Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, May 09, 1901, Image 2

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tie Iln Established a Reputation
Secretary of the Interior.
Though generally ivgardiNl as less
lmportaut thau most of tlu cnb'.net po
sitions and ranking below six of them
lu the residential succession, that of
Secretary of the Interior has a greater
diversity of duties than any of the
other portfolios. An outline of the
scope of his department Indicates but
meajrerly the duties aud responsibilities
that coaie to htm lu a day. The Ooneral
Land OmYe, the Pateut OtnVe. the lUi
reau of Peusions, Otttce of Indian Af
fairs, Office of Kducatlou. Office of
Commissioner of Railways, the tSeo
loglcal Survey and the Central office
all pour a mass of knotty and difficult
problems luto the Secretary's office for
solution. The edueatlou of ehlKlreu In
Alaska; general supervision and appli
cation of the money appropriated for
agricultural colleges la the different
States, now aggregating f l,200.00 per
annum; laud-grant railroads; internal
affairs of Indian Territory, Arizona,
Hawaii. New Mexico, Alaska aud Porto
Kico; natioual parks and government
reservations; eleemosynary institutions
of the District of Columb.a, including
the hospital for the lnsaue, now having
under construction a million-dollar ad
ditlon; Freedmen's Hospital, Howard
Institute and a hospital for the dear,
dumb aud blind; the care, repair aud
reconstruction work of the national
Capitol these and scores of others
make up the burden carried by the Sec
retary of the Interior.
' In this trying position. Ethan Allen
Hitchcock, of St. Louis, the present in
cumbent, has acouitted hlmseir crea.t
ably and enjoys the esteem of his chief
ami his subordinates as well. Mr.
Hitchcock is a great-grandson of Ethan
Allen, of Vermont. He was born In
Mobile, Ala., Sept. 10, lSi", lived a year
at New Orleans and then removed to
Nashville. Tenn.. where he attended
private schools, completing his course
of study in 1853 at the ml;I:ary acad
emy In New Haven. Then lie went to
St. Louis and engaged In the mercantile
business. In 1SW he went to China as
the representative of a lame commer
clal concern. In 1872 be retired from
business and spent a couple of years in
Europe. Returning to the United
States In 1874 he was engaged as pres
ident of several manufacturing, mining
and railway comimnies. until he was
appointed in ISO" envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipotentiary to Russia
When the title of this commission was
changed to ambassador, Mr. Hitchcock
was the tirst to be thus designated. In
1S00 he w as appointed Scietary of the
Interior to fill the vacancy cau.-ed by
the retirement of Cornelius Bliss,
To TJJoiiwra of
Largo Families
la this workaday world few wotiwn
r so placed that physical exertion
U not constantly deiuaudud of them lu
their dally lif
We iuak a t.Heial appeal to mother
of large families whoso work Is never
done, aud manv of whom suffer, and
suffer for lack of Intelligent aid.
d. rich or
to plan for another. In ten year hla
plana had so rar matured mat una
classes were meeting nightly lu Dub
lin and vicinity, and young Irishmen
Indulged high hopes of freeing meir
native land.
What the Irish patriots needed,
though, was skilled military leaders.
These they had not. but the civil war
In the Vnlted States furnished a school
for Irishmen on this side of the Atlan
tic In which to loam the art of war and
i.i.im ....... inn iit xt lih'ti tlnv lumcd
. t . .. . .... I
to be awe to pract.ee m iremm, . c i" ,vttatlo. to accept
the civil war was over. I inter Mi- j ou wouwa j Ul not u t
phens direction active enlistment In
the various l'enlan societies was un
dertaken in ls54. and secret drilling
were carried on all over the Island.
This activity had beeu preceded the
year before by a convention In the
United States, at which Stephens was
proclaimed the practical head of the
Irish nation, or, as he was called by
the Fenians, the central organlaser of
the Irish republic. John O'Mahoney
was chosen head center for the United
With the close of the Civil War many
Irishmen who had won fame In the
Union army on Southern battlefield re
turned to Ireland, having been led to
believe through Stephens representa
tion that a good-sized army of Irish
patriots had already been organized
and equlpiod. and was only waiting
for comiHtent commanders. hen It
was urged, upon him that the time for
.....I 1 . . . 1 ..UHl.....t CtAi.timiu Iliialfelt.MI
. . i ' stvir tlm first n IH-rdllC ll of WCttK
upon a neiay, aim ne was .-iuj m-i --, ...it h
chsed of Mm a braggart, of Mug JtV " imo mV
vain and altogether Incompetent. ' Pink ham's Laboratory. Lynn Mas.,
What might have happened had the ,nj von wm u; t, disappointed.
PA 1 lit I (Ml f.,tuu1U- i,mm. iii-. iiiin 411 H i Vr..n I h...fiin Ui tak )jVU(I K
state. The fact is that the British gov- S Plnkham's Vt getable Compound I wai
i A -LI- a... .1.. ..... l.iinuu hi I Mil f
eminent got wind of Stephens' plans. no " "u "Y ";"'- r"
rrmuriii. I i ,1 tlnin of meliNtrttllttOU.
found him in Fairfield House, handy. , , uM , th.y wuM dc
uiouui. ii suuui u ui 1'inMiM. , nothintr forme. Thanks to me linn
and on the morning of Saturday. Nov.
11. 1 MR.' the agitator was arrested and
lodged In Richmond Bridewell prison.
Three days later he was arraigned be-
Machinery, Implements,
Farm Supplies, Etc.
Mitchell Bicycles
Factory, lUUlo t'rork, Michigan,
.AP vt i ! i mi i m i ' i r fi 'i - f
$25 $30 $35 - $40
Full I tup of Suiii1rl,
plllilri Siprl Idnn.
Arlll t lllol.
S4 for t'Uliui,
Mm. Cxxsi Usu4tvu.LB.
your Urea be sacrificed when a word of
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.,
KlilntTyU.rHii. I'uRTI.ANO, OK.
JOHN 'POOLE, hirttand. Oregon,
f-o.it ul Motflim Mirrt. j
Can give von the bt lmt(rin In )
Htigt(ie, l'lo, Ihnlers and Kngiin,
Wtn-'mitls and I'ump and tieuoral
Machinery. See us twloia buying.
llmnrii llniur, 1'nriUiel, Oraguti.
To bf Proifxrout, Um tlx ,
Tbo crmirit Mimmr-maki'r. Kitr tiruws
n4 cilnm' u " Aitvauvw''
apnu, ur writo
Advanci Thrhr Co PortUn S, Or.
M. E. ani E. T. lUy, Wilbur, Wath.
Hur from Um miiiiloiurrf. r'rlca In lull rntlt
3i. .lti, I'oioat iui ,,. l. M
I " . m m m lA1
- " " M. 4 W
- Ul
.(. ! 4.iHk
All Klnttinf Wlr int Iron Worn.
I4W rrMt ., I'ltrtlantl, rg.
i".V f.'".0.""; Anchor Clamps ami UprlghU.
Tn i. rfct. Tat AM-noa Knsca.
fore Magistrate Stronge.
He was remanded for examination.
but before he could be brought Into
court again he had escaped from prlaon.
chietlv through the effort r apt.
John Kerwin. who Ih now In New Yirk.
Stephens made his way to Fram e and
ttionpo to tlie I'nitiM States. lie was
ham advice and medicine I am now
well, and can do the work for eight le
tho family.
"I would recommend Lydia K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Cmpuntl to ali
uothera with large families. M lis.
CaVRBUl Itu.Kvit.i.K, Ludltigton, Mich.
iljLAA,,,, p te
n l.liMi' II
iHt-.'.-'ju -in -
tlrM fim.liiliiM t.lsiirotth anI lira ily.
Thk Tit Tiut nixt
r t i r
Do Good to All.
"To tumble into 'grumble' ditch is
easy, but it is nt " easy to get out.
One way out is bv doing good to
others. As we liuv
rH.!vol with creat honor In New York ; , t us do good unto nil iiicn.
hy the Fenian brotherhood, in ln
was unotllcially Informed that ir lie
Whrn v.iv take ir"vi')i Tatli- rhllt Tonic, '
ii ..i .... nil nrtlior l'.-ii!im fl?l- ' imrmii iho form 'iln liUlnlr tirlntmt m PVorr
u .... u,. .... ........ - r,;,h(m, ttM , 1. .imi.ly Iron a...l Oui-
tatlon he might return to Ireland, fie aina ln a taieica form. NoCurc, Sol'ay. U:
accepted tne oner aim nit- , ,
... .... ... in rtlr..iii.Mit In' A Mother Methodi.
oi ni our v-ht pjniu - -
See Our Anchor Clamp
You wnuM t nrrlr.t II j'o.i Vnnw
how . in.' Is wi.ui'l "i ton n ll tp
iiialnl l i.'ii.-r. I l. r ml i.-r unx
Miriior I ui an. I I'l-rliliU. ami
f.ntf ul mi' I'M.. l'rr, ali-l n ' ) 'ml " d
hI'.'I.'Ih IiM.ik litra H'w "i".
AM'lli'll IKNl'li I.miI .. lilr.'KUl
la ui Ui' iif Hiii f"' "'i "iin'i'm.
think tli h limn U UU rlri"l Il
ll I. til. uih.
Cattle, Sheep and Hog Ykht. it Srrtn si i" aiirr i'lo.ing
The Portland Anchor Pence Co,
mnm BT-fc a.,ijl l aiialJ
Cuar lir.ruRi l iisu.
Miss Res!e Cain, a Kokomo, I ml.,
girl, figures in a romnn e of more than
ordinary Interest. Some months ago
the Cain family moved to Cripple
Creek. Col., and among the mining
camps and mountaineer Miss ( ain Iie
enme known as the "Mountain Maid."
She la 17. comely, and talented. While
'You see." said the tber, "Tom
my is so uncomplaining and yielding
jthat I alwnvs give hint the first choice
of everything."
I "As a lesson to Johnny?" asknl the
! caller.
Writ for I'rlrp an.) i ai'i)ii
Ai''l M auit'il In
Kv.T)' Town.
741 NkolAi St., PORTLAND, Oregon.
Chas. L. Mastick & Co. "
.... ... .. I.IWIMI.T I) l"tll IJ VO
"No It gives Johnny a chance to Consignments, iolicileil. l av nignesi mrar i.nm.
take it'awav from him. Then l-.tl, ' l-leia In U.ther and rin-Hngi.
are satisliiif." I M"r to W,'u,, VmTV" ,k (' IUnk' r""n-
Puftsini: of a Noted Finre 'n the Iriah
Movement of the '0J'.
To those Interested In the Nationalist
movement In Ireland to-day the name
ttt James Stephens, who died recently
In Dublin, Is little
more than a mem
ory. 1 hey have
heard of him us a
great Fenian leader
of other days, hut
he Is not remember
ed us. for Instance,
they r e m e m her
O'Conuell und I'ar
nell. Nearly half a
century ago, how
ever, James Ste
phens was the most
prominent Irishman in or out of Ire
land. He believed In liberating his
country by physical force, and at one
time he was all but successful In
launching a well-developed revolution.
Stephens was born not far from Dub
lin und was educated at Dublin Uni
versity. He was a great linguist, a
fluent sneaker, and Is said to have been
the areatest organizer which the Irish
Nationalists ever had. He had a pe
culiar faculty of convincing the masses
that what he said was right and that
what he promised would be fulfilled.
He was In the Young Ireland rebellion
of 1848, which began with a splurge
and ended bo lnglorlously. Fired by
his association with Irish patriots at
that time, Stephens began, almost aa
aoon as the rebellion of '48 collapsed,
roaming in the mountains she met, by
chance, a young college stud'-nt, Fred
Callaway, who had been given a year
for field work In engineering and geol- i
ogy, and had taken the Cripple (heck '
district for his studies. Callaway is a j
son of YV. It. Callaway, a magnate of ;
the Sioux City road aud a nephew of
S. It. Callaway, President of the New
York Central Hallway, and formerly of
Cleveland. The accidental meeting re
suited In mutual admiration. Calla
way's parents, who live In Minneapolis,
went to Cripple Creek and found him
dangerously injured by falling Into a
"prospecting hole," and Miss Cain nct
Ingas his nurse. The parents, not aware
of the relations between patient and
nurse, fell In love with the girl them
selves, and Insisted on her returning
with them to their Minneapolis home
as their own daughter. Young Calla
way then explained that he had already
asked the pretty "Mountain Maid" to
become bis wife. The delighted par
..ritu ri.tiii'iied home with the future
daughter-in-law, and the latter will live
with them a year until the son com
pletes his university course. A good
railway position for the young man
awaits the graduation and wedding,
lie Is attending the Minnesota State
The Theory and the Fact.
Good Minister I don't see how I am
to get through my sermon to-day. It's
almost church time.
Fond Wlfe-What Is the text?
"It i about the wise and foolish vlr
"But you were writing at that sermon
last night. Why didn't you finish It V"
"I couldn't; the lamy went out."
New York Weekly.
Puffs under the eyes; red nose; pimple
blotched, greasy face don't mean hard drink
ing; always as much as it shows that there is
BILE IN THE BLOOD. It is true, drink
ing and over-eating overloads the stomach,
but failure to assist nature in regularly dis
posing cf the partially digested lumps of food
that are dumped into the bowels and allowed
to rot there, is what causes all the trouble,
CASCARETS will help nature help you, and
will keep the system from filling with poisons,
will clean out the sores that tell of the sys
stem's rottenness. Bloated bv bile the figure
becomes unshapely, the breatn foul, eyes and
skin yellow; in fact the whole body kind of
fills up with filth. Every time you neglect to
help nature you lay the foundation for just
such troubles. CASCARETS will carry the
poisons out ot the system and will regulate
you naturally and easily and without gripe or pain. Start to-nipht one tabletkeep it op for
a week and help the liver clean up the boweU, and you will feel right, your blood will be rich,
face look clean, eyes bright. Get a 50c box of CASCARETS, take as directed. If you arc not
cured or satisfied you get your money back. Bile bloat is quickly and permanently
cys7y - Lia-"
i i " i a liiiw . i in i ii n i m
u nfOii?iinrtii& id
mti hi - .aw is - ma wl m m a m w i r i mttm
IT - 1 "W-f
25c 50c.
Mllti all bowel trouble, appendicitis, bll
nilUL. louaneM, bad breath, bad blood, wind
III III I on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul
U U I II" mouth, headache, indigestion, lmp!s,
nalna after eating, liver trouble, sallow complexion
and dizziness, ivhen joor bowels don't move rKu
larlr Ton are gettlnz elck. Constipation kills more
neople than all other diseases together. It la a
Starter for the chronic ailments and long years of
snffarlnii that como afterwards. No matter what
alls yoa, start taUlnsc CACAIIKT to-day, for yon
will norer get well and be well all the time until
oa put yonr bowels rlsht. Take our advlcn( start
with TcaScaHUT!1! to-day, under au absolute guar
antee to euro or money refunded. uj ,
.aaB a A ft
m mj mw m m f m I
n'l'a was f w
r sis Millies m
similar Mrdlrlae la the wsrU. Tals r"orf
t Msrlt, and ear bait U.tlmnslitl. We bT (alt an
will .ell ciM'ARKTI abselulaly ort4 t ears me
mnnsjr rrfnoilod. bny toiler. tweAOe beaes, l je aeaiai
rlr, lionr.t trial, us prrslsavle 4lrMll.ni. mm4 It yu are
not sstlinrd. rtmv, ...In una An- baa. ritur the esuaed AOs
has and the aunty h to by aaall. er the drtiHl.t !
whom yuu parrlia.rd It, asd sat yr meaay ba.k far beta
bin... 'I'.V - -..1 -ak.t alia TSM-atart to
day. Iftaitb will ajulckly Tollaw and m wllllaM tbe d
Joiir.t.lRrtnthei'rr4'AaJAHFlh. HoaH r. ra by malU
ddrcwi bTtUUMU KLHKDI CO., Miff lOUti or CUlCAuO.