- . .v v. ... --.-' -n " v V..t -v .1 I i-S 1 LANE COUNTY, OREGON Bountiful Fields, a Fertile Soil And a Salubrious Climate combine to Make It the Garden of the West. .. W.mdUmr ohuit. Tho mam Olhces of this company txr In Ftigeno. lucre are numerous i'" on....... plants in tho county, ... . The total cut of lumber mid ahinglea for 1SW In tho Rate of Oregon wm ftW, 425,000 feet. Of tlil the mills of lort l.utd alone cut ISO.OUO.OOO feet. HlOlUUiy lllCrOUSIllg UCliiH.iw un from China, Japan, Siberia, Australia, Mexico, South America ami l.uroH, as well as California ami me raiv-ru Of merchantable lumiwoou, mjrwe. maplv ami ash grow to bodjUv uo, ami are used in lurnmiro umi uome., ..,, manufacture, but thiM branch of Indus try has tuns tar neon oi mmivu m. i. Lane County. Lace county extends from the summit of the Cascades to the Vacitio Ocean. In size it is about five times as largo as Rhode Island or Connecticut. It fronts on the Pacific a distance of thirty miles, with a splendid harbor at the city of Florence. It occupies every altitude from ocean beach 'to the glaaier crowned summit of the "Three Sisters" at the southeastern corner of theecunty. The Coast Kange cuts it in two from north to south. . Lane county is half prairie land, with verv rich soil, producing abundant crops il grain, nav, jruu im cjv'i'.f, . half hill and upland. The table-lands bordering the valleys are partly covered with timber or brush, most of it being open enough for tine pasturage. These lands are fertile and jield abundant crops when cultivated. Every crop that jjrows in the Willamette Valley giows in Lane county. All the farms are sup plied from natural sources with tho best of water. The immense timber wealth, aggregating nearly 2t 0U0,W0.iW0 feet, is just beginning to receive attention. No county in the United States has as large nmmintnftiniWllil I.SlllP. Tho fa- kill ..111...... v. - mous llohemia mining district, destined to become the Cripple Creek of Oregon, lies partlv in Lane county . The population of Lane county is about 22,000, all white. The county is rapidly adding to its population desir able immigrants from the Eastern States. Eugvne, 14 miles south of Junc tion City, with a population of 5,0CX', is the eoutitv seat. The following is a summary of the productions of Lane county for I'M): STOCK UAISINO. Lane county is fast becoming one of the groat cattle producing counties in the State. The mild winters, the fact that native grasses remain green during the year, and the ease with which cultivated grasses can lu raised make it an excel lent country for every kind of slock. The geueral practice of Lane county farmer is to provide fodder for only a small part of the year, during tho bal ance of which the stock roam at targe.. Uunning water is abundant, and stock does not lack water in the driest season. Ti... l.tr.-Mict nuni'H nf liiirmnl stock are improving greatly bv infusing fine blood into their nerds. mere ate nutiierou. hreeders of Shorthorns, Oalloways. Polled Angus, Ay rehires, llerefords, llolsteins, Pevons, Aldemevs and Jer seys in the Willamette Valley. The large introduction of tine bl"od into the cat'le herds of this section has greatly iucn-used their value and tho protit of the busiuesd. B. S. Hvland & Co., Real Estate Dealers, DAIRYING. As a dnlrvlmr section Lane county possesses many advantages. (Srassesof !1 kinds, totu native ami cuuivuieu, grow in luxuriance. Cattle have to de pond but little upon hay, since tho warm rains, from early in the fall to late in the spring, keep the grass growing. Even In the dry summer season jrrass remain fresh and green in tho mead- i . .. ! .....I ....... b tuittt-tltiri rtll.l ows along river niiu vv - in the mountain valleys, iiuioinv is tho leading grass, but wl it and red clover make remarkable growths, espe cially the former, which springs up spontaneously on the hill wherever the destruction of trees and underbrush gives it nil opportunity. The natural m... ..vl on in mer breezes blow- tin lWi(.i- iiiifnilimr water supply, tho luxuriance with which the clovers and roots thrive, combine to make Lane county the ideal home of the Have the following farm lands formic. J Any Inquiries In regard to same, will re echo prompt attention ! 30 acres of tho finest land in Lane countv, one mile cant of Junction City. This land Is all in giass inn r acres. Trice fw pvir acre. iijk.i. rn f.irm four mites east of liar- .!..!.,, I,, l li. ii i.iitmtv' : 140 acre in i-ultivatloii ; young orchard; new house, fair barn ; plenty ui water ; per ucre. in ...-r. furm "l..' miles east of If ar i-i.i.r,. fin ii.T.'k In ciiltivut on : bid Hiii-M meadow. i;ood uuproveinenm ; house, burn, orchard: ' miles to school house. '.5 per acre. oo nir.. at eiunl leel f irm land. i h. .hi h (mm llnrriiburu : tilKiiit lit acre in cultivation ; :U) at res in light limlier ; 10 acres lit hops ; splen did orchard of 4 aires; school notiso ii in les distant. IhU lurui is wen lenmi .....i ,.i..i.iv ..f unii'f. Ttu iirooerlv bus I '..! ....-" " t 1 k II .. ..ltl ..... ....... lieell Jireviolisiy lu ni liv ..-, r n i--. It can now U urcluiscd hr f'-M. If you .. ...... .. l.u.l tl.i IiiiilO.Ii and breadth of the Willamette Valley you couldn't find a better barga'.n. The owner netted t'.HW from tho 10 acres of hops tho pint M'.lll'll. 40:1 acres of line jirairie land, -i mile Notice for Publication. United Htates I.aild Ollh'e, UoHKiinui, On., l'el)ruary 21, liHtf. Notice Is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of J une ;f, l7rt, entitled "An net (or tho sal of timber lands In tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada ami Waidiington Territory," a extended to all tho rubiio i.anu Mates ny m i o August 4, itu, CLAY1U) UN T. IIOUHTO.N, of Juurtlon City, County of Lane, Stale . Alt. 1 . . J t I 1 1., tl.i .J' of liregoll, till UIIS (III)- llieu Hi non oiilce his sworn hiaienieni, io, i i.w, ii the piirchitw of tho lots I', 10, 1", of Section No. 'J", in Township No. l'l S, Hnngo No. 7 W, and will offer r(Kf to show that the laud sought In more vain ablo for Its tlmt'r or stouo innu mr agricultural purposes, ml t establish Ids claim to Mid hind Imforw tbh Regis ter nnd Receiver oi this oince, ui nose burn, Oregon, on Friday, the HHh day of May, 1WI. ... Ho names a witnesses: Jviwimi imi ley, of Junction City, Oregon ; II. Hy laud, ot Jniictlou i;ny, wregon ; i. vioei .on. of ttoldon. Oregon ; John tjoldsoii, of liohlmui, Oregon. Any and all l ersons cuuining nu verse i 1 1.'.. nl,.iin.ili.iii riliel laud are re quested ti tile their claim in thisolhYo on or liel.ire siml U'tii nay oi .May, r-nne J, 1. r-ltllH.Ki, l.egisicr. IIORTICULT'JKE. ' Exceptini! the tropical and citrus va-..-ties, all fruits thrive in Lane county -even the tender olive and fig. A. no. a.ls, peanuts and walnuts have passed beyond the experimental s-ta.'e. Fruit has been grown in Oregon for 40 veur?. but only of hue years in a scien tific manner. The State now supplies! T1IK ANOORA (iOAT. During the pa-t ten years a number of our active farmers have been introduc ing the Angora goat into Lane county. csjiecially in tho foot-hill country, These thrittv farmers had but one object in view at tin? time these goats were purchased, and that was to dear up their farms at small expense. They bought the goat for his work and not for his wool. During the past five years, how ever, theie has been a great revolution in the goat industry. Manufacturers are begin nim; to discover tho many ad vantages and special qualities of mohair. Numerous desirable and elegant fabrics ar now being made from this wool, and it has been found hat the good-t are ex- eeedinclv fine and duraoie. Another n.uieifel fiil'ill,; of this '0'd- JS. that It IS tri'ii'h mure free from the attacks of Why You Should Settle in Lane County . . Because it is tho best country known to tho man of moderate means. Hecauseyou will find a country of rich toil 'awaiting the settler. Rccanso there aro upland, prairie lands und alluvial river ootioins. Because yon can lw certain of profitable "return from whatever you put in the soil. Because the winter does not consume what the summer produce. Bocauso there are more and bolt, r op portunities for diversified fann ing than elsewhere. Ikvause the seasons are regular, and no fear of crop lailure. i!. .......... , .i, ..-ill iin.l n or.lcrlv com IU'lillUIV ) - muiittiesas anywhere on this continent Because vou will find the most open Itearted people in the world. Because it is in the widest portion of the lertilo VUliatneuo vnue-. Bocauso a a dairying section it has no equal. It is the lueiu iiomu oi tho cow. Bccausjf'-r live sbs k, gout and fcheep raising u can i oe ueai. Becausu it contains a larger amount of the beft inerch intublo timlx-r than any county in the I'nil-d t.ii.a Bank. Of JCNCTION CITY, OREGON, J. A. Bt!uri.i., Oko. W. rirKBTt. rreHliIcnt. ice rremdeiu W. C. Wawuiu unk, F. W. WAMim iisif, Cashier. si uasntiT. Because the country is never sc-.nrgi.il , jvcause .f the great and growing trade k ...... .1 .1 .... tier JfiriiiH t .. U I. I '1. t .... IrtlkAll fill tMtllilf. than c-;ods made from sheep Tit ! it ! .fl vool. For this reason, it is said thut tie? major po'tion of the valuable uj holsterv now used in railway cars, is rnudo of goat' wicl. i'i. ni.mt..r tJ X trrTA tv.ntti in Id and uilorinulion, iiirougn me j..wh r,ltl0 fail toe far emmtv tc av wnl probably not Hortieulture and the (;orva!li3 Agri-1 exceed 1 1,000 head. When we come to 'firal College. No one need longer consider the. va:.t area of good hru-h through ignorance of proper tneth- j L'lV.-mng. wo Van 'readily nee that, of s.oek selection, piautitig, eu.tivu- ;n..,..,, f the (imall number now kept, i prTiim and science of pollination. We could keep to advantage hundreds re aeN -.whero hortieullure calls for oi thousands of g.mts in l ane county , . , . i . . . . rl. -i ah.ne ami .keep them wed. We nre irtakin and. mteb.-ent ?ork and mw WlK ,lfirfw.:,rly as to eat patienca. Lare prolits have Jefii tju. v;lUl. ,,f their w-..l :nd inerease '." in ;:. jiast, depending of cotirso to J iul,l r, tho profits that are hound to oc-n.MraW- ex'ent upon tho energy, jc-ir by continuous i;-mt thrifty care of " K , .. . ' ,., ,w ,.., '., the doinestie gor.t. As to their adapt re and capital oxper.d.d. a v.l abililv to our climate ihere is no.p-e---lection of stoCiC and Pca,..y I t5t(1, :,h fl0 t the nune-rotts advantages ure.-on nh ' fr..... raUin-' eo'ti. till has been ! ,;s,. pruoo pro.,,,..,, wb:rb is ; - .Ulj Kali,fictrily settled lejw practically c.i..ine I ,o , , F.iCiUc ta -s. bv.yt ' : M parr,,.t!y cnmtiH-h.l this 1M,:f.,t Mihject to the mrtive and enterprising ,,rurte w.'.i always c.-uine ffor tho E..-tern States, who ..red locauti,-.-; it cannot be re.. red, ,,...,;,.., -,i esoect to lo- i ,.m . i;' .. .. :...ot .r .r -. 1 t.ei - " '" ' . by cyclones, dovastating storms or bluzards. Because f.ervthing grown clsewhe'eesui be produced hero more abun dantly. Because there or more chances for the profitable investment of capital than elsewhere. Because for benlthfulnes this section is uneoualed on the face of the KM ..itl, i'biiHi. .iaoau. the Philip pine, Hawaii, Alaska, and every other port on the f e e of tl u ulobc, Ibis section m -on ,. I,,... r.( nl'm.' market f. r its urain, its lumbi r, live rt"ck and dairy product. No por tion of the United State hat as bright a future before it today a tho Willamette Valley, in Oreiron. full- llti the In-st facilities for handling the banking l.nisnessot ,orn uuie and South lieiiton counties. Board of Directors-.. J. A. Bibdmell, C. . -bbnrno lieu. I'ickeM. J, P. Mitliorn, T. A. Mitliorn. A. !. Hovr.v, L. C. Iln iv, FrcMdetll. lisi.ier. B. II. Hover Asst. Cashier. Lane County Bank. A. 0. HOY FY ei CO. Tt ansae tu general bauklog biisinics. KstatilMicd, IMH'J. OUh-f t bank in the county. Kugeiie. Or. tt ........ ...1ii.nl!,.M ia unrttmiiiint Because yon have no long winter months , F1.los and churches aro to to encounter, with no excessive drv heat in summer. bo found in every community. cow. Net return to dairymen range southeast of Junction City, on the river fr.,iu to V 1" row per annum, de-1 r-md, und P) miles norih o I ige . . t .i p on. i ...... tirt.l..t i-u i ti vm 1 1 ill ' Irl lit T h School Book .. l r.i .... ....... in., iiin.li i .e. izraoe oi in theiiHelIiger.ce with which the dairy man manages hi herd. The numerous ocean-going craft leaving the ,ort of Portland, Seattle an I Taeoma for the Orient and all part of the globe i a perietuat guarantee of a never-failing market for dairy 4ml id' other product. ''tthr.- f'-und that the plum was citcm Lnm county, ri-covrmmir th:it 1 : : 1 iu. rtiif 1i ib-ti' f if t lit' arly adar.te.' t - gr..w.n i-.t oc-i , . , ' ir,,,it(1,,i,, wilj,in the M)re.reu. f articular , (;,llirM oi i-Jm and Held products. w .it neany a- stir..: aj i -r j TUF. I.I.'MBKR IVDC-TitY. 1 The estimated amount of timber in Oregon i's P.OO.bijO.oO'l.'iO'l feet (in round ! t.-imbers',, board measure. Lam; county ' lead with oH,8o.ii.o'tO.O;)0. ' . I The 1'imberin ' ind'istrv has assumed th" (.iiiin of the ....... ...1 .isms, (.rudualiv to- s.nres-'iui em- ihe prime and its profitable re- (rr.) !.r..ug!.t the ir".lt proor.neiiny i;e h..rc the p'ibiie, find we find an j, --t-w r.l prune orctiard in tho Wil .,:,.,.;if Yallev e::"0L"h I o'dy by our 1 i.'hh'.r, 1 ' iloornia. But hee no irr.- ti.tion is nece.irv. whx'i injure.- i .1,, .i. ,-..nr tb-m ..,.;.--, Mv.,r. fruit of large Va- 2r.-aii ,.io'' -"- .-ties ar- her? arowu liiat are. not j ever before. The ilhu.o-tte, McKen j . ,.;sev l.ei... in, 1 the heated ?vfloo- j y;;. c i,.;1 .Vi Coiu-t For!; and Wt-st Fork Kdio-i t.roe...; of pas.-ing idr through j ,oii'' To-ji, Fil e, Oi-eeuleaf, No II... fruit, vive, a c;,uu and brig.it pro-j ; ,, tmm,.rouH other i.m t ..btr.in-.i' ie bv no o'her i:i-a.i. ' ' . , , . ..... , ., , Ti." pric.-- of'.r"ni !i ha not yet ; rreeks alh.ro the best laciluo.-H for Moat- n u iiguro so .;.nv inai proi.i ti j logs to tide water, or to niusi any . . . ... .1... v!...f 1..... f'..i.i... ii,v 'Jt did t.Oilil on i.im; o.;i .i i ti....... 1- ! r.f ' !i mibrJ ( ireil!. bodies of tho liuent jiobpi lir 'commonly known as lurch), sugar and Vellow pine, cedar, iihIi, maple, balm, ami numerous u, ...... i.u .,f UOl- on. . !! 1. IVOOilrl. IK! hllr .'I i.u nut. .o.'K. '. dttnitin" li'lt tb.e investment of capital to place it mi P0t ext.. ns;V- ; V.u; Tree:, (jnin ; I u '. :: :r' to t!o: Oregon cs traosporlatioii f. raVe- fax th-y i . . .? i ..11 ! . t r :' 'A r j:;:;-c.l .:i;,r.t v at i'n.- ie.i.-t, outlay of j fi. ,,.,ri.ii'' nioriev, Mli b': toe .eigf.i. in ! flh . rae-. The Willamette alley icst.onablv wie sou am. ino fa . 1h orodocer. iiiti.-s are hi ex;.-t here, tuat sec hidi can g;ow a prune Jar; 1 !.e ti.ri heavy crops Cultivating and and i.r'j l!-b' lO;0 U';l o. td.owv fuit r:.V, f lit; itua i- belter cure-l b- tho evaoora than in the son ami uit; as cheap- ; -vir'''- plenty of fuel i.-. (it hand. Jo! fiue -rii. other i'e.ility onjoy greater , jvantaues i.r ties si art amino to tin-1 point of bearing. Tho demand for Ore-; cor. prunes js f 'e:ninv iicreitsoii.; in mo inarkets of t') world. The siii;.m;-u':' from 0--;-on in Vi'.ii. the late.-t stalilsticK w-t have at hand, were : 1. e.i prunes. . x:i prune Total markets ot the world in the various forms I; no-Aii to the wants of man. Tioiber hinds can he purchased for from lal or or expense; i .,, t7 ... a(.r,. the i.rie deriomling . .i . i ' - - , i upon tlio amount aiei kiiki oi iiiiidit "... .... ... i .... . . . i . and ns lo-at'ou. lie: r-oinuein j aei.ic Bailroad Coiiifiny has thousandh of acr-H of line timber lands for sale. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, the laryof-t manufacturers of lumber in the county, are operating Hire.; litrgu plant.?, st. 't'obur;', Saginaw and Wi.-rid- (ling, with an overa;.;e daily capatutv "f '.',') W) feet, the great majority of i which is shinned to points! outside of Jb.HOO.OOO lbs. Oregon, the Southern Pacific Railroad H.T.VJ.'Wd lbs. Coiiinaitv haviriL' constructed 'J'J ndh r, .,550,000 lis. MININO. The mineral resources of Lane county aro extensive and valuable. The dis tricts attracting the, most attention arc the Bohemia- and Blue Liver. In tho former .S r-tampa are now iustulled. There are any number of rich mines in the Bohmina district, principal among which aro the Helena, Annie, Musick, Stocks i'c Harlow, Oold.-n Slipper and Champion, and it is destined to become a secoin I Cripple Creek. Probably the richest body of ore in the district at tho present time uncovered in in the Helena property. Where theyure working now the on? "is ho rich the miners break it down on canvas and sack it up to carry Ht. ,n,:. .;t. H faitlv t.arkes with the thousand f Hpeclis of gold sticking all over it. W. L. Wright has a new stock of v.ail paper of the latest and prettiest designs. Sow h the time to repaper your house. J. H. Mi'ter will be glad to have vou call and see these no'.V pat terns. No matter what your tas-to, you siiouio oe aoie v choose something to suit from among so many beautiful pattern. Aoooi') Till NO. Oerinan Syrup is the special prescrip tion ..f Dr. A. JJoficlioo, a celebrated tier man Physician, and is acknowledged to he one of the most fortunate discoveries in medicine, ft tpiicldy cures Coughs, Colds and all Lung troubles of tho se- v.ir.iwt nature. remoVillL'. US it lloOB. till! ,...i.u.. ..f -I,., nffe.cr.ion and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition, jt is not an experimental medicine, but lias stu.jd the test of years, giving satis faction in every ease, which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles wild annually. Bo schee's Oerman Syrup wii: introduced in the United States in WW, arid is now sold in every town ami village in the ..;.,;i;..i ...orl.l. Three doses will rc- ;iiKl acre under i-uttiviiwou ; tr m res line hard wood timber; residence and Uo barns; but litth- gravl; F.''re orchard; well fenced. Can be divnhd eatand west so it to give- each half part of limber. Will be divided or sold an ft whole to suit, l'rie.s l"i per acre. This is the old H din farm, and i woith v')i) an acre. m) iwri n,l!)j mib-i nonthwest of Junc tion; !.' acres umbr cultivation; .'HI acre timber, oak and ash; watered by tho Long Tom and several small lakes ; over 10 miles of fen -e, divided into 10 fields and pastures; could be divided into :i farms and each one could have it good road all graded and graveled all the u 1 11 .bou t;. in I'itv. :i stock barns !bxV); I ham 00x7-'; blacUmiih shop, has scales, wagon shed and machine sln'd; out building and u dwelling hoilne olS rooms, good asuew, costt-'blHI; twoorehanli, all kind-of fruit and ber ries. Price, if 11 per aero. Lasy UriuB. A rreat bargain. B. S HYLAND & CO. jrNClTON (MTV, 011F-. Oflice in "Bulletin" Office. W. M. TRIPP, General Elacksmithinir LV ALL ITS IlllANCHFS. iSjr- Hoi:si:hhoki.vo a SfixULTY J&C2 Corner Fifth and (Ireenwood Sts.. .Tnuetion'city, - - Oregon SCHOOL M'tTLlF?!, T.VI.LF.TS, INK and l'KNCU.S, J'TC. . . . Cameras & Supplies roit Tin: AMATIXU nrd I'BOFKSSIO.NAL. 'fflpMall orders will receive prompt attention. Write to us for further particulars. E. Schwarzscliild, KnoeiH', Oregon. S0R0SSS THE BF.ST Woman's $3,50 IN THK WOF.LD. i! ...in,. I. Ir?'ft 7.ri rtH. v.oiiipauy nnving cousiriicici nou s, neve any ok..""' s ... - , of railroad for the exclusive purposa of J'or sale' by Mueller & Hill. (JetOrocns reaching and hauling out the output of U'rizc Almanac. mm illi a ..nvtlilnv vnn Invpnf. firlmnrovfl! 6''io B"t.i i CA'VEAT.TFiAOE.MAKK. COPYHIGH f or DESIGN J PHOltCllON. Hcnil liiodol, r,l(. U.b,ori)b.to. W Ulr iriO uuililiui.i'ii nun nuvr o j 1WC.A.SKOW& GO. I I Patent Imvyurn. WASHINGTON, D.C. 5 14 Different Styles TP A GILBERT, BOLE AC5J5NT, Eugene, - Oregon . u ,