Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, April 18, 1901, Image 1

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NO. B.
Wz. New Things
Silk Flannels
Panno Volvots
Silk Waists
:t.&0 TO 110.
Cotton Waists
Wkj TO 7.U0.
Wool Challies
Cotton "
Silk Foulards
Persian "
Silk Zephyrs
Ladies' TailorMade
. . Suits and Skirts
-v Remember the Placc.-
Hampton B
BSfiwesr P3w
Piiis HmB9ows,
gupcnar stoves & Ranges
AU Fully Gmsraatccd
Fa L. Giszamisers, i"SlnZ'Z
egcs without making the lent nse of
them, we have a itinace area 01 w,oou
aquaro miles, titled to the brim ttith the
greatest natural resources of any State
in the m est, yet the census 01 iiwj itivcs
us the meager population of 413tfft"i or
4.4 jjeople to the square mile. One-fourth
of thin population in centered In and
arouml Portland. The imputation of
the cities, town and villages ol Oregon
airireeatea 184.000. while, thinly spread
over "4.000 aquare miles of territory, is
found the other giving us a ru
ral population of 2.4 to the souaie mile.
Some Hople wonder why our cities
and towns do not grow more rapidly.
i he reason is explained in our shortage
of rural population. They are the back
bone ol any country, aou ao long aa me
spinal column lack utrength, tbe whole
body must necessarily be weak.
wiser than Oregon. Washington was
admitted a astute in ISM). ForlOyesrs
preceding 181W the resources of the then
territory were energetically advertised
in all directions. As a rerult the popu-
latiou jumi-ed from 75.000 in 1880 in to
349,000 in 18W, an increase of 3G5.1 per
cent. Tho spirit o! prr cress, so well es
tablished, has not yet did out in that
state, for, from 18t to 1900 the popula
tion increased from 349,000 to 518,000,
placing Washington ahead of older and
more resourceful Oregon.
Washington is now more densely pop
ulated than Oregon, baring 7.7 people
to Oregon's 4.4 to the square mile. It
is sometimes said that advertising a
state increases tbe city faster than tbe
rural population. The comparative
(Inures for Washington and Oregon show
that Washington's rural 'population is
3.7 to the squaw mile, Oregon's 2.4.
California was admitted as a state in
1850. and though only nine years our se
nior, since that date it bat grown from
02.000 to 1,485.000 in 10J0, having ao
average population of 9 5 people to the
squnra nine, us rural imputation uciug
4 oeoide to the sa'iare mile. '
Why have Washington and California
outstripped us in the race? Itecause
they liave let no opportunity slip by to
ndveriitie th;r respective states. At
the present tune we are confronted with
a striking example of our woeful lack of
enterprise in thin direction. Thousands
of people ure pouring into the North
west from the Kast. Nine-tenths of
these ikjopI viiit Washington to tbe
exclunion of Oregon. Some of our short
sighted citizens lay the blame to the
transcontinental lines. This is a mis
take Washington enterprise alonoia
rsionsihl. Oo to th other end of
lltow liae! ilipre you wilWnd an abun
dance of Washington literature, but yo
will find little nutter descriptive of Ore
Tbe people in the East are not mind
readers, and we are notcapableof trans
milting to them what we know of Ore-
con bv tho process of mental teleonthv
When Oregon grows wiser and puis la
.Oregon' Chief Need, and How Best
nv w. i,
From Saturday's l'crlland Telegram.
"(iregcii's Chief Need and How Best
Supplied" is a problem too weighty to
he handled comprehensively in a short,
hastily prepared nrtin'o, tind too impor
tant to bo neglected in any one detail.
If what wo shall say, therefore, will help
In lay n corner-stone in tho superstruc
ture of ft greater nod nw.ro inlluenti.il
Oregon, wo shall bo satisfied with the
Scanning the field of Oregon's neces
sities, wo find them multitudinous, but,
lying nt tho baso ol our requirements
we find that more population is our
.1 in.i'd nt 1 ho Present timo, dnd this
wo shall discuss briefly as possibl-j.
l..iiiliit.!oii is certainly the tree of our
success, from which must grow every
branch of development into tno power
ful nnd commandiivj; commonwealth of
Oregon. We must firot plant the seed to
crow tho crop, and popiila ijn in tho
sprout from which germinates all forms
of industry. Having delined our "piua-
mouat need," tho next question is
"How best to mipply that need?"
Tho lonrnalist who is not. ft firm be-
Hover in tho virtue of judicious, con
vincing advertising has no right in the
urnfi'SHlon. and. sooner or Inter, Is
crowded from tho field by bis more tm
terprising competitor. What is true of
thtt journalist is equally us truoof the
Stato. Pre-eminently then, advertising
thoroughly tho resources of Oregon
far find wido is now, and will continue
to ho, for a number of yours, tho best,
surest nnd quickest mothod of building
up our commonwealth.
Oregon is not lacking In resources.
Kftturo bits lavished upon us her vii best
gifts 1c mountains find mineral, forosls
. Kauffman
M Wrappers and
House Dresses
Have Corset linings
Are Perfect Fitting:
Are You Ready
If so, investigate the
nnd farm lands, rivers and reaches of
magnificent scenery to gladden the
liftutsof men. What wo need to do is
to tell the story of our wondrous glory to
the ulorious outside world. W o cannot
ait in these days of rapid progress to
multiply ami replenish ucenrding to the
old Jliblical injunction. We 'must in-
rreaso b' the iiKslern method of extend
ing a free welcome that will bring the
thousands to us on the wings of rapid
transportation. That free .welcome
must. io extenueu tnrougn tno medium
of abundant literature, liberally sown
to tbe four winds. We Ehall 'suggest
how best to do this.
In the first place, tho State Legisla
ture should provide a reasonable sum
for ft number of yeats to bo placed in
the bands of n Uor.rd oi Immigration,
composed of responsible citi.ens, who
will see to it mat mo money is econom
ically expended in providing suitable
descriptive literature for distribution.
In th next place, every town of con
sequence should have a Hoard of Trade,
backed financially bv tho business men,
who should willingly contribute their
mite toward making known to the
world tho many virtues of their respec
tive localities as the proper place for the
homeseeker to cast in hiu lot find bo
come a part of us.
in ndditton to mis, even county can
afford to contribute ft nominal sum an
nunllv toward advertising the natural
resounoa of the countv.
Then, turn tho lloodlide of literature
loose beyond tho confines of our own
borders," from whence, with the ebb,
will conio to us mon of energy and ot
wealth, men of brain nnd of brawn, w ill
ing nnd nnxiousto join us in planting
on tho Western battlement of our grand
Republic ft Pacific empire commercially
supremo, where neglected Holds will
blossom nnd bloom with tho plory of
progrosnivo agriculture; where villages
will become towns, towns cities, ani!
each city a metropolis; where unnunv
bored ships, freighted with treasure
from tho Orient, ivill enter our ports
along tho golden pathway marked out
by tho setting sun.
Population ia what wo need most of
Oregon became n iStato in 1359. For 4
years we bftvecnjjyed Statehood privil-
eraturo within the reach of the Eastern-1
ers, our accessions from the ranks of!
newcomers will bo pcrceptioly increased.
Tho railroads are not u blame, they
are common carriers, and take people to
points named on tin ir tickets, And
when people ' bay tickets they usually
know whro they nro goinjr, but tliey
rarely ever go where they are not in
vited. Let ua wake up!
If the pernio in tho East wanting
homes telltis Washington h!is its Mount
Rainier-Tacoma and California its Sasta
and Mount Whitney, let us toll them t f
our .Mount tiood, Mount Hamilton ami
tho Three Sisters, tho while-robed
graces, eternal monuments ot cuastity
and purity keeping vigil over w ulametle
If thev talk of Washington pino and
California redwood, tell them of Oregon
fir in countless millions of feet shading
our uplands, waiting the axman's blow.
If they sing the praises of Skagit nnd
Sacramento Rivers, tell them of the
grand old Columbia, Father of Western
w liters, skirt with scenery rivaling os-
eniite, and of his sister, the Willamette,
that traverses the Garden boot of the
If you henr of the "days of old and the
dnvs ot cold," tell them of blue Kiver,
Bohemia, Southern Oregon and Raker
County mines, ns rich in gold as Klon
dike and a hundred tunes more ueeessi
bio. Sow broadcast over all toe land
honest literature, nnd we shall reap in
the harvest of population a name and
lame mat uregon now has not.
.More population means more cities
and larger ones ; more farms nnd smaller
ones ; mines developed ; mills and man
u factories clotting the hind in every di
rection ; commercial supremacy of tho
Coast, and better recognition at the seat
of government for old W ebfoot.
After nil wo must come back to the
old truism: that mon and women nre
like water; they always find their true
level. And where you livo happiest,
that is your level. There's polluted
water, nnd there's clear water. Uut one
law is inexorable: the closer you get to
Nature, the truest and simplest thing
there is because it is closest to God, the
clearer always will you find the wntor.
April Ladies' Home Journal.
The Weekly Oregoninn and the Rotr
usm for $2 a year.
BEFORE. PURCHASING. Everything Reid makes is the best
of its kind that cau lm made. Neither second quality mate
rbila nor second-rate workmen allowed in the Reid shops.
And back of beet materials and best workmanship are ability,
knowledge and experience gained through years of inventing,
deaiguing, experimenting.
Weatherly Creamery Co.,
Junction City and Portland, . Sole Agents for Oregon
F" Write to Weatherly Creamery Co., Portland, for complete catalogue.
ir- We carry a Full Line of
6 21 ITICirS Stoughton Wagons, John Deere Plows
We aro Headquarters for . . .
SIM0NDS SAWS nd.an k,.nds ot ..
Logging supplies
Oasis Lodge No. 41, initiated three
candidates Into the mysteries of the Or
dor at their Tegular meeting Saturday
night, and conferred the second degree
on seven. Tho team from Eugene as
sisted with the floor work, after which
a banquet was served bv the members
of tho Rebckah Lodge. Those present
from a distaneojwero : Messrs, Ren Dor
ris, W. M. Green, M. Svurverud, L. L.
Whitson, J. D. Matlock, John M. Wi!
Hams, A. C. .Tannines, E.J.Simmons,
C. R. Doyle. J. 11. Lnmson. F. A.. Ran
kin, r. M. Renshaw, II. S. Martin.Chris
Jensen, Jolm-llaines, J. W. Pollock, C.
K. Stevenson, J. W. Larkin and II. L.
Chilson, of Eueene Lodge, No. 9t J. II.
Yates. J. M. Martin aud John Martin,
of Irving: E. W. Mixcn, Jess Bak t, M.
Hawk, Will Rice, Dan McClame, W . i .
Porter, A. C. Morris, M. W. Canter, H.
R. Sherill, J. R. Cartwrigbt, Geo. W.
Ishiun and Wm, McDonald, of Harris
burg, nnd O. C. Nicholas, of Florence.
When you nro in Eugene call at Little
field's cigar 8tore,just south of the Hotel
Eugene, and try ono of bis fragrant
Habana cigars.
Old papers for sale nt this dike.
You are never quite conscious of how
many disagreeable lodgers there are in
that many-chambered mansion you call
vonr "self1 ontil anger or envy or bntw
knocks at the door and .presto! out
come troopina such a lot of unhappy
creatures rancor and unctiaritableness,
and suspicion, and all .unkindness, a
perfect army of enemies to peace and'
Happiness. Helen Wattersen. Moody,
in the April LadL's Home Journal.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at trie Junction City post office April 18 :
Frown, Roy O. Londherdt, Peter
Cassei.N'ora E.Miss Morgan,' Doll Misa
Cole, Ed- Orr, L. Miss
Gates, Thomas Ryan,' Peter
Howard, W , F. w eaver, lna Miss
Hart, Robert
i A. R. Martin, P.M.
Photographer Taylor has been takins?
some splendid views of Junction City 'a
business houses ai d suburban residences.-
The view of the Southern Pa
ciric depot and railroad tracks down the
front street, is an especially fine piece c
work. '"
, ...i , i
Tho Eugene Soap Co.'s Lulu Savon
brand is tho cream of all Uiundry soa;.a.
": Vfm' 'T"