Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, June 13, 1901, Image 5

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cvctiY Thing in the grocery line.
:is produce Taken In Exchange.
:S William Bros.
is practicatly, but not literally the
rane at our store. Our telephone
wilt always ettmnion prompt and
v tiling service when there ia serious
illness and necessity fur prompt
gjgjTVm Hotel telephone for night or
Niiniay can.
We slmnly ask fr that kindly feel
ing on your part that gives us your
day patronage.
Cascade Drug
t:,. Company
Corner Hotel, Junction City, Oregon
i1 n..ii.if rM0m-i W
Agricultural implements are corning
In numerously by rail.
Dr. Lone, oculo-opttelan, Kngene.
Ice for aato at Cascade drug atore.
.1 unction City ia the Chicago of the
Willamette. All roada lead to Junction.
Tlio condition of John T. Williams,
who has leen aick aome time, ia about
the anute today ar heretofore.
The cow that gives the buttermilk Ia
nlwava up" at the creamery at 10 uts.
a gallon.
Fountain soda for sale at Cascade
drug store.
Koboa can alwavs get a chop here.
The mutton and the woodpile are in jux
taposition for labor.
We have Wostfairs Hcrba of Health
and Wonder Oil.
Mdkurr & Hat.
Food Coii mlssioner, Portland, ia en
forcing the law aguinat impure spices,
cxtraeta, etc. Moral Buy in Junction.
Take your laundry to G. 8. Keck'a
barber shop. He has the agency for the
Troy Laundry, of Portland.
An Eastern Oregon wool salo of about
$ 17,00) extent baa been made on a baaia
0f.l1.l3 cents per pound.,'
Orders taken tor ladies' and genta'
suit's at Houston's.
Heavy aund ia board from the direo
tion of Eugene nighla. It is believed to
be the .Fourth of July, orator practicing
hi brut ion.
Frch oranges and lemons for, a!o
at Cascade drug store.
Portland Umpire McOermott resign
ed because McCarthy called him a "lob
ster.".. It showed a very "crab" bod
disposition. '
Snow in Washington, D. C., C. A. &
Co,, to whom you write pertaining to
Men's and boy'a suits, latest Rtyles,
just received, at S. Hi Friendly'e, Eu
geno. Eugene, Juno 8. The Bulletin : I askod
yon to mention in your paper, last week,
the play to bo given in your city next
Tuesday night.- I am sorry to aay the
troop has made othor arrangements and
will not be able. to keep the dato. Chas.
L. Austin, Mngr. E. II. 8. Dram. Club.
City, Oregon. Z
The Eugene Register published. Isst
Sunday, for the edification of its wide
range of readers, Illustrations of some
of the prominent features of Junction
City. The boost is appreciated. It will
assist In getting us immigration, and to
counteract the possible uefiopulation of
aurroumung places, vy reason ol their
tNKiple coming here to settle, we have
decide! to annex Eugene, tbus adding
more beautiful ieople to our ownpar
ticularly the handsome gentlemen, with
me eoinmanoinz tresnce. who are
achieving- immortality for the Eugene
pro., Don t bluah. gentlemen; don't
blush. ,
Shei win- Williams Paint Teats as Itith
as any paint on tiie tnarket.
Muiier & Hill.
Nearly 100 tickets m-re sold here for
the Brotherhood of lyx'cmottvo Ktgi
neers' excoralon last Sunday. When
the trains reached here there was muoii
vivacloiisneM. One young man had lost
hia hat and bought another. A party of
young men evidently desired todrink the
waters here: they wsniea to take com
munion with n. It is a nity that the
water south of us is so unattractive that
excursionists have to go dry until they
can get off here to get the genuine, pure
do to 8. II. FiientHy'a when In Eu
gouH for the latest novelties in summer
dress goods.
Ladies' shirt waists In all shades and
tenures latest styles at Iriendly's.
Transfer of real estate John Lewis
and wife to I. E. Ernest, 100 acres, sec
tion 8, township 16 south, range 1 weit
wonsiaersuw, S7yu. . .
BooA-rigbtfal 5c; Kaakade drugstore
Since George Ebebalt weut to Wend
ling we have been without a ahoe saver,
Every day people are losing their soles.
A cobuier-tntssionary ta needed bore.
The Weekly Oregenlan and Bcllxhx
one year Icr f 2. '.
Commisiioners' court opened bids for
the construction of a covered bridge
across Besr creek, near Mahan place
about 4 miles went of Junction, as lot
lows : Clarence Thompson. 1594 and 1025
Geo.W. Kinsey. tJ30, Barker A Inman
1749. ' E. D. Olds, $730. N. B. Alley
525. . No coutrsct was given out. The
matter koos over till July, when County
Surveyor Collier will have the awarding
oi contracts oi mat tinn.
Mi!!iorn Bros, have just got in'fine lot
of Wilson strawberries, in boxes. They
came Irom Aloanr ana aro very choice
Horton Bros., of Estrup mill, are get
ting out a large bill of oak timber for the
Astoria and Columbia Ktver railway
company. Also a bill of oak for J., II:
Johnson, shipbuilder of Portland.
Do you know
. . (
That we carry tho best
obtainable White Lead
and Linseed Oil?
The Pioneir White Lead
Pure Boiled Linseed Oil
" Raw , "
e can today "quote you a bettor
price on the above than you can
purchase them in Portland and
pay freight.
Ask ns for prices. We are ever
ready to talk with you on
Mixed taints, Lead
and Oil,
Mueller & Hill
' Casper Rkkard, who has tpmigrated
from the country to Junction the
u hject of con vernation Sundiy. A gen
tleman said ue naa put up i" so
often, in one place, in tie bid bouse,
while leading, that he had actis-pr made
an iniientattou in ine wood i wien re
caua: "in uvea 01 ercai von mi re-i
mind us, we can make our aeefle nab-
lime, and, departing leave WhlDd Ul,
footprints on the sands of tipe
.4 M . ..la .f llhA " I
r i... UUUli AUVllM
The most tniserable . eitga In the
wr 1 ere thoae iil?ririi iron yswi.-
via and Xiver Complaint. ;More than
75 ner cent, of the rxxmle inthe CniUxl
BUtes are amsctea with two ois-
-. .... . . .
eases and their effects: en'" s our
Stomach, Sick Heaiachc, IUbitualCos
. ! . 1 . 1 i - . ' . I Ortn.t
VIVCIIl! I U.JIlUlbl'lll )l lure
Heartburn, Water-brash, iaing and
Burninit Pains at the Pit of the htom-
ach, Yellow r!kir, Coated tongue and
J)isagreeat)ie TasUj in the I outh, com-
nt up of Food after Eating, etc. (Jo to
Mueller & Hill's and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cental Two doses
will relieve you. Try it. iOet Green's
rue Almanac. '
From Los Angeles (CaJ.)Tjmes. JuneS)
Miss Ruth Bcttersworta and II . F.
Norcross were marrhsd yektenJay morn-
ng at 10 o'clock at trie hone of .Mr, and
Mrs. W illiain JS. Brewstef-mith. ro,
2717 Menlo avenne. Rer." Hugh K.
Walker. D. D.. pastor cl Immanuel
Presbvterian Church. ofw:iateil. The
weddinit was nuietly celibrated, not
withstanding the populartfr of the bride
and groom iu boutliern Luiornia, anu
the ceremony was witnessed only by
members of the two families and a few
friends. The bride is the only sister of
Mrs. Brewster-Smith and a sitter of A.
P. Bettersworth. Jr.. cdiwr of The Bui
etln, Junction City, Ore.. and daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. Alexander P. Betters-
worth, of Carlinville, lib, where Dr.
kllersworth was a prominent and lead
ins physician for many years. She ia
an accomplished young wpman, of de
rided literary taste and nleasimr person
ality. Mr. orcroea is the popular and
well-known central agent ot the Loron
ado Beach Company, with offices in Loa
Angeles. - the house decorations, which
were characterized with taste' and ele
gance, were carrletl out ut pink, winte
and green. Aaiaragas pluaiosus sad
roses were used in the parlor, marguer
tea and ferns in the library, maidenhair
The bride wore a handsome Uifor suit
ferns and undo rosea in the dining-room
of brown Venetian cloth. After the sec-
rice an elaborate breakfast' was served
in the dining-room. Mr. and Mrs. Nor
cross left on the morning train for the
north, where they will visitthe Yosem-
ite and other points of interest. Upon
their return they will reside at No. 737
Westlake avenue, and they will beat
borne after July 15. Many handsome
gifta were received by the bride.
About 75 are enrolled in the Christian
church Sunday school. Come 10 a. m.
tor the Christian Endeavor come 7
p. ni.; membership, over. 75.
Jso preaching at the Christian church
Sunday. Pastor Green had to be away
to preach a fnneral sermon. : Elder
Busbuell officiated in reading from the
Bible and prayer.
Methodist church, Sunday morning
Paator bkidniore s theme was (text
Revelations) "The white garments of the
blessed are Hghteouaucsa of the saints."
Evening-Acts 20-19,
Postal: "Unleaa yeu are .notified dif
ferently by Lancaster people, F. E. Bil-
hngton wilt conduct tun Lancaster re
vival, assisted by E. R. Moon, a singer,
beginning June 11. , ,
G. W. Wright has on hand 600,000
feetot dry lumber, which he will dis
pose of at reasonable- price. Longtim
Lers a specialty. Boat lumber on the
market. Good road. Will b delivered
promptly at any part of. the county.
Postoilice address : Goldson.
Sea "The Deacon," "Miss Amelia,"
'Billy." "DaisT." and "Pete." at the
Opera House tomorrow (Friday) night.
Reserved seats on sale ut Cascade drug
... .
store; 3d cents, it is a comoay arama - , ..i f--in
five acts. Thirteen in the company, ASK VOUr QCaler 101
of Brownsville. Company has been on
tho road two weeks, and given good sat
slaction. . . .....
G. W. Wright sold recently to C. H.
Callim 11,000 feet of lumber for a dwel
ling bouse to be erected near Uoldson.
Evervthinir is readv to construct the
building expeditiously. .7
Said G. W. Wright; while in here this
week! "County Commissioner Hill was
out in our couulry last Saturday. He
aald the best dirt road in the oounty
ia between Goldson'a mill and Wright's
mill." ;
The avidity with which people "go
for" the Oregonian .Sunlays, when it
comos in on the train, shows they ap
preciate good, moral reading especially
the epistles of tho editors and the Society
Railway man asked another Monday :
"What kind of a time did you have on
the excursion, yesterday?" Answer:
"Wa had all kiuds o' times."
Claud Lea is a delegate from here to
the meeting of the Grand Lodge, A. O.
U, W., : which convenes in Portland,
June 10; Price Gilmore, alternate. ,
Sheriff Withers lost 100 acres of !whoat
at time of recent hailstorm atSpringneld.
Shor win-Williams Paint uuaiilj re
membered long after price is forgotten.
Mullor & Hill. '
J, IJ, Taylor took charge a night oper-
ator at inn n, v. depot bunday.
ck..i trit..M .... i.. f.A i?
Motlday notifing jarors and transacting
Uher offlcifli boaine-a.
O. W. Wright, sawmill man at Gold-
son, was In town this week en route to
Eugene. .. .. .
J. A, Moehnke was in Junction Mon
day lofiking for property for sale for a
stock rabch. Write The Bulletin.
Eugene Journal. 8th: Mrs. C. Alsted,
of Harrisburg, is the guest of Mrs. M.
J. Tibbets, city. ; a .
James Moffitt. C. 66th 111., and 7. R.
Alexander, B, 1st Mo. cav., attended
L C. V. A. from Junction.
Jury list of 81 jarors drawn for Tune
term of court, convenes 24th, includes
James Smith and II. J. Dickey, farmers,
Junction. ''"
C. It, Smith, who spoke here last Wed
nesday, is announced toappear in Salem
on the 15th instant to stir up the farm
ers in tiiat section.
W. II. Monroe, of the Creamery, was
in Junction fctimUy. He contemplated
going to Corvallis to have a talk with in
structors there who could come here and
hold a valuable Farmers' Institute.
E. O. llodson.of Roseburg, has been
sppointed Deputy Game Warden at
large in Lane, Douglas, Josephine, Jack
son, Coos and Curry. counties. lie is
an ex-sbariff of Douglas county.
Harrisburg claims 50 people wenching
200 or n-ore pounds. A "heavy weight"
city. Albany Democrat.
And their weight is no more remarka
ble than their amiability.
links Three rezular crews come here
from Portland every night From Bose-
burg, ono comes in Monday ; lavs over
till Wednesday morning: out Wednes
day morning; back Thursday nitcht; ont
rriuay morning; uaca caiuruar nigut;
out Bunday morning.
T. W. Blew, of Cottage Grove, and J.
A. Blue, of (i rants Pass, were bere'un-
day worshipping with ns. Tney are
lKth clever gentlemen, brothers oi Mrs.
Birdie McKay and Mrs. Kate McEwen.
T. W. reports everythine at Cottago
Grove lovelr. J. A. says Grants Pass is
a daisy, audit is.
Among those who enjoyed the excur
0B?nd?J kff.'te
Iiounioa, ntornvt vuwei, v. vuito
Whitley, John Coon, John Hayes, Mar
ion Harpool, Burnham Hyiand, Sanford
Thompson; Mrs.'s J. Hayes, Zola Lee;
aliases Donnelly, liarvey, ma weaver,
Lizzie Clow, Dollie and Carrie Baker,
Georgie Nichols. "
The Starrs are in it. - It is a Starr
(Jordan) who is at the bead of a great
university in California. And now, re
volving in the orbit of education, a Starr
comes heref The 4roscope is bright.
Let us hope that the dittle. stars who
come under their tuition may develop
Into 'suns" (arid daughter) of the first
magnitude in the constellations of, social
and intellectual life. -
The school board has decided that
Professtr Starr shall" teach here nfext
term. He is a cousin nf 5. 0. Marr, the
haidwar merchant. His assistants will
be Misses Pearl Darelius, Lou Nome
and Fanny Grlggs.il Miss D. taught here
last term. Her home is in Eugene.
Miss N. taught in llancaeter last term
She ia a niece of Col. F. W. Folsom, one
of our prominent citisena. Miss t. s a
sister ot Dr. jn. is. Lee. .mis9 ioms
takes the place of Miss Belle Millican,
who has gone east.' .
Dr. Oglesby has on his places here
manv cherry trees inai aro . nusrauy
loaded down with fruit.; .In fact all the
rtiprrv trees hereabouts are in the same
condition. He has the finest varities of
idm-ted fruit in Junction on the ground
about hia housfl. It? was selected and
nut out bv Professor Campbell, deceased
The limbsef egg-plum trees have already
had to be propped up. Quinces doing
Una. If the doctor's health was as vig
orous as that of his trees he would Jive
a hundred years yet.
The Weekly Oregonian and the Bdl-
verts for f 2 a year.
Cream of all Laundry Soaps
Manufactured by "ossaw
The Eugene Soap Company
Celebrated Petaluma
Griffin Hardware C6.V ;SgS te;
Miss Nellie Folsom compfetel her
fourth year in the postoffice here, Turn-
day, much to the satisfaction of tb
government ot the united Btates anu oi
the citlajns of this plac3 and vicinity
generally who have business with the
E. J. Horton, of Horton Bros., Estrup,
was in Junction ..Wednesday. He re-,
ported work at the lumber mill brisk.
B. F. Harvey hat taken the place pro
tern of Jack Brierley, at Wm. Kecne'e. 1
Jack Briefly and Lee Bouth worth have
gone fishing along the McKenzie.
A daughter of Mr. Sam Moore' has
been suffering from Is grippe this week. i
" PAIr BED AWAY. v ' '' ' "
DieiJ "Monday, 'Jnoe' ' 10," 1:15 p. m.,;'
of tvphoid pneumonia, near J miction
City", Lavinia Russell Wallace, aaed 2'.l
years and 2 months; wife of II. K. Wal-..
lac;. Deceased was a daughter of Iter. ,
T. 11. Knsell : was born in Keveir county.
Tennessee, April 10, 182; .bitatd..
in the U. S. Grant Uoiversity at
Athens, Tenn; married to Kev. II. H,
Wallace, in Iloane county, Tenn., on
July 7th, 1885; came to Oregon from -
Tacoma. Washington, in August, 1891,
Remains buried today in Simpson chap
el, 5 miles northwest of Monroe. Fun
eral services were conducted by Kev.
J. II. 8k id more in the M. E. church.
B. F, Harvey in'ormi us be has sued 1
the Oregotdan Publishing Company, of
Portland, for f50,Q0Q judgment on an
allegation of libel ; A. C- Woodco:k and
L. Bilyeu, of Eugene, and Judge Pipes,
of Portland, attorneys. The allegwl
libel is based on matter which appeared
in the Oregonian in reference to the
trial that took place at Kosehurg a year
ago thin month in which Harvey was
charged with rape on the person of Miss
Winnie tnorne and lor which tmph
Patterson was sent to the penitentiary.
larvey was acquitted.
nrrrALO, k. y. mat to November, ask
: C. J. Eddy, General Acext,
Any one having old horses for sals
communicate with I. E. Peterson, Ee-
trnp.Or. '
Centrallv Located.
Free Sample Rooms.
Electric Lights and Bells.
Hotel Euene
Hollexbeck Bros., Proprietors.
Kates, tl to $2 per Day.
UeadquarterSbfor Commercial Travelers
and -Mining 3len.
Eugene, - 1 - Oregon.
Hay Rakes
Binder Twine
Machine Oils
Repairs of All Kinds
Incubator & Brooder