3' founded, viz. : To provide a channel through which n hanking ImihSih-mm could lie done hikI to facilitate tlx.1 commerce of tin town, Thl. Innti tut ion issue 1 rrt f I m on nil part of the United State and Europe iiimI car ries 0:1 it general hanking huniucsn, They offer to their customers every acis'iumodi tion connUteiit with safe hanking, Their dejMmita have eon. stunt ly increased, and trnliiy t In mi nii occupies a creditable jmnitinti among ii nt'littloun of the kind tlntt are much older, ',t'i ' ' - -" , ; i. . . . t i, ' . .' ' i V if , ' K. l rT r i - Mnrr-frTniaTrm-MmlfM-11 huti 'i i it irif-f t ri ""f" . ,. KKSltKNCEOF JUNCTION CITY CREAMERY CO. Ono of tint iwwent and most import ant iudutriea in Junction City i a iiiiMlcrn creamery plant, with all the latent machinery for the manufacture of high grade butter. The eomjiany name i the "Junction City Creamery Co.," ami it U a branch of the Weathcrly Creamery Co., of Tort laud, one of the Urgent of it kind on the Pacific . Coast. Mr. George W. Weatherly, president of the Comiwiiy, who i one of the niont practical men in hi lino in the Stale, after looking over the. field nod vUutiug the farmer hint Beptcmlicr with view to locating a plant here, stated that in hit opin ion no ticltcr place could W found in Oregon for an iudintry of the kind. An an indication of the manner in which Mr. Weiitherly dwa I.umiich, it iaonly inceary to Mate that in two mouth from the time he aiirved in Junction City and imhi! up hi field, he had leaned the UiUn rt hrick hloek for a term of five yearn, put in a hrund new plant and wan making butter for the market. The Lumiicmi of the company i incifuning weekly, and at the prenent time they are making Intwetu l.&tK) and 2,(M) M.und of l.utter a-r wtnk. Mr. (ieorge Whit ney, an experienciHl butter maker, ban charge of that department, while Mr. Kmcry llerron attendn to the work of gathering up the cream, lie ban three annintantM, Sandy Mc Martin, Jf. J. Hryant and Frank Hry ant, thrw wagons In-ing conntantly on the j;o. Thin iimtitution in a la-nefit to the community in moro way than one, They my the highest market price for eggn, drenned bogn, and veal, poul try, etc. Hwently Mr. Wcuthtrly obtained the ntato agency foi the Heid Cream Hiparator. This ma chine la-am the reputation of being the iul of any ncparator on the market. A good many of the pat rona of the Creamery have Ui;n up plicd with cpurators. When tluwe junt entering thin remunerative Held of hunbandry fully realize the im portant part the, ncparator play in the financial aucewsa of the under taking, they will not ho long with out one. Taking into connideration the fact that tho farmer had hot preparetl theniHelveH to engage in an lnUUNiry Ol mm mnu, mm iiutiiuif the intcrent they are now taking in it, it i mife to nay that thin time next year the Junction City Creamery will bo manufacturing from 3,000 to 5,000 jiounda of butter jer week, THE HARRISBURG LUMBER COM PANY'S PLANT. Tho HarriHburg Lumber Co. 'a plant, reprenentwl in the above illus tration, occupies one of tho niont eligiblo nites to bo found in the Wil lamette Valley for purpose of man ufacturing lumber. It i situated alwut live-eighths of a mile south of Harrisburg, Oregon, on the bank of a bayou loading into the Willamette Kiver from tho eant. This mill has a capacity of 25,000 feet in 10 hours. Its construction is on plans that insure the greatest possible economy i: Jlj KKSIDKNC'K OF in disponing of it prod net. The slabs, cut iii suitable length for stove wihhI, aie curried by elevate r to h con venient place, where it in tttkcn ly Waiting fUHtOIIICr. The SHWdllnt and other refuse i carried by convey, or to a pit prepared for the purine mid tlierit burnt, except what inde inn tided urn fuel for steam purine, himI for shipment, which i elevated direct from the main saws and ilii tit jKtl Into tin! customer' wagon lied or ear. Thin mill it ctiipjM'd with all lUVrf fcTUOME. manner of up-to-date appliances by which the log are converted from tree trunk to any variety of finished product ttiat may l demanded by purchasers. A large portion of their output U used in railroad construc tion, some of it going as far a Texan. Thin trade f urn it-he 'them with very profitable employment. These orders are, In the main, for large timbers for bridge work. In this the Iohs bv wante of naw cut is saved to the owner. They cep a fullannortrnent of lun' ber in stock for the puriK)ne of sup plying the local demand, and for the distribution of this lumber in the vards they have abundant truckage leading from the mill to every quar ter of the yard. Thin arrangt ment afford tin-in dmpatch and economic service. .Ready means of transjKir latum is a large factor in their suc cess. They have a siding on the main line of tho Southern Pacific Railroad, whereby cars are furnished at the platforms of the saw floor, thus enabling them to 1 rid of the output with a single handling; alo, the bayou, herein above mentioned, has sufficient water to accommodate the largest steamboats that navigate tho Willamette River, and by these "hipping facilities they are enabled, at all times, to reach the markets where their stuff is in the most profit able demand. This company's machinery is run by water power They are using two standard wheels of the LetTel make, ono 35 inches and one 48 inches under a 17. foot head.. Tho. water for this purpose is furnished through a ditch, or cnnal, 2.HJ miles in length. The supply of water comes from the Willamette River, and can be in- J I. rif!-"i! :i 1U 'Hi i ll ...itU. (Hi. 1 - . viMMfciiiwiMHiiniR bmmm MIiiAilii .iMmlnliC JOSKI'II 8TUOMK. creased to any desired amount by comparatively Inf-xpenwe improve nunt, 'Ibis jHittcr Mug in tlx center of a Vast region of the very U-si grain and fruit lands, attaches it value to it that can only U cMirnatcd by the increased demand for its tw in the development of the rich re- sources ro aiMinoanuy oiMriimieu hereal)Oiitn, The saw logs need at thi plant am obtained from the inex haustible supply to la? bwd from the forents adjacent to the McKcnxie snd Middle fork of the wniameue Kiver. They are brought down these stream in large drive and stored in the bayou tinon the bank of which is lo cated the company' plant. This bayou furnishes a sale arid capacious log barltor, the like oi wmch is sel dom found on the Willamette river. The timber obtained from these forests for building purpom-s are no where excelled, eithe'r for strength of fibre or susceptibility to fine finish. As a matter of fact, u suix-nor juality is gaining well deserved recog nition, csiwcially by ship hui lders, throughout the civilized world. Thin company has ponitive control of 15,, 000 acres of this valuabk- timber, which, at a conservative eutinwite will average 30,XK),000 feet of logs to the section. This aggregates an amount that is very staggering to the mind of people who are not acquaint ed with the magnitude of these giant tree. However, the truth of thin iitatement will lie readily admitted by all who may lie - m fort unate a to vinit thi wonderland of idey-scraping forest. When the problem of thir company' holding of timber U solved, it will be found that it would take a mill of 25,000 feet per day capacity about 150 year to convert this timlier into lumber. With this herculean task confronting them, thet-e people are ruminating upon way and mean by which the utility of these huge monarch, or t least a good portion of them, may tie con served to the use of this rapid transit age. , Of course, should one man enter iiimjii tin undertaking it would require a vast fortune to encompass the work. But it w suggested to these iioople that it might lie lietter to adopt the twentieth century meth ods of aggregation. As a nucleus, they have practicable business meth " ..; KE81DKNCK OF J. 8. FERGUKSON. oils, energy and plenty of capital for the business they have in hand, and added to this, the 'most promising en terprise to lie thought of at the pres ent time. Under these conditions, the hoards of money now lying idle in bunk vaults and "in stockings" should le allured from their hiding places to become invested where a prolit is assured from the effort. With these remarks we wili close our description of this plant, except to say that should anything herein mentioned , occur as doubtful to an Oregon bound traveler, he is cordially invited to come here for an explana tion and to be thoroughly convinced that everything claimed is here, and in better form than any pen can de scribe, . .. . . ' , ' THE CHURCHES. ; Methodism. There has been a Methodist class in or about Junction City for over 40 years. This class was a part of the Monroe circuit until 1894, and its his tory may be found in the records of that circuit.' The Methodism of Junction City was organized into a separate appointment on the above date, and II. S. Wallace was its first pastor. E. 0. Graff, II. N, Rounds, M. P. Dixon. C. T. McPherson and J. . II. Skidmoro havo served this church, as its. pastors, from that time to the present,' and in the order named. They have a modern church, which cost a little over $3,000 and has comfortable seating capacity for over 400. Tho membership nuniliers a littlo less than UK). Christian Church. : The Christian Church wasTorgan ized in 1871, with 12 members. J. A. Hunhnell was elected Klder, whicb position he ntill holds. Theeongre zntioii womhipix-d in the C P. Church building until 1801, when their present building was erected. Among those who have lecn its pastor are: Klder Whitney, Me(Vk. Morgan, Alley, Jones. Kellams, rkaggs, Killing ton and LeMantern. The work is now under the charge of L. I). Green, ami is in a good prostierous condition, not only in the church work proper, but also in the Hit inlay school and Y. I'. H. C. E. The nieinlx-rship at one i' 4,' a "VS " ? KEHILENCE OF time was over 250, but there ha been 1 three congregation organized from the meniierhip--at Lancaster, Fern Uidge. and . Browns. The present memts'rship in almut 75.' V The CumberUnd Prctbyterka Church Of , Junction City was organized in the fall of 1871. . The church house wa completed and dedicated early in the summer of 1873. The organiza tion was effected and the house built under the pastorate of Eev. C. A. Wooley, its present pastor. In t the fall of 1874, Hev.j W, M. (Houston succeeded to the pastorate, which " po sition he held, except at short inter vat, up to within a few months of his death, which -occurred June 6, 1895). During the short Intervals re ferretl to the following named min- THE LATE inter acted as temjKirary pastors, tho periods of their occupancy lasting generally for only a few months, their connection with the church occurring in the order in which their namea are appended: Kev. B. F. Moody, W. Parker, M. A. Williams, J. It. Hume, L. K Bond and C. II. Wal lace. The house U;ing the first church edifice erected in Junction, a it wa for a number of years the only place of public worship in the town, wa occupied by the Cumber land Presbyterians, M. E., M E. I r - I i B. 8. HYLA5D. South and Christian churches con jointly, for many years, until the Chris tian and M. E. Churches were able to build houses of worship for them selves. It is at the present, as it has been from the beginning, the relig ious home of its own membership and of the M. E. Church South. The policy of the C. P. Church hav ing always been to open the doors of their ' churches to all Protestant churches and as well to all religious and philanthropic "movements, has greatly endeared Junction s first church to many of jtS citizens. This is especially true Of the older citizens of the place. Its walls have long echoed to the voice of sacred song, both in the Sunday school and other services of the sanctuary Within its. consecrated walls, earnest prayers and solemn vows have been uttered. Around its altars .many souls, have lieen converted, while many who for merly .worshipped there, have passed to' their home beyond the skies. The membership of this church, though now quite small, is composed of some of the best citizens of our town and vicinity. JUNCTION CITY'S LODGES. Junction City is well supplied with secret organizations, all meeting in one large, commodious - and well equipped lodge hall. . r Toodmen of the Vorll. Junction City Camp, No 446, W. O. W,. was instituted in May, 1889. Its present membership is 43. The officers for the ensuing term are: E. O. Samuels, Consul Commander; II. M. Milliorn, Clerk; W C. Wash burne, Banker. Oasis Lodge, No 41, was instituted September 30, 1S72.. Its present membership, is 55. The officers for the ensuing term are: ; W. M. Tripp, N. G. ; B. F. Harvey, Secretary. ;";:;,;'';,iA.a;u.'v:; ll " Junction - City . Lodge, No. 123, A. 0. U. W., was instituted in May, W. M. HOUSTON.