Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, June 06, 1901, Image 3

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No Rac Problem,
"1 never coulil make out why folks
is nil the time worrvin' deyo'f wid
what dcy call de. Vsce problem,' "
said tho old colored oitixen. "1 locn
rutin' heuh citcodo tlttyii I len bo'n,
en neither me ner my family hiz Iwn
lynched yitl"
too ltKWAnti ioo.
Tho readers f this neper will be t1d to
learn llial ther I l lean on drdl diMisee
dial MiMiii'a Iim keen lil to rur la all us
mtiM, and that lecaterrli. llaU'atatarrh Cure
1 ib only positive curt known to tli medical
fraternity. atarrb litig tnitltutliiit dis
ease, riilrra a enniiUlui tonal treatment.
Hall ('elarrh Cur It taken Internally, ef In
difwily upon th blood and mucous stirfarve
tilth sy'in. thereby deatrnylng tho founda
llrni uf th rowane, ml llng th ration
ireneth by buiMin up the wmtlioilon anil
aiiltig nature In doing Iti work. Tho pro
prtoture have eo mmh faith In III ritrativ
wer. that they lifter On Hundred iHilier
for ny re that It laid to cur. Heutl for list
ol fmlimotilala. AiMrMt
u.,, a V CO., Toledo, 0.
Ml by druitglu,7e.
iiair family -lssre Itin beat.
'lf,ittf trttt t.utf t ttA tin..."
'' ..t. jio IMIIV I ill"
quired tho city visitor of tlto friend
who had moved to the country.
"I dmi't puss'it," replied the lady
who could alwuy ('mil mium thing to
do; "it pimac iut."
"rually," wiid tho Cheerful Idiot, j
breaking the ronverHtioii, "tho man
that in a good liver huMi't. "
Tak L4itl Itromii Quinine Tkblcl. All
InixiUu refund tin iin'iiry II ti till to cur.
K. W.OroT'lKntur Una rtt h V,
Koine kfitie are like thn near
lighted man who nkatew right up to
tho danger aign to e what it nay.
Th flat! rrrlptin for Malarl
rhllU rid fevnr I a bollleof Orove't TMtrle
thill TiiiiU-. ltlmlmtily iron nj quinine In
taateloM lortn. ho i un. Ko l y. J'rlfe Ux.
Cauu and EfftcL
"1 couldn't lind anything at that
tlieap litKik counUT Joiich waa brag
ging alxiut.
"Well, reetllithhadleenlhe;e." j
I do not bflirv l'ino'a Curn for Con- !
iiiuptloii liu mi iii for roughs and
niliU.-JoiiN F. Ilovra. Trinity hring. j
Ind , KU. 15. l!i. j
Hdn:rUt !
Firot Kaiian Did that cyclone j
(Utuagtt Jtsl I'lTkiitH' Iiouko enny?" j
Second Knaan Dunito; it hain't!
lit yit.
Your (ioldo and Ouard
lath (auiong Oregon Illooil Torlfler,
tetted and true. In it now.
A Rout
"I wonder why they are called rare
"IJecaniic they're not well done."
Mother will find Mr. Wlnalow'i Sooth
In ft Syrup the brut remedy to u lor their
children during the teething period.
Arduous Task.
"I hear that you have lieen laid up
with ttervoua prodlration. What waa
the matter overwork or worry?"
"Not exactly; the fact ia, I tried
to have a photograph taken that
auitcd my wife."
When Ton tak Grov' Tutelni Chill Tonlo,
tweau the formula I plainly trlnted on every
bottle cliowlnr that It la ultnply Iron and gu.
Bin In a tatlM form. No Cure, N Cay. 0c.
Otttlnj Rid of Him.
Her lleau If you'll le a gocnl boy
I'll give you an Egyptian cigarette.
Dolby And may I ainokc it?
Ilia aixter Yea, Hobby; and, of
courae, you know, gentlemen always
go into tho library to Binoke.
riTQ Parniannnlly Curwt. No flu ar norrotwBMi
lllu mftmr llral.U'ail.tr tlr K lltta'a firKl Nftrv
Rnrton-r. .urt li.r Fit KKti.OO lrl.1 lllrn.l trU.
Im. Ua,H.II Ktma.lia..iMi arviiiM.,ruuaaiiiua,ra
Thrct-Fourtha of Jury.
The MnaaachuKctt" senato favors a
conatitutional amendment to permit
three fourths of a jury to render
verdict in civil cases.
If you uae the K. 0. toning solu
tion you will never la) troubled with
faded prints. 8 o. bottle, 30 cents.
At all photographic supply dealers, or
Kirk, Geary & Co., 330 Sutter St, 8. F.
One Indlai Tribe Increasing.
The I'enobacot tribe of Indians,
which numbered 240 in 1800, is now
about 400 strong. Maine appro-
Eriates annually $8,000 for their
I' 11 I a'. 711
Million for tleeoball
A million of dollar are spent every ur
Upon I lie )(M m of ln rl.nli, nut Wire it (hi
knni In. It in it not Ih-Iii in viiiiul i h Hiixiiiiit
spent hy people in ecttri li nf hisjijth. There
In sure niclliiiil of olitnlniiiK t rr-iiirilt.
mi it not costly mif, w tirce time
wlio but spent much and lout hoiK to trv
IloMetier's hti'iitm h IIhot. It )trrnft li
rim tut lniiirli. liiiikei (Hki-mIiim and
iiHttiml, mid cure tvtiii, constipation,
billuiisiii'ssautl weak kliliit) ,
Th Rcl Thing.
First flog Look a hit thin, do It
Ho'd you, if your rnaati'r was it ixmter
Rrtint, mid tntd got you in training an
a model for hi new pouter of a dog
that wasn't fed on Fillemup's Patent
Tells of a Thrilling Experience
In the Civil War and How
a Newspaper Article
Saved His Life.
From the I tturon, Uonnrrtttoui, Mil.
Many veterans of the rcl-ellion con
recall incidi-nt a thriling as the cav
alry charge in which the narrator of
the following cjtjierienee nearly lost
hi life, and, unfortunately, many of
the old Holdier have diHabilities that
are unpleasant reminder of their days
in the army. To all auch this story
will have a icculiar intercut and may
how the way to rentore health,
strength and energy. Mr. William II.
Whiting, of Mt. Holly, Va., says:
"When the Civil war began I was
living in llulfalo and there I joined
Co. F, of tho Teuth New York Caval
ry. In 1803, while serving with my
company, I received a sabre cut that
c aii ml iiru!yni. For eight months
I was obliged to lie in the honpital at
WaKhington, D. O. I afterwards
trid many doctor, but the paralysis
remained us bud as ever. I HuiTcred
from chill and my general health
Wild tint got id
"This continued until about eight
year ugo when I read in a newspnjier
of thf cure effected by Dr. Williams'
l'ink Fills for Pule People. I began
taking the pill and soon found they
were doing me good. In six months'
time I was completely cured. The
iiaralysis has nut returned and I never
mve the chill now. My general
health is alio In'tter than when I le
gau taking Pink Pill for Pale People.
1 nlway keep them with me and, in
the eight year that have pased nince
I firot took them, I have never had
occasion to call on a doctor.
"I have recommended Dr. Wil
liam' Pink Pill to many people, and
good results have always followed
their use." "
Subscribed and sworn to lit fore me
this 14th day of January, 1901.
John L. Heale,
Seal Notary Public.
Dr. Williams1 Pink Pills for Pale
People are sold by all dealers, or will
be sent pout paid on receipt of price,
60 cents a laix, or six boxes for $2.a0
(they are never sold by the bulk or by
the hundred) by uddrcMHing Dr. Wil
liams Medicine Company, Schen
ectady, N. Y. v
"And when lie projKwed did you
tell him to see me?" inquired her
"I did, and he said he had seen you
several times, but that he loved me
notwithstanding. "
tttmpm thm Cough mmd
Workm OH thm 0ld.
Lxtlr Uromo-Qulnlnx Table I a rur a cold la
& day. No cure, ho Pay, frlce 2b cents.
Her Secret.
Ilev. Dr. Collie But how did you
manage to interest so many in your
charitable work?
Mrs. Lureing Well, doctor, I find
that a card with "Dancing" on the
lower left hand corner, seems almost
ts attractive as the promise of future
The fascination of flashlight photo
graphy is greatly enhanced by one of
the new electric flash lamps. Costs
11.60. At all dealers, or Kirk, Geary
& C. 330 Sutter St.
8. F., Cul.
Entirely Unnecessary.
"These druggists make me tired
with their sujvcrtluous directions.
"What's tho matter, now?"
"Why, this ' prescription I had
filled for the ague has a label on it!
'Shake before taking.' '
Tbla ltntur I on every bos of th genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine TMet
th remedy that enrea a cold la osm ty
Root's Law Studies Delayed.
Elihu Boot, secretary of war, made
up his mind when he was 10 years old
to be a lawyer, but combination of
circumstances mado it impossible for
him to take up the study of the law
until he was over 21 years of age.
llllHlii WHtHt ALL (IKE lalLS.
Beet Cough Syrup, f ante tioud. Ca
in lime. Mom or armoriM.
'mm'' jfi
Frnl Perpetrated Con th People
and Lpontb (id eminent.
The Clilueae plenlpoiUtar! re ob
ject In r. of course, to tlii! mount of In
demnity demanded by tie powers, and
representing tbnt It wlUcrlpple the re
sources of China for ye to come; but
examination showg tba the Interest
and sinking fund of tie capital sum
can be easily met with vry elemeu
tary reform In the flnaidal system of
the empire. An euorupua saving can
be made by doing awaith the tribute
rice system. At preseir two great rice
growing provinces, Aobil and Klangsu,
are obliged to send up) Pekin annual
ly something over 1,000000 tons of rice,
j This Is supposed to be police ted In kind
i from the farmers, but (be official real-
ly collect the tax In tpney, fixing the
jrate at which the farmers commute at
I about two and a half imes the market
price. The required qlantlty of rice Is
then bought In the market by the offl
'clals, and here the Government begins
by losing three-fifths oftue money actu
jally paid by the farm.. This rice Is
I then shipped In Junk by the (iraud
j Canal, and In steamer by the sea route
fto Tien tsin, and 30 percent Is allowed
; for waste and damage on the way.
A further lot accrue to the Govern
ment In that the crows of the Junks al
j ways take a quantity f general cargo
: on their own account, on which they
i pay no duties, the Junk being protected
by the lmierlal flag. When It gets to
j Pekln the riee-what Is left of It-Is put
;ln the Imperial granarVs and I freely
: pilfered by the officials, good rice being
j taken ont and old grail, mud, and rub
! blsh of all kind being substituted. The
! pensioners of the Government ami the
jtroops do not get this rice, as they are
supposed to do; they get warrants for a
certain quantity, which they are obliged
to exchange at the rlee shops, where
they are given, perhaps. 30 per cent of
the faco value of the warrant The In-
i genious con calculate That the Govern
ment would save If it still collected the
tax in money In these provinces, and
then paid Its pensioners and troops In
money, allowing them to buy their rice
In the open market. A much larger sav
ing could be made If the present system
j of taxntlon and distribution of salt w ere
j abollHhed, ami the salt were bought by
the Government where it Is cheapest
and sold at the present average price.
At present enormous "squeezes" " ar
made by the official out of salt as we.l
rice. There will be another great econ
omy to the Government when the lik'.n
, Is merged In the duties collected by the
Imperial maritime customs, as will. It
jls hoped, le arranged. Shanghai cor
j respoudence Ixndon Standard.
jCompoaer of "My Kovary" Pas
i Awity In Poverty.
j Of thousands who have thrilled to
J the tender melody of "My Kowtry,"
; few know of the pathetic InHplration
; of the song. It was the last effort of
I a dying musician, dedicated to a beau
tlful girl who had brightened his aad
life by her sympathy.
Frederick Lust, the composer, came
J from Germany about thirty-five years
, ago. pursue 1 then and to bis death by
; She sorrow of a lovers' quarrel and
; aepnratlon. In his art lie made a aplen
' did success. He became organist of a
Vermont church at $3,000 a year, an
opera of hla was produced, and bis
other compositions won wide popular
ity, the famous "Trilby Walts" alone
bringing him a small fortune. lie trav
eled widely, and spent hla money with
a free band.
But as he grew older his health fail
ed and hla fortune shrunk until he bad
nothing left. He lived for a time In
San Francisco, then In Colorado
Springs, In Chicago and Boston, in
this last named city he waa Instructor
for a large choral society. Finally, he
became conductor for the Marie Bell
Opera Co. But the season was not
success, and the company disbanded In
Clarksvllle, Tenn. Lust was left with'
out money, broken In health and spirit
Attracted by his gentle patience,
strangers who met htm became his
friends. They obtained pupils for him,
and also contributed personally to his
Among those be taught was the beau
tlful Rosa Walker, whose picture ap
pears here. Often she used to send
him flowers to brighten his lonely stu
dto, or delicacies to teuipt him when he
was 111. One day last fall, while play
Ing an accompaniment to her singing,
he fell In a Bwoon. When he revived
the girl was bending over blm. Tho
thought of her kindness overcame him.
"Your name Is Rosa, ho said.
shall write a song to you. It will be
it i. finished i hr'
When be reached bis studio be began
work on the composition and tolled all
night, despite hla weakness. At dawn
he had completed "My Rosary," and
carried the manuscript to the girl's
home, where she sang It for blm. Tben
be went back to his room to die.
While he lay 111 the song traveled far.
and was sung from one end of the
country to the other. The young girl
sent him flowers every day, and waa
with blm when he died. She sang "My
Rosary" at bis funeral and - on the
grave or ner aeaa rnena piacea a
mound of the rosea that be had loved
In bis last days.
Freeh Air Food Pf Cond acted is Pe
culiar f ontbcm Style.
Pantry requirements are a trifle par
adoxical. In that they are air and light
and darkness. A pantry wiadow Is es
sential, even If It tie no more than a
tiny two-light sliding sash, set anyhow
In the outer wall, A regular window
Is much better. It need not waate
r,H ue"7' " "T. .
all-space-shelves, but can be so placed
across It as to admit Its working. But
If a pautry can be allotted as much as
six feet of house wall It Is better to
have the window set crosswise, with
the lower edge a little more than breast
high. Then, by making one sash of
guts, and filling the other with wlne -
gauze, the pantry can nave a bandy
outdoor closet. Have a tight deal par
tition running out from the sash di
vision, as far as the space permits.
Put shelves around three sides of the
two compartments thus formed, and
close them with tight light deal doors.
Thus the Indoor pantry can subserve
Its proper purposes, and the outside
closet banish the Iceman for six
months In the year.
Teople with plenty of ground space,
yet constricted houses, may profitably
take a leaf from the book of south
country household economy. It Is com
mon there for country folk to have a
sort of outdoor fresh air closet. A small
detached structure set In the shadiest
place possible, standing upon four tall
legs, with a flat shingle roof of barely
enough pitch to shed rain. The floor
Is at least four feet from the ground,
and the 'whole structure hardly big
enough to reach well across. There
are shelves all around, and the weath
erbonrding up next the roof is full of
tluy auger holes. The door fits tight,
and fastens with a lock. Around each
of the four legs Is commonly a tar
bandage, applied six inches above the
ground. This traps venturesome ants,
spiders and tbelr kidney, thus keeping
the inside clear. The structure la
whitewashed Inside and out twice a
year. In hot weather floor and shelves
are washed every morning, and scoured
twice a week. . Such a fixture should
not cost over three or four dollars, even
If one hires It built, and It Is certainly
among the handiest things on can have
about the house or yard.
A Cautious Millionaire.
Mr. Midas (about to make a will)
In disposing of my estate, while I am
anxious that my son shall have the
benefit of a goodly share of It, I do not
wish him to become possessed of it In
La wy?r Excuse me for saying It,
but the Inference of that Instruction
seems to do your son Injustice. He
has always seemed to me to be a young
man absolutely free from any tendency
to dissipation.
Mr. Midas Very true, but you can
not tell to what channel ambition for
notoriety may lead him; he may take
into his head to become a United
States' Senator. Richmond Dispatch.
Improving Grant's Tomb.
The grounds around Grant's tomb at
Riverside are to be beautified. The
trees will be planted, the steep embank
ment terraced and asphalt walks laid.
Texas Oil-Pipe Line.
A pipe Hue will be built In the oil
belt of Beaumont, Texas, with a com
pany backing it for $10,000,000.
The average girl is engaged so niany
times that the engagement ring simply
serves Instead of a thread to remind
Marry In haste and let your father-in-law
repent at leisure.
my last. When
Hon Judson W. Lyons, Register of
the United State Treaury, in a letter
from Washington, D. C, says:
Bon. Jndson W. Lyon, Register of the
April 23d, 1899.
' Te-'ru-na Drug M'f'g Co., Columbus,
ft . .
' Gentlemen I find Pe-ru-na to be
an excellent remedy for the catarrhal
affections of spring and summer, and
those who suffer from depression from
the beat of the summer will find no
remedy the equal of Pe-ru-na.
j Judson W. Lyons,
j No man is better known in . the
I financial world than Judson W.
jLyons. Ilia name on every piece of
money of recent date, makes bis sig
i nature one of the most familiar one
; in the United States. Hon. Lyons'
address in Auugsta, Ga. He is a
j member of the National Republican
Committee, and is a prominent and
; influential politician. '
lion. Judson W . Lyons recom
mends Peruna for spring catarrh.
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the ue of
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart
man, civine a full statement of your
' case and he will be pleased to give
1 you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartinan, president of
; the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
More Substantial.
Blobbs Why did she jilt you?
Slobbs She detected, the odor
j,. on my breath.''1 "
A prude, eh?
"Not at all, but there waa another
fellow whose breath smel led of cham
pagne." but the Mccormick mowers
The best hone ol competition 1 to make
machine '-just a good a ktcCormlckT
fifty out of every hundred mowere sold around
the world bear the name Mccormick.
Big roar.
Vuw roar.
I.lttle roar.
Vertical Lift.
Call on the agent or addres
A. H. BOY LAN, Portland, Oregon.
For Catalogue and price.
With Steel Wheels, made for th
"Wild and Woolly West."
J. A, FREEMAN, General Agent,
ISO B. Water St. PORTLAND, Ore,
Complete 6tock of
Don Stop Tobhogo Suddenly
It Injure nervous system to do so. BACO
CITKO ia the only cure that rt-allv care
and notifies you when to stop. Bold with a
guarantee that three boxes will cur anv case.
Rinn.Rllrfl vegetable and harmless. It ha
pauuuru Cnred thousands. it wlUcnreTou.
At all drueglst or by mail prepaid. $1 a box;
I boxee 12.50. Booklet free. Writ Evrcka
Cbimicl Co., La Crosse, Wis.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrison Street,
Can give yon the best bargains ia
Bnggies, Plows, Boilers and Engines,
Windmills and Pumps and General
Machinery. See ns before buying.
Is best tim to enre Catarrh,
Bronchitie and Consumption.
Our remedy is guaranteed, L
P. O. Box 7S.
S CO., Buffalo, N.Y.
ill. I&t VIMU'J