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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1901)
W0 2 BU&WBMN. A. P. UmTERSWORTM, JR.. Editor and Proprietor. MISS ANNA OGLliSBY, A-soentto Editor. H.'ttVK.HTlOS KATES. 0:.e ws-. if in Advance oont i:, L t .; A .ver; rsu ri.i'iv ;;;.;!:. a, en. kmowt oi: i rls. mail nuitr. on: m'Br.JNvi list. . viv v roc : ri.v-a-n",-a: i i-i . ; t- : New Yerk World y jr. baiter &.Co. Invosttneni Brokers EUGEHE d'jmJOTiQN CITY The Las ding Real Estate Bcakrx of taac uovssty We have a larse of mM'.k of th lH.t b.iyH.!hS in !..; paits of the Yailey, vvhhh wo vi!i d"W th sv lookim; J. if )n pvu-e. take a uh.r wau . ;t we n;t i joh any VIA,. Southern Pacific COMPANY. Shasta S3o:sief Tr-tuis u-avo Jnnctl i City for 1' rt! m' and v fty r-tvi4:i,a ut 3;3U u. m. and 2 ;o. !, in. ! v Portland. An A'.V.ny paper, sr H-akin,: o: the that -houiJ be meted out E AsuisabE', Ktv that he ouht to be :ua.le to live ia Corvallis Er two yocrs. : The la?t number of the Florence Wts-t" ccnU;as a food write-up tf county"? resi-uree. TLst riV.t, j Uiv. W'eatLeTvpoon The Ik"U.rrtx lias o:s the wiuf tack lor the pa.'t two' . Now that AruinOdo ha taken the oat'u '.; e'lesftasc to tbe tV.ird State, it is tic:e to.cii c'vupurla-i him with r,--r-'- WaLsrsln. IKv? any t-nf W l:tve" that. Ul XrzfUsn ia caj tare.! l-y tie rnvit-h, Lc xii 1 have svrora ai.iirr v vvr- 111.? Neur! i i Cvu;asy Ls ;"st iafi a t--j-a Kjk It:, r.t;t!i-i "Ori'S. V a.l.ittor, I,b', a:-.'. Tl.-lr cr-f." It ie vrvv! t,f. vav-r it rt-;l- U" with X beaut::-! r.rsti-r. harm. lu-ji a dicrij tio: ! ' me 1 1 '-f cKice v.uvf : No. 143. ""; ner-. of lan.i, -iVmtS' two snilcs north of Ji!TH-!., n i'ity ; aere in cuhivatien : about - aen i wtxfcl avl timtM-r; v Iiuum juul two t:iTO!. very !h:t hr.'SJiii;-: Ai'ii..'i-I:.)iir... within " );r.i vi ijie oi the UhM In.'?; tl.lsifil No. 1 UidI, aiul t j!:-;.1- ' cml ouo of the bett jias iu Laue vouutv. Trice fO.-lO) No. 144. 3: acres of laud. fvur mile Irom Junction City ; two set of htuM inj:s oa the place ; KK) acres or more jjood farm land for cheat, tat and tome i.ood wheat land ; this is a v""' btink or tiairy ranch, watered hy the Lous Tom Kiver on the weft, the river Ixin tiie west line of the place. l'riee $::.UX1 No. 147. 70 acres of land l'-s mile from Junction City, ou lh Kucu road ; no building : mot nil iu cultivation and fcood iitialitv c f laud. Price.. .. 1 1,500 No. X0 acrt-H on the riv r road to iuene, '2 miles from Junction City; this i nearlv all river hoHuin huid; fxl bniidini ; plenty of truit ; a choice place. J'nce n.uw mile nortl -i aurctioii City; 1 lew I huid ;n i i;""! s"'' 4 V red With t iii . k I ; IM 1-ruvJi ; 'j-tu, s ln-'l hgvv. Price J'"0 .maty ,uid v-t!i-r j l.v Jan -t.oii ( t!y. r.t o-'.r ort u v ,r A; 1 w ill do y-tt no j Sai-r.i'ni tit , . ' " ! r tin ihco. ,r i!,-A n " t Mt, vi r '" KatiMiM'stv. , , " Cl.invj. , . 1 ,:!S pin 12 .ilu .'Hi pi. i 7 r pin v :M p;,j P. t'i am I i :.' ii in i . .'.i m.i ' : " nut 4 M nut .:ii :nu 7 am 7:4.' am . K Hill 'I . i lilfl . Mill S am iL rvr v Oregon r:r.ti-e ii-e Xortlitrrit. larze "-Sf of cin l rc.t' a c.; y .i ." t -:. i to fri tain siti:e j de- T1 e-i:""y rtTtff J which Jk:-rc i!ea:rin? b r.-i f." or -iri ia ti.T can ob - in- cert, to cover .N . IVi, S3 acfti of the very Wt of Inn 1.2 mile i; r;i of Junction City; nor.riv a.! In . Iv.rttion : rented this eea.-H.ii f'-rffA); n-nt aocs with the place. Price. fJ No. 158. b'.0 re re ol land, mile MHith til Junction City; nearly all in cultivation; lair btuldiniM. Price No. K0. f.7 acre of land, one mile from city limit ; all in cultivation; choice hind; no huildinir ; will ih-U in a bdy or divide uj m umall tracts to cult purctiasera at reasoiiaoc prn e No. 163. 2iX)acrevd land. 2 mile outhwet.t from Juia-tior. City ; liu r d in cultivation ; ImiLlinf.'! but i;iHl land; thin in a tir,'am at ll.K). No. 170. 420 acr4' of hind, 3 mUen north of Junction City; 2v0 acred river bottom land; 2H acres iu cultivation; two boue and ln'rnnwi the place; o t.'ist.i f. t' A. i... .ts-z, jt-r.t-ra .x Aert. K.rtlar-' Or. Every reader o! toe CruLrriv f';,-" u'.-I ufce ea-.'Ua in terest ia tLe d : . t . pnei.t ci the coun try ia w!.:c!i Le live to fen-1 ia the nair.u of foaie j-rv.'ti 3ivi' the East, t -ether with 0 cecti. i:-a.jy-tear clctl.;z:g La many ad vant ige the mot-i prouiinent .f which w tf.J? it i readr t'i wear. There no vaitii'2. fuming Ijeeanse you don't p-: yoar clothes when promised, and the moment vou eee a ready-to w-ar s iit vou know whether cr not you like it. VVe keep hut one qualitythe beet. . II. Friendly, Eugene. No. IDE rM acres ; 15 acres in cultb nile to achool. Thn is a bunjaiu at ration; old buildings'; souie goit.1 fruit: lr ' We have f-ome roimI bargains near Eugene! and in Linn and Evnton conn ties. Call on or add res R. F. BAKER & CO. Junction City, Oregon. Oihcc I ;-Mair in (.lomorf next door to 'i. inetin iinn e. Ar I. Antelof,. . 2 :il ptu s n5 nm " I I Pao. . ;0d inn t; ut pm Foil Worth,.. ti;i0niu o::uibui " Ciiv of Mvxicoll ::Miaiii U .MOaui llonoton 7 :tK) am 7 :i am " New Oriean . i'.:;H)pni li-JOpui WaehinL'ton. . . ii:42am ti .l.' am " New York 12:10 pm 12:Ppm Pullman and Tourist earn on both train. Chair car Sacramento tot;- den and Fl Puo, and Tetirt car to Chicago, St, Lout'', New Crleuu and Wfixhintfton. Ctnne tiui: at Sun Srancixc'i vtitii c v- era! atcamtdilp line for ll noliilii, .fa- pan, ( luna, Philippine, tent nil and Smtli America. See iieltl at Junction CilV ftalioll, orad Irei C. II. MAIlKHAM, i. P. A., PuJthllul, lie'oH. lo.e l r a "I'M ..f'.f Pi ril.ii' l j i ei.d :t A. M. U.itiuid AU.luU Y s. pr -I- V i' Si. via it tint hik'toii, xt. I'aid 1 u-t M.iil i. P. M. v h Spokafu Professional. Pri blcloni W. W. Ciil.KSP.Y, I'hvcician and SarL'eon. Office in il tel V.loek. .liim-tior. fr. Do You Know THAT T11K Seattle Fruit & Produce COMPANY, OF EUGKNE, prjvs tlie l.itihet cash price for p.-.tiltry. e.--v, veal ai.d u kind-j ol farm produce. ! Prictthiu week : Cl.ickeiis,7c per pound ; I veal. 7c: ceei-e, t i". duck, 7c. : n 7T". tr., . t i Ion't f-.r-et th.e p'.ace-Kth Street, next ine receipoi i""i i-'c vtw..iw Ku-."-ne mr the nasi year paasei me $V)M) mark which entitle? us to free AND door i Soap factory. irohable that the JifiiKNE t'lV." i'J.2.'Crv'. It 1 T f.tem :!1 be e.-itaUi.hed here. I.eqriM DYFlO .,ini-il wid re mire the houeM to be , E.Vi'l i-'in.'n-re d if tfj.j delivery is established AND" -F.aL'ene Kej.dU-r. Th.-re t notldiijf new that can be a.d in lav or ol the "iiambk-r" bicycle. It : i been on the market twenty-two vear-s fmd dur;:: all of that time hr.e hc-n the favorit-i with bicycle ridets. The new l'.Wl Ean.bler "Sl'i-'- ial" U four or live poundrt lighter than i any Kambler ever before turmdoiit.j ....A ..l. I..... na t;.i.l ii.d t-L-'H eun Irnike i r l;:esn. ai fie';nsiurunuieew"; and sc-ri than. CLEANING WORKS WVd E;hv';i Street Near Meam Laundry Chris iMarx, Jr., lprietor Cl-thiag Cic'-r.ed, Colored end Re- Faicd C'cthina Restored to -i is Original Color to took Like Hem Sunday -School Rally. . i.e r,xecui;e commmee o; me i . County Sundav-:-ch'ol Askoeiatton met in K'txeiei March 15, ami decided to bold j ti.e county eo-jveidioj) in Kn;'ene on IheJ tidaud :vl of May. All district j reiddent, a-e re to iedldiirtrictcoiiventicn.- i prior to the L-.tof May. Wii. Pjtvky, S "cretary of Eunfl County Sunday-wihool ; 2 A..ociat;cn. i A liOOD TlIiN' . : 'ierman Hymn i-' the i pecia! prwri;--' tioti i f i'r. A. Sos'mee, a ee! ;hratd (i-r-. man I'hvs-leiiia, nnd i- acknowledged to ; he oil's of the mo-t i'-rf ncue discoverm ! m medicini). 'piickly euren Coughs, ; t'olde aul all Eu:i tro.ihle-i of the He- vi-re.-.t iL'if.ire, removiu, :n it doe, the j ea ire of tae idfeetion and leavinj.' the : r iu a tifoti svid in -aithy condition, j ii in not an experimental inedieine, but j lias- htojl the t-At oi year, giving sat',!- j faction in every case, which ilr; rapidly i ii.crea-in edu every fci-aion coiifinm. j Two m iiito!! bottler- w.d annually. t-ele-eV ;ernnin l-vun was intrmluced in the l.'nded irtates in lB'iK, and is now (v told in e-.'erv town and vuiae in th Telephone tied 415-4. 1 CYECS Nol'I.i; ( Bourbon and Eye) EOYAL OAK r;nd LACLY f .-our Myhb) MA Nil AT! AN CLUP. (I'.ourboti and live Whiskies) Fine Line of Imported and I o meht'.i: ( iyarfc. MCNOiiKAM , . Jiiia-tii n City . . riANilAlTAN'.'e'ie. i SOO LINE Solid Vestiluled Train, ronitinir of Palace Sle-iami Car, luxurious I.'iui Car, elegant Pay Co.whe and macnili- cent- Ioiirii-t t. ar, to and Irom nu poiiu' Jiaxt. Low ubt rate to and from all part of Kuropu via Atlantic SteauiRhip Line. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To CHINA and JAPAN. GO EAST VIA GREW Shortest & Quickest Lino TO St. Paul, Duluth, Min neapolis, Chicago And All Puintij Fa.-l. !imc 5vlicdul ' i ; M liii;TI,AM' : ........ . j Sidt !, ro', I'eli.t i 1 t, otlii.t it- ! lot, KniiMi City, t. I.oui", ''''l rii;.i and 1 Ht. j S.-dt 1( imf, , 1 ,. V. oith.l ieif s ba, K until t'lty, : M. Loo!.., Chi'j iUo and 1 .aft. idhi v a;u, I .i-w j itoi, Spokniie. ; Wallace. Pull-!,'ie.lpo. ; li, St. Pad, I hi" j ; Inth, Milwaukee CI.:en.'o,V l.ufd.i Ki'ivt; VU'H 4 .no P. M. it) A.M A. M, Ocean & Hi vcr Schedule s P. M. Ail Sailinc la!.--i Mil., i t to Cll'"!!'', ' 1 r Mm Friuvciio. NuJ evrrv .' dav.. Thrcogh Palaes find Tourist Sleepers, Dining & Buffet Smoking Library Cars j Fvccpt Sunday s P. M. Snterd'v, 10 P. M. I aily V.x, sun. tl A.M. ii A. M 1 'iM'f . Thur. noil Mit. 7 A.M. Tee , 1 bur, and cut. Leave t'ip in a ::4d A M 1 - 1 1 v Columbia fiye , To A.ktuna an t V-LlUtd:l.lP. t P. M, 1 P. M. i F.S.. Mill. WILlAtXtlTt , r.ixtn Oregon City, New. ber;t, Sah in, In ib'p' ndelo e uild j W avl.,t.lii!K. ! l:."at P.M nccpt Sunday. C..ral.i and Way. Laudtiit:. 1 4 ;'P. M i .Monday, Wedm i ct. 1 lid iv ! WilLAKUJC M. Ymnthlil ?. ; Orewn Ciiv, Pay- ton iind Way-; ljindin:. ! shake nivtn Uii'.uia to lA'win-ton :MP. M Monday, Wed lie. . Friday Lravo Le.iil.. ;S:.-,! A.M I I'.olv E. F. THAU.!', Asjent. Salem, tire. Canadian - Australian SS. Line TO HONOLULU and A U ST II A LI A. It will pav you to aj-ply for rates and information to II. II. Amiorr, Aeiit, 142 3d St., Portland, Or. E. J. Covi.::, A. 0. P. A., Vancouver, 15. C. PAILY TRAINS; FAST "IMF.; ! " SEUVICK AhCKNKKY I NI 'iCAl 1 1 Ctntr.illv Enuted. , . I re Sample io...m. Ticket to pob.u Lat via I'l rtland and the 4'iiHaT NojiTiiKav Lv. on r ile ni Southern 1'acilie )-jt Tieket, or (illt'.VT NollTl'.l.liN 'I it A. ft o!'ne, 122 THIRD 5T., l'OHM.A'.). For Hate, Kold.-r Hint ,'all iiif.-rma tion regard in Ea'tern tiip, call on or adi'.rehs A. P.. C. JtFNMsTuV. City Pa, and Ticket Ayent, l'..rtlani!. Fu.-etn Etectiie Libtsand iklls. i MINT-CLASS. Hotel Eugene II. u i ; ck P.:io , Pronrii'toi". Pat. . i I to E Pay. 1 ;';ul. jiiartt r f'ir Commercial Traveler and Miui.. Men. Oregon Hi Thirsty Well, if you are gmng to Lunelle, (-top at "The Oreiron eivili.eil world. Three does will re lieve anv ordii.arv (vcih J'rize 75 ct. Tor Kale' by Mueller & 1L1L Oct Green 'h J'rize Almanae.. Weekly Ore'-JnTalTamr liu.LCT.'X only 2 a ear. Notice to Taxpayers. Tlie lC0Oahf!ecmeiit roll are now open lor the payment ol taxe. W. W. WIT1 1 FES,' Ehfc.rLff oILaue couiity, Or, Cornor 0th and WHIatnotto htroott Euone, Oregon VI5CENT & CO. DRUQs, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, etc. fiJTTEBMS CASH, on Willamette xtreet, four door couth of the Hotel Lunelle, wheie you will find the finest line of Wines, liquors .and Cigars in thi 'Willamette Valley. W. WADDLE, Prop. 1EX32 km Yon Going East ? I'trhajis I can be of service to you. I can ticket you over any rallroal running trains out of PottUm!; tt 11 you when to leave Lome; where to change tars; when you will reach your destination, and what there in to be seen on the way. Call or write 1 Ml take pleasure in answer ing your questions. Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, tit. Louis ami EVF.KYV1IERE beyond. A. C. SiiKt.iir.N, Afjenl, Cor. Third and Si.irk Sis., l'ortlaml, Ore. Mwm at mwm Farm for Sale. Lasi) roit Halk 480 acreB with barn and out building, running water, two or chardH, 35 acres in farming land, within nine miles ol Junction City, lor flfiO!). Inquire of 8. Templeton, miles Routheast ol Junction City. Ko agent. J Daily Trains J no two on . J I San F Ocrden and Denver . The increane in tnviiKcontiiiental travel by the way of Salt Lake City in ennw qiii'iice ol the scenic and other iittrao tion ol the route, lias recently justified the Itio (Irande Western flailwny m connection with the Denver & Itio Grande and Colorado Midland llailroad Mivs the Salt Lake Tribune, in entab lishiVig a triple daily fast pnnH:nger ser vice between Ogilcn and Denver. All of these trains are equipped with the latest appliances, improvements and Thin mad now operates through is between Chicago, Oinhm and raneicn, also a perfect diniim enr service. Send 2c postage lor literature, rates or other information to J, D. Mans field, 253 Wnshiiitoii wt Eorthn.', r (ieorgo W, Heint., (jeneral Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City. J. H. Miller invites the people of Junction and vicinity to call and see the new P.HII Rambler bicycles. If vou am thinking about buying a wheel it will piy you to h.k at. Hit) b'auiblcr before you make u purchase.- Just nnliee the number of these wheels in use. That is tho heBt advertisement it can have.