Corner Or eery Ifomplete ON every Thing in the grqcery line. z prO(IUCe Taken Mil Horn Bros. :g Junction "OPEN ALL NIGHT" i practically, but not literally the ctiftf at our store. Our telephone will always summon prompt and willing service when there U serious Miiecs and nocewity (r prompt reli'f. 0mV c Hotel telephone for night or Pundity calls. NO EX THA CHARGE FOR NIGHT CALLS. We simply ask fur that kindly feel ing your part that gives u your day patronage. Cascade Brug Company Corner Ilotef, Junction City, Oregon A GREAT HOSIERY OFFKU DIRECT FROM THE MILLS. Tli old maxim, "The proof of the pudding in in the eotinir," applies as well to the wearing qualities f our ' lnMivry. Oiice worn and you will wear them always. An exception! trial offer that every tender of this piier Mhould take advantage of and Hest the remarkable wearing quality and su-jM-rior finish of our higlfgrndo homery. Wo will, on receipt of Wo in bilverund tho name of your local denier, send di rect to you from the mill, postage paid, 1 pair of our finest high grad latent stj le Empire brand Indie' or children's hum', or men's half hone, in black, tan white or the fashionable fumy solid rotors, or the lateet combination silk embroidered polka dots, electric stripes, or nlk risking on side, in fancy open work, plain, or drop stitch style, m French IihIh thread, balbriggati, Mlk flnUh innco, or cashmere, with full tln Mi elastic top ami our patent ruiiifore.ed silk and linen knit seamless, double solo, too and high-spliced double heel. They save darning and are guaranteed to givw t hree times the wear of any other hosiery. Thesnmo in children's, with elastic top, double knee, eclo, heel and toe, plain or ribbed, line, medium or heavy quality, guaranteed fust color, and warranted not to crock. The retail value of these hose is Stfc per pair. We will not send more than i pair of each ladies' or children's to one person. A tiial wear of these will convince you of their merits. For 50c we will send, postpaid, one trial pair of our ladies' line silk hose, in shades of pink, gold, whit, black, blue, carrtinul or lavender. This is a special trial offer. If you aro not satis fled with them after trial wear we will refund your money. If you are pleased with them and wish more, insist on your local dealer procuring them for you, and insist on him cutting our Em piro brand hosiery. W'rito us today, mentioning this paper, as this offor is limited. A beautiful little booklet, toll ing how our hosiery is made, mailed free to you on request. Address this way, Empire Knittinq Mills, 100 and 108 Fulton st., New York City. WANTED. Any ono haying old horses for ealo, communicate with 1 12. Peterson, Eh trup.Or. ' Tho Wockly Oregonlan and Louktw (2 for a year, m ' . iri . I ' i in II I I " VI I tl B DIM Qtock HAND. In Exchange. City, Oregon. S Decoration Pay. , Dr. Lowe, oculo-optlcian, Eugcno. Ice for mI at Cascade drug: atore. Fountain soda for tale at Cascade drug store. Ordcra taken lor ladies' and gents' suits at llouiton s. Fresh oranges and lemons for sale at cascade drug store. There will bo a bountiful harvest In this vicinity this season. Farmer's meeting in the Opera House, junoft everybody come. A good bicycle to exchange for good woou. Kacket store, Lugeuo. Oregon N. J. Bryant brought in 1950 lbs. of cream in one wagon load Tuesday even ing. Just received. 1600 Bs. of nice eoun try hams and shoulders at MilLoru Uros. Men's and boy's suits, latest styles Just received, at 8. II. Frlendly's, En gene. Don't forget the Woodmen picnic at Dusty, hatnrday, June 1. Everybody Invited. Frank Moorhead and family move Monday into tho residence of Mrs. L W. iieebe. (Jo to S. II. Filendly'swhenin Eu gene fur tho latest novelties in summer dress goods. Mrs. Bird McKay received a telegram lsst r riday ani ouncing the death of Ir uayiey, or.i squtna. Milt Cook purchased a team of hordes and a wagon from some California bound emigrants 1 uesday. Wood wanted at tho Junction City r lour Mill. Impure of Gkohok iIandmaickb, Manager. C. F. Ilurlburt 1ms the agency for Oliver Chilled Plows and nil extras, full supply always on hand. Take your laundry Vo O. S. Keek's harbor shop, lie has the agency for the Troy Laundry, ot I'ortlanu. J. II. Edwards, of Monroe, and Mr? Ella llcnhani, of this citv, were marrie at Eugene yesterday, May 2W. We have Westfall's Herbs of Ilealtl and Wonder Oil. Ml'KIXER A II ax. The Brotherhood of Locomotive F'n- gioerrs will give their annual excursion to Hulem, Sunday, June 9. Fare for the round trip, . Emmett Butler and Joe Hastings, of Do you know That we carry tho best obtainable White Lead and LinRoed Oil? The Pioneer White Lead Pure Boiled Linseed Oil Raw We can today quote you a bettor price on tho above than you can purchase them in Portland and pay freight. Ask us for prices. Wo are ever ready to talk with you on Mixed Paints, Lead and Oil. Mueller & Hill DRuaaisTs tho 8. P. Co., spent k few days last week on their timber claims in tho Lake Creek district. , ' Emery Herron is now abln to attend to his duties as manager of the Cream ery. no is just getting over a some attack of bemorrhago of me lungo. For sale A brand new lfK)l Rambler 'BiHjciul." Nevr;r le!ii out of the store. tis a 110 wheel for f-w. umitrM' or gents'. Inquire at tho tcurrix oHice. O. C. Millet has planted 40 seres of corn this season. Mr. ftiuiei, wiio is one of our test informed farmers, says the Indications aro nattering ir a eavy yield of nil kinds of grain. A. J. Kaiser returned from Baker City Saturday night, where ho attended tbe meeting of the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F, Alex was a delegate from Oois Lodge. He was accompanied by his wife. Doo't fail to attend the farmer's meeting in the Opera House, this city, Wednesday, June o. mi wniueaii exceptional opportunity for the farmer to gain points of value in his line. unng your famines ana mane s nouaay of it. E. J. Frasier, Eugene's hustling real estate man, was in town Sunday, hired a livery team and drove norttiwett. We understand that his appearance in this vicinity has something to do with the transfer of a large body' of fine timber land. G. 8. Keck is one of Junction's citi sens who takes a pride in tno appear ance of his home. lie has spent a great deal of time and considerable money improving and beautifying his small but cosy residence, liis example is wortny of emulation. It is individual pride that makes municipal prosperity. L. B. Moore, formerly 8. P. agent in this city, but now occupying a similar position at Hoseburg, was in town bun day. He had just returned from a ses sion ot the brand Lodge, 1. 0. O. at Baker City, at which meeting he rep resented Oasis Lodge, No. 41. of this city. His wife accompanied him on the trip. "Lute," as we of Junction know him best, has many warm friends here, who were glad to see biro. A GOOD THING. German Syrup is the special prescrip tion of nr. A. Sosctiee, a celebrated Uer man Physician, and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries in medicine. It quickly cures Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of the se vered nature, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition it is not an experimental medicine, but has stujd the test of years, giving satis faction in every case, which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms, Two million bottles sold annually. Bom-bee's German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 18(18. and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will re lieve anv ordinarv cough. Prize 75 eta For sale by Mueller & Hill. Get Green 'i 1 mo Almanac. ' CHILDREN'S DAY. The first Sunday in June is known among the churches of Christ as "Chil dren's Day" and will be observed next Sunday at 8 p. m. at the Cbrutian Church. Children's Day was first ob served in 1881 and now almost every Sunday t-'ebool in the Christian Churc observes it each year. Last year the collection on this day was 142,700. This year a special effort is being made to mine frH),00U tins way next Sunday Since 1831 more than 300,000 has been put into the foreign missionary work from "Children's Day."' This people now have minsions in every great hea then nation of the world. All are cor d'ally invited to attend and enjoy the program to bo rendered by tne children w Incji is as follows : oluntary ; song, congregation : scrip ture reading, sumtrintendent; iuvoca tion, Rev. L. 1). Green ; "Welcome to the Mowers, seven primary rupils: rec itation, "Is It Nothing to You," Lester Nichols; original address, "What Chil dren's Day Is Doing," Uojnl Cummins exercise and sonur, Class No. 4 ; recita tion, Grace Hill ; "The Message of the Mowers," la bovs Chics No. 4 : recita tion, Har.el Molfitt; "The Call of the Nations," 14 young ladies, Classes 2 and 3; collection for foreign in lesions ; m strumentel polo, ?oluo C. rolsom ladies quartette, Gertrude Bushnell Georgia Nichols, Leah Lewis and Nellie Thornton; closing address, Lester Mc Kellup. CROP CONDITIONS. Both fall and sprfng w heat aro doing nicely and there is every indication of heavv yields. Late sown oats nro on important ciop and are in the best possible condition All farmers aro a unit in the opinion that crops will w large. A severe wind storm approximating the velocity of a cyclone, and being ac companion by a heavv fall of hail, vis ited Sprinirfield and vicinity Saturday W, C. Wnshburne, cashier of the Farm ers A Merchants' Bank, received the following telegram Monday morning from his biothcr 13. A. v aaliburne manager of the Washburne flour mill at that place: "Had a very severe hail storm here Saturday. Hail stones as large aa hen eggs covered the ground two inches deep. All fruit and grain that was headed out in its path was des troved. Don't know the extent of it as yet, it seemed to take a crooked course and was a mile or two wide. Just across tho river on the Koupal place it developed into a small huricano & tore up trees by the roots. We probably lost 50 window lights in the mill." BornWednesday morning. May 29, 1001, to Mrs. IS. U. le, ot Eugene, t Bon. The Bcixetim congratulates Dr N, L. Lee on the birth of his grandson Personal Herman Drugg, of Lake Creek, was in town Friday. John Templeton, of Lancaster, was in town Tuesday, Presiding Elder T. B. Ford, of Eugene, as in towu Monday. W. J. Snadrac shipped a carload of sheep to Portland Friday. Mrs. Dr. Whitcomb, of Myrtle Creek, s visiting relatives hero this week W. II. Hoffman and wife were the Kuests of J. P, Mtlliorn and wile this wetik. Miss Gussle Bruetting is visiting the family of Druiurist Fred A. Legg in Salem. J. M. Dennis made a shipment to Portland last Friday of one car load of beep. , J. M. Dennis went to Portland Friday afternoon in charge of a carload of sheep. Kev. Snyder, of Creswell, attended the protracted meetings here for a few days this week. Attorney and Mrs. G. F. Ekipworth went to Eugene by private conveyance nuay morning. Frank Druez. wife and child, of Elacbly, wer guests of J. P. Dougherty and wife Friday. Ike Edwards, of River View, chapa- roned a party of young people to Church Sunday evening. I. N. Hembrce, of Fern Ridge, one of Uine county a most practical larmers was in town Friday. Mrs. J. W. Geary returned from Port- and Tuesday, where she hab been for the past two months. Rev. Rounds, of Monroe, Is taking an active interest in the religious meetings at the Methodist church. L. 8. Logan and wife, of Eugene, are visiting Natives in this city, and are the gaeste of II. M. Milliorn and family. lt.v. Hawley, of Portland, accompa nied by his sister-in-law, Mrs. lee, and children, arrived Tuesday and took the etagb for Monroe. C. W. Washburne left Sunday for the state of Washington on business. He will visit Spokane, Davenport and Col fax before returning. John Looney, the Junction -Monroe stage driver, returned from Portland Friday, after a two weeks vacation. His father filled his place during his absence. J. A. Bushnell and wife returned Sun day morning on the overland from Bea ver Hill, near Marohueld, where iney have been for the past three weeks vis iting with their daughter, Mrs. W. B. Beebo. Ihey were accompanied on the trip by their daughter Myrtle. Many bargains in underwear, if you call soon. P. Frank & Son, Eugene. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. 'Sompthiso New Ukdcr the Son." All Doctors have tried to cure catarrh by the use of powders, acid gases, in balers and droiM in paste form, iheir nowders dry ur the mucuous mem branes.canHinsr tbem to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the name membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reach tho disease An old and experienced practitioner who has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of catarrh, has at Last perteeted a treat raeut which when faithfully nsed, not only relieves at once, but permanently cures catarrh, by removing the cause, stouoinff the diccharues. and curing all inflammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as "Snulik-s the Guar anteed Catarrh Cure" and is sold at the extremely low price of one dollar, each package containing internal ana ester nal medicine sufficient for a full mouth's Ask your dealer for it Cream of all Laundry Soaps Manufactured by-ssSsa The Eugene Soap Company Eugene, Oregon HOUSEWIVES: STEEL AND CAST RANGES, COOK STOVES, TINWARE and CUTLERY ALSO Celebrated Petaluma Incubator & Brooder Griffin Hardware Co., te treatment and everything necessary to its jrfect aw, ' "Biiuines" is the only peifect catarrh cure ever made and is now recognized as the only safe and posiuye cure for that annoying and dirgusting disease. It cures all inflammation qniekly and per manently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve hay fever or cold in the head. Catarah when neglected often leads to ennsdmption "Snuffles" will save you if you ue it at ooce. It is no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure catarrh in any form or stage if used ac cording to the directions which accom pany each package. Don't delay, but send for it at once, and write full partic ulars as to your condition, and you will receive special advice from the discov erer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to you beyond the regular price of "Snuffles tho Guaranteed" Catarrh Cure." Kent prepaid to any address in tho United States or Canada on receipt of one dollar. Address Dept. Etl22, Edwin B. Giles & Company, 23UQ and 233'i Market St., Philadelphia.. ft. F. Skip worth has moved into the house just vacated by Frank Moorhead and familj. - The delegates from the Oregon Press Association to the National Ednorial Association, which convenes at Buffalo, June 10, will leave Portland in a special car via the Northern Pacific, Monday night. Miss Anna Oglesby, who is a delgate, will accompany them and rep resent the Bcllsti. The delegates have pledged themselves to invite the Association to meet in Portland during the exposition in 1905. There is nothing new that can be said in favor of the "Rambler" bicycle. It has been on the market twenty-two rears and during all of that time has een the favorite with bicycle riders. The new 1901 Rambler "Spec ial" is four or five pounds lighter tnan any Rambler ever before turned on t, and as true as steel and skill can make them. Call at Wright's furniture store and see them. gap closed i The operation of through trains between San Francisco and Los Angele6, via Surf and Santa Bar bara, will begin on SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1901, - on the new COASTLINE Two through trains daily. The "Coast Line Limited," leaving each terminal in the morning, equipped with elegant cafe and parlor cars, will make daylight trips through the most pictur esque, varied and entertaining scenes on the continent. Inquire of agents of the Southern Pacific Co. HARDWARE Buggies Wagons Binders Mowers Hay Bakes Binder Twine Bicycles Machine Oils Repairs of All Kinds EUGENE, OREGON.' YOU WILL FIND A FULL LINE OF .V THE Savon i