Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, March 28, 1901, Image 5

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'1-' unn Vw;
Do You
Ever DYE?
Fadeless Dyes
One package colors ilk, wool
nti'1 cotton nt ono boiling,
Diamond Dyes
have been a standard Ior yenre.
Household Dyes
ri favorites with ninny people.
gSTBiv our window display.
Cascade Drug
Corner Hotel, Junction City, Oregon
Dr. Lowe, oculooptlvfan, Eugene.
Dr Ogleby, phynlcian and surgeon
Order taken ior IrtlU' 'and gents'
suits at Houiton .
Opening day at Mm. Sibtett'ii Mllli
uery parlors Friday, April .
The Danish eolun'mtn west of Eugene
will O'Ntti have a bonne of worship, nays
u.eiuaM. , .
For side A large, well made and well
arrangeu lady trunk. A bargain. In
juir ut tho Bti,i ms ofllee.
Take your laundry to (I. K, Keck
barber shop. Ho has the agency for the
Troy l.nuiio'ry, of j'ortlami.
C. F. Hnrlburt Im the agency for
Oliver Chilled Plow arid all extras.
s full auptdy always on hand.
Manager fhxirtjo Handmtker nhipjxnl
ftO fk of Hour to Cottaxo (rve ye-
terday and WW lhi. of feed to hugene
rrol. M-:Uui urove.l lliul .iio apnro
HkI d the pri'nc6,d tl non-rwdunt
otklnien by utvttiog litem to wko Iron
For ftle A brand new 1001 lUmbler
''f pcll." Never Wen out of the tor
A hargaiu. JUijuiro lit tho t t LLtri
II. 1.. Itann, one of the uhitanUttl
farmer otJnnelUn mdhltorhooU, hit
ol i out anl win imata in huicenc.
wek'Otii Mr. iSauu to our utidst.--lteg
Old IIott I'm aick: can't work t
Uld mm eU, L si ri yon ome
Ca-ad t'onliDon Powderi. They
ruiue an old iimi yotuift again.
Preflfhhm at C. P. Church next Pun
day. Moniintr Huhioe.t, "Tlie Chnrc
Vctter Than Kcret rjot-ieth'a." ., Kvco
hi ouhject, "Mo Uoom for Chriat."
J. l. Sihkut,
Tho inarrliipo of Mr. Moody Ilollidt
MiM Aiin-lia Jtriumr and Mr (tuorell
Mayherry to MIm KHtella PrownU-w wan
Dolenmlxed at Kuueue yenterday morninit
nt II o dock uttl.t: liumo o( Mrtt.M.J'
J'rownleo. ,
Prof. Oriiyett received a letter from
PrWs.h nt P. I.. Oimi'MI, l tho 8tat
tirnul hcliooi nt Muiimotith. navin
that ho would he Ihto and add rem the
graduating cluf of the public school on
winmienccmeitt day, aluy 10.
LadioN ready omdu uitn and rainy
nay kirtsnt iintiHtoivi'.
Tho Junction City Creamery Co
ithipirt'd 210 ibri. of butter to Portlan
jlonuay rnrmer who naveeottan
arc nut Belling their produco to thin
eompanr lH)ii:d investiiiate the matte
There i no other way in which they can
realize no much money ironi ti.e came
amount of capital invited.
J. II. MilliT iuvltcH the ih'oi.Io
junction nnn vicinity ro e.iu ami eo tno
new 1!K) Kamhler hieyclcn. If yon are
thinkiiiK almut huyiiikf nwlukditwi
pay you to loi-k nt tho Untuhler before
volt make b pnrcliaso. Juxt notice th.e
number of tln-sn wIm-oW in use. That in
tlm bent pdvertiKCiiient it can have. '
3 lOtt, received, lG0i I1h. of nice conn
try haniH and tihouldurs at Milhorn
Prof. (Irujett in holding review each
evening. after Hch.ol, from 4 to4:;i(), for
tho henctlt of (telndar who are low io
gradeH. Credit is due hint fur tho uiismI
Jkh interest thus itiaui(ettnd in
tho welfare of.thofo entruslrtd to his
charge. JSy holding thew revi wh be
adda an extra half hour to hin work eat h
day. Tho profeanor believuH in the old
maxim "t hat there is no excellence with
out great labor."
C. F. J'liulburt yesterday got In a
largo supply of tho Junction Citv Mill
ing Co.' celebrated "Whito 'Rom"
brand of Hour. That in about ns good
an advertisement ns this enterpriuing
. businesb Iiouho could have. Itspcaka
well for a firm when it patronizes lionic
indnBtry, This 'nilling company buys
its wheat from the farmers of this vicin
ity, paying spot cash, the farmers spend
this money with tho merchants of tho
city, so it follows a a matter of right,
as well as business, that tho merchants
should hoop on hand thn ontpii' of this
mill. The flour in as good an any ca the
Mm. L. U. Moore returned from a
visit at Kosebnig Haturday.
C F, Hurlbiirt made buBincwi trip
to lurlhti(t lunt of tho week.
Baruey May, oUlarriburg. came over
to Junction for a short visit Sunday.
"orii RMgo, Mer'3 io town shotming lout
Mis Belle Millicnu went to Eugene
iday night and returned Sunday on
T. P. Anbury and wlfi, of Lou? Tom,
were doing some trading with ou; mer
chants Friday.
Dr. N. L. Iinj Wtfnt to Kuireno venter
ny to see bis son, County Clark E. U.
ife, who is in.
Wayne Gibbs como down from Wend
tug titis week and expects to leave soon
lor haxtern Oregon.
H. II. Fergueson, Oliver Mays and J.
It. Turnbow, all of Long Tom district,
wero in town Battmlay,
J, A. Heckcr. son of J. J. Keeker, who
ins Icon attending school at Corvalli.
retnrned homo yentcrday.
U. K. t'pmeycr and W. h. Wright.
two of llarrisburg's promiueut business
men, were In the city yesterday.
51 ra. J. W. Geary left for Portland on
the local Sunday afternoon to lie absent
or (tome time, bho will visit tritu her
Ir. Oglcsby went to Cottsgo Grove
Monday to engage men to go to work at
ltohemla for tho Gulden Btioner Miulng
ana Mining vo.
Harry Powers, who has been spend-
rig the winter here, left yesterday for
Pohemia, where he will work for the
Golden Clipper Mining and Milling Co
John Davles, tailor, of Eugene, was in
towu haturday. lie came in from hs
trup. where no had own spending a
week visiting with l'otrtnmster rcterson.
of that place.
lleV. J. I. Sibort and family are mak
Ing arrangements to move to Arkannas.
They expect to leave about the 17th of
next month. .Mm. bibcrt $ health is
not good in this climate.
Esther Cox and sister, Miss May lJea
man. of Franklin, wero in town atur
day. the former taking tho train for Eu
gene. Miss Cox will begin teaching at
tho union district irehool in the near
Milton Mcltobertsand wife, of Prince
ton, Ind., arrived in town on Saturday
morning's overland. Mrs. McHolx-rts
is a sister to A. A. Foster, who is so se
riomdy ill with the dropsy at the home
of his father-in-law, Ua!-jKr Kickard.
Judiio N. I;. Cutler, ot Monmouth,
was in town yesterday ? isiting with his
daughter, Mrs. A. l. Martin. Judiie
Mutler has Inen to Eugene to attend a
meeting of the Hoard f Regents, of
which he is a member. Ilo left lor home
on yesterday afternoon's north bound
local. , ..-
P. W. Ptcpja, who has just returnel
from uashington, wlfore he was Ifoen
eetabliiihing agencies for the Acme bar
row, manufactured in Millington, X J
was in town fciatorday. Mr. lloquaowns
a farm of 1 10 acres two and a half miles
west of Irving, this county, part of the
old jJcn Jlnlkey place, which ho pur
ciinscdtrom .Mrs. Uaswell.
This is the season when housft'leaning
begins to receive consideration. A new
carpet ior the parlor, sitting roomer
bedroom, and new matting for the
kiU'.'.on ami halls, old a thounuud ikt
cent to the appearance of n home. Ti ou
will rind IiimL whnt von wunt in lhln linn
at W. U Wright's furniture store and at
prices that are right.
. E. J. Frnnier went to Junction yester
day to make arrangements forestablinh
ing a branch oluVe of tho Lane County
I Haul Alt.t I iltl M i j tivt trvii i mi I0. i
innu fM 'iit vvim'u viiutn 4 tr.
Junction is attracting a great deal of
attention at the present time, especially
. OUR .
the Scalp
JCfiTSoe us for prices on
MuHer & Hill
To tho Editor:
Harriisburir at thin time, cn the su
ject of eh'ciric lighting, has eliminated
to a gruat extent, the drawbiteks
which havo heretofore oierated with
sueh ftifling effect. We have had to
contend with an element of obstruction
on the inside, and exactions from the
outeido that ha had almost a pariilyz-
ing effect on those disposed to try for a
betterment of conditions. Now. we
Uhv a new pUn wn which euecesul
seems nossible and that Harrisburg peo
pie desire to discucs with tho people of
Junction City, viz: That the people of U
lh two cmes organizo a company io
but d and owrate a lighting Dlunt. it
is iointed out that thistdan would in
sure to the subscribers, light at the cost
of production, and, too, under such an
arrangement tnc absolute coniroi wouiu
be with tho consumer. This would cer
tainly afford better protection on lines
of economy than could be expected from
a corporation whose single purpose
would be to make a profit oil oi con-
umers. This is a main busmens propo
sition in which the interests of the two
cities are identical, and to reach business
in tins much needed enterprise, it is
necessary that the people of the two
cities enter upon tho work of organiza-1
tion with a spirit of friendly cooporation
and pull together for tlio support ot the
common cause. .Mr. uon, ol Albany,
who is a practical electrician and engi
neer, was here lot week for the purpose
of examining the water ditch here, and
be decided that St is a sale and ample
aource of power for the purpose of a
lighting plant, and a surplus besides; he
also says that if the stock is to bo sold
to juivbfxlv but residents, he would like
a block of the shares, f here are other I
non-residents who express a desire to
take an interest in this enterprise. As
a matter of fact the auspicious moment
is upon ns. The matter is prominently
ix'lore us and the iriends ol tho enter
prise have abundantly established the
fact that they have an overwhelming
majority, both m numbers and astern-
l) e protwrty. therclore it is a safe con
elusion that the interest of the two cities
are in safe bands and that the proper
eiTort will be made to push, tho business
to a speedy nnisn.
Wm. Landers and John Kichardson
are cutting wood for Joe .Gibson.
Mr and Mrs. Pitgood have returned
from Handling, where he has been at
wprk for the Booth Kelly Co.
We understand that Mr. Zenhcr of
Oak Hill sold his farm of 40 acres for
(PJW to the Eugene Electric Light Co.
Mrs. Chas. Frisbeewcnt to Irting
Sunday to vicit her tisU'r, Miss Mary
Maxwell, who fg very ill with hemor
rhage of the lungs.
MIhs HelK Wislwy came up Friday
from Aatorta and viitl with tbefanitly
of I. W. Bond until Sunday, whetvshe
went to cometocK to visit her brother.
Miss Amanda Dond returned from
Walton Tuesdav, accompanied by her
sister and broth r-in law, Mr. and Mrs.
Kobereon, Mr. Uoberson came out to!
get niiMlical treatment and to have an
operation performed for a gun wound
which he received last hummer.
J. T. Carpenter went to Corvallis on
i . i - c t i
uuBiuKtss iaiv Jttiumuay,
Born To Mrs. J. Carpenter. Friday
wsren -zz, iwi, a little girl.
Clay Starr left here for Eastern
Washington this week, where he will
oaouia irun irwi mis spring.
E. J, Fay, of Portland, drum mot
for Woodard & Clarke, was transaction
business with tho morchants of Monroe
i nday. .
ill Evans came up by stace from
Corvallis, where he has been attending
tne u. a. c. lie wai work in a saw
mill west of Monroe.
Sol Richardson killed a vorr lariw
grey eagle, which has beun doing some
damage among sheep below Monroe.
It measured 7 feet from tip to vip. tha
largest one of tho kind that has been
killed around here.
Additional Mon,roe Correspondence.
Mr. Bristow's little boy is on tho im
prove R. Hall, of lU5ty, 'is still Ivlnsr very
ill at Corvallis. His-father mado him a
risit ono day last week.
Several million feet of Oregon lumber
has been contracted for by California
dealers. The Starr & Ilorten Mills are to
do tho sawing.
rrof.Johnr. Meakin.leeturerof tho
W. O. W.( delivered an address to the
people of this place at the M. E. Church
Tuesday evening.
S. Wooley is engaged in shearing
goat now.
Frank Rickard was doing business
in Harrisburg last week.
Miss Clara Huggins was a Corvallis
visitor last Monday, returning Tuesday.
There has boon no teacher em
ployed to teach at tho Brown school yet.
Wo sre glad to learn that Mr. Hugh
Kay has boen appointed postmaster at
Burk Huggins has returned homo
from Siuslaw, whither he has been for
several weeks. '
Mies OUio Iugram has returned
TjJ ...
Corner Grocery
prOdUCe Taken
MUHcm Brcsm
Ask your dealer for .
u Lu
Cream of all Laundry Soaps
by"" -iirra'
The Eugene Soap Company
j . . . ALSO
ueieDratett retaimna
, ... g
J Griffin Hardware Co., -."5321:
home from Monroe, where she has been
attending school. . . , , , ,
Mrs. Annie Hamilton, who is w ell
kaown here, died at Denver. Colorado,
March 3, 1001, of pnnumonia.
Rev.Siliert filled his regular appoint
ment at Brown school boose la tit Sab
bath for the first time in several months.
Loren Edwards took his Mohair to
Eugene Monday. . . . '
Rev. Skid mora preached a very in
terest ing sermon Sr.nday. .
Mr. I. X. Edwards made a business
trip to Eugene Wednesday.-
Prof.IIarwood.of Harrisburg, visited
with us Saturday and Sunday.
Prof. Hunter and W.B. Wetzler at
tended tho K. of P. hxigs Thursday eve.
Mrs. . Clifford Edwards spent
Wednesday with her parents, who lire
at Irving. . .
i Loreu and Clifford Edwards bought
a short -horn Durham bull from Sam Fer
gueson today.
. Henry Bushnellhas finished spray
ing his orchards, and is now engaged
in spraying for Barney Milliom.
Junction City was well represented
at prayer meetins by Messrs. Orman
Miller, Watson Mclvee. Ermol Cook
and Rachel Skaggs.
James Hayes has quite a force of
men at work in ins hopyard. Ho has
taken n contract to furnish llorst liros.,
of Salem, 100.000 hop roots.
Miss Ella In wall, who has been visit
ing with her sister, Mrs. Clifford Ed
wards, during the past week returned to
her home in Irving Tuesday.
Mrs. Harris, her daughters Dora
and Cora and son James left Thursday
for Astoria, where they will join Mr.
Harris, who is engaged iu tlin laundry
business. ,
Friday evening Rev. Dixon, of
Springfield, gave a magic lanvein ex
hibition in the school-house, which
was enjoyed by all w ho attended. Those
attending from Junction were Jack
Brierley, Watson . McKea and Rachol
SkaggB. Tho 1 proceeds netted him $12.
Thanks to Bro. Dixon.
There is nothing new that can be said
in favor of the "Kambler" bicycle. It
has beenon the market twenty-two
years and during all of that time has
been tho favorite with bicvclo riders.
The new 1901 Rambler- "Spec
ial" is four br five pounds lighter; than
any Rambler ever before turned out,
and as true as steel and skill can make
them. Call at Wright's furniture store
and bco them. l
In Exchange.
City, Orctjont
Incubator & Brnnder
A Rap Treat. '
The people of Junction "City w ere
treated toan intellectual feast last night
by Prof. John P. Meakin, of Salt Ike
City, that will long be remembered Ly
thjse who beard him. We doubt if
there was one in the audience, man,
woman or child,, who did not go home
feeling better and happier for having
heard the lesson of life from the lips of
this noble and gifted iv.hu.
The North Yamhill Record has this to
say of Professor Meakin:
"He is a gentleman, an orator, a
scholar, on artist, and a warm friend to.
all mankind, and his beautiful word pic
tures stir, the intellect, quicken the soul,
touch the heart and arouse to action
those qualities of goodness which lie
dormant in - so ' many human hearts.
Would there were more John P. Mca
kius." ' . GOOD ADVICE.
The most miserable beings in the
world are those suffering irom Dyspejv
sia ard Liver Complaints More" than
75 per cent, of the people in the Cuifed
States are afflicted with these two dis
eases and their effects: sueh as Sour
Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cos
tiveness, Palpitation of tho Heart,
Heartharn, Water-brash, - Gnawing ami
Burning Pains at the Pit of tho Stom
ach, Tellow Skin, Coated Tongue- and
Disagreeable Tate in the Mouth, 'Com
ing up of Food nfter Eating, etc. Go to
Mueller & Hill's and get a bottle of
August Flower for 7'j cents. Two doses
will relieve you.. Try it. Get Green's
Prizo Almanac.
Geo, 11. Himes, of Portland, assistant
secretary of the Oregon Historical So
ciety, arrived beie last Thursday and
stayed over itntd Friday afternoon. Mr.
Himes came up to confer with Miss
Anna OglA-oy, in regard to a design for
a permanent badge for the Oregon State
Press Association, both of whom were
appointed on a committee for that pur
peso by President Stewart at the meet
ing of the' Association at Ashland last,
fall. Another reason for his visit here
was to secure a litle that Dr. Oglesby
used in tho battle of Willow Sprim.",
with tho Bannock Indians, mar IVadk
ton, Or., in 1S78. This valuable histor
ical relic will Wadded to the collection
in the rooms of the Oretron Historical
Society. He also obtained a pistol, tb
property of S. L. Moorhead, that isscid
to have been in tho battle of Waterhx,
Mr. Hiiue? spont Thursday evening as
the guest of Dr. Oglesby and f:taily.
Manv interesting anecdotes and .per
sonal experiences during their trip
across the plains wero feinted by both
gentle men. ,