Family Secret. "tlos pvopM ia front of our cays say taty are. dweeiiei from us," o erred the First Morttey. -Well." toncoUl lit SecoaJ Monkey, "e are about the only cu of their ancestor that they will pay admission to tw." Baltimore Sua. airw4 Hi rale TtV A nan reimtttiy ea:iiel h f leeth .mi st rve fai'iM mad. M.miaffc t ttand a jtti el. but wt evert tbtc. If vivitr U ea try H.i-i-t rr Mi!rt ttiner. Il-ttrst md;rrt5rt,.c'il!ia!'v. kwiner ami ir srao;. ril 11 laris - f-ver iu! axtse H t pn:-a-lr effective it n r!- :rs.- ar.d i sfvt:Jy t"iie,Sifd at lb1. Mf- n el fc rrr ten yteiu i nn iiun and ttM.-'ptte li i;ee. A J druiits ie p it. Out of Hi Class. Schoolma'am (encouragingly Come,, nov Harold. spell chicken. Harold Pleas, ma'am. I'm not old enough to sp?U chickens, bet yoa caa try tae oa eejrs- Italics Weekly. ALUM BAKING POWDER. Declared by the Court to be Unwhole some, and Its Sale in Violation of the Pure Food Laws. A case la the courts of Davenport, Iowa, the other day appears to bare fixed the status of the alum baking powders as aa Illicit article of traie. It seems that The Pare Food Co, of Chicago, sold to a firm of grocers is Davenport a quantity of baking pow der called "Pore Food Biking Pow der." The grocers sold some of ft. ascertained that it was aa also pow der, returned the powder unsold to the manufacturers and refused to pay for it. The manufacturers sued to col lect. The ease was tried before Juige Bellinger and a jury. Attorneys Neat 4 Neat, and S. A. Finger defended the grocers. It was shown that the pow der contained a'am. The defence claimed, consequently, that it was in jurious to health and that traSe la it was against public policy. Expert testimony was introduced to show that alum whea taken into the stomach would isSiesce tie gastric jtdces to the detriment of the person using " The jury reniered a verdict for the defendants, which means that aha baking powders are deleterious to heakh. their sale illegal in the state. The pure, foci laws of the state are upheld, j Knigtitiy Warfare cf Ofd. MeiieYal knights often took a vol untary oath that they woli never spare the life of aa enemy. GRIP OTD IT TIE UTEI LTFESTJ M15E UFE EULELE FCI i Ttil a;s- 0mm mtthm Faeailartla mt tHaa Tkal Wftl Siajr Cmrrd-Mmw It Wu liriit at. From Reporter-Joumal. Gardiner, Me. Grip 'tea leads to pneumonia. More frequently it will appear to be cured bit Seaves the patient broken in heiita. short of breath after i?ght exertion and affected by every change of weather a tt subject for the many ciseae Lanced by the in clency of earSy spring How this may be avoided, how the 7.e i- cie'ii-e-1 of the linjer tng aftereffects of grip and pst la condirioa to ward off disease is tet told in the words of one who is ab'.e to speak from experience. Mr. Sum ner Cross, of h's Mechanic street. Gar dicer. Me , says: A sever aX2ck of the grip, aisoct Cve years ao, rr.e in a very bad state. I couli n'jt sieep and I had no appetite. My head felt heavy, and I was rather i:zzy at times. Changes of the wezther seemed to have a bad effect upon e and I was miserable most ot iL tins. "I had b-en like this for a year when a laiy. who had heard me com plain, recommence! Dr. Wiiiiams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Shortly ; o after this I had occasion to go to Eangor and there I bojght six boxes of the pills. While taking the second box I begaa to feel beae3:eJ. When I had takes them all I felt so much better that I bought six botes more, and I have always considered the money I paid for them well spent. I would not be without them. "I shall always speak of Dr. Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People in words of praise, for they are an hon est medicine. I recommend them be cause I know that they are all they are claimed to be." (Signed SUMNER CROSS. Subscribed and sworn to before me. Z. F. LITTLE. Notary Public. Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People are an unfailing specific for sacb diseases as locomotor ataxia, par tial paralysis. St. Vitus' dance, sci atica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sal low complexion and all forms of weak ness either in male or female. Sold by all dealers, or sent direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady. N. Y SO cents per box. or six boxes for 2.50. For the Occasion. "Please look pleasant," remarked the photographer. - Snap went the camera. "And now, ma'am," he continued, "tom may resume your natural ex pression." Philadelphia Times. m9 Beat Coub fiTnip. Tastea GootL Ci pnrtr ail . t r am .i to ,im. fowl try dmfiin". ' ''f'T- Ia. J f J f 1 of J ladoteoee Ul I the Coat rlvance Very t-a(at laprtHat il. A BOY'S INVENTION. One of the moot tatrrat: exhibits". .. ... . , , , " . is tne most tmporUot penott la a w la the UKHlel rxx.ia of the Patent Office! UUm 0wJnjf to ,errx is Its collection of miniature steauieu- j methods of living, not on woman la g!ue. Models of the engines of Hero fa thousand approaches this perfectly of Alexandria, of Newwmeu and of : natural change without experiencing Watt Illustrate the siRveJve steps la! rla ' 7 annoying and sowe the development of what ha ITSX sender the giant of our moden industry, the blood amin to the Wart until it j An attendant shows the visitor a; model of the early engine Uon which ! I toys were employed to turn the cocks J that. aUernatlnj. let the team on and shut It off. line of thee lny. Ham- pliiey Pctter by name, innad of set- t!isg down like a machine to the uio-j 'i outonous work. kfjt Lis eyes open. He' I JiiHOTered that a wrtain Warn above hit head worked in tm;n with the! ! ctx ks w hich Le ojn ned and cKwed. He j scrordicjdy connected the two, and? ifter seeing tht the device worked! property, ran tf to play. j His employers lgan to nwt'ee a much j greater rvgalsrity iu the movement of; :he ersgine than Inffire; th: leil to the i j L"i-overy of ti sevret. and to the sob-i f scjuem adoption of bis device every-j ; stere. f ; A i-te U k at the n:o!-l of the en- t ;iue to whUh the sctaa was appiieil, ! I :he wonder i cot that the loy thought j- f it.. tut that anytmlr tefure Mm fLfrU-M live fiilel to do . Thin Is j the -after t'jcugtt" of a grt at many i tola! It invention, t'piuents of the patent ;;iia o.'ten nir the point ! ttat all "sTMt inventions are in the ' - - .v . . . ..- ...... air. tiut the ane usjeiii!a jioacet ior larr wiU come to a great many dif- ll4m-. ejreuble Cotnpuuod u pr f feri.t icfn. and heare that the patent pared to meet the nd of wccua i is injj!y a rvward to the one who liap- pen t arrive Crt. j Patent exrt-rt a.-know !!e consid erable l-ai f r th's ct'Ctentu n. They r, L-o. tLat the lament often seen in the newspaper. "Ill Invention died ? ..... . . .... j W!13 bita. reiemng 0 a T-l I R M jis rarSy f-rr.r out by everst. The thinr that oely tine man In ! the w.itM can dixrver are few. But this Jo- not l-)-.eo ocr :nleltedne i to tLe ir-a who dj-over j rt. Youth's CoErn:oa. things rl VTJJ MwmMh r The best w,y to advertise fe Jos, to adrertLw. Get It with a view of hav- f fag people know what you most desire t to selL and Incidentally letting them: . know that the ie-iSed items do not r... nn. fn?t t Sir intrt. ing things about interesting good, and have the goods to talk about. Adver tising World. Adverting I a m!gbty lever, and what it will produce depend upon three thlng-the weight, the fulcrum and the power, says Boyc-" Hutlr. Th weight is puWSdfy or results, the fulrraa is the med!unj. and the power is the advertj.-ment. Wh-n the com- binasion I rifht. the results are truly astonishing. A larze and suc-ef-jl advertiser says that when he fim went into buI ne.s he regarded newspaper advertis : lr.g a an eipense which was import : an, but not essential to suc.-es. but a il;t:Ie experience taught him to rw egnLir and ys?esi;a:sc advertising in the most widely circulated newspapers an investment or as a necessary part the capital nut into bis establish- j meut. "IJke any other safe Invest ment," he says, "the newspaper ad. i brings In prrSts. and without It an en- terprise falls short of its possibilities." ! A Heroic Remedy. " There is a little boy In Colorado j Spring who, according to Facts, likes ' to help entertain his mother's visitors. ' and eagerly listens to the conversation. Tommy also has an aunt of whom he ? i ia .rwi t h,. a a i i: . ' . . ;:: , ': causing him much anxiety. A few days ago. while his mother was comparing j notes on housekeeping with a friend, ' ; Tommy thought he heard something fwhich would cure Aunt Susie's cold. 'Atout supper time he disappeared, ) which, however, did rt excite any comment. The famllv sat down ' supper and one by one the dishes were tasted and set aside until each own- ' ber began to wonder what ailed the Vjfik. Tommy's expression convinced i them that be could throw some light 'on the subject, and when cornered had ! to admit that he had put red iepper Into every dish while the cook was out, because Mrs. said red pepper was 'good for the ants, and he wanted to I cure Aunt Susie Borne Standards of Iteauty. The Sandwich Islanlers estimate women by their weight. The Chinese require them to have deformed feet and black teeth. A girl must be tattooed sky-blue and wear a nose ring to satisfy a South Sea Islander. Certain African pTinces require their brides to have their teetb filed like thy-e of a saw. lii f ri- i tO ; li a Ffte Change of LiiO m;ss ready to burL and the f!nt feelinj that follows, sometime wita cnills. as if the heart were rin to for f00 JmPu,ta da- Mas Jmim Xoata. reroos, nereous trouble. Thoe hot nnes are nwny r..i nUar hIP- Tb OfT rT T ina" oat for a.sjtan.-e. The cry hos . i , i t- iv.-. system at this trying prrtJ of ner i;fe. "it builds up the weakened nervous system, and enable a woosan to pas that jrrsnd chan?e triumphiOlJr. I was a eerr sick worn a. caused by Change of Life. I suffered With hot flushes, and faintinr spalls- 1 w - m : J - - ... air.i.u VI u ira lar sirCTrs, ui wcm mm back trouMwI n- I ets.r-fiy cured bT Lrtiia E. Ptnkham Vrf:i. He Compound." Ma. Jtmi N 010 key&er&L, Oermaatowa. r. ivT.trt'tCf. "Co bury thy orrow!" said I The man bow. i t:s head ani went his way. That n:tt 1 caise u;oa hies drisking beaTily. "Is th!a the way you bury yofir tor-row?- aJd. "Hush! this is a barial at tea'" said the maa, with a bitter, haunt ing smi!e. 1 fe!t much pftv for him. thereup on, and would have had something had he asked me. Detroit JournaL A Fortunate Reminder. nvi c restore la . arkr OM jriaj spectators. ....... ... ... w . . I. 9 "From A to lizard: emphatically responded Noah. "Ah! that reminds me. ne exciaimeu "The sebra! Aad he Instantly dispatched a corps of hunters to South Africa. Chicago Tribune. In the Poetry "Business." A Correspondent, writing from Tex trkana. says: "I have two sons in the poetry busi ness. They can write it by the yard. or foot lust as needed. I don't know how you measure It, but what would you give for five or six yards? My boys are hard-working fellows, and th,e.Pd the money."-AtlanU Con- sfltutlon. 9tmmm 1hm Cough mnd Wfkm Of thm Gold. Lazatir Broir.n-Qtnlr Tab t ritre eold la see day. No cure, No Far- trice 2 cents. Railway Speed. When traveling on a railway you can tell how fast the train is going by the folinwinr method: The teleeraDh nosts aIoa a rauway Une are placed 30 to the mile. So if you multiply the num- ber of posts passed in a minute by two. the result gives you tne numoer ot miles per hour at which the train is going. All a Mistake. Percy (who writes) When I start ed to ask your father for your hand he drew a revolver on me. Edith It was all a terrible mistake, Percy. Papa thought you were going to rcad me of your poetry to him. Judge. The Ruling Passion. First Enthusiastic Golfer I say. ill you play another round with me on Thursday? sconft Enthusiastic Golfer Well. i am booked to be married on that day but it can be postponed Punch, - jrrrr- EoTFORTEi DIMS k rccalar- BiU7 bothwhI of tM it. im tm uci. ot wi.i torn. Hunt tent h aao t a r-o!ar. tSZ'.IZLk'ZZ bo. ovea. aad t force, ia lb abapa of iwwdi pb,ti ot iu youno. ia oanateroaa. m lawiiMtl. culrat. awai kerfvev wj bl aaaiiiog (S at m ti ciear aad ciaaa ia lo laaa CANDY CATHARTIC 2 r A 6 v- u vi'.r w-..- ' 4 Id tut 1 Fleaeant. PaUfable. Potent. TaaiaOport DoOxkI, trrrr tiickeo. Weaken. Ortpe. luc 4fe Wrtia for free aaoiple. aod bcoclet oo faeaitb. addreae Si i Hi i a mtmti c ft. Ofcaf. iaiw .i, S Vara, SSa KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Martifestatlona et Gray Matterw "Am 1 aa tatelltireat aa your other young maa. IXillyr Ve.L yoa taote more poetry than he dv'.n. bat t thtak he bats yovt oo" Chtcago Reeord. roi: r r, it (; ai aa t lb t(t, Net a Cd Player, i ttodd ttaag tt all! l yoa suppose III ever make a good golf player? Todd t pitying Sy Never, old man. ', Yoa think too much of your family aad your business. Harper's lUtar. TO CTBJt A COLD IX OX DAT TaaolaxaUt iii: Tabtu. Xti Inrrflwia tf4 it it fa:' k ira. K . UcwWa Snc8S ls aa tea. Regular Preliminaries. First Reformer -lat It about time for yoar coasaa'.ttee to begia Its cam paign against vice? Second Reformer Oh, my, co" Why. they haveai had all our pictures in the paper yet. ttaltScore American, The Difficulty Overcome. Brooks I with you would par me that si you owe me. old fellow. Uorrowtt I ou!4a t th!ak of IL "Itat I n here to rwatad yoa of St Sssart Set. ruian "j ) ey x ef ta fal Laxative Bromo-Quicioe ts- New Ljl Term. A Georgia Colonel had a maa ar rested for -Sooklag mesa" at him. The maa was fined IS for rubtjertng ith intent to scare VtnaespoUs Tribune. Your gatde and f safd is tl-e famout Ort't loud PunSer, tete-i and tue. le it now. Nat:irl:ts say the lotster will uxm follow the tsSaio and d:amon J ba- k ternpia. Machinery, Implements, Farm Supplies, Etc. Bee Line Ruo-tHes' rr leads them jll RK00 ao i HENNEY. $90.00 and up. Iron trjtnrn on V4!or all ar Henner aad Une But. Send lor c.ulof. MITCHELL, LEWIS XSUrU CO. Flrtt ui Tijlor Sit Portlaad, OnL NEW LIFE TO b.".'i'j'?"",0S?, Anchor Great Combination ot Strength and Eeaaty. "Tas Tit Tt Bums." See Our Anchor Clamp Too would be surprised II you knew ho w little It oai4 coat jou to Ox up Ibatoid fence. Fetter arod for una Are.-hor C'iarnp anil trl(hu, and a pair of our tincher,ant make jrour old Ire fence look Uke a new one. ANCHOR FENCE looks so nice and la to ttrons tbat farmers tomMlmrt tnfnk thai It bdii U ht(h priced. It Un't. tbonf h. 1 Claw Bsfoas Cawo. Cattle, Sheep FARM, RAILROAD rriu price, and c.ta oue. The Aceats wanted In ery Town. 74 JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, ( foot of Morrison Street, Can give yoa the best bargains in Buggies, Plows, Boilers and Engines, Windmills and Pumps and General Machinery. See ns before buying. mm nmm true YOU DO YOUR PART Lit a blrh U. m4 our ad-lraw, ao4 WE'LL - inn niiirc Wbka K fn irwm how loltlltl MaMT t Ik 10 rrrarm rri no i ! iinom oil boon rl I inmrliiI to haukara ami UrotaraOtl t o.; J, M lli-ur A C Bnanrlai innu, JIV omenir al Klurk, ftftisnd. Or. il-ial iitnti vanitMi la rrv loaa. Cktry rVoenmrVmerk&sa MCCORMICK A. H. BOYLAN, Portland, Or. ro CATAMV.t'lt AMI -RI' K. ir.laj:i.:?: PErssiois If tica00. WtMt'a, 0. C Ih III ro ll elT quwk rt.Ur. b Mh .S. II Veil Mat SCvo Corpa. I'ri"utlf claJmt atiM-s J7. Springtime Resolutions T.t K Kcolcy Cure THS ftt,-t railW from l;r.f, r.lum ami toharu tiatut. rn.! lot (.articular U IiiItT Ustitcti, 314 Sixth St., Portias., Or. Free Trial 30 Days lor ft n'ti j ! a will hlp tola too rtt. on 3.1 ' frvo trial la )k old l-.txn .-f f Jl.T.V B-t ihla 4 aM vout nuiri Ut lull ) Tlllon 11H ocr fr Irtal srTar. r a'w wit S4S.OO Hlcyrlva Cor ajO.JV Htll aay. Tl)t U a rl,au ot ji ut l.fcitiaa. People's Supply Co., Box 287 (B) SHATTLU, WASHINGTON. The "Cyclone" Thresher If You Buy a New Thresher, Engine, HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL Vn.. rJ Cn.. Tr,( ,,. r, . rri. t. You U!r,nl fn "' lo v iv;uc ana nca. RU8SELL a CO., Portland and Spokane. OLD FENCESl Clamps and Uprights. Thi 0u Fnct. Tns Axcnoa Faxes. and Ho Tljht. it S'm, 8Urs after closing AND LAWN FENCE, Portland Anchor Fence Co. ... , . w wv. Mcolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon. POULTRY NETTING. Buy from the manufacturer. Price in loll rolls i J in $. X4T , 130 , 4.W All Kinds of Wlra and lun Wn.b PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS 140 front tt., l'ortlaml, Oragoa. X. r. X. D. Mo. ie-iot. w HEN Hilar ta advartlaava nluu mention th Ia paper. a . m Cbxmialo' Of a41rr y -pj... .- Km