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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1901)
i 1 ) : I i t I t ft ! I 54 t '! i i 1 I, t i r . I, V' l THE A. P. DETTERSWORTH. JR., Editor and Proprietor. JVHSS ANNA OULESBY, Associate Editor. Krasomeriox kvti.s. One year, if paid in Advance $1.80 Six months', " " t Three mouth?. $ M Advertisiiu: rati1? mad t-tmwn on application. F-ntered the do:fietj at Junction City ns second class mail matter. THURMUY, JUNK 27, W01. CHOP REPORT. The United Stitfesi weather bureau re ports the conditions of crops iu Oregon, which iu part, pays: Drought? conditions continue in por tions of Southern Oregon. The lempe rat urea have averted about 6 dejt. cooler than uMial.and cloudiness ban also been somewhat greater than iu cus tomary at this season of the year. The maximum temperatures during the week in Western Oregon rangen do tween 59 de$r. and7tl desz., and the mini mum temperatures between 40 dog. and 5o deg. Haying has been delayed by showery and cloudy weather, and some clover lying on the ground has been injured, but "most of that cut has been safely housed. A bi' crop of timothy hav is new ready to tut, but the farmers are waitinj for warmer. sunhiny weather before beginning its harvest. The first crop ef alfalfa has been secured and the yields averap d about the iu;e as last year. 'Fall grain is ripening fast, and the harvest of barley and rve will begin next week. Fall wheat iu the Willam ette valley is generally iu a pror.ii.iim: condition." Tho train aphis has made its appearance in considerable numbers in Clackamas, Marion, Polk and Yam hPl counties, bat they do not seem tu Ikj doinjf much daiuaae. Sprinu wb( at U healing nicely and fall oats ars e pjclally proin:8iiig. In Eastern Oregon wheat is generally doinz well, but the winds have b.-ea rather too strong in Umatilla county, and although they have been drying winds, and it is feared s jrns slight damago has been dona. . Copies of our Illustrated Special Edi tion for sale at 5e each ; l ss per luO. PA S A M F.HICAN EXPO ITI ON. MFFALO, N. Y. MAY TO NOVEMBKB. ASK OIICA'iO, MILV.ACKEE A ST. PACL KAIL WAY ABOUT RK1CCEI KATES. 0. J. F.DOY, (iF.NF.RAl, AUKTT, . Portland, Or'suos. TIIlTlloME HOLD CUUK. Is Ts-noiora Tkeatikst BY 1 llkll lh;i'NKAKis Abe Heiso Cranu I)ailv is Spitb or Thcm- 8ELVKS. No Nt.xiors Poses No Weakesino of ra& Nk!:ves A Pleasant Positive Cure ron the Liucok Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that drunkenness is a diwu.-.e and not weakness. A ho ly filled with poi son, and nervts completely shat'en.d by periodical or constant use ot ii.toxicat nii liquors, requires an antidote capa ble of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving fur in Toxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at honi without puhlicity or loss of time from business by this wonderfui "Home Gold Cure" which has been perfected after n. a :iy years of t!f."''e study mid treatment of inebriates The fafthful us-j accordirnr to direc tioiis of this v,onderinl diseoveiy is jo-f-ltively guaranteed to cure the moA oh t tin ate case, no matter how liarl a drinker. Oiir records show the mar eloiis trun.-foriijHtiou of tbonfands of drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. Wives cireyour hnshands! Children enre your fathers! This reinedyjs in TiO i-ciiw a noetrum, but is asjie-ific for this discMhe only, and i:i so ekiilfuliy dc vised and jri-pared ttiat it w thoro'mldv fiichle and pleasant to the ta-ste, so that it, can tie givn in a enp of tea or co'fee wit hoi. t the Uaov.leil'4'; "t the person taking it. Tliousands of drunkards have "cured thmiw;l ves itl tiiis price-Je-.s remedy, an.l as many rore have been cured and made temperate men In leaving the "Cure" admini-u red by lov ing friends and relatives without their knowleduo' in. coftH or V-a, and he'iirve today that they discontinued drinking of their ov.-n free will. Do not wait. Do not be deluded by apparent and mis leading "improvement." Jtrive out the dK'ftse "improvement." Thrive out the "Jfome (ioid Cure" is Fold at the ei treinely Imv of one dollir, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing if25 to ?o0. l ull directions ac company each package. Special advice ly skilled I'hyicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepared to any part ri the world on receipt of one dollar. Addrusi Dept. A,2'2, Kdwin j!. Giles & Company, 2:;:J,0 and 2;'.i& Market hi., PiiiiadHipiiia. Lodge Directory. Jvsatrts- City Cami-, No. 4-M, Whodmrx or thk Woiit.n, meets every first and thihl Monday nights -in the month. K.O. Samcm.8. Consul Com. II. M. !dunoRV. Clerk. I i.rt I IM T.IVfXl!!. No. 52. K fA of P.. iiuHds first and third taVI Thursday nights in each mouth, at S p. nl. J. IvHamms. C. C. C. P. IIocstov. K. of K. A S. .VJtw. Oasjh 1aihs, No. 41, 1.0. i 0. F. meets every Saturday Uh evenins. M. Tiuri'.N.Ci. It. F. Harvey, Secretary. viV v. Jcsotion City Loihir, No.lL kV.VA.O. U.W., mwti uvery Tues t &V,k ? dav idght. o. F. ScirwoitTit, M. W. W. M, PtTNKY, lteeorder. Professional, Phynlclons. V. V, OULKSBY, Phvsician and Surgeon. Ofileo in ib'del Ittock. Junction. Or. SOROSIS " 'THE r.KST Woman's $3 ,56 s IN TUB .WORLD. 14 Different Styles T. A. GILBERT, SOLE AGENT, Eugene, - Oregon South and East VIA Southern Pacific COMPANY. Shasta $2is$Qf Trains leave Junction City for Portland nmt way stati n at is-.litt a. m. and 2t.H5p. m. KCGKNK STEAM DYEING CLEANING WORKS Wct Kihih Street Near Steam Laundry Chris Marx, Jr., pwprietor Clothing Cteaned, Colored and K paired. Faded Clothing Restored to Its Original Color to Look Like km 8 AT 18 TACTION Oil ARANTCCD. Tolcthonm Rtd 4S-4. All tial. correspoudciice strictly conflden- CORNER Corner 9lh and Wlllrtinotto Eugene, '.- Oregon 'VINCENT & CO. DRUGs, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, etc. ffSTTHltMS CASH. Thirsty? Well, if you are going to Eugene, ntop at " The Oregon" on Willamette street, four doors foulh of ti e Hotel Eugene, v here you will find the finest Hue of Yines, Liquors -.and Cigars in the Willamette Valley. W. WADDLE, Prop. Farm for Sale. Land fok Hale 4S1) acres with barn and out building!', rnnnir.e, water, two op charda, .'") acreH iu farming land, within nine niileb of Junction City, for flWK). Inquire of S. Templelou, ll4 miles foutlieu:-it of Junctiou City. No asent. Do You Know THAT THE Seattle Fruit & Produce COMPANY, !T KCGENK, nyB the hittbeft cauh price for poultry eu's, veal and all kinds of farm produce. Prices this week : Chielu-mvc per pound ; veai, 7c; fjeefic, Cc; du-dis, 7c. fun't forget the place Hth street, next door to Soap factory. 7. m .TPJPp, General Blacksmithincr IN ALL ITS liRANCIIES. gZf Il0gEt.U0EIS- A Sra.'IAWV JjJ Corti'T Fifth and Greenwood FtH,, Junction City, - - (Jre,m. Camera Bargains I ? FOLDING CAMERA, ? S with Carrying Cuo nd I)ooh!o ? l'lttto-llulder, $7.50. ; i X( CAMERA, ) with Double bnw 4x5, ) ( $3.00. 5 NEW MODELS P0CO . ( ) and 1'KKMO CAMERAH J y nnd ) S EASTMAN K00ACKS. ( 5 E. Schwarzscliild, l.v Poi tlaud mil Lv Junction City. 1 Ar Ashland ,P.:.5 am " Hneramento . . ft id pn " Sn Pranoifjco, 7:- put i I. i Ar Ofden ........ 4 " Pei.Ver 0 " KwmadOity... 7 " Chicawu 7 kt Lm Alleles.. . 3" V Et Pao (i " Fort Worth... I'iiv t,t t..v;...,ii " JIotHtOH " " NewOrleoim.. " Wnnhinjton... tl Ai nm MO nut Wain 'A' Hl h :;u pin 12:4iitu ll:Mn A:ti urn 8U;i nm 7 ilf j'biTi tl ; 1 5 am H::t(1nm :in pin .tit) ptn ::so mu ::itt nm JtWam :'M) uni :42 nm :1ft pni UH:U.S Hill 0 :IH) pin t;'M) hiii ll::K)rtm 7 :tW Bin tkllOpm 0:42 a in 12:10 pm Pullman aud TourUt cum on both trains. Chair earn Sacramento totty den rtnd El Paw. nnd Tourii-t ram to Chicago, St, Ikuii, New Orlenim mid WaabinKton. Conneettntf At Han Sramdnco with nv eral iteatnvhlii linen for lionolnht, Ja pan, China, Philippine, Central nnd South America. See nueiit At Jimctlou CtiV ttion, or uddrcM C, H. MARK HAM, G. P. A., Poitlniuf, Giejion. GO EAST VIA HARDWARE J Buggio3 t Wagons j Binders Mowers fHay RakG3 (Binder Twine ' Bicycles MacliineOils Repairs of All Kinds S I, S PETER EUGENE, OREGON. The Burlington Boute for Buffalo. 'THE Bank. Of JUNCTION CITY, OREGON, J. A. Ik'HrtNKtx, Oko. W. PiCEirrr, Preaident. Vice President W. C. WAHHMt'HNK, F. W. WAHHIfUKNF, Caahief. Asst Cashier. I Ha? the beKt facilities for handlin t'e hankinK tmirtneHH oi Norin j,a;ie aud Kouth Denton couutitn. Board of Director: J. A. Duhhnell, C. W. Washburn Geo. Pickett, J. P. M illiorn, T, A. Milliorn. MRS. J. A. PIBPETTG' MILLINi'.liY .PAH WHS. Latest Style Storing Hats Call rtnd we them. Prices reasonable. A full line of .' . . MILLINEHY and FANCY (iOODii. A. C. HoricY, L.O. Hums, PreKidcnt. CaHhier. J5. II. Hovky Asst. Cashier; Lane County Bank. A G. II0VEY & CO. Tmnflact a general banking bunineffi. cHtablished, 1882. Oldest banV in the county. Eugene, Or. .lLv A.ff s Htri- i '0REC0H Ana Union Pacific tlKI'Al.T Chiraiju Portland Spvelal WA.M. viallunt- btton. "AUantfe EnpreM HI1 M. viillunt. imttoii. St. Pan! l'ittMail 6 P. M. vl Spokane I Unit Schedule ruoM PORTLAND Halt f ke, Denver, I t. Worth, (mm no, Knna Cltf, St. I.OtllM. Chi- encu and Eart. Salt take, Denver, Ft. Worth, Ott.u. hn, KmiKioiCity, M. I.oui, i;iii niuo and Pni-t. Walla Walls, Lew inton, Spokane, Wt!ace, Pull man. Minnwjn. IU. hi, Paul, Dn luth, MiUvnukeo ChtcafroA Eat. Aiiiuvi: to 4:r.d :40A.M 7 A. M. Portland to Chicairo in 72 Hours. No Chancre of Cars. Ocean & River Sclicdulo 8 1 M. " liaily ' Ekcpt Sundy P M. Suturd'v, 10 P. M. All Sailing Ihttca nubject to thm;?. Kt.r San FraueUco Sail evi-ry 5 day. OalumblM R To Awtoria and Wsy-Landlfi;;. 4 P.M. 4 P. M. Ex, Sun. Shortest & Quickest Lino TO St. Paul, Duluth, Hin neapolis, Chicago And All Pointa EaHt. Throcgh Pelas3 find Tourist Sleepers, Dining & Eaifet Smoking Library Car DAI LY TRAINS; FAST TIM E ; SERVICE iUXKNKRY CNEtil'ALED Tickets to' poiiits Ea?t via Portland and the H ktkt Nitkhs Ry. on nalo at Southern Pacific iVpot 1 ieket oflice, or Creat NoiiTitKa.s Ticket ofFKi!, lii THlkD ST., 1MB ri.ANt). For Eaten, I'oldera and full informa tion retfrdiiitf Ea-t4'rii trip, call on or address A. lb C. DENSISTON, City Pana. and Ticket AKent, Portland GO EAT THUOCUll PORTI.AI. TICKI'.TS VIA THIS ROCTM ON SALE AT J. P. JtRPOT. E. P. THAYER, Aeent. S.ihMik, Ore.- gap closed The miration of through train bvtween San Franciwo m l Lou Aoiri'k'6, vi:i Surf and Santa Iar Imra, will Un fn SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1KU, on the new COAST UNO Two throuch trnin dally, Th "ont Line Ltndted," Jeavinc fiirh terminal in the mornimf, tpipped with eiepint cfe and parlor car, mill make iluvlil.t trip throuudi the moat pictur ewpie, varied and entertaiiimu nceiiehon the continent. Inquire of ng.'ntd of the Southern Pacific Co. W. J. i A i si is 8, 600 liies Long. Thu Burlington Route ranks among tho greatest of the world's railroads. B men; reaching 1,300 towns and cities in the U eleven states traversed bv its lines: havincr through-car arrangements which extend more than half way across the continent and earn estly striving to give its patrons absolutely uneqtialed service, it is the line YOU should select, next time you go cast. Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond. A. C. Shrldon, General AgenJ, Cor. Third aad Stark St., Portland, Oru. IP sill it ?j:$to dufealo. y Are you uoiny? The lowest regular rate heretofore huu been i57vnnd tho tame . roturninix, making thn lowest round trip $1 15,40, but tho Burlington Route will now pell you round trip tickets for which in tho aaine hh $4:1 each way, nnd you can have choice of routed and Hcvon trains on d,ites of pale. Go over one road and return another. On this low rate you cttn tilso reach oilier EaKteru points. Tickets are find claHH nnd Ktonovom permitted. Quick ch. time and leHt Hervieo. Write iih for full art ieuliA-i! before making other or ranqttrients. Addrenn R. W. FoHtc, Ticket Agent, Rurlington Route, No. 100 Third Street, corner (stark, Portland, Or. This i'h the censon it hen hoiiHeelcar.in1! bf'V'inrt to reeuivo ponalderntion. A net carpet for tho parlor, witting rooim r bedroom, and new inuttinjr for the kitchen and hallH, add ft thousand per cent to the appearand) o fa home. on will find hiHt what you waWt in this line nt W. L. Vright'i) furniture store, and at priceu that arc right. . 1 , , NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. The 11100 flHHeBKinent rolls will bo cloned Ji;no 1.1th. W. W. WITHRUS, Bhenff nnd Tux Collector, Subscribe for Tim JJcm.kctn. l ' :