
toria. Vlrs. Wetzler has a new sewing ma
I5en Harris has gone to work for
Ernest Miller.
Charley burgess has bought a span
oi work horses.
Mr. and Mrs. Harood, of Harris
bur', visited with the Hays family this
Mrs. Lorcn Edwards, who has been
visiting her folks at Lake Creek, has re
turned home.
Miss Deli Moffctt, who ha? been
working in Eugene for some time, is vb
iting with her folks.
Miss Funnio MofTett, who has been
working in Eugene for some time, has
returned home again.
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Tcmplutou, of
Crown Point, made a business trip to
River View this week.
Henry Loretz, has bought four bend
of bunch grans horses from I'vron Mil
Horn, and is now hauling wood to Eu
fam Robinson started up his boiler
Doug. Richardscn was visiting Jeff.
Riley Saturday.
Clvdo Morrison was vinilirxr Mr
Campbell Sunday. j
Miss Annie McMullui is visiting
relatives in River View.
Mr. and Mrs. James McMullin spent
their Fourth in River View.
Ed, Ayers has some boys pruning
his late hops. They look very thrifty.
Mac Morrison is getting ready to
build a new barn in which to keep his
winter supplies.
A few cf our young people attended
tho celebration in F.ugen on the Fourth
and report a good time.
John Tfmploton, accompanied by
his niece, Miea A"h McMullin, made
a trip to the mountains Saturday.
There is nothing 1W tl,at cnn ')e ftU
in favor of th"R'bler', bicycle. It
lias been on the market twenty-two
years and during all of that time has
been the favorite with bicycle riders.
The new lfttl Rambler "Slice
Ul' isfourorlve pounds lighter than
any Rambler ver before turned out,
and as true as steel and skill can make
win. C&ll at Wright's furniture store.
The Woodmet initiate 1000 new
members in Portland August 3.
B. S. Hyland
& Co.,
Real Estate Dealers,
Have the following farm lands forsf le.
Any' inquiries ia regard to same will re
ceive prompt attept ion :
30 acres of tho finest land In I.an
county, one mile east ot Junction City.
This land is all in giass but 4HJ acres.
Price $50 per acre.
IGO-acre farm four miles east of liar
risburg, in Linn county; 140 acres iu
cultivation ; voang orchard ; new house,
fair barn ; plenty of water; I'-'S per acre.
IftO acre farm,2aS,' miles east of liar
risburg; 130 seres in cultivation j bal
nnce madow; gHsl Improvements;
house, 'jarn, orchard; l1 miles to
school house, $25 ier acre.
2J0 acres, two miles south of Harris
burr: 00 acres under cultivation. Iml-
ance timlwr, numle, ash. 'U ; no build-
in; new fence around cultivator lauif,
Harrisbnrg water ditch tuns through
l.n.t. nwl .l.w.J hnitivn fm ttnntli half
of old MariBlield donation claim ; $10 iht
200 acres of gool level farmland,
three miles south from Harrisburg;
about lit acres in cultivation; 30res
in linht timber: 10 acres in hops; splen
did orchard of 4 acres ; school house li
miles distant. This farm is well fenced
and plenty of water. Trie property has
been previously held at f'-.'Sj jwr aero.
It can now U purchased for $20. If you
were to look the length and breadth of
the Willamette Valley you couldn't find
a better barguin. lite owner netted
fKX) from the 10 acres of hoprthe i-ad
403 acres of fine nrairio land, 4 inilef
southeast of Junction City, on the river
rad. and 10 miles north of Eugene:
:VH) acres under rultivation; 00 acre
fine hard wood timber; residence and
two barns; but little gravel; l-'-ucro
orchanl ; well fenced. Can be divid d
eaKtand west so an to give each hfH
part of limber. Will be divided or sold
ns rt wbolt) to-utt. Price $:15 per acr'.
This is the old Hulin farm, and is woith
f.X) an acre. .
WX) acres, 2' mile southwest of Jnnc
tion: 250 anes nnder cultivation; ftO
seres timU-r, oak ami ash; Hatereil by
the Lodz Tom and several smsdl lakes,
over 10 miles of fen?e, divided into 10
fields and pastures ; could be divided
into 3 farms and each one could have a
.rood road nil graded and graveled ull the
way to Junction City; 3 stock tmrns
40x.M); 1 barn 00x72; blacksmith shop,
ha scales, wagon shed and machine
shed; out buildings and a dwelling
house of 8 fKims. gcxl as new, cost $21)00 ;
two orchards, all kinds of fruit and ber
ries. Price, $14 per acre. Easy terms
A great bargain.
OHke in "Rulletin" Olfico.
Centrally Located.
Free Sample Rooms.
Electric Lights and Rolls.
. Hotel Eueno
. Hoi.i.knheck Duos., Proprietors,
Rates, $1 to $2 per Day.
Headquarters for Commercial Travelers
and Mining Men.
Eugene, .... Oregon.
100 Hours
For full particulars, call on or address
II. H. Aijiiott, Agent,
142 3d St., Portland, Or.
E.-J. Covlr, A. j. P. A..
Vancouver, D.C.
A Good
WANTED f-A mm el M kMtih lUl H'Vt" A N S ttt
KmSi, TiT tMHith pala 4 plMf III. Oat gin
lUl. Sou 111 wtl RirAN S m tli twcku M4
cop no wiNrilet. K'l fA'N 8. ia fur mit, mf
b h4 l f S'Ul Mr, T Mmpl w4 cm lliouMt
CMMiMbnUt will b mlM 10 knf tiAnt lot Art Oliu.
tmnttUi la iht Rl(u Ckawtuu C., No. le SfttiM
, ii
Are You Going East?
Perhaps I cio be of service to you.
I can ticket you over any railroad running
trains out of Portland ; tell you when to leave
home; where to change cars; when you will
reach your destination, and what there is to
, be seen on the way.
Call or write I '11 take pleasure in answer
ing your questions.
Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and
l.U. IMIll)llll l
li'iiij iiii1m ritn
The favorite route to tho East is via
Fait Lake City and Denver 'over the Rio
(Jrande Western Railway, in connection
with either the Denver & Jtio iiramio or
Colorado Midbtnd Railroads. You will
find it a pleasant way to travel, couj
ling as it does the most remarkable
scenic ride in America with an nnsur
naHHed train service. Three fast through
transcontinental trains dally, carrying
all classes of equipment, including Pull
man palace and ordinary or tourist
keepers to Chicago and S-t. Louis with
lit ,.l,nrwr. (mi, ni.-'imn' ehnir cars, ob
servatioir cars and a perfect dining car
service, geml f r foU'.er aim oilier in
fornntion to 3. D. Mansfield, general
agent, 122 A Third ntrect, Portland ;
(ieo. W. Heinz, general agent, Halt Luke
Such as
Whnle Oil Hoap.
Qunsla Chips,
For insects on (rarden stuffs
fciuch as
, Lettuce, etc.
Use Insiict Powder or Ilelelsuro,
Aik us for prices,
Prescription Drutrgisb.
Tho Ruuktin is in receipt of a hand-
Romcly illustrated booklet entitled,
"Health and Pleasure Along the Line of
tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com-
nanv." Tho book contains a number of
views of plclurewjuo mountains, river
and ocean hcenery. ami it is ull described
in an accurate Mid pleasing style. Per
sons coiiteonplaling an outing this surn
rner should have a copy of this souvenir,
as it will enable yon to decide where to
spend your summer vacation. Tho book
may be procured free from any agent of
tho 0. R & N. Co., or on receipt of a two
cent postngo stamp, from A, L. Craig,
General Panaeoger Agent, Portland, Or.
A. C. Snstnow, General Agent,
Third and Stark St.. Portland. Ore,
I I I II til
ust published by the Southern Pa
cific Co. is a pamphlet upon tho re
sources of Western Oregon, which in
cludes an excellent map of tho state, and
contain information on climate, lands,
education, etc., existing Industries Hid
their capabilities.
Attention is also diiecled to Mich new
fields for energy or capital promise
fatr return. '
This publication fills a need long ex
perienced by Oregoniane, in replying to
inquiries of Eastern friends,
Copies may bo had of local agents. P,
Co., or from C. II. Maiikium, -
O. P. A , Portland, Or,
(I. W. Wright has on hand r.00,000
feet of dry lumber, which he will dis
pose of nt reasonable price. Long tim
bers a Hpeoialiy. Host lumber on tho
market. Uoon iioaw. Will lm delivered
promptly at any part of tho county.
Postollice address: Uoldson.
tlu ;a uliut Dm established rate
amounts to in ench direction making $80
for tho round trip, unO uy arranging
uiti. i).a I'.nMiiii'ton Route l-u.'-neiiifers
are given clioie-ji.f seven trains on dates
of sale. Call upon or write us for full
particular before makingother arrange
men's. R. W. Foster, Ticket Aijent,,
.i ..... . . v. 'I'I.Ih.I nn.t
JSl'rilllglOII Ik"UW, tDI 'IU ......
Btark streets, Portland. Oregon.
l,n cliiinnrnd hillidS. Reing
now In good condition will bo run by
ll'l.ii nnl i,iiml vncntlon lime at Yfl-
quina Ray, where can be had excellent
fare, gooI fishing, good boating, safe
bathing, alluring rides and rambles 1
The courses and exercises at tho Sum
mer School, of 1001. nt Newport, will
afford groat variety of instructiontdiver
sion and entertainment. .
No otber resort oilers equal on ruc
tions and advantages. , t