Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, May 02, 1901, Image 1

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V0- J
w. 0.
!r New Things
Silk Flannels
Panne Velvets
Silk Waists
t:j.so to io.
Cotton Waists
6lto TO 17.00.
Wool Challies
Cotton "
Silk Foulards
Silk Zephyrs
Ladies' TailoHVlade
. . Suits and Skirts
y Remember tho Place."
Hampton Bros.
fl Fa E2ffrtyc? Ui
PSUs Hanrsws,
Jl H Fitilv Guaranteed
L,i.l.l.l..,l. t.lU.Il.ir.t,iJ JlW.f t..l.llV.M-.i-...l.t4.t-.I.'tl.llJvl1l.llfirtt
K -
Stnto Pair Premium List Out.
Secretary M. 1. Wb.hun ha juM rr.
cited fruiu tin- printer the H:iU l air
Tn-niit "it lift for i'.MH. Oyer ?lO,Gt'i h!
offered f"r premiim.H on live Nloek mul
furm jiM.tiii tn, ami in by fnr 1 1 - hirytt
ami ln'ht i'srihuu lint ever off-red in
this Stat". T!i" list lies boon thorough
ly revised mi'' liion,lit up toiLitKiu
everv department. New promiuihii have
Won added, and hUktm im -rcusi-it on
urtlrh'H Pioht worthy of merit. Oregon
run IkiuhI how of hh complete nn1 libernl
premium tut any Mnlo in the Union,
mul if hard work and earnest efforts on
tho part of the management counts for
nnythiiiu, the fair itself will compare
favorably with tho.mi of older Statec, and
will bo the bent ever liel.l this side of
the Rocky Mountains.
will stop nt Bulein Mny 22, Portland
May 22. The Southern 1'noilio an
nounces rato of ONE FAKE (or tho
round trip t Salem from stations be
tween Turner ami RoNobimr, and to
rorthmd (nun station between Oregon
Citv an 1 KoHohurit. Kxounion tickets
will be on nam for train lurivinii nt Ha
leni or Portland on the morning of
May 22, ami leaving samo evening or
fnl owine morning.
Tho reception nxerci0H hnvo been so
ulanned as to eivo to aH many a powd
bte an opportunity to hoc and hear the.
President. Ihn committee oi anange
-incuts will spare no effort to make tho
occasion a memorable- one.
A new DrortHB.knownas I.nwton'u hnn
been invented lor Ihp preHorvation of
fresh fruit in ft Rterili.od atnioihere,
by which, at or before maturity, it can
be stored wit bout Hufloring deterioration
lty moaiiH of a fun Hir h fomul through
A Btovo (.i)ntainiiig retl-hot coke, v hereby
tho oxygon is conmuuod and tho gernis
or Rulmalcula' aro deHtroyoil. Tho gnsoa
nro then filtered and cooled.
Forsalo A brand mnv IIK)L Uambler
"Special." Never beijn out of the Htore,
A bargain. Itupuire at tho Iuixctin
Tho Kugono Hoap (!o.'h Lulu Havon
brand ia tho cream of all laundry soapa.
Public School Exerde.
The followlna tiroeram will l eivm
hy the Frlmnry and .InWrmliaU! de
partmcnts of the Junction City School,
tt the school Lulldinif, on May 10, be
ginning at 2 p. m.:
Snntr hv arhntA. "America:" recita
tion, "Tho Heven," Willi Perman :
recitation, "Karnrier UlcH'a Bcarwrow,"
WiltiH Kumiiula; concert recitation.
4,Oui llouHc." Koom 1 : recitation, "Tho
VlueiwUs Keward," Modona J'ltney;
ong, "Hummer Tinifl." Koora 3; recita
tion, "A (jambler'a Wife," Lela Tracer:
rcitatlon, "A Temperance Boy," David
It' II... 1 1... ,MM '' -I-
If.w1m9- riwitatlnn. Parody on Marv'i
Lamb, Clarence 1'itney reciution, "A
rawe iia noigaie, mBrcn, uj vwuiyc
girla, Room 1; recitation, "Tom," Cora
Notts aong, "(ieorKe wumgton'i
Hatchet," Hoom 2; recitation, "Little
Wiltie'a IjHon of Ive," Abie Bwker;
recitation, 'The Fireman," Cecil Pit
ney; flower excrciae, Kooin a; recita
tion, "The Little Boy That Kan Away."
Var TliArr.tin 'tKN'h. " Rnvl' ItiffhtH."
Kurl McMartin ; concert reciwtion, "The
IIn," Koom l ; recitation, A oy'
rocket," Uispop aioorneaa ; vocai aoio,
k'ittiM Milllom: recitation. "A Bov'i
Trouble," Wallace Baker; exerciHe, "A
rlca lor reace," jcoom reciutton
Changing Color." Aanea iweaer; reci
tation, "No Chance for Boy' Val Far
riiT! concert recitation. "The Flair."
Boom 3 : recitation, " acatlon Time," ,
lA-Htcr JlcKellin; valedictory, Gugoie
TtriiBttinn intM "fifwl W.'' irWil.
vm..iai - - J -t "
Following ia the program of the com
mencement exercinea in the evening :
Mimic, Orrheatra.
Addreaa of Welcome, President of
Vocal Duet, Kittle Slilliorn and Gu
aio Bruettlng.
Tablocu, "Faith in tl Red, White
and BIho."
MuHic, Orrheatra.
F.way, "The Boy of Tc-'ay," Chester
I'.Hnay, "F.eonomicttl and F.flicicnt
Kducation," Minnie Tracer.?
Holo, Mtm. Col. Folom. ' !
Ewkhv, "Homo Wag Not Built in a
Day." Leah Lewis.
Vocal duel, Micnes Barton and Folsom.
Khkiiv, "MountaiiiH nd Men."
Valedictory, Ada Winn.
IntHnuiiental.iKilo. Prof. Kibbetts.
Presentation of dip!ni-oj, Brof. A. T.
Campbell of Monmouth Normal 8chool
Mutric, Orcbetitra. .
Doors open at 7:15. Admission, 10c
Program will lx-gin at 8 p. m. sharp.
Well Dressed (UrU.
White pnd I'olnred wnch sill; hhirt
wa;H miidu like ordinary cotton ones
will be much worn this mi.ion.
WMk H.tsbes of coft ribbon used as
bellM and ending with long end coming
to the edges of the ckirt.i, arc to bu uwed
with hii miner gow lis.
White holds first rank this Himtner,
as it (tut lurit, lor enimrcn. young gins
and young women, and for older ones
also when combined with black. (
Collars aro juado from two to three
inches deep ami over foundations that
may be bought in all mes. As a rule
tho collar is made of tho dross material
and trimmed us tho waist is.
Whita lawn graduation gowna this
year nro trimmed with dainty nenv
stitched or luce trimmed radios upon
the skirts, the waists bring tucked and
hemmed, with embroidered or lace in
sertion set in.
Many of the parasols this soaton nre
of striped silk in whito colors, and many
others are of plain black and tho dark
hhndo.fi. Tho sticks are long, and ns a
rulo aro less ornate than tboy were a
year ago. -May Ladies' Homo Journal
This is tho season when houseeleaning
begins to receive consideration. A new
carpet lor tho parlor, sitting room or
bedroom, nnd now matting for the
kitchen and halls, add a thousand por
cent to the appearance of a home. ou
will find just what vou want in this lim
at W. L. Wright's furniture store, and
at prices that aro right.
Something New.
Jmt published by the Southern Pa
cilio to. is ti pamphlet upon tho re
sources of Western Oregon, which in
cludes an excellent map of tho Ptate, and
contains information on climate, lands,
education, etc., existing industries t.nd
thoir capabilities.
Attention is also directed to such new
fields for energy or capital as promise
fair return.
This publication fills a need long ex
perienced bv Orogonians, in replying to
inquiries of kastern friends,
Copies may be had of local agents. V,
Co.. or from O. II. MarIcuam
0. r. A , Portland, Or.
"Success" for May draws inspiration
as well as instruction from the concrete
ftory of Pan American triumphs, as
told by the exposition at Buffalo.
Tor example, Williams Carlton
Fox. of the Bureau of American Re-
imMiec, describes the path to liberty
which Simon Bolivar blazed through the
forests of Smith America in thoear'v
years of tho l.ut century, utilizing a let
tei from Cieorgo Washington in bis pro
nagi.rn.da, ami making it possible for a
long lino of American statesmen Mon
roe, Clay, Blame, Mariscnl and Hay,
to plan the all-Amcrican brotherhood
which the current exposition nnd the
forthcominr congress in the City of Mex
tco win I susr, ii nr,t actually uring to
pass. Henry Looinis Nelson begins a
series of papers on "Ihe Building t the
American .Nation,' choosing franklin s
mission to J ans as the opening story
Mrs. Cornelh Cole Fairbanks,the newly
chosen Pros'dont-Genoral of thaDaugh
ters of the American Revolution, contri
butes an interesting plea for the mark
iuu of neglected historic spots, this
being her tirst literary venture. A strong
symposium along characteristic "hue
cess" lines is one on "The Kind of Young
Men hmployers are Looking ror, hy
Honrv Clews, Daniel O. Reid, Cyrus
Kdson, William R. Stewart, Chnuncey
M. Depew. and others. Alfred Harms
worth writes his impressions of Andrew
Carnegie s philanthropy, and Mrs. rtur
ton Harrison is the chief fiction writer
in an issue which loaves a most agreea
bio impression upon the mind of a reader,
Tho Weekly Oregonian and tho Bul
lkti.v for 2 a year.
J. II. Miller invites the peoplo of
Junction and vicinity to cull and see tho
new P.H.11 Rambler bicycles. If you are
thinking about buying a wheel it w ill
pay you to look at tho Rambler before
you make a purchase. Just notice the
numlier of these wheels in nso. That is
tho best pdvertisement it can have.
V. Kauff man
M Wrappers and
House Dresses
Have Corset Linings
Are Perfect Fitting:
vrnv filltMEXT urTARANTEED.
Are You Ready
If so, investigate the
BEFORE PURCHASING Even-thing Reid makes is the best .
of its kind that caD be made. Neither second quality mate
rials nor second rate workmen allowed in the Keid shops.
And back of best materials and best workmanship' 'are ability,
knowledge and experience gained through yearsTof inventing,
designing, experimenting.
Weatherly Creamery Co.,
Junction City and Portland, Sole Agents for Oregon
EgJ-Write to Weatherly Creamery Co., Portland, for complete catalogue.
yc- Wo carry a Tull Uln of
L flrtnCrS Stoughton Wagons, John Deere Plows
Wo are Headquarters for . . .
SIM0NDS SAWS and '..
Logging supplies
New patrons aro retting their names
on tho pay rolls of the Junction City
Creamery. There aro over one hundred
names on the roll nt tho presont time.
Last week over 1500 pounds of butter
was churned. A new vat. and a lot of
now milk cans arrived from Portland for
the Creamery Friday They were badly
needed, as tho business of this institu
tion is growing rapidly.
A Piano?
- If so, you will find oo place
where -you can buy a rirs-t- ,
class instrument at a lower
price than at tho F.'A. Ran
kin Music Store.
Send 50 cents for six months' subscrip
tion to The Illustrated Youth A Age;
t and we will also 6end it free for three
m ntbs to three of your friends who aro
not now taking it.
Address Yocth & Aoe Pcb. Co.,
Nashville, Tenn.
We carry a very large line
of Sheet Music aiid all kinds
of Musical Goods, ami we
promise you fair dealing and
the lowest prices.
parAlt Sheet Music sold
athali price.
Mail orders will receive
prompt attention.
Old papers for sale at this office.
-,v, . A f
rrrTjM Copyrights Ac
Anrone nendlng nketeh nd description mf
nli'ltlr ascertain cur opinion free whether an
Invention Is probubly patentable. Communleft
tlons atriotly CoiifldentlaL lIKlbookouPtenW
tent free. Oldeot avenor for eeourlnspateiits.
Pntents taken tbrouch Muun & Co. receiva
tptnal nonet, wit nout ennrue, w uie
Scientific Jlmcricnn. i
A lianrtsomety timirtratea weeWT. I-anrest
. eulaUon of any seieiituia Journal. Terms, J
rear t (our months, $L Sold by all newsdealer.
Brauoh OiBoe, 63 V iU Washlngtou, IXC.
; t
. i