Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, April 04, 1901, Image 2

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At this season the housekeeper must look
specially after the baking powder.
As she cannot make good cake with bad eggs,
no more can she make cake that is light, delicious
and dainty with inferior baking powder.
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for the
preparation of the finest food. It imparts that
peculiar lightness, sweetness and flavor noticed in
the finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc.,
which expert bakers say is unobtainable by the
use of any other leavening agent.
The " Roysl Baker snd Pastry
Cook " containing over Am most
practical and valuable cooking re
ceipts free to every patron. Send
postal card with your full address.
There are cheap Y-aklnp powder,
made livrn a'um, but thv air ex
ceedingly harmful to health. Their
MrinKrntandraulrriiiiij; qualities
add a dangerous clement to food.
Danish Thrift.
Denmark leads the world for thrtft
Iness. Her inhabitants have on an av
erage $50 in the savings banks. N. Y.
"She's from Boston."
"I thought you told me you never
saw her before this minute?"
"True, but I just now heard her call
those mountains in Asia the He-mol-yows."
Silk Worm in America.
There are from eight to ten species
of silk worms in this country.
Tbia signature ia on every box ot tbe genuino
Laxative DrornoQuinioe Tablet.
tbe remedy that en roe a cola In oue day
He Was Emphatic.
"I am informed that your husband is
a professor of language, and I called
to find out what his terms are."
"Well, when he's excited, they are
unfit for publication-" Richmond Dispatch.
Slop th Cough mnd
Work Of th Cold.
Laxative Bromo-yuinlno Tablet cure a cold In
oue day. No cure, No fay. price 25 cent.
A Treasure.
Cynic What makes you have such
unlimited confidence In you wife?
Cheerful I gave her $10 to pay a
bill of J4.G9 for me. and she brought
back all of ihe change. Detroit
Free Press.
Good, Live Agents Wanted
In all unoccupied terrltorr. for the
Best Wheels on Kartb, tbe lUl
105-111 Sixth
- $25 - $35 - $40
Street. PORTLAND, Ore.
Tllft KiriI Y!I I7.1V Ahv.?ri TVT'tIi- lirta Unrnn lw clrrno.
ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, r.ud lias boon made under IiU
personal supervision for over :;t years. Allow no ono
to deceive you in tl:is. Counterfeits, Imitations and,
Jtist-as-good " are b::t Experiments, nnl endanger tho
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria l. a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo
substance. Its aq-o Is its"giiaruntee. It destroys Worm
and allays Pcverislincss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
In all towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho,
Model 50,
Modal 50,
LISTED AT 130.00, 131.00 AND 110.00. GUARANTEED TO JANUARY-1 1902.
....120 FIRST STREET....
Jobbers of Bicycle Sundries. Portland, Oregon
t.n.wm I mi hi in inl.TO""" U.I.MIIIII iin iiiuiniiiiiinji..i.i'irnniii.iiiw
c i '
,1 .1 .
Congressman Caluoha A. Orow. the oMeat member of Oonjrtta, crM.ratnl a
golilcu jubilee the utbir day. It U Jut Ufty years uo sluce b first li h m a
iiiciiiIht of tbi iiatiouul U'tcixlutlre boly. la the tat half n'Ulury be linn Ufit
oloctwl ami ro-ili'ti'i to ConitivM twl tiuu-s, bvlim ilvfcuti-il out- lu li".
vhii a trt'irynuinili-r throw him Into a now au l siruiitfo tllitrlot. I'rovloti to
that ho hal sorvoil ix tortiii. tbroo .ta a Fro Soil Woium-rat ninl tbno mk a lti
pulilloan. At ono of thoao vloctions provioua to Lin tmo tlofout bo n-t-olvisl ovorjr
vote cant in his district, tboro boinu no oioitloii. was Speaker of tbo IIoiinm
ilurinu tbo first two year of the Civil War. When bo entered Conitre In IS. I
ho was the youngest inotnber. In bin third and fifth term bo was chairman of
the important ciuiimltlce mi territories In he wu thimeii one of the two
in.mber-nMiin,v for the State, and has nince boon re-ehi-ted with IneroaalnK
pluralttlea, once with a plurality of i.M.7,4 the larttoat over given H "candidate for
any olMoe In any State. Mr. Orow wa born In lSL'.'t In SuMipiohaniia County,
I'd. Ilia father tiled when ho waa .'1, and his primary eduoatui waa received
at winter m-hool after tbo farm labor of the summer waa done with. I.uw-r bo
waa enabled to attend Aiiihorat ColIep, and graduated from tbut Irutltntlon in
1H-1I. His jome ia at I i leu wood. From 1S"1 to 1S70 l.e was prtthleut of the
Iuternatioual and (Sreat Nortlieru Itailrcad.
Hultt of Lost In 1H3, It belters To
day Its Hrtt ccuiunt.
A quarter of a blot-k from tbe I'lntt
County Courthouae lu Montlccllo, III.,
lu the center of a bustling city of 5.000
people atunda a qunlut old log cnblu.
It wus built t hou there were but three
bouses In the town and Is to-day the
home of a woman who moved Into It
while wolves and benrs were plentiful
In the wlldemoas around.
The cabin was built In 113. Aunt
Anna Ilouselniun Uvea In It and It baa
been her home since 18-17. All the
furniture Is the same as when a be
moved In. There Is n bed with cords In
place of a spring tnattreas, an open Dre-
comltitf Inhabitants of the new colonics
of Peru and Chile. The object of these
laws wus frankly stated us the prcacr
vatlon of the new countries from the
strife and trouble which would certain
ly follow their advent. I'p to 1S71
there were statutes In force which pro
hibited lawyers from sitting In the
British House of Commons, but they
had long become obsolete and were re
pealed In thut year.
The Straight Ticket.
The professor's eyes twinkled ntmvo
bis evculni; paper. "My dear," he said
to his wife, "I fear that habit Is strong
er than principle with you suffragists."
"What do you mean?" demanded Mrs.
place with andirons and a craue for
cooking, all Just as tbe settlers bad
them when Illinois was still a frontier
Mrs. Ilonselman Is as remarkable as
her home. Ninety-five years old, she
still does all the work of the house.
She prepares the meals for herself, two
sons and a grandson and seems as well
and strong us tbe average woman of
50. Her two sons have a fruit farm
Just outside of Montlccllo and could
provide a much better home for their
mother than the cabin, but she wants
to stay where she has lived so long and
so they all live there, In the style of
flfty-flve years ago. Itlch business
blocks have grown up around the
Lawyers Barred from These Countries
When Yucatan was first colonized by
the Spaniards Charles V., In the ordin
ance which accompanied the appoint
ment of the first Governor, explicitly
stated that no lawyers were to be per
mitted to land from Spain or anywhere
else. This law was dated 1520. Three
years later an equally stringent pro
vision was made against lawyers be-
"Why, here Is an Item from a West
ern paper which asserts that a recent
local election In Colorado, where, as
you may know, equal suffrage rights
prevail, the tellers found a dozen or
more cookery recipes In a bnllot-box."
"They were voted by mistake, I'm
sure!" returned Mrs. Professor, stoutly.
"They ought to count Just the same.
Tuesday Is an awfully busy day, any
way. And I am Just as sure as I care
to be that when men first began to go
to the pools they made mistakes In the
ticket, too!"
The professor's eyes twinkled behind
bis paper, but ho replied with the per
fect gravity of one who has been thrice
refined In domestic fires, "Without
doubt, my dear."
A Forehanded Lover.
"Shan't we elope, George?"
"YesIf you think It will please your
father. Financially I'm not prepared
to get him down on me."
Retribution is slow but sure: The
gooseberry, made up of part grit and
part sand, Is becoming a rare product
and may be wiped out of existence.
Rsidy to Use.
Wife "Why do you buy such lot
Of stamps at oncoT"
Husband "Ho there'll be a few that
won't get stuck together,"
Wltal Will of C hina t
None can foroen tbo ouicoius of ths
quarrel boturen forclitn powers over lbs
iIiviptotMif t'btua. It Is biicM'sititir to
waieli tbo ifultitf to ptnees of this ancient'
but uupro)troiilve race. Many peupl lu
America are also trolim to pieces bweansa of
iqiepfia, ctHtiialoit, )IimhI, liver and
stomach ill'ae. We arw llviim ton fust,
hut sireiiKtii, vigorand good health can t
retained if we Lt-ep utfsitd curs the laiv
ttlstanes with lloxtetter's Moniaeli Hitters,
Plenty of Tims.
He And now. darling, when do you
think we would better announce our
She Oh. there Is no hurry, dear.
Any time within the next 24 hours.
Harper's Iliuar.
A Victim of BiliouHnca and Inflama
lory Rheumatism Tells llow
lie Itcentiie free From
A recommendation that Is not based
upon experience Is without value but
In the following Interview the reader
will at once recognlxo the fcrce of ad
vice that Is the resuit of personal
Mr. Ned Ycrkes Hawley Is a trail
ing man whose home Is at 1U20 W.
Boon Ave., Spokane. Wash. He has
recently hml an experience of more
t..an general Interest Rnd In an
tervlew with a representative of the
Spokesman-Review, of Hpokune, ho
said :
"In June, 1899. I became bilious and
subject to dlxxy spells, I had no ap
petite, my heart seemed to flutter t
times and beat Irregularly, and dark
spots seemed to flout before my eyes.
This continued for about six months,
during that time I was troubled with
lameness In my back and pains over
my kidneys, I wus under ft physi
cian's care and he told me my trouble
was biliousness and lnfliunmntory
rheumatism.. I was In bed for over
four weeks and did not seem to be
getting any better.
"One day I saw an advertisement In
which It was stated that a case simi
lar to mlno had been cured by Dr.
William's Pink Pills for Pale People.
I procured some of the pills and with
in two weeks the inflammatory rheu
matism which had become very ac
cute and caused mo the niont Intense
suffering, was entirely cured.
"You will therefore reallne tnat I
am a firm wellever In Dr. William's
Pink Pills. They cured me and I ant
so sure that they will prove equally
valuable In other cases that I havo
recommended them to a great many
Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale
People are an unfailing specific ror
such diseases as locomotor ataxia,
partial paralysis, St Vitus' dance, sci
atica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous
hsadache, after-effects of the grip, pal
pitation of tbo heart, pale and sallow
complexions and all forms of weak
ness either In male or female. Bold
by all dealers, or sent direct from Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady,
N. Y., r0 cents per box, or six boxes
for $2.00.
The Duke of Manchester Is a
Investment for a fr.thor-lnlaw.-lanta
When vott Uka Grove's Tsstelru Chill Tonle,
bom ime the form uls Is plainly printed on every
bottle showlnr thst It Is slmnly Iron snd Oul
uluo la s tasteless form. No Cure, No 1'sy. fioc.
8he Was Reassured.
Teddy Won't you come and seo
our new baby?
Old Maid Teacher Yes, dear, when
your aunt Is better.
Toddy Oh, but it ain't catching!
Smart Set.
In the spring- like (Isrfleld Tea.
This wonderful llerh .Medicine pur
ities tho blood and Riven new and
Vlyoro'is Ufa to ivhKoiii deplet
ed by the trying winter m-anuii.
A Matter of Hearing.
Suburbanite You've got a new baby
at your house, I hear.
Townlte Great Scott! can you hear
it away out there In the suburbs? Do
trolt Free Press.
I am sure Pico's (Jura for Consumption
saved my life three years airo. Mrs Tints.
Hobiiinh, Maple street, Norwich, N, Y..
Feb. 17, lWOj
Avoiding the Rush.
Politician Tell me the best way to
get out of politics.
Turn prohibitionist.
"Oh, that's very sudden; I want to
get out gradua.iy." Smart Set.
Tb Best Prescription for Malaria,
E!?!?'." n! IPvor ' bottle of (Jrovo's Tasteless
Chill Tonle. Itisslmttly Iron and quinine In
S tasteless form. No Cure, No l'sy. Price MM.
Just the Patient for Him.
Young Dr. Fresh Here comes that
MrB. Towler. Positively there Isn't
the first thing that alls her.
Old Dr. Sage Evidently you are
Just the man for her case. llo m
Now that tlio winter seninn Is
past. It Is well to clean o tho
system and purify the blond with
Garfield Teaan Herb McdlcBno
that brliiKs good health.
Albert EJward's Cigars.
The Prince of Wains pays Pt v
rate of $1,750 rer io00 for his c! s.
These precious wceas are t- i
Inches long.
m. r. n. D,
.10. 14-1
HEN writing- t advertisers I
luvuiiuu mis paper.