A MONTANA GIRL. She Witf Pile and Bloodless, But Now Has a Good Complexion. Her Ailments .Gone. ; i. , ( - ....... ftm Mt Tn ii kf I ttn. .. ... .... t....n a i.. Mont,, cornea a cheerful .letter, tho writer Of which i willing to tell how nho obtained tho Hcli glow of health that thmiaand of women are envious lttiftiro she found the rfit rflinc.lv til ill WMN ifl that pah f.iiuu'liih.d condition 'which" doctor anaemic and which, if lieileet A iiifvitutilv mean early death. Miiw May Hmith, whoao address in . tril'I'll in tlui first word of thi ar- ' y: t ioi.i iiivi 'Alutnt fiva vear asm I became ill without antmrant (num. and I crew worse 'until I wia completely, rim The leant exertion would hring on a very severe pain in the pit of mv stomach. At otner hiiki would bum a nulii in mv lll'lld. koiiic thing like ruirlgit. My kidney were very weak mid my limU alwaya felt tired. I wad troubled with short- tu f l.rcuth and I httd a Hale, blood h.a itin.iirmie. There was a unioth- firm nluMit mv " lunirt. which would lent heavily, Willi lit 01 palpitation. For three yearn I wax tinder the care of two doctor, neither of whom seemed to know the nuture of my troublo. They treated me for .Iwirf.tiii uleerution of the Htomach, gantritu and neuralgia, hut without good result. , . VTwo year ago, when I av an ad vertinement in a tft. Paul paper of Dr. William' I'ink rilU for Pl lVo pie, I bought ft hox and lg much that I kept on with them until I had taken live boxen alto gether, and liecamo well ami strong again. I gained in flesh ami ttrv PitvA tun a healthv color. I have great faith in Dr. William' I'ink l'illa for Pale People, and UU them every anring and fall aa a blood medicine and (or the general building unof wyayatem. , "I have recommcnaeu iina i ins i many people who are suffering much a I wa, and they have all leen lne ritwl. My younger aiater, whoe akin in pale and transparent, i now taking them to reiitore her color." Signed. MAY PMITH. At all druggUts or direct from Dr. Williama Medicine Co., Sche nectady, N. Y.. on receipt of price. 60 cent per box;, aix wxvi ti.uv. No SugtiUoai. "T miial mv." remarked the rhvt cian, "your husband i in a ld way. Any arrangement you may wan w make" Oh, doctor," he cried, "I could never think of marrying again." tOV KNOW WHAT TTOC ARE TAKIftO Whta ton Uka Oro'i Tuttl Chill Tonto, . . . I - t .UUI. ...In..., M .V.r DECLARED A SPENDTHRIFT. ry In ProbaU Coarl CBldra Frincaa itolwaj't Clara de Itlquet, tb I'rinccaa de Cbl niay. waa deilared a ap-udtbrlft by a Jury lu tha rntbate lourt, umcagu, for Judge Cuttlug, ana unnt i uu eo her tJtianclal affair Thoiuoa H. Lyoua. her ucl, and tut pennouer w lh cuae, waa nwoluted conaervatr of tier eatate. lie tiled a bouu or fiw,- Vhi' rir at atx men tat' Q OIH'O- mouthed wonder while Mr. Lyoua and Attorney Hurley told them bow the ec . ..nfrl. itftneeHa bad aneiit flW.UOO, In addition to an annual Income ranging from 133.000 to $50,000 a year, aiuce aue came Into poaaeaalon of her proi-rty In Then the Juror arnica imjir nature to tbe verdict by wuieU ,me woman waa declared a anendtbrlft. Tbe preaent action of tbe uucie waa precipitated by the, demund made la February last from Egypt tr w,uw tA iii i tin woman'a accumulates acuta. Tbeae bad accrued la two yeara. dur ing which time abe bad also "peat uer princely' Income. 'Tell tb Jury bow ane apenua m miuh moiu'v" directed Attorney Clur- ley, wblleMr. Lyona waa on tbe .wit- neaa atand. vll. take, for Inatance. thla cane. Once In l'arla Uc paid f'iWMi fnr a pair of diamond earring, men later when abe needed money, abe pawued them for a amall lum, and never re deemed them." waa the anawer. Then Mr. Lyona told of her mania for buy ing clothing. -Not one bat. but a down. Not one drea, but a aeore," aald the witneaa. Hbe buya royally, and then glvea the clothing away to her maid. Kven houaea and vtllaa have lieen aacrlnt-cd i.o lu.r lu thla wa?." Aer Mr. Lion had finished Attor ney Oorley. who baa been tbe attorney for the family for year, told the Jury of tbe manner In which thla great for tune came to the prlnceaa. He told them bow tbe prlncea father, Ebcr B. Ward, when be died, Jan. 2. 1875, left to bta widow and two children Taat tracta of plw land In the vicinity of Lodlngton. Mlcb. in yeara tuia w came very valuable. The widow, on let whfcli ahe atiU carried fa her left ankle, (the waa 67 yeara oki. French Mary" gained her abriqoet from havlna been a native of France, ller fathefa life ltjn t Vrm-b revolution. he waa married at the 11 nt eame to thla country with ber buaband ahortly , before the outbreak of the Civil ar. uun band Joined one of the gotiavt regl menta. We lecame a nurae and vlvan- a onnalderable money. Charlea II. T. Hollla of rblladalpbbi en MMvention The iargeat wjnarc that can be got ? present time." out of a rouaa piece or meiai ia iwuuu by multiplying tbe diameter by .7071. From a diac one and one-quarter tnenea til Share. nritot. m want to do." aaid th worried wan, "ia to take money out - J,,Well, "'anawerwu. ithmw. w.-. ghum," "I have done my best in that direction; I have taken four or fire thounand dollars out ol it up w m eaael her aopport tn organising tbe One llundr(?d and Fourteenth I'ennayb, vanlft volunte'r. Bbe waa permitted to enllat aa a private, and arved brave ly. In the -wnwiuI day' flgbtlrig at Fredertckaburg abe aa wounded, ller bUHband died later, and before tbe war in diameter could Ihj cut a aquare piece Ji-lncb In diameter. Tin. mimical faculty of the Unlveralty of Heidelberg baa recently made a re port on the effect opon the eyca or in candeacent light, whether from an elec tric lamp or from a km uuuiile. TbeU verdict la that aucb light la not harm ful. - , , Tht Tru Tartei Mors. "I'm afraid," aheaighed, "that I'm. getting old." , "WhyT' ne aaKeu. "When I go to the grocery now, the clerka don't nearly break their necka trying to beat one another m getting my order. "; Sleepy Batterflka, Rttfrfltpa are aaid to be very sleepy u-hln wp trJ.k no to the aky! wo do1 headed. Twilight aenda them to hed, W ben we look up to tue any o u drowv at aunnse. not" aee the atara a tney are, oui -- - Itbey were yeara. centurle. even mm- , ennla ago. Tbe majority or atara niigui . jave been blotted out of exlatence be- .Tj,e fthirt waiat must be about to t..ra tta ehrutinn era. and we or to- i,im . day Should atlll receive tbelr light and : vhy do you think ao?" aeem to them just aa we oo. The Interesting queattoa of the great est dlatatue at which cannon can oe, beard having been ralaed lu Nature, j ru.. witoii. from tveraonal ex-' . ... . i ,i...ir. tua mhnrlirMnt i n.;f i.ut. salt. Ia that ao. - u n i.v.the Fedral Kl,Vfill. reallv. I don t know. "Because there goe one on a bud." AW He Ciasie, I've heard it aid that ...;tiif a tiiriimtflflift is like an Kino ni.iivw. - forcea la 1853. the firing of the heavy j I can't tell, for, you aee, I ve never I a - lnlnn1 aa!' .-. 11a timet if1 - ' -- taiege guns waa nearu r ... . 1 Auguata. Ga.. a distance of 122 mllea. ghe Never eaten an egg without I while at alxty mile the aound waa ac-1 gait. ' .' , nii ,v ppiieral reelinz oi i HK. MART l.MWfAKO. wa over abe wet wedded to Jtlcharl Leonard; a member of ber own regi ment and a IMttaburger. . Hlie warmed the hearta of her obi comrade of the ne Hundred and Fourteenth by appearing among tbein at the anniversary of the battle of I t...wwtr.kt.nrir In lhlladelpbla on Dec. 13. 1W3. Tbe photograph bere repro- No Charge. "There haa been quite a change in tremor., -.. : tnr naval aerrlce : now have a callbrof only twelve and j jjackbite, jiaen't there! Pi orulffh from fifty , to atxty-flve tona. and are from forty to .fjje bal taken to driving a motor tllea weighing from 850 to J.250 pound. 'T cant gee that that' any change. . . lIa w mi t a ! ... . t villi , HAWTI For coast defence, nowever, lie win m conuuue w - ordnance 1 poaslble Tbe great 10-Inch hjg neighbor.", m being completed for the United j - tt- nt Watervllet will weigh 126 1 Looped tt Oft cnecic taken at the time. Tbe cro tona, and It I expectea to uun . .M i.fitnut vunm nne or tne ivear ney croaaea" preente4 for bravery by Gen. Tbll Kearney nimaeu. .nwi in the war. 8be la tbe one ane nmw " . i """"' bad a paper algned by I'reatdent Lin- Sdegtroy hooka and article, of clothing (MWiiuMi the tormuU ! plainly prlnwd on every faotUa (bowlnir thul It It 'imply Iron and Qui oiuo in a uuiolata form. Ko Cure. Ne t'ty. toe. Sorrowi ol Rtiearch. "Did yon succeed in finding any illuatriou anceator?'" "No, but I scaml up a lot of kin folk that 1 didn't want to know at all." ' y - " ' . . Taut t)l, Ilo Good, pon't lekon rulti your!!!!! with 1IU tlnon. V.l t nncareti flae ndy. hariiilPNi, UtH ll lo the loumch, Jo Ui work. Prug gut, 1W, Vtc, m. Evolution Atala. " Advertiain la one er de lu' law of nature," said Uncle Kltfn. "A hen i..iainenM in lnviti' an' ev'v time ahe complete a transaction aheatalita right in to cackle." ' " i .I " ,' 1 " CITQ PrmmMiHr Curwl. ' K l)U or nirvouMMa II I 9 furnr-.i .(' o.-eiflr Kll'il hnrt RaM..r. .n1 for VH KKi.00iril h.rtllf b.I tr. M. P.R.U KMwa.UU..i"Pat..raunmMii.r At Prtunt Price. Mr. Wundcr But what could Mr. Rox do with all the money in the world even if he ahould comer it? . Mr. Wundcr Perhapa ho is fond of itrawhcrrie. Slop thm Couph and norM urr inm Htw, LAsatly Bromo-Qulnln TabiPtu r lira a cola la SSday. .yocura.Nofay. ITlce 26 oonta. Accuracy above everything else i needed in photography. Our new halanco cale weighs a grain aa easy aa an ounce. Price $3.00. At deal era, or Kirk, Geary & Co., 830 Sutter St., San Francisco. 1 ' coin attesting to ber bravery. Why Nesroea P Younic. The American Mlaalonary Aasocla tlon roakea public a report from one I of It representative la Nashville. the death rate 1 Villi,, V among tbe neirroe of tbe boutn. i uo report atate that In ten repreaentatlve gutbern cltle for tne past uvc tbe death rate of tbe white haa been 1 20 In 1.000; that of tbe colored people, 132 lo 1.000. The South I aaia not io have ahown much concern auout me rapid Increase of the negro, aince tue ir.... ITrt a Via un t Tflll . . . .. mhl-! pounJ projectue tweuyr. - 1 f jr your servicesT piece 1 nearly fifty feet long and meaa- j jrownNYe8, but it isn't for the urea aix feet acroa tbe breech. j aroount I expected, although I sent , i,i ,i. in nhnitosta white anta v.; 11 IB BOIU ml " 1 ...... , ... .,' lowne i our wnvms a be he didn't decipher the amount. Browne I'm afraid hedidde-cipher it. I wrote $100 very plainly, and he sent $10. .; i.tffr ti tfthtH r.r hflntrlnff on nails. Tne aiAv w - w . Itev. A. 2'Ooeuf gives, tn tne zmoezi Mlaalon Record, tbe following aurprla-j i t.itnre: On awaking In the morn-; e. - - i . uiul tn Ka fl eons- lux you arc BiuMiiiuv i . . .i th hrtek floor, a abort A Former Conquut distance from your bed. with two hole He But why do you want me to at tbe top. On closer examination you Binnleign to the nousei i .. .1 .t, iinu.a hn lust the v,a wii An vou wear vour medal? alze and shape of the Inside of your j HeIt represent that victonoua boota, which you incautiously ieu " campaign i weu uuuugu thi floor tne nigui mriuiv. . iuwi cenaua of 1900 made it appear that In of the heela. rin farm and proportion to an ant- Jieap, and nothing la left of them ex cept the nails, eyelets ana. maj ut;. jki PHINCaB i cm ma v. Coil Miners by the Million. Over 2,000,000 miner are required to produce the world's supply of coal. Of this number, 63,600 are employed in Grout Britain and 401,220 are em ployed in the United States. ber buabaud'a death, bad turned the management of the eatate over to Mr. Lyons, a trustee. The estate was man aged Jointly until, in It waa par- tltloned equally between. me wiuow, the son. Kber IV Ward. Jr., ami the daughter. Clara, who waa then the Prlncea de Chlmny. having married Joseph de Itlquet, Prince de Chiiuay. Tbe divorce of tbe prince in took from the estate 1300.000. which the court allowed him ror tne sup port of the two children which had been twrn to them, and whose custody bad been allowed him. Tbl $300,000 la exclusive of tbe $400,000 mentioned In tbe testimony before the jury. Clara Isn't really half as bad as she la painted," said her uncle. Mr. Lyoua. "You would find bard work meeting a girl who I more attractive or has a kinder heart. When she 1 under the influence of her relative she ia the last girl you would suspect of going through the escapades which bave made her ao famous. But away from their control she become flighty, and noliody can tell what ahe la going to do. ' r::- . "She wa born In Detroit, Feb. 17, 1873. Her mother wa my alster. Clara father dropped dead on the atreet of Detroit when ahe wa only 2 year old. and her mother brought ber and her oldef brother to Chicago, where they lived for a year, when abe took the two children to Europe." the ten year previous the black race Increased 12.24 per cent ana 23.01 per cent. The death rate of the negro la greatest under the age of 15 and least at the higher agea. The race la subject to a higher death rate than the wbltea from the following dis eases: ' i r-nn.nmntion at all agea. but espe cially between tbe agea of 15 and 45. 2. All disensea or lnianta. ue i-uiu.-ed mother too often does not know bow to take care of her Infant. 3. pneumonia at all agea. 4. Scrofula and contagious disease seem also on the increase. She So doe he. Tim l.Vi-rwli ae lentiflc lournaL La Na- A UV m mm w ture, calls attention to the remarkable revival, during the year 1000. of exper in nerlal navigation, with both lallons and so-called air-eblpa. The, iargeat apparatus la Count Zeppelln'a, dirigible balloon, which has been tested several tlmea over the Lake of Con- . la 0111 . atance, and wnose uiveuior making improvements lu the details oi j his machine. Some of tbe alr-vessela. .. tn mviit nrtsent a re-! as rtpreneuiru m i uiarkahle appearance; as. for instance, j the Sautos-liumont pauoon. buiufvu Hotel ffavel Opens tor eftton June 2S, 1901. Col. J. F. Harrey. Manaa er TUB. "MoNTKRJSY" Of OREUOS. TrorVaaor of KaTK Laniruajrea. One result of the war In South Africa la a great boom In the study of the, na tive languages of the dark continent among young ung- MostbeutifuUnd perfectly eqairped un- iue cttuw-.-x" . - i regor. Every convenient a comiwt. cigar, and the Bousson "autoaviator, fom hotZx to ...rt. BthinR. a.hinir amounted by a cylindrical baUoon .....v ,.tWl with wmsra luai revauu.,-' iri-TaafcndrervanonsaaareM ji lit 1 u " '"vt v j kuia jvw. those of a dragon. lishmcn. ly many soon ent over. "FRENCH MARY." Evident of them extiect , to so out to the Cape a aa the pre difflculty 1 Under these conditions a de mand has been mas wtRjcan. created for teach- era who are to talk and teach the vari ous native tongues. One of the best known of these teachers la Miss Wer ner, who occupies the chair of South African language on the faculty of Klng'a College, Lonlon. She began the study of the Zulu language from books a number of years ago, but found that she could not make much without hearing It spoken. Ac cordingly she went out to South Africa ,.vnr several years among the na tives, living for month at a time far from civilization and with only a sin gle comrade. In this way ahe learned to speak the four principal native lan guages with fluency. Cno of the Mot Noted Female Chernc- ten of the iwi wer. tin. Marv Leonard, fa moua as "French Mary." vlvaudiere of the One Hundred and Fourteenth Pennsylvania volunteer regiment In the Civil War, commuted aulclde the otner day at ner home In Pennsylvania." She waa one of tbe moBt noted' female character of tha flivll War. aays'the IMttsburg Dls- nfoh Wonnded biice In battle, ahe waa honored In many way for con--nienmia hravery. She committed bu1 m oviitnnMv through a whim. For many yeara the aged woman had been .M inaii,t and lately was a great suf- -. . .. . " ---- vy hkn writing; t aavoruaera piie jerM fwm rheumatism ana a reDci nue A a? j.ai.&ji Milll Atl A Xfrm Wlnnlflw'a Rotll- Ing Syrup the best remedy to use lor their children during the teething period. Juit Ilk Dick. Easyman Your brother Dick, did me out of $10 lHt night. MUs Wetirie That 'a just like Dick. He'a always doing some ridiculous thing. y. r. m. o. a. 5i tel. . ' a r.mii of Money I.endera, ei 1S15 the Rothschild family haa Oiuvv ralaed for Great Britain alone more i nnn 000.000: for Austria. $250.- 000 000; for Prussia, fJOO.OOO.ooO; for France, $400,000,000; for Italy, $300. oomv tnr Russia. $125,000,000; for VJUV)vvv f Braall. $70,000.000. , In 1S05 they took S15 000.000 of the February -loan of tho United State througn tne ueimont Morgan syndicate. it' After a boy get a Job at which be earns a high as $3 a week, he cau get bla alstera at home to cook any thing for him he want. An Inverted Fable. "Now," said tbe Big Buck Deer to his eldest , born, "I will show you a sight that you never saw before and I am bo proud of that I feel like walking around on my Uiua legs an i" v. "Wltj !" aald the rawn. aa I live'." , Tea," aald the fawn's proud parent, dragging out the carcass from behind a tree, "and now, like a little good deer. trnt HIP tllT Bharpest knife, ruu u. i," r . . . . .un t t-in Mm ana nreuure m as a dining-room ornament. And snau tmw vour Dapa did such a J, (.VIA JVM v ! " , brave deed? Then listen, my son. Thla morning. In company witn my laiuuu. ,.,.l.rtn.ia I tracked me man ' .... r. t. through the forest, drove mm " t..rini. first ascertained that be ia.v, " . .. v .oa waaunarmed. and. men, UB n liv I tier iwnt almost exhausted, i in mv canoe and shot him at leisure In a nice viui wouldn't show." v ; MORAL. ..r said the fawn, "the man had no chance at all against your skill i and science. I don't see anytmng or to be proud of. "But you win. aaiu.tuo -Deer, "when you get to be as big as I HOTEL FLAYEL, Flmwrnl, Or. Oi- J. L. MITCHELL, 01 S Marttumm Bldo., Portland, Qrm. am." New York Life. Vacs of the Banana. An acre of bananas will produce in welgbt 133 times as much as an acre of wheat. Banana flour la coming into .. ......1 wn Hr, (r with use. Brewers are eiiiwuuU- bananas aa a aubstltute tor oaney. From the fiber of the plant rope, can vas and thin clothing are being made. ww terrlhlo lot of time is wasted in the course of a life time, in waiting at table to be served with something not fit to eatl WHAT JS A. SUCKER! THIS TRAPS MAM IT I TM6 BEST WATeaeaooa OILED COAT IN TME WORLD. HjAi,,.. ' . NAM FOR TAW CATALOfiUEi PREC 3H0WIN5 PULL LINE 0C GARMENTS AND MATJ. AJ.T0WER CO.. 503T0N.MA55.4i Springtime Resolutions tay lecloy Guro Sure relief ft om liquor, opium and tobacco habit-, Bend lor particular .iitlla Moved to 4SO wuiumi 18816) InStUUle, Ave., Kait Side. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, Foot ot Morrison Stmt. Can give you the best bargain In Buggies, Plows. Boilers and Engines, Windmitla and Pumps and General Machinery. See us before buying Is best tlm to aura Catarrh, Bronchitis and Consumption. Our remedy U guaranteed, U f, u. if ox n I SUB W. H. SMITH & CO., Buffalo, H. Y. 11 Best Cough Bjrup. TaatesGood. Dl j f 1 In time. "! bT dniwlsts. t L