Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, June 20, 1901, Image 8

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Two men are needed here to handle
, tie wood and let the section hands cx
terminate the woods radically.
Win, Pitnev, when deputy assessor,
estimated 100 railroad men are con
et&ntiv earning in and going out of
Junction. "3' men loll hero. tco 12
o'clock lust night." said an official here
last fluidity morning.
The S. P. pay-oar was here Suuday.
The quantity of gold and tsdvor with
which emplovos emerg-d Iron) the cur
tdiows that tho amount of money which
thti 8. 1. puts in circulation hero is quite
cousideraole and theroioro evidently u
great benefit to ihe town. ,
Special to the Guard, from Portland;
The S. P. railroad company will make
extensive improvements on their Oregon
Hues this summer. As soon us practi
cable tho steam shovel will be moved to
the river pit at llnrriaburg and will re
ballast their entire main line, placing
w bruit Id inches of gravel upon the road
.". . t- . ' '
The Roseburg-Review, supplementing
what appeared in the Eitgetm Guard,
ays that at this time of the year rail
road trucks in the Willamette Valley
get covered with gass unless vigorous
treatment is applied. Grass is very ef
fective, in preventing railroad trains
v from making time; as tlio engineer can
not see far ah-ait and must have his
train under nitrd so it can be stopped
in short order. Alter reading the above
, the local of The Bulletin went out and
took a look at the section here, which is
a prize one. He found it in fair condi
tion, but not in us good a conditian as it
ronld be put. wr ioh is not due to luck of
intellige ice, carj nor industry on the
jurt of the section boss, who works his
gan for all they are worth, all the time,
out tj the further fact that the gntiif is
kept many hiuw each Uy , handling
wood. If they did not have to do the
latter they could remove all the weeds.
Little roast on the side. -Bro. Mark
ham, all the farmers hereabouts are not
near non-thinkeis as miht be inferred
from their looks when t'ey have ad
journed from refreshment to labor. And
now one of these cultTvaior philosophers
wants to know, that in view of the fact
that the Southern Pacific railway com
pany has Rent out Missionary Smith to
tell "the tarmers of the Willamette Val
ley what they should do it don't set the
example of good ' farming" by having
the weeds removed along its line? Sup
pose nn engineer lost his futnre aalva
tion by using non-orthodox sxpressions
how sad the road master would feel
whon he missed him in heaven! We
know that you doTntxi and that you d
Sunday School Teacher Cumberland
Presbyterian : Class 1, Ribte, Snpt. Wm.
Pitney; 2, Young Ladies, Mrs. Da her;
o, Mix-id boys and girls, Mrs Lewis; 4,
tnfrfnt. Miita IAa ,t'in !)ir utinn
1. Bible. J. A. Bushnell; 2, Young Peo
1 iV l. It'll. A 1? I . If .
iie s. nam. nut; a. loung i-aoies,
Mrs. H C. Bushnell; 4. Infant, H. C.
Buhnell. Methodist 1, Bible, Snpt.
J.M Pollock; 2.0; 3, Young Ladies,
Mrs. Pitney; 4, Young Men's, Mr. Bar
ton ; 5, "Young girls, Rev. Skldmore;
it, Intvrme liat-. bvs and girls, Miss
Mo.'fit; 7, Primary. Mrs. Skidniore
Christian Endeavorer President,
M:s)' Nellie Fo'som; Vice-President.
Hanks HiM; Secretary, Berth.i Nichols.
The members have been divided into
two rink?, and put vis-a-vis C'tua-of-war";
to s' e which sid;? can uet the lar
gest mimbv-tr of recruits within a sped-tic-d
time. The result of . this 'contest
will be announced next Sund-iyeveiiina.
The exercises will be interr-iting. Pub
lic should attend. In the last three
months about 0') new accessions wore
obtained. The members nm working
y.ealously. Like the young man whose
iiecktie was always tied perfect, they
lire p.ittirix their "whole soul in tbo
operation." ,.
Cori.-itian Rev. Green nreachel lat
Sunday aftt-r an absence of two weeks;
TJiemu: ''Fishing fr men."'.. At nhfht,
Mrs. Cora On-eii, his wife, of Eugene,
liroached. She has ben doing this three
years. It was strictly a doctri.nul' scr
i:on impressively delivered. Nothing
MMisational. Tlimii !: ' I nm the wav,
the truth, and the life. ' The singing
wa g v I an 1 e.T.fntive. The tune of ouu
hymn was ah tt thj sanirf as that of
'Annie Laurie "
Continued n 1st Page.
The Alb-iny leni'crat runs a depart
nifiit headed "firafts." They are para
grafts. In ant-ient times all ti e bacchanalian
despots kept f'M'ls No these wits are
on the hi, mstropolit-in pifieis. They
Invent and propagate the alleged wit.',
The man with the eu w?io wirks un
der t!ie skylwht of the tali Oregonisn
building, exuding wit, satire ami phil
osophy, says the plow trust will surely
sell all their shares. Wo agree with
him on th's plow -point.
With our blandest riiguarls to Col,
Shears of the Hug ;n (li tr 1 w j would
in st r .'ou idly call hi attenthiii t the
I ioei4 o ' in i in miser i liti:ij tit it notice
ab nit ths death of a lal.' lure r hmivAv.
But we are p!.sl t sa t!-tt thr
(iuird, pablish;fl atasjit of leini'iig,
jik o ir sth o: a t.im i n -ut of in itrir
a il pir'.ie ll irlv Tin ili ltiii nnm of
p i r:t.iuti m. A lio4. '
, (1, W. Wright has on h ind Wfift.
feet of dry lumber, which lm will dis
j)ose of at reasonable prico. Long tim
pers a specially. Best lumber on tin
jnarket. (yt)it K ai. Will'be'delivored
promptly at any part of the countv.
pq.otfice address; tfgldgoa, :
Skidmore proached here last
, commencinn at 3 p.m. a it
was: "Jet your attjcttoui i.
abuve.'vVhile Leslie Dukoy
was ruiiog tun heel, uu ay. no was
charmed uy a vomiir lady und uulnteu-
Uojially assauiteti the pump. Kids near
by hatia'd. And wheu ho smutner
aiuiltud wo kUf.w it was the "winter of
his ittseouteiit." -Willarxl tiray was ap
pointed to K'aii prayer-meeting. l't us
liopo that o ryixKly, who has hope of a
tuture salvation, will come to thdse
mtetiufes, im kpci tiveof denominatloo -ti.
Hay oa ttnd family atU'mKd the
picniu at Harrisburg Friday. Mrs. Urey
and Mis. Lmkey made busiuess trip
to F.ugeue this week L. C. Moffct (am
iiy aiiendexi service, Iviug. Sat. night,
Topic, last prayer meeting; 'Christ,
the towndation." Jeaai Severon has
slicareii liis hlieep. V. VVeUler family
weutto ln-iug Sat.oa visit, Win. John
sou report hay cropj Lake Creek, extra
good.J-O, Hay's says il wdl take him two
week to train his hops ; 150ml work.
Irgo attendance from here Sunday ev'g
at Irving revival.- -Told that Mr. Finney
appointed director of the school board
uu election. Henry LorvU is chopping
wood on the Frank Hristow plaoe.-srDoe
she love him? Finney has boeu round-
lug up hop-poles. Barney Milliorn has
returnetl home with Itt teA of horses
which h expoi'its to nell herealwute.
Ire cougregation out to hear Kev.
SkiUmore. He preached a line iktihoh.
liuod uiau; aiucero. christian. Wm.
WcUler family went to Irving Sunday
and took in the basket dinner; also the
c interna of their basket. Motht family
went to Irving Suuday tvg. Vouiu
Mr. Carson of Portlaud, is the guest of
Mr. Dickej this week. Welcome. Shake.
No damuM ta poach tfeesfrom hail.
Mrs. Harris and sons have armed from
Aaiona on visit t her daughter, Mr.
t.so. Templetou. Win. Teuipleton of
Crown Point was down on b ion us Vo
I.. C. Motht is working ou his new
firm. Jas. Hayes et to Salem Mon
day. L. t;. Mottlt left Ulay for the
mountains Geo. Templetou and wife
off, business trip, mountains. Mr?
Luckey, of Irving, is guest Mrs. Uny.
Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen of Irving, guests
at Wm. Wetler's. Henfy HunUT re
ports crops fine, Washington E. Eu
wards is home again from sell is in our
Lottie Edwards smiling (ace is in our
midst ouce more, after absence in Benton
county. Eizk EAKsorEX. !
Mr. Taylor, an eiprt in handling
macaiuery, arrived here Monday on his
way to Monroe. He will suurintend
the removal of the Laws mill to this
place. Miss Edna Mickey, 'of this city,
is iu attendance upon the comnience
meiit. exercises of the L of O. Lottie
Tillolaon; an elocutionist, of St. Paul,
will entertain the cltizous here on tho
221 rust. J. D. Bennett went to Port
luud Sunday 'with busiuess intent. The
dance Friday evening under the auspi
ces of the band boys was Well attended
and was an enjoyable affair. Miss Lola
Senders returned home Sunday after an
extended vUit with friends in Portland.
Mrs. Shaw left for her home iu Oak
land, Cal., last week. She carries a
good wril for this valley. .Several
younastere of thia city attended the
Street Car Conductors' excursion.-, ight
neighbors from here attended the anni
versary service at Putty last Sunday.
.Mrs. Sarah Williams arrived home from
W ashington last Sunday. J. P. School
ing wa brought home Monday from
Eugene, lie was critically ill. The
picnic giveu under the. auspices of the 1).
of H. of this city on last Friday' was a
grand success. There were live or six
hundred people In attendance. The
weattier was at its best and thegrove
selected for the occasion was an ideal
retreat. The Harrisburg band furnished
music that would do credit to any mili
tary or metropolitan aggregation. The
program was of ullicient interest to
hold t'e attention of the assemblage
from start to finish. Refreshments ot a
very desirable order were served on tho
ground, wjiich were well patronized.
These people are entitled to great credit
for their painstaking effort to make the
occasion a pleasant affair and their suc
cess shows their ability. M. Cunning
ham and Damon Smith returned 011
Saturday from their attendance upon
the session of the (iralid 1odge of A. F.
& A. M. They report A full representa
tion and an enthusiastic meeting. Un
der the management of Scio Douglas 11 s
supervisor much grading of a pure nnent
character is being done on our streets.
Miss Stella Calvert of Junction visited
with Elsie Bailey last week. Mrs. Da
vison of l'ving has boon visiting friends
here. Mrs. W. IL.Mulkey and daughter
Mrs. Pbeooo Fugato went to Pleasant
Hill Friday returning Saturday. Mr.
Ktusol has his new house and barn
almost completed. Mr. Bisjua is also
building a new barn. Claud Adkins
and tieorge Bond attended tin picnic at
ilirrislmrg Friday. They repjrtaflne
time Martin Mulkay is preparing for
hay harvest as ho has bought a new
mower ami hay-rake. D. M.'Purkcrson
and eoiM.i irrett, L 1). (1ibs.u1 and son
Robert uud daughter, and Mrs. I. N.
Uembree and two daughters left Mon
day kr .ii two mouths outing. In last
week's items we should have said that it
wa Jason ami Josie Iemou instead of
Jason ; and Josie AJkius who attended
the picnic at Hay's grove. Tito revival
meeting at tin Chris tiuq church closed
fjumlay evt'ujnu. V , ,
Eggs, buying and selling, 12,l. ' !
. ltj.No.il ims. Pollock & Warner.- i
Mrs. 11. S. Warreu is convalescent. ,
The Bulletin Is "llrst fiddle" in June
Junction is ft line Cloaring House tr
Egg crates at the depot show business
is immense.
And uow U is a brukobonm trust.
Will it break? ?
WilheluiA Sons of Monroe ar making
heavy shiiinuutaof eggs (rout n,re daily.
Register, Eugene, 13: George Hind
taker .was up from Junction Sunday.
' Oregoniau notices Kockfoller's long
worshipping. Adds; "Livk out (of a
rise in coal oil."
' Thri new sidewalk In front of Mi-Far-land's
blacksmith shop is an improve
ment on t'lic Avenue.
B. F. Cleok, 4 miles northwest of Junc
tion, has sent in a due lot of wool to
buyers Sterals.'rg & Sender.
Tho sprinting of pas.engor from the
trains to the Corner ti'ocwry to .buy
fruit, and back, it amusing.
W. M, Miller, county superintendent,
announced Nth grade examination (or
public schools of Mno couuty yestcnlay,
toilay aud tomoiro t.
Reg. E :tieo, Williams of Han Ishurg
completeit the serving of his tM days
scnleuce in the couuty jail yuiterdsy
forgiving lujuor to minors,
Remeinbcf the elocutionary entertain
ment by Mist Lottie Tiltotsou Friday
itirfht, lor btuieUt ( D. of H, Ice cream
will be served alter the eiitertaiiimuut.
There' Is a dog i-i town that know s how
to put his nose under the gale, lift it ui
and go iu. Ho saw humans lilt it with
the hand and reasoned rightly ho could
uo it with his uoe.
Th lumber Is on hand and ready for
use for the store-building to be erected
ou The Avenue, intersection Oroenwood
street, by Lincoln Conn. It will le two
rtorict in height; 50x50.
All St) let,
All tirades,
Fl'MMElt tOOP9,
At I'ollock & Warner's,
jtawberries vevrn, for sale this week
in a store where ladies dress goods are
sold; iu another where gents furnish
iug iroods are obuinah'e; and next it
msy he they will be laid out 0r sale by
jin uuderuker.
"Yours ever. American Typa Found'
ers Company, Job. S. Pinuev, Manager
at Portland: We inclose a little story
about hand made newspapers. Sounds
queer, don't it, and yet with horseless
carriages andihaintess bikes, we may
nee the .da pf prsli" presses and tyKS
less typi-'
Ro.buri Povlew : John L, Yaughnn,
of Lane cou-ity, has sgaiu commenced
auit agrflost jle Bo;.i!i Kelly Co. (or
f'13,0Jtf d t),ii"s fr ii j rins received iu
their locit; at SVfndliug IuUcIk
berV.OO. (rym iiicii his left leg bad to
bj a.np'i: jtfd U low the knee.
Ols 10 YAtJuiXA BAY.
Why not peinl vac. t.m time nt Ya
ipiiu.i Bnv, hf rt ' to be had excellent
faro, ;rood i .Hi, g"l boating, safe
bathirg, alliring n de;md rambles! '
The ciurs .in. I a raises at the Snm
mor S.-iit-olV 01 l''l. it Newport, will
afford great variety j instruction, diver
won and miiert unin. ut.
No othe rein ri eijual attrac
tioiis and !.iimnt,v-. tf
IN0R.M I !.:;I:V NuTICE.
This fcrr has changed hands. Being
now iu good condition will be run by
; , John 1'ki.i.ows.
The revival services are in progress
hero collided by Bro. liilJington.
Singing in 'Charge of Bro. Moon. If you
want to hear gtssl sound jiroacliiiigconie
out and hear Bro. Billmgion. If yon
don't you will miss a treat. Oroon
Richard-ion is able to be around after 1
sick spoil. flui'l Templetou passed
through our cty en route to llarrisbnrj:
tolrsjk ntsoine propertv in Linn cdinty
with a vfew of locating there. Four con
versions, o far, nt revival mooting.
Nma Riley ami Dug Perkins Mere visit
ing a few days last week at Irish Dcnd.
John (jolson was at Eugenn Sot. 0
Bennett sold his entire band of sheep I
Friday.' He intends to invest in cots-'
wolds. A.- F. Urugett attended the
drama at Junction Friday night and
went on to Eugene and Coburg 011 busi
nens Sat. O. Bennett went to Eugene
Monday to meet Mrs. Bennett who has
been visiting at CreswalL Fred (loser
went to Eugene Moti. with load of coke.
Mrs. Brown left Mon. for California.
Wrights' lumber teams are making regu
lar trips to tho valley. Joe Hice went
to Sin ithfield Monday. S. W. llarpole
went to Eugene Mon. Sweet Home will
be well represented at tho picnic Wat.
One of the' brightest meteors seen for
years passed to the northwest of here
Sunday jiigtit. Wo thought it. was a
brilliant Junction editor on his travels.
It illuminated everything very brightly
for a few seconds. ,. . , o.
Ilegiflter.JEugene, 19th : Lottio L. Tll
lotson.an eminent lecturer, will deliver
an address , in tho Christian church
Thursday eveuiug, ueder tho direction
of tho W. R. C. ,
Guard: The shirt-waist man hasinado
hia nppcarauco in Eugutid
; t
tiiowx, now it was iMH'n, last riiAV
XltltIT IS T.U: l'K4 1HKKK.
'The Deacon." (Bert Dowel), nt the
Opera House, last Friday high!, was a
success, notwitlihtMitdlng the ompay
was badly hniidicapiied by tho lack of
muslo, this hrui.tg is en prohibited by
the lesser of the h.dl, on tho ground
that it would injuriotiiy sllei t Mr. John
T. Williams, who was sug cntit uy.
The nudieuce all exnr. sed sviiipi.lhy
forthoeick iiiim ltt 111-", aevtrthelesa,
missed the iusp rit .tu f t i ts ot tlul.l ng
music and allowed tort sanation was a
little monotonous uuogother tooo d lj
between acts, tit Ituse Int.Ln. tho
male auditors v'ee I w th awe an I ad
miration sunn broad sh I tow or In hats
of the la lie, wonder nil! v ooiisirncied,
nhowiiu that tho maimer's art reaches
out into Idealities and combination (hat
am almost illimitanlo; and thataouie
hats can lo construcbsl on lines rlvallii g
the cneu on of man, in that they are
"fearfully and wonderfully made."
Tho company hail to omit their nolo,
duets aud chorus es, which was painful
to the aitists in thai line of divinity, bo-
evise, among thoui art some poweiful
a: d cultivated voices, giving promise of
a brilliant futur . ,
Wt are sorry to say that "The Dea
con" Is not au incandesceut light of any
temperance orgunixation, and should be
disilpliued when they gut him back Into
the synagogue at lwnsvltle; and ti at
when h sits under the nest preaching
he slunild let the sharp things tht loin
Istor says, go irro In head and not lot
thorn hit tit cran utn cl glnuctoRtdX'
iug away dl the (orv psrtof his hair as
clean as if a mowing ina-hlne ha asM
over it. "The Datou" tiibibts with
entirely too much rapidity and oontiit
ulty. vVe have some professors here iu
that lino who could givw hio fHints 011
how to do il if he would pay for the
drinks. ,
"Pete," (C. Virgil Averill), Colored
servant, is a character Indeod. He sus
tains the psrt w vlt, and It he had not
boon lro a white inau he most iimpies
liouably would have uisde a good hvart
ed, stunning, inischietou Ethiopiau.
Like 'Topsy", in ' I'licleToirsCabin,"
"dis ar uiggsh nebUer had a (addur uor
mudder:" he was raised simply ou spec
ulation, id uu iin ubHlor. 'Pete' jsissessos
all the rhar4i'triUcs of a cut darkey,
and shows:
The color! man steals little things,
A turkey lat or lank,
Dut white the muck man's doing that
The whits mail's roblied the bank."
"Pete's" gss I uaturod deviltry .wn-ui
quite natural, and it if likely thst It is
t, lscuils he is a gradtiat piinUj' and
learned "the devlf'-try in the printing
"Amelia," (Merle Coshow) a spinster
with lovely lk, was personified to per
fection. IV ing In a got! state of preser
vation she finally marrie. "To IW
con," and probably by (bis time has
him sweorely planted on cold storage in
a gold imr sAniotrinni. lit gettliw nisr
rial she only drifted with the tied ;'
thsy all do It, when the opitortttnity
offer. 1 '
' The character were rio alt portraytsl
by Brownsville charmers und; J Iwiuties,
The company drew upon Mi's Miller
( Mr. J. Miller's danghU'r; fol1 that lovely
little telepuone dog, to satisfy "Amelia's'
yearning (or. ''Some one to love; one to
cares," mil when she had got through,
that "dear little dogy, woygy" looked
as thotig-h ho hnd gone through a com
press, whicli he had.
"NellU," ((iertie Wilson), was tip to
nature. Shu is u bright little miss.
All tho other character woie wMI
S'.ist.iiiied. (.Facts' rolitive to the per
siuHiIle of the cominuiy are 'given ih this
i-uooThe Bulletin under the luwd ol
Ti e day possorsos go,sl, moral tone,
It shows that villainy brings its own re
ward. "(Iriof, (lilen lluot-r), the
good ungcl t ho sat u ulnlt and lookoil
out for the welfare of everybody, was
pathetic. His course was illustrated
evangelistic work - it 'prearhml 1 more
powerfully than 'u minister could with
mere words, wht wits not u hypnotizer.
It 'show el it s Let to be Kssl real
good and sqbkeribe lor Thw Built tin, in
whicli is given lib the news, and parti
ularly high nrt criticisms 011 doinx in
the Ojteru HoUso.'hs this article shows.
It may be wall to add thut the dia
monds stolen, and thst were recovered
through the instrumentality of that
"Hack diamond, Pete," are probable of
the same "water" as thoe so respleu
dently displayiHl by the chiropodist who
w as huie Inst week. '
Tlic play had progressed beyond the
third act in the opera house la-t Friday
night when two mini entered the hall.
One carried u lighted lantern and the
other was in h.s shirt sleeves. They
passed down tho aisles scrutinizing the
faces of the nudier.ee. The man with
the lantern espied a fine looking young
lady sitting by the side of young man
who had brought her to tho show . The
young lady was motioned to "to come."
She got up, looking quite ueinnro, and
pissed out with the man with, the lan
tern, without saying a word,, It was
said all the. parties are residents of nn
adjoining town. '
' 43 TO BUFFALO. .
This is what the established rate
amounts to in each direction making $8(1
for the round trip, and by arranging
with the Burlington Roulp passongers
aro given choice of seven trains on dates
of aalo. Call upon orwrltovus'orfull
particular before making other arrange
ments. R. W, Foster, Ticket- Agent.
Burlington Route, coiner Third aha
Stark fttcet0kPort.)ad, Ojegon '".'
, , " . .... . V-,,
'I't '.-;hi''-;.i .
I Do you nNh? Havttyou the h wk tlmt
' t ...!V.t...l 1... II.. . ............. . . t.
II MIIIIVVM l'vT VIIV K ' m IIOI'lli il yi
have, every Wtduosdiiy, nt L.Mt 4
Hamlin's market, you can g.t (roliiUi
direct from Portland, mi loo iren) uy
mon, halibut aud fiuctt; to tu tcuu
a pound. - ; ,
J'luueno Register advertises buej-l,.
for three, TnvV won't wdl hre, Yoinm
laities and geutliMiien prefer n buggy t liu f
is exelu-lvt ly for two.
This honorable Usly luoet s ''idly on
the sidewalk cxtondimj from in I'ontid
The Bulletin otliin to rhar, around (ho
C irntr past Milliorn Bros, Trade Em
H)riiito, for ihe pur i.o of trtiiling jokes
and ttlw'Ussltig i verythlog from uu atom
to an eon. The it onto ntemUrs sm al
ways in session and ready to ftdmjt lion
oraiy member 011 Inim hatlou of Dim
tnilitioit fepiireiiieul at tho pump or
back ot II inside, ; ,
B. 5. Hyland
& Co.,
' Rcql Estate Deafer?, -
lid v the following farm lands fof wle.
Any Inonlrlcs In regarl to same will r.
iH'ivo prompt at bullion;
St) acres of the Hnest land In latnn
couutv, one mile east of Junction City,
This laud Is all In (pass but iK acres.
PrU'e jH'f acre.'
Ks-J-ncrn farm four mile cnt of liar.
rixhurg. iu Linn countv: 110 acres in
cultivation; young orchard: new: hiitiM-,
lair barn j plenty ot water; ;5 n-r acre,
;40 acre farm. miles east of Ha.
rlsburg; 1.10 acres In cultivation ; b.d
anco meadow; grssl 1 m prove men Is;
hous, barn, orchard: l'u miles tu
school hoii. f j., iier acre.
2i0 acres, two miles aouth of Ilnrrlt-
burg: M arret under rtillivntlnn. hm.
a nc timber, maple, ash, etc.; no build-
Inr; new letirs) around cultivated Und;
llarrisbnrg water ditch mus through
1.. ...I . w.il.lu.tiL...... .. I. .1.
l urru, mnniii ,n muni HSU
of dd Mansueld donation claim ; $10 s-r
200 acre of rimmI lotfl fsrm land.
three miles aoiuh from llarrlshitrg;
Unit IB. acre in cultivation; l.n
in light limlvr ; (0 acres iu hops ; splen
did orchard of acre ; school house
mile distant. This farm is well feined
aud plenty of wtor. Too property has
iaeu prvouly MM at rgzjj ts-r acre.
It can now Is purchasnj for f.0. If you
were to hsik tho length and brealth of
the Willamette Valley you couldn't tlud
n better bar.'aln. The owner ltctd
I'.SiO from the 10 here of hops the ai
.miuftii. 1
' " ' " m..v ... . ... ,MM1. III.- n
aoothesst of Junction City, on the river
mad, and 10 mile north ( Eugei.e;
W acres iimler cultivation j tW ten.
nne iiaM wus tiints-r; rosloruca nm
two lmrns: but little irravelt 12-aere
orchard; well fenced. Can t divided
ras and west so as to glvo each hr.If
part of Umber: Vt ill Ik divided nr said
aa a whole to suit. Price per acre.
This is the old lt;.lin (arm, aud is woitlt
150 an acre., .
HtM acres, 2 mile'! vonlhwest of Jni'ii-
lion ; 2u0 a 1:1 os under cultivation; ...
acres timber, mik and ash; watt red by
tho Lmig Tom and several small lakes,
over 10 miles of fcn.'e, 'divided Into 10
Holds and pastures; could m dividoil
into H far ma ttnd each one could have a
iood road all graded and graveled all tho
way to Junction Citv; 3 stock burns
WxV); 1 barn 110x72, blacksmith shop,
ha scales, wagon shod uud machine
shod; out hnildhtga und 11 dwelling
house of a rooms, good as new, cost t'JiKX) ;
two orchard, nil kinds of fruit und Ur
rios. Price, ti l per acre. Easy terms.
A groat bargain. -
Olllce in "Bulletin" Olllce. V
J. A. BusnsKM., Olio. W. PtcKtrrr.
Vice President
W. C. Wasuiiu.nk,
Cashier. ,
a. .. I I .11 . . '
lias the ocst 1.101111 ii's tor niUKiiiug yie
bunking btiisiiuss of North Lano
and Sonlh Benton counties.
Board of Directors
J. A. Eufclinell, 0. W. Washburna.
,Ouo. Pickett, J. P. Milliorn,
T. A. Milliorn. ; - -
A. O. IIovky, . L. O. Hums,
President. Cashier,
11. 11. IIovky Asst. Cashier.
Lane County
'.i.4' A. OHOVEY & CO.
Tiansncta ccncral hunklntr Imsinuss.
Established, 1882. Oldest bituk in thai
countv. Eiwrono. Or. v r
county. Eugene, Or