a Corner Grocery IjjToniplete 3 ON HAND. 5 EVER ', THING IN THE GROCERY LINE. :S produce Taken In Exchange. : IWHIiom Bros. ;s : Junction City, Oregon, ,r,L- iir"-i" 'i '"v1" - "OPEN ALL NIGHT in practically, but not literally the in Hi our rtnre. Our tub phone will always summon prompt and willing wrvlce when thero is acri.'UK illm-M and ne-ity tut prompt rHW. 02TT !l.!td Ulphone (or night or tMind.iv call. NO EXTRA CHARGE 1011 NIGHT CALLS.' W simply nk for Hint kiwi! feel- iiitui rmir part that gives u your day patronage. 'Gas'Gado "Drsstj Company CVriir Ilott-I. Jam-lion t'My, Oregon Bulletin Board ! V Million Bros, have just got in One lot if VVHmio utrawberriea, in boxes. They canto from Albany and are very choice. Men' mid boy's Miito, latent Myles, junt received, at H. H. Friendly', Eu- gOIIO. Frch oranges and lemons for sale at Cascade drug store. Gout aru butters, but the butter-milk Hil.l tit thu creamery dues imt conic from goats. Only 6 rents u gallon. Fresh every lny. ' . ' i . , ' Orders taken lr Indies' and gents, Sllitsttt llou-totl's. Ir. 1 .00, oculo-optician, Eugene. Real esUte transfer Archibald (Smith cUl to Hannah Huimett, 111 .82 acres in township HI south, hUigu 3 wwt, Con Hittcrutiott, fiK). ice for ale ct Cascade drujr. More. We have WoHlfull's llorlm of Health uiul Wonder Oil. Mckixkk k Hill. WuTttin-Wilnanm rami ti'innt) re membered I.hi alter prieo 1h forgtittun. MulhTiNs Hill. Low Rate Excursion to the E&t. An txrurnion pnrty will lo;uu rortlund Mointiiy, July lol.for IVIn.lt, Michl'un, (Mucin 11a ti, Ohio, him I other euutorn poiiiM, ttiklnji .lviiiit;it!o of tlnj low ex- curj-imt rate in effect via the JJurlinton ltouto July hi, 21 and 3d. Tho oUlcial route of tho largo delegation of Chrintiun Kndcovorors . from x California is thq Southern Pacific via Fait Lake City, U10 (irnndo WeHtcrn, I.). Sc It. O., and Uiir lliigtoii llout via Chicago, and tho cx curuion party from roitland will Join tho Californiana at Salt Lako City find go KttHt from tliero In tv boilv, enjoying all tho pleasured and convcnlcncos of tho trip as nlieady ducided upon by tho Pel oration lrom California, and it Id said to bo oiie of tho moHt Jntorehtinj and coni plelo ltlnerarl cvor arranged by an ex curHion party to tho East. Full pnrticn lorn can bo secured by ' calliug at or ad drcHBinr a 'otter to U. W. Fortek, Ticket AKont', Bnrllnizton Uoute. Corner 3d and biark ..'lieetB, 1'ortland, Onon. If ill Qtock esc 2 I The geological formation nrderMll llorna' grocery utoro it not exactly the tame m in ttione regiona where oii haa Immmi struck abundantly but you ran ftriko oil on the flrt floor of that etab lKment if you want it at retail for apot Take your lanndry to O. 8. Keck'a ImrU-r hop. He haa the agency for the iroy 1-auiKiry, 01 for liana. J A. Archibald, agent for the Bleaa- ing Cirmoite Company haa jmst receive ovooumenU for the family of Thomaa Allen, Charles Cook, and Mrs. Holly, two of which will be placed in the 1. 0 0. V. cemetery, and ono in tne Iiellfoun tain cemetery. , Irfeawr W. T. Gordon Lai resigned his ponition as principal of the, Euuvne Geary scliool. lie goes U rortland to learn the undertaking busiouM and will return to Kugene and open ondertakuig parlors In rooms over Lis brother s far nitttre Ktoro. Eugneyoun)i men are becoming great ly Interested in the voting for a Goddess o! of Lllerty for th 4th of July. Some oi tho girls will have to "go short" on ice cream until after the centest is sott!el. Theythe girls, not tho boys, have our warmest sympathy these hot af Jernoona, to say nothing about the longings of an evening. ; . , ' -; ,. , . Tlie ice cream social Tuesday evening given at the A. (). U. W. hall was well attended, notwithstanding the weather was of a frigid temperature. Tho young people amused themselves by soclul games which obviated the necessity of wearing their winter wraps, hence in i-rcatied the sale of more ice cream, mak ing It necessary to freese an extra sup ply of crenm. "The receipts of the even ing wore litter!, which was donated for the benefit of tho sick. Ladies' nhirt waihts tn all shades and textureslatest styles at Friendly 's. Ktigene. (!o tt S. II. Fiicndlv'suhen In Eu- pene fer the InU'st novelties in tiuninicr dreHi gmals. Shei win-Williams Faint Tests as high as any paint on the market. Muhcr&Hill. nooA-lightful 5c. ; Kaskade drugstore Tho Weekly Oregonian and tho Hvis lkt'N for 2 a year. Do you know x That we curry the best obtainable Whito Lead and Linseed Oil? The Picnepr White Lead Pure Boiled Linseed Oil " Raw " " VT c can todity quota you a better price on the aboVo than you can purchase them in Portland and pay freight. Ask us for prices. We ate ever ready to talk with you on Mixed Paints, Lead and Oil. Mueller & Hill - DRUOQISTS Personal (K ox? AtvorneyJ.M. Willlama was in umi SatUliay. Geo. W. Ticket, of Eugene, wss in town lraday. V. II. Barber made a business trip to Portland this week. ! Mr. J. L. Martin, of Monroe, spent Bunday in this vicinity. Justice C. A, Wintermeief , of Eugene, spent Hunday In Junction. : ' Miss Anna Craln spent a few days with .u bUKvuv ivu...,".",..,. . Mrs. Minnie Pacbler is visiting with I her mother, Mrs. W. M. Houston, this encc, is visiting with the Farley family this wek. i G.M.Jackson and family, of Soda ville, are visiting friends and relatives in tla vidaitv i : .. 1 wuttvfk IB .-.!.! I- t-J I ivencumg v.us ireea w .pruu u-jr. with their son Ira. W. J. 6nodgais made 'a shipment of two cars of fine sheep to the Portland market this week. Headers are already cutting wheat in I the fields around Pendleton. Theiield is reported as good. " Miss Grace Wold and Mr. Lester Ho lin, of Eugene, wss the guests of Miss Anna Crain Sunday. M Mnr nrmf IhAlni-kv pemra in me examiner orawiug, uv f- .1 f j 1 S t. ing drawn a fine 50 sewing machine. H. I Rann left Monday for Kama City, Missouri, and will visit the Pan- Exposition at Buffalo before returning. Attorney G. F. Skieworth attended circuit court this week t Eugene hav ing several important cases on the docket. The sick people are ail improving nicely. Miss Evalyn Barton, who hasjsia and Liver Complaint. More than been sick for two months, is now consid er! in fair way to recover. ' t Albany Herald: O. P. Bunker, of Wheeler county, was in Albany yester day. He brought down 13 Lend of hors es, which he told in Eugene tor 40 per head -?- Miss Etbtil Emery, Cljico, Califor nia, spent a few days with Mrs. II. C. Mahon, leaving for Harrisburg Monday where she will visit with the family of E.C.Lake. Mr. 8. Brown and wife, of Evreett, ashlngton, who hare been visiting with Colonel Folsom's family during the past week left Monday for Lorane, Ore gon, where he will spend a few months on his homestead. ; Professor Engene Bond was in town Tuesday shaking hamU with old friends. Mr. Bond was the principal in Junction City public schools .ten years ago mul gave (rood satisfaction both as teacher and disciplinarian.' Mrs I.. B.Moore, of Roseburg, speut the. past week with tho Barton family. She returned to Roburg Monday after shipping her household effects to that city. Her hukband ha ing been recently aplxj.veu tus o. r. ageui tuere. Wm. Darneille commenced work Mon Springs-at Williains place, and Lake Creek. This will give Junction City about ten miles shorter n'uto to Lake Creek and probably a better one. Mr. J. Dare Hamlin has retired from llirt iMitr-ln.r bnan.j)niiil Mr. Mntl.'l u-il continue the bnsiucss ss heretofore. Mr. uamiin naa gone to i.iacKioy, uregon, AianUISCtureu by3SSi&- where he is interested in some timber!. . " land. He intends to work ior a timber land syndicate. Eugcno appears to be In it for the'next two weeks in tho way of amusements, entertainments, etc., liesidca their base ball games, they will havo, under cover, to start with, Undo Toin'a Cabin and a dog and pony show ; theater at the opera house; tho National Guard encampment will be there, and a sham battle will take place on Skinner's Butto en the 3d, fol lowed by a grand celebration on the 4th of July. Junction will not celebrate this year, therefore wo wave our right with the Tho Burlinffton Route for Buffalo. suggesticn that we torn and help swell the immense crow4 that will be in at tendance at Eugene and assist in making it a grand success. T)iA !7rnral vim initio r,t irnnm. U - du who hara l,arM cf th'4thM July celelwation hav nml U follow. ing persons as vice presidents! E. P. Coleman, Coburg ; Darwin BrMow, Cot tage (Irore ; S. L. Moorhead, Junction ; It; 4. aahburue, pringfleld; A. J. Zumwalt, Irving ; W. T. Kyser, Etmira ; P. C. oland,Crewell ; 0. A. Campbell, Camp Creek; J. W. Shumate, Walter ville ; II. M. Price, Thurston ; J. M. Staf ford, Mohawk; Geo. II. KeUey, Wend- lino- I P. lnmtn frinA- P V Hal. . . L f. . . n w ., norBnM. Tom Xeclf. Mar.teton : T. C. Wheeler, Fagtnaw; P. Brietow, Pleas- ant Hill ; It. G. Calliaon, Fall Creek. 1 fri r . . t g a a r IjintvoeonrgiMTiewsays; AiL.an ronville Tuesday afternoon Wm. Ler well was given a bearing before the jus- tice court, charsed with atabbimr Wm Uorn, near Perdue last week. He was P1ce! nn,ler t1000 -o PI" iwiore ine circuit couri, wicn poiki oe ianea w secure ata was urougiu nere rwl lnrfwv! In tail T latr'u-t ttftrnif " J Brown K Learing., Five times in regular succession have tains boy and girl always come into tie family of Mtnnel Armento late of Somoma county. It is very odd, and yet it bj very even. 8. F. Bulletin. The nurse of the new royal baby in Italy is to receive 12,000 when the child cuts its first tooth. In these days of ad vanced medical science it wouldn't take a smart Yankee "grafter" long to levy On IU6 "Waa. ' B. . iiUIICUn. the Unift ever . hen lf()01 M tlcir 0bituarie. and women as good as they loon to be when in church, then the recording angel in heaven can take bis long needed vaca tion. Ashland Town Talk. , GOOD ADVICE. The most m serable be in arc in the world are tlose ieuffering from Dygpep- 75 per cent, of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two dis eases nnd their enects: snch as sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Hsbitufrl Cos tiveness, .Palpitation of the Heart, Heartburn, Water-brash, Gnawing and Burning Pains at the Pit of the Stom ach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disagreeable TasUj in the Mouth, Com ics ua of Food after Eating, etc. . Go to Mneller A Hill's -and get a bottle of Angut Flo we for 75 canta. Two doses will relieve yon. Try it. Get Green's Prize Almanac. . For sale A brand new 1901 Itambler "Special." Never been out of the store. ills a ftu wneei lor jutaies or tents'. Inquire at the I rixrnx office. REDUCED RATES TO THE EAST. Account Buffalo Exposition, the Bur lington Uouto is making a low rate of fan? which enables passengers to visit the Exposition and other Easirn points at greatly reduced rates. Before mak in; other arrangements, call at our office or write for full particulars. K. . lOHTKB, Ticket Agent Burlington Route, corner Third and Stark Sta., Portland, Ogn. W. L. Wright has a ncv stock of wall paper of the latest and prettiest designs. Now is the time to rensoer vonr bouse. J. H. Miller will be glad to have you call Md 1,1068 new patterns. No matter ,.h'mnnlthi' n anil fr,n ,mAt, . Bft niany beautiful r-attorns. ASK yOUr dealer I0r vi II u lm H H M Cream of all The Eugene Eugene, HOUSEWIVES: STEEL AND CAST RANGES, COOK STOVES, TINWARE and CUTLERY ... ALSO Celebrated Petaluina t Griffin Hardware Co., fev i SOAIETIIIXG SEW I ' Just published by tba Southern Ta cific Co. is a pamphlet opon th re sources of Western Oregon, wtikh in clode an excellent map of the state, and contains information on climate, Unl, education, etc., eiUtifig industries t.nl their capaoiiitien. Attention is also directed to such new fields for energy or capital as proniiw fair return. This publication Us a need long ex perienced uy Oregooiaus, in replying to inquiries of Eastern friends. Copies may be bad of local agent S. P. Co., or from C. H. Makkuax, G. P. A , Portion J, Or. DEU3.QUE5T TAXES. Engene Register, ICth : Ytnterday was the but day for the payment of Lane county taxes before tney became delinquent. Considerable r"ney came in, but there is quite a ueutxiueui list, ss shown by the following: Assessment roil m,uJ 04 Amount collected... 10-',4.i W Delinquent ........ fll.MO OS Copies of onr Illustrated Special Edi tion for salo at 5c each ; less per 100. THE FINEST SERVICE TO THE EAST AND bOUTH. The O. it. & X. Co., in connection with ihe Oregon Short line and Union Pacific, offers the finest service and fast est tim to Salt Lake, Denver. Kansas City, Omaba, St. Paul, St. Louis, Chi cago and all points emst. Three traius daily from Portland, with choice of many different routes. Palace and tourist sleepers, library, dining and chair cars on all trains. . Write A. L. Craig, G. P. A. O. R. & . X. Co, Portland, Oregon, for particu lars. : '"""' PAS-AM ERICAS EXPOSITION. arrraio, s. r. hat to xovexbke. asc catCAoo, MiLWAcsaa ST. rati, kaiv Wit aboct sm;ced katks. C. J. F.nni, Uexejui. Ac.axT, . Poktlaxo, Oseoox. WASTED. Any one having old horses for sal, coram unic&ta with P. E. Peterson, Es trop.Or. Centrally Located. Free Sample Booms. E'ectrtc Lights and Bells. FIRST-CLASS. Hotel Euene HoLtKXBKCK Bhos , PronrieloTS. Kates, f I to 2 per lay. Headquarters for Commercial Travelers and Mining Men. Engene, Oregon. HARDWARE Buggies Wagons Binders Mowers Hay Rakes Binder Twine Bicycles Machine Oils Repsirs of AH Kinds V t 1 S 1 1 I T m m wmm mm mm, m EUGENE. OREGON. savon Laundry Soaps Soap Company Oregon YOU WILL FIND A FULL LINE OF THE . . . , Incubator & Brooder : i G lvf.liMl 9