Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, July 11, 1901, Image 3

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    ;J: FROM I
jjfv BY MARY jlj
"Ob, mother, won't you take this pil
low from my head and Pt another blan
ket on my feet, and fix tbe tire, and give
mt some water, or something? Ob, dear,
dearl" groaned poor Koae Lincoln, aa
with aching bead and lunirw ahe did pen
ance for her Imprudence In crowning tb
wet, slippery street In thla -slipper and
liken boa, .
Mrs. Lincoln, who knew nothing f this
exposure, loudly lamented the extreme
delicacy of her daughter's constitution,
Impaling It wholly to Mount Holyoke dis
cipline, and wleblng. aa she bud often
don before, that "she'd been wise and
kept her at borne." Jenny would have
wished ao, too, If by tble means Rose
Illness could have been avoided, for It
waa not a verr aa-reeable tk to etay In
that eloae slek-room. listening to tbe
complaint of her fault finding alater, who
toaecd and turned and fretted, from
nirnln until nla-ht. sometimes wishing
herself dead, and then crying beeaus ehe
nt anmethlna-. and did not anow
Oh! dear" aald aha. on evening w-
ral daya aftir tha commencement of her
Illness, "how provoking to be obliged to
lie here moping with tha dulleat of all
dull company whin there'a Mra. Ruaaell's
party next wttk, and I've aueb a lovely
intti to wear. Whr ain't 1 aa atrong
and healthy aa yoiiT-tbougb 1 wouldn't
be ao fat for anything. I'll go to that
n.rf al.k nr well. I wouldn't mlas It
for anything.
Jenny looked no In surprise, aaklng
why Ler sister waa ao particularly anx
loua to attend tha party.
"Ueesuae." returned Rose. "Mary How
ard will be there, and you know aa well
aa I how awkward aha'll appear-never
wa In any kind of society in her life.
"I don't see what Inducement that can
for vnn ta MiiuH rour htaltb." aald
Jennr . and Rose continued:
"I want to see Ida mortified once, for
she might know better than to bring
green rountry girl here, aettlog her op
a something wonderful, and expecting
everybody to believe it Juat becauee Mlaa
Selden aa d ao. Coma, bring roe my
Aromm. Jennv! I want to ae If the Hon)
iftn lim ou tha caua la aa wide aa Ida
"What do fou mean?" aaked Jenny,
turning qnlekly toward ber aUter, whose
white, waated race looaea ner ur
ahroud thau a gay party dreaa.
"I mean what I Bay," returned Itoe;
Tm not going to be cooped up here any
lonicer. Tin g-!ng to the party to-mor-row
night. If I never go again."
"Why, Hoae Lincoln, are you craayT
aked Jenny. "You haven't been In the
treet yet, and how do you expect to go
to morrow nlghtT Mother wouldn't let
you. If alio were here.'
"Weil, tbahk fortune! ahe and father
lotb are In Southbrldge: and bealdea that
I'm a great deal better; ao hand me uiy
Jenny complied, and reclining on pil
lows warct'ly whiter than heraelf, Itoao
Lincoln examined and found fault with
thin goatuner fabric, little auited for
anyone to wear on a cold, wintry night,
and much Icaa for her.
"There, I knew It waan't aa wide aa
Ida'a Into an eighth of an Inch," aald ahe,
nieaaurlnit with her finger tha expensive
lace. "I ll have eome uew. Oome, Jen
ny, auppoao you go uown u
It. for I'm bent upon going;" and t,ho
thoughtleaa girl aprang lightly upon the
floor, and chaaed halfway acroaa the
room to ahow how well and atroug aho
Jenny knew that further expoatulntlon
from her waa tiacleaa, but ahe refuaed to
go for the Ince, and Sarah, the aervant
girl, waa Bent with a note from Koao
aylng ahe wanted a nice article, eight
' or ten dollars per yard.
"I don't believe father would like to
have you make such a bill," said Jenny,
when Sarah was gone. "Mother didn't
dnre to tell blm about your new dreaa,
for he told her she mustn't get anything
charged, and ha said, too, something
about hard timea. I'erhapa bo'a going
to fall. Wouldn't it be dreadful?"
If Itose heard tho last part of thla
sentence she did not hood It, for to her
the Idea of her father'a foiling was pre
noateroua. When tho dinner bell rang
she threw on a heavy shawl and de
PMidlmr to tha dlnlug-pnrlor, remained
below stairs all the afternoon, forcing
h-k her couuh. and chatting merrily
with a irrnitn of vourm fflrla who hn$
.llid to see her. and congratulated her
upon her Improved health, for excitement
lent a deep glow to ner cnocK, wmcn
, would easily deceive the Inoxperienced.
Tho npxt dav. owing to overexertion,
Itoae'a temples were throbbing with pain,
and more than onca she half-determined
not to go; but her paBaion for society
una atrouir. and Mrs. KuaaeU's party had
so long been anticipated and talked about
that aho felt ahe would not mtss It for tho
and. aa ahe had confessed to
Jpnnv. there was also a mean curiosity
to see how Mary Howard would appear
nt a fuahlonablo party.
"Saturute my handkerchief with co
lnirne. and nut the vinaigrette where 1
mn reach it while you arrnngo my hair,"
rIui suid to Saarah, who at the usual
hnnr nnmo un to dress her young mis
trcsa for tho evening. "There, bo careful
and not bruah so hard, for that ugly pain
Iwn't quite gone now bring me tho glass
and let me see If I do look like a ghost."
Talo, delicate folks la alwaya mora
Intereallng thao red, hearty ones," said
the flattering servaut
Mercy, how white I ami" exoiaimea
Itosn, glancing at the ashen face reflect
ed by the mirror. "Itnb my cheeka with
cologne, Sarah, and see If that won't
bring Borne color into them. I here,
that'll do; Now band ma my dress. On,
ss't it beautiful?" ah continued, aa she
threw aald th thickly wadded aoowo
gown and aaaumed light, thin dreaa,
which fell In fleecy folds around her
slight figure.
When ber toilet waa completed oae
etood up before the long mirror, ana ft
glow of pride came to her cheeka aa sua
ssw how lovely she really was.
"You'a enough alght handsomer than
as the
Ing little apart from any one, snd with
her elbow resting npon warble stand,
her cheeks flushed, and ber eyelashes
moist with the tears she dare not sbd,
she was watching with feelings In which
more of real pain than Jealouay was rain
ld. for ICIla was weak and simple-
hearted, aud loved llrjr Lincoln far No Conitdtrabla Pall In Ttmperature If Ex-
ttetier man sucn a u ,tu . m
loved. ,
"Of what are yon thinking, Kllar
aaked Itose, who findlag berm-lf nesrly
alone, felt willing to confers with al
most anyone.
At the sound of her voire Ella looked
up. and coming quickly to her side, asld:
"Ifa bo dull and lonesome here, I wish
I'd at a veil st home,
In ber heart Itose wished so, too, but
she wss too proud to acknowledge It,
and feelina- unusually kind toward Ella
whose nncssiness she readily understood,
she replied: "Obi I see you are jealoua
of Henry, but he's only trying to teas
rou. for he reu't be Interests! in that
awkward thing."
"But he is, 1 almost know he Is," re-
pcfitd Ktavy Rain at New York Gave
Thai City Temporary Relief Waihlnjton
the Warmest Place East of the Alleghany
Washington, July 8. The 10th
day of the present heated term waa
again a scorcher, except where severe
thunder storms, local rains or violent
atmospheric changes brought cool
weather. In ArVanaaa, the eastern
Gulf atatea. Northern Ohio and New
York, thunder storma brought relief.
In OniiffKHiaforn "ffpw Knffland. also
J I'll . 1 . (. - hi. "f fhl 1 - ' v
voice she tried in vala to eubdue; and CW1" J""'- l"v '
then, fearlna ahe conld not longer re- ature falling from 6 to 10 degrees
atrala ber emotion, aba aoddenly broka Tonight the weather bureau officials
away from Koae, and ran baatily uo to tfae onJ pr08pect, for Kiet itom
Nothing of all thla escaped Henry s me m w-""'"-
ouick eye, and aa sundry nnpald buia gtorma. There la no promise, vney
Mia, Jenny, ww-per cam. looming np before his mind, be M of gen8ral tbunder ,t0rma auffi-
door opened au- Jer.ny aPPemd mora fc ht t0 ,n,kt iom, .menda . . fhtt
simply arrayed than ber alster, but look
ing aa fresh and blooming as a roseuua.
How besntlful you are, Hose," ana
aaid. "only It makes me ablver to loon
at your neck and arma. You II wear your
woolen aack, besides your anawi sua
cloak, won't you?"
"Nonaense, I'm not going to t Bun
dled up thla way, for don't yon ee ic
musses tha lace," aald Rose, refusing the
warm aack which Jenny brought her.
A rap at the door and a call from
Henry that the carriage waa waiting
ended tbe conversation, and, throwing
on their cloaka and hooda, the girls de
scended to the halj, when-, with nnususi
tenderness, Henry caught up hia Invalid
slater, and, drawing the veil closely over
her fsec, csrrled her to tha covered
sleigh, so that ber feet might not touch
tha Irr walk.
"What? Itose Lincoln here?" exclaimed
half a dosen voices as Itoaa bounded
Into the dreaslng room.
"Yea, Hose Lincoln la here," ahe re
plied, gayly, dlveating herself of her
wrapping. "I'm not going to die juat
jet, I guess, neither am 1 going to be
housed up all winter. The fresh air baa
done me good already see," and ehe
pointed to a bright, round spot which
burned her cheek.
A youug girl, whose family had one
by one fallen vletlme to the great New
England plague, conaumptlon, ahuddered
and turned away, for to her eye the
glow which Itose called health was but
tbe hectic bloom of death.
"How besutlfui she UT aald more than
one, aa with her accnatomed grace Koao
entered the brilliant drawing-room. And
truly Itoae waa beautiful that night, but
like the gorgeous fotisge of the fading
autumn, 'twaa the beauty of decay, for
death waa written on her blue-veined
brow, and lurked amid 4he rosea on ber
cheek. Hut tittle thought she of that,
as with smiling Up and beaming eye ahe
received tbe homage of the admiring
Juat then Ida and Mary were an
nounced. Itoth Aunt Martha and Ida
had taken great pains to huve their
young friend becomingly dreased, and
she looked unusually well In the em
broidered muslin skirt, aatln waist and
blondo bertha which Aunt Martha bad
Instated upon her accepting as a present
The rich silken braids of her luxuriant
hair were confined at the back of her
finely formed head with a golden arrow,
which, with the exception of a plain band
of gold on each wrist, waa the only or
nament she wore. This wss her first in
troduction to the gay world, but so ken
wss her perception of what waa polite
and proper that none would ever have
suspected It; and yet there waa about
her something ao fresh and unstudied,
that she had hardly entered the room
ere many were struck with her easy, un
affected mannera, so different from tne
practiced airs of the city bellea.
Ella wateuea ncr narrow ly, wniapering
aside to Henry how sorry she felt for
poor Mary, ahe was so verdant, and real
ly hoped ahe wouldn't do anything very
awkward, for 'twould niortiry ner to
death! "But look," she added, "and see
how many people Ida la introducing her
"Of course, why shouldn't Bhe?" asked
Henry; and Ella replied:
"I don't know it aeems ao funnyj to
see Mary here, doesn't it?"
Before Henry could answer, a young
man of his acquaintance touched his
shoulder, saying: "Lincoln, who Is thnt
splendid-looking girl with Miss Selden?
I haven't soon a finer face In Boston for
many a day."
"That?, Oh, that'a Miss Howard, from
Chlcopeo. An Intimate friend of our
family. . Allow me tho pleasure of In
troducing you," and Henry walked away,
leaving, Ella to the tender mercies of
Rose, who, aa one after another quitted
her aide and went over to the "enemy,"
grew very angry, wondering If folks were
bewitched, and hoping Ida Seldon "felt
better, now that she'd made to many
notice her protege' "
Later In tho evening, William Bender
came, and Immediately Jenny began to
talk to him of Mary, and the lmpresalon
ahe was making. Placing her hand
familiarly upon his arm, as though that
were Ha natural resting place, she led
him toward a group, of which Mary
aeemed tho center of attraction. Near
her stood Henry Lincoln, redoubling hia
flattering compliments In proportion aa
Mary grew colder and more reserved In
her manner toward him. Silly and con
ceited as he waa, he could not help no
ticing how differently ahe received Will
iam Bender from what Bhe had himself.
"But all In good time," thought lw,
glancing at Ella, to see how Bhe waa af-
cent to make a general fall in the
temperature. Local thunder storms
will give temporary relief, but
weather bureau officials say that per
manent relief will not come until
for his nee-lect. Accordingly, when Ella
returned to tbe drawing room be offered
her his arm. askinc: "What made her
eyes ao red," and slyly prelng her hand.
when she averted ber face, saying:
Meantime. William Bender, having heavy storms or locat rains prevail.
managed to drop Jenny from hia arm, had jn Chicago a promise of a short re-
aaked Mary to accompanynim to ine con- .pJte rom the heat j, gjTen New
mldenlv thanaed. and drawing Mary of rain, which sent the thermometer
cIosertoblsslde. be ssld dietincdy, !own to 76. East of the Allegany
though hurriedly: I now, wary, mat
JUU iwtiu T-murn i nawy im aj l"v'""vvi I - at. J la.
and I h.ve. therefore, sonaht this oppor- erally a few degree over the highest
tunlty to assure you tbst I shall not again of yesterday, and in portions of the
distress you by a deeleratlon of lov, goht it warmed up, also in
A".0?""."!1. Arkansas and Oklahoma, maximum
more pain msn pieaaun ivr i i .
rou at Mr. Keldcn'a. 1 am changed la temperatures of over 100 being record
more respects thsn one. It cost me a Washinetou was the warmest
bitter struggle to give jm np, but rea- .j eagt of thJ Aiieghanie8 today,
i fin imi. think af on as soma the maximum temperature recorded
time belonging to another, and with all being 95. There wa not much hu-
a brother's confidence can tell. you that midjty, but tbe day was very trying.
I. too, lovs '"other-not ss oee oved 0enmIJohn W, . Darr, formerly of
kntii&t Pacific Vfhakr C the Rocks la
; Behrlmj Sea.
Seattle, July 5. The whaler Bala
ena, of San Francisco, belonging to
the Pacific Steam Whaling Company,
lies on St. Lawrence Island, 20 miles
west of Southeast cape, in Behring
sea, a total wreck. Captain P. F.
Cotte and the 60 men in the crew baa
an almost miraculous escape from
death. Through the bravery of the
officers all escaped to shore.
The Balaena was on a voyage to the
Arctic. Bhe was provisioned for 30
months. The whaler left San Fran
cisco April 4. and, after battling with
tbe ice for weeks, bad succeeded m
working through the worst of the
floes. She was headed to pass fct.
Lawrence island when the wreck oo '
curred. Shortly after midnight, May
1, tbe wind rose until it assumed the
atrength of a gale, and the whaler
waa driven to a point 20 miles west of
Southeast cape, St. Lawrence island,
where she struck a rock. The cap
tain immediately ordered the boats
out. The whaler seemed to have
been bung on the rock, and, although
the waves were pounding her terribly,
she did not founder. In a very short
time the boats were manned and the
crew started for the shore. The sea
was so high that it was impossible for
the boats to keep together, but they
all made the island eventually. The
hands and feet of several are badly
Tbe Balaena is a total wreck. She
. . . a .
is hanging to tne rocs wnere sne
struck, but is liable to slip off into
the water and sink at any time. She
struck on the port side and crashed a
hole fully 12 feet in the length of ber
Fort Scott, Kan., who served on the
staff of General Garfield during the
civil war. is critically ill from heat
I prostration.
with a calmer, more rational love
All this time Mary hid not spoken.
thourfi the hand which William bad tak
en In bis trembled like an imprisoned
bird: but when he came to speak of lov
ing another, she Involuntarily raised bis
hsud to her Hps, exclaiming. "It's Jenny,
It Jenny!"
'Vflii It si warn r t auu1 rltrtitlr." retained
- - - -i ... . . . . n ...
ivill(.m ....I Sn. K oarnoatneaa of EXOOSIUOR urounas ami onronnu iwwm
V isstaaws a ia 1 1 u ja, , v - I
her manner. "It is Jenny, though how ind Electric Wirei Burned Out
aurh a atate of things ever came aooui
more than I can tell you." Buffalo, July 8. A severe electrical
Fearing that they might be missed, they som over tbig city- tonight.
The lightning struck in a dozen
places. It bit tbe supply wires that
bring the electrical power from
Niagara Falls to Buffalo, burning out
transformers and other electrical ma
in the Buffalo receiving
at last returned to tbe parlor, wnera
thev found Ella seated at the piano, plsy
Ing a very spirited polka. Henry, who
boasted he "could wind her around his
little finger." had auccceded In coaxing
her Into aood humor, but not at all d
Irimi her company for the rest of tha
evening, he asked her to play aa the easl- chinery
Firs Rased in the Heart of Huntington,
Vs. Less is $200,000.
Huntington, W. Va., July 5. A
fire raged in the heart of the city
from 11 o'clock this rnorning until
5 o'clock this evening, resulting in
the loss of $200,000. The flames
started in a hotel which was crowded
with guests, many of whom were
women. Of these a number fainted
when the alarm of fire rang out
through the halls, and it was with
great difficulty that they were re
moved from the building. There was
not a gallon of water in the city re
servoirs when the fire broke out and
allthefire engines in the city were
out of repair. Rapidly the flames
spread and soon half a dozen resi
dences were ablaze. A livery stable
and a number of private houses fruit
stores, barber shops and " dozens of
smaller structures were burned.
house. For over an hour the streets
est way to lie rid of her. When she look
a 1 . I . at In A
ed around lor coromeuuwion irviu w ,:i,nt nWtri lisrht and tha
one for whose ear alone she had played, were without electric light and the
ahe saw him across tho room wholly enj- street cars were at a standstill. I he
ETossed with ber sister. rain fell in torrents, the water flood-
Poor Klial It was with the saddest , ceIlar9 The flash of light
neartscne sue naa ever Known au that put out the downtown dec.
retnrneu iro, , a pan, wu u trio ,iht, and 8topped the 8treet cars
LT? "2 "Tr also burned out all the circuits lead-
..tti. ji..nnintet ttn h one we to the exposition. The conduits
k Ai.i ..imiron had left her for the so- were utterly inadequate to carry oft
e!et of the "Dauper," as she secretly the water and the grounds were flood
styled Msry, and more than once during , Some of the midway shows were
and "grace" of her rival extolled by LninG roora under the Machinery and
those for whose opinion she csred the Tramtwrtation building was also filled
most; and when at 1 o clock in the mora- wUh watcf ftnd the TOachinery
ing sue uirew ucm'v .,rai " I .,rl
tho .of a. she declared, "'twas the laat PP.
Darty she'd ever attend."
" . . S . I . . . a B a&
Ala, for thee, Hose; tnut uiwaiwu mnui uw rrociaimca.
pro vea too true. nnnni Avr .TnW state of
iTn h eoni m ilea. I uuv.....j. , j --
sice has oecn prociaimca nere. nua
"What a Boy Should Know. ja due to the participation of anarch
Every boy and girl that is educated jgt8 Jn locai disturbances. Quiet now
should be able to
Write a good hand.
Spell all the words In ordinary use.
, Know how to use these words. .
Speak and write good English.
Write a good social letter.
Add a column of figures rapidly.
Make out au ordinary account
Itecelpt It when paid.
Write an advertisement for a local
nrevails here. The minister of
finance. Dr. Enrioue Herauo, nas re
signed. The government will send
a message to congress withdrawing
the bill for the unification of the for
eign debt. v
Will Test Japanese Coal.
Washington, July 8. The quarter
masters' department has contracted
Write a notice or report of e public for largo quantities of miike coal at
meeting. Nagasaki, Japan, for use on the Unit
Write an ordinary promissory note. Ld states armv transports. The con
Reckon the interest or discount on.lt tract extends for six months, running
for days, months and years. un to the end of the calendar year
Draw an ordinary Dank check. It is desired to test this bunker coal
Take It to the proper place In a bank thoroughly lefore an agreement for a
to get the cash. further supply is ettected
Make neat and correct entries in day
book and ledger.
Tell the number of yards of carpet re
quired for the parlor.
Serious Cloudburst In Michigan.
Grand Rapids, Michigan, July 8.
Western Michigan was visited by
Tell the largest number of bushels of destructive cloudburst - early yester
day, and the resultant, damage will
amount to thousands of dollars. Both
the Pere Marquette & Grand Rapids
and Indiana railroads are crippled
north of here. Dams in the Flat
and Rouge rivers have been washed
out, and many mills along the streams
will be idle for days. The Grand
river rose three feet and six inches in
four hours this morning. Great dam
age was done to fruit trees and crops.
wheat In the largest bin, and the value
at current rates. t
Tell something about the laws of
health and want to do In case of emer
gency. Know how to behave In public and
society. ' . y: : .
He able to give the great general prin
ciples of religion.
Have sufficient common sense to get
nUne In the world. National Educa
Anti-Clerical Demonstration by a Band of
Mexico City, July 5. The public
mind is much excited and the clergy
filled with indignation over the re
sults of the students' anti-clencal
demonstration. The students to the
number of 300 held a public meeting.
Stirring speeches were made, showing
the intense feeling of the young men
and denouncing the recent immoral
ities of the few priests, who, it waa
claimed, had been shielded and not
A company ot genaarmes preeerveu
order and the demonstration was wit
nessed by Governor Coral, of the fed
eral district.
Precautions have been taken to pre
vent further trouble, but it is believed
that if the several priests who are
publicly denounced in the the press
are not punished the young men may
make an attempt to invade the tem
ples. . '
Recruiting New Regiments.
Washington, July 5. Acting Adju
tant General Ward has received the
reports of the officers engaged in re
cruiting the five new infantry regi
ments and the five new cavalry regi
ments authorized by the army reor
ganization act, showing that the regi
ments are all practically recruited
except the Thirteenth cavalry, which
is reported to be 389 men short. It
is expected that all these troops will
be sent to the Philippines for the re
lief of an equal number of regular
troops, who have been there two years
or more and who are to be brought,
home. : -:
Fighting In Manchuria.
Tien Tsin, July 5. Fresh reports of
fighting in Manchuira and on the
frontier of Chi Li province have been
received here. A pitched battle has
been fought at Shen Yang, in which
the natives defeated the Mohamme
dans. General Tung Funh Siang, it
J. nnrt.Ml is ttn(kinf the Chinoso
JO v jrui vxj w ..-
converts in Shan Si province.
! Tut; Foundered.
Eagle River, Mich., July 3.The
tug Fern, of Algonac, Mich., found
ered off here Saturday morning. She
carried a crew of five men.all of whom
were lost. . The ; wreck of the yacht
Marguerite, of Hancock, was discov
ered between here and Eagle Harbor.
Two men are supposed to have been
lost on her.