4k Jk J(b A As. WW WW WW WW www wwwww Corner Grocery if omplete ON 2 S CVCRV THING 1NTHE GROCERY LINE. produce Tuken Ifflillcorn Bros. Junction After thi usual quoklioo, whw-'l Uo you rMn?" eome, WIIA'I LINIMKNT IK) YOU USE? Tho 0ral Irag Co.'a PAIN KIN6 'What will furo all hfuliifi, cuti, burna ami iwreuft of muwloa in abort onUsr, an well am'olic, tllarrlicKsa, Uysunu-ry ami flux, tiivo H a IrlA, ' ' Ymj can Ret any ixo bottle you wil Gotnpsny Corner Hil, Jumtion City, Ont?on Ash ; '. twVo Dr. T.oc. tuto-oplUsian, Kugeno. Ice for sale at OicaJe tirug store. Konvlitfhtfol !. Kakale drugstore. Ordi-ra tsikcii tor ladlea' auJ gents, auitKatlloitffurt'a. The Week! Oregonian and tho Bet-t.m-i fr t'2 yar. , 0. W. Waflihtirnu lHsan cutting his winter oati yeatcrday. Veah oranj:ea and lemons for aalo at Cascade ieux atore. havo Wwtfall' Uerbi'of Health and Wonder Oil. ..MUKU.KU& Uiu,. (io to S.vll. Fiiondly'a whon in Eu gmo fur tlio h'test uovcltiea in summer droKHftx-dii. Lndion Hhirt waiHts In allahadea and textures latMt atylw at Friendiy'a. i;uciii'. , . A.i lr. Iwe, tl a optichn will not W back till fall, bo mira and wu him bin next day here, which will bu July 10. Clattdo Leo in here from Junction, and has charxo of W L. iHd.inm.'s drug more during Mr. D.'h ahcenuo UeglH tcr. .. U. W. Wegnrr.'of the Creamery cow pany, baa ptirehaiwd a nw phno from .T.'C. tiallaihr, repreauntlng tho Allen & C.ilbbrt Co., of Portland. A eolliHioii occurred near Punmuir, Cul., Siitur.lny night, between paaaenger trains Nt8. 11 and 12. Two tramps were killed and several passengers injured. It is expected that tho new building being erected by C. W. Washburne and J. P. Mllliorn 'on Front street will be ready tor occupancy by tho 25th innt. Dr. Lowe, Fngeno's well-known opti cian, will bo in Junction at tho Baker llotolnext week, on Friday, July 19, If you want perfect glasses, coirectly fitted to your ovos, at a reasonable prico, seo him, The flfteen-year-oh,l eon of Mrs. Con rad, living in the vicinity of Franklin, had flovcral pieces of bone taken out uf si : 11'' WW-itvM iM.w2iT I ijfffllf A A A A A a g S5: WIT 2S ssr" HAND.. In Exchange City, Oregon. S; hie right foot, by Dr.Ogledf,M a result of an Injury received with a grubbing boo aomo time inc.v . ,., f J. C. Oallagber, wprosenting Allen & UillertCo.f of Portland (uccersora to the Wiley B. Allen Co.), dealer in pianos and organs, will be in Junction for a few daya. You had, better eo him at the hotel, and he will, explain to you why lie will aell you ft piano or an organ very cheap and on very eaey terms. ' f 3. 11. Miller Invites tho people ,of Junction and vicinity to call and seo tho new laOl Rambler bicycles. If you are thinking about buying a wheel, it will py you to loc'k at tbo ltambler before you make purchase. Just notice tho iiuinW of these wheels in use. That i t'io lK'nt rdvcrtisenient it can have. L'gbtning struck in 5 different place in tho city of Chicago on Tueailay and set seventeen fires. In New York City on the same dav there were 224 deaths and 375 proflratlons from the heat, and similar conditions prevailed at Wash ington, Pittsburg, - P-altimore, KaiMas City and Toledo, while on the aamo day a windstorm swept through . Central Iowa, doing great damage, and a tornado wrought havoc in Powell' Valley, Ken tucky. in On-gon it was a cool as April, Halem Stntesitian. Millioni ltros. hate lust aot in flne lot of WJbou straw 1-jrits, m boxi-s. They canto ironi AinanvanI are very choice. Miernm-H Ulsaina raint (quality re-nu'inUri-.l lung iur prixi is forgotten. .Ur.Ucrt Hill. Do von lish? il!ye vou the hook that is niintel by the uov tinmen t? - If vou have, every Wednesday, at Molllt & Hainan's tmirket, you can get fresh fish, direct l mm I ortianu, ou fee treHli tal moo, hnlibut and smelt; to 1U cent.' a (Kiund, THK FIX BT SKUVICK-'---TO THK KAST AND KOUTH. The t). K. ct 7. Co., in connection with ihe Oregon bhort Line and Union Pacific, offers' the finest service and fast est tiiru to Salt Lske, Denver, Kannos City, Omaha, ft. Paul, it. Iouia, CliJ citgo nod nil point." euft. Three traiuc dasly from Purtlanu, wtthchofceof many different routes. Paiuco and touriM sleepers, library, din'tig and chair cars on ll trains. WritoA.L. Craig, O. P. A; 0. Tl. i N. Co , Portland, Oregon, for partlcu hirs. , Do you know That wo carry the best obtainable .Whlto Lead and Linseed Oil? The Pionerr White Lead Pure Boiled Lirisecd Oil Rawv Wo can today quote you a hotter price on the abovo than you can purchase thorn , in Portland and pay freiglO. , Ask us for prices. Wo ate ever ready to talk with you on Mixed Paints, Lead and Oil. Mueller & Hill DRUGGISTS 1 wfcww-'k- w wwww -w-w Ctock Obituary, f. " I Died, at 2 a. in., July .U,iiwi, Mrs, Parmelia, Nail, od 82 year. Mm. Nail, whose maldettBame was Parmelia Skccti, was tho wifi of the late Alexander Nail, who diet! abotit four yearn ago, and tho stepmother wf Mrs. viiv r i . innyo, nun, flail. Bh leaves several granuciiu Jren, among Hiem mm. J. J. ianiewe ana Mrs, Dave Ftrome, A nephew, Win. fkeen, of Palouae, Wash., at her bedside when h died. ; Cafw wan t!e immediate eutiBo of henleatb. Mrs. Nail was a pioneer, iaving come to Oregon from Arkansas In 1853. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Friday) morning, at 10 o'clock, from the residence f Oliver lMays, nine miles west of town, cemttcry. . Interment In Mays W.U WrlKhthas a neir itock of wall naoer of the latest and tiretticst desiuna. Now is the time to repa per, your house. j . . 31 ww wiu DC giau io nave vou cau unit mut thitNA ni MitU-rnM. Ao matter I what your tate. you ahould bo able to choose something to suit from among so I many beautiful patterna. DID.J OPENED. Three bids were opened feiterday by the County Court on construction of the Bear Crock brldire. four isilrs west of Junction. They were as follows; O.W, Klnsey, $520; N. P.. Alley, fMK); Clar- ence Thomson, C20. The contract was J awardwl to . B.-Alley, G. V. Kinsey j withdrawing his bid, as it did not cou- form to plans and ejiecificatioBs. i d.- Pv..,lAnn thA P.t , ap excursion Iy"i' a r. 1..(1 aft. I.! I aionaay, jmy m, lor xwroit,MicuiVaa, ..:.... .Ax.... ,a ,, i ,w, r :P ;;" cursion rates In effect via the Burlington Route Jul r 1st. 2d and 3d. The olbcial ronte of the delegation of Christian Endeavorera from Califoraia is the Robtimrii Piclfic via Salt Lake Citv. Rio n i n a v nn. iiti. llngton Route via Clucago, and the ex- cursion party from Foitlanft will join the Californians at Salt Lake City and co East from there In a bod v, enjoying all the pleasure and conveniences of the trio as ahead decided ttpon by the Del-1 egation from California, and it is said to be one of tho most interesting and com plete itineraries ever arranged by an ex cursion party to the East. Foil particu lars cau be scoured by calling at or ad dressing a 'etter to R. W.Foster, Ticket Agont, Burlington Route. Comer 3d and flark Streets, Portland, Oregon. FERIOUS ACCIDENT. Cury, the 7-yeanotd i toa' of John Strome, one of our prominent farmers,! reniding about ono mile southeast of town, met with a terrible accident Mon- day evening. At the time it occurred Mr. fc'trome and son were ruling along the county roud near the Ueek resi- deuce, two miles northwest of town, Tho hoy was riding his white pony, and thinking to quicken the pace started the pony to galloping, ine pacn muaumve j been a little speedier than Cary wast usetlto, for he conceived tuo idea that ... the pony was running away with him, and he jumped from the animnl's back,! landing so a9 to break one leg between the knee and hip and frightfully laceiat- ing the scalp. Ho was brought to town, I and Dr. S. L. Lee sewed up the scalp wounds cd set tho broken member. At last account tho boy was doing nicely. GOOD ADVICE ' The most m serable beiups in the world are those IsufTerina troni Dyspep sia ana Liver uomplittnt. More trun 75 per cent, of tlie people in the Un t d Mates are aluxted witn tncHo two uis- oaaes and their eifectu: such ad Sour Htomach. Sick Headache, Habitual Cos tiveness, Palpitation of tho He lleartnurn, . ator-lirasa, unawing Burning Pains at the Pit of the btom ach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disairreeablu Taste in the .Mouth, Com ing up of Food attar Eating, etc. Go to iii iiviivri u Ann a uiii v .jiiiju vi August Flower for 7 &T;GeTtWSrS will relieve you. 1 Prize Almanac. M.niuED. At the biide'a residence, Tuesday, July 9, at. 8:30 p. ro., Mrs. Emma Lctollicr to Mr. Fred J. Rizley Rev. S. H. Wallace performed the cere mony thatuniteil the young and happy couule "for better or for worse." He was assisted in tieing the knot by Mar shal J. J. Darnuillo. It was tho society event of the season in Junction City, LOW RATE TO BUFFALO. If you are going to the Exposition, or an? other noint East, do not make Vonr arrangements until Vou have se cured rates from the Burlington Route. They will interest you. Call or write for 'full narticulars. R. W. Foster, Ticket Airent Burlington Route, corner Third aud Stark Sts Purtlaud, Ogn. 1 Persons! J. M. Howe, of Eugene, km In town Tuesday. J a. Waddle, ol Portland, was in town Monday. Mrs. J. J, r.lew end son, of Aatorla, are here visiting relatives. L. 15. Moore arrived In town from Roseburg on this morning's overland. Mis Edith Thompson, of Albany, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elmer Samuels. Mies Nellie Hay, of Junction City, is In the city visiting Dr. and Mrs.Du Gas Roseburg Review, Mrs. Mollie Saylor and daughter Dot, of Umatilla, are visiting with Frank Baylor and family, , - It. A. Washburne and wife and James Clark and wife, of Springfield, have gene t0 Foj(.y gprings.-Register, Mrs, T. W, Clew, who has been visit ing relatives here, left for her home in Cottage Grove Tuesday afternoon.' , G. W. Weatherly, of Portland, presi dent of the Junction City Creamery company, arrived in town Sunday. Dr. S. Hamilton and Prosecuting At- torney JSrown.'of .Roseburg, were pos- angers on Tuesday's south bound local. , Mrs. Dr. Whitcomb left on Tuestlay's local for Myrtle Creek. Whil here ebe was the g est of Mrs. Lela Bushey and mother. Attorney G. F. Skipwortb and wife, , and Mr. A.Umphrey, Wrs. fikipworth's fathcr,: returned Monday from a visit ' ith ruIativeg hl Lebanon Dave Houston and daughter Bcs- of rorlUnd, arrived Tuesday on the ' . , . . r . .. .. J' 110U6WD ner Mn. L. B. Moore, of Roaeburg, came down on the Oregon Express yesterday. The serious illness of her sister, Miss Evelyn Barton, is the cause of her visit. Charles J, Mueller, of Milwaukee, Wis., arrived in the city on Tuesday morning's overland, lie ia a brother of Druirgist Fred Mueller, and w ill remain for an indefinite time. Mrs. Dave Houston and daughter and Mrs. Fred Peebtar left yesterday for Roseburg. Mrs. Houston will visit her mother at Merlin before return ing to her home in Pcrtland. i J. C. Gallagher and wife, of Portland, aro at the Junction Cty Hotel.: Mr. Gallagher is representing the Allen & I tiu uert nano i oruanu, ana wm.De wwn lor lour or uve aays. , t , Mies Anna Olesby, associate editor j of the Bcllktix, left Saturday for Mos cow, Idaho, to 011 the position of opera I tor for the Western Union Telegraph Uompuny during the pa'sect rnontn. R?v. 'Booth, of Moscow, Idaho, passed through yesterday on his way to Eu gen0. Dr. and Mrs Oglesby, who bave itnown him for a number of years, were , tj10 4j0j,0t, to meet lism, and lield a )rief but tdeasant conversation with the I " reverend gentleman. He goes to Eu gene to visit his brother, Senator R. A, Booth- Sunday there will be a gather ing of the Booth family at Grants Pass, where the father resides. It is probable that Rev. Booth will stop off here on his return to Moscow. Take your laundry to G. S. Keek's barber shop. Ho has the ageccy for the Troy Laundry, of Portland. Ask your dealer for Cream of all Manufactured bysllli!!s Eugene ssaaawEcswwSassss f HOUSEWIVES: STEEL AID CAST FiAHGES, COOK STOVES, ' TINWARE 'and CUTLERY . .. . also Griffin Hardware Co., :SS21- 'Vwwwww'tw''ti''w'w A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Somcthiso New Vxdioi jnt Set." All Doctor have tried to cure catarrh by the uso of powders, acid gases, in halers anddmgs in paste form. Thoir powders dry up tho joucnous mem branes, causing, them to crack open and bleel. The powerful acjds usd In the inhalers bve entirely eaten awav the same membranes that their makers have aimed to enre, while paeies and ointments cannot reaeb the disease. An old and experience! practitioner who has for many years made a clone study and fpeciaity of the treatment of catarrh, has at lat perfected a treat ment which when faithfully us:d, not only relieves at once, bat permanently cures catarrh, by removing the cause, stopping the discbarges, and curing: all inflammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reacltes the afflicted parts. ' This wonderful remedy is known as "SnuffLs the Guar anteed Catarrh Cnre" and is sold at the extremely low price of one dollar, each package containing internal and exter nal medicine suiticient for a full month's treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use. . "Snuffle" is the only peifect catarrh cure ever made and is now recnrnized as tho only safe and positive cure for that annoying and disgustinz distal. It cures all inflammation quickly and per manently hnd is also wonderfully quick to relieve hay fever or cold in the head. Catarah when neuleeted otten leads to "onsumption "Snuffles" wit! save you t you nse it at once. H is no ordinary remedy, but ' a complete treatment which is iotdtivel7 gonraut.?d to cere catarrh In any form or stage if ustfl ac cording to the directions which aceom- nanv each packaze. von t delay, but send for it at once, and write full partic ulars as to your condition, and you will receive special advice from the discov erer of thia wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to yon beyond the regular price of "nufiies the Guaranteed Catarrh Cure." fcfent prepaid to any address in tho United States or Canada on receipt of one dollar. Address Dept. B622, Edwin B. Giles & Companv, 2300 and 2332 Market St., Philadelphia. " CROP OUTLOOK. It is estimated that the wheat crop of Lane county this year will amount to 800,000 bushels, or more than an aver age crop, About 500,000 bushels will be for export. Other crops promise equally as well, uats are nuing belter man usual, and will yield a good crop. The hay crop is being harvested, and will be the jargest for, years. Hops are doing well where they have been properly tended, and vegetables of all kinds are yielding abundantly. The fruit crop is one of considerable importance, ard and will turn out well. Especially is thia true of prunes, tho principal expert fruit. Guard. CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. Norice is hereby given that the follow ing warrants w ill be paid on presenta tion at my office on and ' after Julyj?, PW1 (interest will cease on July 8,1901): All Lane County warrants from regis tered number 8035 to 83-38,' both inclu sive. ' . v . " ' Dated Eugene, July C, 1001. A. S. PATTEBSOX, Countv Treasurer. ' , nead this paper and The Weekly Ore gonian. - - PETITION INT BAN !i.R U 1TC Y. T. A. Gilbert, a boot and shoo dealer at Eugene, has tiled a petition in bank ruptcy. Ills liabilities conskt of ac counts owing to various firms, amount ing to IS018, and he also owes $(M taxes. Ills assets future up $6732, and comprise a stock of shoes, etc., at Eugene, valued at $5323, an interest in the partnership of Gilbert & "Holden at Roseburg, and $174 bills receivable.-Oreonian. r r Laundry Soaps Oregon ; -OM- Y'OU WILL FIND A FULL LINE OF . the .. Oreoi!. i; s