4 The Original Oacondo Condition . Povidora Formerly put qp and sold by W. 8. Lee, are now tlio property of the . Cascade Drag COMPANY. jflTYou tiftve used thorn and know they are good. Everything at popular prices at tli Cascade. Prescriptions a .specialty Our Prlcoo uro Right (Sac cad a Drug Company Corner Hotel, Junction City, Oregon Bulletin Board i Beautiful weather. Sunday wilt bo fH. Patrick's day. Dr. Loe, oculo-optlclan, Eugene. I)r Oglwdiy, physician and iu rut-on. Preaching at CP. Church Sunday night. Call at Houston's for dry good and groceries. , All kind of op-to-Jate Job work done at this office. A new consignment of fresh oranges at Houston's. Doctors Smith, osteopathic physician, I,'uiii & H.tvinun Bunk bid!;., Eugene, Or. Head what our Harrinburg corrrMn dent ha to nay on the electric light ques tiou. Jut received, 1CO0 Hi. of nice coun try haiui aud shoulders at Million) Bros. Alcohol for bath cabinet can be had at the Cascade drug store at the lowest price. Reader, the column of the Ihixrri are ohu to all. buna in your communi cation. The liriumx presents an Intercstlmi budget of news from iU correspondents tiiis wee. Take your laundry to 0. 8. Keck'a barber shop. He hat the agency for the jroy lAunilry, of Portland. C. F. Hurlburt hat the agency for Oliver Chilled l'lowt and all extras. A full supuly always on liand. It la with regret that we are compelled to reiort that the condition of Mr. Alex totter shows no improvement. Lob t A gold Knights of Pythias badge. Finder please return to Dr. W, V I'glesby and racelvo rewaM. About 20 members of the Degree of Honor Lodge wont to Ftagene yesterday to attend a apodal meeting of that Order. Dr. C. R. Holt, dentiat, can be found At the Junction City Hotel Tuesday and Friday of each wees. Satisfactory work guaranteed. Kverureen ltolickah Txltro met last night and an InUrextinz programme won rendered, llclrcsium'iits were served during the evcnle;. The editor of tl Bcixbtix thankfully acknowledge the giftof a beautiful and toothsome birthday cake today on thin the Ut anniversniy of hi birth, am likewise a swell blrthdiiy dinner. Mar it evcr.be thus. 1 expect to prench at liar ninny next Sunday at lift. m. Subject, 1 Themmlo- nlans; at Lancaster at 3 p. m. Subject, "l Atn dentor." j.j.iuxosakkr. K. O. Samuels, the recont miller in the Junction City Flouring Milla, haa purchaced the Frank Wilkinson sow mill and began cutting lumber there first of ir.o week. James Hays and Clyde Mahon went out into the mountains of the Lake Creek district l;it week looking for tint ber locations. Mr. Hays reports filing a homestead claim. The graduating class of the public school mis elected the following olllcers: Cheider Nichols, president; Josie Moor head, vice-president; Leah Lewis, sec' reinry; jiiiumo i racer, treasurer. vt. it, Kay, mo whle-a wako young groeeryuian, oi Monroe, has received the appointment os postmaster at that place. It is a well deserved recognition at the hands of the Rdmlnlstiation. Old Hobs I'm sick ; can't work to day. " ;.-'..'.-, Old Boas Well, I'll clve you ame CaRcado Condition Powders. They mnko an old hoes young again. We congratulato Bro. W. 0. Gllslrap. of the Kngone Holster, on tho arrival of a lusty "Filipino chaser" At his home. The Bulleti is called upon to chronicle from one to two births each Uhuc, but so far they have all been of tho weaker sex. . ' Now that the season tor plowing lias arrived, all who have plows to sharpen, farm implements of any kind to repair, horses to bo shod, or general black smithing of any sort to do, should call on W. M Tripp. He is always at his post of duty with a willing hand and a smiling countenance. .psfcrfaasjsJsffiwu Personal I, N. Hembree, of Fern Rldgo, was in ton Saturday, Mrs. 1). F. Bundy went to Kngcno Thursday en a visit. 8. II. Fergueson, of Long Tom, was in the city Saturday. ' y. Mrs. A. M. thieves and son Raltdi. of ... -.111. tt W.T. Lewis. Mrs. Iwis is Mrs. Ueeves aunt. Emmett Butler has cone to Portland to consult a specialist atxmt liia mother, who, it ta frarod, is alllicted with a can ceron her face. Mrs. J. J. Butler, wtto had decided to start to California this morning to receive medical treatment, was too ill to start and tho trip Is temporarily postponed Mr. Thomas Townsend and daushter. Miss Anna, of Ft. Joseph, Mo., are visit inir with Mrs. Cllmore, mother of Price (iilmore. Mr. Townsend is a brother to Mrs. U Honors. . W. It. Monroe, of Portland, who has been placing the Iteid Cream Separator In the hounes ot the patrons of the Weathertv Creamer Co.. of this City. left on the local yesterday for Portland. Claude Lee. who has been in Euzcne for the past few tncnths extending the tax rolls on the books in the olUce of tho countr clerk. lias comnleUHl Lis task and has returned to his home in mis city. All Junction extends ft cordial welcome to Claude. . F. F. Bauiford, of Bumpier, Mrs. O. 8. Keek's brother, arrived In town on Baturday morn I no's north bound over land. Mr. Bamford was asleep when the south bound train got hero and rode on to I'.ogene, taking tho next train back. When tie city is liiihted with electricity such a thing will be linpoeai oio. " The Junction Cltv Flourins Mill Co is mskinir some nice shipments of their celebrated 'White Uose" brand of flour. Ijint wH)k they shipped 13,000 pounds to Eugene, and yesterday a car contain- ng 100 sacks were shipiied to carnage Grove. This mill is paying spoicasn for its wheat, and is receiving grain from the farmers daily. Notice. Owluff to the inclemency of the weathur. H. L. Hann's salo of farm im .lfmcntd. etc.. that had ueen advertltHd or last (Saturday, was postponed until further notice. In the meantime those desiring anything In the line of farm Implements can purchase them aipn vate sale at prices suitable to tho pur Chaser. It. L. Ka. Mrs. Mamie Brircs. Brand lecturer of the Dt'sree of llouor. at rived this aitr noon from tho south and will pay Ivy Lodne an ofllcial visit tonight. About 20 delegates from Junction are in the city to attend the meeting and a very entovab e time is ant cipated. . a Don onet will be bad in connection with the llior.l Uarlt 11 L ' Pianos and Organs. ' We are recti viug find new rianos and Orvnns direct from the factories at Bos ton New York and Philadelphia. Our nlanoa are bouitht at special cash din count. W e are the sole representatives for Oregon, and by these methods can sell you a fine Piano or Organ cheape than any one. , ,- We have pianos with full metal plate full extension duet desk for from $235 tin. All our iroods are warranted by Kohler and Chase, the oldest And largest Mmic house on the coattr. Instruments sold ou installments. Come in and see them. Morris & Craw, Oth Str, Eugene. A carload of 17 tone of rolled oats ar rived Tuesday and was being unloaded at the depot. Mr. Joseph Nichols pur chased the oats In Portland, and the consignment is all sold to the farmers In this vicinity, who were in need o! feed. Mr. Nichols also has a com mis ion to purchase about 5000 bushels 0 whole oats lor seed puroot.es. - . OUR- . OIL SHAMPOO Cleanses the Scalp and Removes Dandruff. SiFSeo us for prices on BLTJESTOHE. IiMMWPS ( 1 i 1 US! ttsasr-suuixeafrt asrssusv-ti Corroopondenoo HABKI8BURO. Luclen Buckm?n lias one to Calf. torn la for an extended trip. Wm. vanhooser Wis5 at Cottage Grove last week on business. Mrs. Dr. W. H. Davis, of Albany. s visiting friends in this city. Telephone mesas if e are now belnar transmitted to xiowiana irom this city. ........ . t ... . . J. u. Benders and wife went U Port. and last week to visit with Mr. May's ntmuy. Many friends of the late E. E. Davis from Albany attended bis funeral on Pundsy. Assessor Anderson and family were suests of "I'au" Thomas the latter part oi last weex. Our pork packing establishment has an order from Alaska for 4000 pounds of tneir prouuci. John R. Cartrifcht and Georire SI. Alford are attending the Circuit Court at Albany as jarors. Miss Lola Bargen. of Spokane, in here for a short time. HUo is now at Aunt Mary Ann Smith's. Mr. Campbtdl. of Kansas, and rela tives of the Buck roans, is here with his family with the view of making home ... llf -I.- .1 wiiu uo. i wvivoiiiw inein. Jesse Baker has been emnloved of ate on tne r. it. vouch property mak ing necessary repairs and Improvements. a. . . . a kicciric lights is im incentive. The Harrisburg Lumber Com nan nave purcnasea z.uuu.unu leel ot saw logs from the Booth Kelly Co., and wil receive tnetu in the near future. E. E. Davis was burial in the Odd Fellows' cemetery on laid Sunday. The funeral sermon was delivered bv Rev. Zimmerman, in the Methodist church. to a packed house, and the service at the grave waa by the W. O. W. One of our best men is gone. Tho close relations in the interest o! Harrisburg and Junction City at this time make it to their mutual advantage U co-operate in securing a plant by which both cities can be lighted by elec tricity. Bo far as Harrisburc in con cerned, a large majority of its business people have signified in writing to the city council that they are in favor of granting a franchise to anv responsible company who will enter into a fair con tract for lighting the city: and, as our sister city nas been heretofore the more enterprising, wo have, no doubt, that she will readily fall in line to help ac complish this needed improvement Of cotme, as with, us, we suppose Junc tion uuy nos a negative element to con tnn1 wilh anil . that u-t. t.;. element is- to a great extent, led bv oer -" ' ----, w hihi uo, till. sons wnc are not in sympathy with th nign-xeyeu mctnodic oi -tha twoutith century and can eo no excuse for a tax to be paid where the benefit and enioy ments are to inure to the public after they have passed away. i,6ut, in the meantime, it-is thought, tnafc the content tion of thirelemoat will act as a stimn lant to the active workers for improve ment, and that the , watchword will be progress. j : --i :? v. FERN RIDGE. ' Dean Pandei son preached here last DUBuay. , Chos. Frisbee and wife visited at I. , Hembree's bunday. Born, to the wife of George Macau ley, March 4, 1901, a daughter. D. M. Purkerson came out from Eu gene nnd staid a few days last week. Miss Amanda Bond went to Walton Wednesday to visit a few weeks with her sister. A dance was civen at Charles Stick el s last Friday night, five couple being present. Miss Eunice Lemon has returned from Independence, where the haa been lor tne past six months. . . ' W. II. Monroe, of Portland, and fernery Iferron were on the Uidze Mon day in the interest of tho Ruid Cream Separator. MONROE. The protracted meeting at' Monroe closed last rrktay mgnt. Jim Iewis, of Corvallis, was in Monroe Monday buying stock. George Ilouck passed through Mon roe Sunday on his way to his goat ranch There were more people in town last Saturday than there has been for some time. Miss Clora Huggins, of Flat Creek, went through Monroe on a visit to her relatives near Dusty. A. Wilhelm & Sons talk of building a Urge store t his spring. If erected, it will be a great improvement to the town Rev. Rkidmore, of Junction City preached an interesting sermon last Monday evening here. There was large attendance Farmers ate all plowing and getting the best of the fine spring weather. The grain has not been hurt by the frosty Heatner oi last month. Judging from the talk on the streets lost Monday, the school election did not go to suit all the people. What the trouble is, we don't know, v , LANCASTER. John Cartwright has sold SO acreb to Mr Pryor for $1500. : The Sunday school has purchased Soo Taylor, tho photographer. Hi Corner Grocery lomete ON gVERY THING IN 5 produce Taken illi'lfr'om Brae. Junction Ask your dealer for . Cream of all Manufactured The Eugene Soap Company Eugene, HAI KPWIVPQ. Y0U FIND A $ W W Wam-f 1 J R r STEEL AND CAST RANGES. W . . AT I Celebrated Petaluma Qriff in Hardware Co.. Euene, Oregon. lot of new song books. . r " Mrsl McMullin was visitinc her sis ter at -River View last wek, r Doug. Terkins has returned from Monroe; and will commence work in his hop yard. ' ; Miss Nora Riley was visiting Mrs. Richardson at Irish Bend a few days last week. . . A few of the neighbors met at the home of Ed. Ayers. A good time was had, and the evenirg spent in listening to vocal and instrumental music. The young people have organized a Christian Endeavor societv. The fol lowing officers were elected : President, Wm. Ewer; Vice-Pieeident, John Tem pleton. ' -" V'y-; . FLAT CREF.K ITEMS. Mrs. Mary Rickard visited at Junc tion last week. John Fanver made a trip to Corval lis last Fiiday. , John Wiltse and family were in Junction Monday. . Oscar Doidge is working in his hop yard on the Island. Alf Howard nd family visited rela tives at Monroe Sundav. A horse belonging to Mr. Frank Rickard is sick with staggers. . R. H. Hewitt and Green Ingram were transacting business in Corvallis last week. John Carpenter and family, of Mon roe, were visiting iu the neighborhood lost week. Messrs. Dallas Harpole, Ed Bandy and Ralph Crow caught 123 rr.tflsh one day last week in one of the lakes near Long Tom. Garden making eeeras to be tbe order of the day nc w, as every epins ter and housewife is wielding a hoe dur ing good weather, Rev. John Handsaker preached to a good sized audience last Sabbath. V commend him for his promptness in filling his regular appointment. School meeting paesod off very quietly. There wore only six voters present, . S, Doidge was re-elected clerk, A. Howard, director. The two unlucky aspirants failed to get an office, as there were no vacancies. One day last week, while Wm. Hug gins nas driving down a hill near Dusty, the tongue of the bugi?y canw down, tue horses became unmanageable and rau ouite a distance. Wm. held to the etrings and got them stopped. There was no damage done, only a few straps broken, HAND. THEGReCERY LINE, In Exchange. City, Oregon, g . . Laundry Soaps Oregon M4S FULL LINE OF Tf IU Incubator & Brooder 7 AAAAAA Q " LIBERTY axd UNION. "-Mrs. W. E. Smitb.who is quite-sick , is slowly improving, j Mrs. Chas. 3Iays, who has been se riously sick, is able to be around. School opened Monday at the Liberty school house with Miss McEwcn as teacher. Bom to the wif of Mr. II. Siewel), a 9 pound girl. Mother and child arts doing well. f As we haven't heard anything from Judge Tumbow, we w ill leave him over until next writing. Ed- Belknan n.1Sil tlirnmrh nnr neighborhood last week with a drove of cattle which he purchased ou Lake Creek. .Dr. F. W. Williams has bouirht a milk separator and also a fine saddle. RIVER VIEW. Mr. Fenno made a business trip, to Eugene today. Mr. Lorels made a business trip to Eugene this week. W. B. Wetzlpr mAile n trin In Troim. the last of the week. Don't forgot t. AntArhll'nrtion an.) w v u V UliU basket social Friday eve. Mr." I. N. Edwards purchased a blooded draft horse Tuesday. James Hayes pat up with Mr. Foste r Monday evening. He reports Mr. Foster failing very rapidly. Mr. Wm. Johnston delivered some baled hay in Euuene Wednesday, lie reports a good market. rrof. Harwood. Principal of the Harrisburg schools, and wit, made a short visit Saturday and Sunday with Mr. Hayes. Tuesday evening the Ikivs erected a platform in the school-house, and now all is in readiness for the basket social Friday evening. Prcf. Hunter and W. B.'Wetzler went to Eugene Thursday night to as sist the K. of P administer the third rank to .Sheriff Withers. Both pro nounce the Eugene boys capital enter tainers. RAILROADING PATENTS. A single firm of Patents Lawyers, C. A. Snow & Co., of Washington, 1. C, h.-na in the last year procured 1,030 patents for their clients, many of them for re jected inventions. C A Snow & Co. liava been accused tf railroading patents through the Patent Office, but they insi t tlmtt.iiia locomotion is better than ox carting them for by the latter process the inventor .ften dies before negcti liis patent,